• Published 7th Feb 2013
  • 29,718 Views, 719 Comments

Transformers Prime: Friendship is Magic (A Hub Crossover Special) - thelastprime

A magical accident opens a portal to another planet, and brings fourth an adventure with the heroes of two worlds. (It could happen, Only on The Hub!)

  • ...

Chapter 19

"Keep moving!" Smokescreen shouted to the ponies, "I'll cover you!"

As Applejack, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash continued to make a run towards the mountain where Doc Greene's lab was, several of the Morbots have transformed into their armored car mode, and gave chase. Smokescreen turned around and fired his blasters at the pursuers. One tried to avoid the blasts, only to crash into the Morbot next to it, as they both explode into a fiery wreck. Two more give chase, as Wheeljack, in his own car mode, speeds up next to them. He rams into one of them, running it off the road. The remaining Morbot quickly transforms back into robot mode, while Wheeljack, seeing it, also follows suit. The Wrecker, and the Morbot began delivering physical blows to each other.

"I'll handle this, you girls get a move on." Wheeljack called to the others.

He punches the Morbot, sending it flying backwards. He then addresses Smokescreen. "Keep them safe, kid. You wanted to prove yourself, rookie? Here's your chance."

Wheeljack then sees a large armada of Morbots descend around him, and they quickly surround the Autobot.

"Wheeljack!" Twilight called out to him, "He needs our help, girls!"

"Don't worry about me, princess." The Autobot replied. "Wreckers like myself have been in far worse situations than this."

"I'm coming Wheeljack!" Rainbow Dash said as she flew towards the Autobot, only for him to object.

"Keep going kid, I got this. You got a mission to finish." Wheeljack called to the pegasus.

"But," Rainbow Dash tried to say.

But a stray blast in their direction from one of the Morbot's cannons quickly made the pony retreat.

"What are going to do? We can't just leave him!" Twilight complained.

"I don't like this either, Twi, But we don't have a choice. If we can reach the lab, and stop this at the source, then this will all end." Smokescreen explained to her. "We gotta keep pressing on."

Reluctantly, the three ponies agree, as they take one last look at Wheeljack, as he draws his swords.

"So, twenty against one? HA! My kind of odds!" He gloated as the Wrecker began to charge at the Morbots, swords swinging.

"I can't believe we just left them behind like that." Rainbow Dash complained. "Heatwave and his team, Agent Fowler, Ratchet, and now Jackie."

"Fowler, Wheeljack, and Ratch know how to handle situations like these." Smokescreen said to her, as he raced up the mountain path in his vehicle mode, with Twilight and Applejack sitting in the driver and passenger seats, as Dash flew above him. "As for the Rescue Bots, I've heard Optimus mention that they're no pushovers either. They'll be fine. Trust me."

So far, things seem to be quiet on the road to the lab. Too quiet in fact. This gave the ponies and Autobot an uneasy feeling.
With no resistance, they made it to the entrance of the lab.

"That, was way too easy." Twilight stated as she and Applejack exit Smokescreen, as he transforms into robot mode.

"You said it, sugarcube." Applejack replied. "So now what?"

"I say we go in there, and kick some tail!" Rainbow Dash boasted as she swung her hooves in the air.

As the ponies continued to look for a way in, they noticed no visible entrance. That's when Smokescreen stepped up.

"Well, if there's no way in here, then I'll make one." He stated.

"Don't we have to be stealthy about this?" Twilight asked.

"I got this." He answered her as the Autobot quickly transforms back into vehicle mode.

"Hop in, all of you." He instructed as the doors to his car mode open. "You too Dash. Wouldn't want to leave you behind."

"I, don't get it." Rainbow Dash complained.

The ponies, including a reluctant Rainbow Dash then enter him as he closes his doors.

"Pedal to the Metal!" Smokescreen shouted as he revs his engine, then takes off, heading straight to the wall of the building.

"Hold on there, sugarcube!" Applejack shouted in terror. "What in tarnation are ya doin'??!!"

"Smokecreen, you're headed towards a solid wall. We're gonna crash!" Twilight also shouted, shielding her face with her hooves.

"YAAAAAAAAHH!!" Rainbow Dash cried out.

Right when it seemed that their little charge would end in a wreck, Smokescreen then suddenly passed through the solid wall, as if it weren't there at all.

When the ponies opened their eyes, they realized they were still in one piece. There was no crash, and no fiery wreck. In fact, they were now on the other side of the wall. They were inside the lab.

"Huh? How? What?" Twilight was dumbfounded.

"We're ok. But what happened?" Applejack asked the Autobot.

"Told you I got this." Smokescreen said as he lets the ponies exit him, and transforms.

"You just passed through a solid wall. We all did. Was it some kind of magic? I thought the only Autobots that possess magic were Primes." Twilight stated to the others.

"Not magic, but a little trinket I have right here." Smokescreen explained pointing to his right wrist. The ponies notice that he was wearing a bracelet like object, and it was glowing.

"Say hello, to the Phase Shifter. Cool little gadget. It lets me pass through solid objects as if they were air." He explained. "And I can change the settings that will let the effects extend to anyone I'm in contact with too. Neat huh?"

The ponies were stunned by this revelation.

"You wanna give us a head's up next time?" Applejack scolded the Bot.

"Aww, come on. The looks on your faces alone was totally worth it." The Autobot laughed. Only for Twilight and Applejack to glare daggers at him. "Sorry."

Rainbow Dash however, was laughing her flank off.

"Nice one Smoke!" She complimented the rookie, "Best prank ever! You got us good."

Applejack gave a scowl at the pegasus.

"Be serious Rainbow. We don't need another Pinkie Pie right now."

"Fine, AJ." she relented.

"Alright, down to business." Twilight addressed the others. "So which way do we go?"

"Lord Starscream." One of the Morbots reported to the Seeker, "We are still receiving heavy resistance from the Rescue Bots and the humans."

"Tell me something I already DON'T know." Starscream said in frustration. "The sensors detected ground bridge activity, and one of the sentries' surveillance showed the Wrecker, Wheeljack, and Prime's newest recruit, Smokescreen have also arrived on the island."

Starscream then slams his fist angrily against the wall.

"They'll ruin everything!" he shouted in anger. "You good for nothing Morbots had better fix this NOW! Blasted Earth tech....."

"Yes, master." The Morbot responded.

Then the alarm system began to sound.

"Now what??" Starscream muttered.

"Internal systems have detected intruders." The Morbot responed, while viewing the screen where the surveillance cameras were showing.

