• Published 26th Apr 2013
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Hole Hearted - Akashic Brony

Den is a pegasus of the Equestrian Royal Guard. Echo is a high class infiltrator of the reviled changeling race. Can their love flourish in an Equestria under threat? Which bounds are stronger love or loyalty? What dark designs lurk in the backdrop?

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Chapter 17 The Whole Truth

Queen Chrysalis walked with her own squad of personal guards. At the end of the hallway was a white light that shone from the outside. She was intercepted a dozen steps from the balcony.

Husk and Arista stepped forward and blocked her at the corridor’s intersection. Other Changeling soldiers backed the two and emerged from side corridors and behind. Chrysalis’s guards were outnumbered by a dozen before they could even raise their spears. With spears to their necks, Chrysalis’s personal guards relinquished their own weapons.

“My Queen it is time we be informed as to your designs.” said Arista, glaring.

Chrysalis chuckled at the veiled threat. “You dare question me?”

Husk was more diplomatic and courteous. “No my Monarch, we are your most senior officers; we require knowledge of your plans in order to better serve you.”

Chrysalis moved a hoof. Husk, Arista, and their followers raised their spears swiftly but held nervously. “A multi prong attack on my shield, do you think you’ll get through? Your formation is a bit out of balance.” Chrysalis chuckled, pointing to a Changeling which was slightly out of place. The Changeling rebel in question gulped and then moved into proper place filling the gap.

Arista spoke boldly back. “We’re willing to make sacrifices.”

Husk looked at his Chrysalis pleadingly. “Let this happen with the least bit of suffering.”

Chrysalis smiled kindly, her usually intense stare was relaxed. “We have survived through sacrifice and suffering, but soon no more.”

Husk and Arista were disarmed by her marked shift in demeanor.

Arista was the first to regain composure. “We still don’t know your plans.”

Chrysalis spoke with soft words. “You will know. Every Changeling will.”

“Wait.” said Arista, stepping in front of Chrysalis.

Chrysalis looked out at the balcony. “They’re expecting a speech; do you intend to keep them waiting?”

Husk spoke sternly. “Alright, but afterwards you tell us your plans.”

“There will be no need. I will tell you now.”

Using her magic she gently nudged them aside, even placing a reassuring hoof on Husk’s shoulder. She walked past and through them to the balcony.

Throngs of Changeling soldiers and workers were arrayed in the courtyards below.

Chrysalis blasted her voice so that even the outer edges of the assembly could hear. “My brave children, our struggle is near its end! I know I have asked you to suffer. Your pain and hardship is our shared bond! I know some of you question my decision to seize Canterlot. Some even question our first invasion. You were looking for a city filled with food, yet I have you occupy a barren ruin. I tell you now we hold thrall the citizens of nation!”

There were questioning stares from the crowds.

“You are confused.” Chrysalis groaned and continued. “A lesson in geology, then. Equestria is a land rich in rare gemstones. Rocks are even farmed for them. This is because gemstones are manifested through the ambient magic in the land. The land’s ley lines converge here! Forgotten beneath Canterlot is the greatest deposit of magical gemstones in Equestria.”

There were more questioning stares from the crowds.

Chrysalis muttered under her breath. “Idiots.” She resumed projecting to the masses. “We are at the center the most massive magical array there has ever existed! Once activated we will harvest the energies of an entire nation, of an entire continent! We at the center will reap the benefits!”

Swarms of Changelings became wide eye in realization. There were scattered cheers that were growing.

“The dream of our fore-bearers will be realized. We will be whole! We will have substantiation! Follow me to this golden future! Serve me and we will never go hungry again!”

The cheering had become roaring. Then came the outcry. “In between larvae and fly! Hail Queen Chrysalis! Hail Queen Chrysalis.”

Chrysalis’s smiling face was forced. Her eyes watered. She muttered. “I love you all, my subjects.” Her words were not heard by a single soul in the cheering.

Hidden behind the curtains of the balcony, Husk and Arista murmured to themselves. The crowds’ roars reached them.

Arista sneered. “Such meaningless words and they’re swallowing it like sweet nectar.” She hissed violently. “As if words could feed them! What shall we do now?”

Husk sank down, defeated. “We harm a hair on her mane now and we shall never gain popular support.”

“Hey we haven’t acted yet. We can still salvage this… somehow.”

