• Published 26th Apr 2013
  • 4,634 Views, 136 Comments

Hole Hearted - Akashic Brony

Den is a pegasus of the Equestrian Royal Guard. Echo is a high class infiltrator of the reviled changeling race. Can their love flourish in an Equestria under threat? Which bounds are stronger love or loyalty? What dark designs lurk in the backdrop?

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Chapter 12 Shapeless Dream

Den and Echo shared a bed. They both gasped from the conclusion of their heated passion, and they cuddled next to one another while gazing into each other’s eyes.

“Den, why did you spare me?” asked Echo.

“There’s always this sweet sadness in your eyes even when you’re happy,” said Den. “I can’t seem to place it. It’s always like you’re holding back. You’re afraid to be happy. I would one day like to see that darkness disappear."

Echo laughed, her voice again ringing in her hollow melody.

“What’s so funny?” asked Den.

“That you couldn’t kill me because of a look in my eyes? I can change my eyes to any color.” Echo stared into Den’s eyes.

Den looked turned away. “It’s more than that. I am sorry; I am not the perfect knight. Echo, when I said I’d choose Equestria over you… that’s changed.”

“You’d fall for me?” asked Echo.

“I already have; you know it to be so. If you asked it of me, I would be your Captain."

“You still love your country and people, right?”

Den looked away nervously. “Yeah, I do." he said.

“I could ask you to be my Captain; however, I fear in accepting that it may destroy you," said Echo.

“Huh?” said a pained Den.

“I’m deeply touched that you would betray everything you are for me,” said Echo. “But by my side the thought would linger in you. In time you may resent me for asking."

“This is the same conflict you have as a Changeling right? You sent that warning before the Canterlot Invasion.”

“Yes, I have seen your land. I know why you fight for it. Would you bear with me still, as your people are used as a crop, farmed in cocoons, trapped and fed false dreams?”

“I don’t believe that’s your people’s true goal. I understand survival, but enslaving all of Equestria goes beyond that. That’s just pure greed. You would fight for a cause so despicable? That’s not the Echo I know."

“You’ve read of my people’s curse, haven’t you?” asked Echo.


“The versions of the fable differ,” said Echo. “In ours there is mention of a cure: substantiation. It is the secret dream of my people. With enough magic it may be possible to free me and my people of the curse. We could feel real emotions and love in return."

“What we have between us, is that not love?” asked Den sadly. “Haven’t we dispelled doubt? You mean so much to me.”

“Knowing now what you know… Den, could you ask me to betray my people?” asked Echo.

“I couldn’t be happy with you suffering.”

“Den, I could make you forget about me. I have the magic.".

“No!” Den shouted. “You would remember me and suffer alone.”

“You’re so thoughtful. I love you so," said Echo, hugging Den.

“I love you more than I know," said Den, lightly kissing the top of her head.

The council chamber was darkened by the shadows that hung above everyone’s heads. The sky was cloudy and only gray light entered through the moon roof. The members sighed sadly at the empty seats in the room. Injured officers nursed their limbs. There were several officers still in shock, their eyes glaring into the distance.

Cadance and Shining Armor leaned against one another; their legs were weak, and only by each other could they stand.

Captain Rainbow Dash’s wings dangled from her body, her energy sapped. “More than twenty percent.” she gasped, looking at some papers and the empty seats.

“A third of our forces lost…” murmured Shining Armor with a faced thinned from all the magic he’d used.

Luna looked at the empty seats and broken ponies around her. As she stood in the center of the floor, her legs gave out. “I’m so sorry, everyone! This is my fault. If I wasn’t so zealous more could have been saved!” Luna cried into her legs.

Twilight Sparkle hugged the moon Princess. “This was no one’s fault.”

“No, Twilight Sparkle, this is my fault. I ordered our reserves out. We couldn’t pull everyone back in time.” Luna wept.

“It’s the Unicorns. They should have sensed something was up! My beloved Rose is dead now!” cried an Earth Pony Royal Guard.

A white Unicorn mage gasped. “It’s the Pegasi! If they hadn’t worried about saving their own feathers they could have carried more ponies out of range!” she pointed a hoof at the Pegasi officers.

“Don’t pin this on us! It’s the Earth Pony infantry, if they had gotten to the center of the array faster they could’ve stopped the spell!” cried Captain Rainbow Dash defending her fliers.

Reagle gave a shrill shriek that silenced everyone. “It is my fault! I gave you the information," said Reagle shaking.

“It is our fault," said Zaza bowing.

Angry looks were shot at the Griffin and Zebra.

“It’s their fault! They must working with the enemy!” shouted a wounded Guard in anger.

“Spies!’ shouted somepony.

“Stop this!! A Zebra ship went down. They lost good people too. We all have lost,” A cerulean mare spoke. Her eyes were puffy and dry from crying, “It’s everyone’s fault. We’re a Republic now aren’t we? Didn’t we vote for this attack? Wasn’t it u- nam -animous?” Blueberry gave up pronouncing the complicated word. “Y’all voted for it! I remember no nays!” Blueberry’s tirade stopped the attacks on the couple.