Starscream growled in anger, and pushed the Morbot aside as he views the screens. He sees Smokescreen, and the ponies walking down the corridors.

"They've infiltrated the premises!" the Decepticon shouted. "You good for nothing Earth Drones! You're incompetent! Find them, and CRUSH them!"

"Scrap...." Smokescreen muttered as they hear the alarms go off. "I forgot about the cameras."

"How, could you have overlooked that?" Twilight said in an annoyed tone. "Now they know we're here."

Suddenly the massive metal doors drop down from the ceiling, and trap the heroes. The hallway had now become a box like room.

"We're trapped!" Applejack said as she took a defensive stance.

"No, we're not." Smokescreen said, as he activates the phase shifter again.

He then picks up the ponies and phases through another wall. They reach a room that had a stair case leading upward.

"That's, going to take some getting used to....." Twilight said, still shaking off the effects of passing through a solid wall.

"Welp, looks like the only way to go, is up" Applejack said as they all approach the stair case.

Suddenly, busting through the walls, were multiple Morbots. They quickly surround the heroes and pointed their cannons at them.

"HALT, or be immobilized!" They shouted in unison.

"I don't think so." Smokescreen said in defiance.

The Morbots open fire, as Smokescreen quickly shields the ponies with his own body. Activating the Phase Shifter once again, the beams from the cannons harmlessly pass through the Autobot and the Ponies. The Morbots instead, have struck each other.

"Now, That... Was a plan!" Smokescreen happily stated, as he looked at all of the downed Morbots.
But his smile quickly faded when he saw the aftermath.

"Aw, Scrap." He muttered.

The stair case had been destroyed in the firefight.

"Now what'll we do?" Applejack questioned.

"Well, I can probably fly us up there one at a time." Rainbow Dash said, "You can fly up there, can't you Twi?"

"I still haven't leaned how to fly properly yet, Rainbow." Twilight answered her.

"But, I saw you fly during your coronation." The pegasus replied.

"I was caught up in the moment. You forgot I nearly crashed afterwards if Princess Celestia hadn't intervened with her own magic."

"Well, true. But I'll fly you up one by one. Don't know how Smoke's gonna get up there though." Rainbow Dash said.

"That's going to take too long. We need to get up there pronto!" Twilight answered back.

"Can't ya teleport us up there, sugarcube?" Applejack asked.

"I wish I could, but I can only teleport to places where I've already been. A blind leap like this can be extremely dangerous. For All I know, we could end up stuck in a wall, or worse."

"My trusty phase shifter will fix that problem." Smokescreen pointed to the device.

"No, it's still too risky." Twilight objected.

"Fine, then I'll go it alone from here." Rainbow Dash said as she flew towards the top of the demolished stairs.

"Wait! Dash, come back!" Twilight shouted,

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Smokey, take care of them." And with that statement Dash had flown through the opening of where the stairs lead, and disappeared.

"Great." Applejack muttered, "That girl's too headstrong for her own good."

"There's nothing we can do now, except to find another way up." Twilight said, "Smokescreen, think you can find us another access point?"

The Bot activates the phase shifter again, and picks the ponies up.

"No problem." He replied.

"Now let's see...." Rainbow Dash thought to herself, "If I were a Decepticon, where would I be?"

On the upper levels of the lab, The pegasus continued to fly around, searching for the source of all the mayhem.

"Gotta find that satellite dish, and smash it."

As she zoomed around, in and out of multiple rooms in the hall, she was growing impatient.

"Where is it??!!"

She finally lands on the ground and began to think to herself.

"Maybe leaving the others behind like that wasn't the smoothest move......"

She then hears what sounded like rumbling behind her. As Rainbow Dash turned around, she sees two Morbots, in their armored car mode driving towards her.

"Definitely NOT the smoothest move!" She yelled as she takes off.

"HALT!" The Morbots shout, as they fire their cannons at the pony.

Rainbow Dash was able to dodge the beams, but due to her being indoors, there wasn't much room for her to maneuver around.

"Gotta lose these dorks!" She said to herself as she races down the hall.

She then sees a large set of doors ahead of her.

"Here goes nothing!"

Rainbow then plows into them, front hooves first, as the double doors are busted open, and she flies into the room behind them.

The two Morbots follow her in, and continue to pursue her.

"You just don't give up do ya? Well... Neither do I!"

The Morbots transform into robot mode and aim their cannons at her.

Dash then does an aerial U-Turn, and flies at them at full speed.

She slams into one of them, knocking it out the window. The second one fires, but misses the pegasus by mere inches. The tip of her tail was singed.

Dash quickly lands, and begins to blow on it, cooling her tail down, as the Morbot walks up to her.

"Prepare to be apprehended." The Morbot said in a monotone voice.

"As if." Rainbow Dash shot back as she takes off into the air again, and kicks the robot in the head.

The Morbot stumbles backward, trips over some powerlines, and is electricuted.

"HA! Rainbow Dash, Two, Morbots, ZIP!"

"Ugghhh!" a voice said from behind her. "These human built Morbots aren't worth the scrap they're made from!"

Dash turns around to see, a skinny looking grey colored robot with wings on it's back, dagger like fingers, and a pair of red optics glaring at her. She remembered seeing him from Frankie's holocamera.

"So, you're one of those strange, Equine creatures." Starscream said to the pegasus. "I don't know what planet you came from, but Earth shall be your grave."

"And you must be Starscream. Thought you'd be taller." She taunted.

"Watch your tongue, fleshling." Starscream seethed, "You're either very brave, or very stupid to come here. You are no match against Starscream, the Emperor of Destuction!"

"I don't know why, but your name sounds familiar. It's like I've heard it somewhere before." She said to the Decepticon.

"Ah, so my fame has indeed blossomed. No doubt of my vanquishing of the Autobot, Cliffjumper."

Hearing the deceased Autobot's name, Rainbow Dash's ears suddenly perked up. Her eyes widen, and is instantly reminded of why she remembered Starscream's name.....

Flashback, one week ago, in a meadow outside of Ponyville......

"You're really something kid." Arcee said while smiling. "Your attitude reminds me, of an old friend of mine."

"Oh? who?" Dash asked.

"Cliffjumper. You're kind of like him. Brash, Bold, Confident, and never backed down from any challenge." Arcee explained.

"And like your pink friend, he was quite the chatterbox."

"He sounds really cool. So when do I get to meet him?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Arcee's attitude then changed to that of sadness.

