• Published 20th Mar 2013
  • 7,409 Views, 223 Comments

Deadpool and Pinkie Pie - Dashzilla93

Deadpool in Equestria. 'Nuff said. Pinkie pie tags along too. oh boy.

  • ...

The Plot Tightens... Not In That Way.

“It was a cold, stormy night,” Deadpool said in a black and white film noir world, wearing a black and white coat and hat. “I was sitting in a blank room with nothing but a ceiling lamp and table. It was quiet, too quiet; almost as quiet as the phantom zone.” Deadpool looked around the room, waiting patiently for something to happen. “And I waited patiently. Waiting for Celestia and Luna to show up and bring some entertainment,” Deadpool sighed and shock his head disappointingly. “By god, this is so boring!”

The door in front of him swung open as two pegasus guards, one male and one female, walk into the room. “Finally!” Deadpool shouted, throwing his arms in the air, “I was getting bored out of my skull!” he said. “What took you so – wait,” he raised an eyebrow under his masked, confused. Something was missing from this scene? “You two aren’t Sunshine and Moonrise? Where’s Princess Pyromaniac and Princess Gloom?”

The female Pegasus guard rolled her eyes, “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will be with you shorty,” she said. “Just wait a couple more minutes before they get here.”

“Seriously?” Deadpool said a bit frustrated, but more peeved than anything. “I gotta wait even longer for those two to show up?!” he stood up and leaned over the table with his arms supporting his weight. “Shit! Dragon Ball Z fights are faster than them; mainly the season with the white/purple gender confused bitch with the transvestic lipstick.”

“Cool it, sir,” the male pegasus guard said, intervening and confused by what Deadpool said. “It isn’t our call to rush the princesses. Besides, that fight took a toll on the princess. She’s recovering as we speak.”

Deadpool gave the guards a straight, disapproving face, “Give me a break, I’ve been sitting this room fore-ee-ver,” he was annoyed by this news as the noir world around him dissolved back into its glossy color and the room itself changed back into a average waiting room. His black and white cloths turning back into his trademark outfit.

“I was a part of that fight! I saw things your lazy asses couldn’t see. In fact,” Deadpool pointed at them, “where the fuck were you two and the rest of the guards when your princesses were fisticuffing Juggernaut?!”

“That’s classified information,” the female guard said. “We have are orders and we don’t questions the reasons.”

“Classified? Bullshit! If you two are going that route, then I don’t need to explain again why I ended up in a world full of technicolored horses that’ll make little girls go gaga over more than Barbie Dolls and Justin Bieber,” Deadpool retorted only to have two spearheads near his neck. “What did I say? Are you fans?”

“If that was a joke, it isn’t funny,” the male guard said, glaring at Deadpool. Their patience was running thin and they could not handle hearing more of Deadpool’s voice.

“I could’ve said worse,” Deadpool said before letting out a brief chuckle. “I could’ve said you two were a bunch of…”

“That’s enough you two. Stand down,” Celestia ordered as the two guards retracted their spears and returned to their recent position. Celestia walks in wrapped in clean bandages around her body from wing to flank. Her left cheek, right front leg and left back leg had wounds covered in gauze strapped with more bandages. Her neck and portions of her body displayed brown and red bruises.

Deadpool whistled, surprised by Celestia’s current form, “Damn, Tia. You look like you’ve just been through a mob of hyperactive fans at a local convention.”

Celestia merely chuckled at that remark, but was more surprised about Deadpool’s condition, “And you look like you haven’t sustained any injury at all,” she said. “Is it that ‘healing factor’ of yours, Deadpool?”

“And a bit of wholesome milk, a little cardio burning,” he pulled out a can with Wolverine’s picture on it and places it on the table, “And a smoothie made out of Wolverine’s healing factor; now available as low calorie energy bars. Only 19'99” he said looking at the readers, much to Celestia’s confusion.

“Um, okay then,” Celestia said, weirded out by that but smiles anyway.

Deadpool looked at Celestia, raising a curious brow, “So, what gives, Sunbutt?” Deadpool said tossing the can away. “Aren’t you supposed to be some kind of goddess, or something?”

Celestia smiled and chuckled a bit at Deadpool’s question. She’s had this question asked a few times before from other ponies, and she had to lie to them about being an actual goddess. It was an irrational move on her part but it had to be made. She needed her subjects to know she was powerful and worthy of being a leader and it’s been working; but with that lie she had vowed to herself to stay strong and protect her subject no matter what. Deadpool, however, was different. His curiosity seemed stronger than the ones that asked her this question before, and since he’s not from Equestria, she’d happily replied to it, “Oh no, I’m not a goddess, Deadpool,” she whispered so the guards wouldn't hear. “I’m just an ordinary pony like everyone else. My princess statues is just a rank. My sister and I earned our statues a long time ago,” Celestia said, “Why ask?”

Deadpool tapped his chin and hummed before saying, “Well, how can I say this without coming off as an party-pooping nitpicker,” he rested his arms on the table and twiddled his thumbs, “You and your sister are powerful beings who can use a shit-ton of magic to use in combat and do whatever your horse minds can come up with,” he said. “How the hell are you not using magic to heal your body?” even the guards were wondering that seeing as how Celestia is just as powerful as beings like Tirek and Discord. “You’re like a four-legged female horse version of Merlin with wings. Use your magic to heal as fast as me!”

That question really stirred up mixed emotions in Celestia’s head. She didn’t really want to answer that question because it was kind of complicated to answer. The only one who truly understood magic was Starswirl the bearded. Sad thing is, he’s gone and some of his research followed with him, but lucky for Celestia she had a bit of that research, so she can give Deadpool at least some form of an answer, but she had to think; so the guards don't question, either. She looked away from Deadpool to come up with an answer. Yet, she too had questions of her own to ask Deadpool. A jolt ignited within Celestia’s mind-- she had an idea.

