• Published 26th Apr 2013
  • 4,634 Views, 136 Comments

Hole Hearted - Akashic Brony

Den is a pegasus of the Equestrian Royal Guard. Echo is a high class infiltrator of the reviled changeling race. Can their love flourish in an Equestria under threat? Which bounds are stronger love or loyalty? What dark designs lurk in the backdrop?

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Chapter 10 Gathering Storm

Luna’s eyes appeared still freshly red from tears as she entered the council chamber through the moon roof access. All eyes were upon her, and side conversations silenced in respect. It was past noon, and many had been waiting past the point of eagerness into desperate anticipation.

Her words were halting and deliberate. “Dearest subjects, let us speak in all candor. My sister Celestia is in a coma and expected never to awaken. The one thousand years of peace she worked so hard to maintain have now shattered. There is no question that we are at war.”

Den scanned the room, recognizing many notable names. Princesses Cadance and Twilight flanked Luna. The Wonderbolt Captains Spitfire and Rainbow Dash stood to the side. Royal Guard Captain Shining Armor stood next to him.

“I have gathered you all here because you all were among her most-trusted council. I wish you to become mine in the difficult times to follow.”

Everypony murmured in agreement.

“I have taken time to study in order to make up for my absence. However, I must admit my sister leaves behind horseshoes which are difficult for me alone to fill. Now, my sister spoke on occasion of a Republic. It was something she’d joke about in fleeting moments of fancy but hesitated to make a reality. This is not because she did not trust you all; rather, my sister felt the nature of all ponies indicated that they were not ready. We were three races gathered as one; ours was an imperfect union. My sister felt then that it was necessary to guide our new nation through autocracy.”

Many ponies lowered their heads in shame.

“But I am not my sister. From here on forth, I declare a Republic. Members of my council, let us all speak equally. Let us martial the might of the people. All willing, Equestria shall prevail.”

All ponies in the council chamber trotted in place, giving thunderous applause.

A Griffin male and Zebra mare were led to the council chamber under guard.

“I’m glad we were able to prove our peaceful intentions before you killed us all,” said the Griffin.

Blueberry stepped up as they walked in between the rows of tables. “You two!” said Blue.

Den joined Blue. “Prince Reagle of the Griffin Kingdom,” he said disdainfully, “give us a reason why you shouldn’t be sent to the stockades."

Reagle scratched his beak. “Ah, Dented Armor. I remember. Our last battle didn’t end with you so…well.” He smirked.

Zaza jumped in front of Den and Reagle. “Cease this squabbling. Reagle, be nice. We come in peace.”

“No fighting in the war room!” one of the council mares—a pink pony—interjected, jumping in the middle of the fray.

An addition to a great castle floated upon the air. Clouds supported the stonework adjunct. A gray male Griffin with a fedora and black female Griffin walked through the floating garden. Between the fine stone-tiled pathways the banners of the Griffin Kingdoms flanked them.

The gray Griffin with the fedora spoke. “Our host, King Hawkmor, wishes to meet you. Be mindful of your words, Princess Larvi."

“Master, I wonder if he is as fierce as they say," the female Griffin responded.

In the middle of the garden stood a clearing surrounded by a small grove of trees. King Hawkmor sat on a simple chair behind a refreshment table. Queen Chrysalis, disguised as Grimfeathers, stood by the Griffin, rubbing his shoulders and whispering in his ear. A parasol cast a shadow over Chrysalis.

The brown Griffin smiled his beak, lifting in his chair slightly. “So you are Grimfeathers’ daughter?”

“Yes, King Hawkmor,” said Echo.

“Leave us,” said King Hawkmor, turning to Chrysalis.

“My King?” said Chrysalis, whispering in Hawkmor’s ear.

“It is alright,” said King Hawkmor with a smile. “When we are wed, she will be my daughter too. I would like to have at least one conversation with her alone.”

Chrysalis left with her two guards. Amorpheus joined her, bowing to the King and leaving Echo’s side.

King Hawkmor leaned his head to the left and right, taking a good look at Echo. With the curiosity of the mighty bird sated, he leaned back on his chair.

“It is a pleasure,” said Echo nervously.

“Indeed,” said King Hawkmor. “I’ve recently lost a son; to gain a daughter might offset that pain. Tell me of yourself."

“There’s not much to tell,” Echo answered.

“You folk are so secretive."

“My folk?”

King Hawkmor waved his claws. “Never mind. Tell me, what hobbies do you have?” he asked attentively.