"Are you ok?" Rainbow looked on with concern.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have brought up Cliff. It's a bit of a touchy subject." Arcee answered.

"Why not? Isn't he your friend? It's always a good thing to remember your friends." Rainbow Dash said.

"Something bad happened to him. Starscream happened." Arcee told the pegasus, "Starscream is a dangerous Decepticon, and formerly Megatron's second in command. Cliff was captured by the Cons, and murdered in cold blood by Scream's hands."

Rainbow Dash gasped, then looked at Arcee with sympathetic eyes.

"Oh no, Arcee, I... I'm so sorry to hear about that. And I'm really sorry to bring up a subject that brought you so much pain."

"It's alright kid. I learned sometimes talking about it helps with the recovery of loss." Arcee stated to the pegasus.

End Flashback.

Present Day, Griffon Rock, Maine. Doc Greene's Lab....

Rainbow Dash' initial shock, had now turned into rage.

"No..... You..... NOW I remember!" She shouted in anger. "You're the one who murdered Arcee's partner!"

"Hahaha! So you know about that. A great accomplishment if I say so myself." Starscream gloated. "It was certainly MOST enjoyable."

"You're, BRAGGING about it??!!" Rainbow Dash said in both shock and disgust. "NOT COOL! Do you have ANY idea of the hurt and sadness you put Arcee through? I can't believe you! You're nothing but a heartless creep!"

"So, you're Arcee's new little friend? Did she dump poor little Jack for a new pet? No matter, I'll just have to add you to the list of her deceased partners, right next to Tailgate, and Cliffjumper.." Starscream taunted as he picks up a discarded Morbot arm cannon, and points it at Rainbow Dash.

"Now, Perish!"

Starscream fires the cannon at Rainbow Dash as she quickly takes off to avoid the blast.

She began to fly circles around the Decepticon, as he continues to fire beam after beam at the pegasus.

"Hold still, you vermin!" Starscream shouted as he continued his onslaught.

"I don't think so, Screamer! You're going down."

Rainbow Dash them slams into Starscream, and it was rather hard. The Decepticon is knocked off of his feet, and smashes out of a window. Starscream finds himself outside of the lab, in a large open space at the top of the mountain.

"Now that we're not so cramped, let's finish this, Con!" Rainbow Dash declared as she took a fight stance.

"You'll pay for that, pony. I will reduce you to a smear on the ground by the end of this day!" Starscream said as he points the cannon at her again.

He opens fire, only for Dash to take off again. She was far too fast for him to hit.
Rainbow Dash weaves back and forth to avoid the shots.

She makes another quick zip towards the Seeker, and slams into him again. This time, she manages to crack the cannon. Starscream attempts to fire again, but it fizzles out.

"Scrap." He muttered as he discards the damaged weapon, throwing it aside. "No matter, I don't need a weapon to finish you. I think I'll gut you with my claws instead!"

"You gotta catch me first." Rainbow Dash taunted as she began to fly circles around him.

Starscream took swipes at her, but never once hit his target. She was simply too fast for him.

"Blast, If I only had my T-Cog. You would be begging for mercy if I had my wings." He complained.

"What's the matter, Screamer? Can't fly?" Rainbow Dash stuck her tongue out at the Decepticon.

"How, DARE you!!! I have you know, I was once the Air Commander of Megatron's entire Seeker Armada!" He gloated.

"Tell it to somepony who cares!" She said as Dash slams into him again.

Starscream takes more swipes, only for him to miss, as Dash repeatedly slams into him, again, and again, and again.
It seemed to be a futile attempt on the Seeker's part. Rainbow Dash clearly had the advantage.

"GRRRAAAHHH!" Starscream yelled out in pain and frustration as he is knocked over again.

"Enough!" he shouted he gets back up. "Fortunately, for me. I have this....."

He pulls out what looks like a small test tube vial. Inside of it was seemed to be a red glowing liquid.

"Time for a field test." He said, as he injects the contents into his left arm.

"What the?" Rainbow Dash looked on, puzzled.

As the liquid enters his system, Starscream could feel the effects almost immediately.

"Ah.... Just what I needed. A Boost!"

"What are you babbling about, Screamer?" Rainbow Dash said, hovering in the air.

"You'll see....."

With that statement, in a surprising turn of events, Starscream seemed to have disappeared in a flash, as a grey blur rushed towards Rainbow Dash. She is then struck, and fairly hard. Rainbow Dash is sent crashing to the ground.

"OOOWWWW!!!" She muttered as she rubbed her aching side. "What.... What just happened?"

Starscream reappears, standing over his opponent.

"Well what do you know.... The Red Energon works. I would say, this is indeed, a successful field test." Starscream gloated.

"Red Energon?" Rainbow Dash, asked, surprised at the Decepticon's newfound power.

"Indeed, foolish child." Starscream explained. "It gives any Cybertronian that uses it, the power of Hyper Speed. And you, are finished!"

Rainbow Dash attempts to take off again, only for another grey blur to slam into her. She is sent crashing back down to the ground again.

"But, I'm the fastest flyer in all of Equestria." Rainbow Dash said, dumbfounded at the situation.

"Not as fast, as the power of Red Energon!" Starscream gloated again.

She tries to take off again, only for Starscream to use his speed to swat her down before she can get airborne.

"And how quickly the tables have turned." He taunted the pony.

"I need to get airborne. That's the key to my own speed." She said to herself.

But each time she tried to fly, Starscream, using the hyper speed of Red Energon, continued to swat her down before she could take off.

Now bruised, tired, and aching, Rainbow Dash was barely able to stand.

"Gotta find a way to beat this creep. Need to fly." She thought to herself.

As Rainbow Dash attemped to take off again, From Starscream's point of view, Time itself seemed to have slowed down. Yet, he was seemingly still moving at a normal rate. He walks up to Rainbow Dash, seeing her trying to fly again.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk." He waved a finger at her. "Even with your wings, it is useless if you can't even take off. You know what your problem is? You're too SLOW! Hahahahaha!!!"

Starscream then extends his dagger like claws.

"And now, to gut you. No more games."

But as Starscream prepared to land the finishing blow on the pegasus, His surroundings then suddenly began to speed up, and before he knew it, Rainbow Dash had slammed into him again at full force. The Con is knocked off of his feet and lands on his back, hard.

"GOTCHA!" Rainbow Dash shouted in triumph, yet panting from the exhaustion.

"What?" Starscream stated in disbelief lying on his back.

