• Published 20th Mar 2013
  • 7,422 Views, 223 Comments

Deadpool and Pinkie Pie - Dashzilla93

Deadpool in Equestria. 'Nuff said. Pinkie pie tags along too. oh boy.

  • ...

Fight with the Juggernaut

“Who?” Rainbow Dash asked confusedly.

“I’m the Juggernaut. Pay attention, stupid pony!” Juggernaut yelled, snapping at the blue horse before him. Rainbow Dash and the others covered their ears. His yelling was so loud that it almost mimicked Luna’s royal Canterlot voice.

Twilight uncovered her ears and bravely glanced up at the Juggernaut, “How did you get here, monster?” she asked him as she secretly surveyed his appearance. He was huge compared to her, Celestia and any other friend she knew. She had never seen anything like him before. Sheer muscle and near red all over his body. The dome head was kind of funny, though. But his leer was not; it was filled with anger. With how he and Deadpool are similar in standing on two legs, she figured Juggernaut knew Deadpool but shared no friendship with him. Though, that's the least bit concerning seeing as how he acted like he wanted something.

Juggernaut rolled his eyes and waved a finger at Twilight, “First off, don’t call me 'monster'. Second, I’m sure Wilson filled you puny ponies in on what happened, right?” Juggernaut looked down at Deadpool with an annoyed and impatient glare. "Right?"

“Oh, that was you? I thought it was Rhino?” Deadpool said, “You two almost look alike."

Juggernaut facepalmed and groaned in annoyance, “You're an idiot, Wilson!”

“And I got a diploma for it,” Deadpool held a diploma next to him before throwing it away.

“And I got a diploma in… um… fruit pies!” Pinkie stood next to Deadpool, joining in on the conversation.

Juggernaut threw his attention at Pinkie Pie and gave a confused glare at her, “What the?" and the way this pony was dressed really increased his confusion. It looked like she was dressed as-- "Oh great, another one! Just what I needed?” Juggernaut slightly cringed, wishing this was just a dream and nothing else, because one Deadpool wasn't enough.

Rainbow Dash shrugged, “Hey, join the club, pal. We were just as shocked as you are,” she agreed with Juggernaut and sharing the annoyed face he was doing.

“Anyway, are you going to tell us how you got here?” Twilight asked.

Juggernaut glanced his intimidated eyes at Twilight before answering her, “If Wilson here told you his side of the story, he probably got 'some' parts wrong," he said knowing that was true. He had a feeling that was the case before calming down. He sighed briefly, "I’ll fill you in on the whole story on one condition.”

Twilight raised a brow as her friends kept their eyes on Juggernaut. Applejack and Rainbow Dash remained defensive if he tried anything funny. Rarity and Fluttershy backed up a few feet from him because of how scary he looked. And Pinkie just looked up at him with her usual smile. Deadpool just fiddled with his pistol with a silencer equipped until he pulled the trigger and accidentally shot an unlucky bird perched on a large wooden barrel. He widened his eyes at the scene before quickly putting his pistol away and whistle like nothing ever happened.

"I'm listening."

Juggernaut cracked a small, intimidating smile at Twilight and told her his request, "You show me where Twilight Sparkle is." he pounds his fists together and cracks his knuckles, "She my ticket out of this world."

Twilight and her friends, except Deadpool, stare in shock at the request he just made. How did Juggernaut know Twilight's name? Twilight silently gulped, immediately realizing the lone action and what Juggernaut's intention was. And she knew her friends wouldn't rat her out quickly, even Pinkie Pie wouldn't do such a thing after seeing what Juggernaut just did. This guy was very violent and saying she was right in front of him would not end as how she thought. She had to lie to him to save herself and her friends and former hometown.

"Of course, I'll tell you where Twilight Sparkle is," her voice stuttered slightly. "Now, tell us what you know."

“Oh great, another boring flashback,” Deadpool whispered to the reader, “You might want to get a pillow in case you fall asleep. Bring me one, too.”

“And me, too,” Pinkie Pie asked, whispering. “Oh, and a teddy bear, too”

“Who are you two talking too?” Rarity asked confusedly.

“no one,” both said at the same the time.

“Shut it you two, I’m trying to tell my story here,” Juggernaut shouted, scaring Rarity into hiding with Fluttershy behind Rainbow Dash and Applejack. “Anyway, I teamed up with Magneto to build some machine that could take us to another dimension, or something like. Personally, I didn't give a shit. I just wanted to fight someone. That's when this idiot and the X-Men and Spider-man showed up." He glared at Deadpool and pointed to him, "We fought for a while until Wilson here shot the controls to the portal and caused it to malfunction. It sucked Wilson and I easily and that's how we ended up in this gay ass world.”

“Oh boy, you shouldn’t have said that, Jugs.”

“Why’s that, Wilson?”

“Because you just pissed off the brony fandom and made a few of these ponies mad,” He points to his pony friends.

Juggernaut looked to see Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Applejack glaring daggers at him for the words he said. Twilight kept a calm demeanor and bottled in her anger and agitation. She and the others were not too fond of others insulting their lands.

Juggernaut held his hands up close to his chest, “Hey, not trying to start a fight here. Just calling it as I see it,” he said reassuringly even though he knew he'd kick these ponies's asses, “Anyway, before the thing went screwy, Magneto left with Spider-man following him and had the X-Men and I to deal with it, but it was too late, and bam! Here we are.”

Twilight raised a brow and looked at Deadpool, and then back at Juggernaut. He seemed like he was telling more of the truth than Deadpool was, and she would be happy to try and help them get back home, but there was the slight issue of Juggernaut wanting to fight her if he knew who she was. She had to know more about this guy and why he was acting the way he was. Hopefully he's still cooperative and not cut to the chase, “You seem to be more aggressive and serious than Deadpool. What are your powers?” she asked him.

Juggernaut made a cocky smile, and snickered at the easy question, “I’m super strong and durable. Nothing stands in my way." he pounds a fist on his chest that sound like he punched steel.

Okay, she knows his powers and name. Now she just needs to know what he plans to do with... well... her, "And what are you going to do with Twilight Sparkle?" she asked but got a wagging finger as a response.

"Nope. That's it."

“What? Why? Why won’t you tell any more?”

He crossed his arms and strictly said, “Because you asked for my side of the story, not my whole info. I'm not spilling anything to no pony,” he spat a bit from saying 'pony', “I’m the Juggernaut. No one orders me around, unless they pay me big cash.”

"No cash here, Juggernaut. Just bits of gold coins. Nothing else." Deadpool informed.

"I take cash, Wilson. Not coin."

“Fine, jerk," Twilight said growing more angry at Juggernaut.

“Now then,” Juggernaut points his bulky finger at Twilight. "You were going to show me Twilight is?”

"Oh, right, her," that anger quickly turned into caution as she watched Juggernaut crack his other knuckle. Twilight widened her eyes and gulped again. She had to think of something and fast. She stood there and stared at Juggernaut, having no idea what to say. Should she tell him or lie again. She tried to keep a low profile, but it was proving difficult. Juggernaut looked like he could tussle with something as big as a dragon. There was a brief silence until a familiar voice spoke out for her. The fear was real…

“What a surprise!" Pinkie Pie smiled wide, wrapping her arm around Twilight's neck and pointing her other hoof at her. "Here she is in the flesh just waiting to talk," the silence came back as Twilight widened her eyes in shock, fear and frustration. The others were the same way, wondering what the hell is Pinkie Pie thinking! Deadpool just chuckled at this unfortunate event.

“What?” Juggernaut said surprised and anger, “You? You’re Twilight Sparkle?”

Pinkie Pie retracted her smile and realized what she just did and gasped as she quickly covered her muzzle, but it was too late as Twilight angrily pushed Pinkie Pie away, “Pinkie, why did you do that?!" Twilight snapped at her friend with a slight snarl. She glared at Pinkie Pie, letting her know she just killed her. She felt betrayed.

Pinkie Pie waved her arms frantically and frowned, "I don't know! I don't know why I did that! Something took over me and made me do it, I swear!” Pinkie Pie was on her knees, begging Twilight to forgive her and not be angry with her.

