• Published 17th Feb 2013
  • 1,051 Views, 15 Comments

The Epic of Nyx: Book 1: One's own Tome - Quantuminferno959

Every life has it's good and bad days. You never know which lies in your future, or the extent of each.

  • ...

Killing Time

While Nyx was partway through writing her letter to her friend and mentor, Princess Luna, Fluttershy's curiosity on the subject emerged. "So what do you think the symbol means?"

"I am... not entirely certain to tell you the truth. Luna has shown me a vast assortment of binding and protection spells alike, but never have I seen anything used such as this. This is just an extremely powerful and intricate layer upon layer of spells. Not even the elements are kept under this powerful of spells." Nyx commented

"Really? Whatever is behind that panel must contain immense power."

"Yes, hopefully the princess can shed some light on this matter." With that Nyx finished her letter, rolled it up, and teleported it to Princess Luna. "Now, we wait."

As suspected Princess Celestia's letter was returned first, seeing as it was still only mid-afternoon.

Twilight read the scroll and was surprised by a single fact written on it.

"Even Princess Celestia does not know about this." Twilight said in a surprised, somewhat disbelieving tone. "She says that she will consult with Princess Luna and Cadence, then get back to us."

"It seems that there is not much more to do then wait again I suppose. Do you care for that training session now, by any chance?" Nyx timidly asked.

"I suppose you are right, and that there would not be a better time to train." Twilight agreed.

"Where would you like? The usual place?" Nyx inquired.

"That sounds fine, less damage to the surroundings that way." Confirmed Twilight.

The door to the library shut after the three mares left on their venture.

To the southwest of Ponyville, past Fluttershy's cottage is the Everfree Forest, a place generally regarded as dangerous and unnatural to pony kind, however there is a patch of normal woods to the west, through these trees is a path leading to a well lit cave ascending to the top of a plateau, this cliff has an outlook over all of Ponyville, the Everfree Forest, the gem mountains, and Canterlot to the Northeast. Perched approximately 100 meters from the corner on the eastern side is Nyx's house.

Nyx's house sat on the cliffside, overlooking her friends and their town. Her house was a large sleek design composed of black marble tat rose two stories into the air and decended two into the ground. The upper two floors contained a living room, bedroom, kitchen, other commonplace rooms, and a library. The lower two floors and an observation tower were more of a personal touch.

The tower was a small addition to the side of the house, a simple spiral staircase lined with bookshelves that led from the library to a small observatory for the night sky. The first beastment was a workshop area where Nyx tinkered on technology. One floor below that was an Augmented Reality room, able to simulate any environment of her choosing, used for training with spells that would otherwise destroy anything of importance.

As the trio entered the AR room Nyx spoke. "Nexus, are you operational?"

"For you, always." Replied a virtual voice seemingly from everywhere.

"This place always astounds me, regardless on how many times I come here" Twilight imputed.

"I suppose this is pretty impressive. I have been after Tia to implement more of this into society, but she wants it to be a slow process. Don't get me wrong, I can see why, this is a lot to take in. Not to mention some might not take to it all that well, preferring to stay with the current technology ." Nyx mentioned. "Still, there are entire civilizations with better technology than this, so I suppose it is nice to keep a few towns low in terms of technology."

"Usual setting also?" Twilight asked.

Nyx nodded her head. "Nexus, initiate scenario P115."

"As you wish."

The room instantly transformed from a white, gridded room to a virtualized pasture. The simulations matched a real pasture perfectly. The grass was a light green, waving in the breeze. There were small hills and white clouds scattered throughout the setting. The only oddity that was apparent was the lacking of animals for the purpose of training.

"Ready when you are Twilight." Nyx spoke to the lavender mare on the opposite side of the simulation.


With a deep breath, they began.

Twilight was first to attack, launching a fireball at Nyx, who summoned a ball of water that was hit by the fireball turning entirely to steam due to the ratio of fireball to water. Cloaked in the dense steam Nyx took her chance and teleported away.

Once the steam started to clear Twilight noticed the lack of a figure. In response shy quickly spun around and conjured a ward, just managing to get it up before blocking a spell that would have bound her in vines. The force of the spell pushed Twilight back when hit.

Twilight focused her energy and caused a circular fissure to appear around Nyx, where crystals sprouted and formed a dome around her.

An aura emanated from Nyx's eyes in the form of a dark purple haze. Shortly after a shockwave of energy similar to the aura shattered all of the crystals after turning them dark purple, thus freeing Nyx.

"You are not the only one who can instantly learn spells from only one presentation." Nyx said seeing Twilight's surprised expression.

"I suppose I'm not. Shall we get back to this?" Stated Twilight.

"I'm sorry, did we ever stop?" Nyx retorted, a smirk hinting at something being amiss.

Twilight looked down and saw what was implied by the comment. Slowly Twilight was sinking into a pit of quicksand. It only managed to sink her a quarter of the length of her leg before she teleported onto safe ground.

"You're loosing your touch if you thought that... would... work." Twilight's joking tone faded as she saw no trace of Nyx.

Twilight's emotion fell serious and she readied any spell that could be used to counter a hostile spell.

Twilight heard a snapping sound originating from behind her. She spun around and quickly launched a wave of energy which traveled through the air until finally disappearing from sight. This is when Twilight got paranoid. Every slight sound made her spin and jolt, until she was constantly spinning and attempting to look in every direction at once.

The paranoia was finally broken, after what seemed like hours for Twilight, when in fact was barely a minute at best, by a feeling of startling weightlessness followed by forces pulling her towards the sky.

Moments before hitting a cloud, Twilight activated a levitation spell on herself stopping her motion. Once she got herself together she teleported herself onto the current version of safe ground, which was now a cloud, after casting a walking on clouds spell.

Nyx was laying on the cloud 10 meters in front of Twilight, in her book reading position, wings extended and smiling.

Nyx's horn started glowing and she was engulfed in a cloak of liquid water, freezing at certain points to create armor linked by the remaining liquid, as to not limit articulation.

Nyx got up as Twilight spoke. "you are being evasive as always."

Nyx pushed up off the cloud with her forehooves. While they were in the air, her hooves gathered a dark blue aura, then came down. On contact the cloud they were standing on tripled in size and became dark.

Twilight, being cautious, reversed the gravity spell that was already in place, teleported down and waited.

Nyx landed the same distance in front of Twilight as before, ready to continue the session, when something unexpected happened. Both Twilight and Nyx had scrolls teleported in front of them. Twilight's was a golden scroll sealed with a solar seal, while Nyx's was a dark blue scroll sealed with a lunar seal.

Each mare read their respective scroll after loosening their stance. While reading their scrolls the rain began, in response Nyx tapped her right forehoof on the ground twice, halting the rain.

Once finished both mares walked toward the entrance. Nyx reverted the ice armor to liquid and allowed it to fall.
"Nexus, deactivate scenario P115." Nyx said clearing all the water off of herself and walking up to Fluttershy. "Turns out the princesses are en route to the library currently."

"Did they say anything else?" Fluttershy asked.

"No, but we will meet them there" Nyx said teleporting all three mare to the library.