• Published 26th Apr 2013
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Hole Hearted - Akashic Brony

Den is a pegasus of the Equestrian Royal Guard. Echo is a high class infiltrator of the reviled changeling race. Can their love flourish in an Equestria under threat? Which bounds are stronger love or loyalty? What dark designs lurk in the backdrop?

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Chapter 9 Shadow Valley

Four Griffin War Wings pursued three smaller, striped airships, firing on them with bow-mounted cannons. Cannonballs shrieked through the sky as the larger ships gained on the smaller.

Aboard the leading Zebra ship, an engineer peered through a mounted spy glass at the vessel trailing to their left, interpreting the flashes of a coded message.

“Commander Zaza,” he said, “Captain Nokimbe signals that their ballast tanks have been punctured and… good fortune.”

For a moment, Zaza looked at him quizzically, then turned to look out the port-side window.

A striped airship bleeding smoke veered violently and crashed into the lead Griffin War Wing. The two ships exploded. Shards of fire and metal fell into the sea below.

“Nokimbe, you idiot. Now you choose to be brave?” Zaza struck the floor with her hooves with such strength that they bent the metal beneath them. She pulled the Zebra engineer toward her. He quivered at her rage. “Why?” she continued. “We started with four ships. Now, two. Are not the specifications of ship engines the same? Why do they gain?”

Reagle gripped his forehead in shame. “When, the Griffin Kingdom gifted airship technology to the Zebra Tribal Confederation, they left a few holes in the schematics. It was a security measure. The Griffin nobles still desired ownership of the skies.”

“You knew of this?” asked Zaza.

“I am sorry, Zaza,” said Reagle. “I spoke out against it but at that time mistrust was still rampant."

Zaza stomped her hooves angrily. “Argh. It matters not our engineers figured most of the flaws,” she said. “Our gifts were also offered as but token gestures. The Our healing poultices are only effective if they are made with herbs grown in Zebra lands. I am ashamed of my people too.”

“I did not expect our union to resolve the differences between our people,” sighed Reagle.

Zaza smiled. “You took the first step.”

“We took,” Reagle corrected with a smile.

A cannon ball ricocheted across their ship.

A Zebra engineer ran into the bridge. “Commander Zaza, enemy fliers!”

Black griffins poured from the War Wings.

“Fire the flak cannons!” cried Zaza.

“Flak?” asked Reagle.

In the throne room, Den and Blue bowed before Celestia and Luna.

“Dented Armor, for your service in the battle of Manehatten, it is my pleasure to promote you to a full Captain of the Royal Guard. Arise,” said Celestia.

“I am honored,” Den responded.

“Blueberry Frost,” said Luna. “It is my pleasure to promote you to Vice Captain. Arise.”

Celestia nodded to both of them. “May your allegiance be firm evermore.”

“Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh!” said Blue, hopping slightly.

”We are sorry that we must cut the festivities short,” said Luna, “As there is a war which requires our full attention.”

Den saluted. “Of course, your majesties.”

All four of the princesses assembled in the council room. The military leaders of the nation were also present.

A small, pony-high purple dragon interrupted the proceedings. “Everypony: another Griffin invasion force! Five ships total.”

“Spike, which Guard Tower?” asked Twilight.

“Twenty,” Spike responded.

“That’s not far from Canterlot. Scramble all Pegasus forces!” commanded Twilight, turning to the central table, which was covered with maps.

“Five ships is impressive,” said Celestia thoughtfully. “However, I expected there to be more in a full attack.”

“Is the Cloudsdale Project complete yet?” asked Luna. “If not, we are not sure how spears would fare against their warships of metal.”

“In the battle of Manehatten, wasn’t it proven a concentrated magical beam could penetrate the hull of those warships?” Shining Armor asked Den.

“Yes,” said Den.

“How much magical energy?” asked Twilight.

“Too much. It’d kill the user,” Den explained.

The purple dragon raised a claw. “What about the Elements of Harmony, Twilight?”

Twilight shook her head. “Applejack is visting a sick relative in Appleloosa. Captain Rainbow is running a sortie to Manehatten. We won’t be able to recall any of them in time."

“Then we’ve got no choice,” said Shining Armor as he stood up. “I’ll volunteer to cast the beam. I swore an oath to protect Equestria with my life."

“We can split the burden, my love," said Cadance, leaning warmly against Shining Armor.

Shining Armor blushed. “You’re right, we can concentrate the beams together.”

“Between the three of us,” added Twilight.

“Thou art mad,” said Luna. “We shall join, and the fun shall be quadrupled!”

“Dearest Luna, I will join too,” said Celestia. “The enemy has five airships."

