• Published 7th Feb 2013
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Transformers Prime: Friendship is Magic (A Hub Crossover Special) - thelastprime

A magical accident opens a portal to another planet, and brings fourth an adventure with the heroes of two worlds. (It could happen, Only on The Hub!)

  • ...

Chapter 16

Jasper Nevada, Outpost Omega One, The Autobot Base.....

"It to had to Have been something!" Ratchet yelled. "A Wormhole...A Black Hole.. ANYTHING!"

"A purple swirly Black Hole with pixie dust around it?" Miko asked skeptically, causing the Autobot medic to glare at her with annoyance.

"Miko, that's NOT helping." Jack said, pulling her back.

It had been over two weeks, and Ratchet's frustration was at it's boiling point. He had run down every possible explanation, every scientific probability, every rational solution and still no answer to what that vortex was, where it came from, where it had taken them, and most importantly how to get them back.

Adding to the mystery, was that there had not been any Decepticon activity since the incident as well. Raf had been scanning the computers and there was no sign of the Nemesis. Agent Fowler had been in touch with all his contacts and so far no sign of a Vehicon, Insecticon or any of the major crew.

Jack was starting to get really worried. Where Could Optimus, Arcee and the others be? Were they even still alive? And if so was there any way of bringing them back. He walked over to the couch where Raf and Miko were having a what appeared to be a heated discussion.

"Miko," Raf stated, "I know in the past year We've seen some pretty wild things but even that sounds...."

Miko cuts him off.

"Well You and Ratchet have already ruled out every Scientific explaination." Miko said to the young boy.

"Guys! What are you talking about?" Jack interrupted.

After an awkward and uneasy talk, They came to an agreement and decided to discuss it with Ratchet.

"Um Ratchet." Jack asked. He knew the Autobot wasn't going to like this one bit, "Raf, Miko and I have been doing some thinking and......Well, I know this is going to sound insane but..... What if that vortex didn't have anything to do with Technology or Science?"

"What are you getting at?" Ratchet asked in an annoyed tone.

"Well....." Jack nervously stammered.

"What? That some MAGICAL hole just opened up out of nowhere, and sucked everyone through?"

"Well, yeah." Raf replied.

"Rafael," Ratchet said in a disappointed tone, "I can't believe, that YOU, of all humans, would believe that anyone other than a Prime, can harness mystical, or magical energies. Even a protoform would know this."

The three children simply looked at the Autobot medic, shrugging. Ratchet simply sighed, and resumed his work, as Agent Fowler, and June Darby walked in.

"Still no luck, Doc?" Fowler asked.

"Unfortunately, no." Ratchet replied.

"Don't give up, I know you can do it." June encouraged him.

Suddenly, the alarm began to to buzz.

"What's going on?" Raf asked in concern.

"Everything's going crazy, all of a sudden!" Miko blurted out.

The instruments on Ratchet's computer console then began to detect something.

"I'm getting a strong energy signature." The Autobot reported. "And it seems to...... By the Allspark! It matches the previous vortex! And, it's being directed..... AT OUR GROUND BRIDGE!

"What??" Agent Fowler said, concerned.

"Are they coming back??!!" Miko excitedly jumped.

Suddenly, something strange began to happen to the Ground Bridge. It had activated itself without anyone operating it.

"It opened on it's own?!" Ratchet said as he and the humans looked at it.

"Are we under attack?" Jack asked, as June quickly stood in front of him, wanting to protect her son.

Agent Fowler quickly instructed both Raf and Miko to stay behind him, as Ratchet extended his blades in case anything hostile emerged from the portal.

Then, a sound could be heard from the opened portal, noises of what sounded like the galloping of hooves.
Then, not long after, a small, and strange looking horse like creature emerged from the ground bridge.

Everyone present was surprised, shocked, and dumbfounded at what they saw.
Both Jack and June had to do a double take, Miko's jaw dropped, Raf's eyes widened, and Agent Fowler looked like he was having a heart attack.
As for Ratchet, he was completely flabbergasted, and was at a loss for words.
The little purple equine, seemed very disoriented.

"What in the name of Benjamin Franklin's Kite, is THAT??" Fowler asked, completely confused at what he was looking at.

"I, have NO clue." Raf answered.

