• Published 7th Feb 2013
  • 29,736 Views, 719 Comments

Transformers Prime: Friendship is Magic (A Hub Crossover Special) - thelastprime

A magical accident opens a portal to another planet, and brings fourth an adventure with the heroes of two worlds. (It could happen, Only on The Hub!)

  • ...

Chapter 22

High in the skies of Equestria, above Canterlot and the rest of the carnage happening below, The Jackhammer soared.
Wheeljack, at the helm was piloting his ship towards the Nemesis, getting ready to do what he had to, in order to rescue Rarity, and keep his promise to Sweetie Belle. But as he continued to fly his ship, he heard something clanging in the back. As if like something had moved on it's own.
The Autobot Wrecker immediately turned around with his right hand blaster armed and pointed at the source of the sound. Instead, he was greeted by three familiar fillies, and a young dragon. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom were each wearing a matching cape.

"What the slag?" Wheeljack asked in confusion, "What are you kids doing here?"

The Autobot quickly disarms, and changes his blaster back into his hand.

"You know why we're here, Uncle Jackie." Sweetie Belle answered him, "It's my fault Rarity got captured, and I'm gonna do what ever it takes to save her."

"And we're here to help!" Scootaloo added, "Sweetie Belle and Rarity are our friends. We never leave a friend behind who needs us."

"The Cutie Mark Crusaders are a team!" Apple Bloom chimed in. "All fer one, and one fer all!"

Wheeljack simply looked at them. He then shakes his head, and turns back to the controls of his ship.

"I'm taking you kids back..." He said to the Crusaders and Spike.

"What? No, please! We need to do this. I need to do this!" Sweetie Belle pleaded.

"Sorry Belle, too dangerous." Wheeljack replied as he began to turn the ship around.

"Please!" Sweetie Belle pleaded to the Autobot, "My sister needs me. I know we make each other mad at times, but I LOVE her! I'd be lost without her....."

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Spike simply looked at her with sympathetic eyes.

"Come on, Wheeljack!" Apple Bloom called out to him, "I heard the stories Bulkhead told me. That the Wreckers never left any of their teammates behind. That you were all like brothers."

"Yeah," Scootaloo added, "And that you guys were like family."

"And when you're family, you never give up on each other. We're coming with you, Uncle Jackie" Sweetie Belle said in defiance.

"You really want this don't you...." Wheeljack replied to the fillies.

"More than anything!" Sweetie Belle answered.

"Alright then, I'll hear you out. And it better be good." The Autobot stated.

The three fillies then did something Wheeljack never expected..... and gave their reason, in song.

Wheeljack simply gave a look of slight confusion at first, but then relents and smiles at them.

"Kind of a weird way to make your point, but I guess that works too." He replied.

"So, does that mean...." Sweetie Belle said with smile.

"Yeah, you convinced me kiddo." He answered her, "You kids were right about one thing, Wreckers never leave our own behind. So neither should you."

"YAAAAAAY!" The Crusaders cheered in unison.

"And it looks like you kids brought battle attire too." He remarked, looking at their capes.

"These are our official Cutie Mark Crusaders membership capes." Scootaloo explained, "Made by Rarity herself."

The Autobot was simply amused, and impressed by their determination and spirit. They reminded him of how Miko can get. He then turns his attention to Spike.

"And what about you lizard boy?" he asked, "What's your deal in this?"

Spike's cheeks flustered red.

"Umm... I have my reasons...."

"Do you now." Wheeljack replied.

"Yeah, I do, but, I don't wanna talk about it...." Spike said nervously.

It didn't take Wheeljack long to figure out why he wanted to come along too.

"Heh," he chuckled, "Say no more.....Romeo."

Spike's face was now completely beet red.

"I....I don't know what you're talking about!!!!" he shouted at the Autobot.

"You couldn't be more obvious, Spike." Scootaloo teased him. "Everypony knows about your little crush on Rarity."

"They, Do???" Spike asked in mortification.

"It's ok, Spike." Sweetie Belle said as she gave him a hug, "I don't blame you, my sister's pretty."

"She sure is...." Spike said in a lovey dovey daze.

"Alright, enough of this mushy stuff. It's time we crushed some Cons." Wheeljack stated to everyone.

He then flips a number of levers and switches on the dashboard, and suddenly the interior of the Jackhammer began to glow green.