Deadpool walked up to Twilight, and, “Ah, don't be angry, Twilight. At least you both are even. I'm sure Jugs won't harm a hair on your--” a massive fist slammed into Deadpool with a loud thud and sent him flying through the air.

The ponies follow his trajectory and watched him crash into Celestia’s castle with a loud thud. He landed in front of the princesses inside as he spoke a soft, weak 'ow'.

"Deadpool!" Pinkie Pie shouted before snarling and glaring up at Juggernaut. “Hey, what’s the big idea? Why'd you do...” Pinkie Pie was cut off when a massive fist hammered down at her and flattened her like a pancake.

All of her friends shouted “Pinkie!” as Juggernaut lifted his fist and showed them a literally flatten Pinkie Pie in a decent-sized crater. Her bones were broken and some were protruding from her body and her internal organs were crushed. She was unconscious and beaten.

Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy all froze from the traumatic sight while Twilight, thinking Pinkie was now dead, gave Juggernaut a glare so dangerous it would get a minotaur to back off. Her sense of betrayal flew out the window and was replaced with vengeance. Juggernaut was gonna pay.

“Now then, annoyances out of the way, you will...” before Juggernaut could finish, he was struck in the face by a blast of powerful magic and sent flying back. He crashed to the ground and skidded across the dirt a bit.

Applejack and the rest of the elements stood by Twilight's side, eager to fight and avenge Pinkie Pie. Little did they know, Pinkie Pie was rapidly healing herself thanks to her newly acquired healing factor. Bones slowly reconstructed and snapped back in place, organs repaired themselves and gave life back into Pinkie Pie. Her heart started beating and Pinkie Pie opened her eyes, but she still wasn't able to move due to her healing factor not reaching her spine and nerve ending, yet.

“You will pay for this, monster” Rarity said snarling at Juggernaut.

Twilight narrows her eyes in a furious manner. She takes a step forward as her horn surged with magical, surging aura, “You want a fight? You got one,” she said as her eyes shined a bright white hue as purple aura began to surround her lavender form. The white engulfing her eyes began to travel throughout Twilight's body and the magic aura engulfing her began into increase in power and intensity. Twilight's friends backed up from this as they witnessed Twilight hunch her head over.

“Whoa, that’s so cool” Rainbow Dash looked at Twilight amazed and excited.

"What in tarnation is Twilight doing?" Applejack asked while half covering her eyes with her hat.

“Twilight must be using her magic for something!” Rarity said. She can sense her friend using her magic but for what is a mystery to her. She knew a lot of magic, but not as much as Twilight, so this was new to her.

At an instant, their answer was given as Twilight swung her head up and the light and aura around her burst in a huge display of power. They cover their eyes for a moment before quickly gazing ahead to see Twilight stand and spread her wings. Electricity occasionally surge around her body. Twilight transformed into her alicorn form.

They looked at her surprised and shocked, but Twilight immediately turned her gaze onto them, “leave this guy to me,” she said in a distorted echo voice, almost like the canterlot voice but without the boom to it. “Go see if Deadpool’s okay,” she faced Juggernaut again as he sat up and grabbed his head.

They thought about staying but didn't rebel against Twilight's order. They nodded to her and quickly rushed to the castle, leaving Twilight to handle Juggernaut.

Fluttershy stopped and peered back at Twilight, “Good luck, Twilight,” she said before following her friends.

Juggernaut stood back up and chuckled at that sudden attack, feeling rather good. Perhaps Twilight could prove to be a challenge after all. He faced his opponent, but instead of excitement he looked confused and surprised about Twilight's sudden change.

“That’s a new look? Where'd the wings come from?”

“Fuck you, that’s where they came from!” Twilight barked as she shifted her head down and aimed her horn at Juggernaut, narrowing her eyes at him.

Juggernaut couldn't help but laugh, “Ooh, pony's got a potty mouth,” Juggernaut clenched and pound his fists this time getting excited, “Let's see if you’ve got some bite to back it up.” He slightly knelt down in a charging position and gathered his momentum, ready to trample Twilight Sparkle.

~Celestia's throne room~

“Oh my head, where am I?” Deadpool slowly opened his eyes. His vision groggy and mind in a daze. But that quickly changed when his vision cleared to see Princess Celestia and Luna look down at him with shocked and confused looks. “What are you Princesses looking at?” he said as he tried to get up. But something was wrong, very wrong. He felt pain in places that shouldn't be and something felt out of place. he dipped his head up to find his whole arm was dislocated and twisted like a twizzler. His whole body is jacked up; his torso was twisted around, his legs bent in off positions and his arms and fingers were dislocated and broken. Deadpool was basically a human pretzel.

“Aw, come on! Damn it, Juggernaut!” Deadpool shouted.

“Art thou alight?” Luna asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine, give me a minute. This won’t take long,” Deadpool's healing factor started to do its job as his bones reconstructed themselves in a grotesque manner. His ankles rotated to there exact position, “Yeowzaa, that’s going to hurt in the morning,” his ribs pop back into place, “Think I can here the popcorn popping.”

Celestia and Luna watch in disgust before they refrained from looking as they covered their mouths so they wouldn't puke up what they ate since they were fillies, but that didn't save them from hearing Deadpool heal himself. They never understood how a healing factor works, but they thought having one and using it to go through so much pain like this would be unbearable. How does Deadpool do it?

After his legs and arms were fully healed and his organs were functioning as they should, he flipped himself up and stood as if nothing every happened. "Tada!" he said as he turned just in time to see Applejack and the three other elements arrive.

“Nice of you to come to the party,” Deadpool said as he popped his right arm back into place. The popping sound echoed across the room and made the ponies cringe from how bad it sounded.

“That sounded like it hurt” Fluttershy said, worried.

“When you have an awesome healing factor like mine, you’ll get use to it,” he points at Fluttershy. “Now then, can one of you hairballs turn my torso, please”

Immediately and regrettably, Rainbow Dash flew back to the entrance of the throne room and zoomed at Deadpool at a necessary speed, ramming into Deadpool's left shoulder and popping it back into place. She landed and turned to see if that worked and, to her surprise, it did.

“Thanks, skittles.” Deadpool said at he moved her torso left in right as his healing factor finished its job.

“Will you stop calling me that?!” Rainbow Dash shouted at him in frustration. "You're lucky I'm nice enough to do that favor for you."

"I'll make sure to reward you later," Deadpool looked around.“Where’s Pinkie?” Deadpool asked.

“She’s dead,” Applejack said in a sad tone, “That monster killed her.” The princesses gasp in shock.

Deadpool at Applejack with a straight, “Really, you’re buying that whole thing, again?” Deadpool hung his arms, “Did you completely forget that she has a healing factor like I do?” he looked at them as if they were complete idiots.

This got the ponies to perk their ears up and look at him.

“But we saw her get squashed. How can she still be alive?” Rarity asked.

“Any situation, I repeat, ANY situation that you’re in, a healing factor will help you regenerate any parts of your body. Did you not learn this at the school of awesomeness?”

“Um, n-no,” Fluttershy said answering the question like a gullible mouse in a trap.

"That was a rhetorical question!"

~Outside Celestia's castle~

A red, black hoof appears and pats the ground, lifting as if trying to pull something. It succeeded in pulling the body of Pinkie Pie halfway out of the small crater. She’s alive. Pinkie Pie breaths in and out. Her lungs fully repaired, she looks ahead to see Twilight fighting off against Juggernaut. And from the looks of it, it seemed like Twilight had the upperhand, lifting Juggernaut off his feet and slamming him into a barrel wagon.

Pinkie Pies lower body regain its feeling, yet the bones in her back legs were still repairing themselves. She ignores the healings pain and watches the fight between Twilight and Juggernaut, feeling helpless to join in with Twilight for a tag team fight. Her hair became flat and straight down. Her emotions slowly went from happy to anger and frustration. Her color dampened from pink to dark pink.


“Pinkie was never dead to begin with. You ponies got all worked up over nothing. But Marko did pull a cheap shot on us. So I’m going to get him back for it.” Deadpool gets back up, but drops back to one knee. “Damnit, I’m too tired to get up.”

“I think you should sit back. Twilights handling that big bully” said Rainbow dash with a smirk.

