• Member Since 6th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 31st, 2014

Silent Bob

For the winds of kovator beeya!


Torchwood: AWESOME EDITION VIDEO (AKA: My Captain Jack Harkness Obsession Comes to an Appex. Not a fanfic preview.) · 10:19pm Jul 5th, 2013

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To Editors · 4:05pm Jul 5th, 2013

Chapter 2 is done (?) for the most part. However, it needs to be edited, plus I want a few opinions: end where it where it is or add some more? Gracias!

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New chapter coming today or tomorrow! · 5:14pm Jul 3rd, 2013

Chapter 2: Yuletime Blues
Desc: Twilight Soulshard arrives at the Black Palace of Necropolis to discover an unexpected guest... and some interesting news about Trixie. Rainbow Death and Flutterfright discuss a few issues they've been going through...
Expected post date: Today or tomorrow, depending on time constraints.

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Editors: Heads Up! · 2:02am Jul 3rd, 2013

Though I definitely appreciate all the help, I definitely overestimated how many editors I'd need per chapter :3. Since I don't want to waste anyone's time, I think what I'll do is hand out a chapter to two of you every time a new chapter is ready to role :). Again, thanks for your assistance :D.

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Looking for Four Assistants for Hearth's Warming Nightmare (Editors and such) · 6:07pm Jul 1st, 2013

The first, 8000 word chapter of A Very Hearth's Warming Nightmare is complete. I still have a few things to do, and since I think this fic is going to fucking rock if I can pull it off, I'm going to need some help with the latter.

I need:

1. Two people who knows a bit about grammar/sentence structure/ext. to look through each chapter before she's posted and report any errors.

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Holy Fucking Crap · 3:11am Jul 1st, 2013

Well, I just got done planning out A Very Hearth's Warming Nightmare... and by god this shit is going to redifine epic. I mean HOLY FUCKING SHIT. The end of it makes TNBNN's clusterfuck look like a tea party. All mane characters are getting an arc. The only problem is that I'm not sure if I'll have it done before Christmas. I'm dead fucking serious. So that's why its first chapter is going up tomorrow.

More fun facts I forgot:

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A Very Hearth's Warming Nightmare Progress and Funsies! · 12:49am Jul 1st, 2013

Heyo! So the first chapter is about finished, though it still needs a bit of work. Expect it up by July 7th, maybe? I dunno. Anyway, some minor fun points and some story elements for y'all:

1. Takes place the Hearth's Warming Eve following the events of TNBNN.
2. Intended to be a bit darker, a bit more serious, and a lot more intricate of a story than TNBNN. Expect a few philosophic discussions and ideas. Won't have much in the way of songs, but poetry will be in it.

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A Very Hearth's Warming Nightmare · 12:42am Jun 29th, 2013

In a world of magic, nothing plays by the rules. Is it any surprise holidays are part of this? For each one, there is an individual world based around it. For instance, Nightmare Night? What could you expect from this? Vampires? Ghosts? Goblins and Ghouls? All are within a world called the Nightmare Realm, one and a half dimensions below and above Equestria. If you look close enough, however, you may just realize that those living there may not be as foreign as it seems. A lich queen Twilight

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I've Lost my Way (Notes of a depressed author/cleaning house) · 2:44am Jun 23rd, 2013

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The Impossible Has Happened: I might stick with Paranormal Proof Providers · 2:45am Jun 17th, 2013

I'm having too much fun writing it not to!

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