"What's happening Uncle Jackie?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I've activated the ship's cloaking device. The Cons won't see us coming." Wheeljack explained. "Problem is, it'll only last for thirty minutes. So we don't have a lot of time. We need to get in, find your Sis, and get out. Though I wouldn't mind dropping a few grenades on them while I'm at it."

Soon the Nemesis comes into visual range as the Crusaders, Wheeljack, and Spike look upon the giant ship.

"Whoa, that thing sure is BIG!" Apple Bloom said her eyes widen.

"I don't know if we'll find her in thirty minutes." Spike complained.

"Trust me kid, that's all I need." Wheeljack reassured him. "I've been in worse missions than this."

The Jackhammer, still cloaked, then flies up to the Nemesis. The radar system and sensors did not detect the Autobot ship. The cloak had paid off. Soon the Jackhammer lands on the hull.

Wheeljack then hits a number of buttons in order, and the hatch opens.

"Come on, here's where the fun begins." the Wrecker says with enthusiasm as he and the kids make their way out of the Jackhammer, and towards one of the Nemesis' open hatches that leads to the interior of the ship.

Rarity began to groggily wake up.

"Where.... Where am I?" She asked as she began to view her surroundings.

She noticed that she was in a dark room, the walls and floor were made of metal, and that she herself was strapped down on a flat surface. She began to struggle, but could not break her bonds.

"Hello? Anypony there? Let me go! Release me this instant!" She demanded.

"Wakey Wakey little pony." A male voice said from behind her, as a large red robot came into view.

"Well now, it looks like you've finished your little nap." the robot said in a snide manner, "I hope it was pleasant."

"Who are you?" Rarity asked as she was now face to face with the Decepticon.

"You may call me Knockout." He answered, "And let me be the first to welcome you to my lab, Miss Rarity was it?"

"Well, at least you seem well mannered," Rarity replied, "Now if you will please, release these bonds so that I can go home."

"My apologies my dear Rarity, but Lord Megatron has some rather interesting plans for you." Knockout said. "You see, I've been tasked with researching of what makes you unicorns tick magically. And when Lord Megatron gives an order, it must be followed through. Or it'll be my head....." Knockout then nervously puts his hand on his throat and gulps hard. He then turns his hand into a buzzsaw.

"No, please, let me go. How about I simply tell you how our magic works." Rarity attempted to bargain, "there's no need for such, directness...." she then began to fidget in her restraints. "Please DON'T! I just fixed my mane too!"

Knockout then eyes her a bit.

"Well I must admit, you do seem to keep yourself in pristine shape. I actually quite admire how you've kept yourself pleasing to the optics." he complimented her. "But, I have my orders."

He then spins up the buzzsaw.

"No, please... NOOO!!!" Rarity screamed as he began to lower the saw towards her.

But then, Knockout spots something on his arm.

"A scratch??!!" He shouted in horror as he immediately turned his saw back into his hand. Knockout then quickly grabbed his rotary buffer and began to fix himself.

"Looks like that scuffle I had with Bumblebee really messed with my paint job." he muttered as he continued to buff his arm. he then sees other parts of his armor with scratches and dents.

"Spotting and fixing these details was so much easier when Breakdown was still around." He muttered.

Rarity, seeing how he reacted to his outward appearance, realized how vain he was.

"Hmm..." She thought to herself.

"Excuse me my dear fellow, but did you say your name was Knockout?" She asked the Con.

"Yes?" He replied.

"Well, I must say that the name suits you quite well. For you truly are indeed quite the KNOCK OUT!" She complemented him.

"Why.....Thank you!" Knockout replied, genuinely grateful for the complement.

"And might I say, your red paint job truly fits your design. Simply marvelous. You do look quite majestic. It screams of style, and POWER!" she continued to feed him compliments about his appearance.

"Well, I do keep myself rather appealing optically. And I must say, you are quite a lovely specimen yourself." He returned the gesture.

"Why you do know how to flatter a girl." Rarity said in a flirtatious manner.

"Just keep him talking." She thought to herself. "I need to keep him distracted long enough to find a way to escape...."

As Wheeljack, the Crusaders, and Spike began to sneak around the large corridors of the Decepticon Ship, The Autobot kept his guard up the whole time as Spike trailed behind him closely.
The Crusaders however in a moment of excitement began to sing..... Very Loudly....

"Can you girls keep it down?!" Wheeljack scolded them, "Are you trying to get us.."

