• Published 7th Feb 2013
  • 29,716 Views, 719 Comments

Transformers Prime: Friendship is Magic (A Hub Crossover Special) - thelastprime

A magical accident opens a portal to another planet, and brings fourth an adventure with the heroes of two worlds. (It could happen, Only on The Hub!)

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Chapter 15

Princess Celestia slowly began to open her eyes, as she woke up. Her body was aching and sore. For a second, she wasn't able to tell where she was. The last thing she remembered was the Decepticon and Changeling attack on Canterlot, being defeated by Megatron, and her ordering the evacuation of her capital.
As the princess began to observe hers surroundings more so, she realized she was imprisoned, and encased within a large green cocoon. Very similar to what happened during Shining Armor's and Princess Cadance's wedding with the previous Changeling attack. Through the one transparent window like part of the cocoon, she can see that she was also inside a dark, large, metal room. A room she had never seen before. Next to her own cocoon, she spots another one. Through the window like spot, she could see the occupant of the other. It was none other than her own sister, Princess Luna, inside and still unconcious.

"LUNA!" She called out to her sister, but to no avail. The princess of the night, did not awaken.

"Luna, oh dear sister," Celestia lamented, "please be alive. Please wake up."

"Ah, so you're finally up." A mocking voice could be heard. Queen Chrysalis came into view, as she approached the imprisoned sun princess.

"You!" Celestia angrily stated, "What have you done to her? Where am I?"

"Why, you're aboard the Decepticon ship, in one of their brigs. I took the liberty of encasing both you and Luna in cocoons, as it was able to hold you the last time we encountered each other." Chrysalis gloated. "And as I recall, it was a quite effective tactic. As for your sister, don't worry. She's still alive and in hibernation, for now."

"You WON'T get away with this, Chrysalis! Twilight Sparkle, her friends, and the Autobots will stop you."

"Oh, I don't think so, my dear Celestia." Chrysalis taunted, "For you see, Optimus Prime has also been taken prisoner, along with two other Autobots. The rest of the Bots, have been destroyed. And as an added bonus, we even have poor, sweet, Rarity also a prisoner aboard this vessel. Somewhere anyway."

Celestia's eyes widen as she listened to Chrysalis' explaination.

"You're lying!" the princess responded.

"Then why don't you see for yourself." Chrysalis said, as she flies up to a set of buttons on the wall, and presses one.

Suddenly, a viewscreen monitor turns on, showing Bulkhead, Arcee, and Optimus Prime, imprisoned in another brig, strapped to the wall, with stasis cuffs.

Celestia couldn't believe her eyes. She felt her heart skip a beat. The princess never imagined that her new and powerful friends could be defeated, and taken prisoner. Princess Celestia, was at a loss.

"A marvelous piece of technology, if I say so myself." Queen Chrysalis said, while fawning over the Cybertronian tech.

"So what now? Are you going to simply imprison me here for the rest of my days?" Celestia angrily said.

"Oh Megatron and I have something special planned, for both you AND Prime. Not to mention, the lovely Rarity will be sacrificed, for their science."

The princess could feel her blood run cold at the statement of Rarity's fate.

"No, please." Celestia begged, "You can do anything you want to me, but release poor Rarity."

"Fool!" Chrysalis replied, "I can't risk an Element Bearer to usurp my plans. And what better way to have somepony else to deal with her, and not get my own hooves dirty."

"You fiend. I WILL find a way to free myself, and the others, and bring you down." Celestia said, with determination.

"You'll try, and you'll fail. It's over." Chrysalis gloated.

Suddenly, the door of the brig opens, and another figure steps into the room. As Chrysalis and Celestia look up to see who had entered, Megatron simply eyes the two, as he calmly walks up to them.

"Chrysalis," the Decepticon leader addressed the Changeling queen, "Leave us. I have some rather, important matters to discuss with the princess."

"Surely you don't expect me to leave you alone with her." Chrysalis replied.

"I said LEAVE US!" Megatron commaned again. "You are aboard MY ship, and therefore, I am in command! Now take your leave, and vacate immediately!"

Chrysalis, seeing that Megatron will not be detered, simply nodded.

"Very well, Oh gracious Lord Megatron."

With that, Chrysalis exits the room, as the door closes behind her.

As Chrysalis walks out into the hall, she is greeted by another one of her Changeling guards.

"My Queen." The guard said to her, "Canterlot is ours. The population, as well as the dignitary guest from their ball are now our prisoners. We are holding them in the castle dungeon. Your throne awaits."