“You ponies have no idea who you’re facing, do you?”

The ponies look at each other, then back at Deadpool, having no idea what he’s talking about.

“Fine then, Jugs is an unstoppable force. No one stops him. Once he starts running, you’re pretty much pancakes” Deadpool explained.

“So… Twilight won’t stand a chance against this guy” Applejack asked, with a beat of sweat dripping from the side of her forehead.

“That depends. Fighting Juggernaut is like… um… solving a math problem” Deadpool scratches his head.

“Say wha?” Rainbow Dash said, confused.

“So what stops this juggernaut from destroying Equestria?” Celestia asked only to receive a shrug from Deadpool.

“Beats the hell out of me! The only one that has ever stopped the jolly red giant was the jolly green giant” he said, referring to the Hulk. “Least it’s not the brown and green gargantuas, then ya’ll be toast. Mmm, toast.” He jokes, referring to Gaira and Sanda from war of the gargantuas.

A sudden boom is heard outside of the castle, causing the ground to shake a bit, indicating the fight between Twilight and Juggernaut is still going on. The elements and the princesses, though Deadpool stayed behind to heal, headed out of the main throne room, into the halls, and out the castle just in time to see Juggernaut throw a punch at a force field surrounding Twilight.

“Come on! Put up a good fight. I was having fun. Why’d you stop? Is the little pony too scared to fight” Juggernaut mocked Twilight as he hammered his fists down on Twilight’s force field.

“That’s what you think, idiot” she said, using her magic to create a small shockwave around the force field, temporarily stunning Juggernaut. Twilight took the opportunity to concentrate and launch the force field at Juggernaut, blasting him with tremendous power, sending him careering off his feet and crashing to the ground again.

Twilight pants in exhaustion, almost drained of power. How is this being able to withstand so much of her attacks? It’s unnatural. Twilight looks at Juggernaut, scanning for any weaknesses, but to her surprise; she found nothing. No weaknesses were found on Juggernaut. This being, this new threat, this… monster is like nothing she’s ever faced before. She’s fought and defeated Nightmare moon, Trixie, and Discord, but this massive red creature is something on a whole different level. She thought to herself, “who is this guy? Why do all of my attacks I throw at him barely have an effect? What do I do? I can’t beat this guy. I’m so sorry Pinkie, I’ve failed”

Juggernaut gets back up and brushes off his shoulder as if nothing even happened.

“Is that it? Pathetic” He mocks her as he starts gaining momentum for another tackle.

Twilight gives Juggernaut a menacing glare as he builds up enough momentum and charges at her, like a raging bull elephant. Twilight, almost exhausted from the fight, builds up enough power for another attack. Instead of channeling her magic into her horn, she channels it into her eyes. They glow a bright purple.

Juggernaut stampedes towards Twilight, almost coming close at her, but the lavender alicorn quickly fires a powerful beam from her eyes, blasting Juggernaut point blank in the midsection, sending him flying back again. He crashes to the ground, but gets right back up, furious.

“I can do this all day, puny pony” he says, building up momentum for another tackle.

“Come on, we got to help her out” shouted Applejack.

Twilight overheard her and shifts her attention on them, shouting, “Don’t do it girls! This guy is too powerful for you all to fight. My attacks barely work on him. I don’t want you all to get hurt,” she pleaded them not to fight, which to her relief, they did, even though they wanted to.

Juggernaut stomps the ground, “I’ve had it! No more mister nice guy. I was letting you toss me around, but no more. Time to put you in the ER,” He pounds his fists and uses his momentum to charge after Twilight. His stomps shook the ground multiple times, like miniature earthquake.

Twilight closes her eyes and braces for impact, having no hope to at all and accepts defeat. Her friends and mentor watch in horror, helpless to do anything to stop and fight back against the Juggernaut. Celestia would’ve gotten in between them, but seeing the raw power coming from this red giant would give her the greatest challenge of her life. … So be it. Celestia teleports herself away from her friends and sister and appears in front of Twilight, getting into the cross fire just as Juggernaut was about to approach.

Celestia channels her energy into her horn and blasts Juggernaut in the chest with a powerful bright golden beam, which was, thankfully, enough to stop and stagger the red leviathan back.

Twilight opens her eyes, and gasps, “Princess, what are you doing? You can’t beat a creature like this. His durability… it’s not normal” Twilight pleaded, but was exhausted from lack of energy to talk any further.

“My faithful student, you’ve shown me you have the courage to not only fight for your friends, but to fight for all of Equestria. You may have chosen to drop your princess title, but that doesn’t mean you still want to save Equestria with your life. Well now, it’s about time I return the favor. You and your friends saved us from certain doom. And now I think it’s time I start fighting with you” Celestia spreads her wings wide, showing that she is ready to fight for her student and home.

“Princess…” Twilight looks up at Celestia, baffled that she would fight for her. Being a thousand years old, Celestia has fought many battles, so her experience would be an advantage, yet a disadvantage, too. Twilight knows her mentor has fought powerful opponents, but fighting a being from a different world is a different story. Celestia has no idea what she got herself into. Yet, she’s determined.

Luna and the elements watch on as Celestia faces Juggernaut for an epic battle. If Celestia loses, then it’s all over for everyone. Not even Deadpool would be a match for a being of such strength.

Juggernaut looks at Celestia, and laughs. “Another one of you horn, winged things! You’re a lot bigger then that puny runt behind you. Let’s see if you can put up a fight” He lifts his fists up, getting into a fighting stance.

“Before we do this, I have a few questions for you” Celestia asked before getting into battle.

Juggernaut lowers his guard and grunts, “fine. Spill it” he shouts, being very impatient towards Celestia.

“What is your reason for attacking Twilight?”

“Some horses or ponies told me that Twilight would be able to make a portal that leads me back home. But they said she would not do it without a fight. I ignored everything else when they said fight. I wanted a good challenge around here, so I set out to find her”

“Who are these ponies that told you that lie?”

“Some dark horse with a blood red horn, and a bug thing that had legs that looked like cheese” He described them as best as he could.

Celestia widens her eyes in disbelief, “No, it can’t be. He’s still alive. And teamed up with… this is not good, not good at all” she talked to herself until Juggernaut shouts at her.

“Enough talk. Fight me!” Juggernaut lunges and pounds his fist on the ground, but Celestia already teleported in front of the others, with Twilight, who was now unconscious from her fight.

Celestia turns her head, telling Juggernaut “As you wish, fool!” Celestia spreads her mighty wings and flaps them, hovering and levitating over the ponies and Juggernaut. She flies back to the battlefield and looks down at Juggernaut with a glare that, surprisingly, gave Juggernaut a cause for alarm.

Juggernaut steps back while looking up, wondering what his new flying opponent is going to do.

He got his answer when Celestia used her magic to summon twenty golden spears around her.

Rainbow Dash drops her jaw in amazement, finally getting the opportunity to see the princess fight, but she and the other elements and Luna, who had Twilight one her back, rushed back to the castle, keeping a safe distance away from the fight. Rainbow Dash stops at the entrance of the castle to watch the fight go down.

Juggernaut remains still, looking up. Celestia launches three spears at him, two miss their target, but the third one makes its mark, hitting Juggernaut on his helmet, bouncing off the steel cover, and disappears with a poof. The spear had enough power to vibrate his helmet to make him dizzy and ring his ears.

He grabs his head and regains his equilibrium, then looks up at Celestia, “Is that the best you got, coward,” he taunts her with a smirk.

Celestia raises a brow before launching all the spears at Juggernaut.

“Oh…” Juggernaut quickly covers his face with his bulky arms as the spears rain down on him, bouncing, barely cutting, and breaking on his skin. Celestia launches more spears at him, hoping to pin him down, but it olny scoots him back a bit. She stops to see the results of her attack.

Juggernaut lowers his arms and looks up at Celestia, unphased by her attack and catching her by surprise.

“My turn,” Juggernaut slams his fists to the ground, hammering them hard enough for them to dig through the ground. He pulls up, cracking the ground as he lifts part of the earth out of the dirt.

