• Published 20th Mar 2013
  • 7,421 Views, 223 Comments

Deadpool and Pinkie Pie - Dashzilla93

Deadpool in Equestria. 'Nuff said. Pinkie pie tags along too. oh boy.

  • ...

Some answers... I think?

“Deadpool?! Deadpool, where are you?” Pinkie Pie called out, looking at the destruction left by fight: stores and homes fell from their foundations, tree rooted out and laying on the ground, decorations like wells, benches, and statues crumble into new rocks, yet the castle was barely scratched; the only thing damaged were windows and the front doors.

Pinkie walked around a boulder, but found no trace of Deadpool. She turns around to see her friends looking up at her, seeing a sad look on her face. Pinkie slides down on her knees and looks at the ground, jaw quivering: she was fixing to cry.

“Don’t worry, Pinkie Pie. We’ll find him” Flutttershy approached her friend to try and comfort her by rubbing her arm. She received a soft smile from the hybrid Pinkie Pie.

“Thanks, Fluttershy” Pinkie gives her shy friend her trademark tight hug. Fluttershy tried hugging back, but the massive bumps on Pinkies new chest were cutting her airway; Pinkie having no idea at all, until her others friends started to warn her.

“Darling, you’re choking her” Rarity alarmed her.

“I am?” Pinkie looks down to see red all over Fluttershys’ skin. “Meep, I am!” Pinkie Pie lets go of Fluttershy, letting her back away, finally inhaling as much air as she can breathe in; her fur turning back to its natural yellow color. “Sorry, Fluttershy” she giggled.

AJ looks at Pinkie Pie with a raised eyebrow. She looks at her chest and asks, “What in tarnation are those thin’s, sugar cube? Are those some kind of chokin’ weapon, ‘r somethin’” She looked puzzled at them before looking up at Pinkies’ face.

Pinkie Pie tilts her head and looks down at the massive bumps on her chest. She scratches her head, “I have no idea what these things are, Applejack. They just appeared along with my new body.” She grabs and lifts them up a bit “Ooo, they feel so squishy, and slightly heavy, too” she giggled and snorted.

Rainbow Dash suddenly got a random idea, “Maybe they’re punching bags! Can I take a whack at ‘em, Pinkie Pie?” She asked, while her friends look at her in confusion.

“Rainbow Dash, be serious, those… bumps… can’t be punching bags at all. They could be…”

“Sure!” Pinkie interrupted Rarity with a happy-go-lucky smile.

“Sensitive” Rarity finished.

Rainbow smiled and cracked her neck, then approached Pinkie Pie. She gets up, reels her right front hoof back and swings, hitting the massive bump on the left side of Pinkies’ chest. Upon contact, RD’s hoof bounced back and bops her in the face, knocking her flat on her flank.

Rainbow swerved her head from side to side, dazed from the sudden turn around. Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity laughed at hysteria. Fluttershy just giggled at her.

“Oh darling, they’re not punching bags, but they sure did give you a what for” Rarity teased Rainbow.

Rainbow shakes her head, regaining her equilibrium, “Ow that hurt! Whatever those things are, they’re good shields” Rainbow rubs her head gently.

“N’ah, these aren’t shields.” Pinkie smiled. “I don’t know what they are, but when you punched that one, it felt kind of good”

They all raised their brows.

“It did?” Rarity asked.

“Mhm” Pinkie Pie gets back up to her full height, and looks down at her friends. “They’re kind of a pain, though” she shrugs.

“Maybe we should let Twilight have a look at you. That new body could help us with what’s going on around here,” Fluttershy suggested. “If you want too, thatis”

“I agree. How you beat the tar out of that giant red ogre was beyond the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. How did you learn those moves, Pinkie pie? Rainbow dash asked, smiling with excitement, flying close to her.

Pinkie Pie thought, “Um, I guess it came to me. I was more of a partier, not a fighter. Then again, I threw cakes at Spike, sat on your head (still sorry about that) and used my party cannon on some changelings.” She chatted, remembering past events.

“Do you think it had something to do with the blood transfusion? There’s no way magic had anything to do with this” Rarity said, suggesting her own theory.

Pinkie shrugged, “Could be. I did tell Twilight that that blood trans-thingy evolved me into something better”

“That makes sense, actually” AJ said, agreeing with Pinkie.

“Yeah! Even if Twilight did study me, she’d find the same answer I came…” Pinkie looks ahead “up with”

The four other elements look at Pinkie confused before turning around to see Twilight stand behind them; eyes twitching, mane and tail all messed up and smiling like she hasn’t had sleep for two years. The look she was giving off creeped her friends out.

“Oh no, there’s more questions. More answers. More… research” Twilight giggled, twirling her dark purple mane with her hooves. Her voice was slow-ish with a high pitch tone.

“Uh, twi, ya a’right?” AJ asked, concerned for her friend.

“Oh yeah, I’m fine, just fine! So fine! Couldn’t be any better!” She tilts her head, smiling still. “I just need to see Pinkie, so I can… research!” She spasmed a bit.

Rainbow looks at Fluttershy with her hoof circling her ear. Fluttershy nods in agreement.

“Twilight, I’d love to help you research my body, but right now, I need to find my Deadpool” She gets up and was about to walk away, but she suddenly gets trapped in a magic lasso. “Huh?” She looks back to see Twilights’ horn glowing with a magic stream coming out.

“No, no, Deadpool can wait. I must look… further into this. Evolution. Time. Changes. There must be more, so much, much more” she laughed oddly creepy, sitting on her flank and twirling her mane. Her irises shrank to penny-size. “I must research more. Please, come with me, Pinkie!”