Husk bit down bitterly with his own fangs, piercing his lips, causing red to drip from his mouth. “Curses, she routes our revolution without spilling a drop of blood. I cannot avenge my wife this way… I cannot find her justice.”

“Princess Larvi, we can still follow her.”

“Still we shall follow,” Husk said, sighing. “I suppose it is at least a step toward the right direction.”

Den hopped around in his new sleek midnight blue suit. “This armor is awesome.” The plates had a dark shine and engraved line work.

“It’s made of chitin, it should be lighter than your heavy armor.” said Echo.

“Speed for protection? I’m not a Wonderbolt.”

“Well we danced before, I noticed you favored speed and maneuverability.”

“Dancing is what you call fighting?” Den smirked. “I supposed you’re right, it’s better to dodge than depend on the armor plate. Thanks for having this made for me. It’s very nice.”

Echo giggled. “You’re my Captain; it thought it would be appropriate that you were properly dressed.”

“This will also lend legitimacy to your claim if you have a Captain right?”

“Um you’re a Pegasus. I don’t think a Changeling Queen has ever had a Pegasus Captain.” said Echo.

Mandible entered the room. “Tell me about it. Dented Armor, why not broken armor?” said Mandible, sighing.

Echo stamped her hoof against the metal flooring. “Vice Captain Mandible, you will render your obedience! Dented Armor is my Captain; to question him is to question your Queen.”

Mandible stiffened and saluted. “Yes, my Queen.”

“Make ready, my troops. The formation has to be exact,” said Echo.

“It shall be done.” Mandible saluted again and exited.

“Did you have to be that harsh?”

“Den, Changeling Commanders can be challenged for their positions by the same rite I’m challenging my mother. You need make sure that your subordinates respect your ability if not your rank. You’re going to be my Captain.”

“Were you ever challenged?”

“Yup, once then never again. I beat her hard.” Echo grinned.

“That sort of policy seems rather cut throat. I think that’s the first thing we’re going to change. Respect should be mutual. Discipline shouldn’t be the only thing soldiers follow.”

Echo pouted. “You’re too soft.”

Den pecked Echo on the cheek. We don’t have to follow the ways of the past. Isn’t that why we’re doing this in the first place? You’re going to be my Queen.”

Echo blushed. “Let’s go, my Captain.”

Reagle, Zaza, and King Hawkmor stood on the bridge of the Griffin Flagship, the Valkyrie.

“Maybe Grimfeathers, ummm, this Chrysalis can be reasoned with.”

“Dad, that's not going to happen,” said Reagle.

“Son, never mind our arrangement with the Equestrians, why don't we throw in with Grimfeathers? Imagine it, Equestria could be ours. The odds are stacked up against us, why not pick the likelier side?”

“Helhiem’s gate, we're talking about this now?”

“Why not? We owe no loyalty to the Equestrians.”

Zaza spoke. “Okay, say if we take Equestria, could you keep it? A third of the population are unicorns capable of deadly magic. Funding the occupation force would bleed our coffers dry—” Zaza raised a hoof to stop Hawkmor’s reply. “—even with an occupation force supplemented by Zebra infantry.”

King Hawkmor raised a claw. “But all their Gems!”

The Zebra raised her hoof again, stopping Hawkmor. “—flooding our currency supply would devalue the currency of Griffin and Zebra nations through inflation. The Griffin and Zebra monopoly would collapse. It would lead to economic ruination.”

The giant Griffin’s mouth was agape.

Zaza sighed. “A simpler explanation is when a tribe trades in sea shells suddenly—”

“Zaza, dad understands. He’s just didn’t expect that from you.” said Reagle, smiling.

Hawkmor poked his son on the shoulder. “Your wife is very perceptive.”

“Let’s continue with the plan.” said Zaza.

Chrysalis and her officers stood facing a map of Equestria. Red x marks covered cities surrounding Canterlot. Husk and Arista had subdued postures as they entered.

Chrysalis barked. “Give me a progress report!”

Arista replied. “The search for Celestia continues.”

“Incompetence,” Chrysalis spat.

A Changeling messenger bowed before Chrysalis. “My Queen, it's the Valkyrie and two War Wing escorts. King Hawkmor is aboard. The correct pass-phrase has been provided by his handler Lieutenant Mandible.”

Chrysalis rubbed her forehead with a hoof. She groaned. “Bring that foolish Griffin to me. It is time he be put down.”

