• Published 7th Feb 2013
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Transformers Prime: Friendship is Magic (A Hub Crossover Special) - thelastprime

A magical accident opens a portal to another planet, and brings fourth an adventure with the heroes of two worlds. (It could happen, Only on The Hub!)

  • ...

Chapter 17

In the peaceful island town of Griffon Rock Maine, a community blessed with highly advanced technology, friendly locals, and a dedicated Search and Rescue team, a firehouse establishment stood strong and proud.

Inside the dispatch call center, a young boy was monitoring the activities of the rescue team.

This boy, was Cody Burns, son of Chief Charlie Burns, the Police Chief of Griffon Rock PD, and leader of the rescue team, consisting of his family, and a group of Autobots, masquerading as regular robots built by the government. The charade was put in play so that the Rescue Bots could transform in public into their robot modes, and not cause a panic amongst the people with aliens in their town.

As Cody continued to monitor the team who is out on their current mission, one of the monitors began to flash, as an incoming transmission was being sent to him.

"Hello? Griffon Rock distpatch, Cody speaking." the boy answered as he pressed a button.

One of the monitor screen turns on, and in the view, was a middle aged, portly built, African American man in a suit and tie.

"Hello, Griffon Rock Rescue Team?" The man replied, "What the? Why is there a child at the call center?"

"I'm the dispatch." Cody answered him, "Can I help you?"

"Listen son, I need to speak with Chief Charlie Burns. This is of the upmost importance, and high priority." The man said.

"That's my dad, he currently out on a mission. Can I have your name sir?" Cody asked.

"My name is Special Agent, William Fowler. I work for the United States Government. This involves your Bots. I need to speak to your father right away."

This caught Cody's attention.

"The Bots? What about the Bots?" Cody asked with curiosity, and slight concern.

"It's something I need to discuss with your father. Can you please put him on. It's an emergency." Fowler replied.

"I'll see what I can do. Let me call him on the com-badge."

With that, Cody activates his com-badge attached to his jacket collar.

"Dad, do you read?" Cody called for his father.

"Cody? Where in the middle of securing the oil drums at the harbor. This better be important." Chief Burns' voice stated.

"Dad, Someone called Agent Fowler said he needs to talk to you. It involves the Bots, and some kind of emergency."

"Agent Fowler? I see." His tone completely changing. "I'm on my way then. Kade, Graham, Dani. I need you three to finish up here with the rest of the Bots. Chase, you're with me, we need to head back to the firehouse." Cody heard his father's voice instruct. "We'll be back soon, son. Hang tight."

As Cody sat at the dispatch center, he sees through one of the monitors that his father, riding in the Bot, Chase, had returned. It didn't take long for Chief Burns to enter the elevator and reach the underground center.

"Dad, you're finally home." Cody called out to his father.

"Good to see you too, son." Chief Burns said to the boy. "So what's the emergency?"

"Agent Fowler is still on the line. I'll go ahead and put him on the screen." the boy explained.

With that, Cody presses a number of buttons in sequential order, and an image of Agent Fowler appeared on the main screen.

"Sorry for the wait, Agent Fowler." Cody said to the agent, "But dad's finally back home."

"Bill, it's been a while." Chief Burns addressed him.

"Likewise, Chuck." Agent Fowler replied. "Glad to see you still got your hair."

"I take it from my son's message, that this isn't a social call. So, what's going on?" The Chief asked.

"Sorry to trouble you, Chuck, but we have an emergency situation regarding Optimus Prime." Fowler explained. "He and a number of his team, have been taken captive, by the enemy."

"Oh no... That's terrible news! We have to do something." Chief Burns replied.

"I'm sure you already know about the secret war he's been fighting with the Decepticons by now."

"I do, Bill. Hard to believe there's an alien war waging behind the scenes. I'm just thankful nothing has happened to Griffon Rock." Chief Burns replied.

"Alien War, what's going on?" Cody asked.

"Hmm. I take it your family already knows the secret behind your Rescue Bots." Fowler inquired.

"Indeed. I know I kind of broke protocol, but it's made our job much easier. I'm very happy to see my family getting along with our Bots. They're indeed, a great team." Chief Burns said.

"Well, that's beside the point now, as we have a crisis on our hands." Fowler stated.

"I'll assemble my team, and brief Heatwave and the other bots. Looks like we have a dire mission on our hands." Chief Burns said.