Luna smiled at her elder sister.

“If we’re lucky, we can get more than one ship in a single shot,” said Shining Armor.

Twilight pointed her hoof at a mountain range on the map. “From guard tower number twenty, the straightest path to Canterlot is through the Foal Mountains. We can set our defenses in Foal’s Valley. That’ll force the enemy into single file for a beam,"

“Twily, that’s brilliant,” said Shining Armor. “We’ll skewer them like a kebab!”

Cadance jumped up. “Yes! The Pegasus weather patrol can generate thunderstorms and force them into the valley.”

Luna trotted agreeably. “Clover the Clever could not have devised a better plan. Huzzah, victory is within our hooves!”

“After the first shot they’ll focus their firepower on us. We’ll need a diversion,” said Celestia.

A yellow Pegasus with a fiery mane and an academy officer’s uniform stepped forward. “I believe my Wonderbolts can run distraction.”

Den and Blue made for the exit. On their way out, two Pegasi—a fiery-colored mare and a blue stallion—blocked the doorway.

“So you’re that little pony that saved Shining’s flank during Manehatten, huh?” said Spitfire.

“Yeah, nice to see you too,” said Den ambivalently, “Spitfire and Soarin,"

Soarin smirked. “How’s our favorite Wonderbolt dropout?”

“You still throw up after a couple of laps?” asked Spitfire.

“Hey, Den’s a Captain too! You can’t talk to him like that!” said Blueberry defensively.

“Of the Royal Guards. He could have been a Wonderbolt,” said Spitfire.

Den grimaced. Spitfire simply laughed.

Blueberry eyed Spitfire angrily.

“Don’t get your blood up,” said Spitfire. “I’m just bustin’ your chops. It’s the drill instructor speaking,"

“So can you really run distraction against five airships?” asked Den.

“Yeah, me an’ Soarin got this covered.” Spitfire gestured a wing at her partner. “This operation will be a cooperative effort between the Royal Guard and the Wonderbolts. But we’ll be doing the heavy lifting here.” Spitfire looked at Den and Blue smugly as she put on a pair of aviator glasses and left.

“Prepare to eat humble pie,” said Soarin, following after Spitfire.

Blue spoke up. “Wonderbolt dropout, huh?”

“Yeah, add it to my long list of failures,” chuckled Den.

The aft cannons of the Zebra airships fired cannonballs at the mass of dark Griffins encroaching on their ship. The cannonballs exploded, spraying pellets in all directions. The enemy soldiers dropped from the sky like flies.

“Your people developed anti-Griffin weapons?” questioned Reagle.

“Yes. It’ll keep them from sending out boarding parties,” said Zaza.

“Commander Zaza, Equestria is in sight,” shouted a Zebra Engineer.

“Flanking speed! We must make it!” cried Zaza.

“Let’s hope that the Equestrian Air Forces are competent,” said Reagle.

Den flew over the fortified mountain pass, observing the preparations. He noticed as the ballistae were wheeled into position that the tips of the war machines’ bolts were colorfully-painted; they had a new trick up their sleeves.

Den landed next to Blueberry. She was directing a group of Royal Guard Earth Ponies.

“Argghh! The angle is wrong,” she said. “We need those to fire into the sky."

“Hey Blue, what do you have there?” said Den, looking at the strange bolts being loaded into the ballistae.

“Weaponized fireworks,” Blue announced proudly. “I stole dem big ones they use in the Grand Galloping Gala. Should be able to do some damage.”

“I’m glad you figured it out. I have to get into position."

“Hey Den, be careful up there,” Blue shouted up to Den.

“I will. You too!”

Den flew further through the pass. He looked at the cliff where the Princesses and Shining Armor were positioning to fire. Den then flew to where the Royal Guard Pegasus divisions were arrayed in the sky. The blue-uniformed Wonderbolts formed the tip of the formation. Pegasus units were moving clouds to cover their position in the sky. Den flew beside Spitfire and Soarin as they hovered, looking over the cloud cloak.

“So, are the Royal Guards ready? The traps are set?” asked Spitfire.

“Everything is in place,” said Den.

Dark dots in the sky approached quickly. Explosions were heard by all.

“What’s going on? The battle hasn’t commenced yet!” shouted Spitfire.

“Something is up,” said Soarin, slapping on his goggles.

Den squinted to see two striped ships ahead of the three Griffin War Wings. One of the striped ships was glinting a signal.

Den recognized a pattern in the shines. “It’s horse code,” he said. “A request for help."

“What?!” exclaimed Soarin, mouth agape.

“We have to change the plan,” said Den.