“My Queen, Hawkmor is allied with us.”

“I have no need of allies. All tools to my final goal have served their purposes.”

Husk raised a brow ridge. “My Queen, the command of the Griffin Kingdoms is decisive. What future do you have planned for our people that you abandon such an asset?”

The dark Queen smiled. “Captain Husk, despite your clumsily assembled opposition you remain alive because you are more useful than trouble. Tip that scale again, I dare you—” Her eyes scanned the room. “—any of you.”

The boarding ramp of the Valkyrie extended, the welcoming reception of Changeling soldiers were surprised when Echo and Den walked down.

“The rebel Princess, seize her!” shouted one soldier.

Echo’s horn sparked for a moment. All the soldiers that had raised spears dropped them as they crumpled over into fetal positions.

Arista gasped. “That attack.”

Echo beamed as she strolled next her fellow Changeling. “You are Husk’s lieutenant.”

The wingless changeling shuffled to bow. “Yes, Arista at your service.”

Den offered a hoof. “Pleasure to meet you.”

Arista cautiously bumped hooves with the Pegasus.

Echo turned to Arista. “How many supporters did you and Husk secure?”

“We had a third but after Chrysalis’ speech we were reduced to less than a fourth,” said Arista.

“How will we recognized them?” asked Den.

“Green eyes.” said Arista, pointing to her own.

Den walked beside Echo to the Canterlot steps led by Arista. The white marble way was flanked by rows upon rows of dark armored Changeling troops. The masses of Changelings directed their snarls at Den. Some noticed his black armor and tilted their heads in confusion.

At the end of the line awaited Chrysalis from atop the steps to the palace. Her face only flickered in surprise for a moment before contorting into a scowl.

She narrowed her eyes. “Daughter.”

Echo growled in reply. “Mother.”

“You might have lived out your days with your pet if you ran away.”

“I have taken the Ascendency Rite!” Echo declared.

“You lie. The trials are impossible.” said Chrysalis flatly.

Echo ignored Chrysalis and instead spoke to her fellow changelings as she spoke to Chrysalis. She shouted so that other changelings could hear. “Under your leadership, you killed two thirds of the worker caste! You are unfit to rule.” Echo turned to soldiers. “By the ancient codes set forth since Queen Gossamer, I challenge you, Chrysalis, to a duel for title!”

“Daughter, your request for a duel has been denied.” said Chrysalis.

“You have no right to refuse.”

Chrysalis chuckled. “You have much to learn of the world and its cruelties. Might makes right. I expected better from you.”

“I didn’t think you would play fair, so neither will I.” She shouted again to arrayed rows of Changelings. “My fellow Changelings, those of you loyal to our true cause, stand by me now! I promise substantiation!” Echo shouted.

Her speech was met with no response from the assembled Changeling troops.

Chrysalis feigned a yawn. “I have promised them the same. I offered them the energy of an entire nation.

Den murmured quietly. “An entire nation?”

The Changeling Queen laughed. “Your coup has failed; you are without supporters.”

“We stand behind the new Queen!” Husk and Arista and several squads of soldiers walked to Echo’s side.

Chrysalis scoffed. “I offered you substantiation. I have a proven method.”

“Yeah, my dead wife is proof enough.” Husk snarled.

“Your deaths are assured. Your numbers are still paltry.” said Chrysalis.

Echo smirked. “Is that so? I have friends!”

She fired her horn. The light blinded the Changelings. When their eyes adjusted, several platoons of Royal Guards, Zebras, and Griffins had appeared armed and ready to spring.

Den shouted. “Attack! Capture Chrysalis!”

Chrysalis threw several soldiers in front of her. “Defend me you fools!”

She lifted one cowering Changeling and tossed him into the fray. The Changeling screamed as he sailed across the sky, bowling over several Royal Guards. “My Queeeeeeen!”

Other Changeling soldiers jumped to outcropped positions on the Canterlot steps. They transformed into dark Griffins and jumped behind strange crossbow mechanisms. Rotating the cranks, they fired the devices. Bolts spat from the machines.

“Take cover!” shouted Husk.

Echo and Den ducked behind giant potted plants that provided moderate cover.

He looked at the reflected image on the blade of his spear. The wooden contraption spat out death. Fallen bodies bled red onto the white marble way. “Automatic crossbows, Reagle said we might have to contend with those.”

