• Published 20th Mar 2013
  • 7,421 Views, 223 Comments

Deadpool and Pinkie Pie - Dashzilla93

Deadpool in Equestria. 'Nuff said. Pinkie pie tags along too. oh boy.

  • ...

A new arrival and new abilities

“Oops, my bad,” Derpy said in her trademark derped voice. Deadpool laughed a little from hearing Derpy’s voice.

“Ha! Who can be offended by this? Screw you, soccer moms!” He said with a positive smile and looking at the reader.

“Who are you talking to?” Rainbow Dash asked confused.

“No one,” Deadpool replied with a smile under his mask.

Derpy stood up on her hooves and shook the dirt off of her fur like a dog. She opened her eyes and smiled a bit. Her eyes crossed left and right, facing different direction. But she still faced Twilight and the other elements even though her pupils are off place. Once she fixed her eyes correctly, she looked straight at Twilight who happened to approach her with a serious and straight face. Derpy’s smile became a frown when Twilight stood in front of her and glanced down at her like a parent to a child. She crouched down a little with a frightful expression and thought Twilight was beyond angry with her; and that she might chew her out.

“Sorry, I just don’t know what went wrong,” Derpy said with a scared and clueless face.

“Obviously you do, Derpy,” Twilight tightened her face for a glare, only to chuckle and smile; she was just scaring Derpy the whole time and having fun with it, “From what it seems: you only tripped. No big deal,” She offered Derpy a helping hoof and helped her back on her hooves.

Derpy smiled happily and relief that Twilight wasn't angry. She soon trotted away and waved good-bye at Twilight and her friends.

Twilight smiled softly before turning around and walking back to her friends. Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash tilted and scratched their heads in confusion about Twilight's behavior.

“Twilight, are you alright?” Rarity asked

“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?”

“Well, you seemed very aggressive when you were talking to that dog. It isn’t like you to have that kind of behavior. What got you to do such a thing?”

“Sometimes, it’s good to use force when comes to a difficult situation,” She walked past Rover's unconscious form and stopped in front of Deadpool and the others. "Now that this is all over, I suggest we--..." She perked her ears and raised her right front hoof to see red goop cover her lavender hoof. "Um, What am I stepping in?" she sniffed it once then jerked her head back "Ugh, it smells!"

"That would blood, Princess bookworm; warm, thick, gooey, smelly blood" Deadpool happily told the stunned and shocked unicorn.

It went silent for a moment before Twilight gasped and shrieked “Eww,” before looking around and realized what she messed when she dealt with Rover. She saw dead dogs on the ground with body parts and organs scattered everywhere; laying in puddles of either their blood, or their dead comrades' blood. The sight of this nearly made Twilight gag and throw up her own lunch and breakfast, “W-What happened while I was gone? And who did this?” she covered her snout to block off the disgusting smell (Rarity would kindly join that boat with Twilight) and tried not to gag, again

“That would be I, misleading named pony” Deadpool pointing his thumb at himself. “I fought those mutts with these babies,” he pulls out his katanas and showed them to Twilight and her friends, “I call them blood sisters, because they're always bitchy and angry, and I let them take their anger out on those dogs. And did they put them down, hard!” He laughed and slid his swords back in their sheaths. “You can thank me with a lot of money,” he says, proud of himself.

Twilight glared daggers at him and snarled in anger, “Thank you? Thank you?! How about I thank you by putting you in jail!" she snorted a puff of air, "Here in Equestria, we do not kill others; especially our enemies!” She chewed him out like a football coach.

Deadpool leaned his head back a bit and raised a brow, "Who are you, Batman?"

“Oh hay, not again! We don’t need another fight,” Applejack got between Deadpool and Twilight, and tried to keep them separated. Rainbow and Rarity followed her, standing in front of Twilight. Twilight backed away a bit from the sudden blockade, “Twilight, I know what you're thinkin’, but you got to understand that he saved us from the Diamond dogs. Even though he did it in a… messy way, that doesn't mean he’s a bad guy!”

"Barbaric is more like it," Rarity said, "But yes, Deadpool help save us and Canterlot from a gruesome fate."

As much as Twilight believed Applejack and Rarity, she still refused back down from what occurred here. She stood firm and looked at her friends sternly, “I don’t care, Celestia’s laws are--”

Rainbow Dash grunted in frustration and got in Twilight’s face, interrupting her, "Will you forget about those laws for once, egghead?! Deadpool saved us from getting killed by those dogs,” she barked defensively, "Getting put in jail all because he saved our lives? Twilight, for somepony who is suppose to be smart, you're being very stupid and blind!"

Twilight paused from hearing Rainbow Dash’s words. She was so focused on fighting Rover that she completely forgot about protecting her friends from certain death. She thought about that to herself and that if it wasn’t for Deadpool, her friends would have surely perished. She looked back at Rover and figured with him here, she had to have answers as to why they attacked Canterlot in the first place. “You’re right, Rainbow Dash”, She looked back at Rainbow Dash before looking at Deadpool standing behind Rarity and Applejack, “"I'm sorry Deadpool. Thanks for saving my friends,” she gave him a small smile.

“Eh, don't sweat it, Twilight. I’m use to stuff like this. I’m always on the bad end of Ms. Marvel's and She-Hulk's anger, so it's all good,” he gave her a thumbs up before looking at the reader “Seriously though, I saw some things that you don’t even want to begin to imagine. ...Don't Google it!”

“Hey, where's Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy?” Twilight asked, noticing their absence.

“At the hospital," Rarity replied, "Pinkie Pie was severely injured from an attack by one of those mutts. She was losing blood fast that we had to take her there as quick as possible. Fluttershy is there right now with Mr. and Mrs. Cake and the twin.”

“What!” Twilight’s eyes widen from hearing what Rarity said. “We got to go to the hospital, now!”

“Then why are we here, lets go!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“Wait, what about him?” Rarity pointed to Rover.

“The guards will put him in a cell for questioning. Right now, we need to see if Pinkie is alright,” Twilight hesitated before finally rushing to the hospital with the others.

Deadpool never followed them and stood there staring off into space, never noticing anything around him, "What pretty clouds."

“Would you come on, slow poke!” Rainbow Dash shouted into snapping Deadpool out of his trance and to comically catch up with her and the other four, mimicking Curly’s whooping sound as he did.

***Sweet Apple Acres, CMC clubhouse***

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle sat around a table and tried to come up with some ideas that'll help them get their cutie marks. For the past week, they've tried hoofball, tight-rope, scuba diving and fishing; but they failed at all of them.

“I don’t know girls, I got nothing,” Scootaloo pouted.

“Me neither,” Sweetie Belle huffed.

“We could try bull riding,” Apple Bloom suggested.

“We did that three weeks ago," Scootaloo reminded her, "And look where that got us,” She shivered from just remembering the face Fluttershy gave them when they were riding on a bull's back; sheer anger and rage, "I could've sworn I saw a vein pop in Fluttershy's forehead."

“Oh yeah, I forgot about that. And I thought Rarity was overprotective and assertive”

“Hey! …actually, I can’t argue with that,” Sweetie Belle shrugged, agreeing with Apple Bloom about her sisters habit of getting angry and very protective of her fashion designs.

“All in favor of never making Fluttershy angry, say aye,” Scootaloo raises her hoof.

“Aye,” both Apple Bloom and Sweetie raised a hooves in agreement.

The table shook very briefly, not very noticeable to the fillies. Then the table shook briefly again, a little stronger; this time getting their attention. A third time caused the ground and whole clubhouse to shake, followed with a light booming sound. The fillies gave off confused and curious looks before a fourth shake appeared, and this one felt slightly stronger; which caused them to plop on the ground.

“What is that?” Sweetie Belle asked, getting terrified by these random shakes as she sat back up with her friends.

Over and over, the shaking grew stronger and stronger, emitting an eerie boom the moment they start; boom, boom, boom. The Crusaders couldn't make high-hoof of what was causing the clubhouse to rattle repeatedly. It didn't feel like an earthquake and it didn't sound like an avalanche. No, it sounded like something was approaching them; something big. With steady hooves, they galloped to the windows to look outside and see what was going on. They searched for the source, eyes scanning the area for something or anything to move. A minute passed before something finally came into view. They noticed trees mysteriously uproot and fall to the ground miles away while the booming shakes grew louder and stronger.

“Is it a bear?” Apple Bloom asked

“I hope it’s not a dragon!” Sweetie Belle shouted with some squeak in her voice.

“I don’t think it’s neither. It sounds… heavier,” Scootaloo says with some fear in her voice.