Celestia, and Rainbow Dash, watch in shock as Juggernaut lifts a boulder much bigger than himself over his head. Celestia could not believe the strength this being possesses; he could be strong enough to toss a hydra like it’s nothing.

With no effort, Juggernaut hurls the giant boulder at Celestia with decent speed.

Celestia widens her eyes, but quickly using her magic as the boulder comes straight at her.

Rainbow Dash covers her eyes, before a bright flash appears in the form of magic blast.

Celestia fires a large powerful beam out of her horn and blasts the boulder, easily destroys it. The beam still fires, however, aiming straight at Juggernaut. Juggernaut tries to dodge the blast, but is bombarded by the powerful attack.

Rainbow Dash opens her eyes to see Celestia gaining the upperhand, “Alright, yeah. Go Princess! Take him down”, she shouts cheering Celestia on.


Inside the castle, Luna and the other ponies felt the earth shake from Celestia’s attack. They hold their ground until they arrive at the main throne room, only to see Deadpool sit on a beanbag, playing video games on a big screen TV.

“What the hay! Deadpool, what are you doing?” asked Applejack

“Playing Call of Duty: Modern warmare 4. This edition lets you play as ponies. It’s so cool” He goes back to playing the game.

“Hey, that’s my game! You’re playing on my profile” Luna shouted with her wings spread out in anger.

The ponies look at Luna in confusion. Luna looks at her friends and calms down, folding her wings and blushing.

“Well, looks like the fandom wasn’t lying after all. Ya’ll hear that, you could be challenging and, possibly, getting your asses handed to you by a pony. You never know!” Deadpool talks to the readers, raising a brow to them.

Twilight slowly opens her eyes and finds out she’s in the castle, lying on top of Luna’s back, “W-what happened,” she asked as she starts waking up.

Her friends noticed this and turn their attention towards her, getting off of Luna, a little wobbly.

“Twi, are ya a’right” Applejack asked, relieved to see her awake, but tries helping her in case she falls.

She looks at the country pony and nods, saying,”I’m fine, Applejack. Where’s Celestia?”

“She’s out there fighting that giant red ruffian” said Rarity.

“What! We have to help her. She can’t fight him alone.” She tries getting out of the castle, but Luna, Applejack and Deadpool blocked her path.

“Please desist, Twilight Sparkle. Let my sister handle this fight. Thou art much too weak to assist her” Luna said in a calming tone.

“Besides sugercube, ya may have a lot of powerful magic, but Princess Celestia may be more of a match for that big guy out there.”

“You’re still developing your powers, Twilight. A princess’s power grows everyday, and you’ve been a princess for only two months. You’re still in the developing stage, so your power level won’t reach it’s limitation until its ready” Luna explained.

“I sensed a Dragon Ball Z reference in that statement?” Deadpool tilts his head.

“Deadpool, please, you know that monster better than anypony else here!” actually, he does know more, cause they’ve never dealt with a force like Juggernaut at all. Twilight pleads to him for any information on how to stop Juggernaut, “How do we stop him from destroying Equestria. Please, there has to be a way” she sheds a tear, and waits for Deadpool to respond.

Deadpool didn’t respond to her pleading. Instead, he walks away from Applejack and Luna and stands in front of the thrones and turns around, facing the ponies.

Rarity and Fluttershy tilt their head, while the others watch in confusion, wondering what he was doing.

Twilight walks and stands in front of the others, tears forming from eyes and rolling down her cheeks as she glares at Deadpool.

Deadpool lifts his hand up in the air, “can the water works, cry baby,” he snaps his fingers and a box, about the size as Twilight, appears and slams down in front of Deadpool, catching the ponies off guard, “I said nothing can stop Jugs,” he crouches to one knee and snaps the hinges on the box, opening it, “I never said you could fight and beat the shit out of him” He grabs a sash and wraps it around his left shoulder, over his back, and onto his chest. He ties it up, but grabs more from the box. “And let’s just say,” he rises, holding two powerful shotguns in his hands while having eight grenades attached to his sash, “I’d love to have some action right now”. He has a cigar in his mouth while wearing a cowboy hat, much like Applejacks.

The ponies look at him in amazement, but they were more intrigued, especially Applejack, at his weapons. Two semi-automatics, double barreled, and 24 round shotguns: built to destroy the heaviest of armory, and dent tanks. The grips are fit to be held in Deadpools hands, and the guns themselves are about 2 feet long and 40 inches in length.

“W-what are those?” Fluttershy asked.

“Girls, meet thing one and thing two, or as I like to call them beat ‘em and fuck ‘em. They’re shotguns that pack a serious bang. Strong enough to blow an elephants balls off with no effort, like a feather in the wind. Even Bob barker would be jealous of these hand held bombs. It’s totally explosive pure awesomeness!” Deadpool laughs with excitement, happy to finally use them. The ponies, however, have no idea who he was talking about.

“Will these “awesome” things be able to stop that big galoot out there” asked Rarity.

“Wait and see for yourself, Marshmallow”

“Well you stop…”

“Yeehaw lets mow down us a juggernaut” Deadpool said in a western accent much to Applejacks disapproval.

In the battlefield; smoke filled the air. Stores, homes and towers are destroyed from the fight between Celestia and Juggernaut. Celestia flies down and lands in front of the castle as Juggernaut gets up out of the rubble caused by one of her attack. Juggernaut brushes debris off his shoulder and looks at Celestia, clenching his fists, with Rainbow Dash still watching the battle go on.

“How are you able to withstand my attacks, and not have a single scratch on you” Celestia asked.

“It’s all the power of Cyttorak, pony” he said, about to charge at her.

“Cyto… what” she tilts her head, confused, but focuses back on the battle as Juggernaut charges again.

Rainbow Dash watches in excitement, eager to help Celestia. She gets up and prepares to take off, but a crimson boot steps on her rainbow tail. She takes off, only to be tugged into stopping. She turns to see if it was Applejack, being that she’s the only one that pulls and tugs on her tail a lot, but widens her eyes in surprise to see it wasn’t.

Golden aura surrounds Celestia’s long horn. She focuses her magic, flowing and transferring it throughout her body. Juggernaut stops his attack and looks at his equestrian opponent, examining the flowing golden aura.

“I have no idea what you’re doing. But that won’t stop me” Juggernaut builds his momentum and charges at Celestia. He never counted on her using her magic to create her own charge attack, and soar straight towards him.

Juggernaut, still running, clinches his right fist and crouches a bit, charging like a football player on steroids. Celestia soars straight at Juggernaut. The golden aura surrounded her body as she dashed, acting as a torpedo at hyper speed. Both combatants closed in on each other. With seconds of silence, they clashed with a force so massive, a giant mushroom cloud erupted, scaling up to a hydras size and leaving a small magnitude at its wake. The force created a loud booming sound, as if fifty TNT boxes were set off.

A shockwave emits from the blast, soaring through Canterlot all the way to Ponyville, shaking the earth and blowing gale force winds at the trees and buildings, uprooting the trees and ripping buildings and homes to their foundations. Ponies in Ponyville never saw the shockwave appear. They were blown away like paper, flying in the air and disappearing in the dirt cloud caused by the shockwave. Very few ponies, however, did witness the mushroom cloud before being victims of the minor cyclone.

The shockwave calms down. The mushroom cloud slowly fades. Shadows in the form of Celestia and Juggernaut appear. Both warriors at one knee, breathing heavily as the cloud fades completely. Celestia glares at her bulky opponent, catching her breath, exhausted, but is still willing to fight. Juggernaut breaths heavily as well, but not nearly as exhausted as Celestia. This alicorn is putting up a worthy challenge, so let’s see how long she’ll keep this up. Juggernaut lifts himself back up slowly without causing some attention to be given to him from his opponent.

Celestia, not knowing of Juggernauts recovery, catches her breath and stands to her full height. She opens her eyes and prepares to fight, but a massive fist colliding with her face and chest stops that. Juggernaut sneaks up on Celestia and pounds his fist into her, throwing her off her hooves and sending her crashing on a boulder poking out of the ground.