"It looks like a pastel colored horsey." Miko replied, "Weird!"

"I've never seen anything like it." Jack commented.

"It could be dangerous, stay behind me Jack." June instructed.

"Wait.... IS THAT A HORN and WINGS!?" Miko shouted, noticing the horn on her head and wings on her back. "It's a winged Unicorn!"

"Unicron??? What does this have to do with Unicron?" Ratchet asked. "Optimus defeated the Chaos Bringer some time back."

"No, Not Unicron, UniCORN! You know, magical horse with a horn on it's head, prances around all sparkly." Miko explained.

"In all my years of traveling the cosmos. I have never seen quite a creature, such as this!" Ratchet added.

Suddenly, the eyes of the little equine spots Ratchet, and to more of everyone's surprise, the little horse creature spoke to the Autobot.

"Are you Ratchet? I need your help!" She called out the the Autobot, "Optimus is in trouble, and Bumblebee needs serious medical attention.... The Decepticons have attacked, and our world is in desperate need for assistance!"

She then sees the humans assembled in front of her. These beings looked exactly like the inhabitants of the parallel dimension, and how she herself appeared during the time when she entered the magic mirror.

"Oh my, have I returned to the mirror world? But it hasn't been thirty moons yet, nor did I travel through the mirror portal." Twilight said to herself. She then looks at her own body. "Hmm... Looks like I'm still a pony. I suppose not then..."

"It, SPOKE!" Raf shouted.

"I definately need to lay off on the chilidogs after midnight." Fowler said to himself.

"Guys! It just said something about Optimus, Bumblebee, and the Cons!" Jack pointed out.

He then slowly approaches the the purple equine.

"Hey, it's ok, we won't hurt you." Jack reassured it, "Can you tell us what happened, about Optimus and the others? Do you know them?"

Then more sounds of galloping could be heard, as four more ponies suddenly step out of the portal.
One was pink, with a poofy mane, while another was blue, with a rainbow colored mane and tail. It also had wings. Another one was orange in color with a blonde mane, and wore cowboy hat on it's head. Finally, a yellow one also possessing wings, with a pink mane and tail.

"There's more?" Raf stated. "I don't know what to make of all this."

The four new ponies also began to survey their surroundings in confusion.

"This is the Bots' home? Kinda dreary if you ask me." The blue, rainbow maned one said.

"First, giant transforming robots, now, talking candy colored horse-things." Fowler muttered to himself, "I'm getting too old for this."

"I don't know." June added, "They're actually kind of cute. They remind me of those little pony figurines I used to collect when I was a little girl."

"Do not let appearances fool you, Nurse Darby." Ratchet warned, "It can be a cover for something dangerous."

"Pfft." Miko scoffed, "What's so dangerous about a bunch of rainbow colored horses?"

"Ponies!" the pink one shouted. "We're not horses!"

"Ok, ponies." Miko corrected herself.

Then from behind the ponies, a loud sound of an engine could be heard, as well as tire screeches. A familiar car then emerges from the portal, and transforms into robot mode.

"WHEELJACK!" Miko happily called to the wrecker. "You're back!"

But her happiness was cut short, when she saw him carrying his severed arm in his left hand.

"What happened? You ok?" She asked.

"I'll be fine. Good to see you too, junior Wrecker." The Bot said, as he walks up to her. "I see you met our new buddies."

"Where's Arcee, Optimus, and the others?" Jack asked.

"Long story, but right now, we got a situation." Wheeljack explained. "Smokey should be here any minute now."

Right on cue, something else came through the portal, just as it closes.

"PHEW! Made it just in time." Smokescreen said as he pushes a large wagon like stretcher with Bumblebee lying on it. "We did it Bee. We're home!"

"Bumblebee! Smokescreen!" Raf called as he runs up to them.

"Ratchet, we need you, NOW!" Smokescreen called to the medic.

The doctor quickly ran up to the injured scout, and began scanning him.

"No.... Bumblebee has suffered extensive damage, and he's in critical condition. If I don't act now, he'll never make it. I need him over in sickbay, IMMEDIATELY!" He ordered.

"On it!" Smokescreen replied as they both wheel him into the infirmary.

The humans, ponies, and Wheeljack look on, as both Smokescreen and Ratchet rush over to sickbay, as his treatment begins.