“I enjoy fencing, ambrosia wine, and reading.”

“A reader, huh? I shall have our library brought to you. What genre do you prefer?”

“I used to like reading romantic tragedies. It seems now that I am living in one, I am not so fond of them."

“What ails you, child?” asked the King. “Anything you wish, I can grant.”

Echo sighed lightly. “I do not believe you could help me. It so happens that I love someone who happens to be my enemy.”

King Hawkmor chuckled. “You sound very much like my selfish son and his fixation with that Zebra mare. I weep that he has turned… traitor. I heard he destroyed three War Wings in his escape. I am saddened and relieved.” King Hawkmor stiffened. “As rulers, at times we must sacrifice our personal happiness for the greater benefit of our subjects. The one that holds the chains of command is also bound by the same chains as a solemn oath. Do you understand, my child?”

Echo lowered her head and a frown split her face. “Yes, I understand. I know what I must do but… I still…”

King Hawkmor scratched his beak, evidently feeling guilty for making Echo sad. His eyes relaxed. “I’m sorry, child. Who is this foe of yours that causes you such pain? He must be an absolute fool to reject a sensitive and beautiful lass such as yourself!”

“Thank you, but I do not think I am worthy of your praise.”

King Hawkmor rose majestically and drew his massive claymore sword. At full height, the King was impressive and imposing. He swung his sword whimsically. “Perhaps he can be brought to his senses, or to my blade. I’ll teach him what’s what!” King Hawkmor pounded his chest, chuckling heartily.

Echo smiled slightly at the King’s oafish demonstration.

Suddenly, King Hawkmor’s claymore clanged, falling to ground. He felt his forehead as searing pain lowered his stature, making him bow.

“My King, are you alright?!” asked Echo.

King Hawmor forced a smile. “Arghh, I’m sorry I must cut this short. As of late I’ve been getting these headaches. Only Grimfeathers’s company seems to soothe the pain. She’s been so caring.”

Reagle and Zaza were led to the center of the council room. They finished explaining their situation to eager ears.

“So these harpies are controlling your father?” asked Twilight.

“Yes, in particular, Grimfeathers,” explained Reagle. “Her harpies have completely taken over the Griffin Honor Guard. My father is a prisoner in mind and body."

“Harpies, we call them,” said Zaza, “but in your tongue, I believe they’re called Changelings.”

Several in the council chamber gasped. Even Den became wide-eyed.

“Changelings are a fearsome enemy,” said Shining Armor.

“How can we believe any of what you say?” asked Captain Rainbow Dash. “You could be a spy."

“Hey, we almost got killed bringing you this information,” said Reagle. “Take it or leave it."

Cadance stepped forward and looked over Reagle. “We’ll have to test you for magical mind manipulation.”

Reagle spread his wings. “Test away."

“This would explain how the Griffins attained mages of such skill,” offered Twilight.

“We can check the battlefield for Changeling corpses to confirm dere story,” Blueberry added.

Echo left the grove with a tear in her eye. Amorpheus waited for her outside. They still donned their Griffin disguises.

Echo wiped her eyes. “King Hawkmor—he is kindly, and to see one so mighty cowed and bowed… Mother’s mind magic hurts him greatly. In time it will kill.”

“It is not our place to question,” said Amorpheus. “As host, it is his role. Both the predator and prey have parts to play."

Echo shook her head in protest. “But we are not animals. We can reason and think. I wonder if there might be a better way. Might they be brought to our cause naturally if they knew our plight?”

“The world hates our kind. Who would accept us knowing what we are?”

Echo ran one of her Griffin-claws along the ground thoughtfully. “I knew of one."

“Princess Larvi, the personal feelings of one do not change history and destiny’s course."

“You speak and my mother’s voice comes out!” Echo stomped her foot angrily. “What then of our people’s secret dream? Substantiation? It goes against everything we’ve been taught. In light of history or destiny, do we do nothing? Do we accept our curse? Do we abandon it for later generations like our ancestors before?”

Amorpheus opened his beak to speak, but could not find a response. Instead, he pulled his hat over his eyes.

Echo reached out and hugged Amorpheus. “Master Amorpheus, I am sorry. You have always worried about me. I should not have yelled at you as I did. Can you forgive me?”

“Princess, you will be Queen one day,” Amorpheus reassured her. “Never ask for forgiveness—it is unbecoming of a monarch.”

“There is a question I have been meaning to ask you. Are you—” Echo’s question was interrupted.