He then bows to her.

"Well done, my child." Chrysalis replied to her minion, "Now that we control the Capital of Equestria, my ambition only grows. Once Celestia and these accursed Autobots are dealt with, we shall find a way to rid ourselves of Megatron and these Decepticons as well, and take this mighty vessel for ourselves. Megatron has proven himself to be quite the powerful ally. However, his arrogance, pride, and bigotry towards all not of his kind will eventually turn him into a most dangerous enemy. We must play our cards right, and strike when he least expects it. We will destroy Megatron, and claim this flying fortress as our own mobile palace. We can then mobilize our hives, and spread across the entire world, consuming all the love Equestria has to offer."

Back inside the brig, Megatron stares at the Celestia's cocoon, still hanging from the ceiling next to Luna's.
He then addresses the imprisoned Alicorn Princess.

"A new power currently dominates your world, princess. But we do not have to be adversaries." Megatron said.

"What do you want from us, Megatron?" Princess Celestia demanded.

"Only for a means, for us to return to planet Earth. We Decepticons never meant you ponies any harm." He stated.

"Never meant any harm?" Celestia was disgusted, "You attacked my home, terrorized my citizens, and took me prisoner! If you truly claim that you never intended to wage war with us, then you will release my sister and I, and restore us back to our proper positions as rulers of our kingdom."

"Ah, my dear Princess Celestia," Megatron began to say, "I admit that war brings out the worst in me, and has indeed clouded my judgement. But our main focus, was defeating Optimus Prime, and his Autobots. The conflict is now over with the Autobots dealt with, and our quarrel has never been with your kind. Now that the true enemy of the Decepticons are defeated, my one true desire, is to leave your world, peacefully."

Celestia wasn't buying it.

"Don't try any of your games on me. I know you can't be trusted." The princess responded. "I won't fall for your deceptions and lies. Allying yourself with Chrysalis was also folly. She will eventually betray you."

"Oh I already am aware of that, which is why I have a proposition for you." The Decepticon bargained.

"What do you mean?" Celestia asked, suspicious of his actions.

"I originally allied myself with her, so that she could send us back to Earth with her, magical abilites. But I do not trust the witch. Instead however, perhaps YOU can perform the spell and return us to our proper home. Think of it, we'll be out of your way, and never set foot on your planet ever again. Agree to this bargain, and I will see to it, you and your dear sister, are properly reinstated as rulers of this world."

"And what of Optimus Prime?" Celestia demanded to know.

"He will be my prisoner of war, and eventually executed for war crimes against the Decepticons." Megatron answered.

"No deal!" Celestia said defiantly, "I will not allow you to harm him or any other members of his team. The Autobots are my dearest friends, and I will not agree to terms that will doom them. And as much as I want you OFF of Equestrian soil, I also refuse to allow another world to be subjegated to your tyranny. I won't sacrifice another world full of innocent lives just to safeguard my own. I don't bargain with Megalomaniacs. We will find a way to defeat you on our own so that no other world will fall to your evil!"

"Foolish decision, princess." Megatron said to her, "If that is the case, then your skies will rain molten steel, and fire. Your land and cities will be reduced to ashes, and finally, once all hope has been extinguished, the blood of your citizens, will flood the street. You will regret defying me!"

Megatron then gives Celestia a hard glare, then laughs evilly.

"You should have taken my offer, but now, you will witness your world's dismemberment."

With that statement, Megatron leaves the room. Celestia was left, to lament on her decision.

"Oh Luna..... Have I made the right decision? Have I doomed us all?"

"Princess?" another voice said, from behind the wall.

"Optimus? Is that you?" Celestia asked, with a glimmer of hope shining in her heart.

"Yes, it is I." Optimus answered, from the brig next to her's. "Are you injured in any way?"

"I'm still quite healthy, thank you." Celestia answered, now with a slight smile. "Oh Optimus, I hope I didn't just make a mistake. As tempted as I was with Megatron's offer of leaving my world, I just couldn't agree to his terms. I just won't be able to live with myself if I doomed the population of another world just to save my own. But now, I may have just destroyed all of Equestria. Oh, my poor little ponies. Please forgive me."

"You are a wise ruler, Princess Celestia." Optimus said, "For you to lay your own world on the line to save countless billions, and to oppose Megatron, took great courage. I commend you for your decision, and your bravery. You are indeed, a Just monarch of your world. Wishing to make a stand here and now, instead of risking the lives of those you never met shows that you are indeed selfless, and compassionate. I am honored to have you as my friend."