A shadow appeared and knocked the last of the trees that were in its way. The Crusaders backed away from the windows as something approached the clubhouse. They didn't look outside, or budge an inch. Instead, they sat there watching a large hulking arm with red bands move pass the window and shadow them from inside the small clubhouse. All three shivered in fear as the creature outside moved pass the clubhouse and head straight to Ponyville. The stomping from the large monster started to fade and disappear. Scootaloo got up, still shivering, and walked to the window then peaked out; her jaw unhinged and eyes in shock and disbelief from what was displayed before her. “Its gone girls, but get a load of this,” she said as Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle shakily walked up to Scootaloo and looked outside. Their face matched Scootaloo's when they saw rows of trees knocked over and flattened like dominoes.

“What was that thing?!” Apple Bloom asked as they walked outside to get another full view of the carnage.

“I don’t know" Scootaloo responded "But that was definitely not a dragon”

***Ponyville hospital***

Over at the Ponyville Hospital, Fluttershy paced outside the doors and waited for her friends to arrive. Soon enough, she spotted them galloping as fast as possible. They stopped in front of her and breathed easy so they can catch their breaths.

“Thank goodness you’re here. Are the rest of those mean dogs gone?” Fluttershy asked them.

“Yup, Deadpool took care of them in no time, at all,” Rainbow Dash replied, looking at Deadpool.

“Ladies, ladies, there’s enough Deadpool to go around,” He said, chuckling.

“Anyway, is Pinkie alright?” Twilight asked, very worried.

“I’m afraid her condition is worse than we thought,” Fluttershy looked down at the ground about to cry, “She’s in a coma from losing too much blood. The doctors managed to stop the bleeding; but they don’t know if she’ll make it through this.”

Twilight covered her mouth as a tear formed from her eye. The others felt torn apart from hearing this. Deadpool was torn apart, too. Having made friends with Pinkie brought him so much joy that messing with Cable and Wolverine had no comparison. He didn't want to hear any of this. He gave Fluttershy an upsetting look and blew up in front of the ponies.

“There has to be a way to save her!" he said. "There has to! I was having so much fun with Pinkie. I don’t want her to die!" Deadpool grabbed Fluttershy by the shoulders with tears forming and soaking his mask.

“I-I’m so sorry, but we won’t know anything until the nurse tells us what's going to happen" Fluttershy replied with an eep.

“That nurse needs to hurry, because I don’t want my new best friend to die on me!” Deadpool lifted Fluttershy up in the air and shouted angrily at her, “You get back in there and tell them they need to do a better job. I want Pinkie to live!”

“S-Stop, please,” Fluttershy quivered and started to cry, causing her friends to surround the enraged Deadpool.

“Put her down Deadpool, Now!” Twilight shouted, demanding he do as he is told.

“Don’t go crazy on us, sugar-cube. We're all sad Pinkie’s in the hospital and would do anything to see her alive, but please, for Equestria's sake, you got to get a grip on yourself and relax. She’s not dead yet,” Applejack cautiously approached Deadpool and tried to calm him down, being a voice of reason to him. “Just be patient, I’m sure one of the nurses will come and tell us what news they have,” she placed a gentle hoof on his leg.

Deadpool beamed his eyes at Applejack and gave her an angry glare, but a friendly smile from the cowgirl pony managed to calm him down. He looked back at Fluttershy and gently placed her down as he sat down with his head hunched over, depressed. “I just want her to be alive. I just wanted to party with her once this whole dog bit was over,” he said in a calm voice.

Rainbow Dash, Twilight and Rarity let their guard down and looked at Deadpool, feeling sad to see him like this. Applejack walked around Deadpool and sat in front of him, "Chin up, Deadpool. Pinkie has been through worse than this. She is part of the Apple family. And as ponies know, the Apple family is known to take some punishment" she chuckled with an assuring smile, hopefully to make him feel better. Deadpool looked at Applejack with surprised eyes before the doors to the hospital slid open.

Deadpool and the five element bearers turn their attention to the opened front doors as Nurse Redheart walked out, and noticed them. She raises a confused brow. “What are you all doing out here?" she asked. "Come inside, please!” she motioned her head before turning around and heading back inside the hospital. Deadpool and the ponies took no time and headed inside, as well. As they did, Nurse Redheart noticed Twilight and bowed respectfully. “It’s an honor to meet you again, Princess Twilight,” she rose back up and smiled, then turned around to go to the front desk.

Twilight blushed and slightly groaned in annoyance, “Nurse, please don’t call me that. Just call me, Twilight,” she said to the nurse only to be ignored by her.

“By the way, what happened to your wings?” she asked as the doors slid shut behind them. She sat down on a chair behind the front desk, and looked at some documents of current patients

Deadpool stopped his depression attack and replaced it with a bewildered display; and raised a brow, “The hell?!" He looked at Applejack and pointed at Twilight, "She’s a princess?” he asked her.

Applejack nodded in response “Yup, it’s a long story. I'll explain later,” she said as she walked to one of the free chairs and sat down, resting her flank and haunches; relaxing for once.

Deadpool cocked his head around and whispered to the readers, “Hey, since Chuck Norris’s pony won’t tell me, why don’t you guys tell me in the comments below; I’d love to hear this story. Between you and me, I don’t think purple bitch pony is royalty at all."

“Hey, who're you talking to back there?” Applejack asked, looking at Deadpool confusinged.

Deadpool looked back at Applejack, “No one,” he quickly responded before walking up and sitting on a chair next to Applejack, and then twiddled his thumbs, waiting patiently. He looked over his shoulder and noticed filly toys on the floor in the corner. He widened his eyes excitedly and got up to go play with them.

Rainbow Dash and Rarity sat down next to Applejack as they look at Deadpool with confused faces and watch him play with the toys like a little kid. The three element bearers looked at each other before shrugging it off and relaxed on the chairs, laying back a bit; he was no Pinkie, but Deadpool sure does act random like her.

Twilight didn't sit down. Instead, she stood in front of a window and looked up at the sky, pondering to herself, "If what Deadpool said is true, then, surely he didn't come alone. If that's the case, who else came with him?"

***Near Ponyville Park***

“Wow, now that Twilight is royalty, I can take as many breaks as I want!" Spike smiled as he walked into town for a stroll, and talking to himself. "Even with more assistants helping her, I’ll still be her number one assistant.” He gloated himself as he walked out of Ponyville, and stumbled into Ponyville Park. "So, what should I do first?” he thought as he walked up and sat on a bench near the slides and jungle gym, ignoring the giddy fillies and young colts playing behind him. He crossed his arms and leaned back on the bench, pondering about something else other than his usual gloating thoughts. “Still," he talked to himself. "If Twilight doesn’t like taking part in being royalty, then why did Celestia turn her into a princess in the first place?” he scratched the side of his head in bewilderment but got nowhere with his unanswered question, “Maybe it's destiny, or something? I don’t know,” After a while of annoying himself with unanswered questioned, he hopped off the bench and walked away, heading outside of the park; and walking over a bridge that lead to the White Tail woods. Being that there have been little to no attacks at all, he figured some decent quiet could help him think better; after all, Celestia's decision to make his mother a princess was still confusing beyond anything he could've imagined.

Spike approached the calming tundra of rustling trees and foliage, never noticing the sudden feel of the ground underneath feet shake in short, pausing patterns; but mysteriously stopped when Spike talked to himself again about Twilight and her new role as princess.

Spike shortly stepped into his own space as he ventured further down the White Tail woods, ignoring his surroundings and what he could stumble upon. Spike, stilled distracted from his racing thoughts, unknowingly walked up and accidentally bumped into a large tree stump, knocking the poor baby dragon off his feet and comically land on his rump. “Ouch!” he grunted as he got back up and brushed dirt off his scales. "Nice one, Spike. Next time, watch where you're--" He stopped mid-sentence when he noticed it suddenly getting dark. He looked down at the ground to see an enormous shadow blanket over him. “What the heck?” he looked at the shack-sized shadow before gazing his eyes at its owner. What he saw next widened his eyes as big as dinner plates; two big, bulky red tree stump stood before him. “Trees in the middle of the path? that’s--" his voice paused when he quickly noticed something wasn't right with these trees "--wait, trees aren’t red” he looked carefully at the trees, only figure out that these weren't trees, at all; they were legs, and the stumps looked like think layered boots. This was no tree, it was a monster; but what kind? Spike's thoughts immediately switched from thinking about Twilight's role to high-tailing it out of there so he wouldn't get eaten. His mind thought that, but his body thought otherwise. He couldn't move a single muscle. Fear engulfed him like a tsunami. The only thing he could do was gulp his saliva down his throat and he slowly craned his head up to see the rest of the terror that stood before; it was huge; bigger than any bear or minotaur he had seen. It was bright red from its chest down to its boots, yet it was tan-ish around the arms with bands around the biceps of the same red color. And the muscles it possessed were much larger than even Bulk Biceps', and would cause Iron Will to fall in envy and wallow in sorrow. In fact, both of them were pint-sized compared to this thing in front of him. Spike looked up to see the head, but could only get a glimpse as a large hand reached out and grabbed him with a firm grip, wrapping around his body like pythons coils. Squinting his eyes, Spike's breathing grew a tad difficult from the mass amount of pressure being created by the giant hand. He tried to open his eyes; he barely could. His mind raced again, but not about Twilight; but about what was going to happen to him. He may be squeezed tight, but he could still feel himself getting lifted off the ground and into the air, but slowly. With a little ounce of breath he could muster, he gruntly said, “Let… go of me!” and those were the only words that came out of his mouth. He could only hold in what little air he had in his lungs.