"It's actually a bit more complicated than that." Fowler added, "For you see, Prime and the captured Autobots, aren't even on Earth. They were whisked away by a portal nearly two weeks ago. Some of the Bots managed to return to us earlier today, along with some of the locals of the world they were on."

Chief Burns and Cody were surprised to hear this.

"You mean, more aliens are here?" Cody asked.

"That's right young man." Fowler answered. "It's all the more important that I meet up with you and discuss this further in person."

Just then, Chase, the police Bot enters the room.

"Chief, I have received a transmission from Heatwave. The rest of the team has finished their task, and are returning to base." The Bot stated.

He then notices Agent Fowler on screen. Quickly he activates his visor, and begins to pretend to be a programmed robot.

"Huh, so that's one of them?" Fowler stated as he looked at Chase.

"At ease Chase. This is Agent Fowler. He knows our secret." Chief Burns reassured the Autobot.

"I am distraught, how did this man see through our masquerade?" Chase asked.

"Who do you think filled me in on Autobots?" Chief Burns stated. "Agent Fowler was the one who informed me of the existance of Cybertronians. He personally introduced me to Optimus."

"Ah, I see. Very well then." Chase sighed in relief and acted natural.

"I need the others here as soon as possible. We have an emergency situation to discuss." Chief Burns said to his robot partner.

"I'll be by very soon." Fowler said.

"But aren't you all the way in Nevada? Even a plane would take you around 8 hours to get to the East Coast." Chief Burns asked.

"Don't worry, the Bots here have a piece of Cybertronian Tech called Ground Bridging. Basically, portal technology. It can send me anywhere on this green Earth in a blink of an eye. So rally the rest of your team. I'll be by in thirty minutes. Fowler out."

With that, Agent Fowler hangs up.

"Cody, call the rest of the team and tell them to hustle it back to base." Chief Burns instructed.

Outpost Omega One, The Autobot Base.....

"Ratchet, the calls been made. Chief is expecting us." Fowler said to the Autobot Medic.

"Very good. Rafael, do you have the coordinates?" Ratchet asked.

"Coordinates locked. Man, Griffon Rock. I've always wanted to go there. It's the hot bed for the newest and innovative tech in the entire country." Raf stated.

"Sounds like a very interesting place." Twilight Sparkle replied, as she and the other ponies prepared themselves for the trip through the ground bridge.

"So what are we waiting for? Let's hit it. I can't wait to meet the new Bots!" Miko said in excitement.

"EEAAP, EEAAAAP, EEEEAAAAAPP!" Ratchet interrupted her. "You're staying put Miko."

"What? WHY??!!" The girl complained. "The ponies get to go, so why can't I?"

"This is a highly important mission to recruit assistance. I need you to stay here and out of trouble." Ratchet said in a stern tone.

Miko let out an utter groan of frustration.

"Can't go on missions, can't go into battles, can't go to Cybertron, can't meet the new Autobots....." She pouted as she walked back to the couch.

"You sure you don't need me to tag along?" Smokescreen asked.

"I highly doubt there will be any likelihood of Combat in Griffon Rock, Smokescreen." Ratchet answered. "This is just a mission to enlist new assistance. Nothing more."

"Sounds boring." Wheeljack stated, as he worked out his reattached arm.

"Ratchet, Agent Fowler, we're ready." Twilight Sparkle said to her new hosts.

"Alright then, we're ready to go. Griffon Rock is a bit warm this time during the month. So don't forget to pack your sunscreen." Fowler joked, causing Pinkie Pie to giggle a bit.

"This is it. Rafael, activate the ground bridge." Ratchet instructed.

Raf tapped on a number of keys on his laptop, and the ground bridge portal opened up.

"It's time to move." Ratchet said, as he, Fowler, and the ponies began to walk towards the portal.

However, Fluttershy sunk back, and was staring at the ground.

"Fluttershy? Are you alright?" Twilight Sparkle asked as she walked up to her friend.

"Oh, well, um...... I'm fine.... But, I'm more worried about Bumblebee. I don't feel right just leaving him here, especially when he's hurt." Fluttershy said. "So I was wondering if... um, if I can stay here, and keep him company..... I mean, if that's alright with you...."

Twilight simply smiled at her friend.

"Oh Fluttershy, of course it's ok with me. You care about Bumblebee, and it's only natural that you want to stay here with him. It's alright, he needs a friend by his side, so go on. Go to him. I'm sure he'd be happy with you keeping him company." Twilight said.