Princess Celestia, hearing these touching words, could feel tears welling up in her eyes. She knew Optimus was right, they had to make a stand here and now. To stop Megatron's rampage through the cosmos.

"And if anyone should be asking for forgiveness, it should be me." Optimus stated.

"What? Why?" Celestia asked.

"It was our presence here, that brought ruin to your kind. Do to my carelessness, the War for Cybertron has now spread to your world. Equestria is peaceful, and it's inhabitants should never have been dragged into our conflict. Our very being here on your world, has caused suffering and destruction. I have brought war to you, and for that, I cannot begin to express how sorry I am. I never intended for this to happen, to anyone. Cybertronian, Human, or Pony."

Princess Celestia could hear the guilt, and sorrow in the Prime's voice. She was moved by his words.

"Oh Optimus, please, you must not blame yourself. This wasn't your fault. On the contrary, I am rather glad you came to Equestria even if it was by accident. Meeting someone like you has truly been a great joy and honor. You have become one of my dearest friends. Together I know we will prevail, and end this evil that plagues our land."

"I agree, your highness. We WILL stop Megatron, and Chrysalis, no matter the cost."

As Rainbow Dash galloped at top speed back to Ponyville, the pain in her wings were no longer as intense. Seizing the moment, the pegasus then took to the skies. From the air, Her eyes frantically scanned the streets for any of her friends, or Autobots in the area. Then, she spots Applejack, also running as fast as she could, through the town.

Quickly, Rainbow Dash swooped down to greet the cowmare. Applejack, also in turn, spotting the pegasus, began to run in her direction.

Soon they reach each other's positions, as Dash lands in front of the cowmare.

"Rainbow Dash!" Applejack happily cried out. "Am I glad to see you!"

"AJ!" Rainbow Dash called out.

"I NEED YOUR HELP!" the two mares shout in unison towards each other.

"Huh?" Rainbow Dash said with confusion. "You need MY help?"

Applejack was also equally concerned and puzzled.

"And you need mine? What happened Sugarcube? Ya better start from the beginnin'."

"Well, Arcee was helping me practice for the Running of the Leaves, when this creep showed up. And you're not gonna believe me, but he was a DECEPTICON! Some jerk calling himself Dreadwing. He attacked us, and took Arcee prisoner. That's why I need to find the others. I came looking for help, and you're the first one I ran into."

Applejack's jaw dropped. She couldn't believe what she heard.

"Ok, now you!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Alrighty, here goes..... Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom, and I were doin' our usual farm work, when these giant bug monsters attacked. Turns out they're these varmints called Insecticons. A type of Decepticon. Anyways, the Cons tried to smash us, but that's when good ole' Bulkhead came in to save us. We tried to help the big lug, but he used some kinda sleepin' gas to knock us out so we wouldn't get in the way. When I came to, I saw them nasty Cons take him away through some funky lookin' green portal. Big Macintosh and Apple Bloom are still snoozin' right now."

Rainbow Dash also was at a loss hearing Applejack's encounter.

"Oh no. We gotta do something. Arcee was also dragged through a weird looking green portal too. We have to save them! Come on, last I heard, Smokescreen is the closest Bot. I think he's still at Sugarcube Corner with Pinkie Pie." Rainbow Dash said.

"Then there's no time to waste. Let's find em'." Applejack agreed, as they both took off towards the bakery.

As they finally reach Sugarcube Corner, Applejack frantically knocks on the door, until Carrot Cake answers.

"Mr. Cake!" Applejack addressed the Earth Pony baker, "We gotta talk to Pinkie Pie and Smokescreen. Are they here?"

"Sorry Applejack," Carrot Cake replied, "But I saw Pinkie go off with Smokescreen in a hurry. It looked like they were in some kind of rush. Wish I can help you more."

"Great, now what?" Rainbow Dash moaned.

"Well, thanks anyway Mr. Cake. Sorry to have bothered ya." Applejack politely addressed the baker.

"It's alright. Have a nice day." Carrot Cake said as he closes the door.

"I know, Let's get to Canterlot. Optimus and Twilight are there!" Applejack said, with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, GREAT IDEA!" Rainbow Dash agreed. "There's no time like the present! Let's go!"