“We can’t,” said Spitfire. “It could be a trick. If we fail, Canterlot is defenseless!”

“They’re flying into a trap."

Spitfire looked down at her hooves.

Den appeared shocked. “We’re just going to kill them all?” Den grabbed a shiny shield from a Royal Guard Pegasus flier. He began flashing a reply to the signal.

“Stop that crazy Pegasus!” shouted Spitfire, motioning toward several Wonderbolts, who tackled Den and held him in the air. “You just revealed our location, idiot,” Spitfire spat.

“We can’t just murder them,” said Den.

“You’re not authorized to make that decision!” cried Spitfire.

“We don’t have time to fly to the Princesses and back,” said Soarin.

As he was hauled off, Den looked back, crying: “Don’t attack the Zebra ships!”

Aboard the lead Zebra airship, Reagle and Zaza were stared anxiously at the view of the horizon through the glass windows. Reagle looked through a spyglass and held another with his claws for Zaza to use.

Zaza saw a flashing pattern in a cloud formation. “That’s it,” she said. “We have confirmation. Signal back. Pull into that mountain pass."

“We can’t maneuver in there,” said Reagle reservedly.

Another cannonball from the pursuing War Wing racked the Zebra ship, sending vibrations throughout the entire hull.

“We can’t turn around, so forward is our only option,” said Zaza.

“If the Equestrians are planning something then it would be there,” said Reagle. “I would do the same. We’re flying into a trap."

“Reagle, we have to show them they can trust us,” said Zaza. “Signal the second ship,” she ordered of an engineer. “We’re filing into the valley pass!”

Shining Armor and the Princesses waited on a cliff that had a clear line of sight from one end of the valley to the next.

“Wait until all their ships are in,” said Shining Armor. “Then we begin the spell.”

The first two airships entered the valley. Their shadows seemed to project onto the grass; however, below them, Royal Guard Unicorns diligently projected an illusionary curtain of greenery. The hum of the airship engines frightened the Royal Guards.

Blueberry ran through the lines, and whispered in a hushed tone at several nervous ballista operators. “Hooves off triggers. Come what may, we don’t fire until all dem eggs are in the basket!”

“Yes ma’am,” said the operators, stepping off the triggers of the wooden war machines.

Blue turned to a group of sweating Unicorns. “Keep up that magical cloak.”

The Three Griffin War Wing airships followed the Zebra ships, firing their cannons. Forced into single file, the large War Wings barely slid through the most narrow parts of the pass.

“Maybe Dent was right,” said Soarin, observing the War Wings’ continual assault of the Zebra ships.

“Argh. Send a flyer to the beam team!” said Spitfire. “Tell them not to fire on the striped ships."

“It’s too late now.”

“Send the messenger anyway!”

Den was tied up and ushered into a small crevice of the valley. The Wonderbolts departed, leaving a single Pegasus Royal Guard to watch over him..

“You’ve got to let me go,” said Den.

“No, sir,” said the Pegasus guard.

“Then, I’m sorry about this.” Den curled up his entire body like a spring and jumped up. His impact smashed the Guard’s head against the rocky wall, knocking the guard unconscious. Den took the guard’s lance and cut through the ropes holding him captive.

“Fire!” cried Shining Armor, his voice magnified by the valley’s cone shape. He and the Princesses cast the spell.

“Now!” shouted Blueberry.

The front of the pass was blocked by an avalanche caused by Royal Guard Unicorns.

The Royal Guards revealed themselves. Ballistae fired upwards at the airships’ bellies. Minor beam teams of Unicorns concentrated their magic in focused blasts. Meanwhile, engineers lit firework-fuses. The bolts were fired and midair were propelled further by explosive force.

The Zebra ships shook as fireworks and heavy magic exploded against their hulls.

“The Equestrians are attacking us!” shouted Reagle. “Damn, they’re actually getting through the armor. I’d rather die fighting.”

Zaza placed a hoof on Reagle’s claws. “Wait! We can’t strike back, otherwise we’d just be proving to them we’re hostile. Give them a moment more. This could be a test."

The Zebra ships passed by the barrage without retaliation. However, the War Wings behind them opened their bomb bays.

Den finished freeing himself. After surveying his surroundings, he saw that the ground barrage had begun. With a powerful thrust of his wings, he took to the air.

Spitfire, Soarin, and the Pegasi divisions circled above the center of the battlefield.

“Open your smokescreen packets!” cried Spitfire.

Pegasi wearing saddle-bags dove towards the airships.

Den zoomed past the lines of the Royal Guards. Smoke now shrouded the battlefield. Explosions flashed through the smoke behind him where the War Wings had begun to bomb.

