• Published 27th Jun 2024
  • 97 Views, 2 Comments

Chivalric Training - MLPandMiraculousFanatic

After Dvalin was defeated Twilight and Noelle went to take a walk outside of Mondstadt only to meet with Noelle who needed their help on her Chivalric Training, help Twilight and Lumine help her with het training and see what happens

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“Is it because you lack real-world fighting experience?” Lumine asked

“Real-world fighting experience?” Noelle asked in shock

“Yeah, I mean, you rarely leave Mondstadt for training, right?” Lumine asked

“I guess… That’s true, after all, if I were to leave the city I wouldn’t be there when people needed me…” Noelle answered before she realized what Lumine meant “You’re right, I haven’t had much real-world fighting experience… Where can I get some?” Noelle asked

“You could start by training in the areas around Mondstadt” Lumine suggested

“Good idea and we’ll help you stay safe” Twilight agreed

“Areas around Mondstadt…? What do you mean?” Noelle asked in confusion

“Well, there’s a bunch of slimes surrounding Mondstadt, maybe that’s a good start” Lumine explained

“Slimes… Leave them to me!” Noelle suggested

The group then began walking (Or flying in Paimon’s case) to an area where some slimes were supposed to be and when they arrived they noticed some slimes crawling out and about

“Here we are! Let’s start with Geo Slimes…” Paimon suggested

Noelle then got a brave look as she rushed towards the slimes before stopping

“Hey you! Stop creating havoc or else I’ll kill you all!” Noelle ordered

The slimes then turned around and gurgled before they bounced on their way towards her before one bounced high up which Noelle noticed as she dove out of the way right before it landed as more slimes hit her before she slashed one of them off of her as the heroes could look in worry at her before one slime panted a bit causing Noelle to stab him in the center causing it to get hurt as she turned to Twilight

“Got it!” Twilight said

Twilight then used a spell to make a campfire to appear where Noelle put the slime over causing it to melt only for another slime to begin bouncing over Noelle which Noelle saw too late as she got crushed causing the heroes to gasp but what they next saw shocked them more Noelle was stuck in its body but she knew how to escape as she slashed a hole in it causing it to yelp in pain as Noelle crawled out before slashing the slime a few more times before the last slime melted into pieces

“That was amazing!” Lumine called out

“You had Paimon scared a few times, great job Lumine!” Paimon said

“And before you ask, yes, it was a piece of cake, you really got some moves!” Twilight said in agreement

“Thanks girls” Noelle thanked

“No worries, now, I’ve got one more place in mind, follow me” Twilight suggested

The group then began walking towards a cliff as they went up before they saw one more creature

“Uh Twilight, that’s not a slime” Lumine reminded

“I-I thought there were slimes here!” Twilight said worriedly

Just then the eye of the storm saw us as they turned to them as it flew to them

“Oh shoot! Quick! Run guys!” Lumine ordered

The group then began running off except for Noelle as she was seen battling it as the group turned around

“Noelle! Run!” Paimon ordered

But Noelle didn’t listen as she continued to fight before the eye of the storm began landing hard which Noelle dodged

“NOBODY HURTS MY DIGNITY!” Noelle reminded

Noelle then continued to slash and stab the creature a few times before it shot a gust of wind sending Noelle flying back as the group saw the eye of the storm flying off

“No… The Eye of the Storm is getting away!” Noelle called out

Noelle then began rushing towards it before Paimon teleported in front of her

“That’s enough Noelle! You’re too focused! You could get in danger that way!” Paimon reminded

“Was I?” Noelle asked

Afterwards Lumine and Twilight were seen walking towards them with an silent ‘mhmm’ sound while nodding

“Still… It was too far up in the air, I couldn’t get to it… If only Amber or Miss Lisa were here…” Noelle said sadly

“You know you shouldn’t rush into troubles or challenges you can’t beat, next time if this happens, please tell somebody to help you” Twilight said

“Yeah you’re right, I can’t think like that, as a Knight I must rely on my own strength…” Noelle agreed

“But Twilight’s right, if it were me just now I would have gone to Amber or Lisa for help” Lumine reminded

“Same, especially since Paimon’s just a cute and innocent little emergency food— I mean guide!” Paimon said embarrassingly “That nightmare is still getting the better of me” Paimon thought worriedly

“Huh? But—” Noelle started

“It is precisely because the power of a single knight is more limited than when the Knights of Favonius are teaming up, don’t you think?” Lumine asked

“And besides, unity and teamwork allows each knight to better utilize their strengths” Twilight reminded

“That makes sense… If only I’d fought together with you just now…” Noelle said worriedly

“You know… To be honest, that enemy was tough for us too but we had Lumine to thank when she saved us with her tornado skill” Twilight said

“It’s still no sweat” Lumine reminded

“So that’s what Article 8 of the Knights of Favonius Handbook really means… the camaraderie and solidarity of its members form the backbone of the Knights of Favonius…” Noelle realized before looking down worriedly “I never… looked at it that way before…” Noelle thought out loud sadly

“Say, why don’t you choose the final training target?” Lumine asked

“Yeah, Paimon agrees, the last time Paimon’s friends helped, battles were too tough or too easy!” Paimon agreed

“Me? …You think I can choose a suitable target?” Noelle asked in shock

“Exactly, choosing an appropriate enemy is also a part of your training…” Lumine agreed

“I never looked at it that way” Twilight said

“Same here!” Paimon agreed

“Really? Let me think… I should avoid enemies that I find difficult… And consider the power of teamwork… Hmm… Hmm” Noelle thought out loud before she got a terrible feeling as she looked to one side “Ah! I’ve got it! I heard from master Jean that there was a hilichurl camp nearby that often attacks traveling merchants” Noelle realized

