• Published 20th Mar 2013
  • 7,421 Views, 223 Comments

Deadpool and Pinkie Pie - Dashzilla93

Deadpool in Equestria. 'Nuff said. Pinkie pie tags along too. oh boy.

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R&R And.... Another Surprise!

The ground shook repeatedly as the unstoppable Juggernaut barreled his way out of Celestia’s castle and looked throughout the carnage left by his fight with Pinkie Pie, Deadpool, Twilight and Celestia. He didn’t really care about the mess he left. All he cared about was finding his helmet.

“Where is it?” he roared as Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity and Applejack followed him as he ran down the stairs beamed his eyes left and right.

“What are you looking for, Juggernaut?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“My helmet, I need to find it!”

Applejack raised a brow, confused by Juggernaut’s behavior, “What’s so special about your helmet, sugar-cube?” she asked.

“I’ll explain later. Just help me find it,” Juggernaut said as he lifted a rock over his head with ease and looked around before heaving it behind him, and letting it crash on a bystander, ‘My leg!’

“Juggernaut, hold your hay!” Applejack said trying to calm him down. “It couldn’t have gone far. It could be somewhere near the crater you made.” She pointed to the crater a few blocks away from the castle.

Juggernaut calmed down and straightened himself before turning around to look down at Applejack and her friends. He followed the direction Applejack was pointing at. As he did, he and the ponies heard what seemed to be a snobbish voice where the crater should be. Juggernaut immediately went into aggressive mode and charged after the owner of the voice. Applejack and the others quickly followed after him.

“What in Equestria is this?” the voice was none other than Blueblood. He was hiding in a secret bunker near the garden when the fight went on. When things where finally calm, he came out to see mass destruction everywhere he looked, but he was more happy to be alive. When he walked around the castle stairs, he found a strange red dome with square holes lying on the ground. Bluebloods snorted in annoyance, “This is the most horrid thing I’ve seen ever. Carnage aside, this thing is just plain and dull!” he said before hearing a roar emit behind him.

“Huh?” Bluebloods turned just in time to see a big red boot slam into him face first; punting him so hard he was sent hurdling in the air like a football and screaming like a little filly. He disappeared over the castle and into the clouds.

Deadpool teleported on a large rock and sat down after Juggernaut made the kick. He watched the white unicorn disappear before lifting his arms straight up, “Go-ooo-oal!”

“Juggernaut!” Fluttershy shouted as Juggernaut grabbed his helmet and snapped it back on.

“What?” he turned and looked at Fluttershy confused.

“The one thing you should never do is randomly…”

“Was that Bluebloods?” Rarity asked interrupting Fluttershy.

“Yes it was, Lil’ Miss Rarity” Deadpool happily replied.

Rarity cringed, “Ugh, let him have this one, Fluttershy. You know as well as I that Bluebloods is not a very polite stallion.” Applejack and Rainbow Dash couldn’t agree more to that and snickered from that day Rarity tried to hook up with her ‘prince charming’.

Fluttershy sighed and shrugged, “Alright, I guess.”

“Don’t beat yourself up, Fluttershy. Everybody hates Bluebloods. Even Princess Exposition,” Deadpool pointed back at Celestia’s castle reassuring Fluttershy, until Twilight and Pinkie Pie arrived seconds later; with Twilight slightly covered in bandages from horn to flank.

“So, what do we do now?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I say we take a break!” Pinkie Pie said “I’m exhausted from fighting jumbotron in that last chapter,” Pinkie Pie sighed, slouching with bags under her eyes. Juggernaut glared at Pinkie, unamused with that name.

“I’m with Pinkie Pie decision,” Rarity said not questioning what Pinkie meant by that last statement, “I could really use some time at the spa,” Rarity whipped her mane out of her right eye.