”Den?” Blueberry saw him fly by. “Pull back the forward positions!” she shouted as the War Wings dropped their payloads.

The lead striped airship spewed smoke from the Pegasi’s barrage. Alarms sounded throughout the ship. Zebra engineers panicked and ran about.

Reagle grabbed Zaza’s face with his claws. “Zaza, I’m going to kick Odin’s feathery ass if he doesn’t let a Zebra into Griffin Valhalla," said With tears in his eyes, he kissed the striped mare.

“You better not flirt with the Valkyries,” Zaza chuckled.

“Never. You’ll be there to stop me.”

Zaza smiled. “Oh, Reagle.”

The two lovers embraced as their airship shook.

The Wonderbolts and Royal Guards nearly covered the Airships in smoke. From the cliff, the beam team readied itself. An arcane circle had been drawn on the ground, complete with a five point star that touched the edges.

“Argh!” exclaimed Twilight in frustration.

“What is it, Twily?” asked Shining Armor.

“I remembered from my readings on Advanced Magic that the Unicorn who focuses the magic in this array feels the most drain. A three-pony magical array can put the caster in a permanent coma. With five of us channeling one, we have no idea what will happen."

“The smokescreen is nearly up,” said Luna, stepping to the front. “We have one shot! Make ready!”

Celestia pushed Luna aside. “I shall be the conduit for your magical energies. It is the biggest burden, and I am the strongest."

Luna’s voice reverted to her gentler tone. “No, dearest sister.”

“No, Luna, I must do this,” said Celestia determinately.

“But sister,” Luna exclaimed, “we’ve just re-connected!”

Celestia stomped her hooves onto the ground, causing fissures of energy to form all around them. “This isn’t a Republic! I give the orders!” She assumed a central position in the magical array.

“Princess, you can’t do this!” Twilight exclaimed.

Celestia closed her eyes and said calmly: “The fact you still acknowledge me as your superior means I must. Twilight Sparkle, there is a lesson here for you. A ruler is as much subject to their people as they are beholden to their ruler. It is my responsibility.”

They were interrupted when a Pegasus crashed onto the ground in front of them. “You mustn’t shoot down the Zebra ships!” cried Den.

Two squads of Wonderbolts began flying in a cyclone. Griffins protected the open bomb bay doors with a torrent of arrows. Arrows and dropping bombs from underneath the Griffin War Wing withered the ranks to but a few Pegasus flyers.

“We can’t do this!” cried Soarin, flapping his wings furiously.

“We’re almost there! Keep at it,” cried Spitfire, gritting her teeth as she flapped harder.

Spitfire and Soarin finished creating the tornado as a few more of their comrades fell. The tunnel of wind smashed into the Griffin War Wing, causing it to turn right into a collision course with the wall of the mountain pass.

Royal Guards and Pegasus flyers whooped triumphantly at their apparent victory. However, their smiles and cheers quickly faded when a magical green shield appeared on the side of the airship. The magical barrier cushioned the War Wing and prevented it from hitting the side of the valley. The War Wing rebounded back into position.

After crashing atop a mountain plateau, Spitfire and Soarin panted heavily. Spitfire winced in pain from a now-mangled wing.

“They have magic!” said Soarin. “All is lost." Soarin tried to stand, but his broken right foreleg gave under his weight.

Spitfire looked towards the end of the valley. “No. There is one last hope.”

The white, bright cutting beam seared through the smokescreen. The first War Wing presented a green magical barrier. In a splash of green sparks, the beam penetrated the barrier. Explosions ruptured the hull of the ship.

The beam continued to the second War Wing. It sparked white and green as its energy struggled to break through the shield. Only seconds later it succeeded, and the second War Wing imploded.

The beam continued onward to the third airship. Again it sparked as the opposing energies fought for dominance; however, this time the beam flickered. The light faded, leaving the green defensive shield and the airship still intact.

Some Earth Pony troops ran hopelessly as the shadow of the airship overtook them. The crews abandoned their ballistae, throwing aside the ammunition they were loading. Soldiers under Blueberry’s command shoved past her, their discipline lost to abject fear. Unicorn beam teams gave up their fire and began meekly casting shields, which they cowered under.

“Celestia save us!” Blueberry said as she cringed and stared upwards at the third encroaching War Wing.

The War Wing’s bomb-bay doors opened. The angry humming of the War Wing’s engines drowned out all screams.

The humming briefly stopped, then resumed. The last of the War Wings reversed its propellers. Surviving Griffins shrieked and scurried to board the retreating ship.

The specter that the War Wing projected shrunk back, leaving in its wake a valley devastated by death’s shadow.