As they make a mad dash towards the train station, they hear what sounds like an engine roar. From the distance, a motor vehicle sped towards the town, then screeches to a halt right in front of the two ponies. It was Wheeljack.

"FINALLY! An Autobot!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

They see the door open, as Sweetie Belle exits. The young filly looked horrible. Her mane was all messed up and ruffled, she was covered in dirt, and small cuts and bruises, and her eyes were stained with tears.

"Sweetie Belle! What happened? You alright, Sugarcube?" Applejack said as she quickly rushed over to the filly, who quickly burst into tears.

Wheeljack then opens his driver side door, and his severed arm falls out. He then transforms, with much difficulty due to his injuries into robot mode.

"What happened to you two? Did you have a run in with the Cons too?" Rainbow Dash asked in concern.

"Cons? So you know already....." Wheeljack stammered, as he limped towards the two ponies.

"Oh no, Wheeljack, your arm!" Rainbow Dash said, as Applejack looked on in shock.

"What, this? Pfft... I've had worse." Wheeljack bragged. He then sits down on the ground. "But right now we have another problem. It's Rarity... Soundwave, Megatron's psychotic mute lapdog, nabbed her. I came back here to see to it that Belle gets home safe, then I'm finding the other Bots, Bulkhead preferrably, and staging a rescue mission."

"They took Rarity??!!!" Rainbow Dash shouted in shock.

"What about your injuries?" Applejack asked. "And poor Rarity, We gotta save her!"

"I'm a Wrecker, I can handle it." The Bot answered.

"Poor Sweetie Belle...." Rainbow Dash said as she looked on in concern. "Don't worry, we'll get her back."

Sweetie Belle continued to sob as Applejack held her tightly.

"It's ok, Sugarcube, Everything's gonna be alright. We'll save her, just you wait." Applejack attempted to comfort the unicorn filly.

"Where's Bulk? I need his help." Wheeljack asked.

"Well, we kind of have a big problem...." Rainbow Dash said, as she began to explain the bad news to the Wrecker.

"WHAT???? You gotta be yanking my chain!" Wheeljack shouted, now being up to speed with what happend to Bulkhead an Arcee. "Those stinkin' Cons ambushed us. They were waiting just for the right time to strike."

"So now what?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"We find the commander and chief, We find Optimus." Wheeljack answered. "We have to save the others, and Rarity!"

Just then, they see what appears to be four figures running along the tracks of the train station. As the four ponies got closer and closer, Applejack and Rainbow Dash can make out that they were Twilight Sparkle, Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, and to their surprise, and disgust, Trixie, heading their way.

"It's TWI! Thank Celestia!" Applejack shouted as she, Sweetie Belle, and Rainbow Dash run up to the unicorn.

However, Twilight looked like she had been through Tartarus and back. Her once beautiful dress was now in shreds, and her fur and mane, covered in dirt and sweat. Shining Armor and Cadance also didn't look any better either. Trixie also looked like she had been dragged through the Everfree Forest. The four were exhausted and out of breath when they were greeted by Dash and AJ.

"Twilight, what happened to you?" Rainbow Dash looked on in concern.

With tears in her eyes, Twilight Sparkle threw her forelegs around the pegasus, and embraced her in a hug.

"Oh Rainbow Dash, it was horrible! First, the Changelings infiltrated the Gala, and took everypony prisoner. Then something even worse happened. The Decepticons showed up. They're here, IN EQUESTRIA! Megatron himself defeated Princess Celestia, and Optimus was taken down by Queen Chrysalis. Princess Luna has also been kidnapped. Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, Trixie, and I barely made it out of Canterlot. The rest of the dignitaries and guests are being held hostage. Canterlot..... has fallen."

Hearing this shocked her friends, as Wheeljack simply gritted his teeth, and clenched his only fist left.

"Megatron's gonna pay for this!" the Wrecker shouted.

"I need to find the other Bots." Twilight said, as she then noticed Wheeljack who was banged up, and missing an arm.

"Oh no! What happened?" Twilight said in concern as she observes Wheeljack's injuries.

"I'll fill you in on everything." He replied.

"But one more thing..." Rainbow Dash added, "What's SHE doing here??!!" Dash pointed a hoof at Trixie.

"Easy, Rainbow Dash," Princess Cadance interrupted, "Trixie helped us escape. She's on our side."

"Well, I don't trust her." Rainbow Dash replied, as she shoots the showmare a dirty look.