Celestia returned her gaze back at Deadpool and smiled a bit, “Tell you what, Deadpool. If you can answer some of my questions, I’ll try my best to answer that one question you have.”

Deadpool crossed his arms and rebelliously shook his head at Celestia’s demands. His limits to answering questions have been reached, “No dice, Princess Exposition,” this caused Celestia to flinch and reel her head back, “I’ve already told you what I knew a few chapters back. I’m not going to repeat myself and tell you what you already know,” He leaned back on his chair and kicked his feet up.

Celestia’s left eye twitched, immediately growing impatient with Deadpool’s attitude; all she wanted was to know more about his world and what the locals were like, but it seems as though she’ll have to take drastic measures quicker than she thought, “Fine. If you’re going to be that way, then I’ll have to put you under arrested for being a threat to Canterlot.”

Deadpool widen his eyes and sprang up from his chair, “bull-fucking-shit!” he slammed his hands on the table and glared daggers at Celestia; Celestia showing no signs of backing down as they stared each other down. “We teamed up against Juggernaut outside of your gay-ass castle,” he stated, “And this is how you repay me? By throwing me in a damped, cramped ass cell?!”

“You forced my hoof, Deadpool,” Celestia said. “Either answer my questions or face behind bars,” She looked at Deadpool with rage in her eyes. No doubt she won’t make it easy for him.

Even here, Deadpool was going to be a fugitive. He helped save this princess and her city and she ends up turning against him, “Celestia…” Deadpool kept his glare on her.

“What?” she barked as she kept her eyes hooked onto Deadpool’s blank white eyes, never looking away; sharing glares at one another like two battle born warriors. She waited for this rude, alien visitor to say something.

She got a response when Deadpool said right to her face, “You’re full of horse shit.” The aggressive tone wasn’t satisfying to Celestia’s ear. The sun princess nearly flared her teeth as golden aura ignited around Celestia’s horn. Deadpool stood there not giving two senses about how Celestia would react. He slowly and secretly drew his dessert eagle, ready to shoot Celestia between the eyes.

The guards were about to step in and stop them when a familiar dark blue body walked past them.

As the two powerful, unstable, uneasy allies glared searing daggers at one another, a young, assertive voice called out to Celestia and stopped another fight from breaking out.


Celestia halted her charged horn and swung her head back to see Luna, in her normal form and holding two bags on her back, walk in with a calm smile on her face much to Celestia’s surprise. The guards wanted to come with her and protect Celestia’s younger sister, but Luna insisted that they stand down and let her be, “You need to refrain yourself,” Luna said. “Making such a harsh decision like that is not going to end well for all of us,” she stood between her sister and Deadpool, placing one bag on the table and the other on the floor. Celestia and Deadpool share a confused look at one another before looking back at Luna, “Besides, the pain medicine tends to make a pony a little groggy and cranky,” she looked at Celestia as she opened the bag on the table. “Am I wrong?”

As much as she hated being wrong about things, especially from her younger sister, Luna was right. The pain medicine she took did make her really groggy but her got over it within a few hours; the cranky feeling, however, was still in play. Her desire for information to know about other dimensions got the better of her and mixed itself with the side-effects; adding Deadpool’s rejection didn’t help in the slightest, but she will believe it was her own fault; she secretly didn't want to admit.

Celestia shook her and grabbed her forehead. Perhaps making a quick decision like that would’ve made things a lot worse for them.

“I guess you’re right, sister. My apologize,” she said to Luna then gazed back at Deadpool with a slight stern look. “But I still want my questions answered.”

“I’d rather talk to Miss. Voice of Reason rather than talk to your grumpy ass,” Deadpool said nonchalantly. Celestia gritted her teeth and glared a searing death at Deadpool. He was trying her patience and it looked as if he was asking for a brutal beating. Luna placed her arm on Tia’s white, furry chest and intervened, getting the raging princess’s attention.

“Sister, let me handle this,” Luna insisted with a confident smile. “I think I can get Deadpool to cooperate with us.” Deadpool rolled his eyes as the sisters talked.

Celestia kept her glare on Deadpool for a few seconds before she turned her attention to Luna and was interested to know what Luna had in mind, “What’s your method, Luna?” Celestia asked calming down a little.

“You’ll see,” Luna stepped away from her older sister and focused her gaze on Deadpool as she sat in front of him with Celestia sitting between them; Celestia still giving Deadpool a very stern, annoyed glare.

Deadpool sat back down on his chair and nonchalantly looked at Celestia, “Stare at me all you want, Sunbutt. I’m not spilling anything, or are you just enjoying the view?”

Celestia dramatically and angrily looked away making a deep snort. She was not happy in the slightest. She looked at her sister and said, “This better be good, Luna.” Her patience was running thin, again.

Luna was unsure if that was the crankiness talking, or if it was her sister’s actual anger. Her voice sounded angry, but her eyes said cranky. Luna couldn’t tell the difference, and so she'll just assumed her older sister is still cranky. It was irritating at best, but she had to remind herself so she wouldn't lose focus and can get back to the tasks at hoof. She didn't mind responsibilities, though making sure Celestia was calm for this questioning would provide a challenge, or else it would plummet harder than the time she lost all her data on a save file in Dark Souls; the terrible venture to achieve what she lost was pure agony and torture to get back.

Luna placed a reassuring hoof on Celestia’s shoulder and calmly said “Be calm, sister. Just let me do what needs to be done.” Celestia looked at her sister judgmentally, but nods and calms down coming to her senses a little, and letting her sister go with her plan. There are two tasks Luna wished to accomplish: one was to get Celestia level headed so she wouldn’t rage on Deadpool; those pain pills were blessing and a curse. To her utmost surprise, it worked. Now her other task was to get Deadpool to cooperate, and what she brought could help her due just that. Luna slides the first bag in front of her.