“No!” Twilight shouted. “We have to find out what Chrysalis is up to and stop her from. If she was able to form an alliance with the Diamond Dogs, then there’s no telling who else could be on her side.” Her friends groaned quietly. They were too exhausted to do anything. All they want is some R&R. It would take a miracle to stop Twilight, now. “Now, I suggest we…” fortunately, a miracle in the form of a crimson hand reached down and grabbed Twilight by the back of the neck, causing her to let out an ‘oof’ as she was lifted up with no effort whatsoever. The firm grip made Twilight feel like she was being manhandled like a lion cub. She was confused at first, but when she was turned her confusion became a look of fright as she stared into the eyes of a very annoyed Pinkie Pie.

“Listen, Princess OCD!” Pinkie Pie said, keeping a firm grip on Twilight’s neck-fold as she came down on the injured princess like a stern military general. “We’ve been through shit these past hours trying to stop big red from destroying Canterlot,” she glared exhausted, cranky eyes at Twilight. “I’m tired, you’re injured, our friends went through a bad experience and I’m pretty sure Fluttershy is traumatized through this whole ordeal!” she pointed at Fluttershy, much to the shy ponies confusion.

Twilight’s iris’s shank to pinpoint-size; she was speechless and somewhat terrified of Pinkie’s attitude. She looked at her friends who just stood there not wanting to get in the middle of it - even Juggernaut whistled nonchalantly. Deadpool just sat down and played a game on his 3DS. She looked back at Pinkie Pie and gulped, “But, what if we…”

“Twilight, if you so much as even finish that sentence I will kick you out of this chapter. You hear me?” Pinkie said with a snarl on her face. Twilight hid half her face behind her hooves and showed fear I her eyes.

Deadpool widened his eyes in utter shock and hilarity. He placed his 3DS down and watched, “R. Lee Ermey, you’ve been replaced,” he said

Seeing as how she wasn’t going to win this, Twilight nodded slowly. She would’ve used her magic to calm Pinkie down, but in her current state from fighting Juggernaut she was rendered powerless from doing anything, “Okay, you win Pinkie. Can you please put me down now?” she asked in a scared tone as Pinkie Pie gently placed her down.

“That’s what I like to hear,” Pinkie walked away from Twilight and sat next to Deadpool.

Juggernaut lightly tapped Fluttershy’s back with his bulky finger to get her attention. Fluttershy perked her ears and turned to look up at Juggernaut, “Yes, Juggernaut?”

“Is she normally this irritated?” Juggernaut asked curiously.

“Not really, but she can be if she wants to.”

Juggernaut cringed, “Remind me not to get on her bad side.”

“I see things have calmed down now?” Nightmare Moon said as she appeared behind the startled Twilight. “Did I miss anything?”

“Other than general Pinkie and Juggernaut getting his helmet back, not a whole lot, really,” Rainbow Dash said.

Nightmare Moon sighed and nodded, “All right, then” she said. “Anyway, now that this fight is over with and Canterlot is still intact, I’ll be calling construction workers to repair the damage,” she said. “But that doesn’t mean punishment is still in order.”

“Oh geez!” Juggernaut said with a facepalm, not liking the where this is going.

“Juggernaut, you are to assist the construction workers in repairing what you destroyed. Deadpool…”

Deadpool teleported off the rock and reappeared in front of Luna/Nightmare moon, “You called dark horse?”

Luna chuckled before continuing, “You are to stay in the castle with Tia and I. We have questions we’d most like to ask.”

“Can I come to?” Pinkie asked with a giddy smile.

“No, you are to remain with your friends. Enjoy your time of relaxation,” Luna said. Pinkie crossed her arms and pouted like a child.

“Don’t be like that, darling,” Rarity said. “Tell you what, for saving us from that giant red ruffian…”

“I’m standing right here!” Juggernaut shouted.

“I’ll take you to the spa. My treat” Rarity smiled generously.

Pinkie Pie smiled wide as a response and snatched Rarity into a vice-grip hug, sandwiching her between her huge mounds on her chest, “Oh thank you, thank you Rarity. You’re so awesome!” she said, unaware that she was suffocating the poor unicorn.

Pinkie Pie’s smile changed to a confused look when she heard strange mumbling. She looked down and gasped before quickly separating Rarity from her, “Sorry.”

Rarity took a huge gulp of air and coughed, “It’s alright, Pinkie Pie,” she said before taking calm breaths. “Learn to control those things next time.”