Arista snarled. “Curses, our insider amongst the crossbow crews has betrayed us. Those machines were supposed to have disabled.”

“Can we flank them?” asked Echo.

Husk shook his head. “No, it’s the only way into the castle. The other approaches have been sealed. An aerial assault is not possible with more those emplacements guarding the entry balconies.”

“I may know a way,” said Den.

“Where how?” asked Echo.

Den looked at Echo. “Our first date, I took you on a castle tour. Do you remember how I got us in?”

Echo gasped. She kissed Den on the cheek. “The secret passage!”

Husk and Arista looked at them with confusion. “What shall we do?”

Echo instructed. “We shall assault the castle.” She gesture a hoof to Den and herself. “There’s better mission for you. Have several squads of yours revert back to blue eyes. Have them blend back into the enemy ranks.”

Den pointed to several spires with his wing tips. “Send those soldiers to knock out ground to air communications. We want the battle below to be as confusing as possible so that they don’t single us out and bomb us.”

Husk nodded. “I’ll see to it personally.”

“There’s a commotion on the ground. Magical explosions, definitely.” said a Griffin deck officer looking on with a telescope.

Reagle rose from his seat.“That’s our signal. Immediately target their guide rudders.” He pointed to several enemy War Wings with his claws. “Those ships alone!”

King Hawkmor rubbed his beak, worriedly. “Shouldn’t we target the airships already in position to attack us? Guide rudders, they’re the least vital part of the ships. They’ll be able to repair them easily and in battle.”

“Their guide rudders should be easier to destroy than their entire ships. We’re sunk if they swarm us,” said Zaza, “It is better we delay their entry in the battle.”

The Valkyrie and her two escort airships opened their gun ports, and adjusted their turrets. As they reversed away from the enemy formation, their guns erupted.

Several Changeling officers saluted as Queen Chrysalis entered her War Room. Changelings shuffled setting pieces upon their map.

A Changeling officer looked at the black and white pawns on the map intermixed. “My Queen, rebel factions have appeared within our ranks. The enemies that have teleported in are too close to bomb with the War Wings.”

Another Changeling gritted its teeth. “King Hawkmor and his three ships, they’ve turned on us. Three of our own ships have lost directional control.”

Chrysalis groaned feeling her forehead. “Bothersome insects, have our disabled ships launch fliers to board and capture the enemy ships.”

A messenger ran into the room. “Princess Larvi has gotten past the castle’s outer wall! Her troops are pouring in!”

“At the rate of her advance she’ll reach us in—”

Chrysalis began laughing. Everyone in the room recoiled, remembering the last time.

“My Queen?”

In between her maniacal cackling she spoke. “Why did I not think of it before?” She smiled and closed her eyes, absorbed in her laughter.

One Changeling whispered. “If she doesn’t give an order, I’m joining the rebels.”

Chrysalis levitated the king chess piece on the map. “Move our command center to soldier barracks. Have five of our airships pursue the enemy.”

“Yes my Queen.”

Dramatically she cleared pawns from castle part of the map. “Withdraw my personal guards from the castle. Let little Princess Larvi come!”

“My Queen, she’s after your life.”

“I know.” Chrysalis smiled, pushing the white queen piece against the black queen piece.

Aboard the Valkyrie, King Hawkmor took a backseat as he watched proudly.

“From the observation deck, counting four Enemy War Wings have deployed air mobiles. They’re trying to board us.” said a Griffin officer.

Zaza shouted. “Have them taste our Zebra flak cannons! Load the canister shot!”

Zebra soldiers aboard fired cannons affixed to the landing hangers of the Valkyrie. Peppered with flying shrapnel, the cloud of enemy fliers dispersed in the sky.

“They won’t try that again,” said Zaza.

“Now,” Reagle directed with sword. “Target their most forward ship. Retaliate with our main cannons!”

The Valkyrie and her two escorts blasted their turret guns. The heavy barrage was concentrated towards a single enemy War Wing, astonishingly the enemy ship’s shield held. The cannonballs cascaded and were deflected by the barrier.

King Hawkmor looked worriedly. “Their shields can’t be that powerful. How now can they deflect our fire?”

Mandible arose to answer. “They’re focusing on the front protection, our guns won’t get through.”

“Just what we want,” said Zaza, smiling.