Celestia bounces off the boulder and plops to the ground, injured: having a broken wing and cracked ribs. Celestia coughs up blood, lifting her head and watches Juggernaut walk up and stopping in front of her. His shadow blankets her from her own sun. He looks down at her with a glare, towering over her like an overpowering troll. Yet she would take down trolls like nothing. Juggernaut, on the other hoof, was not a troll; in fact, he would eat a troll if he wanted to. Celestia thought about Twilight’s warning; she was right, Juggernaut is too powerful.

Juggernaut shifts his face to an evil grin, thrilled of his second victory. He clenches his fist and raises his arm, threating to torture the sun goddess with a flurry of fists, like how a bully would with a new kid.

Celestia slowly closes her eyes, looking down, and accepting defeat. She failed to save Equestria. All hope is lost. She sheds a tear, torn apart at her failure.

“Any last words, sun butt” Juggernaut taunts her, before he swings his arm at the defeated Celestia.

“I have words to say,” Deadpool pops up from behind Juggernaut, holding onto his back. Juggernaut looks back, only to be used as a diving board for Deadpool; stepping on his face and front flips, pulling his kingmaker shotguns out from their straps in slow motion. Deadpool aims and fires both weapons, shooting Juggernaut point blank in the face, catching him off guard. He shouts in pain and grabs it face. His helmet may have blocked the bullets, but his eyes and mouth were never covered. So an up close view from the boom sticks was more than enough to cause some damage. Celestia opens her eyes and drops her jaw as Deadpool lands in front of her and turns around, doing an imitation, saying, “Did someone call an eye doctor? Because you need yo eyes checked. I can see bullets in them”

“Deadpool? You’re fully healed! How did… what are those things” she asked him, confused.

“Kingmaker shotguns, Queeny. These babies blow shit up like next year’s Fourth of July,” he holds one up for her to see, “They’re my babies!” he imitates a woman’s voice.

“Um… okay then” Celestia had no idea what to think about Deadpool’s random voice change. It’s as if she was looking at a human male version of Pinkie. Yet to her, she thought Pinkie would have more sanity than Deadpool.

“Spoilers people, Spoilers! Cover your ears. Author shad up already! No one needs to hear what happens to Pinkie. Save that till next chapter”

Juggernaut uncovers his face and growls at Deadpool, blood sliding from his teeth and his left eye, “You will regret that” he says, spitting bullets covered in blood out. “I’ll kill you, Wilson”

“Try your luck, Jugs. I can’t die. Remember.”

“I don’t give a rat’s ass! I’ll just beat you till you’re nothing but road kill” he shouts as he raises his right fist, crouched down a bit.

Deadpool points his shotguns at Juggernaut with a serious look, “Don’t even try it, Caino. One step and you’ll have to deal with metal rain”

Both anti-heroes are at a standstill, either one will attack unless one attacks first. Deadpool knows Juggernaut is eager to attack first, but Juggernaut stood there waiting. Was he going to see if Deadpool would attack, or was he just making fun of him by not attacking at all? Either way, it will just be a standstill till one attacks the other.

Celestia watches with wide eyes, amazed to see this event. Perhaps Deadpool would be a good ally after all. While Deadpool distracts Juggernaut, Celestia used her magic to conger a forbidden healing spell. Granted the hospital would be a good choice, but at a situation like this, she had no choice. Not even Twilight knows of this spell. So Celestia kind of understands why Twilight didn’t want to take princess roles. Celsetia points her horn at her ribs and broken wing, immediately reconstructing them upon touch. She grunts, but the healing was quick, so the pain didn’t last long.

Luna and the Elements watch on as Deadpool faces the Juggernaut, thinking that he’s either crazy or brave to face the big red leviathan… crazy would be more like it.

Both Juggernaut and Deadpool remain at their standstill. Deadpool waits for the right moment, but Juggernaut was thinking the same thing too. Deadpool tightens his grip on the guns handles and…

“Round three, bitches,” he teleports into a puff of purple smoke, disappearing from everyone’s view, this caught Juggernaut off guard. He looks around for Deadpool, only to have him appear on top of him and blasting his shotguns repeatedly on his helmet, “I am shooting you!” he shouts as Juggernaut swings his fist over his head, but hits the air instead as Deadpool teleports away and reappears in front of him, back turned. Deadpool swings his upper body, lifting his right arm, pointing his shotgun at Juggernaut very close, pulls the trigger and fires, hitting Juggernaut in the center of his chest. Even though if the force of the blast wasn’t enough to hurt him, it still caused him to stumble back, and grab his chest.

Juggernaut narrows his face at Deadpool and charges, but the crimson merc dashes and slide down, points his shotguns up and fires again. The bullet hit their mark, punching Juggernaut right in the crime hole, making him grab his crotch and squeeze his legs together screaming in pain as he falls flat on his face with a loud thud.

The ponies cringe at the sound of Juggernauts pained wails. Of all things Deadpool had to shot, he fired there. The ponies all had the same thought, “Ouch, that’s got to hurt”

Deadpool brakes his slide and stands up, looking back to see Juggernauts butt in the air, “Nut shot” he laughs as he teleports in front Juggernaut in a fiddle position. “You made this very easy, Jugs. I heard you were an unstoppable force, but this is ridiculous” he laughs more.

Pinkie Pie, still in the crater, wounds healing, lies there watching Deadpool laugh at Juggernaut. Her mane poofs back up to its usual cotton candy look, and smiles with a blush. She rests her elbows on the edge of the crater, holding her head as hearts appear, floating over her head. She has developed a crush on Deadpool.

“I think they get the picture, Author. Cut to the scene with tall, red and handsome over there” Pinkies voice became a lovestrucked voice.

Celestia gets up as Deadpool turns to face her, laughing still. “That was easier than I thought. The bigger they are...” he points his thumb at Juggernaut behind him “the harder they fall”

“Thank you, Deadpool. If it wasn’t for those… things, Equestria would have perished” Celestia thanked Deadpool for his bravery for saving them from certain doom.

“What these things,” he holds up his shotguns, “I just wanted to have a few rounds. I wanted a target, and Marko polo behind me was the only target big enough for me to fire these miniature rocket launchers” he puts his shotgun back in there straps.

“Either way, thank you so…” Celestia looks up as a giant shadow covers Deadpool.

“What? Do I have something in my eye?” he looks down, “oh, there’s a shadow behind me. Something tells me it’s not a bear,” he turns around, only to have a giant fist slam into him and sending him flying away. Celestia, in the nick of time, caught Deadpool in mid-air. Juggernaut, recovered from Deadpool’s… unusual attack, growls at Celestia, who used her magic to place Deadpool next to her, and Deadpool.

Deadpool gets up and brushes of dirt from his suit. “Can we do that again!” he said with smile under his mask.

Celestia rolls her eyes and turns her head to face Juggernaut.

“I. Will. Kill. You. Wilson!” Juggernauts voice boomed, clinching his fists in pure rage and hate.

“Do you need your ears clean, jugs? I can’t die!”

“I don’t care!”

“That’s enough, Juggernaut!” Celestia shouted, “End this attack now”

“Not until I get what I want” Juggernaut looks at Celestia.

“Fighting won’t get you…” Celestia was interrupted by Juggernaut’s swinging arm, to which Celestia quickly dodged by jumping and flying in the air.

Deadpool teleports and appears, sitting on Celestias back.

The ponies gasp from that action. How dare Deadpool sit on the princess’s back? Twilight shouts at him to get off of her, but Deadpool gives Twilight the finger.

“What are you doing, Deadpool?” Celestia asked.

Pinkie looks up and tilts her head, curious to know what they were thinking.

“I got an idea angel horse” he leans close and whispers into Celestia’s ear.

“Huh! Do you think it’ll work” she asked him, surprised at his idea.

“Hell yeah it will. Or it could just slow him down, or throw him back. Either way, it will leave with a bang! But first…” Deadpool looks down at Rarity, and shout, “Hey Rarity, Juggernaut said that fashion was the lamest thing in the world”

Everyone looks at Rarity who shouted, “He said what!”

“Wait what?” Juggernaut looks at Deadpool, confused “I don’t remember saying…”

Deadpool interrupts him and shouts again, “Yeah, he told me that all those fashion designs would only be good as toilet paper”

Rarity shifts her face from shocked to anger. She growled as her face turned lava red. Steam erupts from her ears.