“I’m sure you already know who I am, right?” Luna said in a calm reasonable tone.

“Know you?” Deadpool said through some chuckles. “Shit, you’re popularity is higher than that bitch with the ice powers. Though her singing isn't bad; really good, actually. Good as in, like, Taylor Swift good before she started singing pop, but not Adel good.”

Luna only blinked a few times at Deadpool. She did not know who any of those ponies were or knew what he was talking about. She then brushed her confusion aside and said, “Anyway, it’s good to know you’ve heard of me.”

“Actually, Dark Horse,” Deadpool retorted. “I’ve browsed your profile on your PS4 before, remember?”

Luna frowned and closed her eyes and took a deep, calm breath, mentally cursing herself for forgetting that certain event. It took all her willpower to refrain herself from harboring all sorts of ruthless thrashings and beatings on Deadpool. Her game system was like a well guarded safe, and Deadpool somehow cracked it. She felt so insulted and embarrassed that happened.

Luna opened her eyes and gave Deadpool a small fake smile “Yes, I clearly remembered that,” she’ll have to change her password later. “And since you know who I am, tell me a little about your world. What’s it like?”

“Oh no, I’ve already played this game with your nosy traitor of a sister. I’m not talking until I see Pinkie Pie or Juggernaut, and maybe Applejack and Fluttershy; I love them just as much as I love those four kung-fu turtles.” The sudden sound of glass clapping echoed inside the bag when Luna slipped her hoof inside; a sound that caught Deadpool’s and Celestia’s attention.

“What’s in the bag, gamer girl?” Deadpool asked his curiosity peaked. He tried to reach but Luna quickly slap him the wrist.

“Ahh, ahh, hold thine eagerness, Deadpool,” Luna said with an amused smile while Deadpool rubbed his wrist. “If I show thee what’s in the bags, will you promise to behave and partake in our questioning?”

Celestia admired the idea Luna was displaying. Whatever was in those bags pulled her curiosity like Deadpool, but they also raised suspicions. What was Luna hiding? The one question ranged, but she had to remain quiet as she watched her sister; even the guards at the front door were interested in the mystery items. She just hoped Deadpool will fall for it.

Annoyance and anger flared in Deadpool’s eyes, he shook his head defiantly, and asked, “Are you bribing me?” he chuckled sarcastically. “Ha! Nice try crescent moonbutt, but--” he stood up and leaned against the table like he did with Celestia, looking down at Luna. “--I’m not going to ‘partake’ in this questioning. Whatever it is you have in those bags will not get me to quack a single--”

Before he could say another word in, the youngest sister of Princess Celestia, Alicorn of the Moon, and the harbinger of good dreams, Princess Luna pulled out a bottle from the bag and presented it to Deadpool. Deadpool raised a confused, unsure brow as he looked at the bottle and read the title on its wrapping with a paint-tan horse holding a smaller bottle resting an arm on the logo ‘Bud Light’s intense cider’.

Deadpool widen his eyes with a monkey honk as he gazed at the holy bottle before him. He thought the bartender in town lied to him when he said there wasn’t any alcohol of any kind in this world. That lying son of a bitch! Deadpool looked at Luna with a joyous smile behind his mask and participant eyes, “What would you like to know my best friend buddy?”

Luna snickered and smiled victoriously. She got Deadpool’s full attention hook, line and sinker. She glanced at Celestia who had a shocked, surprised look on her face; her jaw dropped from the revelation. Her plan was a success and Luna could finally ask the questions Celestia wanted to ask. Luna placed her arms on the table and covered a portion of her big, self-proud, victorious smile. She spoke to Deadpool and asked, “So, about your world.”

***Above the Everfree forest***

Bee-like buzzing echoed in the air as two changeling drones flew as fast as possible above the Everfree forest and out of Ponyville’s sight. They had focused faces, but were worried about what occurred. They witnessed two fails in one day. Their queen will not be pleased. So what will they tell her? A bit of panic squeezed their minds.

“This is not good,” the drone on the left said scared out of his wits. “What are we going to tell Queen Chrysalis?”

“How should I know?” the other drone barked. “If we tell her what happened, she would go ballistic and have us get eaten.”

The left drown gulped and whined, “But I don’t wanna get eaten!”

The right drone sighed and took thought into this situation, “Look, we’re going to tell her that Juggernaut and Rover failed. But it’s not like it’s our fault.”

The other drone nodded in agreement, butunbeknownst to them they flew passed Zecora’s hut.

As they talked, Zecora overheard their conversation right when she was about to head home. The last things she heard before the two changelings disappeared out of sight were ‘maybe the king can come up with a plan.’ and ‘who knows? He hasn’t done a whole lot after he took our queen in. I still think she should take over Titan’s Tower; not Sombra.’ The zebra gasped softly at this and had to get back to Ponyville.

“Dangers reached new height. I must go back and tell Twilight,” she galloped back to Ponyville as fast as possible and hoped Twilight was home.

***An eerie, dark tone castle unknown in location***

“What do you mean Rover failed?” the angry, distorted voice of Queen Chrysalis barked, causing the two drones to flinch in fear and crouch a bit.

“My queen, that’s just it. Rover failed to defeat the ponies,” the left drone said as he tried to remain calm. “All the ponies survived and only Rover was left alive.”

“He was taken into Celestia’s castle,” the right drone said. “We left the moment he disappeared and followed the ponies to Canterlot.”

Chrysalis glared in frustration, but sighed to calm herself down and relaxed for a second before asking, “And Juggernaut?” she looked down at her two spies drones while secretly regretting her choice of forming an alliance with the Diamond Dogs. Her drones were not on the smart side of things, but at least they knew strategy when opportunity showed itself; brute force was not a wise strategy.

