• Member Since 13th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 13th, 2013

The Music Man


My Pen Died · 3:30am Sep 20th, 2012

You know your a writer when you have killed more pens than characters in your stories.
-The Music Man

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Racism is in the Title to Get Your Attention · 4:22am Sep 19th, 2012

I was in the cafeteria of my college mall, eating a calzone. A nice girl who's name was Nancy (I'm not sure if this is right because I am horrible with names) came up and started talking to me. We had a quaint conversation about food, dieting, and how we both enjoyed the TV show "Man vs. Food". But all the while, something inside of me wanted me to chase her off.

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Notes to Myself (My Why) · 5:39am Sep 18th, 2012

In my last blog post, I wrote a little poem about the importance of knowing why you write.

To follow my own teaching, I have added my why to my bio. Enjoy!

Always Sincerely,

The Music Man

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Notes to Myself (Why, How, and What) · 5:02am Sep 16th, 2012

I want to be famous
stop, end, dead

I love to tell stories
I study hard, I write everyday, I think every second
Will I be famous?

Doesn't matter, I love to write.

(To find out more on my inspiration, click on: ted.com)

Always Sincerely,

The Music Man

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Notes to Myself (Stories) · 4:29am Sep 15th, 2012

I want to bring up the issue of media (no, not the news). Throughout my life I have found that a good story can be conveyed by any type of medium (no, not a palm reader).

I think it is snobbish and rude for any pony to say that books are the only wholesome sorce of entertainment. I believe that TV, movies, video games, graphic novels, newspapers, magazines, blogs, You-Tube videos, and any other media can provide examples of good story telling.

My favorite stories:
Half Life (Video Game)

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I DID IT, I DID IT! · 2:01am Sep 14th, 2012

Submitted my story today (At least the first chapter); now we wait for the forces that be.

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Notes to Myself (Toning it Down) · 2:32am Sep 13th, 2012

Looking at the past couple of blog posts, I found that I can get pretty melodramatic; Not to say that melodrama is bad, it just needs to be used carefully.

When I say 'melodrama', I mean any passage in a story that is full of rich details, that flow with emotions, and, of course, that are jam packed with words.

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9/11/12 · 11:59pm Sep 11th, 2012

Today, our dorm held a flag visual. For all those outside the U.S., today is September 11, the day that the World Trade Centers, among other buildings, were destroyed. Today, in the U.S., is Patriot Day.

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It Got Lonly Up Here · 2:50am Sep 11th, 2012

This morning, I awoke with grand thoughts about one of the characters I thought about. My mind flooded with his actions and philosophies, the twists and turns he would add, and how he would rule all. But as quickly as these imaginings of my heart came, they vanished, leaving my mind desolate of thought.

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Notes to Myself (Ebb and Flow) · 3:33am Sep 9th, 2012

Seeing where I stand on the sight, these blogs were more notes to myself, if anything. So, I will title them appropriately. Now, my blog.

She swung her stick. The beast flicked it away.

Ow. That was painful to type. No, that was horrible. That was an atrocity. That was so bad, I need to slap myself in the face for defiling such an innocent idea. *WHAP*

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