“I think we better skedaddle” Applejack suggested. The others agree, knowing that Rarity becomes a time bomb when it comes to fashion.


Sweetie Belle suddenly felt a cold shiver down her spine, “I feel a disturbance somewhere,” she says as Applebloom and Scootaloo look at her confused.

“What disturbance is that?” Scootaloo asked.

“I don’t know, but it seems that somepony will get their flanks kicked pretty badly” she guessed.


“That should keep him busy” Deadpool said, lowering his arm from his face.

“Wilson, you lying son-of-a…” Juggernaut was interrupted by an oncoming crystal that shatters against his skin upon impact. He turns around to see Rarity with four large crystalline objects surrounding her that she created from her magic. “Screw it, bring it on, marshmallow” he taunts her.

In no time, Rarity, out of anger from being called that name, launches one crystal at Juggernaut, slamming it dead center in his midsection, but the crystal shattered upon hitting his bulky skin.

“Let’s go” Deadpool and Celestia ascend into the sky, flying and disappearing in the clouds, much to everyone’s, except Rarity’s, confusion

“You big,” she launches the second crystal, hitting him only to repeat the event the previous crystal made, “mean,” she repeat act again; launching the third crystal. This time it knocks him back. Rarity rise on her hind legs, shouting “ruffian!” while launching the last crystal as hard as she could.

The crystal flies at Juggernaut and hits him, much to Rarity’s amusement. Her eyes, however, went from thrilled to shock as Juggernaut holds his ground and lifts the heavy crystal over his head.

Luna and the elements hid from inside the castle, poke their heads out to watch, only to see Rarity losing badly to Juggernaut. How do they know? Let’s face it, since when can a crystal stop a giant human bulldozer?

Rarity takes two steps back, “what are you?,” she says in a frightful tone.

“I’m the devil” he says as he flings the crystal at Rarity.

The crystal comes falling towards Rarity, until Applejack dashes in and grabs her, saving Rarity from being in a crystalline grave. The crystal crashes to the ground hard, shattering into pieces before poofing out of existence.

Applejack rushes back to the castle with Rarity, and places her down. “ya a’right, sugarcube?”

“Yes, I’ll be fine. That ruffian just won’t quit”

“Let me have a go at him” Rainbow Dash said, eager to get some action.

“Whoa there, Rainbow Dash. Ya saw what Juggernaut did to the Princess. He’ll squash ya like yesterday’s old tomato.” Applejack tried to stop Rainbow from going out there.

“Don’t you remember the last fight I’ve been through? That flying robot was too easy to beat. Though, I still have indigestion from eating that glowing orb thing.” She holds her stomach, wishing she had never eaten that sparkball in the first place.

“A robot?” Princess Luna looks at Twilight.

“It’s a long story. Let’s just say there was some rivalry that needed to be done”

“H-he’s coming” shouted Fluttershy.

Juggernaut rotates his arms, stretching some muscles before walking towards the ponies, forgetting about Celestia and Deadpool who was about to deliver the mother of all aerial attacks.

“You ready, Sun butt?” Deadpool pats Celestia on the neck.

“I beg your pardon?” Celestia looks back at Deadpool.

“I mean princess. Are you ready, Princess” Deadpool said in a correct tone.

Celestia looks away with a ‘that’s better’ motion, “Ready when you are, Deadpool”

Deadpool lifts his Kingmaker shotguns up, and cocks them, “Born ready. Now let’s blow this Juggernaut stand,” Deadpool inhales and shouts at the top of his lungs, “Hey Juggernaut!”

Juggernaut stops walking and makes a ‘huh’ face before turning around, looking up at the clouds. “That you, Wilson?” he said, confused.

Twilight and the other ponies look up in the clouds, too. They were wondering what Deadpool and Celestia were up to. Even Luna had no idea what was going on.

Juggernauts got his answer when Deadpool shouted; “shove this up your ass,” before Celestia used her gigantic wings to blow the clouds into a giant circle, while Deadpool held his shotguns high in the air.

“Yeah bronies, I just made this canon,” he looks at the reader, “…theme music”


Juggernaut slowly twists his body as Celestia ascent down at him, launching golden spears at him while Deadpool stands on her back, firing his shotguns at him.

Juggernaut fully turns around. He saw the attack coming, but wasn’t fast enough to shield himself from getting bombard by holy bullets of Tartarus.

Celestia flaps her massive wings, soaring right over Juggernaut as he regains momentum. She flies upward to make a U-turn.

Deadpool, caring less about aiming, points his shotguns over his head and fires raining metal hell on Juggernaut as Celestia makes the U-turn.

Rainbow dash and Applejack dropped their jaws; actually, they all dropped their jaws, amazed to see this tag team attack. Deadpool is teaming up with Celestia to fight off against Juggernaut. To Rainbow Dash, that’s 20% more cooler than anything else she’s seen.

Celestia flies down at Juggernaut, launching her signature beam out of her horn. Deadpool stands up, riding Celestia like a surfboard so he can deliver more metal hell at Juggernaut.

The beam hits its target, knocking Juggernaut back, with bullets hitting his skin to further the damage. As Juggernaut walks back, he tripped on a hole in the ground and fell on his back, leaving him vulnerable for more attacks, to which Celestia and Deadpool took that opportunity. However, just as Deadpool pulled the triggers, his shotguns ran out of bullets.

“Ah, shit. Out of led” he tosses the shotguns away. Fluttershy peeps out from behind the castle entrance door, only to get hit in the head by one of the shoguns, making her dizzy and plop on her back, with tiny discords circling around her head.

“What other weapons do you have in your arsenal?” Celestia asked, head towards the downed Juggernaut.

Deadpool holds up two grenades in his hands, “These answer your question, ghost horse,” he puts them in front of Celestia’s… without the pins

This spooks Celestia into rearing back, accidentally making Deadpool drop the grenades, “Are you crazy,” she shouted as the grenades land and explode on Juggernaut.

“Nope, just a tad bit insane”

“A tad!?” Celestia raises a brow.

“What? You want me to throw another? Ok.” He pulls out another grenade, pulls the pin, and throws it at Juggernaut where it lands and explodes again.

“I didn’t tell you to…”

“Throw more! You got it, sunny” He pulls out three more grenades, pulls the pins and repeats his action.

“Will you…”

“Throw more, ok!” Deadpool grabs three more, pulls the pins, and tosses them.

The ponies took cover, Rainbow Dash grabbing and dragging Fluttershy unconscious form, as the grenades land and explode on Juggernauts prone form, creating a medium sized smoke cloud leaving a loud ‘BOOM’ at its wake. The shockwave blew powerful winds into the castle and the surrounding area.

Pinkie Pie, fully healed, ducks the crater, covering her face. Once the winds stopped, she peeks over and watches Deadpool and Celestia hover over Juggernaut. She looks at the smoke left by the grenade, watching it disappear. She noticed Juggernaut was still laying the ground, motionless, then looks back at Deadpool and Celestia still chatting.

“That wasn’t at all what I meant, Deadpool”

“Hey I wanted to see more explosions!”

“You could’ve saved those exploding pods for other attacks”

“Sometimes thinking is boring for me, so I just use all I’ve got”

Celestia rolls her eyes.

Pinkie watches them talk on and on, but a low grumbling fills her ears. She looks at the prone Juggernaut who slowly recovers from Deadpool and Celestias’ assault. Pinkie gets out of the crater but is too late to save them. She did manage to shout, “Look out,” to get their attention. It succeeded, but the Merc and Princess fell to Juggernauts soaring tackle. They’re sent flying into the air, till they land hard on the ground. Celestia suffers more damage from that attack. Deadpool lies on his back, bruised and beaten. His healing factor does its job, but Deadpool is at his limit. He can’t fight Juggernaut.

Juggernaut lands with an earthshaking boom. He rises with an evil, bloody smile. “I won’t go down that easily. Wilson, you were a nuisance before, and you’re still one now. You keep saying you’re more of a badass than Wolverine, but look at you know; lying on the ground like a beaten dog.” Juggernaut laughs at Deadpool, putting his bulky arms on his midsection. “But what really brought the shame was that, of all things you’ve done, Wilson, you rode on the back of a little girls’… fantasy toy!” Juggernaut laughs at Deadpool again, making fun of him and the unconscious Celestia.