He then gives a nervous grin to the pony as she stands on his chest.

"Eh, heh.... The Red Energon wore off... didn't it?"

"You're done, Starscream!" Rainbow Dash said as she hovered herself in the air, and then began to slam her hooves into his face.

"No... What are you doing? No... Stop, PLEASE!!!!" Starscream begged as Dash continued to pummel him.

"This...... Is...... For.......... ARCEE!!!" She shouted as she continued to give him a beating.

As Rainbow Dash continued to give Starscream his well deserved punishment, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, and Smokescreen had finally caught up, as they approach the two.

They see their friend, giving the former Decepticon air commander a brutal beatdown.

"Rainbow?" Twilight said in astonishment.

"Whoa!" Smokescreen muttered as he watched the event unfold. "Remind me, to NEVER get on her bad side."

"That's showin' em'!" Applejack cheered her on. "Teach that Con a lesson!"

"Please, Enough! Grant me mercy, I beg you!" Starscream pleaded as Rainbow Dash continued to pound him.

"Rainbow Dash, That's enough!" Twilight shouted to her friend. "He's been beaten. Please, STOP!"

The Alicorn Princess couldn't bear to watch anymore. Even if Starscream was an evil Decepticon, Twilight still couldn't stomach watching someone suffering.

Rainbow Dash, finally noticing her friends watching, realized just how far she had gone. Horrified, she quickly stopped her brutal assault on the downed Seeker.

"You.... You're not going to finish me off?" Starscream asked, in astonishment.

"No..." Ranbow Dash replied.

"As much as I want to see you scrapped for what you did to Cliffjumper, for the anguish Arcee had to suffer through, and for all horrible things you did to Griffon Rock, I won't. I'm not like you, and I refuse to sink to your level. You are nothing but a conniving, cowardly, self-serving, scumbag that doesn't deserve to be given the easy way out. Instead, I'm gonna let you leave, and live with the fact you got your can kicked by a supposed inferior being. Get lost Starscream, and I hope for your sake, we NEVER meet again."

She then quickly flies to the rest of her friends, as Starscream sat on the ground, bewildered, humiliated and angered at what had transpired.

"Hey guys." Rainbow Dash addressed the rest of her friends. "I'm sorry you had to see that side of me."

"It's alright, sugarcube." Applejack said, as she put a hoof on her back. "You're still you, and stopped the madness at the source. Good on you."

"Now lets find that satellite dish, and destroy it. It'll stop the signal that's being broadcasted to the Morbots." Smokescreen said.

Starscream, now back on his feet, stared at the ponies. Angrier than ever, and humiliated, he only knew of one last attempt of saving his pride.

"You insolent little, fleshbag!" He muttered to himself. "I will not, I REFUSE, to be bested, by an organic!"

He then points his right arm mounted missile at the ponies and Smokescreen.

"I will not let this humiliation stand! Get Scrapped! ALL OF YOU!!!"

He fires.

Smokescreen notices this.

"SCRAP! Girls, look out!"

The ponies turn to see a missile flying towards their direction. Soon it impacts and an explosion goes off.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Starscream cackled. " And so it ends! Did you really think, you could possibly defeat the GREAT AND POWERFUL STARSCREAM??!!!"

"You know, you could give Trixie a run for her bits in ego's." Dash's voice said from behind the smoke.

"What? No.... IMPOSSIBLE!" Starscream shouted in disbelief.

The smoke cleared to show that Smokescreen had used the Phase Shifter to protect the Ponies, and himself from the impact of the missile and the flames of the explosion.

"Bad move, Screamer!" Rainbow Dash shouted as she made another rush towards the Decepticon.

"NOOOOOOO!" Starscream shouted in terror.

She slams into him hard. This time, it was enough to knock him off the top of the mountain.

"SCRAAAAAAAAAAP!" Starscream shouted as he fell from the mountain.

Quickly he fumbled around for his ground bridge remote. Nearly dropping it in the process.
He manages to push several keys on it, and a green portal soon opened underneath him. He then falls into it and disappears. The ground bridge then closes.

Rainbow Dash, and the others saw what had happened.

"He..... He got away!" Dash complained.

"Don't worry about it sugarcube. What matters is, we can now stop the attack happening in the town." Applejack said to her friend.

Dash then looks towards the sky, shedding a single tear from her eye.

"I'm sorry, Arcee."

"Are you OK, Rainbow?" Twilight asked in concern, seeing her distraught friend.

"I'll be fine, Egghead." She replied. "Now let's put a stop to this invasion."

As the group began to move towards the lab again, there was a sudden explosion at the top of the building, surprising everyone. The Satellite dish that was controlling the Morbots had been destroyed.

"Huh, What happened?" Twilight asked.

They then see another figure standing next to the now smoking and demolished stub where the satellite once stood. Wheeljack was waving at them. He was also holding a remote detonator in his left hand.

"Ha, should have known." Smokescreen laughed.

"Looks like Bulk was right. That Wheeljack sure is pretty reliable." Applejack complimented the Wrecker.

"Come on, there's still a human scientist that needs rescuing." Twilight instructed, as the group made their way back into the lab.

Griffon Rock Town Center....

As Heatwave, Ratchet, and Chase continued to fight off the Morbots in hand to hand combat, the attackers suddenly deactivated themselves, and went offline. Boulder and Blades were puzzled by this at first.

"What, just happened?" Boulder asked as he pushes one of the Morbots over, as it lifelessly fell to the ground.

"I can only think of one explaination." Ratchet replied as he retracts his blades. "Princess Twilight and her friends did it. They stopped Starscream!"

"Does that mean, it's over?" Kade asked.

"Indeed." Ratchet replied.

"Good work everyone." Chief Burns addressed the others. "Thanks to everyone's efforts, we were able to avoid casualties. All lives have been safeguarded."

They see a military chopper land in the middle of the street, as Agent Fowler exits.

"Custer's Moustache, that was close!" he said as he approached the others.

"I'm glad this is finally over." Graham said to the rest of his family.

"As am I, son." Chief Burns replied.

They then see what appeared to be two cars coming down from the mountain. One was a race car, the other a sports car.

"Huh, where did those come from?" Dani asked in puzzlement.

Ratchet looked on.

"I recognize those two...." The medic said to himself.

As the cars got closer to the group. They come to a halt. From the inside of the race car, Twilight Sparkle, and Doc Greene emerge, and from the sports car, Applejack and a fairly worn out Rainbow Dash exited.

"DOC!" Graham shouted happily. "You're OK!"

