• Published 26th Apr 2013
  • 4,634 Views, 136 Comments

Hole Hearted - Akashic Brony

Den is a pegasus of the Equestrian Royal Guard. Echo is a high class infiltrator of the reviled changeling race. Can their love flourish in an Equestria under threat? Which bounds are stronger love or loyalty? What dark designs lurk in the backdrop?

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Chapter 14 Sun Swallower

A huge city is covered in a dome of fire. The crystals poking out of the shield shatter as War Wings dropped their pay loads. Barrels and barrels of explosives are pushed off from the bomb bays by Griffin soldiers.

“My Queen their shield holds," said a Changeling officer.

Chrysalis stared outside of the window as the shield began flickering. “It will not be for long. Then I will have the most powerful magical conduit ever. Continue the bombardment.” Chrysalis laughed.

“Yes, My Queen.” saluted the Changeling officer.

“How goes the search for my traitorous daughter?” asked Chrysalis.

“Unsuccessful, we have scoured the skies and lands to no avail," said the Changeling officer.

“Commander Husk, is it not? You served my daughter didn’t you?”

“…Yes, I served Princess Larvi," said Husk.

“She is a Princess no longer! In between the larvae and the fly, where do your loyalties lie?!” said Chrysalis her horn glowing white hot.

“All Hail Queen Chrysalis!” said Husk saluting.

“You may go," said Chrysalis.

“Yes my monarch," said Husk.

Chrysalis waved a hoof as Husk was almost completely out. “-And Husk, continuing the bombing a little longer even after their shield is down," said Chrysalis.

In the final chamber Den and Echo flicked through the pages over and over again searching for a footnote or any allusion to the final page.

“There’s no hint of what was to come. There’s build up but no payoff.” Den groaned.

“I want a damn answer!” said Echo angrily at the tome. “I’m going to risk feeding it a little more. Slap me unconscious if I can’t stop," said Echo.

Den nodded.

Echo sent another jolt of energy into the book. Echo’s eyes became white as she continued pouring energy.

Den shook Echo. She did not respond. “I’m sorry.” Finally fearfully Den slapped Echo.

Echo disconnected and she blinked. “Thanks, Den. Argh that book is greedy.”

Light beamed from the tome. The light took form. An image appeared before them of a grand Alicorn with flowing purple mane and a deep ebony coat. The majesty of her vision was splendiferous and awe inspiring. Even with no wind her mane seemed to flow regardless. The grandness of the vision was a rival to that of Luna or even that of Celestia.

“Greetings child, I am Chitania Queen of the First Ones.” spoke a regal voice.

“Whoa that’s an awesome illusion," said Den.

“She looks beautiful. I don’t believe this how the First One looked.” Echo pouted.

“True child, this is my image before corruption took," said Chitania (Ki-tan-nia).

Echo and Den jumped back.

“It’s talking to us!” said Den turning his head to Echo.

Chitania arched her head towards Den. “Who are you? Why is a pony in this hallowed chamber?” asked Chitania.

Echo stood tall matching the Queen’s gaze. “I am Echo to be Ascendant Queen of the Changeling People; he is my Captain Dented Armor. I love him-” said Echo.

“- And I love her," said Den.

The Alicorn spoke. “My child, this is unprecedented," said Chitania.

“Anyway, we haven’t time. Tell us of substantiation!” Echo shouted.

Chitania looked pain. “The scope of my understanding is limited to knowledge to this tome.”

“We’re talking to a glossary then?” said Den chuckling.

“It is so and it is no. I am an essence of the First One," said Chitania.

“What about the missing page?” said Echo infuriated.

“I read once the pirate captains used to jealously guard the last pieces of treasure maps so that their crews wouldn’t mutiny," said Den.

“You think my mother stole that page?” Echo nodded in realization. “You’re right she has the map to our people’s destiny… It’s the ultimate control.”

“How do you intend to have her give up the coordinates?” asked Den.

“I’ve got a plan. I’m going to ask.” Echo beamed deviously. “Not too kindly either.”

“Let’s get going then," said Den.

“Prithee wait a moment," said Chitania. “In my time there was only darkness and despair. However hope of a tomorrow can overcome any sorrow. You must fight pure despair.”