With guards by her side, Queen Chrysalis, still disguised as Grimfeathers, strolled towards them.

“Come. It is time to show our people’s power.”

On the council-chamber floor, Reagle and Zaza continued to hold the attention of their Equestrian audience.

Reagle continued: “When Grimfeathers ‘proved’ to my father that she and her crows were from a lost line of magic-wielding Griffins, she was allowed a choice of whichever territory she coveted. She chose the Prison Castle of Anavrin. Since then, prisoners throughout the Griffin Kingdom have been sent there, ne’er to return."

Twilight scrawled notes furiously on a scroll in front of her. “Most likely it is a Changeling hive now,” she theorized. “They’ll have hundreds of prisoners providing them magic."

“Then it is there that we should strike back,” said Luna, “and with haste.”

“If you can help repair our airships, you may use them in your assault,” Zaza offered.

Den shook his head. “Even that won’t be enough."

“How many War Wing airships does the Griffin fleet have?” asked Shining Armor. “We estimate twelve.”

Reagle scoffed, “Try tripling that, and adding a whole host of support ships.”

Everypony murmured in amazement and trepidation.

Reagle smiled. “No need to soil yourselves. The 36 airships are divided amongst the noble houses of the vast Griffin Kingdoms. Most houses also keep a few in reserves to guard against one another. For the occupied territories, they are necessary for regional stability. The Prison Castle of Anavrin is only guarded by four War Wings at any given time.”

“Two Zebra airships tackling four War Wings is crazy,” said Blueberry.

“Then it’s a good thing that the Cloudsdale Project is complete,” said Captain Rainbow Dash, her voice cool and steady but containing an unmistakable undertone of pride. “When we examined the wreckage, we found some interesting results: the Griffins have solved the ballast issue that Cloudsdale has been struggling with for years. Luckily, we’ve managed to reverse-engineer and improve on their designs.” She considered the expressions of everyone looking at her, and waved her hoof dismissively at them. “Oh, no need to thank me. It was no biggie.”

“We have airships now?” asked Blueberry.

“We have an airship named the Thunderhead,” Rainbow explained. “It should be able to tangle with two of their War Wings, no problem."

“Then you must use this opportunity to strike,” said Reagle.

Spitefire shook her head in disagreement. “We’re not risking our only airship on a feather-brained attack.”

“No, the time is now to show them we are no weak foals,” said Luna, raising a hoof. “I authorize it. Who is with me? Do we have a majority?”

A great many in attendance raised their hoof in kind. “Aye!”

In the equipment room of the barracks, Den and Blue sat next to each other on a bench as they readied themselves. Den helped Blue into her war saddle.

Shining Armor stepped forward into the room. “Den, now that we know the Changelings are behind the Griffins, I need to know that your heart is in right place.”

Shining Armor’s question caused Den to stop and drop his lance. Den quickly picked it up, and responded coldly: “Are you asking if I can kill her?”

Shining Armor spoke steadily as he clarified: “Yes, can you fight and kill knowing one of your foes could be her?”

“Yes," said Den evasively.

“Do you know what is at stake?!” Shining Armor barked, staring Den down.

“Yes! I resolved myself when I wrote those letters to the families of those dead guards!” said Den angrily.

“Good, remember that. We’ll lose more soldiers yet in this terrible war,” said Shining Armor as he departed.

Reagle and Zaza peered curiously from behind the lockers.

“Hey feathers and stripes! I see you!” Blue shouted.

The Griffin and Zebra recoiled, then revealed themselves slowly.

Reagle scratched his beak. “Our apologies. Allow us to introduce ourselves formally. That is, outside of combat. I am Reagle Hawkmor, Prince Heir to House Hawkmor and the Griffin Kingdom.” Reagle offered his claw.

“I am called Zaza Zakar, Commander of the Zebra Tribal Confederation," said Zaza, offering her hoof.

Den and Blue shook claws with Reagle and tapped hooves with Zaza grudgingly.

“I’m Blueberry Frost, just a Vice Captain," said Blue simply.

“I’m Dented Armor. Call me Den. Sorry for the hostilities during the meeting," Den apologized.

“It is of no worry to me,” said Zaza. “Old grudges are hard to let go of."

“Reagle, Zaza, you seem well traveled," said Den hesitantly.

“Aye, we’ve seen many skies and lands," said Reagle.

“Do you know the best tactics when fighting magic users?” Den asked. “I’ve had training but I don’t think its enough.”