"Yes I'm quite fine, thank you." Doc Greene said to the rest of the Burns family.

"Good to see you Doc. I'm sure Frankie would be more than happy to see you safe." Heatwave said to the scientist.

"Frankie, how is she? Is she alright?" Doc Greene asked in concern.

"Francine Greene is unharmed, and safely hidden away back at base. She is expecting your arrival." Chase answered.

"Thank goodness." He then turns his attention to the ponies. "And thank you all for saving me and stopping this madness. Though I am rather intrigued by your abilities."

"Hey, it's no problem." Rainbow Dash said to the scientist. "Just glad we could help."

Just then both Cody and Frankie ran up to the group. Frankie sees her father, and is overjoyed.

"DADDY!" She cried out as she runs up to her father and embraces him. "I was so worried about you."

"Oh, my little angel. I'm alright, everything's going to be just fine. Thanks to these remarkable talking ponies, and the new Autobots I encountered.

"New Autobots?" Cody asked.

Right on cue, Both Smokescreen and Wheeljack quickly transform into their robot modes. This stuns the Burns family, Frankie, and the Rescue Bots. Ratchet and Agent Fowler simply stood silently.

"Noble!" Cody beamed, "Who are you guys?"

"Call me Smokescreen. I'm the newest recruit to Team Prime." He extends his hand to Rescue Bots, as Chase, Boulder, and Blades shake with him. Heatwave however, grumbled to himself.

"Newest Recruit?" Heatwave said, with a hint slight hint of jealousy.

"Something wrong, Heatwave?" Kade asked.

"I don't get it. I've tried to petition for Optimus to have me join his team if there were any openings, and this rookie comes out of nowhere, and takes the spot?" The fire rescue bot complained.

"I do not believe him to be a simple rookie, Heatwave," Chase made a statement, "Please observe his symbol."

Chase points to Smokescreen's Autobot insignia on his shoulder.

"He's, an Elite Guard?" Blades said in astonishment.

"Kinda." Smokescreen answered him. "I never really got a proper graduation. War breaking out an all."

"Still, it's an honor to have you here." Boulder said to him.

Heatwave still grumbled beneath his breath.

"Don't worry Heatwave. I'm sure you'll still get your chance." Blades reassured him.

"And how about you?" Chief Burns addressed the second Bot.

"Name's Wheeljack. I'm not exactly a part of Optimus' little club. I'm kind of a freelancer."

"He's a Wrecker, and an insubordinant." Ratchet grumbled to the others. "His loose cannon mannerisms are insufferable."

"Nice to see you too, Doc." Wheeljack joked at the medic.

"Don't call me Doc."

"What's a Wrecker?" Cody asked.

"Think of them like Black Ops of the Autobots." Agent Fowler replied.

"I see...." Chief Burns said, with a hand on his chin.

"So, these are the Rescue Boys." Wheeljack approached the others. "Didn't think your kind was still around."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Heatwave said, in an annoyed tone.

"Just sayin'. I Thought all Rescue Class Autobots were all wiped out by the Cons during the war." Wheeljack replied.

"Well for your information, we missed the Great War. We were in stasis, and off world during the time." Heatwave shot back at him.

"Calm yourself Heatwave, I am certain that Wheeljack meant no disrespect." Chase said, calming the situation.

"If you guys are done with your male bonding, can we please get back to the task at hand? Like cleaning up this mess? And trying to figure out how to save Optimus and the other Autobots?" Dani interjected.

"Dani's right. Let's get to work, team." Chief Burns ordered.

While the Rescue Bots and the Burns family continued their efforts to calm the masses and assure that the danger had passed, Agent Fowler had to come up with an excuse to Mayor Luskey. To the public, the invasion was due to faulty programming done by Doctor Morocco. They were assured that the Rescue Bots themselves were not faulty, but to prove it, Agent Fowler and Chief Burns took the opportunity to give the Rescue Bots their alibi for being off world. The story was that the Bots are being called back to Washington for inspection, so that another robot rampage would never happen again. All the while, Smokescreen, Ratchet, Wheeljack, and the Ponies stayed away from the pubic.

In the firehouse's basement, the group watched a News report on the recent events, as a middle aged looking reporter in glasses was giving his final words.

"And thus, re-construction begins, as life in Griffon Rock goes on. The Morbot uprising, thwarted, and peace has been restored. We once again, have Chief Burns, his brave family, and our beloved Rescue Bots to thank for another heroic effort. This is Huxley Prescott, signing off."

Kade quickly swiches off the Monitor screen as the Rescue Bots prepared for the next step in their mission.

"Sorry we couldn't give the credit to you, but we have a cover to keep." Dani apologized to the members of Team Prime and the ponies.

"Don't you worry about it, Sugarcube. We ain't out for fame. Well, Maybe not RD here." Applejack joked.

"Shut up, AJ." Rainbow Dash said, as Frankie and Doc Greene removed the bandages from her. The wounds she recieved from Starscream, healed.

"You're quite the quick healer." Doc Greene said to the pegasus.

"It also helped that my new alicorn abilities allowed me to use a healing spell." Twilight said as her horn glowed and her wings began to spread.

"It's hard to believe that mystical energies such as magic truly exist somewhere out in the universe." Doc Greene said to the alicorn princess.

"I believe now is the time, for our departure." Ratchet said to the team, wasting no time. "We must make haste. There's no telling what Megatron may have done to the prisoners."

"Agreed, Ratchet." Heatwave responded. "I've been itching for this for a while now."

"And we're coming with you." Chief Burns said, surprising the ponies, and Team Prime.

"I..... Beg your pardon?" Ratchet was stunned.

"Package Deal, Ratchet. If the Rescue Bots go, we go." Chief Burns said to the medic. "They're more than just our partners. They're family."

"I'm coming too dad, I know what you're about to say, but no way am I staying behind just because you think I'm a kid." Cody also threw in his two cents.

"I know son, which is why I've made you our communications officer."

"Really dad? Thanks!" Cody beamed at his father.

"Before you go," Doc Greene replied, "I want you to take something with you."

Frankie then waves towards the back of the room, as a small orb-like robot hovering in the air flies up to the group.

"This is Dither. My robotic assistant. I've outfitted his optics and audio receptors with powerful cameras and microphones. He'll be your eyes and ears in the sky for your upcoming mission. Please take good care of him." Doc Greene explained.

"Really, you're letting us take Dither?" Cody replied.

"I know you'll be careful with him, Cody." Frankie said. "I wish I could go too, I really want to see the ponies' home."