After Bumblebee's situation had been handled, it was time for explainations.

"So, what are you?" Jack asked the purple pony, who he deemed the leader of the group as the others seemed to rally to her.

"I'm sorry for not introducing myself earlier. My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle. I was once the librarian of my town before my coronation, and the personal student of our ruler, Princess Celestia." She explained.

"Seriously? Twilight Sparkle?" Miko muttered, "How girly can you get?"

"Not helping." Jack said to the girl. "You're a Princess? So you're a ruler?"

"Not exactly...." Twilight answered.

"Let me handle this. My name is Special Agent William Fowler of the United States government." Fowler introduced himself as he pulls his ID badge out of his coat pocket. "I'm here as a representative of my country, my planet, and my people."

"A pleasure sir." Twilight politely replied. "Sorry, it's just that, my diplomatic skills are a bit rusty."

"Now you said something about Prime and his team, and you also mentioned the Cons." Fowler addressed her.

"Yes, about that. Optimus and his team showed up in our world, Equestria, about two weeks ago through some mystical accident. At first we were very surprised to meet visitors from another world, some of us were even frightened by them. But eventually they became our friends. Some of the best actually. But then, Megatron attacked. It turns out, the Decepticons were also brought to our world through the same accident." Twilight told the humans.

"That would explain the lack of Con activity for the past few weeks." Raf inquired.

"So, what happened next?" June asked.

Twilight, then took a deep breath, and continued her story.

"It was horrible. Each of the Autobots were ambushed by one of Megatron's top henchmen, and Optimus and our ruler, Princess Celestia were beaten by Megatron himself. Princess Celestia's sister, Princess Luna, the co-ruler of Equestria, was also kidnapped by his new accomplice, a native to our world who tried to conquer our kingdom before. Queen Chrysalis, ruler of the Changelings. Our friend, Rarity was also captured."

"Is it just me, or are their names getting weirder?" Miko muttered to Raf, who shushed her.

"Yep!" Applejack replied, "Them's Changlings are some of the nastiest buggers around."

"A cowgirl pony? Now I've seen everything." Miko said.

Applejack then looks at Miko with a curious expression. She then squints her eyes a bit. There was something familiar about this girl. Then it hit her.

"Oh my stars.... YOU'RE MIKO!" She shouted.

"Huh?" Miko said in confusion. "How'd you know my name? You some kind of spy?" she asked, while pointing a finger at her suspiciously.

"Why, Bulkhead told me all about ya!" Applejack answered.

"BULKHEAD!" Miko called out. "Is he OK? What happened to him?"

"Well, I don't know how to tell you this, sugarcube, but, he got snatched up by those Insecticon varmints." Applejack anwered, taking off her hat, and placing it on her chest. "I wished I could have done more."

"No, Bulkhead." Miko said sadly.

"By the way, Name's Applejack. It's nice to meet a mutual friend." The pony said, while extending her hoof.

"Cool beans." Miko replied as they shook hooves/hands.

"So what are these, Changelings?" Agent Fowler asked.

"Nasty buggers." Wheeljack answered, "They're surprisingly tough for their size."

"They're big bad meanies!" Pinkie Pie added. "Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie! And I love meeting new ponies, even though you're not ponies, but hairless monkeys. What was it Smokescreen called you again? Oh, that's right, HUMANS! You guys are my new friends, and I LOVE making new friends! I'll throw the biggest party....."

Rainbow Dash then quickly shoves her hoof into Pinkie's mouth to make her stop talking.

"Sorry about that, Pinkie can get a little, hyper when meeting somepony, or someone new. And I'm Rainbow Dash. Fastest flyer in all of Equestria."

"She seems.... Energetic." June replied.

Twilight Sparkle then uses her horn, and similar to what Trixie did once, she projected a screen from it.

The humans were dumbfounded and surprised by this.

"Whoa! How'd you do that?" Miko asked.

"It's magic." Twilight answered.

"You mean, real magic? As in Hocus Pocus?" Miko asked again.

"Of course. But I take it, magic doesn't exist here, does it?" Twilight then sighed, "Just like that other dimension similar to this world when I was turned into a human like you guys."

"Come again?" Miko said with a confused look.

"That's a story for another time." Twilight replied.