"Oh, thank you for being so understanding." Fluttershy replied, as she hugged the young princess.

"Hey, don't worry, I'll be right here with you too, Fluttershy." Raf said as he pets her on the head. "We'll keep him company together."

Fluttershy simply nuzzles the young boy.

"Aww, if that's the case, I'll stay here too and keep Flutters company, so that she won't get so lonely!" Pinkie PIe chimed in.
"Think of it like a sleepover on an alien world!"

"The Pink one is staying behind!!??" Ratchet said in horror. "She'll completely tear the base apart in my absence."

"Don't worry Ratchet, I'll keep an eye on her. She and I are pretty close after all." Smokescreen said.

"With a rookie like you? And a Wrecker like Wheeljack? Combined with that hyperactive Pink ball of energy, AND Miko's adrenaline fixes? I'll be surprised if the base is still intact when I return." Ratchet gave his grievances.

"He's, got a point." Jack added as he and his mother look at the Autobot Medic.

"Ratchet, don't worry, I'LL keep everything in order." June reassured him. "I'm raising a sixteen year old on my own, and besides, Mother always knows best."

This eased Ratchet's worries somewhat.

"Very well, Nurse Darby, I leave them in your care."

"I'll go first, and talk to them. Then I'll call for you to head on over." Fowler instructed.

Agent Fowler, then enters the portal.

Back at the Griffon Rock firehouse, the rest of the team had finally returned home. They were now waiting for Agent Fowler's arrival as they gathered in front of the firehouse.
Heatwave, the firefighter robot, and leader of the team, was pacing back and fourth impatiently.

"So when's this, Agent Fowler guy, gonna show up?" He asked.

"Soon I think." Kade, the eldest son of Chief Burns, and his human partner, replied. "I still don't know what this is about."

"Whatever it is, it must be important." Boulder, the construction Rescue Bot stated.

"So Agent Fowler is the man who informed dad about the Cybertronians. Interesting." Graham, the second eldest, and Boulder's partner said as he looked at his wristwatch.

"Is he going to reassign us?" Blades, the helicopter Bot nervously stammered, "Because I don't want to leave Griffon Rock, or any of you guys."

"Aww, that's sweet, Blades." Dani, the only daughter of the Chief replied to her partner, "We love you too."

"Someone gag me....." Heatwave muttered.

Just then, a large green portal opened in front of the firehouse, as the Burns family looked on in surprise and awe.

"What, is that?" Graham asked.

"It's a ground bridge!" Boulder answered in excitement. "Optimus' team uses one to travel around the world."

"Wow." Cody said amazed at the portal. "This is.. NOBLE!"

"I've never seen anything like it." Dani added.

Then a figure stepped through the portal, and walked up to the assembled humans and Autobots.

"Bill, it's good to see you again." Chief Burns said, as he and Agent Fowler shook hands.

"Good to be back here again. I've been meaning to check up on you all for a while." Fowler answered.

"This is the rest of my family. Kade, my eldest son, Graham, my brainiac of a son, my lovely daughter, Dani, and Cody you spoke to before."

"Good to meet you all. I'm Special Agent William Fowler. I'm the one who informed your dad about the existance of the Autobots."

"Hello sir," Graham said in a polite manner, "I take it you're here to speak to the Bots?"

The four Bots seeing Agent Fowler, salute.

"At ease boys." Fowler said to the Bots. "I'm here because we have a situation with Prime, and his team."

"Optimus? What's wrong? What happened?" Boulder asked in concern.

"It's hard to explain, but he's been taken prisoner by the Decepticons."

"Decepti-what?" Kade asked in confusion.

"The Decepticons?" Heatwave's optics were the size of headlights hearing this.

"What's a Decepticon?" Dani asked.

"From what I heard, they're the sworn enemies of the Autobots. It's who Optimus and his team are fighting against. The Autobots and Decepticons have been at war with each other for many eons." Chief Burns explained. "It was that very war that destroyed their home planet."

"I see." Graham pondered.

"That's horrible. Oh guys, I'm so sorry." Dani said.

"So you're saying, that there's some kind of secret alien war being fought on our planet? I find that hard to believe." Kade said skeptically.

"Believe me son, it's real." Fowler grimly stated. "Prime and his team are doing their best to make sure that Earth doesn't end up like Cybertron."