Echo nodded dismissively. “Yeah, I did that once. It was my coronation," said Echo scoffing as she turned tail.

Den and Echo left the chamber and the door shut closed to the tome. The fair form of the alicorn dissipated in infernal blue flames, red eyes shone in scarce light. There was an aphotic body with many holes that bore into its shadowy figure. Her mane was tattered and colored blood crimson. The vision of the true Chitania gave a cruel chuckle.

They defy destiny and design

What fools traipse before me

Pain to this heart of mine

Why then do I covet and envy?

Emptiness, I know love is hollow

The poets profess it to be blind

Nothingness, life is but a shadow

How strong then bonds that bind?

Corruption, nothing is left pure

It hungers and swallows forth the day

Darkness, all is devoured in despair

All are but actors in this cruel play!

The thirst, that is to live

I am awaken, eyes wide

I shall not forget or forgive

All shall drown in a red tide!

Incorporeal became flesh as the being of pure darkness stepped forward setting hoof to stone. The room glowed blue for a moment then the flame was extinguished.

The council chamber was again deathly silent.

“Why did we not foresee this?” said Twilight.

Blueberry placed her hooves on Reagle’s shoulders and shook the Griffin. “Why didn’t you tell us that those War Wings had that range?!”

Reagle stepped back and straightened his collar. “Our War Wings don’t have that sort of range. Unless they plan to resupply here they haven’t the fuel reserves to return to the Griffin Isles.”

Zaza spoke. “They must mean for an occupation then. They have enough fuel to strike Canterlot.”

“The Royal Guard can at least hold them off for a while," said Shining Armor.

“The plains between the Crystal Empire and Canterlot are indefensible. The Royal Guard can’t fight in the open. I will not permit you to sacrifice yourself, Shining Armor or Blueberry Frost," said Luna.

Luna’s voice boomed. “Evacuate the Capital! Have our ships help citizens escape. I have a plan!” Her demeanor was confident as to conceal a second of doubt that flashed upon her face.

A nation sinks into gray. Ponies lowered their heads bowing in abject terror. The shine from even the crystals is eradicated. A heart shaped metal box is brought before Chrysalis. Even encased in metal love’s light shone through the container.

“My Queen, we bring you the Crystal Heart. It was defended to the last pony. We lost squads," said Husk somberly.

“I no longer care for cost.” Queen Chrysalis laughed as she placed a hoof on the box. “All going according to plan! Muster the War Wings.”

Another changeling officer approached. This officer was different in that she had no wings. “My monarch, the worker caste is overtaxed. Could we be permitted to feed and replenish our reserves?”

“Worker worm, how dare you interrupt my moment of triumph?” said Chrysalis.

“I was promoted to soldier caste. I was only speaking out of concern for my former caste mates. They are near collapse constantly stoking the fires of the War Wing engines. The brainwashed Griffins are unable to do the fine work themselves. The worker caste has had to bear the entire burden," said the officer.

“They are workers it is your function. Who promoted you anyway?” growled Chrysalis.

“Commander Amorpheus promoted me," said the officer.

“…” Chrysalis grew silent for a moment. Chrysalis then recovered. “Back to you duties or I’ll demote you.”

The flightless officer grumbled under her breath. “The labor shortage would be so… if you hadn’t killed off so many of us.”

“What was that?!” cried Chrysalis her horn glowing threateningly.

Husk stepped forward. “Arista, is obviously exhausted! Her squad helped capture the heart.”

Chrysalis scowled. “We invade Canterlot!”

Luna stood by a grand bed in Celestia’s room. She looked at the serene body of her sleeping sister.

“Why can I not enter your dreams sister? Why don’t you speak to me? Hast thou forsaken me?” Luna soaked the bedding with her tears.

“Luna, I miss her too.” Twilight walked into the room. The lavender mare surprised Luna by hugging her.

“Twilight Sparkle, it was you who freed me from the darkness. Words cannot express my gratitude. It is with greatest sorrow that I must now undo what you have done.”

“Princess Luna? What are you saying?!” asked Twilight.