The giant hand stopped and barely loosened its grip, giving Spike the opportunity to breathe in new air; but he was still trapped in the monster's clutches. It felt like a steel trap. Either way, Spike was thrilled that he was still alive, and breathing in and out fresh air. His thrill quickly turned into fright as he opened his eyes to look at a face so horrifying, so angry, it would give Gilda a run for her bits. Spike's eyes shrunk to pin points as he locked eyes with a goliath. He feared for the worse when it started to talk to him--

“Where is Twilight, you puny dragon,” the monster ask, talking in a low, gruntful voice.


***Canterlot Hospital***

Hours passed, Deadpool and the five elements waited patiently for any news about Pinkie's condition. Deadpool sat between Applejack and Twilight, twiddling his thumbs while looking at the clock. Time ticked by and patience was grew thin in Deadpool's mind, "How much longer? I can't handle the quiet."

"It's only been thirty minutes Deadpool, be a little more patient," Twilight said. "Find something else to keep you occupied."

Deadpool paused himself and thought about what Twilight said. He glanced over at Rainbow Dash and Rarity, who were taking a nap, and then at Fluttershy playing with a moth. A thought bubble appeared over his head, showing a slideshow of him ripping a piece of Fluttershy's tail off, and using it to tickle Rarity's nose into letting her splat whip-cream on her face. The next prank would involve a cup of warm water and Rainbow's hoof in it. "Hehehe, time to go to work," he whispered to himself as he prepared to prank the unsuspected ponies.

Nurse Redheart opened the doors and walked in the main room, waking Rainbow Dash and Rarity; and ruining Deadpool's upcoming prank, "Damn it." Nurse Redheart approached Twilight and the others with a worrisome frown on her face as they formed a half circle in front of the nurse, “I have good news, and bad news. The good news is--”

“Is my little Pinkie okay?" Deadpool teleported in front of the shocked nurse. "Tell me! Tell me, please?! I want her to live, so we can watch Equestria girls together” Deadpool cried out comically while grabbing Nurse Redheart's shoulders and receiving a confused look from her.

“What in the world?”

Twilight flashed her horn and used her magic on Deadpool to swing him and pin his front view against the ceiling where he can’t move, teleport, or twitch, “Ignore him nurse" she said as she looked at her with a calm, "Please, continue.”

Redheart still looked confused and surprised as ever at the sight of Deadpool, but she quickly regained her focus and looked at Twilight “Well," she continued, "The good news is, we stopped the bleeding, internal and out. Bad news is, she’s lost so much blood from that injury. The wounds are fixed, but the massive blood loss has put her into a coma. We don’t know if she'll make it or not.”

The whole room was dead silent. Eyes were wide, and hearts were tearing. The words from the nurse slammed into them like anvils. Fluttershy and Rarity sat down on their haunches; both were trying so hard not to cry. Rainbow Dash and Applejack stood there with looks of disbelief, wishing the nurse's words were a lie. Twilight sighed and turned off her magic. "Whoa!" Deadpool crashed to the floor, "I'm okay!" he said, waving his hand behind a chair.

The silence went for a few minutes before Rainbow Dash spoke out, and asked, “Is there anything we can do to snap her out of that coma?”

Nurse Redheart shook her head, "I'm afraid not. We just need to wait and--" her ears perked up "--Wait a minute!" She looked at the ponies before placing a hoof on her chin, “There actually might be a way to save her, but it could be very risky,” she mentioned.

“We'll do whatever it takes," Twilight said. "Just, please, tell us what we need to do?"

“Alright, it is a long shot, but we could perform a blood transfusion on her. If one of you has the exact same blood type like her, there's a possibility we could help save her. All we need to do is-- um...“ Redheart stops mid-sentence, not wanting to go any further and scaring the others; especially Fluttershy. She knows how squeamish the timid pegasus can be. “Anyway, I need blood samples from all of you to see who has the right blood type in order for this transfusion to work”

They all nod in agreement. Fluttershy, on the other hoof, was getting squeamish already; she hated needles just as much as she hated the Everfree forest at night. Deadpool rose back on his feet and looked at the ponies. "Can I join?" he asked, "I've always wanted to do a blood transmutation!"

They all looked at him with mild confusion, having no idea what he meant by that all, but Nurse Redheart shrugged, “Right this way,” she said as she escorted everyone to the blood extraction room.

***White Tail woods***

“I'll ask again, puny dragon: where is Twilight?” the goliath shouted, demanding an answer as her gripped Spike like a stress toy.

Spike grunted through his voice, but spoke out and gave the red monster a response, “I-I don’t know," he struggled to escape the monsters grip. Whatever this thing is, it was after Twilight. And, how did he know Twilight's name? Either way, Spike growled in defiance at the red goliath, "Even if I knew, I’d never tell you,” he shouted at the giant, lying and protecting Twilight as best he could from the brute. He glared at the monster's face and tried to not get intimidated; he was failing, badly. A beat of sweat rolled down the side of his face as the red goliath just stared him down with hellbent eyes and serious straight face, “What are you?”

The red goliath gave Spike a slow, menacing grin, “I’m the boogieman, runt” he reeled his Spike gripped arm as far back as it went.

Spike widened his eyes in fright, confusion and surprise, “What are you going to--” before Spike had time to finish, the giant swung his arm. The moment he released the baby dragon, Spike screamed bloody murder as he was sent hurdling in the air, and straight to Canterlot.

The goliath stood straight and laughed, “Ha, I made a flightless dragon fly. There’s a laugh I haven't had in awhile,” The red goliath placed his bulky hand on the forehead part of his dome helmet as he watched the little dragon fly to a large, white castle on the side of a mountain, “What's this?” The brute looked carefully, eyeing the strange castle miles away from him. “So I threw him over there? huh, must be Twilight’s house," he assumed. "better give her my greetings,” the red goliath grinned before crouching a bit. He launched himself forward and stampeded towards Canterlot.

***Canterlot Hospital; 2 hours later***

“Ow!" Applejack walked out of the extraction room, grunted a bit from the pain of giving a pint of her blood away. She rubbed her thick bandages, "Well, that turned out fine, I guess,” she smiled faintly.

Rainbow Dash was the next to walk out, hanging her head with an annoyed and agitated face, “Easy for you to say, Applejack!" she griped. "I had to wake up Fluttershy three times just so the doctor would get her blood,” Rainbow Dash groaned, flapping her wings to hover in the air.

“I-I’m sorry, Rainbow Dash, but I just don’t like needles. They're so painful!” Fluttershy came out next, timidly hiding behind her mane while folding her bandaged leg next to her chest.

"Three times Fluttershy, three times!" she said irritated. “It was a small prick and you know it!”

Fluttershy backed up and crouched a bit, "I-I... uh--..."

“Leave her alone, Rainbow Dash!" Rarity came out, defending her timid friend, "Be glad we all got it over with," she rubbed her bandaged arm. "Though, I don’t think 'prick' is the right word for what we went through. That really hurt!” Rarity whimpered and went to go set down near the front desk.

“Well, at least most of us were being cooperative," said Twilight as she came out next with Deadpool right beside her. "Deadpool, was ripping your own arm off really necessary? That was just plain gross!" she cringed in disgusted before giving him a sharp glare. "You nearly gave everypony a heart attack! I’m glad Fluttershy fainted before you did that.”

