• Published 27th Jun 2024
  • 97 Views, 2 Comments

Chivalric Training - MLPandMiraculousFanatic

After Dvalin was defeated Twilight and Noelle went to take a walk outside of Mondstadt only to meet with Noelle who needed their help on her Chivalric Training, help Twilight and Lumine help her with het training and see what happens

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Say it's from Noelle

“It's just Noelle's way of showing hospitality” Lumine answered

“Aha… O-Okay then…” Alois said nervously before he realized something “On another note, that drink made me realize just how empty my stomach is…” Alois realized

“Oh, so you’re hungry too!” Noelle realized before looking down sadly “...How terrible of me, if I’d realized, I would’ve saved some pancakes for you” Noelle said sadly

“Then how about we go to Good Hunter restaurant, it has the best food in Mondstadt, especially Sticky Honey Roast” Paimon suggested

Noelle then gasped in realization

“Good idea, let’s go guys!” Noelle suggested

“I agree! That sounds like a good place!” Alois explained happily before the four began walking towards Good Hunter and when they arrived Alois could only look in awe at how good the food looked “Mmmm… Smells incredible! So it’s true… If you really want to sell Mondstadt wines you can’t do without Mondstadt dishes…” Alois explained before thinking “Maybe recipes will be easier to obtain than the brewing process…” Alois thought

“Easier to obtain?” Lumine asked in suspicion

“Oh! Uhh, what I mean is… The Dandelion Wine brewing process is unique— difficult to imitate! That’s why we merchants can buy with confidence!” Alois explained nervously

“Haha, where was I… Let’s see what’s on the menu… Hmm, so many dishes… Hard to decide…” Alois thought out loud

“Can I help?” Noelle asked

“Uh sure… What do you suggest?” Alois asked

“Hm… Well, do you prefer red meat or white?” Noelle asked

“I like ‘em both” Alois answered

“The steaks here are cuts of freshly shipped Springvale Boar, I’d recommend having it served medium to really bring out the natural sweetness of the meat” Noelle explained before thinking “Mm…” Noelle thought before she remembered something “Oh! Sweet madame is another specialty, crispy skin and tender meat— goes perfectly with wine! However those dishes alone aren’t very healthy from a nutritional standpoint so I recommend a mushroom pizza and a satisfying salad too on the side, if that sounds okay I will place the order for you, this meal is on me to make up for my inattentiveness” Noelle explained

“That’s too generous of you…” Alois reminded in worry and awe

“Please enjoy, after all, it’s your first meal here as a new visitor and your last, I wouldn’t want to give you the cold shoulder” Noelle said

Noelle then walked off

“Huh?” Alois asked in shock before coughing “M-My last?!” Alois asked in shock only to begin choking for a moment “You give this meal to… All new visitors right?” Alois asked in worry

“It's just Noelle's way of showing hospitality” Lumine reminded

“Aha… O-Okay then…” Alois said worriedly

“Noelle, do we have anything else on the itinerary?” Lumine asked

Noelle then turned to the group while the dish was being made

“How about ‘With Wind Comes Glory’? For our final stop I want to leave Mr. Alois with something to commemorate his time here” Noelle explained

“So… That’s the final stop, yes…?” Alois asked before he realized something “Wait… What are we commemorating?” Alois asked

“We’ll tell you later silly” Twilight answered

Soon the food was finished as the group ate it before they went to ‘With Wind Comes Glory’ where they noticed Marjolie giving Noelle something

“Oh, here’s your order Noelle” Marjolie said

“Thanks Marjolie” Noelle thanked before turning to Alois “Mr. Alois, please accept this souvenir” Noelle suggested

Noelle then gave Alois the wood carving as he then began chuckling nervously

“Eh-he, thanks, I will treasure this wood carving forev—” Alois started before he realized what he got “...Eh?” Alois asked in shock and confusion as he noticed what’s carved on the wood

“Wait, what’s on the… Is that… The insignia of the Knights of Favonius?” Alois asked

“I, maid Noelle, on behalf of Mondstadt and the Knights of Favonius officially welcome you!” Noelle answered

“Wait… Knights of Favonius? How can you be both a maid and a part of the Knights of Favonius?” Alois asked