Chrysalis closed her eyes before hearing one drone speak, “Juggernaut actually did better than Rover.” Chrysalis raised a curious brow as he continued. “He had Celestia and Twilight Sparkle on the ropes. They couldn't fight back.”

This kind of news brought a wave of joy to her ears. Chrysalis perked her head up and widened her eyes in shock and surprise.

“Say that again?” she had to hear it once more

The spy drone nodded and repeated his words, “Juggernaut defeated Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle. They were nothing to him.”

Chrysalis enlightened a wide, creepy smile to her drones. When she first met Juggernaut he was near her castle's location. A scout drone spotted him and informed her of his presence. She left her throne and took her army of drones and flew to a dried forest tundra with little life roaming around. They saw him and his appearance was unlike anything they've seen.

“Who, or what, is that?” she asked her drones but only received shrugs and confused looks as a response. She rolled her eyes at their answer, but she couldn't argue either. She motioned her drones down as she flew down at this unknown creature.

She approached him, but the moment he laid eyes on her and her drones, he attacked without a single thought. She stood back as her drones rushed into action, fighting for their land and queen. They fought as best they could, but were nothing but mosquitoes compared to him.

“Yeah, you want some?! I squish bugs like you everyday!” the creature grabbed an unlucky changeling drone and listened to it scream in panic. It tried to escape, but the creature's grip was stronger than a steel trap and as fast as it got caught the creature crushed the drone with ease; the head exploded like a zit.

Some drones dove at the creature with green aura and rammed into it like a kamikaze bomb, but it barely got him to notice them. The drones tried everything they could to take this powerful creature down, but their numbers were not enough. And they all heard him laugh before meeting a terrible demise as it stomped on them or punched them out of the air.

She was impressed by his raw strength and sheer durability. Chrysalis knew of many weapons such as the Elements of Harmony and the use of combat magic, but Juggernaut was on a whole different game; he was a living weapon. he easily mowed down and slaughtered five hundred of her changeling drones with nothing but his punches, kicks and his head. It hurt her dearly to see them murdered before her eyes. They never stood a chance against his belligerent power...

“You wanna go, bitch?!” the aggression he spoke to her. The confusion, blood-lust and fight in his eyes. He would make the perfect ally.

she knew she was no match for the indestructible red behemoth, so the only thing she had left was her silver tongue. She manged to convince him to cease and listen.

“No, I can see we are of no match to you. So, please, tell me why you're here?”

He looked at this creepy, ugly-looking creature with confusion and hate, relaxed his bulky arms, and spoke in a lashing tone “How the hell should I know? I was sent here through a portal and now I'm stuck here fighting you ugly fucks!”

She figured by his tone he wasn't that bright, but he seemed smarter than the Diamond Dogs.

She raised a brow, “A portal?” that answered some questions, but he didn't look like the kind of creature to talk. He could attack at any moment.

Juggernaut was an alien, that much she knew; but where really peaked her curiosity. She felt intrigued by him and wanted to know more of where he came from, but much like that orange mare she met before, his stubbornness was greater than his cooperation.

“Yeah, a portal. And I want to go home!” the creature clenched his massive fists and glared at her, again.

His impatience was just as great, but she could not provide what he wanted; she lacked knowledge of where he's from, nor if she knows if her magic can even effect him. She could only talk. Nothing more, nothing less.

“I would love to help you,” Chrysalis said in a false pleading tone. “But, you see, I don't know where you are from, and I don't have the power to make a portal to send you back.”

The creature growled in frustration and took one step, ready to resume his onslaught on her.

“But I do know a few... um... 'friends' who can help you.” her mentally gagged from saying that word. She loathed it to no end and wished she'd never hear it again. That'll be the last time she'll say it.

He ceased his movements and relaxed a little, “Who?” he asked.

He fell for her silver tongue. She would be happy about that, but she also felt relieved knowing that tactic saved her hide from an unfortunate death.

She cracked a crooked smile and chuckled wickedly to herself before answering, “A pony named Twilight Sparkle and an alicorn named Princess Celestia.”

The creature looked at her with a confused and 'you gotta be kidding me' look, and said with a disbelieving tone, “You can't be serious? A pony princess?,” the horse-bug nodded and he immediately facepalmed at what he just heard before he let out a groaned sigh. He now had more reasons to leave this dimension, but if he were to leave, and what this thing was telling him was true, then he'll have to find this 'Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia'.

“My name is Queen Chrysalis, ruler of the changeling hive. To whom do I call you?”

He removed his hand from his helmet, and answered for the hell of it, “I'm the Juggernaut, ruler of ass-kicking and gives no shits about it.”

“Oh?” She smiled again at his tone. He sounded like he love to fight. And from what hew did to her drones, that much is true. Perhaps this can being extremely useful. “If you want a fight, I think Twilight Sparkle can provide you with that. She always loves to challenge others before helping,” she lied through her sharp, curved teeth.

“Is that right?” Juggernaut said, thinking that was one upside to being here. If he was going to be here, then someone had to fight him and give him a good challenge; these bugs under his boots were not even close, and he assumed Queen Chrysalis was the exact same. Her words spoke promise, though. He got a little excited until another voice caught his and Chrysalis' attention.

By no means was Juggernaut part of any plan she had, but it was a treat to manipulate him into tracking down Twilight so he could cause serious damage – injuring Celestia was just a bonus and she absolutely loved it. For the first time in what seemed like years, Chrysalis had a legitimate smile on her face; a smile the two spy drones were thrilled to see.

“Please, continue. How much damage did Juggernaut cause?” Chrysalis asked rather intrigued to know more while the other drones scouted and worked outside and inside the Changeling Castle.

It pleased Chrysalis’s ears when the right spy drone said, “Severe, my queen. The damage he’s done made Canterlot look like a warzone. Ponyville was in a state of shock, too. But that town only received minor damage,” The changeling spy said.