"Since Magic isn't really our forte, we rely more on science and technology." Raf explained, "Though according to Ratchet, the Primes of Cybertron can have some form of mystical power."

As the projection image finally focuses, multiple images of Chrysalis, and her changelings appear on it. It shows them shapeshifting into other ponies, and their previous attacks on Canterlot.

"Overgrown bugs. Great." Fowler moaned.

"I came here in hopes to not only see that Bumblebee gets the proper treatment for his injuries, but also to seek help in saving the others and freeing our world from this evil that looms over us. Please, will you help us? I know I just met you, but I also know that the Autobots are your friends."

"Of course, especially if Arcee's in trouble." Jack answered. "What do you say, Agent Fowler?"

"Getting Prime back to Earth has been our priority for the past few weeks. Don't worry, we'll do what ever we can. I owe the Bots my life, and it's time I returned the favor." Fowler replied.

"So does that mean?" Twilight said with a glint of hope in her eyes.

"That's affirmative." Fowler said. "We'll do everything we can to help you."

"Oh, thank you, THANK YOU! We're in your debt." Twilight beamed.

Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash also cheered together after hearing their decision.

"General Bryce is really gonna have me restrained in a straightjacket and lock me in a padded room after I give him this report on talking unicorns and pegasi." Fowler then muttered to himself.

"Guess it's hero time again, huh Jack?" Miko said to him.

Hearing that name however, Rainbow Dash's ears perked up. She then flies up to him, startling the human boy.

"Wait, you're Jack?" She asked.

"You, know me?" He asked.

"Arcee told me about you." Dash answered him, "She's one of the coolest Bots ever. She had a message she wanted me to tell you if I ever ran into you. Funny, I thought you'd be an Autobot."

"What did she say?" Jack asked.

"To let you know, you're one of the best friends she ever had." Dash finally told him.

Jack was at a loss of words. He never imagined Arcee thought so highly of him.

"Wow, she.... really said that?" Jack asked, slightly in disbelief.

"Straight out of her mouth. She seems to care about you a lot."

June hearing this, puts a hand on her son's shoulder, and smiles warmly at him.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash, right?" Jack addressed the pony.

"Yeah, that's me." She replied.

"Umm, I just want to say. Thank you."

"For what?"

"For being there for Arcee. For being her friend throughout this whole thing." Jack said to the pegasus.

"Heh, Don't mention it. It was totally awesome having her around." She replied.

"Arcee was captured, wasn't she..." Jack muttered.

"Yeah, but don't worry, we'll free her." Dash replied.

Rainbow Dash then realizes something.

"Hey, where's Fluttershy? I haven't seen her around since we got here."

"Dashie, she's been hiding behind those crates the entire time. She won't come out." Pinkie Pie answered.

They look over to a pile of stacked crates, where a pink tail could be seen sticking out.

"Flutters, there you are! Come on out. Don't worry, nopony's gonna hurt you." Rainbow Dash called to her.

All they could hear was wimpering.

"You kinda have to forgive her. Fluttershy panics real easily." Rainbow Dash explained to the humans.

"I, see." Raf replied.

"Come on! Stop being such a scardy-pony, and come out!" Rainbow Dash shouted, as she began to pull on her tail.

"NO! Leave me alone! There might be big scary monsters on this world!" Fluttershy complained.

"Let me try." June said as she walked up to the crates.

June then slowly walks to the other side, and sees Fluttershy's face, as it was covered by her hooves.

"Hey, it's alright. No one here is going to hurt you. We're all friends here, like your Pink friend there said." the nurse reassured her. "My name is June, and I would like to be your friend."

Fluttershy made several squeaking noises, as she looked up at the human.

"It's alright, there are no monsters here. I know, I live on this world. Now will you please come out? I won't hurt you, on the contrary, I'm a nurse."

"A nurse?" the timid pegasus asked.

"That's right. I help people, and in your case, ponies." June said to her.

"Well, ok." Fluttershy responded, as she slowly crawled out from behind the crates.

As they both walk up to the others, Fluttershy then sees Raf.

Her eyes suddenly widen and enlarge, and a huge smile appears on her face. She immediately rushes over to him, catching Raf offguard, and scoops up the surprised boy into her hooves.

"OH MY GOODNESS!" She squealed happily. "You're the most cutest thing I've ever seen!"