“Well, to be fair, she’s a future Knight of Favonius, I mean, she’s been training a lot” Twilight explained

“So, this gift is also a…” Alois started

“A gift from Noelle, right?” Twilight asked

“Of course it is!” Noelle answered

“So, just a regular souvenir?” Alois asked

“Yep!” Lumine answered

“I’m afraid this is all I had time for… However I hope it leaves you with a lasting impression of your trip to Mondstadt” Noelle said

“I… I really don’t understand… Why you went to all this trouble… I don’t have any goods or relevant documents… Plus I don’t exactly look like your everyday honest merchant” Alois explained in confusion and sadness

“I know it’s not okay to gloat but… I knew it!” Twilight said in excitement and anger

“Wait! So he was lying this whole time?!” Paimon asked in shock

“Yeah and even if there was nothing to suggest otherwise… Surely it would’ve been better to take me straight to the Knights for investigation… And yet you still went to all this effort… To prepare all this for me… Didn’t you wonder whether the savage monsters, the missing cargo… What if it were all lies” Alois asked in shock and confusion

“Yes we did!” Lumine answered

“She’s right, you’ve been very suspicious ever since we met you” Twilight explained

“But why would you think that? I’m just doing what a Maid of Favonius should do, I mean, do I need to remind you of the Knights of Favonius Handbook Article 2: ‘Do not exhibit suspicion or hostility towards visitors no matter how suspicious they may seem’?” Noelle asked

“No you didn’t because we knew all along he was a fraud!” Lumine answered angrily

“True but he’s a visitor from far away so he should be welcomed by me and by Mondstadt even if there was really the slightest possibility that everything he said is true… Being attacked by savage monsters, losing goods and documents… Isn’t it times like these that people need help the most? And if I had failed to offer our hospitality on such an occasion, despite there being no evidence to back up your claims, that's not the way the Honorary Knights and Maid of Favonius should behave!” Noelle reminded in both anger and sincerity

Twilight and Lumine then realized as they were in the wrong, while they knew now that Alois was a fraud they also knew now that they should’ve been nicer, especially with all the evidence stacked against him

“We’re sorry about this Noelle” Twilight apologized

“Yeah, we’re really sorry” Lumine apologized too

“I see… Well, thank you…” Alois thanked before he turned around with a forced smile “It’s… time for me to leave Mondstadt” Alois explained

“Huh? Why the hurry…? We haven’t recovered your lost property yet…” Noelle reminded

“No need, I’ve just remembered where I left them, somewhere far, far away…” Alois explained before turning to the duo “I’ll be sure to keep a better eye on them next time” Alois promised

“You better Pinkie promise!” Twilight said

“Of course! You make a pinkie promise, you keep it all your life, you break a pinkie promise, I throw you on the ice, the cold will kill the pinkie that once betrayed your friend, the frost will freeze your tongue off so you never lie again” Alois promised

“Hmm, so it’s not just something Archons and Snezhnayan people do? I should ask Venti about it sometime, or maybe he’s from Snezhnaya! Guess I’ll never know” Twilight thought

“Alright we’ll see you then” Twilight said

“Yeah, and perhaps when I’m a visitor worthy of your hospitality I can return to Mondstadt” Alois said

“Alright, take some time to think about it” Lumine suggested

Alois then nodded

“Umm… I’m not sure I fully understand what you mean… But if you think you can retrieve your lost property that’s great” Noelle said

“You two clearly aren’t talking about the same thing” Lumine reminded

Twilight then puts a hoof on her arm causing Lumine to look at her only to see Twilight smiling warmly

“At least the problem seems to be solved, right?” Twilight asked

“Yeah” Lumine answered

Alois then sighed in relief and defeat

“What a short trip… But… Thank you for your care and hospitality, I’ve learned a lot…” Alois thanked

“No worries bud, we’ll see you soon” Twilight said

“Goodbye Mondstadt, goodbye Honorary Knights, goodbye Paimon, goodbye maid of the Knights of Favonius!” Alois waved

“Ah, okay then… Goodbye! Mondstadt and I, maid Noelle of the Knights of Favonius will always welcome you when you return” Noelle waved

Afterwards Alois left as the trio waved after him knowing now that he has been reformed

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