And from those two words, all Twilight and the rest of the gang boiled with rage. Yet they couldn’t do anything to help them. Juggernaut was way too strong for them to take one. It would take a miracle for them to defeat this giant brute. Pinkie, on the other hand, can give a rat’s ass to logic as she climbs out of the crater, hair deflated.

“Any last words before I rip you apart, Wilson” Juggernaut cracks his massive knuckles.

“Yeah,…do you ever shut up”, Deadpool coughs up blood in his mask.

Juggernaut grunts in annoyance and walks up to Deadpool, then bashes him into unconscious land with a heavy stomp.

Deadpool, before succumbing to sleepy town, say “Where’s a senzu bean when you need one”

Juggernaut lifts his boot and stomps Deadpool again, crushing him like an ant. The sheer force shattered his ribs, cracked his skull, and crushed his organs. Yet, Juggernaut kept on going, one stomp after another.

The ponies watched in horror as Deadpool became a victim to massive amounts of pain and suffering. Twilight, Fluttershy and Rarity looked away, while RD, AJ and Luna watched on. Luna spotted her sister unconscious a foot away from the two anti-heroes. She had to help somehow. But instead, Luna conjured up a spell around Celestia to teleport her away from them, and behind her and the elements. Luna walks away, and then levitates Celestia to the nearest room to heal, leaving Twilight and the others to watch the horror.

Juggernaut smiles like a maniac, enjoying the stomping he’s giving to Deadpool. A few stomps created a crater underneath his red boot and Deadpool. “I’m enjoying this too much, but I don’t care.” He laughs at this for a while until the next stomp caused a small explosion to set off behind his helmet. Juggernaut withdrew his foot and rotates himself to see what or who caused the explosion. Whoever interrupted his fun will pay badly. Once he turned his body, the first thing he saw was one of Deadpools grenades fly at him and detonate point blank at his face. The explosion blinded Juggernaut into grabbing his face and shouting in pain.

RD and AJ look to their left, and found the culprit who threw those grenades. Both athletes drop their jaws as the both tapped on their friends’ shoulders to get their attentions, much to their success. All five of them had their jaws locked open to see Pinkie Pie face Juggernaut, and alive. But something was off about her; her hair hung straight down and her fur is dark pink. That’s when it hits them; they’ve seen Pinkie like this before, and it wasn’t pretty at all. A local bully learned that the hard way when she decided to call Pinkie names and smashed a cake she made for a filly that was recovering in a hospital. Rainbow dash remembered being the one to arrive and witness Pinkie go berserk on the bully, and that she had to withdraw the enraged Pinkie from her as AJ and Rarity escorted the badly injured mare to the nearest hospital. Then after that, prison. Twilight couldn’t believe it at first, seeing Pinkie Pie, the element of laughter, blow up like that. Though it is understandable to fight back, she never took Pinkie as a fighter at all. Normally that title goes to Rainbow Dash and Applejack, and Rarity on occasions when it comes to fighting over a dress at a local store, but that barely counts.

Well, now she’s returned. Ever since that event, the five friends have tried coming up with a name for Pinkie’s brutal side. They thought of brutal pie, blood pie, primal pie, and feral pie. But they all thought those names sounded ridiculous and stupid, so they gave up.

Juggernaut regains his equilibrium, and looks down to see small dark pink figure standing in front of him. Vision clearing, he narrows his eyes to find Pinkie Pie alive and fully healed.

“You annoying, pint-sized freak!” he shouted. “You ruined my entertainment, I’ll make mincemeat out of you” Juggernaut clinches his bulky fists and lunges at her, diving his left fist at Pinkie Pie. Juggernauts fist made contact, hitting the ground with an impact, much to the other elements horror. Juggernaut chuckles, but noticed something wasn’t right, he felt ground underneath his fist, not a smashed body. He lifts his fist to see his pink opponent gone. “What the hell!” he gets back up and looks around confused, along with the five ponies, until Fluttershy spots Pinkie standing behind Juggernaut, back turned, facing Deadpools unconscious form.

“There she is!” she shouted, before covering her mouth so Juggernaut wouldn’t hear. Too late though as he turned around, glaring at the dark pink mare. “Me and my big mouth” Fluttershy whispered.

Juggernaut growls in rage: cracking his knuckles. “Nice escape, but that won’t save you from getting your little ass handed to ya” he taunts her.

“Do you ever shut the damn mouth of yours?” Pinkie looks back Juggernaut with a one eyed glare. “I’m just about sick and tired of you trying to be the top dog here” her tone of voice meant she wants to challenge the large, red behemoth.

“Ha! And just what are you going to do? I’ve beaten two of your girly princesses, and took out your bodyguard, Wilson. You think you can stop me from wanting to…” WHAM!!! A pink blur blasts Juggernaut dead center in his midsection, sending him careening to the ground hard.

The blur appears back where it was, turning back into Pinkie Pie.

Pinkies five friends all dropped theirs and widen their eyes. Did Pinkie just punch Juggernaut like a train ramming through a cabbage stand? All of them were thinking the same thing, and that answer would be: yes.

Pinkie Pie snorts as Juggernaut gets back on his feet, holding his ribs.

“Where did Pinkie get that strength from? It’s like she’s been training in under a minute” Rainbow Dash said, curious to know.

“I’ve been bucking apple trees for years, but that red monster still out of m’ah league to kick. Pinkie just rammed into him like a bull.” Applejack sits down, paralyzed with shock and surprise “This doesn’t make sense. Pinkie pie eats so many sweets, and she’s somehow stronger. How?”

Applejack got her answer when Pinkie Pie overheard her and teleports in front of her, telling her “I lived in a rock farm, Applejack. That should’ve given all of you a clue from the start” Her face was so serious that neither one of them would talk back or argue with her. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a red idiot to beat the shit out of” She turns around and teleports back to the battlefield.

“Oh, and to the readers who are reading with, call me Pinkie Pool. It makes sense around here”

Juggernaut emits a low grunt before charging at Pinkie Pie, yet she stood her ground. As juggernaut charged, a pink aura surrounded Pinkie Pie.

Juggernaut ran up, lifts his leg and crushed the dark pink mare underneath. Juggernaut cracked a smile before fallowing his attack with a double hammerfist, hammering down at Pinkie Pie, hopefully knocking her out for good.

Twilight and the others watched on until a bright light is seen underneath Juggernauts massive fist. She tilts her head in confusion, but figured that Pinkie was still alive.

Juggernaut chuckles, but that chuckle turned into a surprised look when he saw a light under his fists. The light grew bright and bright. Juggernaut blinks and watches until a new being appears, bursting out of the light, lifting and holding Juggernauts fists with one hand. The light vanished afterwards.

The sudden appearance caught everyone off-guard, making the ponies back up and Juggernaut wondering what just happened. Juggernaut tried to remove his fists away, but is suddenly gripped by his wrists and, in the blink of an eye, starts spinning in the air and crashing back to the ground.

The ponies watch on as this new being rises to its full height, revealing to be… Pinkie pie?

“Oh my goodness” Fluttershy gasped.

“Is… is that Pinkie Pie?” Rarity said “What happened to her?”

“She just transformed, but how? And, this transformation is something I haven’t seen before.” Twilight gazed at Pinkies new body, and examined her new look. Pinkie is bipedal, standing 5.9, her hooves were replaced with hands and feet, but her tail and mane were the same, and she had some bulk to her, too. Her face is still the same, as well. “Wait; there is a word for something like this. I’ve read and seen it somewhere before, but where?” Twilight thought.

Juggernaut gets back on his feet and turns around, “The hell just happened?” he said as he eyed his opponent before getting a look of shock, “What the hell happened to you?” he asked, rubbing his helmet in confusion.