Pinkie leans her head back, creeped out about Twilights behavior. The other ponies felt the same way. Twilight hasn’t acted like this since the letter incident. They fear it could be worse. Like a mere breath can set her off.

AJ and the others remained cautious about the situation in front of them. Twilight is now a highly sensitive land mine that can be set off if a bird’s feather were to land on it. Beats of sweat rolled down the side of Rainbows and AJs head; if Twilight did anything to try and hurt Pinkie, they’d have no choice but to subdue to crazed princess. Rarity held her breath from shock and fear; why is Twilight acting like this? She felt her heart race a bit when everything got quiet. Even Fluttershy grew quiet. More quiet than a mouse.

The silence reached its peak when Pinkie shook her head, refusing to go with Twilight, “No, Twilight. I have to find Deadpool, and see if he’s ok. Let me go, please” her voice became serious when she said that.

And by those words, the mine set off. Twilight’s left eye twitched and her smile fades into a crazed frown. That answer was not what she wanted. Something snapped in her brain that made her shout, “Yes! I want to know more! Know more about you! How you function! I… I can dissect you… to find out” She giggles, completely insane.

Just by that one word, AJ and RD sprang into action tackling Twilight and cutting off her magic, releasing Pinkie.

“Have you lost your mind, Twilight?!” Rainbow shouts, pinning Twilights’ upper body.

“Let go! I want to know more! I must know! Evolution can’t be like this!” Twilight rambles on, struggling to get loose.

“Get a grip, Twi! What in the hay has gotten into ya?” AJ holds Twilights legs down “We all love to figure out how Pinkie got this way. But gosh darnit! Don’t go nuttier than a squirrel on us, girl” AJ said, trying to get the alicorn to come to her senses. But it was no good. Twilight conjured a purple, magic lasso from her horn and used it to wrap both earth and pegasi pony around their waist and tossed them away, earning a “whoa” from the both of them.

“Oh my goodness” Fluttershy eeped as she backs away. She then looked up to see Pinkie walk towards the crazed princess.

“I will research Pinkie Pie. There must be more logic, even if I have to cut her piece…” she sits back up “by piece” Twilight giggles and laughs, looking up in the sky. She looks back down, only to feel a painful force impact her across her face with a loud BAM. She’s sent rolling through the ground and crashing full force into a cart full of chairs.

Fluttershy sat up and put her hooves over her mouth and widens her eyes at the sight she just witnessed.

Pinkie stands up and looks straight at the collapsing chairs and broken cart; Twilight’s out cold, but not dead.

Rarity gasps and puts a hoof on her mouth “Darling, wasn’t that a bit too much?” she asked Pinkie, worried that that slap could’ve severely injure Twilight.

Pinkie Pie looks back at Rarity and says, “No, she needed it. We need her smarty side, not her crazy side. I slapped her hard enough to knock some sense into her, not to hurt her bad. Though I do think the cart and chairs were a bit much. Right, author?!”

AJ and RD stood up and walked back to their friends, rubbing their heads.

“For an egghead, Twilight can be dangerous”

“I forgot Twilight has mor’ power now that she’s an Alicorn. She’s not a little pony anymor’ ” AJ admitted.

“Let’s all agree that we must never have Twilight in that awful state again. That was creepier then the last time she was like that” They all agreed with Rarity.

Pinkies’ ears perk, hearing moaning from the destroyed cart. Twilight emerges from the wreckage and grunts; she’s normal, again. She walks out as bits of rubble fall off of her back and wings. She lightly grunts and limps away from the debris pile.

The element bearers noticed and rush over to the injured princess. Fluttershy approached and helpped Twilight by holding her right arm around her neck, keeping her on her hooves. Twilight looks at her friends; her vision is blurry at first, but quickly restores back its normal state, letting Twilight see her friends. She looks away from them, thinking they might be mad at her. “I’m so sorry, girls. I didn’t know what came over me. The stuff Pinkie told me made me go into different loops. I got so confused and… well… you know” she beats herself up for what she did, and for what she tried to do.

Her friends smile in forgiveness. They walk up and give her a gentle group hug, much to Twilights’ surprise. She smiled and said, “thank you, girls” they back away and nod. Even with a scene like that, they will always forgive their friend. Fluttershy still aided Twilights footing.

AJ turns her head to the right and spotted Juggernaut, still lying in the gravel out cold. “What are we goin’ to do with him?” she asked.

Twilight turns her head towards Juggernaut and thinks, “For now, let’s keep him contained. Pinkie, I can’t thank you enough for…” she narrows her eyes at Pinkie, only to find her missing. “Pinkie?” She looks around for her hyperactive friend, until RD and the others laugh. Twilight raises a brow, confused at the situation.

“Don’t worry sugar cube, Pinkie’s just lookin’ for her coltfriend” AJ teased.

Pinkie pops from behind a boulder that was wedged in a flower shop, shouting “Hey, he’s not my coltfriend. I’m his sidekick with really large bumps” she rests on the boulder before going back to finding Deadpool.

“Large bumps?” Twilight looks at AJ, confused.

“It’s those large things on Pinkies’ chest” Rarity replied. “Do you know what they are, Twilight? You’ve been to the human world before. Surely, you must know what they are”

Twilights’ eyes widen and she cheeks turned lava red. “Um, well, I, uh…” she tried her best to come up with a good explanation so she wouldn’t freak her friends out.