"But what about Optimus? What of his well being?" Chase asked.

"That's the complicated part. You see, he was taken prisoner, but not on Earth. Prime and the other Bots were accidently sucked through a portal, and landed in some other planet. Unfortunately, the Cons also ended up there as well. The locals of that world did their best to help the Bots, but they were no match for Megatron. The Decepticon leader. Now thankfully, some of the Bots did make it back home to Earth. They even brought some of the locals from that other world here with them." Fowler lectured.

"So more aliens are here on Earth?" Graham asked in curiosity.

"I wonder what they look like." Cody stated.

"Well, better to show you." Fowler answered, as he pulls out his cell phone.

"Ratchet, you and the others can come on over."

From behind Agent Fowler, a large figure then emerges from the ground bridge.

While Burns' were amazed at the sight of yet another Bot, the Rescue Bots recognized who it was, and were elated.

"I don't believe it. It's Ratchet!" Boulder happily shouted.

"This is an honor!" Heatwave said, a bit star struck.

"Oh my goodness, it's really him!" Blades yelled, nearly fainting.

"Doctor, it is a great privilege to be in your presence." Chase saluted.

"Another Bot? Noble!" Cody beamed.

"Who's he?" Kade asked.

"Ratchet is the medic of Optimus Prime's team." Heatwave explained to his partner, "He's one of Cybertron's best doctors, AND a hero! He saved countless lives during the Great War."

"So he's a big time hot shot huh?" Kade dryly joked.

"I am impressed you know your history." Ratchet stated to the Rescue Bots.

"Welcome to Griffon Rock, Ratchet." Chief Burns greeted the Autobot.

"Now, as for our other visitors. You might wanna take a deep breath, or sit down for this. Or preferably both." Agent Fowler stated.

"Princess Twilight, it's your turn." Fowler spoke into his phone.

Then from the portal, three smaller figures emerged. These new visitors completely caught the Burns' and the Rescue Bots off guard. The ground bridge then closes as the ponies exit.

"What the...." Graham was at a loss of words.

"Whoa.." Cody stammered in confusion.

"What, are these creatures?" Boulder asked in wonder.

"I've never seen anything like this before." Blades added.

"They're little horses!" Dani beamed. "Aww, and they're so cute!"

"Such peculiar lifeforms." Chase said, while scratching his head.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Kade was unamused, "I mean seriously, rainbow colored unicorns and pegasi?"

"I don't think it is, Kade." Heatwave said to his partner.

"Simply remarkable." Chief Burns said as he looked on.

"You guys done gawking at us?" Rainbow Dash asked in annoyance.

"It can talk?" Dani stated, as the rest of the rescue team were once again surprised.

"Rescue Team, these are the ponies, from the world of Equestria." Agent Fowler introduced them.

"Hello, My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle, these are my friends, Applejack and Rainbow Dash. We came to your world to ask for help. Our world is in peril, and so is Optimus Prime. The Decepticons have attacked, and Optimus has been taken as their prisoner. I fear that Megatron may destroy him and the rest of the hostages."

"So it's true, the Decepticons DO have Optimus." Heatwave stated.

"I'm Chief Burns, of the Griffon Rock Police Department, and head of the Griffon Rock rescue team. These are my children, Kade, Graham, Dani, and Cody. And these are the Rescue Bots."

The Bots line up in a row.

"My Name is Heatwave, fire rescue and leader of Rescue Force Sigma-17."

"Greetings, I am Chase, Law Enforcement unit."

"Boulder. Construction Bot, and Engineer."

"Blades, Air rescue unit."

"I'm honored to meet you all." Twilight addressed the Bots.

"Now then, we have much to discuss." Ratchet said as the others.

Somewhere in an undisclosed location in the mountains of Nevada, the remains of a wrecked Decepticon ship rested at a base of a mountain. It was The Harbinger.

Inside the corridors of the ship, it's single lone occupant, begins to monitor at some of the computer screens.

"What is going on around here?" Starscream said to himself. "It's been two weeks, and not a SINGLE blip of any Decepticon activity!"

He then puts his finger to his chin and began to think.

"Has Megatron truly abandoned this dust bowl? Though I wouldn't blame him. If it isn't a burning desert, it is a frigid wasteland."

He then had a horrible revelation.

"If Megatron has truly left.... Then I'm STRANDED here on this Primus forsaken rock!"