“What?" Deadpool shrugged, holding his disembodied arm. "The nurse said she wanted blood. So, I gave it to her. Worth it, though!" he laughed. "Did you see the look on that one nurse’s face? I thought she was going to shit bricks. That was priceless,” he placed his arm back in its socket, squeezing both sockets as his healing factor repaired what use to be his stubby arm. He flexed and stretched his arm as if it was never cut to begin with. Thank Celestia the ponies didn't see him heal-- all, but Twilight.

Twilight scrunched her muzzle in annoyance before poking Deadpool's ribs with her front hoof, “Look mister, you may be Pinkie's new friend, but around here we don’t take this kind of stuff funny. I suggest you control yourself, or you'll be sent to the Canterlot dungeons!"

Deadpool stood there, annoyed at Twilight's constant nagging, “Look,” he slapped Twilight’s hoof away, “I have my ways of doing thing, you have yours. Get that through your thick skull, Princess uber bitch!” He angrily looked at her, somewhat fed-up with her trying to give him orders. If she wants to have him behave, she'd have to pay him.

“What did you call me?!” Twilight widened her eyes before giving him a death glare, and growling like a wolf.

“You heard me,” Deadpool leaned his head down and shared the same glare as Twilight; electric streams coursing through one another's glare.

A pair of orange hooves got between Twilight and Deadpool and pushed them back a bit, “That’s enough!” shouted Applejack, getting in the middle of their growing bickering. “We’re all still groggy from that blood extraction, but please, this is a hospital for Celestia's sake! There's no need to turn on each other and act like gosh darn thugs,” she said, keeping a fight from starting. “Let's just simmer down and take a breather. And once we’re all calm--" She gave a sudden glare to Twilight "--I’d like to have a word with you, Twilight,” her tone sounded disappointed. She was not happy with how Twilight had been acting lately. She may be serious but Applejack knew Twilight would never get serious when it came to a fight-- especially in a hospital.

Rarity stepped in next to Applejack, “Applejack's right, you two. We should all get some rest for the time being. I know I do!" she placed a hoof over her mouth and yawned, "I must have my beauty sleep," she looked at Deadpool with a generous smile. "I’ll work on your outfit sometime later, okay? Deadpool, dear?"

“Fine by me, Marshmallow!” he gave her a thumbs-up, much to Rarity's confusion of the gesture.

Before any of them had time to go home and rest, a royal guard rushed in-- surprising everypony-- and panted from exhaustion before quickly regaining his composure, “Princess Twilight, you are needed in the castle. It’s urgent!”

“What now?” Twilight groaned.

“Well, there goes my beauty sleep,” Rarity whimpered sadly.

“Yay, more action! Where’s that clipboard that makes the clicky, snappy sound?” Deadpool looked around.

“Yup, random like Pinkie Pie. You two are made for each other,” Rainbow Dash laughed at her own joke before actually thinking about that image-- which made her cringe instantly. “On second thought, that would be way too weird and creepy, even for Pinkie Pie”

As they walked out of the hospital to go to the Canterlot castle, Rainbow Dash stopped to look up at the sky and take in the fresh air and sun's ray. She closed her eyes for a second and opened them back up, only to notice a tiny object in the sky. She gave off a confused look before she placed her hoof on her forehead to block out the sun while squinting her eyes, wondering what she's looking at, "What is that?" she thought as the tiny object suddenly grew bigger to show purple and green. "Is that Spike?"

"What about Spike?" Twilight wondered, looking back at Rainbow dash with the others doing the same thing.

"I think I see Spike falling from the sky?

"And everyone said I was seeing thing?" Deadpool said with an eyebrow raised.

"I'm not seeing things! I think I can see Spike falling--"

"Incoming!" Spike shouted.

Rainbow widened her eyes and gasped, "--Towards me!" she tried to get out of the way but ended up becoming Spike's landed pad as he crashed onto her with a thud. The others jumped back from the impact, shocked and confused from the sudden event.

Spike slowly rose his head up and placed a claw on his scalp, “Ow my head. He looked at the downed Rainbow Dash and smiled sheepishly. "Hehe, thanks for breaking my fall, Rainbow Dash,” he said, sliding off of Rainbow Dash and standing back up.

Rainbow Dash sat up, dazed, confused and seeing stars. She shook her head before glaring daggers at Spike, “What the hell, Spike!" she shouted. "Were you teaching yourself how to fly? Because that was a poor display,” she pointed her hoof at him, and gave another stern glare.

Spike flinched and stepped back from the angry pegasus, "I wasn't flying Rainbow Dash," he responded. "I was thrown here!”

Everyone either gave shocked or confused looks at the young dragon, "thrown?!" they said before Rarity, Twilight and Fluttershy came up to Rainbow Dash and Spike to check for any injuries.

“Goodness, are you alright?” Fluttershy asked Spike as she helped Rainbow Dash on her hooves..

Spike nodded, “I’m fine, Fluttershy. A little shaken, but I’m alright.”

“What in all of Equestria threw you, Spikey-Wikey?” Rarity asked.

Spike blushed with hearts floating behind him, looking at his dream mare with love-filled eyes, “A giant, red monster threw me here, my love”, he spilled in a love-struck voice.

“What?” Rarity raised a brow in confusion, oblivious to Spike's crush on her.

Spike snapped out of his love trance and shook his head. He quickly regained his composure and spoke out, “Uh, nothing, um," he continued. "A giant red monster grabbed me and threw me all the way from Ponyville.”

“Giant red monster?” Twilight walked up to Spike, quite confused about his story, “You sure it wasn't that big red dragon that puffed a lot of smoke in Ponyville way back?” she asked before brushing dirt off of him with her hooves and magic. She thought he was making this up; the only red giant they've ever encountered was the red dragon. She smiled a bit, thinking he was being silly and just hallucinating what he saw; that it was the CMC who did that to Spike, because they got rid of that dragon years ago.

Spike pushed Twilight's hooves away, “It wasn’t that dragon, Twilight!" he barked at her with an annoyed and serious tone. "It was a giant that threw me! It didn't look like anything I’ve seen in those books about giant monsters. It didn’t look like any troll, either!”

Twilight looked at Spike concerned. She never heard her son talk like this before, "Alright then, Spike," She sat straight and gave him a serious look, knowing he was telling the truthn “What else did this 'giant' do?” she asked. "What does it want?"

“Well," he thought, "It wanted to know where you were, Twilight.”

The ponies widen their eyes-- except Deadpool who stood there behind the ponies just listening while staring off into space at the same time, being bored out of his mind.

Twilight leaned her head back, “Me? What does it want with me?”

Spike shrugged, “I don’t know. He threw me before I even got a chance to ask.”

Twilight sighed softly before looking at Spike with a soft smile, “Well, I’m glad you’re alright, Spike,” she hugged her son close, giving him comfort just like how her mother use to do when she was a filly.

Spike smiled, enjoying Twilight's soft embrace, “Thanks, Twilight,” he hugged his mother back in return. The other ponies d'awwed over this before Spike took notice of Deadpool behind them, “Um, Twilight, who’s that guy?”

Twilight released Spike and looked back at Deadpool, “This is Deadpool; he's a pain in the flank that came out of nowhere, and drove Gilda away; so I’ve heard” she said unamused.

"Wow, that's cool!"

"I'll introduce you to him real quick. We're kind of in a hurry."

"Um, alright," Spike said as he and Twilight approached Deadpool-- even though he didn't noticed them coming.

"Deadpool? I'd like you to meet--..." Twilight noticed Deadpool wasn't paying attention. She groaned in annoyance, "--Deadpool!" she shouted.

Deadpool flinched and snapped out of his fantasy world, "What, who, where?" he looked down at Twilight and frowned behind his mask. "What do you want now? Haven't I gotten enough of your nagging already?" he said unamused, receiving chuckles and smirks from the other ponies.

Twilight rolled her eyes before speaking to him and showing him Spike, "Deadpool, I'd like you to meet--"

Deadpool gasped-- interrupting Twilight-- and pointed at Spike, "♪Holy fucking shit, It's a dinosaur! ♫ Jesus Cri-iii-ist, what the fuck! ♪Oh my fucking god, fucking dinosaurs, holy shi-iii-it, what the fuuu-uuuu-uuuck!♪"

Spike raised a confused from Deadpool's singing, "What's a dinosaur?" he asked.

Twilight facehooved herself and shook her head in frustration from what she just heard. She sighed and calmed herself before going on, "Anyway, this is my son, Spike," she looked at Spike and smiled a bit. "Spike, this is Deadpool. He'll be here in our world for a while.

"Wait," Spike crossed his arms. "Weren't you the one who fought Gilda in Ponyville?" the young dragon asked.