Curiosity got to them. They lean a bit closer to hear her answer. Twilight tried to think, but the pressure was slowly getting to her. For Twilight, it was awkward to see human female anatomy in the human world: in class and in person. Even as a human herself, it was still awkward, and it felt strange. So telling her friends would make things worse for her “um…”

As her friends got distracted, Pinkie searched high and low for Deadpool, teleporting from one place to another. She lifts up a brick wall and looks under it, but found no sign of Deadpool at all. She drops the wall and continues her search, until she spotted a red hand six inch from a boulder near the castle and two feet away from her. Pinkie smiles wide and jumps up and down, “I found him! I found him!” she shouted, getting the other ponies attention. Twilight sighed, saved by the Pinkie bell.

Pinkie sprints over to Deadpools hand and knelt down…


“Ahh, where am I? Am I in a black hole? No, I don’t hear any rock music. Am I in a cave? No, it’s too silent. Hmm… wait a minute; Am I in New Jersey again?!? I swear to God if I am, I will find that fatass Snooki and give her a real bitch slap. Also, the situation owns me some money for not telling me that that one blow up doll was an actual grenade. That son of a douchebag! I’ll show him who’s in a real situation” he floats about in an endless dark void.

“Deadpool, you are having another near death experience” a calm voice tells him.

“Wha? Who said that? Is it you Santa Clause? ‘Cause ya still owe me that teddy bear when I was eight. I still remember, you big, red holly jolly fucker”

“No, No, Deadpool. Listen closely” the voice echoes in the deep black void.

“Wait that voice!? It can’t be?” Deadpools’ eyes grew to baseball size, “Death, baby! Is that you?” He is suddenly transported and placed in a hot spring where a heavily tattooed woman in a bikini, with floating silk straps, sits on the other side of the spring. The area is Japanese style: having two wooden buildings with thin, sliding doors, a rock wall surrounding them, and some bonzi trees to set the mood. Deadpool looks around before looking at Death.

“Hello Deadpool, it’s been awhile” Death herself greeted the merc with her soft voice, and a smile.

“It has, hasn’t it hot stuff. I should’ve known this was a near death experience. Juggernaut must’ve smashed me pretty good.” He thought, and laughed at that. A flying little demon arrived and served them wine.

“He has, my love. But there is something you should know, Deadpool.” She exclaimed to him with a serious tone in her voice.

“Oh? What’s that, Lady Death? Don’t tell me you’re going Cable on me. His dire warning crap is getting old pretty fast” he holds a wine glass in his hand.

“No, I’ll make this short for you. Two evil beings have joined forces to rid the heroes you’ve made friends with.”

“What? You mean that lavender bitch and her pony friends? I think they’ve got it covered” Deadpool tosses the wine glass behind him, leans back on the hot springs edge, and lays his head back, closing his eyes.

“I’m afraid not. You see, they’ve created an army that is strong enough to handle Celestias’ forces”

“Big deal! What does that have to do with me? And how do you know Princess Sun butt?”

“We’ve been in touch since her creation. But that’s beside the point. Without you and Juggernaut, those ponies will not make it.”

Deadpool opens his left eye and looks at Death, “Eh, come again, hot stuff?”

“You and Juggernaut must team up with the ponies to stop this evil from succeeding”

“Whoa, what!? Time out there, Sugar Death!” He sits up, arms straight and hands in front of Death. “Juggernaut doesn’t give a hippo’s ass about anything. Joining forces with him is like trying to open that DVD case to Hammerhead. Man was that a bitch to open” He looks at the readers, then back at Death.

“I know. But as you may not know, the two evils have brought in three powerful monsters to aid them in their suppose victory” Death holds her hand up and conjures a screen showing three different silhouettes of oddly looking creatures: one is a hulking humanoid figure with an oversized hand-held weapon of sort; the second is a creature that bears a resemblance to a dinosaur; and the last one looks just like a man, similar to Deadpool in appearance.

Deadpool watches the screen, seeing two of the creatures struggle in what seemed to be chains, but the third one is just standing there, like a statue. No chains. It just stands there, like it’s waiting for something. He looks closely at one of them, and widens his eyes in shock. “Oh shit! When did they get him involved in this? What are you thinking, Author?!” He shout at the readers.

The screen vanishes, “Now you know what you are up against. You must team up with the ponies and Juggernaut to fight this evil. Oh! And four more heroes will arrive to aid you in this battle”

“I get it now… wait, four? That’s new? Who are they, Death?” Deadpool ask, raising a brow and tilting his head a bit.

“No spoilers, this time” She snickered.

“You little sneak!” He laughs. “That’s usually my thing. I love ya, baby”

“I know you do, but there is another who loves you more than I do” Death says with a smile. Her tattooed teeth followed her smile, making it seem like an actual skull is smiling.

“Really? Who loves me more than you? Tell me, Death! The suspense is not killing me” he asks Death.

“You will find out once you wake up; which is now.”

“Huh?” Deadpool is suddenly sucked into the air by an unknown vacuum, but he holds onto the edge of the hot spring and looks at Death, saying “Baby, before I go, I want you to do something for me” the vacuum sucks harder, uprooting the bonze trees and pulling the wall out of its foundation.

“Anything, Deadpool” Death watches while in the hot spring, not even phased by the vacuum.

“Tell the waiter I said keep the change!” his voice echoed as the vacuum sucks him in to another void, swallowing him up and disappearing in front of Death. Everything was calm when the vacuum stopped

Death waves, “I wish I could see how Deadpool will handle his new relationship. Oh wait” She summons a big screen and watches. She smiles to see Pinkie Pie approaching the awakening Deadpool. “Ha ha, I can see Deadpool will have his hands full” she leans back on the hot springs edge and relaxes, drinking wine.