"Just patch Dither into your computer system, and you'll have full control over him. You'll see what he sees, and hear what he hears." Doc Greene instructed. "Good Luck, Chief, and please, come home safe."

"Thanks, for everything, Doc. You're a true friend." Chief Burns then salutes.

"I can't guarantee your safety, or the safety of your family if you decide on coming Chuck." Agent Fowler warned.

"I understand, Bill. But we're trained for this, and we always put our lives on the line. Be it dangerous rescue missions, or combat." Chief Burns answered him.

"Guess there's no arguing then." Fowler said, as he pulls out his cellphone. He then makes a call.

"Raf, you there, son?" Agent Fowler said into his phone.

"Loud and Clear Agent Fowler." Raf's voice replied. "What happened over there? You guys went radio silent for a while."

"I'll explain when I get back, but as of right now, we need a ground bridge. Lock on to my phone's signal, and you'll find us."

With that, a large green portal then appeared before the group.

"Ground Bridge, deployed, Agent Fowler. See you when you get back." Raf said one last time before he hangs up.

"Well, here goes." Heatwave said, as he and the Rescue Bots enter the ground bridge, followed by their human partners and Dither.

Behind them, Agent Fowler then enters, followed by Ratchet, Smokescreen, and Wheeljack.

"Let's go girls." Twilight instructed, as she, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash also enter. The Ground Bridge Portal then closes.

"Godspeed, my friends." Doc Greene said, as he and Frankie stood silently.

Autobot Base, Outpost Omega One.....

Miko and Pinkie Pie were busy playing Raf's favorite racing video game. Pinkie Pie's car then thrusts forward, and leaves Miko's in the dust.

"That's seven times you beat me!" She complained. "How are you even able to play, without fingers?"

"I don't know, but I just do. This is fun! I should play more of these video games!" Pinkie Pie beamed.

"I don't know how the two of you can be so calm and play games while Optimus and the others are being held prisoner by Megatron." Jack said to the pair.

"Relax, Jack. Everything's gonna be fine. Ratchet went to get help, remember?" Miko reassured him.

"Yeah, so come on.... Smile, Smile, SMILE!!!!" Pinkie beamed at the human teen, only for him to roll his eyes and shrug.

On the other side, Fluttershy hadn't left Bumblebee's side since the others departed for Griffon Rock. She had a worried look on her face, as Raf stood next to her.

"Do you think, he'll be ok? I mean, I know Ratchet said he'll recover, but, I just can't help but worry." The timid pegasus said to the boy.

"Hey, it'll be ok, Bee's too strong be beaten like this." Raf reassured her. "He's been in far worse situations, and always pulled through."


"Yup. Like when he lost his voice box, back during the war. Ratchet told me the story. Megatron interrogated and tortured Bee, but he never gave out any sensitive information. In retaliation, Megatron tore out his voice box and left him for dead. But thanks to Bumblebee's strong will, and a certain field medic, he was able to pull through. We owe Bee's life to that medic." Raf told her the tale.

"Oh, that's horrible. That Megatron is a big bad meanie." Fluttershy replied.

"You don't know the half of it." Raf stated.

"You two doing OK?" June asked as she approached them.

"We're just fine, Nurse Darby, thank you." Fluttershy politely answered.

"If you're hungry, I brought some sandwiches."

Just then there's an incoming transmission. Raf quickly runs up to the computer console. He answers.

"Raf, you there, son?" Agent Fowler's voice said on the speakers.

"Loud and Clear Agent Fowler." Raf replied. "What happened over there? You guys went radio silent for a while."

"I'll explain when I get back, but as of right now, we need a ground bridge. Lock on to my phone's signal, and you'll find us." Fowler answered.

Raf then inputs the coordinates, and activates the ground bridge.

"Ground Bridge, deployed, Agent Fowler. See you when you get back." Raf said as he turns ends the transmission.

He, Miko, Jack, June, Pinkie, and Fluttershy quickly run up to the ground bridge, as the team returns.

The kids were awed by the presence of the four new Autobots as they enter the base.

"So, this is Optimus' base of operations..... Nice." A firefighter like robot said as he looked around.

He and the rest of the Rescue Bots quickly notice the three human children and a nurse standing in front of them.

The bots quickly activate their visors and begin to act like programmed machines.

"What are they doing?" Raf asked in confusion.

"Ohh, are they playing a game?" Miko shouted.

"I don't think that's the case, Miko." Jack replied.

They then see another group of humans enter the base as well, followed by Agent Fowler, and the rest of the Team Prime Autobots. Finally Twilight Sparkle, and her team of Ponies also step through as the portal closes.

"At ease." Ratchet said to the Rescue Bots. "This is Jack Darby, his mother June, and their friends, Miko, and Rafael. They know everything about us."

The Rescue Bots sigh in relief and act normal again.

"More humans know about the Bots?" Cody asked. He then sees Bumblebee, in sickbay.

"Bumblebee!" he called out and quickly ran over to the downed Autobot in the sickbay chamber.

"You, know Bumblebee?" Raf asked the boy.

"Yeah, he came to Griffon Rock a few times. We became friends. I'm Cody, what's your name?"

"Call me Raf. And yeah, Bee's one of my best friends too."

"Bumblebee!" Blades also ran over to the injured scout. "Oh no, what happened?"

"It was horrible." Fluttershy responded. "A very mean red Decepticon threw him off a cliff."

Cody and Blades were rather surprised to find another pony.

"Knockout..." Raf muttered, "I should have known...."

"Hello, I'm Blades, you must be Raf." The helicopter Bot waved at the boy.

"Nice to meet you, Blades."

Fluttershy then sees Cody, and smiles at him.

"Oh my goodness. Another Human child, and you're just as precious. The youth of your kind are truly adorable." Fluttershy happily squealed.

"Um, thanks?" Cody dumbfounded, replied.

"This is Fluttershy, as you can tell, she's pretty nice." Raf introduced her. "She also became Bumblebee's friend when he was stranded on her world. She can even understand his unique language."

"Hey, so can I." Cody replied.

"Really? That's pretty cool." Raf said back to the other boy.

The two human children very quickly got along, As Blades simply stood next to them and Fluttershy and smiled.

Fluttershy was slightly shying away from the new Autobot, as he in turn seemed nervous around her.

"It's ok, Blades." Cody reassured him. "Sorry, Blades is a bit shy."

"Really, well, so am I." Fluttershy replied.