Starscream was NOT a happy camper. He didn't want to live out the rest of his days on a primitive backwater planet. Especially since he now no longer possesses his T-Cog. He no longer had the ability to transform, or fly.
He then begins to check all of the computer systems again.

"There has to be something..... ANYTHING! Come on you piece of junk..... Find something ALREADY!!!!"

He then sees a blip on the radar.


The blip was coming from an island off of the east coast of the continent.

"Hmm, ground bridge activity.... And according to the readings of the energy signature, it is of Autobot origin."

Starscream then began to think to himself.

"Ah, yes.... Perhaps Optimus and his Autobots have uncovered yet another formidable Relic. One, which I will gladly steal."

With that, Starscream gives a mad cackle.

He then picks up his remote control ground bridge and sets in the coordinates matching the location of the Autobot signature.

"Let the scavenger hunt..... Begin...."

High in the mountains of Griffon Rock, a laboratory sits in the mountain face. Inside the lab, lived the eccentric, but kind hearted Doc Greene, the head scientist of Griffon Rock. Along with him, his young daughter Frankie, who was roughly around Cody's and Raf's age, assisted him in his work.

The two were in the basement area of the lab, clearing out some of the old junk from past failed inventions, and searching for anything that could still be useful.

As Frankie inspected one of the shelves, she notices a small lever hidden behind it.

"Daddy, look." She called for her father.

"Yes, my little pumpkin?" Doc Greene answered.

"There's a lever here. I never knew about this. I wonder what it does?" Frankie said.

"Hmm, I never noticed it either. Well, let's find out." Doc Greene replied as he walked over and helped his daughter move the shelf out of the way.

He then flips the lever on the wall, and to their surprise, a hidden door opened on the wall.

"A secret passage?" Frankie stated, "I never knew this was here."

"Neither did I, my little angel." the scientist replied, "Let's see what surprises lies in store for us."

Doc Greene, with his optimistic nature, steps into the room, with Frankie following him in. As they find a light switch and turn it on, everything then lights up.

What the father and daughter see next, astounds them. They found several giant robots standing in rows.

Frankie immediately jumped behind her father.

"MORBOTS!" she cried out.

"Indeed...." Doc Greene stated, "I believe we've found one of Doctor Morroco's hidden storage rooms when he used to work as Griffon Rock's chief scientist. Well, before he was terminated from the position of course."

"There's so many of them." Frankie said to her father, remembering the events from the alternate timeline when Morroco had taken over the island. She, Cody and the Bots had to correct history after their time traveling adventure.

"Don't worry, my little Einstein, they're offline. But, I think I may have some use for them."

"Daddy, I don't think that's a good idea." Frankie pleaded with her father.

"Oh don't worry. I'm sure I can reprogram them to help mankind, and assist the Rescue Team in their missions."

He heads over to a computer console, and turns it on. Doc Greene then looks at the data for the Morbots, and attempts to rewrite it. But to no avail.

"This encryption is very tough to crack. Looks like Morroco never wanted anyone to reprogram his robots." Doc Greene stated.

"Then let's just leave and lock this place up. I have a very bad feeling." Frankie said.

Doc Greene takes another shot at attempting to rewrite the Morbots' programming, but still no luck.

They then hear loud booming noise from behind them. Suddenly a large green portal appears.

"DADDY LOOK!" Frankie shouted to her father.

"My word!" the scientist said in awe. "That looks like a portal. It seems like the same that Optimus used when he and Bumblebee last visited Griffon Rock during the incident with the time machine."

As the two humans looked at the portal, they suddenly see a large figure step out of it. It was tall, skinny, grey, and had what appears to be wings sticking out of it's back.

"My goodness!" Doc Greene was flabbergasted.

"Is that, Another Bot?" Frankie asked in wonder.

The portal soon closes, as the new figure simply looked around at his new surroundings.

"Where am I? What is this place? Where are the Autobots?" he demanded.

He then looks down, to see two humans looking at him.

"Ah, it appears I'm not alone, after all......"

"My word, who might you be? Are you another Autobot?" Doc Greene asked.

"Me? An Autobot?" the robot began to laugh. "How amusing!"

"My name is Doctor Greene, head scientist of Griffon Rock. And this is my daughter, Frankie."

Frankie simply, hid behind her father, eyeing this new figure with suspicion. She didn't trust it.

"Hmm, at least you're well mannered. Very well, I too shall return the gesture. I am Starscream, a former air commander from Cybertron." Starscream said in a gloating manner.