“That's right, little dinosaur!" he brought out his BB pistol and twirled it around his finger before gripping its grip. "All I did was blast her in the ass with this. Bang, Bang!" he comically pretended to fire the fake gun.

“He does, however, tend to go crazy, and-- oddly enough-- almost shares the same personality like Pinkie,” Twilight explained with bewildered thoughts.

“Hey, I can’t help it if I’m awesome,” Deadpool says, putting his pistol away. "But don't get the idea of Pinkie and I being twins. That's not legitimately possible," he perked his head, getting a brain fart, "Unless if you count those Wakfu twin, then anything's possible," he shrugged.

Twilight rolled her eyes again before looking at Spike, “Anyway, now that introductions are out of the way, do you remember what the monsters face looked like?” she asked.

Without hesitation, Spike answered with a terrified tone, “I do," he said, "His face was as red as an apple. And his glare was so scary that it would give Nightmare Moon a run for her bits,” he shuttered. "Teeth flaring and that soul piercing glare," Spike cringed. If terror had a face, he sure as Tartarus found it; and he never wanted to see it again.

Twilight frowned a little before reeling in Spike for another comforting hug and giving him a gentle nuzzle; motherly instincts kicking in immediately in a snap. She may not like being a princess, but being an adoptive mother was another thing. She tried her best to calm her son down, and it worked-- even though Spike felt embarrassed. Their friends watching them made it worse for him. He sighed and thought that this was a bad time for Twilight to go mother on him, but he secretly didn't mind her hugs; they felt as soft as fresh bed-sheets.

Deadpool leaned close to Applejack, "So, how did this come about?" he asked her with a very confused and curious look. "Did princess naggy pop that dinosaur out of her belly?"

Applejack looked at Deadpool with a confused look of her own. And before she could explain anything to the clueless merc, Twilight released Spike and glance at Deadpool.

"Deadpool!" Twilight called out.

Deadpool immediately left Applejack and rushed to Twilight's side, standing like a soldier and giving her a salute, “You called, royal hayness highness?”

“Do you know anything about this?” Twilight asked with a raised brow.

"About what?"

"About the red giant. Do you know anything about it?"

Deadpool thought about Twilight's question for a second before getting a light-bulb above his head, “Well, it isn't the jolly green giant. I know that much,” he joked, referring to the Hulk.

Twilight gave a serious, unamused glare at Deadpool. She was in no mood for any humor, games or funny business. She was about to chew him out when the royal guard spoke out, “I hate to break it to everypony, but we must get to the castle now.”

“Fine. I guess will take matters at hoof with Celestia, because she will take things more seriously,” Twilight glared daggers at Deadpool before she walked off with her friends and son, letting the guard escort them to Celestia's castle.

"What I say?" Deadpool shrugged as he followed the ponies.

***Unknown void***

“Ugh! Where am I?" Pinkie Pie examined her surroundings. "Am I in school? No, it’s too dark to be school. Am I in a cave? No, I would hear bats by now," She thought hard to herself, but couldn't get a clear answer from all the floating she's doing, "Where am I? And why am I floating?” Pinkie Pie looked down and spun her body like a ball, clueless about her new surroundings. She stopped her loops and grew agitated and bored, “Am I dead?” she smacked herself, “Ow! No, I’m not dead, I felt that. What’s going on?!” She shouted as she voice traveled the vast emptiness of an echoing, lifeless, black void.

“You are merely dreaming, young Pinkie Pie,” a calm, English language voice called out to her.

Pinkie's ears twitched as she perked her body straight, still floating. She looked around for the source of the voice, “That voice, I recognize somehow." she looked around again before smiling her trademark smile, "Is that you sandcolt?" she called out, "how are you doing?”

Pinkie Pie heard a chuckle before hearing the voice speak again, “I am not the sandcolt, Pinkie Pie!”

“I know,” she snickered, “I knew it was you all along, Princess Luna.”

The dark void suddenly changed, becoming more like Sugarcube corner. Pinkie Pie smiled and gazed in excitement about the scenery; the kitchen, the front desk, the tables and all the candy was in alphabetical order. “Alphabetical order? I think you need to watch more episodes, Author. You’re really losing your game here!”

“Who are you speaking too, Pinkie Pie?” said Luna, appearing in front of the pink mare in a bright flash and approached her in the middle of the main room.

“No one, Princess Luna.” Pinkie giggled. “So what’s going on here, Princess? Where am I?” she asked.

“Thou art merely dreaming, Pinkie Pie." Luna answered kindly. "Your brain is in a state of suspended-animation. But, its somehow rapidly fixing itself and making you have a dream like this; which made it easy for me to enter and speak to thee”

Pinkie Pie looked at Luna with a childish, confused face, having no clue what Luna said and wondering how the holy mother of cupcakes did she survive, “But if I’m dreaming, doesn’t that mean I’m still alive? Cause I remember defending the Cake family from a nasty diamond dog, and…nothing after that.”

“Thou were unconscious under a pile of barrels from the dog's strike. Your friends got you out, but thou hath been severely injured by the attack that they quickly took you to the hospital,” Luna explained.

“So, I’m in a hospital, lying in a bed unconscious?”

Luna nodded, “Yes.”

“Oh,” she looked around, then back at Luna, “how am I still alive? Outside in the real world, I mean.”

“Thou hath received a blood transfusion from one of the nurses. Thou art having blood being put in you now as we speakth”

Pinkie Pie gasped and gave a look of shock before cringing, “Eww! Gross, gross, gross!” she hopped around in a crazy manner, jumping from table to table before landing in front of an confused, yet entertained, Luna, “I have somepony’s blood in me? That just wrong! So very wrong!” she whined like a filly. And even though she can't feel anything, that didn't stop her from being grossed out, “Whose blood is it, anyway?”

“One of your friends, Pinkie Pie,” Luna responded.

Pinkie perked her ears and sat straight with a happy smile, “Oh! Then that’s a different story," she giggled as if it was never a bother to her from the start, “So which one of my friends blood do I have in me?” she asked the bewildered Luna. To think Pinkie would get over the disturbing information so quickly is beyond baffling to the lunar princess. She's never spent any time with the hyperactive mare, other than the Nightmare Night event; but that didn't really count in Luna's eyes. She did remember Twilight informing her about Pinkie's hyper, bubbly, happy nature and how she loved to party, but seeing it first hoof was almost alien to her. Either way, it was still thrilling to be in the presence of another who was having a happy-go-luck, positive attitude; even if she knew this mare was having a near death experience.

Luna smiled a bit, "Thou art in for a surprise” she said. "Thou won't believe shares the same blood as you."

Pinkie gave Luna an eager smile, wanting to know who donated his or her blood to her, “Ooo, um, Is it Rarity? She is the element of generosity.”

“A good guess, but nay”

“Rainbow Dash?”

Luna nodded her head, “Thou would think that, but nay as well”

“… Fluttershy?”

“Nay either. She passed out very easily.”

Pinkie snickered and giggled, letting out a few snorts, too. "Yeah, I can see that. That mare is scared of almost everything."

"Doth thou give up?" Luna smirked deviously.

Pinkie Pie rubbed her head with both of her hooves to try and think of any more candidates, but grunts in frustration, "Gah! I'm out of ideas. I'm too unconscious to think!"

Luna grinned in victory, “It’s Deadpool!” she revealed

Pinkie Pie widened her eyes and dropped her jaw to the floor, never expecting to hear that, "What?!" she exclaimed. "Deadpool's blood!"

Luna nodded, “Your ears do not deceive you. You have Deadpool's blood in your veins. You and him share the same blood type. And as such, you are healing at a rapid pace. A 'healing factor' if thou call it”

“So, Deadpool… saved me?” Pinkie started to blush.

“In real terms, yes; Deadpool saved you from being in the hands of death.”

“This calls for a party when I wake up!” Pinkie started bouncing up and down, circling around Luna. She even blushed at the thought of Deadpool saving her.

Luna smiled, happy to see Pinkie Pie smile and be her happy-go-lucky self.

“But first off, let’s have a tea party. Tea party with a princess, I must be dreaming. I’ve wanted to party with you for a long time”

Luna cocked her head to the side and raised a confused brow, "You... want to have a tea party with me?"

“Of course, silly," Pinkie giggled at Luna with a giddy smile. "I throw parties for everypony; whether gryphon, dragon, mule or pony, I'll throw them any sort of party," she smiled again. "But this is the first time a had a dream party with a princess"

Luna smiled back, loving the idea of having a tea party with Pinkie, “We thank thee, Pinkie Pie.” She was never known as a party pony; slumber, birthday, or tea party. She was always shy when she was around other ponies, even in her youth. But, for some reason, she felt happy to throw this tea party; even though it wasn't real. It was still really nice.