Suddenly a number of Vehicons rushed to the area, and had their blasters drawn at the group.

"Caught.....Scrap." He muttered.

"Oops..." Sweetie Belle muttered. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo also had guilty looks on their faces.

Spike simply facepalmed.

"Hands up, Autobot scum!" One of the Vehicons ordered as he charged his blaster arm.

"Eh, All this sneaking around wasn't my style anyway." Wheeljack said as he draws both his swords. "Take cover kids!"

He then rushes forward as the Vehicons began to fire. Wheeljack jumps and dodges to avoid the shots, and even deflects some of the blasts with his blades. He rushes up and decapitates the lead Vehicon. The others began to rush the Autobot, only for him to jump and do a somersault in the air, and positioning his swords in an X shape, slices another Decepticon in half.
Spike and the Crusaders simply ran from the fight in an attempt to find a hiding place as Wheeljack continued to fight off the Vehicons. Spike sees what looks like an open hatch, and runs towards it. He then slips inside. To his horror however, it wasn't just a normal hatch. It was a chute.

"YIKES!!" He shouted as he began to slide down the chute. "This wasn't such a good idea!" He screamed as he continued to slide down to parts unknown.

"Come on!" Scootaloo shouted to the rest of the girls as they climb into an open vent.

"What about Wheeljack?" Apple Bloom asked in concern.

"It looks like he's got this." Sweetie Belle answered as they watch Wheeljack take down more Vehicons.

The Autobot had jumped in the air and delivered a spinning roundhouse that knocked down three, and unleashed a flurry of blaster shots, gunning down another four.

Suddenly, three Insecticons doing their war shriek began running towards the Wrecker.

"Oh no, not those bugs again!" Apple Bloom shouted.

She and the other Crusaders began to climb further into the vent to avoid being seen by the Insecticons as Wheeljack engaged them.

But as they continued to crawl, the vent suddenly dips down, causing the three to start sliding out of control.

"AAAAAAHHHHH!!!" The three of them screamed as they contined to slide downward.

Eventually, they fall into a large room filled with glowing Energon cubes.

"Where are we?" Apple Bloom asked, rubbing her aching side.

"I don't know. But we should find Uncle Jackie and Spike." Sweetie Belle replied.

Then something catches Scootaloo's attention.

"Hey girls, what's that?" She asked, pointing a hoof at a large object that looks like a vehicle.

"Hmm. I don't know, but it looks kinda like a train, with a drill attached to it." Sweetie Belle answered.

"Why would anypony want to have a drill on a train?" Apple Bloom asked.

"You know what? I think we can use this thing." Scootaloo pointed out.

"Hmm, I think you're onto something." Sweetie Belle added, as the three fillies begin to climb onto the Energon Driller.

"And then, he scratched my paint. All because I decided to go racing with some of the humans." Knockout complained "Can you BELIEVE that Starscream? You have NO idea how hard it was to remove those marks from my finish."

"Oh you poor thing." Rarity replied, "It must have been very difficult, but look at you now. You have a brand new wonderful paint job. And it looks absolutely fabulous!"

"Well, My old partner, Breakdown did help me in buffing out the quirks." Knockout said while scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

"And might I add, there is definitely room for improvement as well?" Rarity also added.

"You think so?" He replied.

"Why yes, perhaps some gold trim, or even flame strips on your doors. It would be the PERFECT combination of colors. Simply ravishing!" The unicorn explained. "I know a thing about fashion. It is after all, my profession."

"I think you're on to something!" Knockout agreed. "Maybe a new color scheme on my chassis is just what the doctor ordered."

"And I think some black and gold on your rims would make you the envy of all other Decepticons!" Rarity stated.

"I'll consider it." Knockout replied, "But I'm afraid that our little chat must end. I have an assignment after all."

"What? So soon?" Rarity asked in disappointment.

"As much as I enjoyed our talk, It's time for me to deliver the goods to Lord Megatron." He then looks at Rarity. "And I also know you were stalling for time." His voice took a much darker tone. "Try as you might, you can't con a Con!"

"But... We were making such progress!" She shouted, knowing that Knockout had caught on with her scheme of distracting him.

"Believe me, I did enjoy our time together, I truly did. And I'm also taking to spark all the advice you gave me. But now, It's down to business."

He then turns his right hand into his buzzsaw again, and it spins up.