"Huh???" Raf muttered out, dumbfounded.

"You're just SOOOO ADORABLE!" She said, hugging him tightly. "Why you must be a baby human."

"Please, put me down." Raf begged.

"I'm sorry." She apologized, as she set him down.

"One more thing, I'm not a baby, I'm Twelve....... and a quarter." Raf said to her.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I guess I got a bit carried away. I'm Fluttershy, what's your name?"

"I'm Rafael, but you can call me Raf."

Hearing this name, Fluttershy suddenly widened her eyes again and smiled.

"You're Raf??? Oh it's so good to actually meet you. Bumblebee told me all about you."

"You know Bumblebee? And he Told you about me? You actually understand what he's saying?"

"Oh yes. I know he talks in beeps and blips, but for some reason, I've always been able to understand every word he says." Fluttershy explained, "You see, I have this gift of being able to communicate with animals and creatures that can't normally talk. I guess that applies to Bumblebee too."

"Wow, that's pretty cool." Raf replied.

"I can understand him too!" Pinkie Pie chimed in.

"You too? Do you have a gift?" Raf asked.

"No, but I just do." Pinkie replied.

Raf scratched his head in confusion.

"Hey Raf, just don't think about it. Pinkie Pie is super random. I know from experience it's best never to question it. Just let it be." Rainbow Dash whispered to the boy.

Pinkie Pie then opens her mouth, and what happens next, surprised everyone, even the ponies.

What came out weren't words, but the same exact electronic noises that Bumblebee would make.

Everyone's jaws dropped, even Wheeljack's.

"I think I'm beginning to get what you mean." Raf said to the Rainbow Pegasus.

"This kid's full of surprises." Wheeljack said.

"Oh I LOVE surprises!" Pinkie shouted.

Just then, they hear a loud angry shout coming from sickbay.


They see Ratchet storm out of the chamber.

"Your doctors, used DUCT TAPE to patch up Bumblebee's internal systems??!!" Ratchet yelled at the ponies. "What were you THINKING??!!"

"I'm sorry, but we're not familiar with his physiology, and...." Twilight began to say only for Ratchet to cut her off.

"CLEARLY you're NOT!" He fumed. "Your ignorance and backwater treatment may have done more DAMAGE than good."

"Hey, Ratchet!" Smokescreen interrupted. "Back off!"

"And why should I?" Ratchet fumed.

"Because if it weren't for the ponies, Bumblebee probably wouldn't be here right now. They did everything they could to help him. They went out of their way to try to save his life. So I suggest you show some appreciation!" Smokescreen shouted back.

"APPRECIATION??!! For this poorly done patch work. PLEASE!!!!"

"I'm about three seconds away from dislocating your pistons if you don't stop shouting at the ponies!" Smokescreen angrily yelled.

"I like to see you try!" The medic shouted back.

"STOP IT, ALL OF YOU!!!" Fluttershy shouted.

Both Smokescreen and Ratchet look over to see Fluttershy in tears, hugging Bumblebee's face, with Raf standing next to her, with a concerned look on his face.

"What's his problem?" Rainbow Dash muttered, as Applejack and Twilight looked on, not knowing what to do.

"He's an even bigger cranky grouch than Cranky Doodle Donkey." Pinkie Pie added.

"It's Ratchet, he's always grumpy." Miko explained, "Though, I didn't expect THIS."

Ratchet, seeing what had transpired, then slowly approached the timid pegasus.

The other ponies rushed up to the sickbay, only for Jack, Agent Fowler, and June to stop them.

"Let them cool down and talk." Fowler said.

"Fluttershy is it?" Ratchet addressed the pegasus.

"Yes?" She answered.

"What I just did, was out of line. You see, I've been stressed out and worried for the past two weeks. My comrades, friends, those who I see as family, were missing for a very long time. I had no idea where they were, or if they were even alive. It took a toll on my, civilness. Clearly, you and your kind did have Bumblebee's best intentions at heart, and for that, I deeply apologize for my outburst. It was, uncalled for."

Fluttershy could hear his sincerity, and quickly forgave the medic, by flying up to his face, and hugging it tightly, surprising him.

"Apology accepted." She smiled at him. "I knew you weren't a bad bot."

"Ratchet actually apologized? That's a first." Miko joked.