“You're super-duper welcome,” Pinkie Pie stopped bouncing to smile, only to develop a strange feeling through her head, “I feel funny. Not in funny, ha-ha sort of way. Funny as in weird,” Pinkie looked down to feel the strange sensation coarse down her body and caused her stomach to gargle.

“Art thou okay, Pinkie Pie?” Luna asked, a little worried.

“I think so. I just have a weird feeling in my tummy," she held her stomach.

“Is there something we can do to help thou?”

“Its fine, Princess Luna. I think I--” the gargling started to intensify louder "--Oh man, I think I’m going blow.” Luna watched Pinkie Pie crouch down and her stomach. The gargling in Pinkie's stomach grew louder. If other ponies were in the area around them, it would've been highly noticeable. To avoid danger, Luna backed away a bit from Pinkie Pie and watched to see what would happen next. She then watched as Pinkie Pie pushed herself back on her hooves, and gave Luna a somewhat painful look.

"I can feel it--" The gargling now sounded like it was traveling through her body “--Here it comes!” Pinkie Pie grunted and squeezed her eyes shut. Luna nervously bit her lip, scared and worried about Pinkie Pie. Her instincts told her to go get the nurses, and help Pinkie. Panic slowly engulfed her mind, but a loud, ripping sound instantly disintegrated that instinct and replaced it with confusion baaarrrrrrooommmmm!!!!!!! a loud, gassy, green smoked fart exploded out of Pinkie Pie derriere. The force collided with the desktop behind her, causing it to explode into millions of pieces along with the wall and entire kitchen-- the destruction mixed with the power butt fumes was like a miniature hurricane.

Luna covered her muzzle with one hoof and swerved the green, noxious air with her hoof; desperately trying to blow the stink away. Her eyes watered from the powerful, foul stench that surrounded her and its owner. “Thou have extremely bad flatulence, Pinkie Pie! What did thou eat before coming to the dream world?” she says, holding her hoof over her mouth.

“Must have been the chimichangas I ate yesterday. They were so good; I ate over five of ‘em” Pinkie Pie smiled, relieved to have gotten rid of her gas.

"Mother of my sister! That's foul!" Luna's eyes grew waterier from the stench. No matter how hard she tried covering her muzzle, the smell would not leave. "And we thought that Celestia had catatonic gas! This just ties with it!"

Pinkie Pie flopped on her back and laughed hysterically, “Stop it Luna, it hurts!" she snorted and laughed much to Luna's confusion. "Don't you know this is just a dream?” Pinkie Pie asked before pulling a large fan out of her mane and flipped the switch in the back, powering it on; and blowing her own butt fumes out of existence.

Once the air was pure and uncontaminated, Luna inhaled as much clean air as her lungs can take, then took a few deep breaths and breathed easily. When she did, she tried to cook up some theories on what just happened, "Strange, dreams don't normally do something like that. Why was it able to harm me? Or, in fact, almost cause me to faint?" Luna groaned before looking back to see Pinkie Pie sit back and smile at her with a giddy giggle.

“Anyway, shall we have that tea party?" Pinkie Pie asked?

Luna nodded with a faint smile “Yes, let us enjoy our time of tea.”

Pinkie smiled again and clapped her hooves as a table appeared before them with tea cups, donuts and crumpets. As they walked up and sat on opposite sides and facing one another, Luna took note of Pinkie's dream coming into place as she noticed things appearing one by one and floating aimlessly; like, Gummy wearing a mime costume and riding a unicycle, flowers dancing the conga, Spike burping bubbles, a talking cheese goat, and an orange orb with four stars.

“Amazing!" Luna watched in bewilderment. "I see Deadpool’s healing factor is working faster than I thought” she gazed more at the astonishing scenery.

“Hi, Gummy and Spike!” Pinkie waved her hoof in a happy, hyper way before going back to having her tea party with the night princess. After a few hours of quality tea time, mysterious wind slowly started to breeze through Sugar Cube Corners. “What's going on now?” Pinkie pondered as the wind grew stronger.

“Hmm, it seems as thou art about to wake up, Pinkie Pie," Luna said. "If thou were intended to have longer sleep, you're wish would not be grant. It appears that Deadpool’s blood has done its job, and now it is time for thou to wake up. Pinkie Pie, be ready for a surprise that awaits for you when thou wakes up,” Luna gets up from her chair and backs away, slowly beginning to fade.

“Wait, I still have two questions; did you want sugar with your tea?! And, how did you know about everything that happen today?” she shouted as Luna and the inside of Sugar Cube Corner faded to black.

In Pinkie's hospital room, Pinkie Pie snapped her eyes open and shifted them around her hospital room before looking at her own body covered in a body cast and her left arm with an incision dug in her skin, with a blood bag completely empty.

"Best tea party ever!" Pinkie Pie smiled with a giddy giggle.

***Canterlot, near Celestia's castle***

“Finally, we made it!" Deadpool whined as he and the ponies walked up near the stairs to the castle. "That took forever!”

Twilight looked at Deadpool and rolled her eyes, annoyed with his behavior, “Deadpool, it was only a two mile walk."

“But that’s still too far!” Deadpool swung his arms down like a little kid, yet to some who noticed, he was having some fun and trying to push some buttons; and Twilight was the perfect target for him, and on occasion he'll mess with Rarity.

“Yeesh! And I thought you complained a lot,” Rainbow Dash smirked and talked to Rarity.

“I beg your pardon!" Rarity retorted, looking at Dash with a slightly stern look. "I do not complain as much as him. In fact, I don’t complain at all!” she let out a dramatically looked away from her with a quick 'hmmf', "The nerve."

Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy looked at Rarity each with one raised brow. They knew Rarity complained as much as the next pony, and she knew it; but her having to admit it was somewhat tricky. But today, they grew tired of Rarity trying to hide the fact that she complains, so they continued to give the white mare the same looks.

Rarity opened her right eye and saw the looks her friends were giving. She turned her head towards them with a confused look, “What?" They stared at her long enough for her to realize that acting wasn't going to help her out this time. She bit her bottom lip before sighing in defeat. "Ok, fine. I admit it. I complain," her friends smiled at her and chuckled. "But I’m not complaining right now, am I?” Rarity asked in a high-ish calm voice.

"No you're not, sugarcube," Applejack said as they walked up the stair and towards the big door, only to be halted by the royal guard.

“Right this way,” said the royal guard as he opened the doors to Celestia's castle.

They walk into the castle and were focused on the task at hoof, until Deadpool decided to sit on Twilight's back, “Onward, my trusty steed” He said in a western accent. "Yeehaw!"

Twilight snorted in anger and looked back at Deadpool with a one-eyed death glare, taking offense to his action, “Excuse me!" She said with a stern tone as she flicked her magic on and surrounded him with it, “Get off me!” with little to no effort, she tossed him in the air and off of her. Applejack and the other element bears, as much as they would agree to that offense, chuckled behind Twilight and tried to make it obvious for her.

Deadpool flew in the air singing, “I believe I can fly, I believe I can--” he crashed on the wall over a multiple stairway with a splat. He heaved as he slid down the wall and plopped on the floor in a daze.

The ponies walk in to the main hall with mixed reactions, "I know he acts like Pinkie in a way, but; what a spas," Applejack said. "And, that was the worst western accent I’ve ever heard,” her face went from amusement to an unamused frown.

“Welcome everypony,” Celestia greeted, walking down the left stairway and towards the ponies before taking note of Deadpool lying down behind her. She raised a brow before looking back at her subjects, “How did it go out there?” she asked. "Did you get rid of the Diamond dogs?"

Twilight nodded, "We did, Princess Celestia. However, there were a few casualties, and--"

“It was horrifying!” Rarity replied.

"So... much... blood..." Fluttershy hid her traumatized face behind her mane.

“We were almost dog chow out there!" Rainbow said before going on to tell Celestia her side of the story "It’s a good thing a certain somepony knew kung fu. You should've seen it, it was so awesome!” she smiled excitedly, mentioning Deadpool.

“Who, Ra’s Al Ghul?” Deadpool said, with question marks over his head while sitting on Applejack.

“She was talking about you, dunderhead,” Applejack said in a joking tone. "Wait? How'd you get on my back?"

"You mean Deadpool took out all those dogs?" Celesta raised a brow, surprised by the revelation.