Silence and shame filled the room.

“The whole castle was a conduit array. They were waiting for us to attack.,” said Twilight. “They knew we couldn’t afford not to, either. We would have eventually have had to stop them. This was unavoidable, at least we had some warning."

Luna had risen again. Her head was held high. “Our enemy hath dealt a strong blow. However they have blundered, we remain. It would be insult to the memory of the fallen if we were to surrender now. My sister, she had a dream for our nation that all ponies could live in harmony and peace. Now, under threat, we must pull together to make that dream happen!”

“Equestria prevails! Hail the Lunar Republic!”

Locked in their embrace, thoughts flashed into Den’s mind. It was their final moment before the white light took. He remembered the fortress. “Hold on, this is dream space!” cried Den in realization.

“Our dream space! Only in dreams can males last so long. I’m dreaming with you.” Echo nuzzled Den.

“You’re with me? Not an illusion right?” asked Den, blinking.

“Yeah, I’m not sure but I think we’re both sleeping. We could be dead," said Echo, throwing her hooves up.

“Heaven is here with you," said Den.

Den and Echo awoke. Den scurried back; they were surrounded by changelings. It was a throne room and they were sitting on a red carpet covered floor.

Chrysalis towered over the lovers, her body emanated energy.

“Mother?” questioned Echo.

Chrysalis’s voice crackled with power that influenced minds. There seemed to be no volume control now. “Daughter, I heard your traitorous words echo from above the stairwell. So it was you who warned them. I had hoped to net the Equestrian Princesses in my snare also.” Chrysalis’ eyes burned with anger, “Your interference cost me complete victory! Explain yourself daughter!”

Den rose to defend Echo, but she moved him aside.

“Mother, I love this pony named Dented Armor. He is flawed but he loves and accepts me. I could not let him die nor that he which loves." said Echo.

“What other treasons have you to confess?!” Chrysalis blasted.

“I also warned them of Canterlot.” Echo sneered.

“Traitor!” screamed Chrysalis.

“There’s a better way! Den helped me find it. We can find love naturally! We don’t have to kill or hurt others! There are ponies out there that can look beyond what lies on the surface! And even if we achieve our dream, what worth would it be if we become monsters in the process?” said Echo, standing up and resisting the mental and physical pressure.

“You would betray me!?” exclaimed Chrysalis, absolutely seething with anger.

“Madness! Stop this!” said Amorpheus to Chrysalis.

“My daughter must be taught a lesson!” Chrysalis scowled, her horn glowing white-hot.

“That is too much!” Amorpheus shouted. “Chrysalis, you would kill our only daughter!!!??” Amorpheus jumped in front of Chrysalis’s beam. The beam seared through the Changeling. His fedora fell from his head and floated to the ground.

Echo grabbed the fallen Changeling. “Amorpheus, you’re my father?! I always thought you wanted-”

The changeling coughed, spewing blue blood onto the carpet. “Princess Larvi, my daughter, I love you. Chrysalis… I love you also. You two have given shape to my dream. Please, let there be peace between you two….that which in the wide world I most cherish.”

“No… no… no.” Chrysalis’s face was agape.

More blood spurted out as he spoke. He turned toward Chrysalis. “Chrysalis, I’m sorry for disobeying that order you gave so long ago…” The final torrent of blood flowed out as Amorpheus spoke his last breathe. The blue glow of his eyes faded into black.

Chrysalis shoved Echo aside. “Heal!” She fired magic into Amorpheus’ lifeless body. “Heal! I ordered you not to die!” Beam after beam she fired into the body. “How dare you disobey your Queen! I will kill you!” Chrysalis sobbed as tears streamed from her eyes. “I’ll eviscerate you!” she fired again. “I’ll destroy you!” she fired again.

Chrysalis, in dark comedic routine, continued the death threats against the corpse. She stopped firing after several more shots.

“Mother! He’s dead," said Echo with tears in her own eyes.

“Look at what you made me do!!!” Chrysalis shrieked in rage.

The mental and physical pressure caused the other changeling officers to withdraw.

She fired a beam at Echo.

Echo formed a shield that countered it.

“So you leeched off some power yourself? Clever!” Chrysalis smirked. “However it is still no match for mine!” Chrysalis increased the pressure.

Echo’s shield began to falter.

“Den hold me close!” cried Echo.

Den complied, grabbing the Changeling for dear life.

In a spark and blink they were gone.

Den and Echo were upon a cliff. Echo fell down sobbing.

“He was my father… all along. How could I not have seen it? He suffered so much to protect me.”

Wordlessly Den wrapped Echo in his hooves.

For a long time Echo continued to sob quietly into Den’s mane as their shadows moved with the sun’s motion.