“Wha, who, where? Why is it so dark? Death, is this another one of your jokes?!” he calls out, but no response. “Hold the phone, I’m alive! But where am I?” he thinks until he hears a familiar mumble.

“Yay! He’s awake!” Deadpools ears sent signals in his brain, letting him know its Pinkies voice that’s mumble outside. His nerve ending slowly regenerated and told him that something was wrapped around his back and something soft was squishing around his head. Deadpool got confused before being unwrapped and pulled back from Pinkies large bumps.

“Hiya, sleephead” Pinkie giggled while the bumps gently jiggled.

Deadpool looks at Pinkie Pie. His eyes shrunk to golf ball-sized as he scanned Pinkie Pies’ new body “Pinkie pie, is that you? Either I’ve been stomped on harder than I thought, or I must be dead for real” he pinches himself. “Ow! Nope, I’m alive, and damn! … What happened here, and what happened to you?” he scans Canterlot to see more battle damage, then looks back at Pinkie pie, having dark red blush spots on his cheek; The golf ball-sized eyes return.

Twilight and the other elements walk beside Pinkie. “The fight is over, Deadpool.” Twilight said. “It was Pinkie who defeated Juggernaut and saved us from disaster” she informed him.

“You missed it! She was so fast that Juggernaut didn’t stand a chance at all.” Rainbow bragged. “She zoomed left and right over and over. It was so cool!”

“Not to mention she threw that ogre like a ragdoll. Zigzaggin’ him in the air and spinnin’ him around for the big finale” Applejack said with a big smile.

Deadpool looks at the two ponies, “Well shit! I thought this world was fucked, but I guess not” he said, looking back at Pinkie Pie, blushing under his mask.

Fluttershy took notice of Deadpools expression, “Why are you making that face, Deadpool?” she said as she released Twilight so she can walk again; she succeeded.

“It’s like you’ve seen a ghost, darling” Rarity said.

The other ponies took notice, getting confused looks, until Rarity remembered…

“Oh yeah, you still haven’t giving us an answer Twilight”

Twilight perks her head up, blushing. Looks like the bell stopped. “I, um…”

“Hey yeah, spill it Twilight! What are those bumps?” Rainbow demanded, trying to intimidate Twilight in to giving them an answer.

Twilight gulps, but the pressure breaks. She sighs, “Ok, I’ll tell you. Those are…”


The ponies turned their attention towards Deadpool, with a loud “What?!

Twilight bite her lips as a beat of sweat rolls down the side of her forehead. “Oh no, this is bad” she thought, but she was kind of relieved that someone else spilled the beans instead of her.

“Boobs! Milk jugs! Tata’s! My lumps, my lumps, my lovely lady lumps. Lois and Clarisse! Big, lovely knockers!” Deadpool squealed, happy to finally see something he loves just as much as explosions.

The ponies (except for twilight, who was blushing) and hybrid pony dropped their jaws, surprised. They’ve never been to the human world, so seeing breasts is new to them. Curiosity got to them even more.

“So that’s what they’re called” Pinkie looks at her new breasts, and giggles.

“Oh yeah, baby!” Deadpool looks at them, still having his golf ball-sized eyes. “Damn, those are big! I’d say size thirty eight triple H” Deadpool whistle “What a record!” Pinkie blushed. “Eat your heart out, Busty Mounds” he smiled wide under his mask.

She giggled and laughed at what Deadpool said; until she stopped and started fluttering her eyes at him and lowering her face a notch.

The four elements scratched their heads in confusion. They look at Pinkie Pie, then at Deadpool, but they shrugged it off. Twilight sighed softly and closed her eyes, happy to see they’re not freaking out.

“What are they for?” Applejack asked, getting Twilight to snap her eyes wide open as big as her head.

“I’m so happy you asked, ‘apple butt’. They…” a magic stream suddenly covered Deadpools’ mouth, preventing him from going any further.

“Ah heh heh, I think that’s enough questions for today” Twilight intervened, stopping the conversation before things got really awkward around here.

“Aww, I wanted to hear more!” Pinkie said a bit agitated.

“Why be a buzzkill, Twilight?” Rainbow groaned at Twilight.

“Trust me, you don’t want to know. You know about the name, but hearing stories about them will not be pretty, at all!” Twilight stated,

Deadpool looks at Pinkie Pie still, “Trying… so hard… not to get a boner right now” He thought to himself as Twilight released his mouth from her magic lasso.

Once released, Deadpool looks away from Pinkies large chest and looks at her face then noticed something odd about her expression; she bit her lower lip and swerved her body. “Um, what’s wrong with ‘cotton candy’ over there?” He asked pointing at her.

Twilight looks over at Pinkie, who never noticed Twilight. All she did was eye Deadpool weirdly, and not her usual weird looks, which concerned Twilight, “Why is she… oh no, it couldn’t be, not now, not today!” Twilight thought to herself, thinking it’s that time of the month for Pinkie Pie. She couldn’t let that happen. She tried to warn Deadpool, until…

“I hate to interrupt your victory party, but I bringith news to all of you” Luna returned, standing a few feet away from them. Luna’s sudden return snapped Pinkie out of it and back to her-old-self, for now.

“Princess Luna!” Twilight limply trotted towards the lunar mare. “How’s Princess Celestia?” she stops in front of her.

Luna sighed, “My sister is fine. Doctors arrived and aided her wounds. She informed me of some things that you and your friends must hear before her slipped back into her unconscious state.” She stated as the others walked towards her and stood beside Twilight. Pinkie grabs Deadpools arm and held tight, but remains focused on Luna. Deadpool, on the other hand, looked at Pinkie Pie very confused with a question mark appearing above his head.