"I don't blame you." Trixie replied, "Yes, Trixie did indeed do horrible things to you, and this town. It feels awkward for me to be here again. But The Great and Powerful Trixie has no desire to see Equestria fall to the Changelings and those metal space monsters."

"We don't need your help." Rainbow Dash stated flately.

"Rainbow Dash, I know you don't like this, but we need to put aside our differences." Twilight pleaded. "All of Equestria is in danger, and we need everypony to be united against this evil."

"Fine." Dash replied, rolling her eyes in reluctance.

"Look, girls now's not the time for us to be arguing with each other." Shining Armor interjected, "We have bigger things to focus on."

"He's right." Applejack agreed. "Like how are we gonna save our friends, and stop the Cons and Changelings?"

"So what happened to you all?" Twilight asked in concern.

"Well, it went like this, Sugarcube....." Applejack then fills her in on everyone's stories.

After the cowmare finished her explaination, Twilight, Cadance, Shining Armor, and Trixie were dumbfounded and shocked.

"Oh no! Rarity! Arcee! Bulkhead!" Twilight said, "We have to do something."

With that Sweetie Belle continued to cry, while Wheeljack looked at her, with worry.

"This is all my fault!" Sweetie Belle stated, "I should NEVER have messed with that Energon Crystal. It would never have opened the portal, and those Decepticons would never have taken Rarity away!"

"Sweetie Belle, please don't blame yourself. You had no idea this would happen. Nopony holds you responsible for what happened." Twilight tried to soothe the filly's guild.

"Still, I brought them here. If anything happens to my sister, it'll be on my hooves." Sweetie Belle cried.

"Hey, you also brought me here right, Belle? You got to meet me, and we had some of the best times." Wheeljack said, "I never would have met you if you hadn't opened that portal."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Sweetie Belle sniffed, "And you ARE pretty awesome, Uncle Jackie. I'm glad I met you too."

"Don't worry about a thing Belle, Like I said, I made you a promise, and a Wrecker ALWAYS keeps his word. I'll bring Rarity back home safely, and make the Cons regret they ever messed with your sister."

Sweetie Belle, then cracks a small smile, and hugs the Wrecker's leg.

"Thank you Uncle Jackie. You're the best Autobot!"

"Sure kid."

As the group begins to converse on a plan of action, they then see Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie running towards them.

"Fluttershy! Over there! I see them!" Pinkie Pie beamed, as she and the timid pegasus then greets the rest of the group.

"Pinkie! Flutters!" Rainbow Dash happily shouted, "You two are alright! I was wondering where you were."

"We're A-OK Dashie!" Pinkie said as she hugs the blue pegasus.

"Pinkie..... Can't breathe...." Dash gasped.

"Oops, sorry."

They then see another large figure heading towards them. it was Smokescreen, carrying a badly injured Bumblebee on his back, in piggyback fashion.

"Girls, we need your help. It's Bumblebee. He's hurt, and badly." Fluttershy pleaded to the others.

"Oh no!" Princess Cadance gasped as she sees Smokescreen finally reach the others, as Bumblebee mangled form can be seen.

"Bee took a pretty nasty spill back there. The Cons did a number on him. He needs treatment, and fast!" Smokescreen stated. He then sees Wheeljack, also in bad shape.

"Wheeljack! Don't tell me.... The Cons attacked you too huh?" Smokescreen said to the Wrecker.

"I'll live," He answered, "I'm more worried about the scout. We gotta do something to help him."

"We gotta find Optimus. Once we get Bumblebee the help he needs, I think you and I need to head to Canterlot." Smokescreen said.

"Yeah, about that, kid......" Wheeljack explained to the rookie.

Once again, filling in Pinkie, Smokescreen, and Fluttershy, as Bumblebee also listened in, they were all shocked with disbelief.

"You gotta be kidding me! They got Optimus?" Smokescreen, still in shock, responded.

"Yeah, the stinkin' bugs that we chased off in the forest when we first got here helped the Cons take the Capital, and beat the princess." Wheeljack stated

"So now what?" Smokescreen asked.

"We get Bumblebee the help he needs." Fluttershy answered.

"Hey, Uncle Jackie..." Sweetie Belle said to the Wrecker, "Can't you fix him up? I mean, you're always fixing your spaceship right?"

"Totally different, Belle." Wheeljack replied, "Patching up an inanimate vehicle isn't the same as treating a Cybertronian. We're living machines. He needs a doctor, not a mechanic."

"Then there's no time to lose." Twilight stated.