An hour passes, and Ratchet steps out of the sickbay chamber. The Ponies and Humans, as well as Wheeljack and Smokescreen look at him with pleading eyes.

"How is he Ratchet?" Raf asked.

"Bumblebee needed extensive surgery, but he will survive and make a full recovery."

Hearing this, everyone give a cheer.

"He will however, need to rest in order to heal his wounds." Ratchet explained.

"See? told you the Doc was a maestro." Wheeljack said to the ponies.

"Though I must make one statement...... I find it rather hard to believe that the Decepticons would ally themselves with an organic. It's doubtful that Megatron would even acertain such a paring." Ratchet stated.

"Megatron believes that Queen Chrysalis will use her magic to return the Decepticons to Earth, so that he can conquer your world." Twilight explained.

"Magic, so it's true that you can wield these mystical, arcane energies?" Ratchet asked.

Twilight answered him by levitating several objects in the room with her horn.

"Perhaps you possess telekinesis. That is what this appears to be." He stated.

"Well, let me do something a little more, advanced." She said.

Seeing an apple sitting on the table which was a part of Jack's lunch, she shoots a purple beam at it. It then turns into an orange. This awes all the humans, as Ratchet looks on in disbelief.

"No way." Jack muttered.

"By the Allspark!" Ratchet said. "How is it possible that you are able to use mysticism, without being a Prime?"

"All unicorns and alicorns have magical abilities, though some more than others." Twilight explained.

"Twi, that wasn't funny. You change that apple back right now!" Applejack scolded.

"Sorry." She replied as she changes the apple back with another beam of energy.

"That, was awesome!" Miko stated, "You ponies are RAD!"

Ratchet then turns his hand into a blowtorch, and begins to weld Wheeljack's arm back onto him.

"Easy Doc, I'd like to keep that arm." The Wrecker complained.

"Stop squirming, and maybe you will." Ratchet replied back.

"So now what? How do we save the others?" Raf asked. "I mean, yeah, once Wheeljack gets fixed up, and with you and Smokescreen, that makes three Autobots."

"What about Bumblebee?" Fluttershy asked.

"He'll have to sit this one out." Smokescreen answered her.

"I believe that, desperate times, may call for desperate measures, Agent Fowler." Ratchet said, as he finishes up attaching Wheeljack's severed arm.

The Wrecker then moves his fingers on his right hand.

"Good as new. Knew you could do it, Ratchet." He complimented the medic.

"Ratchet, you're not suggesting....." Fowler began.

"I most certainly am contemplating it." The medic answered him. "Though this isn't exactly an ideal situation given the circumstances."

"What are you talking about?" Jack asked.

"Jack, Team Prime isn't the only group of Autobots stationed here on Earth." Ratchet told the teen.

"What?" Jack was puzzled.

"You mean, there are more Bots here?" Raf asked.

"And you never told us?" Miko shouted in annoyance.

"We never informed you because we wanted to protect their existance from the Decepticons." Ratchet explained.

"Well, why didn't you ask them for help before? And why do you need to protect them?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"These Bots, aren't exactly fighters......" Fowler answered.

"Agent Fowler is correct." Ratchet added, "You see they are not warrior class, but rather, service and rescue class. These Autobots only came to Earth quite recently. Optimus ordered them to protect an Island town off of your East Coast."

"And where would that be?" Jack asked.

"Griffon Rock, Maine." Agent Fowler replied. "Ratchet, I think we better make the call to Chief Burns."

"Agreed Agent Fowler. We will need Heatwave, and his team of Rescue Bots. We require all able bodied Autobots for this upcoming mission. They're the only Autobot reinforcements available on this planet." Ratchet said, as he walks over to his computer console, preparing to establish contact, to Griffon Rock, and Rescue Force Sigma-17.

Author's Note:

So there you have it, The Rescue Bots will be joining in on the action. I know people will probably be detered away by this as RB tends to be hated on by most Transformers fans. I personally like the show. It actually feels Like MLP except with giant robots, and has a very "slice of life" to the format. And yes, they even have their own share of villains. (Watch the season finale to see what I'm talking about, as it got pretty dark.) It's also confirmed to be in the same continuity by Jeff Kline, producer of both shows. Don't believe me, the proof is right here.