"What? No! Please don't!" She pleaded as Knockout began to lower the saw closer, and closer to her.

Just as it seemed that he was about to make contact, he stops. Knockout then transforms his hand back.

"Made you squirm!" he taunted.

Rarity then opens her eyes, and glares at the Decepticon.

"That WASN'T Funny!!!" She scolded him.

"I simply can't just use a circular saw on you. It'd be too messy. I'd rather have your innards intact while I examine them. Not to mention the mess I'd have to clean up afterwards. UUUGGGHHH!" He shuttered.

He then picks up a scalpel from his tray.

"This, is far more precise, and less gorey." He explained.

Knockout then lowers the blade towards Rarity's chest.

"Now, this might tingle."

"No, please.... NOOOOO!!!!"

But suddenly, there was a sound of a loud thud hitting the ground. From the chute on the side of the room, Spike had fallen into the lab, catching both Rarity's and Knockout's attention.

"What in the Allspark?" Knockout asked in puzzlement as he turned around.

They both see a small bipedal reptilian creature stand up and dust himself off.

Spike then looks up to see Rarity strapped to an operating table.

"RARITY!" He called to her.

"Spikey Wikey!" she replied back. "Run, you're in danger!"

"Well well, what do we have here?" Knockout smirked as he approached the dragon. "A new specimen for my experiments no doubt."

As terrified as he was, Spike mustered what ever courage he had, and faced the Decepticon.

"L...Let her go.... Or else...." he threatened, shaking in his scales.

"Or else what?" Knockout asked in an amused tone.

"Or else.... You face a ferocious fire breathing Dragon!!!" He shouted as he did his best to bare his claws at his assailant.

Knockout only burst out in laughter.

"You, a tiny little organic? Against a Decepticon? How preciously amusing!" Knockout laughed. "Now be a good little lizard, and come here. I think I'll dissect you here and now!"

Knockout then grabs Spike and picks him up.

"NO, SPIKE! Let him go you fiend!" Rarity shouted.

"Wait your turn, Miss Rarity...." Knockout taunted as he held Spike at optic level.

"Well, I'm not exactly sure what you are, but you resemble an organic Predacon. Interesting."

"Yeah, well, maybe you'll find THIS interesting as well!" Spike yelled in defiance as he breathes a stream of green fire into Knockout's optics.

"GYYAAAAAHHH!" Knockout shouted in pain, "MY OPTICS! I CAN'T SEE!!!"

He then drops Spike as the little dragon makes a run for it.

Knockout then regains his composure, and slowly his eyesight as well.

"Well, isn't that just grand." he muttered, as he looked around to find Spike. "Did I say grand? I meant TOTALLY RUDE!!!"

Knockout then continued to scour the area to find the baby dragon.

"Oh are we playing a game then? Well, I'd be more than happy to show you the Decepticon version.... HIDE AND GO SHRIEK!"

Spike quickly slipped underneath one of the tables in Knockout's lab trying his best to reach Rarity without the Decepticon noticing.
He could see Knockout bending down and looking in every nook and cranny of the room.
Spike did his best to keep out of site, as the Decepticon continued to search for his prey.

"Well, games are only fun to play.... When you're winning." the Decepticon said in a sassy tone, as he pulls out an infrared scanner.

Due to dragons being able to breathe fire, he spots a little heat signature underneath his operating table.

"I think I'm warm!" Knockout gloated as he reaches underneath.

"Yikes!" Spike shouted as Knockout's giant hand makes a grab for him.

"A-Ha, There you are!"

Spike quickly dives out of the way to avoid being grabbed.

"Slippery aren't you...." Knockout complained.

Spike then climbs onto one of the computer consoles as Knockout continued to try to grab him. During the commotion, the little dragon had unwittingly began to step on a number of buttons on the console while trying to avoid the Decepticon. One of the buttons manages to release Rarity's bonds.

Knockout makes another attempt to grab Spike, and this time, he was successful.


"Let me go!" Spike shouted.

Knockout then turns his free hand into a buzzsaw again and it begins to spin up. It begins to inch closer and closer to Spike's neck.

"Heads, you lose!" Knockout gloated.

Suddenly, one of Knockout's operating tools hits him in the back of his head.

"What?" he turned around to see that Rarity was now freed, and levitating a number of objects around her using her horn.

