• Published 17th Feb 2013
  • 1,051 Views, 15 Comments

The Epic of Nyx: Book 1: One's own Tome - Quantuminferno959

Every life has it's good and bad days. You never know which lies in your future, or the extent of each.

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An alicorn named Nyx

"Hey, Nyx," called a voice from above.

A unique mare looked up from the book she was reading toward the source. A number of elements made her different, her coat was midnight black, she is an alicorn; although her build is most similar to her neighbors in a nearby town called Ponyville, her wings are linear and aerodynamic in comparison to the unicorns and pegasi she affiliated herself with, her mane is short; wavy; and black with red tips, her tail a medium length; black tail with red tips giving it the appearance of fire, and her red eyes have a blessing placed on them resulting in them changing with the phases of the moon.

She has a few flaws that she has learned to live with throughout her life. Her entire life she was never social, and always very timid never making many friends outside of her general circle she commonly affiliated with. This never allowed her to learn how to lie properly and, in most cases, being oblivious to mistakes made when speaking to other ponies. In terms of alicorns she is a novice and weak in magic, often training with Twilight in sessions to help advance both of their skill in their arcane studies.

"Surprised to see you here. You are usually at your house or, more frequently, Fluttershy's. Did you need something?" Continued the purple unicorn.

"Oh, hello Twilight. Yes, I just felt like reading up on some spells while Fluttershy is busy." Exclaimed the alicorn in her usual calm, quiet voice.

"In that case, why are you here? Not to be rude or anything, but my library is nothing compared to the sheer amount of books shelved around your house, and that is not including your actual library. Plus princess Luna supplies you with any book you could possibly want, you are her student and friend after all." Wondered the unicorn

"I suppose, although it was relatively short notice and I felt like learning a few spells. I hope it is no trouble." Stated the timid alicorn.

"None at all. In that case would you like a training session later? Twilight asked thrilled as always to learn and practice magic.

"Sure, I should still be free later"

"I'll leave you as you were then."

"Thank you, Twilight."

As the hours passed a stack of books grew from a hoofful to roughly forty. Not expecting to find any more spells not already mastered, Nyx was considering just asking Luna to send a number of tomes over to study. Right before abandoning hope of continuing her studying, she decided to do one final sweep.

Nyx walked to the center of the room and started focusing her energy. Her horn started glowing, having a tri-layered aura with a dark blue core surrounded by black and tipped by a reddish-orange hue, then all the books remaining on the bookshelves became engulfed in a similar aura. Once the constriction was established she levitated every book off of the shelves and started having them circle her. As they circled her, she skimmed over the characteristics of each in search for unfamiliar spell tomes.

Finding none and a little disappointed to not continue learning, she decided to clean up. Before getting far into re-shelving a thought occured, " why not clean the shelves prior, to save Twilight the trouble?"

Waiting to do the top shelves last, for no particular reason, Nyx flew up and started their cleansing. When cleaning the second case, Nyx noticed an extrusion coming from the back wall of the case. The extrusion looked as it it were various magical symbols circling two crossed staves.

The recently discovered symbol peaked Nyx's curiosity. Wondering if it there is any magical properties to the symbol, Nyx decided to cast a spell that allows her to see magical properties of objects, that are otherwise unable to be seen.

Closer examination revealed the complexity of a protection and sealing spell placed on what is now obviously a compartment. Knowing better than to release the spell, since there must be a reason for it, Nyx decided to wait until Twilight go home to make any decisions on what to do with the newest find.

Nyx finished cleaning and started a meditation session.

An hour or so passed before the door to the library opened, through it stepped the same unicorn as before, accompanied by another mare, this one a yellow pegasis with a long pink mane and tail.

"Here we are. Nyx should still be here."Commented the prior.

With that Nyx was broken from her meditation from the sudden noise. She stood up and turned toward the source of the noise.

" Oh, hello Twilight. Hey Fluttershy." Said the alicorn as she walked up to next to the yellow pegasis and put her left wing around her into a hug. "How was your day?" Nyx continued lightly kissing the cheek of her fillyfriend.

"It was nice. I'm free for the rest of the day." responded the blushing pegasis.

"That's good. There is a matter I have to talk with Twilight about currently, them a promised training session, but after that I am all yours."

"Okay I can't wait."

"So about the matter at hoof?" Inquired Twilight.

"Yes, of course. It pertains to the single empty bookshelf over yonder." Nyx started explaining. "I am not sure if you are aware of this, but there is a hidden compartment on the back wall of it with a symbol on it."

"Another one? First the Mirror Pond, now this. One day I have got to search this entire library. Who knows what might be contained within the walls of this library?"

"Although." Nyx added "This one appears to have a powerful protection and binding spell placed on it."

"Interesting. I will have to ask Princess Celestia. Might I see it?"

"Of course." With that Nyx conjured a staircase of solid mana up to the shelf. "I will contact Luna as well."

"Okay. What's the plan, ask the princesses if they recognize the symbol or know of any of this?" Twilight said as she looked the others after looking at the symbol from her staircase view.

With a nod of Nyx's head both Nyx and Twilight began their respectable letter to the princesses.