“A shard of corruption remains still in my heart. With it comes the promise the power, a power enough to save Equestria entire. This is my plan," said Luna.

“Luna, you can’t!” Twilight gasped.

There was almost imperceptible deceit in her words. “There is no cause for concern with the elements you can free me again. It will only temporary.”

Twilight caught the tone. “Luna there’s something you’re not telling me!”

Luna spoke kindly. “Twilight, I ask you do not inquire any further.”

“Using the Elements on you a second time will kill you, won’t it?” asked Twilight.

“It may," said Luna.

“Please don’t do it Luna," said voices behind the chamber door.

“Hark! Who goes there!” shouted Luna.

The crowd of ponies filed into the room one by one joining in the embrace. Pink pony leapt and squeezed them. She was followed by a white Unicorn, an orange Earth Pony, a cyan Pegasus, and a yellow Pegasus. Even a purple dragon joined the group. The dark blue alicorn at first was too overcome to return the hug.

“Thank you all. From banishing the darkness within me to your support today all of you have shown me such love and support," said Luna crying as she returned the affectionate gesture.

“Luna, you will always have us here for you," said Twilight.

At the Canterlot port, ponies scrambled onto passenger galleys of balloons. Blueberry directed her guards to help.

“Back away commoners!” a white Unicorn stallion with golden yellow hair was pushing ponies away from the boarding ramp his balloon yacht.

Blueberry galloped over. “What’s going on here?!”

“You there, Royal Guard defend me against this rowdy rabble! They’re trying to board my balloon!” the white stallion pointed a hoof.

Blueberry huffed in disbelief.

“What are you waiting for guard?! I am Prince Blueblood!” said the stallion.

“A Prince huh?! The Princesses are out there defending the lives of everyone and you’re worried about your own miserable hide!? How would you like to join the defense as cannon ammunition?!” Blueberry stomped toward the cowardly prince.

Blueblood cringed. “I suppose there’s room in my yacht for some commoners.” Blueblood chuckled nervously. “Come one come all," said Blueblood stepping out of the way.

A mare with foals passed him along with others as they boarded the fancy yacht. A yellow Pegasus with a fiery mane helped by another teal Pegasus greeted Blueberry.

“Good luck," said Spitfire.

“Hey, how have you two been?” asked Blueberry.

Spitfire turned to her side to show Blueberry the splint on her wing. “Still broken, but we’ve been helping evacuated the other injured from the hospitals. I heard you made Captain.”

“Yeah, my promotion was sudden and I’m not the best pony for the job but with will I can at least match skill," said Blueberry.

Soarin walked with a cast on his right foreleg. “Right on. Fight on!”

“You can do it kid," said Spitfire.

Blueberry sighed and turned about walking down the pier.

Reagle and Zaza were orchestrating their Zebra Zerkers to help load equipment onboard their striped airship. Cannon balls and powder kegs were hauled in by the Zebra workers. The pace of the work was organized yet frantic.

“What are you two doing? We need help with the evacuation," said Blue.

“We're going to get some extra support," said Reagle.

“It looks like you’re running away.” Blue pouted.

“Perish the thought, Blue one," said Zaza.

“If my father can be brought to his senses, there may be hope," said Reagle.

“Couldn’t you help out a little before you go? We really need help," said Blue tearfully. Blue pouted and made her eyes like a small foal.

Reagle and Zaza looked at each other quizzically.

Reagle sighed. “That is a rather convincing argument.”

“Alright Blue one we can delay our departure to help," said Zaza.

“Yay!” shouted Blue hugging the Griffin and Zebra.

A Griffin War Balloon sailed as its propellers spun to a blur. Hot steam radiated from the engine block.

“Can’t this thing go any faster?” asked Den.

“I think we’d explode," said Echo. Echo looked off worriedly.

“Hey, how you holding up? I mean you have to face your mother…” asked Den.

“Den, I’m scared I might fail or that I might succeed if that makes any sense," said Echo.

“I’ll be with you even in the aftermath. You can do this. Chrysalis needs to be stopped," said Den.