"Well I'm normally against fisticuffs as I find it to be quite barbaric. But if you harm a single scale on my Spikey Wikey..... I'LL TEAR YOU TO PIECES!" Rarity threatened as she began to advance towards the Decepticon medic.

"A dainty little rose like you? Don't make me laugh!" Knockout scoffed as he approached Rarity.

"Don't say I didn't warn you...." Rarity hissed as she suddenly jumped up at the Decepticon, catching him off guard.

She delivers a flying kick to his head, knocking him back several steps and causing him to drop Spike.
Rarity uses her magic to catch the dragon and safely levitate him down to ground level.
She then immediately embraces him.

"Oh Spike. I'm so glad you're alright." Rarity cooed as she held him tightly.

He returns the embrace, blushing hard.

"I was worried about you. So I came here to save you. But you ended up saving me instead... Some rescuer I turned out to be..."

"Now Spike, give yourself some credit. Your heart was in the right place, and you risked your life just for me. For that I will always be grateful." She then kisses him on his cheek.

Spike goes into a daze, just as Knockout recovers.

"Well, looks like this rose has thorns after all." He grumbled as he approached the unicorn and dragon.

Rarity and Spike quickly took defensive stances, but realized they were trapped in the room with no way out.

"Now you're both mine!" Knockout gloated.

Then suddenly they hear what sounded like a loud whirring noise coming from the other side of the wall.

"NOW WHAT??" Knockout shouted.

As if to answer him, the wall burst open, as an Energon Driller makes it's way in.

"Apple Bloom!" Scootaloo shouted, "I thought you said you knew how to drive this thing!"

"I thought I knew how to drive it too!" The young earth pony answered back as the three Crusaders screamed in terror as the Driller went out of control.

"Apple Bloom? Scootaloo, SWEETIE BELLE??!!" Rarity said in astonishment.

"We're gonna crash!" Sweetie Belle shouted in terror as the Energon Driller began to head in Knockout's direction.

"No, Not the finish..... NOOOOOOO!!!!!" he shouted as the Energon Driller runs him over.

Just as that was happening, There was also sounds of blaster fire coming from the other side of the door.
The main door then explodes open as a dead Insecticon is thrown into the room. Following it in, was Wheeljack.

"RARITY!" Sweetie Belle shouted as the Driller finally came to a stop. The three fillies jump down from the vehicle and quickly run up to the unicorn. Sweetie Belle then gives her sister the biggest hug she can muster. Rarity also returns the embrace.

"You're OK! Thank Celestia! I was so worried about you." the filly said to her sister.

"Oh Sweetie Belle, you came all this way to save me. Though I'm a bit disappointed that you would put yourself in danger, I can't help but to be proud of you at the same time. I can't ask for a better little sister than you."

"Well, looks like you kids took care of things for me. Not bad, not bad at all." Wheeljack said as he walked up to them, giving Rarity another big surprise.

"Wheeljack!...... you're YOU'RE ALIVE!!!" Rarity shouted.

"What can I say, It'll take more than a measly little grenade to keep a good Wrecker down." He replied.

"I thought you had perished. You have no idea how happy I am to see you!" She shouted as she ran up and hugged his leg.

"I'm so sorry!" she sobbed, "I take back every horrible thing I ever said about you. Especially after you came all this way to rescue me. Can you ever forgive me?"

"Pish Posh," Wheeljack replied "Think nothing of it. I'm used to being badmouthed. Comes with the territory of being a Wrecker. Now how about we blow this joint."

"I'm just glad you're alive and well. And thank you. I never thought you'd come back for me after the way I treated you." She said to the Bot.

"We're on the same team Rares. Always will be. Now let's go." he replied as they began to make their exit.

Suddenly Knockout crawls out from under the driller. His paint job completely ruined. Scratches and dents covered his entire body.

"Just look at what you blasted little flesh bags did to me!" He shouted angrily.

He then hits a big red button on the side of the wall. The alarms then go off.

"Now the entire warship knows you're here! Good luck trying to escape!" Knockout gloated.

"Hey Doc Knock," Wheeljack said to him, "Have a blast!" He then throws a grenade at him.

"SCRAP!" Knockout shouts as he takes cover.

There is a large explosion as Wheeljack transforms.

"Everyone inside, NOW!" He ordered as the Crusaders, Rarity, and Spike enter him.

Wheeljack floors it at top speed as multiple Car Vehicons began to chase him, and shoot at him.