Aboard the Thunderhead, Blue sat in the captain’s chair. She spun in the seat impatiently.

A Pegasus Royal Guard saluted. “A message from Cloudsdale, the Weather Factory is working at full production. The fog of war will shroud us.”

“Cool, we’ll be ready soon.” said Blue.

A Unicorn Guards-pony bit his hoof. “Commander Blueberry Frost, this plan is still incredibly risky.”

Blue declared. “Don’t worry, we have da elements!”

Heads on the command bridge were turned. “The Elements of Harmony?! They’re with us?”

“I thought the avatars of Harmony were captured with Canterlot. This is great news!” said another crew member.

She shook her head. “Nope! We don’t got dem.”

“There goes hope.” Exasperated sighs and dejected looks filled the room.

“We’ve got somethin’ better! We’ve got da element of surprise! I think wind is also an element.” Blue looked quizzically off in the distance, lost in her head. “Cannon fire counts as the fire element right?”

“We’re following a mad mare—”

Blue shot up from her seat. “Don’t ya forget it! Forward, we attack!”

From the fog emerged the Thunderhead, the massive airship immediately joined the battle. It’s smaller Zebra counterpart also entered the fray. The first volley of the ships knocked out the engines of three War Wings.

Changeling troops continued firing their automatic crossbows. The steps to the Canterlot Castle were littered with the bodies of soldiers that attempted to assault the battlements.

“More bolts!” hissed a Changeling as she manipulated the weapon’s crank. She turned and gulped.

Echo’s horned glowed. The blast sent the crossbow crews tumbling down the white marble steps.

Den waved a wing to their soldiers taking cover. “Advance!”

The alliance of Griffins, Zebras, ponies, and rebel Changelings flooded into the castle. Immediately the empty hallways unnerved them.

“Where is the enemy?” asked a Griffin.

A Royal Guard replied. “I do not like this… it reminds of the trap at the prison castle.”

A Zebra shuddered. “I have still have nightmares of Anavrin.”

“You two survived that?” asked a rebel Changeling.

The Royal Guard spat. “No thanks to your kind.”

“Hey!” hissed several rebel Changelings.

Den saw the argument beginning to brew in the left flank. He quickly flew over. “Let’s save the infighting for after the real fighting. Remember our goal.”

The diverse group nodded in compliance.

“What’s going on? The enemy keep should be the most heavily defended.” asked a Griffin soldier.

Echo replied. “We are being invited.”

Chrysalis walked to the center of main council room, the massive auditorium with a concentric circle of tables radiating outwards from the clear open area in the middle. She levitated an iron strong box to the center. Even through the cold, the warmth of the Crystal Heart gem could be felt.

Chrysalis murmured to herself as she worked. “Curses, the scepter is two parts! The gem is worthless without the staff of focus.” She opened the box, letting the Crystal Heart float upwards to be immediately locked in place by dark crystals summoned by her horn. She growled. “I need another point to the star and a conduit.”

A Changeling officer burst through the council room chamber doors.

“My Queen, the enemy has come!”

“I told you fools to let them,” Chrysalis snarled.

The officer bowed, touching a hoof to his heart. “We loyalists shall defend you to the last.”

“What is your name soldier? You seem familiar.” Chrysalis smiled.

“I am Chitin-no. It was so long ago, you would not remember me but you saved my life during famine… I know you used your life energy to do so.”

The dark Queen’s eye relaxed. She approached the soldier bending her head to his level. “You remind me so much of him… soldier would you do anything to protect me?”

The smaller Changeling blushed as his Queen’s breath hit him. “I swear it by the monarchs of old, dead and cold.”

Chrysalis raised a brow at the mention of ‘monarchs dead and cold’.

He bowed looking away. “It’s a common saying amongst the ranks. Poor choice of words, I meant I would do anything.”

“Kiss me.”

The battle above the skies was waged in fierce fervor. The giant airships, the Valkyrie and the Thunderhead fired against five enemy War Wings clustered together.

Aboard the Thunderhead, Blue was sunk in her captain’s chair chewing her hooves.

A group of ponies swamped Blue with battle updates and concerns. Blue hugged her seat.

“They recovered far too quickly.”

“They’re rotating their ships so we’re always fighting a fresh shield.”

“We’re running out ammunition. The firepower is not enough.”

“The left ballast is bleeding.”

Blue stamped a hoof onto the metal flooring. “Keep at it! We just need to disable them.”