"I think the two of you will get along just fine." Raf stated.

"TWILIGHT, APPLEJACK, DASHIE! You're back!!!!" Pinkie Pie rushed up and gave them all a crushing bear hug.

"Pinkie..... we, can't breathe." Twilight gasped as the pink party pony released her grip.

"Sorry." She apologized.

"What happened over there?" Miko asked. "It took you longer than expected to get back. Not to mention Wheeljack and Smokescreen went over too."

"Things, got a bit complicated, sugarcube." Applejack answered her.

"Was there a battle?" Miko asked with a cocked brow. The ponies darted their eyes back and fourth.

"I KNEW IT!!!" Miko shouted. "There was an epic battle, and I missed it!"

"Battle?" Jack asked in concern. "What happened? I thought Griffon Rock was peaceful."

"Starscream happened." Smokescreen answered the teens. "But you should have seen it, Rainbow Dash here kicked his tailpipe all they way back to the Pit."

"Starscream, should have known." Jack muttered.

"And Rainbow Dash beat him up?" Miko asked in astonishment. "Man I wished I got that on video."

"Who's Starscream?" Fluttershy asked.

"A rogue Decepticon, still here on Earth." Raf answered her.

"Really Dashie, you beat up a Decepticon? This calls for a PARTY!!!" Pinkie Pie beamed at her friend while blowing on a streamer.

"Of course, cause I'm TOTALLY AWESOME!" Rainbow Dash boasted, as she zipped in the air in flew in a figure-eight motion.

After another round of introductions were given by both parties, it was time for business. Miko couldn't help but ask if Boulder was Bulkhead's long lost brother, which confused the construction Bot. The two had never met before.

"Well, now that we're all up to speed, you know the mission ahead of you." Ratchet said to the Rescue Bots and the Burns Family. "You will all require proper equipment. Remember, not only is this a rescue mission, but you will also be going into combat. The Decepticons are far more dangerous and deadly than the Morbots, and therefore, you will need to be armed. Please, follow me."

Ratchet leads everyone and everypony to the hangers in the back of the base.

As he walks down the hallway, they can see multiple hanger doors. Ratchet then opens one of them, and goes inside. He later comes back out with an object in his hand. He then walks up to Chase, and hands him a rod like item.

"This, is the Immobilizer. It has the ability to put any Cybertronian into an instant, and permanent stasis lock. Use it wisely."

"I see. I will not let you down, and utilize this weapon to our advantage." Chase saluted.

They follow Ratchet to another hanger. He again enters, and reemerges with yet another item, and gives it to Blades.

"The Polarity Gauntlet. This weapon can generate powerful magnetic fields. You can use it to repel any Decepticon that ventures too close to you."

"Thank you Ratchet. I'm sure this will come in handy." Blades replied.

Another door, Another Relic.

Ratchet hands Boulder another powerful item.

"And this, is the Apex Armor. It will encase your body in a suit of armor that is virtually indestructable, and amplify your strength by ten-fold."

"I'm sure I'll find this to be very useful Ratchet. Thank you." Boulder answered.

And finally Ratchet returns with the final Iacon Relic.

"Since Optimus chose you to lead your team, To you Heatwave, I entrust the most powerful, and dangerous Relic of them all." He hands the Rescue Bot an object. "The Spark Extractor"

Heatwave holds the relic in his hands, feeling very uneasy about it.

"I'm honored you would entrust this to me, but, I don't feel comfortable using this thing. I'm a Rescue Bot, my goal is to save lives. This device's sole purpose is to take it away." Heatwave objected.

"I understand your grievances, but this is our most desperate hour." Ratchet said in a rather dark tone.

"Alright, I'll hang onto it, but only use it as a LAST resort." Heatwave answered, still uneasy.

"Now that you are all properly equipped, it is time, for us to make our journey, to Princess Twilight's home planet." Ratchet said as everyone followed him.

But as they walk down the corridor, Blades notices something inside one of the hangers, it makes him jump backwards.

"YIKES!" He shouted.

"Blade, you ok? What's wrong?" Dani called out in concern to her partner.

"There...... There's somebody in that hanger!" Blades replied, shivering.

"Huh?" Rainbow Dash asked, as she and Fluttershy both flew up to the window of the hanger, curious to see the contents.
They see what appears to be a Cybertronian female, trapped in a pod of sorts.

"Whoa, who's that?" Rainbow Dash asked, as Fluttershy quickly landed, and began to whimper in fear.

"Someone you don't want to mess with. Trust me." Jack answered her.

"That, is Airachnid." Ratchet explained. "Another dangerous rogue Decepticon. Fortunately, she has been detained, and locked away safely in stasis."

Now that the Rescue Bots have been properly equipped with a relic, it was time to depart for Equestria.

Fluttershy however, sadly walked over to Bumblebee, who was still resting in sickbay. Seeing how he was still in stasis, it was certain that he would not be joining in on the mission. This was perhaps the last time she would lay eyes upon him, and for him to be unconcious, in what appears to be her final goodbye to the scout, broke the pony's heart.

"Bumblebee, if I don't see you again, and if you can hear me, then I just want to let you know, that You're one of the best friends I ever had. I'm going to miss you so much." She cried, as tears were streaming down her face. "Please be well, and take care of your self. You don't need to worry about me. The others will see to it that we stay safe."

Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and even Rainbow Dash couldn't help but feel their hearts drop too, as they all shed light tears. The rest of the Autobots, and humans also sympathized with her. Especially Raf.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he heard you." Raf said to the pegasus as she hugged the boy tightly. "And no matter what happens, the two of you will always be friends."

"Fluttershy, I'm so sorry." Twilight tried to comfort her friend. "I know this isn't the proper goodbye you wanted to give him, but we still have our world to save. As long you keep him close to your heart, you'll never truly be apart from him."

"Thank you, all of you." Fluttershy gently sobbed, "You're right. I have to be strong, for Princess Celestia, and all of Equestria."

Fluttershy then regains her bearings, gives a final loving nuzzle to the face of the injured Autobot, and rejoins her friends.

"I'll never forget you, Bumblebee....."

As the Bots, Ponies, and Humans gather around the main part of the base, Twilight Sparkle pulled out the spell book, and began to chant in the ancient Equestrian language once more. As she continued her chant, swirls of energy began to envelop her horn, and it shoots out a beam. The beam again seems to rip open the very fabric of space time, and a portal appears.

"Whoa, this is incredible." Graham stated as he watched. "I don't think any science can explain this."