“I know but she’s been a part of my life for so long. As a nymph, she was that distant goal. I wanted be like her and be liked by her. Now I hate her for killing my father but she’s still my mother. She was harsh because the world demanded it," said Echo.

“Sounds like abuse to me. Tough love can be too tough. She didn’t seem rational when I met her," said Den.

Echo blinked. “You’re right, it’s probably the magic. Changelings have been known to become high from too much. The lives of thousands courses through her. That power is corrupting and corrosive.”

“Echo, I don’t want you risking your life betting she’ll stop," said Den.

“I know, I can’t afford it," said Echo.

Den looked at Echo nervously. “How much power do you have?” Den bit his lip. “How many lives reside within you?” asked Den.

“…Hundreds maybe more. It’s just energy, I can’t measure it. It’s like I’ve swallowed a small sun in me," said Echo.

Den looked perturbed. “You won’t go mad will you?”

“I might-” Echo gave her usual hollow laugh. “-if I wasn’t already madly in love with you.”

Den nuzzled her neck.

A small cottage sat the rolling grass plains. A smaller garden was being diligently tended by a cream-colored Earth Pony. The farmer grumbled chewing a piece of straw as he watered his leafy lettuce with a hose. Suddenly the sun eclipsed. The farmer looked up, his maw open out fell the straw. The hum of War Wing engines were like hornets buzzing.

Cadance and her captain watched from a castle tower as the War Wing fleet cruised towards them.

“They’re attacking now? The evacuation isn’t complete!” said Shining Armor.

“My Shining Armor, are you ready?” asked the Alicorn of love.

“Yes.” Shining nodded. “Wait, are they deploying ground troops?!” He gasped as he saw several War Wings open their mouth ramps.

“Oh dear," said Cadance alarmed.

The three of the War Wings dipped down to the ground. The mouth ramps of the War Wings opened and from which marched an army. Brainwashed Griffins and Zebra soldiers stared blankly into distance. Within their ranks were seeded changelings officers in ebony armor and common changeling soldiers.

“They won’t get past the shield," said Shining Armor.

“Now!” said Cadance as the five other War Wings flew above them.

Cadance and Shining Armor touched their horns casting a pink bubble around the capital. The bubble shook as bombs were dropped by the overhead airships.

Chrysalis stood in front of the ground army. She smiled as she saw the shield. Above in the mountains was Canterlot gleaming like a jewel bathed in fire.

Commander Husk flew beside his Queen. “My monarch, our units are in formation.”

The wingless changeling commander, Arista ran forward to Chrysalis’s side. “Why sacrifice our infantry to the shield when we’re bombing them?!”

“Because I want them to feel protected when I turn their defenses into a trap.” Chrysalis laughed.

“Yes my monarch," said Arista.

Chrysalis turned swiftly to her army. “Look yonder at love’s light! The denizens of that city have long looked down upon us! They banished our ancestors to starve and die! Now is the time to reclaim what is our by right! Attack!”

Chrysalis’s speech was met by cheers and then confused looks.

“How shall we advance up a sheer mountain side with ground troops?” Husk asked Arista.

“Shall we throw ourselves at the front gate?” said Arista.

Chrysalis turned her back to officers with her horn glowing white hot. Her officers cringed. The field filled with light. All was left was scorch grass where an army had once occupied.

Shining Armor and Cadance touched horns casting their magic protection. Twilight ran up the tower steps.

“Twily, what are you doing here?” asked Shining.

“We can maintain this shield if each of us takes turns," said Twilight.

“What about the plan?” asked Cadance.

“There’ll be time," said Twilight.

A Pegasus guard flew to their tower. “We’re under attack! Enemy forces inside the shield! They’ve teleported an army in!”

“Go Twilight! We can handle this!” said Shining.

Royal Guards in makeshift barricades fought desperately in the streets. Griffin Hawkers dive bombed the barricades releasing their grenades. The Royal Guards leapt back from their posts as improvised walls made of carts and displays stands were blown to pieces. Zebra Zerkers charged them under magical covering firing of Changeling soldiers. The process was repeated many times as the Royal Guards units were methodically destroyed.