Chrysalis smiled a little wider from hearing this news. The mere thought of seeing the destruction Juggernaut created would’ve been an enjoyable sight. She would’ve been like a toddler watching a kid’s program. It’s a shame she had business to attend, otherwise she would’ve tagged along. Hearing Rover and his gang fail was a huge disappoint, but hearing Juggernaut do far more was acceptable; perhaps he is more useful than she thought.

The left spy drone loved seeing his queen smile, but he hesitated when he said, “However…” he watched as Queen Chrysalis beamed her wicked eyes at him with confused curiosity.


He bit his lower lip in fear, the anxiety coursing through him as his thoughts of angering his queen swelled; he was not looking forward to seeing his queen’s reaction when he told her, “Juggernaut was also defeated in battle, but not at the hooves of Celestia or Twilight.”

Silence suddenly engulfed the throne room. The only hints of any noise were the sounds of other drones buzzing outside the doors.

The two spy drones flinch and close their eyes in fear as they await their queen’s rampage. Hearing two failures in one day would surely set her off. They waited with chilling anticipation, but ominously did not receive what they thought they were going to get. Instead, they both open one eye to see their queen give a nonchalant chuckle.

“Pity. As much of a reliable asset he is, I figured he’d eventually be defeated.”

Both spy drones sat up with confused faces as the right drone asked, “There were two defeats, my queen. How are you not angry at this?”

Chrysalis could not help but give an evil smile, “Because he did me a favor without me ever asking him: pin down and pummel Celestia and Twilight Sparkle.” She twirled her hoof and looked away with the same nonchalant exposure. “With them down and out, Canterlot’s defenses are sure to weaken drastically, thus making Juggernaut somewhat useless now.”

The left drone would agree with her, but he has yet to tell more to the story, he was about to speak but Chrysalis then pondered.

“Though, it does raise some questions,” she rubbed under her chin in thought. “With how strong Juggernaut is compared to, well, any of us, those lesser ponies Twilight calls friends would stand no chance against him. I can see them standing up to Rover, but not Juggernaut; even Celestia’s mopping underling of a sister would kneel before Juggernaut’s power.”

“They had help,” the left drone spoke


“They had help, your majesty. A red and black creature with weapons of unimaginable power overwhelmed Rover and his army.”

“And Juggernaut?”

“The creature barely stood a chance, but he was defeated like Celestia and Twilight.”

“Then don’t keep me waiting. out with it! Who defeated Juggernaut?” she impatiently demanded growing annoyed from all the pausing.

“One of Twilight’s lesser pony friends,” The right spy drone said, giving what his queen wanted.

If confusion was a meter, Chrysalis’ would reach the top in no time at all. She tried to process what her child just said, because what she said before now went down the toilet, she asked her first question, “You’re kidding? You’re kidding, right?” she just got two shaking heads as a response.

Chrysalis scratched her head in disbelief. She tried to make out what they saw, but it was still confusing the ever loving cocoon out of her. Just what did they see? She had to know now.

“Okay, tell me everything you saw from point A to point B; every single detail,” her curiosity was getting the best of her.

And so they did, both recapped and told her what they saw from how Rover got captured to how his army got brutally slaughtered by someone named Deadpool and to how Juggernaut’s fight went down to how he got defeated. They dug deep and explained as best they could to Chrysalis who actually defeated Juggernaut. Chrysalis' jaw slowly dropped as they revealed it was Pinkie Pie who defeated Juggernaut, not Twilight, nor Celestia, not this Deadpool.

The left drone spoke, explaining what he saw, “She transformed into something new and she moving to fast to even tell what she was doing.”

The right drone then said, “We honestly have no idea how Pinkie Pie acquired her new transformation.”

“And Deadpool was equally as dangerous. He took out all of Rover’s dogs all by himself, and never asked for any assistance from the ponies.”

Once they were finished, Chrysalis sat there flabbergasted by what she just heard. Her eyes bulged wide. Her ears drooped low. This story was unlike anything she’s heard in her whole life. And she’s seen some unbelievable and unusual shit! Now she feels sorry for herself for missing out on what the hell her drones saw.

She had nothing to say. What could she say? This Deadpool was something new. Pinkie Pie, of all ponies, had the ability to transform and overpower a powerful being like Juggernaut. She rubbed her head with both front hooves and thought she was so wrong to think she would win head on. If Deadpool and Pinkie Pie are Celestia’s new line of defense, then a new plan needed to be made. She finally spoke…

“That just raises further questions!” She exclaimed and threw her arms out.

“That’s all that happened, honest, my queen. We swear” the left drone spoke

Chrysalis sat back on her throne and placed her left hoof over her forehead and closed her eyes in thought. She let out a sigh as her spy drone on the right asked, “Is there a plan B, your majesty?”

“I don’t know, my child,” She lowers her hoof and gazes at her two spy drones. “As of now, you two will head back to Canterlot and Ponyville and gather more information if there's any left.” The changeling spy drones gave a loyal salute. Perhaps it was a mistake to think Juggernaut was no use. She mentally punched herself and hoped she could make a new plan.

“That won’t be necessary, Chrysalis,” a deep, raspy, eerie voice spoke as the doors behind the spy drones began to open. Chrysalis hooked her eyes to the doors and watched as a dark, grey unicorn stallion with a spiky black mane and tail walked in as he set his dark gaze on the changeling queen.

The two spy drones backed up and quivered their bodies, fearing the stallion just as much as their queen. His face was pony-like, but it could very much pass off as a dragon, especially with the sharp fangs protruding out of his upper jaw. Red irises give off the cold, evil gaze and show off a ton of ferocity, but the small bags under his eyes were a bit distracting. His horn was curved and dark gray with a crimson tip that looked like it was used to killed unlucky victims and have their blood permanently stained as a reminder to future opponents who’d be foolish enough to face him. Why the red cape was beyond them.