“You bet, solar horse!" he hopped off of Applejack and pulled his katanas out of their sheaths, showing her the blades. "I chopped them up with these two bitches “ he posed in front of Celestia, much to her amazement by the swords. He slid his swords back in there holders and puts on a chef's hat, "I make ze hotdogs with ketchup and french fries, no? Zey would make fine delicacies. Ho-ho-ho-ho!"

Minutes later, Luna walked down the stairs and overheard their conversation, “Did you find out anything else about this assault?” she asked.

Twilight nodded, “Yes, I know who sent the Diamond Dogs,” Twilight glances at Luna before telling her, and her friends, “It was Queen Chrysalis who sent those dogs to Canterlot”

Everyone, except Deadpool, widened their eyes in shock from Twilight's answer. Last time they saw Chrysalis, she almost ruined Cadence and Shining Armor’s wedding. Why has she returned?

Fluttershy and Rarity looked up at Deadpool who was just standing there with his arms crossed. He then noticed the two ponies looking at him and flinched, "Oh, uh--" he placed his hands on his cheeks "--Le gasp!"

“Why she teamed up with the dogs is beyond strange, but whatever is going on something big is going to happen," Twilight said with a concerned look. "Is my brother and sister-in-law ok?” Twilight asked Celestia in worried tone.

Celestia smiled and nodded to her, “From what I’ve heard; yes, they are doing fine. The attackers have retreated, for now.

"That's good to hear," Twilight sighed in relief.

"They still want you to come to the Crystal Kingdom; they have a big surprise waiting for you."

“Really?" Twilight perked her head. "What is it?” Twilight said, curious to know.

“You’ll have to go to the Crystal Kingdom and see. I Pinkie promised to them not to tell you,” Celestia said that as a joke, but she seemed more stern than comical.

“You’ll love it! It’s a most wonderful surprise,” Luna said, smiling at Twilight. Celestia, on the other hoof, wasn’t smiling. She had a somewhat disappointed look on her face.

"Whoa! Princess with a frown," Deadpool said. "I think it's time to turn that frown--" he was suddenly trampled by the other element bears, forcing him down in order for him to not do or say anything stupid. They pinned him down as Twilight sat there with Spike looking up at Princess Celestia, knowing all too well what's going through the sun princess's mind.

Twilight sighed, “I know what you’re thinking, Princess Celestia," she talked to her with confidence and a strong demeanor "But I’ve made up my mind and decided to choose this. There are so many thing I should learn about, and when you turned me into a princess, I felt like you gave me this title way too early. I’m sorry, Celestia.” Twilight frowned but stayed strong, hoping Celestia would understand and accept the apology. If not, then she'd still understand.

"What did Hasbro do?" Deadpool thought.

Celestia closed her eyes for a few seconds before opening them to look at her former student with a small smile, “I completely understand your choice, Twilight." this caused Twilight to relax a bit. "I may have turned you into something you would’ve waited a bit longer for, but I had a reason to do it." she sighed softly. "As much as I don't agree with your choice, it had to be made; and I’ll respect that,” she was still disappointed in Twilight, wishing she would have embraced her new princess role and responsibilities instead of choosing to wait longer to accept those roles. Maybe it was her mistake to make her a princess sooner. Either way, destiny had ideas, it would've been a matter of time when it happened. Still, with that roaming in Celestia's mind, another made itself know, “Though I'm quite surprised" she said with an eyebrow raised. "How did you find a spell to reverted yourself back to a unicorn, yet still have your same height?” Luna was bewildered by this as well, never noticing until her sister now brought up. "Did you find the spell in a book?"

Twilight smiled at Celestia, “Funny you should asked that. I didn’t find the spell in any book," she chuckled deviously. "As a matter of fact, I made it.” She smiled proudly.

"Seriously?!" Rainbow exclaimed.

“You made a spell of your own? How in Equestria where you able to do that, Twilight?” Rarity asked in bewilderment and astonishment.

Twilight blushed a bit, “It wasn’t really difficult. I had a few issues here and there, but I perfected it in less than three days,” she smiled sheepishly and proud of herself for what she accomplished.

“What else does the spell do, Twilight” Fluttershy asked.

“I’ll explain once we have time to go to the Crystal Kingdom. Right now, we have other things to worry about.”

"Like Pinkie's condition and that giant red monster roaming around?" Spike asked.


"Then why don't we head the throne room. Perhaps we can figure out what's happening and as to why Deadpool and this red giant are here," Celestia suggested. The ponies and Deadpool all agreed to that suggestion as they and the princesses headed to the throne room to figure out what's going on.

The doors to Celestia and Luna's throne room opened, the alicorns, ponies and Deadpool walk in as Celestia and Luna walk up to their thrones and sat down, looking down at their subjects as they approached them near the stairs.

Before any of them had time to speak, a bright pink flash appeared behind ponies and Deadpool, then disappeared without anyone noticing as an all-too familiar voice called out to them, “Is everypony having a party without me?” the entire group took a sharp turn to see none other than Pinkie Pie stand in front of the entrance to the throne room with a giddy smile on her face, and wearing an outfit that bore a striking resemblance to Deadpool's outfit.

They all gasped in shock, confusion, and surprise. Pinkie is back and looking better than ever. They couldn't believe their luck and the relief that was coursing through them. In a fit of excitement they shouted "Pink--"

“Pinkie!” Deadpool interrupted them. In his own excitement, he ran up to her with open arms.

“Tomato Man!” Pinkie Pie replied with a happy smile and galloped toward Deadpool.

Just like a boy and his dog, Pinkie Pie jumped up into Deadpool's arms and they hugged each other tightly. Deadpool dropped to his knees, "It's a miracle, Auntie Em!

The other five galloped up to Deadpool and surrounded him, happy to see Pinkie Pie awake and well, somehow.

“Pinkie, you’re alright?!” Twilight said, happy, yet confused.

“Of course I am, silly," Pinkie winked, "It’s not going to take a coma to keep this mare from having fun,” she chuckled and hugged Deadpool, again.

“Did the transfusion work? Who has the same blood type as you?” Applejack asked eager to know like everyone else.

"Well, um..." Pinkie blushed dark and smiled sheepishly. She giggled briefly, “I’m hugging him.”

“What?!” they all shouted at the same time. Not ever believing it, or seeing it coming. They figured Deadpool and Pinkie had similar things, but they never expected him and Pinkie to share the same blood types. Now more questions flew through their minds.

“You and Deadpool are the same blood type?” Fluttershy asked in a soft tone.

“Yup!” Pinkie replied.

"Do you feel any different, darling?" Rarity asked.


“Hold it!" Deadpool spoke out. "I bet I know what it is,” he said before pulling out his desert eagle, putting the barrel next to Pinkie's head and pulling the trigger, shooting the pink mare's temple and blasting a large, gaping hole through the other side Pinkie Pie's head. The sound from the gun echoed across the castle, alerting anyone who heard the shot from outside. Nearly all the royal guards rushed to the doorway and burst them open, just in time to see Pinkie Pie fly out of Deadpool's arms with blood sprinkling out from her head and plop down on the floor, laying like a dead corpse in a pool of its own blood.

Everyone and everything went silent. Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow Dash’s jaws drop with eyes full of horror. Fluttershy and Rarity cover their mouths, trying not to cry and puke at the same from what they just witnessed. Celestia widen her eyes at the scene she just witnessed. She felt as if Deadpool betrayed them and was going to try and kill everyone. Luna-- on the other hoof-- just watched. She knew about Pinkie’s new ability, but chose not to say anything. She did, however, place a hoof on her sister's shoulder to let her know that things are okay. Celestia, at first, thought she wasn't thinking straight, but when she saw the assuring face on her sister, she calmly took her word for it.

Twilight shifted her attention away from Pinkie's body and on to Deadpool. Her eyes contorted from shocked to unstable rage as her face slowly turned into an enrage snarl.

Deadpool looked at Pinkie's corpse before putting his weapon away and looking back at the ponies behind him. But as fast as his mind could take it, a powerful blast of magic slammed into him and sent him flying over the guards, causing him to crash against the wall upside down facing it, while leaving tons of cracks upon the heavy impact. “Ow...” his voice sounded weak.

The guards looked up at Deadpool see him imprinted on the wall. They looked back to see Twilight with a face so angry, it would either scare Discord into hiding under a rock, or caused Shining Armor to hide in places that were deemed impossible to find. The guards backed away in fright and left a clear path for the enraged Twilight to watch Deadpool thump on the floor, and leaving an imprint on the wall.