All the while Chrysalis casually strolled through the streets at the vanguard of crumbling opposition. Her green energy shield deflected any stray or intentional shots at her. Several Changelings had cornered a couple of Royal Guards caught behind enemy lines. The Guards dropped their lances.

“No prisoners!” cried Chrysalis.

“They have surrendered!” said Arista.

“No prisoners. All of their kind must pay!” said Chrysalis.

“Our army will need to feed afterwards!” said Husk.

“Very well," said Chrysalis.

Luna stood at the castle steps. A Pegasus crashed near her. The guard had a spear that punctured his armor. Blood leaked through the gaps of his armor staining the marble. Luna caught the guard by her hooves before he rolled down the steps.

“Princess… we cannot hold them…” said the Guard dying.

“I’m sorry soldier. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten," said Luna with tears in her eyes.

Blueberry stood at the opened cargo bay of the Thunderhead airship. Ponies walked briskly down the boarding ramp. They crowd towards waiting trains. From the grass field outside they had a clear view of their home now afire circled by airships in a vulture formation. The bomb blasts against the shield crackled through the air.

“That’s the last of the civilians.” a Royal Guard officer saluted to Blueberry.

“Good, blow the rail lines and detonate the central train hub. I’m worried that they’ll still pursue," said Blue.

“Don’t they have limited fuel reserves?” said the officer.

Blue rubbed her mane. “I reckon though if they split that fuel between them they could…that’ll take time still and they won’t be able to attack at full force.”

“What shall we do now?” said the officer.

“Now we join the fight!” shouted Blue.

“Captain, we have orders to retreat," said the officer.

“Whatever, your mah soldiers. I order that we help!” Blue smiled.

Reagle flew towards them. He carried Zaza with him. They set down next to Blue.

“We’ve been thinking blue one," said Zaza.

“Huh?” asked Blue.

“I recognize those War Wings emblems; they’re usually on patrol duty defending the Griffin Capital. With our airship and the Thunderhead, we could take back Aviania!” said Reagle.

“Attack the Griffin Capital, what fer?” asked Blue.

“If Reagle’s father, Lord Hawkmor can be brought to his senses. We can return with more support if not the help of the whole Griffin Kingdoms," said Zaza.

“Your Thunderhead can make the difference," said Reagle.

“No way! We’re not abandoning everyone!” said Blue.

“To throw yourselves against eight War Wings is suicide. I would know, blue one. It is better to bide so that we can later turn the tide," said Zaza placing a hoof on Blue’s shoulders.

“Canterlot, isn’t lost yet," said Blue.

“Is it not?” asked Zaza.

“Captain?” asked a Royal Guard officer.

“That’s right I’m a Captain," said Blue. She spoke softly to herself. “I’m not the thinking sort… What would Den do? He would-”

The battle inside the shield bubble is brought to the castle steps. The gates are seared apart by a white beam. Chrysalis gleefully hopped through to the courtyard. Royal Guard lancers galloped at her. They were thrown back with a single magical spark. The minimal effort did not even cause Chrysalis to break her stride.

Chrysalis laughed. “Where is that Celestia?! I want beat her into the dirt again. This time it won’t even be a contest. Who can possibly challenge me now?!”

“Your opponent will be me, vile villain!” Luna stepped forward clad in sleek black armor.

“The younger sister? I have already defeated the eldest!” Chrysalis chuckled.

“At times tis necessary to combat one evil with another, I shall sacrifice myself to madness once more.” Luna coat became pitch black and she grew to match Chrysalis’s height.

Luna charged and locked horns with Chrysalis.

“There was a reason you planned the First Canterlot Invasion during the day, it was because you feared this potential in me! In my time I was the sword to her shield! Sister Celestia could only banish me!” Luna leapt back and fired an energy beam at Chrysalis.

Chrysalis countered with a beam of her own. The two energies collided. She groaned under the strain. “We are evenly matched! Join me instead moon princess! What was your rebellion but for want and envy?! You can have eternal night!”

Luna smiled. “The hubris!” exclaimed Luna. “Know your place, monster. I will not align myself with a lesser. My power comes forth from the infinite cosmos! Yours is stolen from the lives of others; prepare thyself to face the power that challenged the sun!!”