Chrysalis smiled a bit, feeling stupid for forgetting she already had another ally in her castle. Guess all that focusing made her lose track of other opportunities.

King Sombra approached Queen Chrysalis and passed the changeling drones, paying no mind to them. He bowed to her respectfully as Chrysalis did in return. Both locked eyes with one another before the former tyrannical king spoke first.

“Hello, Queen Chrysalis.”

“Greetings, Sombra, how was your nap?” Chrysalis asked her powerful ally.

“Just fine,” Sombra replied. “What did I miss?”

After his attempt to take back the Crystal Empire failed miserably, a piece of his horn was still intact landed miles away from the Crystal Empire. That piece, with what dark magic it had left, used every ounce within to manifest his body back as a whole, but at the cost of draining every strength and magic he had; it left him weak and vulnerable.

Chrysalis sighed disappointingly, “A lot, actually.” She felt like saving her breath, because after what happened with Rover and his Diamond Dogs and Juggernaut, she felt so embarrassed to tell him about the massive failures.

But she just couldn't leave him hanging when he curiously asked her, “What happened?”

“Apparently, Celestia and Twilight have a new ally on their side, and one Twilight's friends is able to transform, or something. Rover and Juggernaut were defeated, so I'm fresh out of ideas,” She awaited for his laughter and mocking, but instead got a calming silence.

Sombra blinked confusingly and pondered to himself, questioning, “You'd think with Juggernaut's power and Rover's numbers, they'd easily kill a dozen ponies or so.” he assumed as such, because he recalled Diamond Dogs tearing their prey apart when wild, but this 'new ally' of theirs really intrigued him when. But the part where Juggernaut was defeated confused him just as much. Did it have something to do with one of Twilight's friend's transformation? He was beginning to have many questions stirred in his mind when Chrysalis spoke and broke his train of thoughts.

“Before you ask, I don't know how this came about. My drones don't even know what the witnessed either. This is all starting to give me a headache,” she rubbed her temples and groaned. “Do you have any ideas, Sombra?”

The former tyrant paused at that question, but he reeled a crooked smile, and spoke, “I do, Chrysalis. When you had your things to do, I went on a hunting mission. I think you'll like what I've brought.”

Chrysalis raised a brow, “So that's where you've been for the past three days. Show me what you've caught.” the changeling queen’s curiosity grew. She was very interested to know what Sombra caught in those three day absences. “What did you catch, anyway?”

“New recruits.”

Chrysalis let out a confused, curious ‘hmm’ before rising from her throne as Sombra motioned her to follow to go and meet these ‘new recruits’. Shadows scattered in the corner of Chrysalis’s right eye. She looked at the same direction and witnessed the last of her children disappear outside her castle. An odd behavior for them but she heeded nothing of it as she assumed the new recruits were right outside. But who were they, and how could they scare her drones so easily? Chrysalis followed Sombra out of her throne room and down the hall. Sombra approached the large door and pushed them open. The king and queen walked out, but Chrysalis immediately reeled back in shock and astonishment as two gigantic shadows loomed over her, Sombra and the remaining drones whom decided to stay rather than hide in fear.

Chrysalis looked to Sombra bewildered and shocked as he smiled with a snarl as he gazed upon the monsters before them.

Chrysalis gazed back at the one on the left laying unconscious before them. It had six heads armed with sharp curved teeth randomly protruding out from their respective upper jaws. The back had twin whip-like tails. It was dark blue while red zig-zag markings down its back to its tails and legs with green secondary colors lining with the red. It's horns displayed a light magenta and shared similar and different features; the third heads to the left and right had thick ram horns, the secondary heads revealed horns protruding from the forehead and snout similar to a rhinoceros, and the last two center heads displayed frill-like hoods with two horns spearing out from over its eyes and a smaller horn sticking out above their snouts. It's body was nothing but bulk and muscle; it was made for combat and its appearance alone proved that with the blood stains, bruises and scratch marks its body. Chrysalis kept her eyes on the creature. It was a hydra, but not the kind she has ever seen before. She was mesmerized, yet terrified at the same time. And the battle scars and injuries coating its body told her this beast had a lot of experience, though some injuries seemed fresh the minute she examined the creature further. She had questions, but she couldn't help but watch in awe. She would look for hours on this new discovery, if it weren't for the fact her ally had brought in another, and it was breathing life. She looked at the second giant.

Sombra gaze upon the awakened creature with a proud, victorious smile and high interest, because this creature held a feat that would prove very useful to them. But, unlike the odd-looking hydra, the creature was tied up in highly thick rope by its wrists behind its back like a prisoner. It was on its knees and had a dead, yet strong, tree in its mouth tied by the same rope so it would not scream. The creature kept its seemingly hellish gaze on Sombra as it breathed through its slightly flat nose.

While Sombra wasn't fazed by it, Chrysalis was. She mentally gagged at the creature's face while trying to keep a firm posture to show this grotesque creature she wasn't scared. Hydras and golems she has seen years ago along with dragons and trolls, but this creature was unlike anything she had seen before. This creature was massive! She gazed at it again and could only guess the size of it, despite it being restrained; It seemed roughly around 25 feet in length. Its body was pure muscle, similar to Juggernaut’s shape but a tad wider and armor-plated. Its upper torso was grey in color with noticeable scale-like features on its broad shoulders and its lower body was blanketed with thick, dark brown fur. A creamy white horn protruded from its forehead like a unicorn, but the big difference was in the shape and form; the horn was curved much like a rhinoceros and seemed very think. Thick enough to spear tough flesh if given the chance. But what she noticed out of all the features this creature had was the big, bulbous, single bloodshot eye with a shiny blue iris peering down at both of her and Sombra; though its focus was mainly on Sombra.