Pinkie Pie slowly opens her eyes and narrows them around the battlefield. Almost all of Canterlot is destroyed, yet the castle is still intact, thank Luna. Pinkie then noticed an odd feeling. She looks down to find herself taller, and… standing on two hooves, but it was rather difficult to look any further with these giant mounds on her new chest blocking her view of her hooves. Whatever, she then looks at her front hooves to see they’ve changed. She rotates them and moves them up. “Hands, I have hands?” She puts her new hands on her face, feeling them “Soft”, but she was also relieved to feel her face was the same as always. She looks back to see she still has her tail, yet it was straight down, along with her mane. She then focused back on the situation, “Oh yeah that’s right, I almost forgot about you. Thanks for reminding me, Author”

“The hell are you talking to, freak?” Juggernaut looked at Pinkie confused.

“I’m talking to someone named none of your damn business”

Twilight suddenly gets a spark in her brain, “Anthropomorphic, that’s it” she finally remembered.

The other four look at her, oddly.

“An-what now?” Applejack asked.

“Anthropomorphic, anthro for short. Apparently, Pinkie is now part human, part pony. Fascinating.” Twilight smiles, amazement to see Pinkie in this new form. But theories now swam through her head, thinking how Pinkie could have achieved this form. Either way, this new form of hers seems strong enough to hold back, or, if lucky, defeat Juggernaut.

Juggernaut clinches his fists and growls, “New form or not, I’m gonna kill you”, Juggernaut points at Pinkie.

“Yeah, yeah, we’ve heard it a million time. You gonna fight me, or what?” She waited for Juggernaut to make a move, getting into a taijutsu stance by crouching halfway, putting one arm behind her back, and holding the other one up, hand straight.

Juggernaut didn’t think twice and didn’t hesitate to run after Pinkie Pie, stomping like a stampeding hippo.

Pinkie Pie stood her ground, and waited. The others watch on with eager anticipation, wondering what Pinkie has in mind to defeat Juggernaut. Deadpool just laid there like a bump on a log. Apparently Juggernaut smashed him too hard to even wake up. Oh well.

Their wait didn’t last as Juggernaut reeled his right fist back, lunged forward and crashed it down on Pinkie Pie with an explosive impact at its wake. Twilight, Fluttershy and Rarity gasped, the dirt cloud created by Juggernauts fist fades away, showing the shadow form of Juggernaut. Applejack noticed something wasn’t right when she saw Pinkie vanished out of thin air. She told the others, and they all looked for their transformed friend.

As the dirt cloud faded from existence, Juggernaut could get a clear view of his attack, only to see his pink opponent gone again. “What!” he lifts his fist, but as he was about to lift his upperbody, Pinkie Pie appears under him in a blur, sliding underneath him with her left leg up. Before Juggernaut could react, Pinkie swings her leg up, kicking Juggernaut in the face so hard; it sends the giant humanoid flying straight into the sky.

Rainbow Dash widens her eyes, never expecting to see Pinkie move that fast. In fact, neither of them expected to see that happen. It’s as if Pinkie moves at the speed of light, yet having superhuman strength to back it up.

Juggernaut cringes in pain as he flies in the air, grunting so.

To show even more of her newly acquired herculean strength, Pinkie teleports of the ground and into the sky, in front of Juggernaut. Juggernaut could only move his head and see Pinkie before she reels her fist back and cococks him the face again, sending him careening away from her. But she wasn’t done, she teleports behind Juggernaut and dual kicks him in the back, kicking him higher into the air, then teleporting again to spin herself to kick him again; slamming her right leg into juggernauts side, throwing him at the direction on where he was kicked. Pinkie Keeps repeating this act, until it looks like she’s ping-ponging him in the air over and over.

Twilight and the others tried following Pinkies attack: motioning and zig-zagging their eyes to try and match her movements, but Pinkie moved way too fast for them to keep up. They ended up getting dizzy from watching Pinkies assault.

“The hell’s going on!” Juggernaut thought while being bombarded by Pinkies punches and kicks. “I can’t take much more of this pounding. Damnit!” Juggernaut’s durability slowly depletes from Pinkies assault. Being repeatedly pounded like this is not normal at all. Sure he’s been beaten senseless by the hulk multiple times, but this human/pony creature is putting more of a pounding on him then either Hulk or Thor. What’s going on? Why so powerful?

Pinkie teleports and spin kicks Juggernaut, launching him straight up in the air. He grunts in pain. Pinkie teleports again, appear in front of Juggernaut and following him through the air, crossing her arms. “You give up yet?” She asked him as he narrows his head to look at her. “Well!”

“Go fuck yourself, freak!” he shouted with beaten tone.

Pinkie places her hand on Juggernauts chest. “Wrong answer” She reels back her other arm and swings, slamming her fist against Juggernauts face, denting his helmet and careening him away from her before teleporting to grab his ankles.

Juggernaut tries looking at the pink anthro, but a rotating environment is all he could see. Pinkie spun around at hyper speed, motioning the form of a wheel.

By seeing this, AJ couldn’t help but get sick from seeing that much spinning. She was alone, though. Rarity and Fluttershy felt the same feeling. Rainbow and Twilight kept on watching, feeling as if this was almost over.

They were right; Juggernaut couldn’t withstand the unbearable spinning, and lost consciousness.

“Pinkies Hammer Barrage” She shouted to the world

Pinkie stops her spinning, lifting Juggernaut high in the air before swinging him back down the earth’s floor. Once Pinkie released Juggernaut, he pierces the sound barrier and crashes to the earth’s surface like a falling comet, breaking the ground upon impact and leaving a large crater. A massive mushroom cloud formed once Juggernaut impacted the ground. The cloud caused the ponies to quickly cover their eyes. Most of the cloud got in the castle and blew furniture, paintings and statues to the floor.

Twilight looks back before looking at the battlefield, seeing nothing but dirt and gravel in the air. Fluttershy and Rarity hid behind AJ and RD, hoping it would end soon. AJ and RD cover their eyes before lowering their arms.

The dirt cloud clears. Juggernaut is covered in rubble. His head, right arm and legs were exposed. He laid there unconscious. He was defeated.

Pinkie Pie teleports, landing gracefully on her feet, then rises, looking down at the defeated Juggernaut. She took light breaths before walking towards Juggernaut. She walks up and places a boot on his ribs and grabbing his helmet with both hands then plucking it off his head, revealing his true face. Pinkie pie, holding Juggernauts helmet, takes a long good look at his face before his head rests on a rock. She looks at his helmet before placing it next him.

Twilight walks up to Pinkie Pie, and asks, “Why did you take his helmet off?”

Pinkie turns and looks down at her friend, saying “I just got curious. I really wanted to see what his face looked like” before her hair became its natural poofy look. “That was really fun, though. Who knew fighting would be such a thrill. The motion, the punching, the kicking, the… hey, where Deadpool?” She looked all around for him.

“Wait, Pinkie. Before you storm off, tell me how you transformed and gotten so strong” the young alicorn asked.

“Oh, that’s easy; Deadpools blood not only gave me a healing factor, but it also gave strength far superior than any other beings out there: say a thousand times stronger than the average human. But to really make more sense of this, Deadpools strength combined with a pony’s strength would be cataclysmal: enough to match big red over there. And how I transformed, well, with all that power, how else are you going to contain it. I evolved, Twilight” Pinkie explain. Once she was done, she walked away to go find Deadpool.

Twilight froze in place, irises about penny-sized. She sat down, mind blown by Pinkies explanation. Just by a blood transfusion caused this to happen. Her thought process soaked up as much info as it could, but hearing the word “evolve” took more tolls then she thought. Pinkie evolved into a new being, like herself, sort off. She sat there more, until she finally soaked it all in. “Evolution. It can’t be. She has to have been mutated, or something. Evolution can’t possibly do this, can it? I thought it was only time that caused evolution. This… this doesn’t make sense. How can… but… why” Her irises shrank to their smallest size as Twilights mane turned messy, like paranoia messy. “Hehe, makes no sense. Must… study. No, research! Yes, study. Hehe” Twilight turns her head, eyeing at Pinkie with a crazed look.

Author's Note:

Deadpool: Damn! that was an awesome and intense chapter! Pinkie Pie you're a fucking badass.

Pinkie: Oh, it was nothing. Um... are you ok Twilight?

Deadpool: who cares! You have boobs! Deadpool likey :3