• Published 17th Feb 2013
  • 1,051 Views, 15 Comments

The Epic of Nyx: Book 1: One's own Tome - Quantuminferno959

Every life has it's good and bad days. You never know which lies in your future, or the extent of each.

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Pinkie's Party

"Great Party Pinkie." The element of kindness commented the party host.

"Yeah. How do you make your parties so enjoyable?" Twilight ventured to asked Pinkie again.

"Like I have said before, all it is, is because all of my friends are here and having a good time." Exclaimed the pink party pony.

"That makes sense, but surely there is more to it then that."Twilight's curiosity drove her to continue as she danced with her friends.

"Nope, it's that easy for me. I mean it is what my cutie mark is about."

While dancing with her friends, Fluttershy looked over and noticed Nyx, who was sitting at a table off to the side, staring at the cover of the tome that she received earlier in the day.

Fluttershy walked over to Nyx while Twilight was busy trying to calm her curiosity. "There's nothing you can do, don't beat yourself up over a simple mistake." She said in her usual comforting tone.

Nyx looked up, guilt still plaguing her mind. "Why not? I deprived all others of the information in here. I was the one who messed up. The princesses probably could have done something, but my haste and neglecting to look over all the details created this problem. This could have benefited everypony in Equestria, but now the chances of that are slim. There are spells that could solve alot of problems, spells that nopony has ever seen, and now might not."

"Well it won't help to blame yourself. And why don't you just copy it into another book? Wouldn't that solve all of your problems?" Flutershy attempted a solution.

"I suppose, although it could take a while. I haven't even been able to find the end. I think it has some form of infinite space spell put in place on it. The pages don't end."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that there is no end page, that no matter how many pages I flip they just continue." Nyx tried to explain, not entirely sure how to word it.

"Is that even possible? With pages I mean."

"Apparently, I could only guess it was necessary due to how many spells are in here, being entirely about space specific spells. Teleportation, levitation, only spells dealing entirely with space."

"Weird, but i suppose it is also to be expected. I mean, don't unicorns generally only have a little bit of magic that deals with their talent?" The canary colored pegasus asked.

"Yes, usually. But like Twilight some have vast amounts of magic and are not limited. Plus we don't know that this was made by a unicorn, it was from before Equestria was settled by our ancestors."

"You will find a way, you always seem to. Why don't you come and dance?" Fluttershy asked, trying to get Nyx's mind off of the tome.

"I'ld love to, although you know I don't know how to dance." Nyx said getting a small blush that was barely visible through her black coat.

"You're a fast learner, I'l show you. It will be fun." Fluttershy offered, walking up beside Nyx. "Please? For me?" She continued, nuzzling Nyx's neck.

"That really, really, really isn't fair. There isn't a single creature that can resist that." Nyx said, her blush becoming more fierce.

"I could stop if you want." The canary colored pagasus continued, digging at the flooor with the tip of her right forehoof, fluttering her eyes a bit.

"No, no. Still unfair, yet extremely adorable. Your cutie mark could easily be for cuteness."

"Why thank you." Fluttershy said giving Nyx a pack on the cheek. "Come on, let's go dance."

"Sure." Nyx accepted, levitating the tome to the table.

The couple walked each other to the dance floor in silence that was broken by Nyx when they got there. "So, um... what was the type of dance that you had in mind?" She said in a bit more timid of a way then she intended.

"And I'm the one?" Fluttershy teased causing smirks to befall on both ponies. "Don't worry, nothing bad. I have a nice one in mind that I think you will enjoy. Pinkie, can you please play the song we talked about earlier."

A pink blur flew by the pair and a few moments later the speakers started playing orchestral music.

"How nice, you do know my tastes. I might be able to dance to this"

'I know, I thought you would feel that way."

"Thank you, just please don't make me dance to anything 'new,' like from Dj Pon3. It's good, I just can't dance to it." Nyx requested.

"Not to worry, I won't."

"Regardless..." Nyx said before quietly clearing her throat. "Might I have this dance?" She offered, giving a slight bow and her left forehoof.

"It would be my pleasure." The pink maned pegasus graciously accepted, placing her right forehoof on the one offered.

The two lowered their forelegs to the floor and advanced toward one another. The two then started going back and forth in a 1, 2 rhythm that went along with the classical music being played.

"See, this is nice." Fluttershy said after a few moments.

"Yes, it is. I can't disagree with that. suppose it is nice to dance, every now and then. So long as it isn't fast that is." Nyx said with a small smirk.

"I said I won't." Fluttershy said, returning the gesture. "So, umm... what's so special about that book. I mean, why is that one different from any other one? I'm sorry to bring it up. I don't wish to upset you or anything, I just want to know why it causes you so much grief."

"You could never upset me. It's just...that this nook, it... I guess it is mainly the fact that it's information would not be able to spread that was upsetting me, that is until you helped me out there. I suppose I will have Nexus start work on it's transcription of it, although that might prove difficult since this tome has animated scribe. I suppose it was mainly that and that it was spells that nopony has ever seen, or just lost a long time ago."

"What do you mean 'lost or never seen?' All of the spells?"

"From what I've read, none of the spells I have seen in it has bee in any other tome I have read, from any race. Which means, it is from long ago when everything knew it and everything eventually forgot about it, or the more likely option, this is one of a kind that only one being knew of."

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, simply the fact of how many spells are in this means that it is nearly impossible that not one is remembered to this day, especially with spacial magic being the most prominent of the spells used, levitation for instance. Yes it is in here, but it describes and gives ways for it that are not used now, it's completely different.

"That is a bit peculiar. So what are..." Fluttershy started, interrupted by a blinding flash coming from behind Nyx.

"Pinkie, what was that?" Nyx asked, expecting the party mare to be up to her usual shenanigans.

"Wasn't me Nyx. Although what's wrong with your book? It is a good effect with music, now only if it was a bit faster of music." Pinkie said in her usual hyper active way. "Let's see... I know I have some Dj Pon-3 around here somewhere..."

Nyx turned around to see that the tome she set on the table was glowing in a red aura, flashing every so often. "Everypony stay back." She said thinking the procedures for an unknown magical anomaly .

"What's happening?" Fluttershy asked standing by Nyx.

I don't know. Just please stay back for now. Anything could come of this. Magic is unpredictable as is, let alone this being some tome from Celestia knows when, randomly doing something."

"You be safe too." Fluttershy said backing up.

"Okay." Nyx said nodding slightly.

As Nyx crept towards the glowing tome, it started shifting colors, increasing transition speed with each shift.

"Ooh, Pretty" Nyx heard pinkie gawk while she was approaching the tome. "Now only if we had the right music."

"Do you really think this is the right time Pinkie?" Twilight tried to reason with the mare.

"Well, when else could this come in handy?" The hyper pony retorted.

Twilights response was just a sigh and a slight shake of her head.

Just as Nyx got close to the chromatic tome, it flashed white and several small spheres of aura, each a different color the tome just turned, seperated from the book and floated above it.

The orbs dispersed and all but one of them flashed away, all but the dark blue one. After the disappearance of the orbs, the tome faded to a familiar black aura, one owned by the alicorn on approach.

Nyx retracted a bit from the sudden vanishing of most of the arcane orbs of mana, but continued after a second of caution.

Nyx was able to get half a hoof away from te tome before the orb responded. There was a sdden blinding light, the same color as the orb, and a force the blew everypony back. Nyx was blown back into a wall and fell to the floor, limp. Right before loosing conciousness, she saw the faint silhouette of a tall figure approaching her.