Reagle scratched the bottom of his beak. “Mage killing, eh?” Reagle smirked as he retrieved a black ball from a side pouch. “Your best bet is to get them with a close-range grenade in the face. They can’t focus their shields so finely. They often form their shield bubble with the grenade inside.”

“Is there a melee alternative?” asked Den.

Reagle drew two fine blades and spun them expertly before placing them back into the sheaths under his wing. “Raise two daggers, force their magical shields to block at two points, then cut through.”

“I was hoping for something that didn’t require magic or claws to use," said Den.

“Haha, my husband forgets that others have hooves, not claws," said Zaza.

“Husband? You two are married?” asked Blue.

“Aye, we are," said Reagle, proudly wrapping Zaza in his right wing.

Zaza rubbed her flank against the Griffin in return.

“Let’s return to the matter at hoof,” said Den impatiently. “Or claw, if you will.”

“Try team tactics,” Zaza offered. “One should distract the mage while the other attacks."

“Zaza is right. Two is better than one," Reagle added.

Blue tugged Den lightly. “We could work on that together. Right Den?”

Den ignored Blue. “How about one-on-one?” he asked.

Blueberry turned towards Den in surprise.

“I may have the answer you seek.” Zaza produced a small black bag of powder from her saddle bag. “This Dispel powder can disable Unicorn magic for a short minute or two. It is hard to deploy in combat.”

“Thanks," said Den as he examined the powder bag.

“A word of warning: it can paralyze you too if you are exposed to it," Zaza cautioned.

Four War Wings cruised toward an unknown destination. Echo entered the observatory deck to find Queen Chrysalis staring at the sinking sun. Beautiful amber light bathed the compartment. Chrysalis’s intimidating presence seemed to wane slightly in the warm light.

Echo looked to see that there were no guards, not even Amorpheus; she was alone with her mother for the first time. Echo timidly walked towards her Queen. “King Hawkmor was kind.”

“Yes, a weakness that was easily exploited," said Chrysalis, still staring at the sun as it submerged itself in the horizon’s waves.

“Is that all you feel towards him?” asked Echo, looking away from her.

“Child, speak with strength and authority,” said Chrysalis. “You are now a Princess."

“Have you ever felt anything towards any your targets?” asked Echo.

Chrysalis spoke in monotone. “That is a perverse topic. We do not play with our food.” Chrysalis paused for a moment, then sighed: “Yes.”

Echo blinked. “Really?”

Chrysalis smiled. “Daughter you have always questioned me. I respect that determination. It is what makes officers, commanders, and monarchs.” Chrysalis turned towards Echo. “However, if you’re probing me for weakness, you’ll find none now. I removed all that when I accepted my crown."

“No!” Echo asserted vehemently. “I just wanted to know. So, would you explain further?”

“I have felt something for each and everyone of my marks… even as I destroyed them," said Chrysalis.

Echo gasped. She prepared herself. “Mother… I always thought… You taught us to never feel. You taught us that we should detach ourselves.”

“To be so immersed in your role that you feel as they do, this is the secret to true infiltration. Yet it is dangerous, and for this reason we do not teach it. You can lose yourself and forget your purpose.” Chrysalis walked towards a window pane and stared into her reflection. “One or two of our agents in the past have so foolishly forgotten themselves they revealed their true natures. Tell me, daughter, what became of them.”

Echo stared at the reflection of her mother that glared at her, even by the proxy of the glass Chrysalis’s eyes burned with intensity. “They were killed by the ones they thought would accept them,” Echo replied from memory.

“You must always keep a part of yourself reserved. Do not forget this.”

“Mother, you have the charted the destiny of our people yet only you hold the map."

Chrysalis looked back to horizon. “I will show you that map when you are ready.”

“Ready? When will I be ready?”

“I have watched you from that very first day. I felt pride when you slew your first target. I felt the same pain as you when I subjected you to pure despair. Now, you are all grown up… but there much more for you to learn.”

The setting sun dimly-illuminated the small office. Den sat at his desk with his lance propped up next to him. His head slumped as he stared at the dark powder-bag.

Blueberry walked in. “Den, you’re, ummm… planning to use that on Echo, aren’t you?” Blue spoke nervously as she sat down with Den.

“Yup," said Den aloofly.

“Den, maybe there could be another way.”


“Maybe a live capture,” Blue suggested. “There are magical restraints and stuff like that.”

Den sat up and shot Blue an annoyed glance. “Then what? I keep her locked up in a cage? The Royal Guard will execute her.” Den touched his lance and the cold metal stung his flesh. “There’s no other way.”