Luna inhaled and, “Since she is not capable of ruling the castle in her conditions, she has left me in charge of the castle until her injuries are fully recovered” She informed, with confidence in her eyes.

“That’s some big news, Princess Luna” AJ said. “Are ya sure ya can handle this one y’ur own?”

Luna nods, “I may be co-ruler of Canterlot, but I will still try my best to put Canterlot back in place and have it back at its finest again”

“Good for you, Princess! And we’ll help you as much as we can” Rarity generously, and happily, offered.

Luna gave a warm smile to her friends; “I thank thee for helping me, all of you” They all smile at her. Deadpool finally looks at Luna and nods.

AJ looks back at Juggernaut, still out cold, “So what are we going to do with him?” She asked the same question.

Luna looks at the same direction and thinks, “Restrain the beast. He is to be put in the throne room for questioning.” The lunar princess commanded.

“Yes, Princess,” Twilight and Rarity walk over to Juggernaut and used their magic to slowly levitate him in the air; gravel sliding down his muscular body. Rarity had some trouble lifting the red behemoth, because he is so heavy, but with Twilights’ help, they carried Juggernaut to the castle and into the throne room with effort. Luna turns and walks ahead while the others followed shortly after. Pinkie still clings on to Deadpool arm, smiling with joy, and smiling for ‘others’ reasons, too. She leaned her head to the side and nuzzled his cheek slowly, receiving another confused look from the crimson merc.

Pinkie looks at Deadpool, standing about a foot taller than him, and purrs. Something wasn’t steering right with her. Deadpool leans his head back, and….

“Hey author, I’m confused; is this a form of bestiality, or is this ok? She’s got giant, awesome boobs and a human body, but she still has the same head and tail. I can’t make up my mind on what to make of this damn situation,” he whispers, “Or how about the readers? They can tell me in the comments below”

Luna and the others walk ahead behind them. Deadpool wanted to go with them, but Pinkie held on tight, forcing him to stay with her. She nuzzles against Deadpool again before seeing a closet up ahead, with the door wide open. She smiles wide, “Thanks author,” she walks him there, with some force.

“Wait what?!” he looks at the closet, and gulps, “Oh you fucking suck, author. When I get out, I’m gonna… whoa!!!!” Pinkie pulls him into the closet and slams the door shut with a sign that says *keep out*

Random noises can be heard from inside: From a rooster bawking, to a cow mooing, to a goofy wail, to a car honking and constant crashing sounds.

“Wait Pinkie, I don’t think you should…, hey what are you doing?” Pinkie giggles “Holy shit! Wait, my spine doesn’t bend that way; my spine doesn’t bend that way” CRACK!!! “Holy bitch the pain!!! Huh? No, please, not that!” BOING!!!! “Ahh ha ha!!!!!!!”

“Oh stop whining and be a man, hunkypool”

“I can’t feel my legs!” more crashing sound emitted from closet…

In the throne room, Twilight and Rarity placed Juggernaut a few feet away from the stairs on his knees as Luna climbs up and sits in her sisters’ throne chair. She looks at the element bearers, then at Juggernaut. “Fluttershy” she spoke out.

“Y-yes, Princess” Fluttershy eeped

Her seriousness grew when she asked, “Wake the beast, if thou would”

Fluttershy nodded and shyly, and slowly, crept up to Juggernaut and softly tapped his shoulder, “Um, excuse me, Juggernaut, sir; would you, um, please wake up so Luna can ask you some questions. If, if that’s ok with you” she got no answer from Juggernaut.

Rainbow Dash facehooved and walked beside Fluttershy, “Let me handle this, Fluttershy,” She took over as Fluttershy backs away, “Hey ugly, nap times over! Wake up!” she shouts at him and planted a hard jab to his cheek, instantly waking him up.

Juggernaut snaps his eyes open and looks around the throne room, “Where am I? And… where the hell is my helmet!?” He tried getting up, but he found himself tied in glowing ropes. “What is this?”

“Hello, Juggernaut” Twilight walks in front of him and sits down. “Remember me?” she asked with a stern look.

Juggernaut looks down at Twilight and grunts, “Oh yeah, I remember you. I remembered how I kicked you and your white gay princess’ ass to the curb” he laughed, getting angry looks from Twilight and everyone else.

Luna stood up in anger “That white gay princess is my sister, and you will hold that tongue, if you wish to keep it” she threatened him as she walked back down and stands beside Twilight.

“Oh please, those two never stood a chance. What makes you think that… huh?”

Lunas eyes grew bright as a lunar mist emitted from her mane and tail, engulfing her entire being.

Twilight backs away from Luna and watches along with her friends; Fluttershy hid behind Rainbow and Applejack. Juggernaut widens his eyes, actually surprised to see what’s happening in front of him.

In the swirling mist, Princess Luna began to change in appearance: her height increased to Celestias’ size, her teeth changed from normal to serrated, her skin darkened in color, and her eyes snapped open, revealing her pupils to be cat-like. Luna lit up the throne room in a bright flash, causing everyone to shield their eyes from the massive flash. She then slowly dims the light down until it fully vanished. The mist faded and out came a familiar figure; Nightmare Moon has returned.