“Hey kid, need help?” A yellow Pegasus with a fiery mane in a blue flight uniform stepped onto the bridge. Her wings were still in splints. She was assisted by her partner, another Pegasus, this one blue with a blackish mane.

“Spitfire! Soarin! Whatcha doing here?” asked Blue, quizzically.

“Look,” smiled Spitfire.

Outside the window a section of the fog lifted. Another ship like the Thunderhead appeared. The other giant warship joined in as the Thunderhead and Valkyrie unleashed another volley. The combined might of the three greater warships, shattered a shield. The blasts destroyed the engine blocks of the War Wing under assault.

“The S.S. Glorious Dawn isn’t complete!” said Blue.

“We got it half complete,” said Soarin, smirking.

The Glorious Dawn turned towards them. On its right side was wiring and metal scaffolding. The frame work of the ship showed bare and naked.

Spitfire nodded. “She’s very lopsided but the left armor has been fully fitted and gun decks on the left have been furnished.”

“Awesome! We can win this!” Blue cheered.

A Pegasus messenger entered the bridge. “The three other enemy War Wings have mobilized! They’re moving to join the battle!”

“Blargh!” Blue jumped up from her chair.

Den and Echo crashed through into the council chamber with Echo searing through the door. As they entered the doorway a green energy field pulsed. They felt the tingling sensation of its power. Den immediately turned to see the soldiers behind them stopped by the shield.

“Sir, we can’t get through.” said a Royal Guard.

“See if you can get around, they might not spend energy to seal every entryway.” said Den.

Echo’s eyes were focused to front of her.

Chrysalis was kissing a Changeling soldier. The soldier’s eyes widened. As their lips parted the soldier fell limp unto the ground.

“You’re sapping your own guards for energy now?!”

“Daughter,” Chrysalis addressed calmly.

“I’m no daughter of yours, monster,” Echo declared.

“Monster? We are all monsters, and forever we shall be. You seek to cure our people’s condition, don’t you? I have searched for the answer my entire life. Upon the dying breaths of my mother, she told me that it was a lie... told to her by her mother… so on from the first Queen.” said Chrysalis.

“What?” Den and Echo said flatly.

“My dearest daughter, it is falsehood. There is a no curse; it is our nature, the Changeling nature.”

Echo kept shaking her head. “But you… it is foretold with enough magic we could…”

Den countered. “The last page of your people’s great book, it’s torn. You have it!”

“The last page was blank; I tore it out in rage,” Chrysalis said sadly.

“Why?!” came Echo’s cry.

“Substantiation was the noble lie told to keep our people together after the races of ponies had united to drive us beneath the surface. Now, even if we conquered all of Equestria, in several generations’ time all that will not be enough to satisfy our want… The hole in our hearts shall never be filled. This is the essence of pure despair!” Chrysalis laughed with a hallow reverb that rang into the soul.

Den gritted his teeth. “If you’ve been lying about the true goal to your people, what in Tartarus do you really have planned then?”

Chrysalis smiled. “Life is suffering. We can only temporarily dull the pain. The anesthetic is priceless. I shall pay that price.”

Still shaking slightly, Echo had recovered enough to speak. “For what? What’s worth that?”

For a moment the fury and cynicism disappeared from Chrysalis’s voice. “A lost love.”

Echo’s ears perked up. “That’s sentimental of you—” A skeptical brow was raised. “—unbelievably so.”

She admitted. “It was not the original plan… that has become another price I am willing to pay.”

Den caught on. “It’s the price isn’t it?”

“Nothing else matters. Enough meaningless talk!” Her horn sparked nefariously. “Let the nihilism flow! Feel it now!”

Dark green energy began eating at their vision, all else started to fade.

Echo shouted. “Don’t look away, it’s an emotive attack!”

The three great ships, the Thunderhead, the Glorious Dawn, and the Valkyrie blasted yet another Changeling shield apart. The exposed warship’s engines were blown apart. The counter fire from the cluster of War Wings knocked rippled through hulls of the Valkyrie’s two escort ships.

Reagle and Zaza stood poised on the command deck of the Valkyrie.

“They’re using the crippled ones as shields; it is as if we haven’t made a difference. Can we finish them before the enemy’s reinforcements arrive?” asked King Hawkmor.

“War Wings One and Two are using remaining lift to land. Our escorts are down.” cried a communications officer.