But like before, Twilight was only barely able to hold it open. The strain of sustaining the portal forced her wings to begin flapping around.

"I don't know how long I can keep this up. This requires a lot of energy." Twilight shouted.

"Don't worry, I got you covered." Smokescreen said, as he places an Energon Cube next to her.

"Smokescreen, what are you doing?" Ratchet asked in confusion.

"Energon amplifies her abilities. Sorry, should have mentioned that sooner." Smokescreen explained.

"Yes, that information would have proven to be most valuable had you mentioned it earlier." Ratchet grumbled in annoyance.

"Thank you, Smokescreen. This is just the boost I needed." Twilight thanked, as she tapped into the Energon next to her, and intensified her magic. The portal now stabilized.

"You did it Twilight!" Pinkie Pie beamed. "Time to go home!"

"And don't think you're going alone. We're coming too." Jack said, as Miko and Raf nodded in agreement.

"Civilians?" Chief Burns questioned.

"I understand your concern Chief Burns, but These three have proved their mettle many times. Without them, we would have faced defeat a long time ago." Ratchet explained.

"I'm still not keen on this." Chief Burns replied.

"Ratchet's right. I can vouch for them as well. I originally felt the same way you did. But these kids are true heroes. Trust me on this one." Agent Fowler added.

"Alright, but I'm still not sure about this..."

"Jack, you will not be going to another planet again." June sternly said.

"What? But Mom... Arcee Needs me. I can't just wait here and do nothing."

"Jack let me finish. What I meant to say is, you're not leaving Planet Earth, at least, not without me!"

This statement took Jack by surprise.


"Why should you have all the fun? It's time I had an adventure myself. After all, I was young once too, you know." June joked at her son.

"Wow, so Helicopter Mom can be cool once in a while." Miko whispered to Raf, and Applejack.

"I heard that, Miko." June replied.

As the group began to walk towards the portal, they suddenly hear another set of footsteps behind them. Everyone turns around, to see that Bumblebee was back on his feet.

"BUMBLEBEE!" Raf, Cody, Fluttershy, and Blades shouted in unison, as the rushed up to the Autobot scout.

Raf, and Cody hugged each of his legs, while Fluttershy flew up to his shoulder and embraced the side of his face. Even Blades ran up and threw his arms around the Scout.

"I... I thought you were too hurt to come, and that I would never see you wake up...... Oh, what does it matter, I'm so happy you're finally awake." Fluttershy happily smiled at her once injured friend, as tears of joy filled her eyes.

"And it looks like you're ready to join us. I can't wait to fight by your side!" Blades added.

"This is great, he's back in action!" Cody happily stated.

Bumblebee buzzed and beeped at his friends.

"I know Bee, we were all worried about you. But I knew you would pull through." Raf replied to the Scout.

However, Ratchet stepped forwards towards them.

"Bumblebee! What in the Allspark do you think you're doing?" Ratchet demanded.

Bumblebee gave his usual whir of bleeps and blips.

"Absolutely NOT! You're still recovering from surgery." Ratchet objected.

Bumblebee replied in his robotic voice again, only for Ratchet to cut him off.

"EEEEAAAAAAP, EEEEAAP, EEAAAP! You need to rest and recover. Let us finish this mission."

"Ratchet, If Bee wants to come, I say let him." Raf said.

"You are not his doctor, I am!" Ratchet replied to the boy.

"I think he should come as well." Fluttershy added.

"Same here." Blades also chimed in.

"With all due respect, Ratchet. I heard what you said earlier. All able body Autobot are required for this mission. I know Bumblebee has just recovered from his injuries, but if he wants to help, I say allow him to do so." Twilight made her voice known.

Ratchet then gave a sigh and relented.

"Fine, you are clear for duty, as says your doctor." Ratchet said in a defeated tone. "There's just no arguing with you."

Bumblebee gives another round of electronic buzzes, and nods at the assembled group. He then turns his attention to Fluttershy. The Autobot speaks to her in his synthesized language.

"You.... heard everything I said?" she asked, her cheeks now beet red.

Bumblebee nodded, and then addresses her again with another round of buzzes and blips.

"You don't have to say anything, I love you too." she replied.

She then flies up and embraces the Autobot scout, with Raf happily watching.

"Yes, yes.... Let's not delay our departure any further. I'm not certain of how long Princess Twilight can keep the portal open." Ratchet interrupted.

Fluttershy then flies up to Ratchet and smiles at him.

"Is there something wrong, Fluttershy?" The medic asks her.

"Raf told me the story of how Bumblebee lost his voice, and how a brave medic saved his life. That medic was you, wasn't it?"

"Well, I... uhhh.." He stammered.

"Thank You Ratchet." Fluttershy said, as she gently kisses his metal cheek.

"Ahem... Well then.... We should get going." Ratchet replied nevously as he scratches the back of his head.

"This is it people, ponies, and bots." Agent Fowler addressed everyone. "Let's hustle on through."

With that, they approach the portal.

Twilight knew that this was it, the point of no return. Her quest to planet Earth to recruit assistance was successful, and she made several new friends in doing so as well. As she and the others prepared to enter the portal, she felt even more determined than ever to save Princess Celestia, To save Optimus, and ultimately end the evil that plagued Equestria.

All of the Team Prime Autobots were the first to enter, followed by their human companions. Next were the Rescue Bots and the Burns Family. Finally the Mane 6 themselves. Twilight was the last to enter. The portal then closes, leaving behind an empty base.

The counter offensive to liberate Equestria, has begun.

Back at the Harbinger, Starscream had returned to lick his wounds.

"Blast that Island. Griffon Rock, Bah. It was a complete waste of time and Energon." Starscream complained as he limped back towards the main computer console. "I hope to never set foot upon that Primus forsaken rock ever again, or encounter those accursed Rescue Bots..... OR that blasted Pony!!!!"

He then looks at his meager findings.

"At least I still have you." He said as he looked at the rest of the Red Energon. "I now know you work, and I must utilize you to my advantage, If I am ever to have hopes of overthrowing Megatron, and take my rightful place as leader of the Decepticons."

He then sits down, and begins to scheme for his next plan to take down Megatron.

Author's Note:

And there you have it. This ends the Starscream side story. We can now resume with our regularly scheduled fanfic.

Sorry it took so long to do. I barely had any time these days. Thankfully now, I can finally get back on track and continue on with the actual plot. This chapter was longer than usual mainly because of how I wanted this side story to end. Again if it feels lackluster, I apologize.