“He was there from the beginning, and I took him for granted! I used him like I would use a target! I never told him…”

“No, I’m sure he knew at the end," said Den.

Echo rose up resolutely. A windy gust swept the cliff where they stood. “Den, be my Captain!”

“I thought you didn’t want that?” said Den.

“You will not be a captain of the Changeling Soldier Caste or your Royal Guard, you will be my Captain. I will fight for peace between the two," said Echo.

Den smiled and bowed. “I am yours my lady. What’s the plan?” said Den.

“With that much magic, mother has enough to invade Equestria…. no... more than that. She’s got to have a bigger and better plan than just a conventional assault," said Echo.

“How much magic did you absorb? You teleported us to I don’t know where. I heard that takes epic magic,” asked Den.

“You and I were near the epicenter, I absorbed quite a bit. I feel as if I have lightning running through my body. It’s so much energy to concentrate, when I use magic my horn feels like a backed up spigot. I teleported us so far, I don’t even know where. Who knows what Chrysalis is capable of?”

In a massive auditorium Griffins grumbled. Certainly no common folk, each of these Griffins wore the vestments of nobility, rich colored capes adorned with sigils of many great houses.

“This war is too costly; we’ve lost five War Wings already! What is King Hawkmor thinking?” asked a grey feathered Griffin.

“We should seek peace with Equestrians," said female noble.

“Nonsense! Now is time for total war! Send more ships! Send the whole fleet!” said a small Griffin who seemed to compensate for his size by sheer volume of voice.

“Idiot, what will we have to secure the frontier with if we send out all our War Wings?!” said an older wizened male Griffin.

“Prince Reagle was our best General, now he’s been exiled to the White Wastes.”

“I heard rumor Prince Reagle has shifted to fight for the Equestrians. Was King Hawkmor fever high when he banished the prince?” said a female griffin with a battle scar upon her cheek.

“Don’t joke of the King’s health," said a worried meek male Griffin.

In the center of the auditorium black-feathered Griffins entered from behind the red and gold curtain. “King Hawkmor has taken ill. In his stead and vested with his authority we hereby present to you your Queen Regent Grimfeathers.” declared a shadowy Griffin reading from a scroll.

“Queen Regent?” was the whisper that carried through the auditorium.

A female black-feathered Griffin walked to the podium.

“It’s that witch,” whispered a Griffin cuffing his claws over his beak.

“Things have gone crazy since she and her house stepped into the picture.”

Chrysalis, disguised as Grimfeathers, spoke, her voice imposing and terrifying. “The sorcerers of science have failed us. Now it is time to place our trust in true sorcery! The house Grimfeathers has monopolized Griffin magic for too long…. it is time that this gift be spread to all the houses and wings of the Griffin Kingdoms!”

“Finally!” chuckled a Griffin noble hungrily.

“Hail the Queen Regent!” said a noble with battle armor.

A Griffin noble shouted. “Stop this you fools! This is Loki’s trickery! There is no Griffin magic! This crow lies! Prince Reagle was right!”

There were murmurs of agreement amongst some of the nobles. Chrysalis fired a beam off that killed the obstinate Griffin where he stood. The thick armor of the knight was no defense and lay smoldering. Fear spread amongst the nobles.

“Hail the Queen Regent, she has proven Griffin magic, if I ever did see it!” a fat fearful noble began clapping his claws nervously.

More clapping ensued.

A gray Griffin donned in dark armor smiled greedily. “Such power, House Ironclaw eagerly supports the Queen Regent! Grant us mages and magic!”

“House Bloodtalon supports the Queen Regent! Give us power!”

Chrysalis smiled. “There shall be enough magic and mages for everyone. A glorious age for your people awaits! All that I ask for is your cooperation…. and your complete obedience.” Emerald eyes burned that erased all opposition.

“All hail the Queen!”

A small Griffin War Balloon sails into the sky. The crew moved about listlessly working from routine. Their eyes twinkled bright emerald green.

“I’m still shocked how easily you controlled them." said Den rubbing his mane.

A cute black Griffin with green eyes rubbed herself against Den’s neck. “Mind control is greater magic, usually mass mind control is out of the question. However I have enough to spare,” Echo chirped.

Den looked at a Griffin bump into another painfully. “It won’t hurt them, will it?”

“Nope, I’ll dispel them once we’re done.”

“We’re not headed to Equestria, are we?” asked Den.

“No, I must visit upon the old hive. I will enter the chamber of the First Ones and take the Ascendency Rite. To combat mother I must learn true sorcery, spells of the ancients," said Echo, raising a talon.

“I’m with you," said Den.

“It is also said that therein is the spell that will grant my people’s dream. Amorpheus… my father would have wanted me to go there. When I was a nymph he told me the secret dream of our people. I don’t think he dared to believe it himself however he still told it to me true. I will set into shape his dream of a dream," said Echo.

The small War Balloon sailed onwards towards the horizon of doubt. The setting sun cast a long shadow.

Author's Note:

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