"You're from Cybertron? Ah, just like the Rescue Bots. Perhaps you're one of them!" Doc Greene said.

"Hmm... Ah, why.... Yes, yes indeed. I am..... a REFUGEE from my dying world, and I came here to look for a new place.... to call home...." Starscream said to the scientist. In his mind, Starscream believed that this human may come in useful.

"A refugee? Well then, you certainly came to the right place." Doc addressed the ex-seeker. "You can perhaps join with Chief Burns and his team of Rescue Bots."

"Rescue Bots?" Starscream asked with curiosity.

"Yes, a group of Autobots stationed here at Griffon Rock who serve as protectors of the island." Doc Greene explained.

Starscream pondered to himself for a moment. Rescue Bots? He couldn't believe that their kind still existed. Not only that, but there were a group of Autobots living here under his nose the whole time and he never knew about it.

"Interesting....." Starscream muttered, with a finger under his chin.

Frankie, still didn't trust this new robot. She glared at him.

"Daddy, there's something about him that I don't like." She told her father.

"Oh come now Frankie, I'm certain he's just another lost and unfortunate soul that came to our world seeking help." Doc Greene reassured his daughter.

Starscream then notices the rows of Morbots standing behind them.

"What are those?" He asked.

"Ah, yes, the Morbots. They were created by a mad scientist called Doctor Morocco. He was planning on using them as weapons, while passing them off as rescue units as the front. But he had diabolical plans for them. Such as selling them to the highest bidder." Doc Greene explained.

"VERY Interesting....." This caught Starscream's full attention.

He then walks over to one of them.

"May I, examine it?" Starscream asked, his tone greatly bothering Frankie.

"Of course." Doc replied.

Starscream then eyes the Morbot, checking out it's specs, and the cannon on the arm.

"Hmm, they're equipped with a Nulll Ray cannon. Boosters for short range flight, and....."

He hits it gently, and suddenly, the Morbot transforms into an armored vehicle.

"IT CAN TRANSFORM??!!" Starscream shouted in surprise.

"Indeed." Doc Greene answered, "Morocco copied the designs from the Rescue Bots."

"The ability to transform, without a T-Cog.... I must possess this knowledge." Starscream stated to himself.

"Now I've been having problems trying to reprogram them. Morocco's encryption is too strong. I only want them to help mankind." Doc Greene said.

"Ah, then you're in luck. Allow me." Starscream said, as he bowed, then walked over the the large computer console.

He then inspects the data. Seeing that everything is indeed heavily encrypted. Starscream then pulls out a device and attaches it to the computer.

"What are you doing?": Frankie asked, uneasy with Starscream's actions. "Daddy, are you sure it's a good idea to let him do this?"

"Of course my dear, I need help cracking the code." Doc Greene answered her.

"I am uploading a Cybertronian decompiler program." Starscream explained. "There isn't anything from this planet that it cannot hack."

Soon, the data appears to rewrite itself, and the Morbots begin to activate one by one.

"Success!" Starscream said.

"Excellent. Now it's time to rewrite their programming from doing harm, to helping others." Doc Greene happily stated.

"Oh, I think I have a better idea....." Starscream said in a dark tone.

He then presses a button, and all of the Morbots' visors glow a bright red.

Several of the Morbots then walk up to Starscream and salute him.

"ALL HAIL STARSCREAM!" They say in unison. The seeker then begins to laugh evilly.

"What are you doing?" Doc Greene asked, shocked at what happened.

"Simple really..... I'M TAKING OVER!" He gloated.

"I KNEW you were up to something. Daddy, he's NO Autobot!" Frankie shouted as Doc Greene couldn't believe what had happened.

"Oh no, what have I done?" Doc stated with guilt in his voice. "I allowed a dangerous alien take control of the Morbots."

"Indeed, foolish human. And with this new army, I will take control of this planet starting with this island. Soon, I may even be able to finally challenge Megatron himself, for supreme leadership over the DECEPTICONS!"

"Decepticons? I've heard that name before." Doc Greene pondered. "Of course, Optimus mentioned it. You're the evil Cybertronians trying to conquer Earth!"

"Indeed, and you fell straight into my ruse. Humans, so naive, so foolish." The seeker gloated.

Frankie and the Doc began to run.

"Morbots, as your new lord and master, I order you to capture them." Starscream commanded.