The ponies’ slowly open their eyes and grunt, but gasp in shock when they witnessed Nightmare moon standing on her hind legs and slamming her front hooves on the ground, thrusting her head towards Juggernaut…

“If thou doth not cooperate, then surly thou can value more than losing a mere tongue!” she intimidated the Anti-hero with her Royal Canterlot Voice. She stood over the knelt down Juggernaut and looked at him with a cold, dagger glare, threating the very soul in his whole body; which was working perfectly. Juggernaut tried crouching down. He was never this scared before. In fact, he wasn’t scared of anything, but looking at this dark horse gave him something to fear. The glare she was emitting even gave his bones goosebumps, as if he could see his own nightmares through her eyes. Juggernaut quivered and cracked under the pressure, he pleaded to her… “Ok, ok, I’ll talk! Just stop giving that look, please!” which got Luna/Nightmare moon to calm down and soften her anger. Juggernaut actually had a frightful look on his face; he never wants to see that glare ever again.

“Good…” she narrows her aquamarine cat-like eyes at the ponies who, in fear, shared the same look Juggernaut had. Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash huddled together and shivered in fear. Fluttershy remain hiding behind her three friends. All but Twilight didn’t back from Luna. She remained still, looking at her with some fear as well

“P-Princess Luna?” Twilight said, hoping that’s actually her, and not the one mare who tried to take over Equestria.

Luna looks at Twilight and, to Twilights surprise, gave her a calm face, “Fear not, Twilight Sparkle. It is still I in this body, not that other being you use to know” she informed the princess of friendship. “Though, under circumstances like these, I’d prefer to stay in this form for a while” Twilight nodded to her.

The five elements grew mellow and smiled, happy to know it was still Luna. Fluttershy walks around RD and stood beside her, smiling up at Luna.

The throne room went silent for a few minutes, and then Luna looks back down at Juggernaut, “now the, Thou have made a huge mess in my kingdom. Tell me, red ogre, who sent you to attack Twilight Sparkle? And why art thou and that crimson buffoon here in Equestria?” she asked Juggernaut with an intimidating tone, about to use her glare, again.

Juggernaut looks at Luna in the eyes, and explained quickly, “How should I know? We were fighting in Magnetos’ lab when dumbass Wilson shot the controls to the damn portal that caused it to malfunction. I don’t know if it was just Wade and Me that got sucked in, but all I remember is that I was in a jacked up forest where I was surrounded by these bug things with holes in their legs.”

“Changelings!?” Twilight said, surprised and confused.

“Whatever their called, they still didn’t stand a chance against me,” He boasted, “Squashed them like the bugs they are. After that, I saw their queen show up. She was one creepy bitch.” He pointed out, sharing his opinion.

“Chrysalis” Luna muttered. “I figured she’d have something to do with this. Anything else, red ogre?”

“There was also another pony with her. A horn that had stains that looked like blood. And some gay ass cape and armor plated hooves”

“Sombra!” they all said the name out loud.

“I guess so. They told me about this ali-whatever named Twilight. That bug queen told me that she would help, but not first putting up a fight. I couldn’t say no when it comes to a fight, so I stormed off, and then I showed up here, had our rumble. Until I…”

“Lost to a hybrid pony with superhuman strength and speed, and reflexes that match a cat and a snake combine” Pinkie Pie arrived, interrupting Juggernaut. She stood behind everyone.

Juggernaut and the ponies look back, to see Pinkie Pie stand there, smiling at them “There ya are, Pinkie. Where were ya, and where’s Deadpool?” AJ asked.

“Right here, silly!” she lifts Deadpool up with her left arm, holding him up in the air, with his boots dangling. She giggled and snorted, “Deadpool is a lot of fun to hang around with”

Twilight gasped, completely forgetting about Pinkie Pie, “Pinkie, You didn’t do what I think you just did” Twilight worried, thinking Pinkie did the unthinkable.

“What? No way, Twilight! We just hugged and cuddled,” she looks at Deadpool, “I may have gone overboard, though.” Pinkie scratches her head, acting cute with her tongue hanging out.

Deadpool lightly looked up at the ponies, in a daze “Has anyone seen my spoon? I think a hobo buried it in my swimming pool” he drops his head back down, moaning.

Luna tilts her head in confusion, never noticing Pinkies transformation the moment she went outside and now. She had questions, but figured she’d ask later.

“Yup, he’ll be fine.” Pinkie giggled. “His healing factor will help him in no time. Ain’t that right, D-piddy” she smiled before Deadpool, regaining consciousness, points his desert eagle revolver at Pinkies head and pulls the trigger, blowing her brains out and causing her, and him, to collapse on the floor. “Yup, it’s working like a charm” Pinkie gives them the thumbs up before letting her arm fall back on the ground, letting out a weak “ow”.

Twilight and the other elements just facehooved themselves, wondering how and why did this have to happen.

Juggernaut grunts, “Idiots,” he glares at them before looking back at Nightmare moon/Luna.

Twilight returns her gaze back at Pinkie, “Pinkie! Stop clowning around and get up”

Pinkie Pie sat up, looking unphased by the bullet she received, and looked at Twilight with an annoyed look, “I am not a clown, madam”

The ponies rolled their eyes at her and smiled slightly, “Pinkie, what are we going to do with you” Rarity said, getting used to Pinkies healing ability; the others (other than Luna) were also getting use to her ability.

Pinkie smiled and giggled before noticing Luna in her Nightmare moon form, “Nightmare moon!” she gasps and flips back on her feet, “Nightmare moon’s back! We should get the elements! We should fight back! We defend Equestria! And why is no one freaking out like I am?” she said, very confused.

“Sugar cube, relax,” AJ chuckles, “She’s still Princess Luna, but in Nightmare moons body” she explained.

Pinkie cocks her head and raises a brow, “Really?! So she’s not going to try and take over Equestria again?”

“Of course not, Human pie. That was Nightmare moon, not I” Luna exclaimed.

“Ok, then” Pinkie smiles and plays with her chest a bit.