Reagle bit his beak. “Bloody helhiem.”

“The other three enemy airships are nearly in range!”

Reagle rubbed his talons against his beak. The Griffin spoke nervously. “Okay we can still deal with this. Maybe we can regroup and recoup.”

Zaza pointed with a hoof. “Wait, they aren’t forming a pincer maneuver. They’re joining the center mass.”

The three War Wings from Canterlot flew into the formation of the other five. As they entered the shield array the ships fired. Three enemy airships were immediately disabled. The leader of the group of Canterlot War Wings began immediately flashing their signal lights.

Mandible gave a Changeling chirp. “It’s Husk and Arista. Those ships belong to the rebel faction.”

“The rebels!” said Reagle.

“Huzzah! We’ve won the day!” King Hawkmor raised a victorious claw.

“The skies belong to us!” Zaza hugged Reagle.

Aboard the Thunderhead, Blue hopped happily about. Her enthusiasm was infectious and other crew members got up from their seats.

“Woooo we did it!” Blue hugged one crew member after another.

Spitfire looked through a spyglass. “Signals from the War Wings, they’re surrendering.”

The council chamber had disappeared in their minds. Coldness from within and without robbed them of warmth. Den and Echo backed up next to each other. The howls and screams of the dead and dying filled their ears. Visions of countless corpses invaded their minds. The ruins of greater civilizations, blood soaked battlefields, and the decay of the ages, assaulted them in a great wave. The tide was rolling in and withering the rock of their faith.

“What is this?!” cried Den.

“It’s pure despair, the ultimate emotive attack. I only ever survived it! I do not believe it can be overcome,” said Echo, shivered to the soul.

Despite doubt Den spoke. “I fought fear from your father, Amorpheus. We can do this!” He nudged next to her trying to prop her up her shaking body.

“The Changeling people are doomed, Chrysalis said so. It is our nature!”

“We’ve proven otherwise? Haven’t we?”

“There is no substantiation, there’s no hope.”

“Stop thinking about that!”

“Den, I’m sorry I’m not strong enough!” Echo wailed as she staggered.

“Yes you are! Think of our love!”

“Forgive me.” Echo fell back as she averted her eyes from the streaming horrors.

He panicked as he felt no warmth from Echo. “No!” Den followed Echo and turned towards her.

The advancing coldness swallowed them up as she looked away.

Atop the mountain city, a glow began spreading until the cracks and contours of the mountain itself glowed. Lines of light began coursing through the landscape seeming to shatter the glass of reality. From the cracks hungering tendrils of dark green light reached forth towards the sky.

Aboard the Valkyrie, celebratory glasses of wine were dropped as the light penetrated the windows.

Zaza stamped her hoof. “Back to battle stations!” She jumped to the steering column and pulled it violently. “All ships disengage ballasts! Climb! Climb! Get us out of the area of affect!”

Reagle grit his beak. “We’ve won the battle, but I fear we have lost the war. This cannot be escaped.”

“What’s going on there?” asked King Hawkmor.

Mandible placed his hooves over his head. “I don’t want to die!” The Changeling ran out of the bridge.

“Where’s that bugger going, there’s nowhere to run,” Reagle remarked, calmly picking up his wine glass. He downed the drink then pulled Zaza close while she was in the middle of shouting orders.

“Reagle?!” Zaza blurted as he tumbled atop of her.

“When the world’s ending, why fret when there’s infinitely better things to do.” he said, kissing her.

“You pervert,” said Zaza, affectionately, before kissing him back.

King Hawkmor coughed before looking away, as did the rest of the crew.

Den stirred to find Chrysalis happily humming as she worked. Lines carved into the floor had already begun pulsing with power. Using her magic she levitated several cocoons into position. Inside were the sleeping bodies of ponies. Den recognized one of them to be the element bearer of magic.

His awakened mind immediately jumped to his last sight of the mare beside him disappearing into the darkness. “Echo!” He shouted as he looked at the crumpled body next to him. He jumped up and shook her to no avail.

“So you survived that?” Chrysalis gasped in surprise. She stopped her work for a moment.

Den pointed his lance at the dark Queen. “Undo the spell!”

“Ironic, she might have overcome my attack if she did not know the truth about our people.”

“So what? Our relationship started on a lie but I know a truth. I love her and she loves me.”