“Okay, forget the ‘how.’ After you’ve killed her, what do you plan to do?”

Den returned a blank look. “Well, I didn’t think that far.” He chuckled nervously.

“Damn it, Den! You’re supposed to be the thinker. What are you going to do?”

“Sightseeing. There’s a cliff I really want to visit. Dad was quite fond of it."

Blue smacked Den in the face. “Where does that leave me!?” said Blue tearfully.

Den bit back bitterly: “Blueberry, I’m not in love with you!”

“You bastard. You’re still my friend… and more. Your family took me in when I had nothing and was nothing. You’re da only family I got now! If you die I might as well be nothing again! I don’t even remember what mah birth parents look like, but I remember you and your dumb dad. I don’t got no one, nowhere... I don’t want to be alone again. Don’t leave me alone.” Blueberry’s eyes welled up.

Den looked up and his eyes relaxed. “I didn’t know you felt so strongly about it.” He hugged Blue.

Blue sniffled. “You meanie, you think about everything and everyone except for me…”

“Blue, the only reason I didn’t want to date you was because I thought of you as a sister. Even though you came to us so late, you brought joy to our family after mom died. It was just what we needed."

“Sister?” Blue smiled.

“Yeah, little sis," said Den, rubbing her mane.

“Brother!” smiled Blue, squeezing Den tighter.

They lingered on the embrace for several moments more.

“Den, don’t go face her alone,” said Blue. “I can’t see you hurt."

“I understand," said Den.

Sparks flew into the evening as Unicorns helped Zebra engineers repair the damaged plating of the striped ships. Reagle and Zaza walked about the gangways that overlooked the workers. Zaza admired a group of sweating Unicorn workers. One of them fainted when her magic gave out. An Earth-Pony team with a stretcher carried the exhausted worker away, and she was swiftly replaced.

Zaza chewed on her words. “Such resolution in these ponyfolk. To think if we had invaded we would have faced a spear in every corner like the blades of grass.”

“We Griffins were never too good at occupations," said Reagle.

“Prince Reagle, perhaps you would like to occupy me tonight?” Zaza smiled.

Reagle smiled. “Milady, again? You spoil me.”

“As you do me, my love," said Zaza, snuggling under Reagle’s wings.

Reagle pecked at Zaza with light kisses. Reagle tried to maintain his enthusiasm but faltered. He turned away.

“What is it my Prince?” asked Zaza.

“Not tonight. A terrible thought plagues me. I need to brood upon it. I will have to face my father. Should we be unable to lift the curse—or worse, if his intentions are entirely his own—I won’t know what to do.” Reagle lowered his beak.

“Reagle, your father cherishes you. A terrible fog clouds his mind, but your beacon of light will let him see through it."

“You always make me see things more clearly by taking me away with your metaphors,” chuckled Reagle.

Zaza threw her head back and walked away flicking her tail. “Now, my Prince, invade me deeply tonight. I want to regret nothing for the coming fight.”

Waves lapped against a castle which stood on a mountain jutting from the sea. While the other three War Wings circled the castle like vultures, the flagship docked with the castle’s spire. Chrysalis disembarked along a narrow ramp, with Echo and Amorpheus following closely behind. They talked amongst themselves as they descended the stairs winding down the spire tower, all the while noticing the wall-mounted tapestries which told of the Griffin Kingdoms’ past heroic victories against the Equestrian Pegasi.

“The Griffin Kingdoms’ warring nature was a boon to us,” said Chrysalis. “The hawks hungrily expanded their borders, but they feed us now."

“Feed us? How?” Echo asked her Queen Mother.

They reached the bottom of the stairway and came upon a large, sealed door. Chrysalis unlocked it with a burst of magic from her horn. It creaked open, revealing a massive chamber. As they entered and proceeded along a raised walkway, Echo looked below her at row upon row of green, glowing cocoons.

Chrysalis motioned at the cocoons with her hoof in a wide arc. “As you can see, there is no shortage of enemy soldiers, malcontents, and criminals in these lawless lands.”

Awestruck, Amorpheus removed his fedora. “Never before have I seen so many souls gathered. Truly, this is indescribable.”

“Such... power,” Echo gasped.

“My daughter, we have marshaled this power,” said Queen Chrysalis. “It is the war-chest that will fund our renewed invasion of Equestria.”

Author's Note:

Thank you all for the favorites! However could you like the story also? It boosts my fragile ego and maybe hastens the speed in which I write. Thanks for your love and support! Echo is happy!