Luna sighed, “Anyways,” Luna looks back at Juggernaut, “For the mess you've caused today, I don’t know if I should throw thou in a dungeon, or slay you where thou stand”

Deadpool raises up quickly, “What,” he gets all the ponies to look at him before teleporting between the nightmare princess and the red anti-hero, “Whoa, whoa, wait, wait, moona, no need to have death dealing with ‘big red’ right now.” Luna tilts her head, question the mercs actions.

“Ok, I had a talk with Death while ‘cotton candy’ and her friends were dealing with Juggernaut. She told me about this evil, or two, and how they're going to make huge army to kill your sister and fuck Equestria” Deadpool explained as best as he could, but…

“Meaning” Luna raised a brow.

Deadpool groans and facepalms, “It means we need to team up with this ‘big ass’,” he points a thumb back at Juggernaut, “To save your ‘big ass’ sister,” he points at Luna; “to save this big ass city from this big ass situation!” he waves his arms up in the air.

“I see”

“Hey!” Juggernaut shouts, getting everyone to flinch, “There is no way I am going to team up with you and these pint-sized mules!”

“Mules!” All of the ponies look at Juggernaut offensive glares.

“Yeah, that’s right. Got a problem with that?” he taunts them before Fluttershy walks up to him. He looks down at the timid pony with a sharp glare, “What do you want ‘chicken feathers’”

Fluttershy gives him a gentle look before asking, “Why do you call us names? Don’t you know it hurts our feeling?”

Juggernaut snarled, “Like I care. It’s fun to hurt others. The mere sight of them crying is hilarious” he laughed, but Fluttershy continued…

“Why? How would you feel if they did the same to you?”

“Ha! I’d just beat the shit out of them. Heh serves them right for messing with me!” he grinned evilly

“Really? Then that makes you no better than them”

His grin slowly fade, “So, at least they know not to mess with me. Where are you getting at, pony?!” he leans his head down, yelling at her, but she held her ground.

Rainbow Dash was about to sock him in the head, until Twilight blocked her path with her arm, “Don’t, I think Fluttershy is getting to him” Rainbow backs away and nods.

Deadpool and Luna watch as the two communicated.

“Do you have any friends, Mr. Juggernaut?” Fluttershy asked, in a soft tone.

“Teh, friend? No, and who needs ‘em. Been a lone wolf for a long time”

“Says the guy who works for Magneto” Deadpool implied.

“Piss off, Wilson!”

“What? I’m just saying” a sky blue aura appears and covers his mouth; it was Rarity.

“Deadpool, hush!” she demanded, “You’ll make things worse.”

“Continue, Fluttershy” Twilight said.

Fluttershy nods and looks up at Juggernaut, “Why don’t you want friends?”

“They hold me back. I’m better off doing something solo, then having to wait for anyone with me” he exclaimed.

“But if you don’t have friends, who will be there to support you, or have your back?”

“No one! No one has my back! Not even when I was a kid!” he snapped again.

Fluttershy held her ground again, then found a piece in that sentence that came out of nowhere, “Oh my, were you not loved when you were a child? Did your parents not love you, or something?” she dug deep, asking a personal question that annoyed Juggernaut, yet, somehow, he couldn’t find the urge to bottle it in.

He sighed and calms down a bit, “I was, until my mother died,” the ponies were shocked to hear this, “It was only my dad and I who were together. My dad never cared for me; all he cared about was money and power. He met my step mother who was wealthy and loaded.”

Fluttershy nods and listens more of his story.

“That’s when I met my annoying step brother Charles. I hated him so much, I would constantly bully him all the time, until my father noticed and demanded that I’d treat him with more respect.”

“Isn’t that a lesson you should learn? I mean, bullying is wrong.” She exclaimed.

Juggernaut glares at her, “I had a reason to do it!” he snapped again, “My father favored Charles over me, and abused me! He loved my step moms wealth that he wouldn’t dare have Charles be injured!”

It was then that Fluttershy noticed a small tear roll down Juggernauts cheek. She felt bad about hearing his childhood. She then figured out a small piece of his puzzle and said, “Maybe it wasn’t Charles’ fault that your dad loved him more than you”

Juggernaut then looks at Fluttershy with a “Huh?”

“Did you notice Charles’ face expressions when your father was abusing you?”

Juggernaut thought for a moment, then recalled seeing his step brother with a pained look, feeling sorry for him. He blinks a few times and looks down at Fluttershy, “Yeah, he felt sorry for me … but that still doesn’t mean I should feel sorry him. I’ll crush him till he’s nothing but dust!” Juggernaut growled. He went on, telling her about his time with him in the military, obtaining the gem of Cyttorak, getting revenge on Xavier, and up until now.

Fluttershy nodded in disbelief, “No,” she looks up at Juggernaut, “Xavier wanted to help you and show you kindness, but you threw it away for revenge. He wanted love you not only a brother, but as a friend,” Fluttershy lectured him into understanding the wrongs he did, and falsely thinking of his brother as the favorite, “Your father seemed like he never cared about you, when it was, in fact, Charles and your step-mom who loved you.”

Juggernaut didn’t want to hear any more of this pony’s’ words, “Enough! What makes you think you know me? You know nothing about me, so stop treating me like I’m a mindless child!” he bellowed as a tear rolled down his face.

“I’m not. But you must understand that that is in the past. You must let go and move on. You’ll end up corrupting more of your mind if you hold on to the past. Please, Juggernaut, get rid of your stubbornness.” As must as he wanted her to shut up, the little yellow pony was right. But up to adulthood, all he ever thought of was to get revenge on his step-brother. That thought became an obsession until he came to this world.