Chrysalis dodged. Luna’s beam singed her shoulder. “Ha, can you do this?!” Chrysalis body burned with green flames. Emerging from the fire came an ebony dragon that was a dozen times the size of a pony. The creature roared sending a jet of blue flame towards Luna.

“Thou art a fool! I’ve slain greater drakes!” Luna threw up her shield letting the flames wash across it. Luna noticed the she was not the target.

The fire was swept across the courtyard hitting fountains. Steam engulfed them. Luna barely ducked avoiding a beam fired at her through the fog. She turned to counter however the vision of Celestia stopped her for a second.

Chrysalis, in Celestia’s form, fired again. “Ha sentimental?”

The beam cut off strands of her lustrous mane before Luna could dodge it. “Enough of your tricks!” Luna flared up her magic as her body glowed.

The pressure of the wind blowing back dispersed the fog. Chrysalis assumed her true form again. Luna had reverted back to her smaller blue form.

“My tricks? So you did not become Nightmare Moon after all. You were bluffing.” Chrysalis smirked.

“I still have strength enough to vanquish you!” said Luna panting.

“Foolish, without that power you’ll soon run dry.” Chrysalis chuckled.

“Not before I end you!” Luna’s eyes seethed with anger that ignored Chrysalis’s taunt.

She fired again. Once more beams collided. Luna smiled as she instead thinned the focus of her beam. Her concentrated line of energy and Chrysalis’s more dissolute line met their targets. The mutual trade of fire sent Luna flying back but Chrysalis was not left undamaged.

Chrysalis jumped back she felt her neck. A streak of blood almost reached her throat where Luna’s beam had cut. She concentrated her magic immediately sealing the wound. “A focused beam so fine? That is impossible without a gemstone!”

Luna smiled as she magically healed her burnt fur. “Maybe for you.”

“You’re content to sacrifice yourself to defeat me? Why?” asked Chrysalis still healing.

“The selfish cannot fathom so much the considerations of the selfless," said Luna breathed heavily as her magically sealed skin smoldered.

Chrysalis laughed. “Me selfish?! I have devoted my life to my subjects!”

“As have I! I will defend them against you to my last breath!” said Luna snarling.

“Subjects…it is time they pay their dues," said Chrysalis thoughtfully. “Defend your Queen!” Chrysalis projected her voice across the battlefield.

After slaying a Royal Guard several Changeling lancers charged at Luna. She was forced to form a shield to deflect their blows. Four more mind controlled Zebra Zerkers joined the fray jabbing at Luna’s protective bubble. Luna expanded her shield temporarily sending the changelings and Zebras flying backwards.

“For the Queen!” Squads of possessed Griffin Hawkers screeched dive bombing grenades at Luna.

As Luna’s shield rippled from the impacts, Chrysalis fired her beam. Luna was blasted backwards smashing into a wall. Luna tried to lift herself but her limbs fell limp.

“My army is greater!” said Chrysalis. “Single combat is overrated.” Chrysalis cackled above Luna.

“I agree completely!!! Twilight Sparkle, now!” Luna shouting.

From a castle tower a beam was fired. Chrysalis formed a shield and turned to the source of the beam. Six ponies were glowing and concentrating their magic from their jeweled accessories. Chrysalis cringed as she began sweating to maintain her barrier. The force pressed her into the stone courtyard floor. Even the rock and rubble around her was pushed away.

Above them the War Wings continued their relentless barrage of the shield. The sky burned as bomb after bomb was dropped. The barrier began ominously flickering. In glistening sparks the artificial ceiling finally gave. Bombs from the above War Wings slammed into the base of the tower. There were six distinctive screams as the tower collapsed.

“No!!!” said Luna.

“You’re finished!” Chrysalis laughed as she spun around dancing around in the ruined courtyard. “All mine! It’s all mine!”

Changeling and Griffin platoons soared over the skies of the Canterlot. Zebra troops, with Changeling handlers, mindlessly marched through the streets. Captured Royal Guards were bound and tossed into piles like looted plunder. War Wings swallowed the setting sun as their shadows darkened the city. As reflectors of the sun’s glory even the white alabaster walls lost their shine.