“You murderer!” Twilight shouted in pure rage, letting her rage echo across the castle. Her eyes flared a bright green with faded shades of purple magic appearing out of the side of her eyes, making her look like a demon from Tartarus. Her anger had reached its peak. That was the final straw. Twilight slowly walked towards Deadpool with the thought of putting him in a hospital covered in a body cast.

Applejack and the others couldn't believe what Deadpool did; he killed Pinkie right in front of them. Why? Yet they also couldn’t believe what it brought out of Twilight. It's as if they haven't seen this side of Twilight before. In fact, they haven’t seen this side at all. Has the princess power gone to her head? Did Twilight have an inner demon they didn’t know about? Not even Celestia knew about this, too? Whatever the case, Deadpool unleashed a power deep within Twilight that could possibly be as equal to Celestia and Luna. Applejack tried to stop Twilight from causing an apocalypse, but something in her mind told her not to interfere. The other ponies where having the same feeling, but all they could do was watch on.

Twilight was about to pass her dead friend when a red hoof appeared out of nowhere and smacked her across the face, forcing her on her hind legs and causing her to trip on her own hoof, then land on her back. The blow even snapped Twilight out of her soon-to-be rampage.

“Yeesh Twilight, calm down. I’m fine. See?” Pinkie Pie sat back up and showed everyone that the wound Deadpool's weapon caused was completely healed, as though she was never harmed to begin with.

Everyone was shocked to see this, yet was also relived that Pinkie Pie was still alive. Luna smiled, secretly impressed that she was right all along. Even Celestia was surprised about this turn of events.

Twilight shook her head and got back on her hooves, placing a hoof on her cheek and rubbed it, “Pinkie, I thought you were dead. And, OW! Since when did you become a heavy hitter?” she groaned a bit from the pain.

Pinkie rolled her eyes, “Were you not listening? Some Deadpool's blood is now a part of me, meaning--” she lets the others answer the rest.

They thought about it for a second before Applejack spoke out, “Oh! I think I get it,” she continued. “Because of the transfusion with Deadpool's blood, you are able heal your own wounds at a rapid pace, can’t ya?”

Pinkie pulled out a bell and dings it three times, “We have a winner! What does she win, Deadpool?”

“A few bucks to buy me some pain pills,” he weakly said, still in the same position he was before.

Pinkie Pie giggled before looking back at her friends, still baffled at her new abilities.

“So, does that mean you can’t be injured by anything big?” Fluttershy asked.

“It means I can’t die, girls!”

“What?! You get to live longer than all of us. That bites,” Rainbow Dash pouted.

Rarity looked over Pinkie's body to examine any new features. She didn't have to look long, “Wait," she said. "Now that I look at it. Pinkie, you look a bit younger than you did before. Is it part of Deadpool's 'blood'?”

“Well, duh!” Pinkie smiled.

“Incredible,” Rarity said astonished, yet jealous of what happened to Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie smiled wide and suddenly teleported to Deadpool, lifting him off the ground with little to no effort and teleporting back to her friends, placing him down; much to her friend's confusion.

Pinkie looked back at her friends and a raised confused brow, “What?”

They said nothing and causally turned their attentions back to Celestia while Deadpool sat up fully healed. He looked at Pinkie Pie and gazed his eyes at her new outfit, then whistled. “Gotta say, you look damn good in that outfit, Pinkie Pie,” he complemented her with a wink.

Pinkie Pie looked at Deadpool before blushing and smiling sheepishly, ”Aww, Thanks, d-piddy. But I should be thanking you. If it wasn't for your blood, I wouldn't be here.”

Deadpool chuckled, “No problem, if you need more blood in you, just let me know and I'll call Dr. Zed,” he gave her a thumbs up and smiled under his mask before they both started to laugh.

“Princess Celestia, how are Shining Armor and Cadence doing now?” Twilight asked.

“They are doing just fine. You and your friends can go see them."

“I’m not going out there! Not with that red monster still on the loose,” Spike said, shivering in fear next to Twilight.

“Red Monster?” Luna said, tilting her head in confusion.

“Oh right, I almost forgot," Twilight said as she told Luna what she told Celestia. "Spike said there was a giant, red monster roaming around Equestria. I don’t know if Chrysalis is behind this, but whatever this thing is, it’s coming for me,” Twilight said, getting a tad nervous about what's to come.

“Well, I’m sure you and your friends can handle the situation, but if it gets too rough out there, we’ll aid you in the fight.”

“Thank you, Princess Celestia.”

Pinkie stepped in and spoke, jumping on Twilight's back, “Oh! Did I forget to mention I had a tea party with Princess Luna?"

Luna softly gasped and widened her eyes as Celestia look at her with a sharp frustrated glare. Luna narrowed her eyes at her sister and smiled innocently with a little, fake laugh.

Twilight bucked Pinkie off of her and lets her land on her hooves, “Come on, future Deadpool,” she walked passed Pinkie with a slight chuckle.

“Future? Pfft, I’d prefer being his sidekick.”

"I’m okay with that!” Deadpool smiled under his mask. "After all, the title of this story is our names," Pinkie Pie slipped on a mask of her own while Deadpool yammered.

“Oh great, double the crazy,” Rainbow Dash sighed as she walked out of the main hall with the others and out of the castle, walking down the stairs.

Once they were out, they quickly noticed smoke floating in the sky, and it seemed to be trailing to Ponyville. Even at Celestia's castle, they could see fire dancing over homes and stores, slowly burning them into ashes as ponies scattered out of their homes and away from Ponyville, screaming in horror.

"What in tarnation?" Applejack said, looking over the small town to see if she could see anything that might've caused the flames

“Could it be those Diamond Dogs, again? Or was it that red monster you told us about, Spike?” Rarity asked the terrified dragon.

“I don’t know,” He said, hiding behind Rarity’s leg. "I think so"

“Oh please, if it’s those flea bitten mutts,” Deadpool walked up in front of the ponies and baby dragon and turned around to look at them. “I’ll just kick their asses like I did before," he shrugged. "I mean what could be worse than an army of jewel loving, dumbass dogs?"

A massive hulking figure landed a mere foot behind Deadpool with an earth-shattering boom, landing on its feet and kicking up a large dirt cloud before having it quickly fade away. Deadpool widened his eyes in shock, but didn't turn around. The ponies took step back as they looked up at this massive being with disbelieving faces.

Spike screamed in pure terror before he ran back to the castle, "It’s him! The giant, red monster!” he said as he bolted inside to hide.

The giant hulking beast crouched before raising back to his full height, standing eight-feet tall; much taller than any minotaur or troll. The red goliath narrowed his eyes and looked down at the ponies in front of him. Groaning a deep growl and baring his white teeth at them, he clinched his massive hands into forming fists the size of boulders. The sound of the bones in his hands popped the moment he clenched them. Few of the ponies cringed from hearing that and thought that that must've hurt, even though the massive being was unphased by it. Fluttershy was the only one who backed away further from the monster and jumped in a bush near the castle wall. The other ponies stood their ground, yet remained too shocked and terrified to even move. The red goliath then narrowed his eyes further down to see Deadpool stand before him, but never face him. The red goliath groaned slightly, frustrated that of all the things he didn't want run into, it had to have been Deadpool. Then again, he was also a tad thrilled, too.

“Wilson?!” the red goliath said in a low, intimidating voice.

"That voice," Deadpool raised a brow and twirled around his body around to look at the colossal beast. He looked up and widened his eyes again, surprised at the being standing in front of him. “Marko? Cain Marko! Hey! Fancy meeting you here," he greeted his former friend and ally. "Have you been working out? You look ripped. And did you get taller?”

The red goliath rolled his eyes and gave Deadpool an irritated glare, “Shut up, idiot!" he barked. "I knew I'd run into you soon or later. Do you have any idea what kind of shit you caused?"

"The type of shit that feels really good to shit out?"

"No!" the red goliath shouted. "Doesn't matter anyway. This'll be a perfect opportunity for me to beat you to a bloody pulp!” The red giant pounded his fists together, creating a sonic boom upon impact; much to Rainbow Dash's amazement.

Twilight finally spoke out and broke the verbal conflict between the two, “Um, excuse me, but, w-who are you?” Twilight asked in fear, getting the red goliath's attention.

“Who am I? Who am I! I’m the Juggernaut, bitch!”

Author's Note:

Deadpool here! Wow, Pinkie Pie has a healing factor now. What else did my blood give her? teleportation? No spoilers. Anyway, Juggernaut is here, too. Oh my god, everyone run! Nah, just kidding. Read the next chapter and found out what happens. I bet it will be as epic as my story.

You mean our story!

Right Pinkie, our story. The title says it all.