Juggernaut tried to block out Fluttershys words, but he couldn’t after hearing the harsh truth he was hearing from this pony. A mere pony telling him the wrong he’s been doing, and trying to get him to do the right. He didn’t want to listen to her, but more tears rolled down his cheek.

After a second thought, he gave up and succumbed to the truth and, for the first time ever, cried in front of everyone, even Deadpool.

Everyone was baffled at how Fluttershy broke the Juggernaut into tears so easily, and she didn’t lift a hoof to do it. But what was very surprising, even for Deadpool, was that Juggernaut leaned his head down close to Fluttershy and she just walked up and hugged his bulky neck, much to Cains’ surprise. The mighty Juggernaut has fallen, yet resin, by words from a small, gentle, adorable pony.

Deadpool couldn’t believe what he is seeing; Juggernaut crying and being hugged by a pony. “Well I’ll be,” he thought, “This is a cute sight to see. Tisk, better put this on my facebook wall. This is golden!” he quietly gets his phone out and snaps a picture before quickly putting it back in his pocket” he whistles in his head; Rarity still having ahold of his mouth.

Fluttershy released Juggernauts neck, and smiled, “I know you don’t like making friends, but you should try it. Friends are like family, too. They love you and have your back when you’re in danger,” she walks away, leaving Juggernaut to think about what she said.

Juggernaut looks at Fluttershy before looking back at Luna, who was calming down from hearing his story, “Alright, I have something else in mind,” she said, “You are to join us in stopping Chrysalis and aiding our forces to fend off against her army of Changelings?”

Juggernaut thought about the offer for a moment, then looks back at her. The smaller ponies wait for his answer, until…

“Fine. I’ll help” The ponies smile at his answer. Deadpool, released from Rarity’s magic, cheered for joy.

“Yeah, yeah, whohoo, whatever” Juggernaut gets back up on his right foot, and then lifts his body up back to his full height.

Rainbow Dash noticed Pinkie in the corner of her eye, and shouts, “Hey Pinkie!” the anthro hybrid looks at her friend, “Quit play with your boobs and get over here, ya boob!” she chuckled as Pinkie teleported beside Fluttershy and AJ.

“Ooo, what goes on? What I miss?” Pinkie asked, leaning her head down between Fluttershys head and Applejacks head.

“We got got Juggernaut on our side!,” Applejack giggled with excitement, “All thanks to Fluttershy, here” She nudged Fluttershy in to blushing.

“Oh, it was nothing. I sensed he had some mental problem, so I went over to him and fixed him up. Now he’s better, I think” Fluttershy said, sheepishly.

Juggernaut turns his head and spots Pinkie Pie, “YOU!!!!!!!” he tries to force himself out of the magic ropes, clenching his fists and applying pressure to the ropes. The ropes stretched and snapped; it wouldn’t be long before Juggernauts regain strength would overpower the. Pinkie looks at Juggernaut and rises to her full height and watches, with her friends, as Juggernaut successfully explodes the ropes, lifting his huge, bulky arms as he does so.

Deadpool makes a ‘oh sit look’ (with a monkey sound effect), “King Kong is free! Call Godzilla! Call Ann Derow! Call my mama!” he hides behind Nightmare Moon/Luna.

The ponies, except Fluttershy, brought their guard up in case he decided to fight. How Juggernaut regained his strength is a mystery. Even with Pinkie Pie’s new form and abilities they might be able to barely hold on against him; but even so, Twilight is badly hurt, and the other three don’t stand a chance against him.

“You and me have unfinished business ‘Pink human pony’!” he points at Pinkie and snarls, gaining a new rivalry towards Pinkie Pie.

“Really?! You want to fight right now after the shit you pulled today? Look at my friends, look at the city, my home!” She gets in a taijutsu stance, about to be pissed at Juggernaut.

Juggernaut lowers his hand, and nods, “Oh, right,” he calms down, “We’ll settle this another time.”

The ponies, and Deadpool, sigh in relief, “Dang-nab-it, Juggernaut!,” Applejack snapped, “Don’t go scaring us like that. We thought ya’d turn on us.”

Juggernaut laughs, “Right! I was only messing with you ponies.” He suddenly stops and remembers, “I forgot, where the hell is my helmet?” he asked, looking around.

“I think it’s still outside, darling” Rarity answered.

Juggernaut didn’t say anything and stormed out in the halls, scaring Spike who was about to walk in the throne room.

“Why’s he in such a rush?” RD asked.

Pinkie shrugged, “Who knows. Maybe that helmet is his power source?” She thought as Deadpool walked beside her. “Hey, Mr. D” she squeed and hugs him tight, pushing him in her massive chest, much to Deadpools liking.

“I like this sidekick!” He said, “In your face, Batman!”

The ponies galloped after Juggernaut while Pinkie, now holding Deadpool with one arm, runs after her friends with a big grin on her face, leaving Luna behind.

Luna sat down and finally let loose that laugh she held in when Deadpool call Celestia 'big ass'. As much as it is offensive towards Celestia, Luna couldn't help but agree to Deadpools words, "Oh dear sister, surely thou must lay off the cake*

Author's Note:

PP: well that chapter went well, Right Deadpool. Um, Deadpool, what are you looking at?

DP: huh, oh sorry, I couldn't help myself. You have a love pair of... eyes.

PP: uh-huh, I can see fan service in the near future about me. Damn it, author, why must you give me a nice, big rack?! Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter, readers. The next one will be full of surprises.

DP: That's right! and hopefully more of you know who.

PP: My eyes are up here, silly.