“Really?!” Twilight asked in shock

“Yeah, even though driving away hilichurls is usually something for the Knights… Maybe this time… I can do it!” Noelle explained

“Let’s do it together” Lumine suggested

“Agreed, Paimon thinks we should stick together through better and worse!” Paimon said

“Great, us together!” Noelle said with a big smile

The group then began running towards a nearby hilichurl camp with Noelle leading the way and once they got close they heard somebody calling out in fright

“Noeeeelle! Noeeeelle!” Somebody shouted

Once they heard Noelle’s name they looked at the source of the sound

“Who’s that? I-I need to help!” Noelle

“We’ll come with you!” Twilight said

The group then rushed to the source only to see some hilichurls surrounding a guy

“Paimon, go and protect the guy, Twilight, Lumine, you handle the mini hilichurls and I’ll handle the big one!” Noelle said

“Aye, aye captain!” The trio called out

Twilight and Lumine then rushed towards the hilichurls

“Hey you! Pick somebody your own size!” Lumine ordered

The hilichurls then turned around in anger

“Oh shoot! Charge!” Twilight ordered

The group then charged towards the hilichurls and began slashing or kicking them while Noelle got to a larger hilichurl

“Hey you! Follow me!” Noelle ordered

The hilichurl then roared and stomped after Noelle as she ran off while the hilichurl stomped after her before Noelle used her sword to slash a few trees while running which distracted the hilichurl causing it to fall as Noelle ran up one tree before she bounced off of it and stabbed the hilichurl in the chest

Meanwhile Twilight and Lumine were still fighting as Lumine and a hilichurl kept hitting each of their sword or club against each other which Twilight saw and once she noticed it she kicked the hilichurl to the ground and used her magic to burn it

“Thanks Twilight!” Noelle thanked

“No problem Lumine!” Twilight said

Afterwards the hilichurls charged towards them only for a few slashes to be seen and heard before the hilichurls fell to the ground unconscious as Noelle landed

“You have got to stop putting yourself into danger you know” Noelle reminded

“Yeah we know!” Twilight said

Afterwards the guy and Paimon went back towards the group

“Good news! He’s fine now!” Paimon announced

“Th-Thank the Anemo Archon! Finally, I’m saved…” The guy said in relief before he noticed the four “Ah… And thanks to Noelle and the Honorary Knights too…” The guy said in relief

“Are you hurt?” Twilight asked worriedly

“No I’m not but if it hadn’t been you two who knows what would have happened” The guy said

“We’re just glad you’re okay” Lumine said

“Yeah, just take another path next time” Paimon suggested

“I will, don’t worry” The guy said before getting worried “Wait, you guys are here to save me… Right?” The guy asked

“Of course! After all it was Noelle’s suggestion” Twilight answered

“Kinda, we were just training nearby and happened to hear you calling my name and luckily we got here just in time” Noelle explained

“We do have one question, since we were really far away, did you really recognize Noelle from that distance?” Lumine asked

“Haha… I think I wanted to say ‘help’ or ‘Barbatos protect me’ or something to that effect… I didn’t even realize that I’d called out Noelle’s name instead” The guy explained embarrassingly

“Well, that was extremely lucky in that case” Twilight explained

“You mean extremely creepy, Paimon means, it’s not like he knew Noelle’s name at all” Paimon reminded

“I guess in Mondstadt we’re just so used to calling Noelle’s name when we’re in trouble” The guy explained

“Are you serious? Noelle’s that dependable?!” Twilight explained

“Yeah, why? Is that wrong?” The guy asked

“No, it’s just she’s just a trainee… Or in her case a Maid” Twilight reminded

“I agree, it sounds like you’re a little too dependable on her” Lumine agreed

“Oh it’s fine! It’s an honor to be able to help everyone, not to mention I might not have registered Henning’s cry if that weren’t the case” Noelle reminded

“So you knew him after all?” Twilight asked

“Kinda, still… It’s a good thing the hilichurls we encountered weren’t too fierce so thankfully I was able to handle them” Noelle said in relief

“Huh? Not too fierce? I was so scared I couldn’t even move my legs” Henning reminded

“Those weren’t weak hilichurls though but still, you’ve gotten stronger Noelle” Twilight said

“R-Really?” Noelle asked

“Of course! I’d say your training is a success” Twilight answered

“I just did what I usually do…” Noelle reminded worriedly

“But the intention was different” Twilight reminded

“Yeah and besides even if this wasn’t training… You were still trying to protect someone” Lumine agreed

“Ah I guess so… I did have my mind set on not letting Henning get hurt… So if my intention is different it can have a big effect on the outcome…” Noelle realized

“Exactly!” Twilight agreed

“And besides… It’s because protecting others is the source of your strength” Lumine reminded

“You know, I think you’re right! Whenever Noelle is helping us out she’s usually more powerful than in training!” The guy named Henning explained

“Wait really?!” Twilight asked

“Of course!” The guy answered

“Well, this still isn’t a reason for you to rely on her though” Lumine reminded

“Exactly so in the future don’t leave everything to Noelle” Twilight suggested

“Ahaha… Absolutely, no more of that” Henning said nervously before shaking the thought off of his head “In any case I’m extremely grateful to you three” Henning thanked

“N-No problem, merely fulfilling my duties as a Maid of Favonius!” Noelle said before clearing her throat “Maid Noelle of the Knights of Favonius at your service!” Noelle said

And afterwards the two gave a handshake while Twilight, Lumine and Paimon looked at them with a happy look

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