Chrysalis gave an amused look. “Yes, you may love the parasite but the leech loves only the blood it may draw from you. Her love for you shall always be fettered by that fact. Her love is weak.”

“Who are you to call our bound weak?”

“Changelings can feel only cold from one another. We are forever left in doubt because we cannot sense the emotions of our own. Yet he loved me the same. My Amorpheus…”

“I’m not a unicorn, I can’t sense Echo’s feelings, yet I love her. I’m not here to debate philosophy with you! You bring her back!” Den readied his lance bending his legs for and stretching his wings.

Chrysalis snorted. “Bah, you’re powerless anyway. Your threat is emptier than the hole in my heart.” She continued levitated a cocoon in to position.

“I know your plan, I read up on magical rays after your trap in Anavrin. You’re using live ponies as the points in your star formation. You require another point, another pony.” Den pointed his lance at Echo.

The Changeling Empress was impressed her grin widened as she turned her attention fully onto Den. “You grow ever more interesting. I can tell though your stance is weak. You are bluffing.”

He gave a crazed smile. Den redirected his lance at one of the cocoons where a white stallion lay. “He cheated off my written reports at the academy. I never did like Shining Armor.”

Chrysalis chortled. “Neither did I! Not my tastes in partners. The time masquerading as his wife was insufferable.”

He tensed his body. “I’m serious, I will kill him. Then your plan is bust. Infantry will eventually break past your barrier and our army will overwhelm even you.”

She stopped her laughter. “It would be your last act alive; afterwards the incomplete array is still enough to destroy this miserable city.”

“The incomplete array wouldn’t work for what you want,” He sharpened his eyes countering.

“Were words weapons , then I would say touché. I see your point, we are at a stalemate.”

There for a moment they locked eyes neither moved bound by their convictions.

“You who have betrayed your pony kind to be with my daughter, would you trade the world to be with the one you love?” Chrysalis asked.

Den struggled to reply as the depth of his resolve was tested.

“I have an offer for you. I need only my daughter’s mana reserves for the array to work. I will permit you both to live, if you give me Equestria. You needn’t do a thing. I can take your silence as compliance.”

He spoke to himself. “This is the part of the epic poem where the hero refuses the last temptation. The knight surrenders worldly attachments for the greater good. Open to him then are the heavenly rewards in the Celestial Plane.”

Chrysalis nodded. “A literate Pegasus! I have now truly seen it all. I wondered why my daughter, Larvi, loves you.” She smiled. “You can act according to that script—”

He words chilled. “—however know that of all things waiting for you, she will not be in the Celestial Plane. My daughter is a vile thing; paradise is not for the corrupted.”

“What would take greater courage?” Den’s face was twisted with pain. “What is even right?”

Chrysalis laughed, lightly. “Are you asking me? Aren’t I your enemy?”

He glowered at her. “You mock me?”

“No, I was where you are now. I devoted my life to my subjects and some sort of greater good. Many even called me a hero, the Warrior Princess.”

Den narrowed his eyes skeptically.

“Surprising, I know.” Chrysalis rolled her eyes.

“What happened then to make you what you are today? What was your choice?”

Her eyes became unfocused as if staring at a far off invisible horizon. “I defeated my sisters’ selfish bids for the throne. I and Amorpheus, we overthrew my mother the tyrant queen. Too hastily, I accepted the mantle of responsibility and became monarch and master of my people’s destiny. Yet loneliness and despair was all that I was met with. My crown became thorny, my heart-heavy, and now all the power means nothing.”

“Ironic, you fought the power then became it. I had in my mind, you were a monster. I suppose it is a matter of perspective. I cannot judge you.”

“Make your choice. Remember she cannot walk with you along the ‘high’ road.”

The strength he used to overcome pure despair was spent. His hope in hell had been turned upside down. Tears streamed from his eyes. He pulled from the nothingness, an unknown resolve. He broke through it and stood taller yet felt lower. The great weight threatened to pull him into the abyss. He realized long ago beyond even his control his heart had made its choice.

“I am not a shining example. I am no hero. My armor is dented. I accept.”

The Chrysalis’ brow ridge rose in surprise then her expression softened. “You truly care for her, don’t you? For a moment, I am envious of my daughter.”

“Shut up, demon.”

“Demon? I should call you that. You have my blessing. Welcome to the family.”

Author's Note:

Husk and Arista