"As you command, Lord Starscream." The Morbot replied, as it went after the humans.

The Morbot catches up to Doc Greene, and grabs him.

"DADDY!!!!" Frankie cried out in terror, seeing her father being captured.

"Run, my little Einstein! Find Chief Burns. Find help!" He instructed.

"Halt, or be immobilized!" The Morbot ordered, But Frankie picked up a fire extinguisher, and blasted foam into it's optics, distracting it. She quickly runs off, and out of the lab.

The Morbot returns to Starscream with the captured scientist.

"What of the human girl?" Starscream demanded.

"She has escaped, but we will find her." The Morbot replied.

"You had better! I can't have her warning the Autobots. Fan out, and retrieve her!" Starscream barked out, as the Morbot saluted.

Behind him, all the other Morbots have now been activated, ready to follow the Decepticon's command.

"As for you, Doctor, you will research a way to allow me to transform into my Vehicular mode, without needing a T-Cog."

Back at the firehouse, Twilight Sparkle had finally explained the entire situation to the rescue team fully. The Bots, and the Burns' family sat for a while, letting all the new information settle in.

"This is a tough situation." Chief Burns stated. "And very dangerous. You're asking the Bots to enter a combat heavy warzone."

Blades was trembling with fear, listening to the situation. He had already heard about the Decepticons, but he never imagined there would be a day he would have to fight them.

"We're not forcing anything on you. It's your choice should you accept this mission." Ratchet explained.

"You'll also have to travel to our world." Applejack added, "It's gonna be quite a wild ride. Think you can handle this bull by the horns?"

"Sweet....." Heatwave said, with a grin on his face.

"Heatwave?" Kade looked at his partner. "You're actually happy about this?"

"Kade, this is the opportunity I've been waiting for. The chance of a lifetime." Heatwave replied, "I finally get to prove myself by taking on the Decepticons. I'm in!"

"Well, if our commanding officer wishes to join, then I too will concur to oblige to this mission as well. You will require, back up, Heatwave." Chase also stated.

"You too Chase?" Kade asked.

"So you're really going?" Cody asked.

"Don't worry, It's nothing we can't handle." Heatwave stated, "And we'll be back. That's a promise."

"Well, if you're going, I'm going." Boulder said. "And besides, I always loved exploring. I can't wait to see what the ponies' world looks like."

"Boulder?" Graham said to his partner. "You sure about this?"

"This isn't just some walk in the park, Two-Ton. You're entering a hostile situation that you may not return from." Agent Fowler warned.

"I'm willing to do what ever it takes, to save Optimus or any other Autobot in trouble." Boulder explained.

Then all eyes were now on Blades, as he sat there silently, twiddling his fingers.

"What about you Blades?" Heatwave asked him.

"Well, I won't lie. This scares me..... TERRIFIES ME EVEN!" Blades stammered, "But..... Still, we're a team, and if you guys feel this is the right course of action, then I'm coming too. I'll do my best. I owe it to Optimus, and Bumblebee." Blades said, as Dani looked on in concern.

"Just be careful out there Blades, and you BETTER come home!" She said to her partner.

"Hey, AJ," Rainbow Dash whispered to the cowmare, "Is it just me, or is he like an Autobot version of Fluttershy?"

"So you're really willing to do this, for us?" Twilight Sparkle said to the Bots.

"Yes, we are, Your Highness." Blades replied to the alicorn princess. "We couldn't save our home planet, but we won't let you lose yours."

"I concur." Chase said. "Where ever there is an emergency, we Rescue Bots are ready to save, serve, and protect."

"We're your friends now, and therefore gladly help you. Optimus would agree." Boulder added to the group.

"Saving lives is our top priority, no matter who or what they are." Heatwave stated.

"I can't thank you all enough!" Twilight beamed at the rescue team. Tears of joy rolled down her cheeks.

"Then it's settled. I will inform the base, and we will depart soon." Ratchet said.

However Boulder's scanner detected someone coming to the firehouse.

"Guys someone's coming!" He reported.

"Everyone, quickly. Resume your acting." Chief Burns ordered, as the Bots activated their visors and pretended to be simple robots again.

"Ratchet, I think you better transform." Agent Fowler said to the medic. "It'll be hard to explain to the locals of why there's a new Bot in town."

"Understood" Ratchet said, as he quickly transformed into his ambulance mode. He then opens the rear doors.