Though disgusted by the one on the right, Chrysalis remained astonished at the two amazing creatures before she gazed back at Sombra. The smile he made shined with pride as Chrysalis looked back at him

“How did you capture these creatures?” the baffled queen asked as Sombra looked to her.

“Simple, I used magic and wit. The hydra wasn’t a challenge; I used bait to lure him out of a very dense swamp with,” he points to the monster on the right, “but this one?” the conscious creature stood on its right cloven hoof to try and get up so it can desperately escape, but a blast of concentrated magic to the leg brought the beast back down as it groaned in pain.

Smoke faded from Sombra’s horn as he gazed at the weakened creature, “This one put up a troubling fight.”

Chrysalis remained bewildered, ever since she brought Sombra into her hive castle, had him recover to full health and become allies with him, they put him through numerous tests and he had proven to be a valuable asset in combat and strategy planning. He said before he wanted his crystal castle back by any means, and Chrysalis actually respected that and offered to help as best she could. But her thoughts drew her back to what was no as she looked back at the monsters Sombra had captured, and what he said made her question her thoughts about him; he isn’t perfect in any way. He has shown to be hot-headed at times would rather work on his own terms. She accepted that, but that quote got her wondering.

“So, what did this creature do to give you such trouble?” she asked as Sombra casts a spell to summon the same ropes used to tie the creature's wrist to tie its ankles together.

Sombra watched as the creature snorts at him and flaring its hate onto him. Sombra sensed it before it looked to the ground and away from him and Chrysalis. It let out exhausted breaths through its snout as to say it give up trying to fight back. It then motioned its eye to the hydra and blinked, wondering how this tiny creature defeated what looked like an alpha of its kind.

Sombra noticed the creature gazing at the rogue hydra as he explained to Chrysalis, “This creature was the first to give me a proper challenge.” Chrysalis raised a curious brow and wondered what he meant by that. Aside from Cadence and Shining Armor challenging him, what did this creature provide that deemed a challenge for him?

She looked at the massive monster, but Sombra continued, “But what makes it so special is that it possesses an ability to withstand almost any form of magic from dark and light to illusions and alterations, but combat magic was its ultimate weakness. Once I figured that out, it was easier after that. The Hydra was worthy and showed great ferocity and bloodlust with tricks of its own,” he slightly shrugged. “But, sadly, he went down faster than expected; some combat and elemental spells did the trick.”

The changeling queen gazed back at the monsters. His plan, whatever is was, seemed great but something about it seemed off. Having these two seemed outstanding, but only for a means of war; her hive is not one for war, but for taking and manipulating. Her mind plagued with doubts and her gaze returned to Sombra. She questioned his motives.

“What are you planning, Sombra?”

“Since Juggernaut and Rover failed to defeat our enemies, these two will be our back up plan. One will attack Canterlot and the other will attack The Crystal Empire and resume what they started there,” he said. “All we have to do is cast mind-controlling spells on them.”

“Wait, I thought magic didn’t work on that one-eyed creature?”

Sombra huffed and briefly closed his eyes, slightly agitated at his ally for neglected to pick up certain details he explained to her earlier, but he quickly kept his mind leveled and spoke as he opened his eyes and kept his gaze at the monsters, “I said combat magic works on this creature, Queen Chrysalis. Some magic does work on this creature,” he then pondered. “But I've been thinking about trying something on it. If it is knocked out like the hydra, then it'd most likely be easy to perform a mind-control spell on it. Though, I might be wrong.”

With that said, he looked at his ally with determination, “Are you going to help me?”

As much as she wanted to doubt this plan, Chrysalis nodded and stood next to Sombra feeling determined and a bit nervous, but her lust for revenge motivated her to do this. She looked at the monsters while thinking how amazing it be to see Cadence, Twilight and Celestia lay before her, defeated and broken. She would take great schadenfreude in seeing the pain, agony and plead on their faces. The rest of the whelps like Luna and Twilight's friends would be used as slaves or food or other means. She reeled an eerie smile back as her horn illuminated a bright green aura. Illusion spells may not be her strong suite, so this would provide a challenge for her. Like Sombra, she loved using combat magic but only if it was necessary. Her prime spell was the transformation spell; a spell she used throughout her life to get what she wanted. It was satisfying and hilarious to her to see her victims get easily fooled by who they believe they were actually talking too – it was all the more pleasing to have fooled Cadence’s dimwit of a husband before his younger sister ruined everything. That memory sparked again in Chrysalis’s mind as her anger boosted her magic significantly as she helped Sombra. Revenge was going to be bitter-sweet.

The two stood side by side and concentrated, letting nothing distract them as they performed their mind-control spell. If this didn't work, they'll try and knock the creature out and perform the spell, again.

The creature turned to glare at its two captors. A look of confusion clouded its mind when a soothing light slowly covered the two and combined. The creature watched on mindlessly until the light grew brighter and brighter until everything went black. The creature hung its head in a deadpan manner, now under the control of its new masters. The hydra, though still unconscious, succumbed to the mind-control spell as well.

The spell was a success, but the recoil caused Chrysalis and Sombra to grab their heads and groan in a slight pain. They shook their heads to ease that pain, but that helped as much as pulling a thorn from a hoof.

Chrysalis looked at Sombra doubtfully as her eyes were a bit bloodshot from using that spell. Though to her surprise, Sombra recovered faster than she did.

“How do you feel?” Sombra asked.

“Like I just woke up from a bad hangover,” she rubbed her head before looking at Sombra, and asked curiously, “Did it work?”

Sombra gazed up at the creature, “only one way to find out.” He cautiously approached the unconscious creature and spoke, “Awaken my monsters! Awaken and stand for your masters.”

His voice echoed but a long, eerie silence engulfed the kingdom. The monsters didn't move a muscle save for the wind blowing the creature's fur.