Wheeljack weaves back and fourth to avoid the shots.

"They're gaining on us!" Scootaloo shouts as the others take cover in his back seat.

"Not for long." Wheeljack replied as he spills oil from his rear section.

The Car Vehicons then slip and slide around out of control and crash into each other.

"SLICK!" Spike complimented.

As Wheeljack continues to drive, they finally reach the topside of the ship, and began to make their way to the Jackhammer.
The others exit him as Wheeljack transforms back into robot mode. They quickly board the Jackhammer and take off.

"We did it!" Sweetie Belle cheered. "We're home free!"

"Don't celebrate just yet." Wheeljack warned, as he detects a number of blips on his radar. "We're being followed."

Just then a laser blast hits the Jackhammer causing it to shake violently.

The ponies and Spike scream in terror as Wheeljack attempts to stabilize the ship.

"Scrap." He muttered as he sees who was tailing them. It was a squadron of Seekers.

"Not good." Wheeljack said as the others look at him.

"Why? What ever is the matter?" Rarity asked in concern.

"These aren't your normal run of the mill Decepticon Fliers. It's Megatron's Seeker Elite!" Wheeljack explained. "These guys are the best fliers in the entire Decepticon Armada."

These Seekers were not purple, but silver in color. They continued to chase down the Jackhammer.

Wheeljack then begins to fire his guns at the squadron. He was able to shoot down two of them, but the rest broke formation and continued their assault. The Jackhammer continued to take hit after hit.

"I can't keep this up for long. We're gonna be scrap I can't out manuver them."

Sweetie Belle, seeing a number of Energon cubes in the back of the ship remembered what happened when unicorn magic came into contact with it.

"I have an idea." She said to her two friends. "I'm gonna use my magic with the Energon to stop these Decepticons."

"What?" Rarity shrieked "Absolutely NOT! it's too dangerous."

"But Rarity, we don't have any other choice." Sweetie Belle complained.

The ship was rocked with another hit.

"Sweetie Belle, I'm not going to let you endanger yourself any further. It's my responsibility to keep you safe." Rarity said to her.

"I know Rarity, but please just let me do this. I've never done anything right in my entire life, but I feel like I should do something to help everypony. All of Equestria is in danger, not just us. Princess Twilight needs you in order to use the Elements of Harmony to stop both Queen Chrysalis and Megatron. I feel like I need to do this. Just trust me.... PLEASE! I know I won't let you down. I love you Rarity."

Hearing her sister's words, and knowing that she won't back down, Rarity finally relents.

"Alright Sweetie Belle, just be careful. And good luck, you've grown so much, and I am so very proud of you." Rarity said as she hugged her, with tears in her eyes.

"Thanks Rarity, I won't let you down." Sweetie Belle replied, as the Crusaders nodded in agreement.

"What ever you're planning, now's the time!" Wheeljack shouted.

"Uncle Jackie, open the top hatch, I have an Idea!" Sweetie Belle instructed.

"Got it kiddo!" He replied as he opened the hatch.

Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Spike all climbed up the ladder. Soon they were at the top hatch of the ship. They can see the Seeker squadron still in pursuit.

"Spike, give me the Energon Cube." Sweetie Belle instructed.

"Here it is!" He replied as he placed it next to her.

"Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, hold on to me, and whatever you do, DON'T LET GO!"

"Gotcha Sweetie Belle!" Apple Bloom replied as Scootaloo also nodded in agreement.

They held on to the little filly's hind legs, as Sweetie Belle make contact wit the Energon Cube.
Her horn and eyes then begin to glow brilliantly, and suddenly, a gigantic green beam of energy shoots out from her horn, and straight into the squadron of Seekers.

A Massive explosion goes off.

The Decepticons were instantly obliterated. Those surviving, instantly retreated back to the Nemesis.

Sweetie Belle nearly faints as the others pull her back into the ship.

"Sweetie Belle, are you alright, please SAY SOMETHING!" Rarity shouted in concern.

The little filly then slowly stands back up, and gives her sister a huge smile.

"Told ya!" She beamed.

The crusaders, Rarity, and Spike then all embrace. They made it out.

Wheeljack then puts the ship on Autopilot and walks up to them.

"WELCOME TO THE WRECKERS KIDS!" Wheeljack said happily to the Crusaders. "You did me proud. I'm sure even Ultra Magnus would approve if he were here."