The group then quickly made their way to the Ponyville Hospital.

Outside of the Hospital, a giant makeshift medical tent had been set up for Bumblebee. About two hours had passed as the doctor ponies began to assess what they could do for the Autobot. Finally a white Earth Pony mare with a medical cap, pink mane, and a red cross cutie mark stepped out from the curtain.

"Nurse Redheart," Twilight called to her, "How is he? How's Bumblebee doing?"

"Well, we did all that we could. I'm afraid we're just not familiar with Cybertronian physiology." Nurse Redheart replied.

"I figured that'd be the case." Wheeljack stated.

"You look like you need treatment as well." the nurse said to the Wrecker.

"Oh Bumblebee...." Fluttershy said, with tears in her eyes, as Applejack placed a hoof on her back to comfort her. "I don't know how to help him."

"I'm afraid your world's doctors can't do much else for him." Smokescreen said to the yellow pegasus. "The only one who can help him now, is back at home. We need Ratchet."

"Who?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Ratchet. He's our team's medic. I sure wished he was here right now. We could REALLY use his help." Smokescreen replied.

"Hmm...." Twilight said, while scratching her chin with her hoof, "That just MIGHT be possible!"

"How, Twily?" Shining Armor asked.

"Well, I've been studying the spell ever since Princess Luna found it. I've been reading the incantation day in and day out."

"But isn't the spell book still back in Canterlot?" Trixie asked, "And there's no way we can go back there now."

"Not exactly..." Princess Cadance chimed in, as she suddenly pulls out a book. "I have it RIGHT HERE!"

"Cadance, YOU'RE THE BEST!" Shining Armor said to his wife, as he picks her up and twirls her around. Cadance giggles, as he puts her back down.

"I was able to snag it before I headed to the Gala. Good thing I did." Cadance explained.

"Then there's no time to lose. I have to perform it now, or Bumblebee will never make it." Twilight said as she begins to flip through the pages.

After a group of volunteer ponies built a giant wagon like stretcher for Bumblebee to lay on, Twilight Sparkle, along with five of the mane 6, the remaining two Autobots, Trixie, and the Royal Couple of the Crystal Empire stood firm at Ponyville's town square. Big Macintosh and Apple Bloom had since woken up, and were filled in on what happened, along with Scootaloo, where all three of the Cutie Mark Crusaders were reunited and also present at the town square.

"Ok, here goes." Twilight stated, as she began to chant the ancient incantation.

It was in a language that no one but the princesses and Twilight could understand.

As Twilight continued to chant, her horn then begins to give off a brilliant glow. Then from the tip, it shoots a purple beam forward, and seems to rip open the air in front of her, creating a large swirling purple vortex.

"YA did it, Sugarcube!" Applejack cheered.

"Finally, Bumblebee, we're going to get the help you need." Fluttershy said to the injured Bot.

Bumblebee weakly responded in his electronic tone.

"Shhhh, don't speak. Save your strength." She said to the bot.

Suddenly, the portal began to destabilize.

"I.... I can't control it!" Twilight shouted as she struggled to keep it open.

"Come on Twilight, if anypony can do this, it's you!" Rainbow Dash encouraged her.

"That's right." Smokescreen added, "Do it for your Princess, and do it for Optimus!"

"I can feel it slipping. I won't be able to keep it open for long. I need more power!" Twilight shouted.

Right as the portal was about to collapse, suddenly, a pink aura surrounded the portal, and it began to stabilize again. Twilight looks to her right, to see Trixie, using her magic to help.

"Trixie?" Twilight looked on at her former rival.

"Well, this IS the fate of the entire world after all. Still, I can't have you hogging all of the spotlight." Trixie replied smugly,

"Thank you, Trixie. I think." Twilight said to her while thankful, but slightly annoyed by her obvious self boasting.

With Trixie's help, the portal finally opens properly.

"Alright, this is it. It's time to go through." Twilight said as she took charge.

"And we're right here with ya." Applejack said.

"Good Luck Twily. Come back safely." Shining Armor said, as he and Cadance waved.

With that, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy stepped into the portal. Following them was Wheeljack, who quickly gave a nod to Sweetie Belle, and the rest of the Crusaders.

"Well, here we go Bee. We're heading home." Smokescreen said, as he wheels Bee's stretcher into the portal.

It soon closes, as Shining Armor, Cadance, and Trixie look on.

"I believe in you, Twilight." Cadance said, as she looked into the sky with a new hope.