Queen Chrysalis stood and watched, but quickly grew impatient as she once again looked at her ally doubtfully, “Looks like the spell was a dud. Are you sure your magic is at full power?”

Sombra glared back at Chrysalis in annoyance and snarled at her, flaring his teeth, “Silence. I know my magic’s power and I know I was doing it right.” He turned his head and looked away, “Maybe your magic is just flawed.”

Chrysalis widened her eyes and gritted her teeth as her eyes in anger. She too knew her own magic and she knew very well she was not flawed. She would give him a piece of her mind, and that’s exactly what she’ll do, “Ha! Says the king who lost to a pathetic little dragon and his waste of a unicorn.”

Sombra would take that as an insult, but didn’t think much of it. It was a big mistake, but not big enough to crawl under his fur; he wasn’t in his right mind and he can accept that. Though the need to counter that remark was all the more burning him up inside, and he figured Chrysalis was hot-tempered enough to get rile her. Two can play that game, and he could use the fun.

“Least I didn’t lose to a pheromone.”

Chrysalis reeled her head back and blushed in annoyance and embarrassment. An irritated snarl formed as she growled as such. She hated that memory of that pathetic, sappy excuse of a wedding. The mere thought of actually being with that bumbling fool made her mentally gag; the only good, if not, great thing that actually did come out it was the feeling of how much power she gained from absorbing all his love. Chrysalis did not love Shining Armor. She only wanted him for his love. It pissed her off even more that she was blind for not thinking about killing Cadence. That lead to her downfall.

Having that memory brought up just ignited the boiling anger in her blood. Chrysalis would not have that, at all.

“Need I remind you that it was also the same ponies that ended your life!” she scowled, receiving the same irritated snarl from Sombra; that was the right button to press.

“I was distracted from getting the crystal heart! I was unaware of what those two were doing.”

“Oh sure, I’m positive you couldn’t see Cadence fly by you and grab Twilight’s little pet,” Chrysalis barked sarcastically. “My hatchling drones could've seen that coming a mile away. For someone who’s supposed to be all powerful, you got your royal ass killed by a gem that was caused by the same princess!”

Sombra glared daggers at Chrysalis. It was fun for three seconds but now it got serious. He hated that she was right about that, but he didn’t want to admit it; he wanted to forget that ever happened and start over. But his rage prevented him from countering Chrysalis’ claim, and he had to win this argument.

“Oh really, says the royal queen who got her royal flank outsmarted by the same unicorn who saw through your disguise. Sounds to me you should’ve changed your attitude.”

“I thought she was stupid!” Chrysalis shouted at the top of her lungs until a singular, glowing eye snapped open beside both on them and caused both bitter allies to silence their arguing and stand completely stiff like statues.

Both took a moment to hear a heavy, strong breath before slowly turning their heads to gape upon the awakened creature watching them in deep confusion.

Chrysalis blinked and remained stiff as she looked up at the monster before it snapped the ropes wrapped around its wrists and ankles and stood back up. Sombra was just as stiff as Chrysalis before watching as his the hydra opened all twelve of its eyes and slowly rose to its full height, looking down at them and the other monster next to them.

“Well, your monsters are awake, what do we do now?”

King Sombra gazed at his monsters as an evil, crooked smile eerily crept up and his red eyes flared with intense focus.

“We start phase 2”

Comments ( 16 )

Can't wait for the next chapter


7959350 I hate to say it, but I've lost motivation to continue this story. I've neglected the story for too long, but I've managed to finish the chapter and that's it. My motivation is gone. I'm sorry. :pinkiesad2:

7959420 Could you at least put it up for adoption?:pinkiesad2:

7959452 Adoption? Are you saying you want take over as author? :rainbowhuh:

7959555 Oh god no I couldn't write a story to save my ass, I mean go on the forums and find someone to take over your story.

7959567 I might sound stupid here, but what forums? Like groups, or something?

7959586 Yeah the group forums, try Crossovers and Marvel/DC co-fan club.

7959713 oh, okay. But, I don't think anyone is going to take up the mantle of new author for this story. The story would take so much time to edit that it would be really hard to figure out what grammar goes where. To me, it's a jumbled mess.

7959752 this is the first ever fanfic I read when I discovered FimFiction all those years ago. This story was the beginning of my love for reading, before this I hated reading with all my heart. But after this a realized that I hated reading because I hadn't found something that interested me.

I found this story as a dramatic reading in YouTube and when the YouTuber never finished it I NEEDED to know what came next so I followed the link and discovered Fimfiction.net

After that I found a lot more stuff to read and now I love reading fanfics and real books

Thank you so much for being the person I needed to pass that milestone and start reading. This story changed my life for ever, and for the better.

I'm sad to see it go but it can't be helped. Just wanted to let you know how much you did for me.

7968227 I'm at a loss for word here. :pinkiesad2: I'm happy you enjoy reading, but I'm also surprised to know that my Fanfiction was the one that got you to love reading to begin with. I didn't know my story made such an impact on you.

7968563 it was your story about Pinkie and Deadpool that persuaded me to give reading it a try. And when I did I wasn't disappointed, after that it was like "if I like that one, there might be others I also like."

So I gave other fanfics a try and found myself, a person who hated reading, enjoying the task. If it wasn't for your choice of making a fanfic about those two characters I love, I might have never considered giving anything a chance.

Your story was just the perfect thing I needed to get me started a realize that reading wasn't bad. For that I thank you.

7968723 You're welcome, Gogofan. :twilightsmile: reading is never bad once you give it a shot, and I'm glad it was my story that persuaded you to find other stories to read.

7969566 No prob. Just wanted you to know that even tho the story was cancelled that it wasn't a vain effort. At the very least, it changed one life

a lot of things, really. Time, writer's block and life itself. I couldn't focus on this story for very long, so I had to cancel it.

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