The three fillies then give a huge grin at the Autobot.


They then inspect their flanks for their new marks only to see........Nothing.

"OH COME ON!!!!" Sweetie Belle shouted in frustration.

"Hey, it's ok." Wheeljack reassured them. "To me, you're all honorary Autobots."

The fillies couldn't help but smile at their Autobot friend.

The Jackhammer then flies towards Canterlot.

Spike, Wheeljack, Rarity, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo can clearly see the battle going on.

"Looks like they started the party without us." Wheeljack said as he flies the ship closer to the carnage. "And the Cons are trying to over run the entire city."

"Well, we simply CAN'T have that, now can we?" Rarity smirked.

"Took the words outta my mouth." Wheeljack agreed.

The Jackhammer swooped down, ready to join in on the battle to save Equestria.

Comments ( 180 )

Woo! :rainbowkiss: New chapter! Been a long time, glad to see this fic is not dead yet. :pinkiehappy:

Yeah, been having difficulty trying to find time to work on this.
Part of it was due to medical reasons, which I am slightly over with now.
Another had to do with relatives moving in with me.
I'm a type of person that needs complete concentration and quiet in order to write. And with the house currently crowded, I'm constantly being interrupted. That, and my job. I have a lot, and I mean a LOT of work.

4875612 I've heard. Must be tough, I know the feeling of having to have other people around interrupting things, just cant get anything done....
Don't worry too much about it, I'm sure you'll be fine. Take as much time as you need.

I've been waiting for this fic to continue! Excellent work on this chapter! I can only wait for the big battle coming... :pinkiecrazy:

Its a real pity that the CMC, in attempting to drive the Drill, hit some autopilot controls or something, or just dumb aimed it in an apparently innocuous but totally critical direction. Where did it go? Towards the back. Didnt you remember to close that engine bay inspection hatch again Rimmer? :derpytongue2:

Energon boosted Unicorns, very intresting. Especially when they find their own source of the crystals? :moustache:

So, when is Spike going to go all Grimlock on some poor Bot, Starscream? :moustache:

It's alive, IT'S ALIVE!

good to see this story still going. And don't worry, take your time updating whenever you can. I understand you need to concentrate when you write.:pinkiehappy:

Glad ur on the roll! And take your time, I'll wait for the next chapter!

:yay: for the story's return! I look forward to more!

4875612 Can we have some comedy?


Lol, just kidding. Another awesome chapter as always, dude. Keep up the good work!

Funniest. best. chapter. Ever!:rainbowkiss:

Welcome back! I love this fic, so I'made glad to see it again.

Do the CMC's even have common seance when it comes to danger:trixieshiftleft:?... Wait why am I even asking this:rainbowhuh:? This is the CMC's we're talking about here:facehoof:

This my friend is an amizing rescue you came up with and I love it.:pinkiehappy:

4877930 I agree with you.

No one is going inside Smokescreen will they?

Yes! You finally updated! This chapter was plenty awesome with Wheeljack, Spike, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders coming to Rarity's rescue. :)

I would love to see how they defeat Queen Chrysalis and the Decepticons.:raritystarry:

5044824 I'm just that psychic. Just sitting there, watching you...

This story was crap to begin with. Adding Rescue Bots only made it worse.
The whole idea of ponies crossing over with TF is just stupid and doesn't work. The genres are way too different and don't match.

The whole idea of crossing over with Transformers is fucking stupid.
Transformers Prime sucks.

HAHA 10 downvotes in one day.

It's about time this shit fucking story got what it deserved.

I wish I could downvote it more!

I'm sorry but this story seems like nothing more than a fanboy's wet dream to me.
That's why I disliked/downvoted it.

It's just not very creative nor is it engrossing.

The spelling and grammar errors have also put me and a lot of other people off from it.
Also, lose the pictures/music links. Those are VERY Distracting and deters away from the plot.
Speaking of the plot, it's a jumbled mess. Clearly you didn't proofread or put any real thought into it. The more I read it, the more it feels like just a personal piece of bad literature you're forcing onto others.
Thumbs down.:trixieshiftright:

Look, while I admit that thelastprime's story does has it's problems that doesn't mean that it deserves the unnecessary hate it's getting. I seen quite a few bad Transformers crossovers on this site and this one isn't as bad some haters claim it to be.