“Yes Ma’am.” Pinkie said as she placed Rarity down.

Sometime later, they departed from Canterlot. Applejack, Twilight, Spike and Fluttershy headed back to Ponyville to relax and heal, Rainbow Dash flew back to Cloudsdale and back to her home to be with her pet tortoise Tank, Pinkie Pie and Rarity ventured to the spa for some well-deserved R&R. Juggernaut, much to his dismay, remained behind and helped the construction workers repair what he destroyed – even though majority of them are scared of him. Deadpool was in the meeting room of Celestia’s castle sitting next to Luna/Nightmare moon, regretting his decision about staying with the princesses to answer their questions.

“I hate you, Author,” Deadpool said to himself.


Upon arriving in Ponyville, the three mares and baby dragon examined the small town for any damage left by Juggernaut -- to their surprise, there were casualties but it doesn’t look like they were touched by Juggeraut. Ponies were showing looks of trauma and shock like they’ve seen something twice as scary as King Sombra. Twilight figured Juggernaut came through Ponyville, but was confused by way some of the homes and stores were destroyed, “Did a hurricane blow through here?” she asked.

Fluttershy was relieved to see fellow ponies still alive, but the damage was worrisome. It seemed like Juggernaut had no intention of hurting the ponies around him when he was walking through Ponyville, which was a good sign. She was happy to know Juggernaut had some good in him, mostly. Since there was nothing to be alarmed about, other than terrified ponies, she would return to her peaceful cottage for a soothing rest. She’d love to help out and rebuild Ponyville, but the fight she and friends went through took its toll on her. She thought that Zen music and herbal tea might do the trick in relieving her stress.

Applejack had other things in mind. Like her shy friend, she figured that she’d get some stress relief through a local cider bar. She wasn’t a heavy drinker like some of her cousins, but every once in a while she’ll go down to her favorite cider bar and have a few drinks or more. She smiled and chuckled at the thought, knowing exactly she’ll do just that.

Applejack looked at her friends, “Y’all take it easy, I’m going to Big Ben’s cider bar,” she said in a calm tone before walking away as the two mares and Spike gave their good-byes to her. Fluttershy bid farewell to Twilight and Spike too lying back to her home where her animal friends awaited her.

Twilight and Spike soon returned to their home the Golden Oaks library. Twilight was about to open the door when pain suddenly struck her body and caused her to flinch ad cringe. Comparing Discord, Chrysalis and Sombra, Juggernaut was the most powerful being she’s ever faced – and he’s from another dimension, world, or something. She’ll study that later. Right now, she won’t know when she’ll recover from the bashing she got, but she does now Equestria will see another day.

“Let me get that for you, mom,” he said stepping in front of Twilight and opening the door for her, receiving a warm smile and nuzzle from her.

“Thank you, Spike,” she said softly as she walked in their home.

Spike blushed and smiled bashfully before closing the door behind him. He walked up to Twilight, only to see her stand still staring at a stranger with blue fur wearing a suit and reading one of her books next to the left side horse-head statue. Twilight and Spike widened their eyes in shock, bewilderment and astonishment.

“Excuse me, who are you?” Twilight asked with a bit of hesitation to her voice.

The stranger caught wind of Twilight’s voice glanced over at her and a very confused, yet somewhat scared, Spike. He smiled calmly and placed the book back in its place in the fiction section under Equestrian history.

“You must be the owner of this interesting library,” the stranger said in a voice so calm and peaceful that his own appearance was misjudging of character. “I’m sorry for intruding. I was fascinated by the design of this place; I had to see what foundations inside. Tell me, is this a library?”

“Y-Yes, This is my home, Golden Oaks Library,” Twilight said, still unsure whether this stranger was friend or foe.

“Quite a lovely place you have here,” the stranger said, looking around Golden Oaks before focusing back at the two in front of him.

“Who are you?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, where are my manners,” the stranger said. “My name is Hank McCoy. But you can call me Beast.”

Author's Note:

DD: Holy Hell! Furball's here!

PP: How?

DD: Next chapter!