"Twilight, it's best that you and your friends enter. I don't know how the humans will react if they see you." The medic instructed.

"Come on girls." Twilight instructed as she, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack hopped into Ratchet.

Upon seeing the figure approaching the firehouse, it was someone they knew. Young Frankie Greene.

"Hey guys, it's ok. It's Frankie. Don't worry Ratchet, she know our secret too." Cody explained.

The Rescue Bots quickly drop their charade as Frankie runs up to them.

"What is up with children finding out about Government Secrets?!" Fowler asked, facepalming.

"It's a long story, but she and Doc Greene are the most trustworthy people there are." Chief Burns explained.

"CODY! CHIEF!" Frankie called out, nearing exhaustion as she panted.

"Frankie, what's wrong? Are you alright?" Chief Burns asked in concern.

"It's my dad, he's in trouble. I need the Bots at the lab, NOW!" Frankie shouted.

"Frankie, What's wrong with your father?" Heatwave asked, as Ratchet lets the ponies back out, and transforms back into robot mode.

"WHOA! A new Bot? Where'd he come from?" Frankie shouted. "And Ponies???"

"Long story Frankie, I'll fill you in later, but what's wrong with Doc?" Cody asked.

"He's been taken prisoner by an evil robot." Frankie explained. "Dad and I found a secret passage in our basement that Doctor Morocco used to use. In it was a small army of leftover Morbots."

"Uhhgg. Morbots." Heatwave grunted.

"Doctor Morocco? You mean Doctor Thaddeus Morocco? I've heard that name before." Agent Fowler stated.

"Who are you?" Frankie asked.

"I'm Special Agent William Fowler. I'm the reason why the Bots are here in your town. As for Doctor Thaddeus Morocco, he's wanted for questioning after our special missions Commando Force, Codename G.I. Joe, found evidence of Morocco's technology and weapons in the hands of Terrorist Organizations such as MECH and Cobra. We'd like to know just HOW scum like Silas, and Cobra Commander, were able to gain access to his tech so easily."

"Knowing the so-called good Doctor, I bet he sold it to the highest bidder." Kade remarked.

"That wouldn't surprise me at all, son." Chief Burns also replied.

"Now, you said something about an evil bot." Boulder stated to the young girl.

"Yeah, I was able to catch an image of him on my holocamera before I escaped." Frankie said, as she pulled out a small camera like device.

"What is that thing?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"The pony can talk?" Frankie asked.

"Yeah, we can, why does everypony here find that so surprising?" Rainbow Dash asked in annoyance.

Frankie then presses a button on the holocamera, and a projection shoots out. The image then clears up, showing a skinny grey robot.

"Who's that?" Blades asked. "Chase, does this match anything in your databank of criminals?"

"I am afraid, that it does not." Chase replied to the helicopter bot.

"By the Allspark!" Ratchet gasped.

"Not him again." Fowler groaned. "Talk about bad timing."

"You know him?" Frankie asked.

"Young lady," Ratchet explained to her, "That, is Starscream. He was once Megatron's second in command, and a former captain of an entire Seeker Armada in the Decepticon ranks. If he is here on your island, then you are in grave danger."

"That's Starscream?" Heatwave inquired, "I've heard about him. Looks kinda scrawny for a Decepticon."

"Starscream......Starscream, huh?" Rainbow Dash pondered, scratching her head with her hoof. "Why does that name sound so familiar?"

"Oh no, this is terrible. What are we going to do?" Twilight asked.

"What about our own mission?" Applejack asked.

"As much as I hate to say this, it may have to wait. We can't just leave them here with a horrible situation like this." Twilight said to the cowmare.

Ratchet then hears something. It sounded like jet engines roaring towards their direction.

The Bots, Ponies, and Humans look up, to see a fleet of Morbots flying into the city, with their cannons charging, and pointed at them.

"Could this day, get ANY worse???" Twilight thought to herself.

Author's Note:

And now the reason why I had the Ponies come to Earth, and why the Rescue Bots have been included has been revealed.
After multiple requests, I've decided to throw Starscream into the story. This chapter sparks the beginning of the Starscream side-quest/side-story. Don't worry, I'll try to keep it short, as I don't want it to stray too much from the main storyline.
I hope you all enjoy it.

The G.I. Joe reference isn't geared toward any specific continuity, but a nod to the entire franchise. Though I personally very much enjoyed the mini-series G.I. Joe Resolute.