The author has been going through a tough time recently so it's not fair that he should have to deal with all the crap he's been getting.

Personally I like it because it crosses over with a show that I enjoy very much and the author at least tries his best to stay true to the characters and canon setting for both franchises. Though I never watched Rescue Bots that doesn't stop me from reading this through until the end. If someone doesn't like it that's fine, everybody is entitled to their own opinion. Just DON'T be such big A-holes about it and try to give it a chance or at least wait until the story is finished.


The author has been going through a tough time recently

I hope he dies and this shit story dying with him!


I seen quite a few bad Transformers crossovers on this site and this one isn't as bad some haters claim it to be.

Ahem, no. This story is bad. The entire concept is bad. Transformers crossovers are stupid, period. Your arguement doesn't hold much water because why should anyone give a story a chance when we already know it's going to be shit.

Personally I like it because it crosses over with a show that I enjoy very much and the author at least tries his best to stay true to the characters and canon setting for both franchises.

Then you're just someone who has extremely POOR taste. No matter what, crossover crap like this one will ALWAYS be bad.

Just DON'T be such big A-holes about it and try to give it a chance or at least wait until the story is finished.

It's our God given right to be assholes. If you don't like it, get off the internet. Why should we give a crap story a chance? We know it's going to be bad, so why should I waste my time?
Your defense of this story just shows much of a fanboy you are.
You are utterly hopeless and a lost cause.

5055105 I've watched all 3 of those tv shows and this is the best story I have ever seen. And like the music links. And I believe this is an epic, and heroic story.:rainbowdetermined2:

Then you're an idiot with really bad taste.
This story is bad, and I mean VERY BAD.
It's so bad it needs to be dragged into the back of a barn and shot repeatedly.
It's so bad that it's an insult to anyone that can read.
The whole concept is retarted.
you're just an disillusioned fanboy.


You idiots actually like this shit and call it a good story?

I'm surprised you people haven't gone blind or died of aneurysms yet.

This story in a fucking nutshell:


Please enlighten us, whats so bad about it:trixieshiftleft:, and of course your probably one of those losers who make multiple accounts just to increase the hate and to prove a point that isn't even valid:ajbemused:. Saying "this story is bad" without giving evidence on why it is, is the text book example of being an ass:facehoof:

5060593 How dare you insult me and thelastprime's story! If that is what you think of me then don't login and read this story.... And there's another thing, there are more people who like this story than the dislikes so keep those nasty coments to your selves.:twilightangry2:

thelastprime, don't read those nasty comments they are putting up. I believe in this story you are making and I am not giving up on you no mater what. Just ignore the nasty comments and keep going. And I know you can do it.

Don't even bother reading it, because it sucks.
It's not worth it.
It's unoriginal and everyone is O.O.C.

This story is a goddamn insult to Transformers Prime.
You've ruined the show for me.

Just ignore the nasty comments about your story thelastprime. From my point of veue, this story is ausmaizing and I want to see the next chapter for this story.

I have mixed feelings about this story...
On one hand, I like what you're doing with it.
On the other hand...
I wish it just had that sense of darkness to it, make it less boring and get rid of the cutesy wutsey stuff, make it more enjoyable, put in that teen rating. We need that ominous vibe the show gives off on most occasions.

Just some constructive feedback.

It starts off in the FIM Feel for the first half of the story, but as you reach around Chapter 12, the ominous feel of TFP starts to set in. The following chapters afterwards begins to get progressively darker if you read that far.
The author said that he made it "cutesy" in the beginning to build character relationships and a feeling of closeness for them, then let shit hit the fan in the second half.

5091988 Well I think it's great just the way it is. didn't you see how meany people favorite and how meany people like it. I admire this story and the writer for this story.

5080007 If u had a problem with the story, then keep ur comments to yourself. We all have imagination to want make it real. :ajbemused:

5105320 I defanatly agree with you.

I want to know, just because of curiosity. Why do you do this? What is the purpose? What do you want?

The Dinobot in the new cartoon is Grimlock. Three new Decepticons named Steeljaw, Bisk and Hammerstrike were introduced. The human is Russel with his dad Denny.

5014329 Jesus there's a lot of haters.

5132558 I know. And it's getting me woried.

Comment posted by RazorJoint deleted Oct 14th, 2014

Alas poor HUB Network for I knew it well. Now it has been relaunched as Discovery Family. Adios old friend.

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