• Member Since 27th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen June 5th


It is my great conceit that I can write interesting stories for utter strangers and maybe sometime in the far far future get paid for it.


Story idea 2011 · 1:34am May 7th, 2019

Morena Bartow looked at the little dark-gray unicorn mare in the even smaller cage. There was no room to move around. Also it looked like someone had slashed the poor creature's left fore hoof too. To add insult to injury, there was some sort of metal cone studded with strange green crystals on the unicorn's horn.

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Story Idea 6692 · 1:44am Apr 27th, 2019

"What is that?" A little girl said.

"I don't know. It looks like a weird two legged unicorn with a white coat and blonde hair. Wonder why it's head is round like a human's?" An older person said.

"Daddy, I'm scared," The little girl said.

Um, maybe I need to wake up now. That little girl sounded real scared. A pony with a round head might have some serious issues and could bite. Damn, why does my bed feel cold and hard? I like a firm mattress, but this might be too much.

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Thy pony flesh consumed has passed my revision stage · 2:13am Mar 20th, 2019

Now to get somebody to look over my story before I publish it.

Wonder how difficult it will be to get someone to proof/edit this three chapter story.

Will find out tomorrow.

Report sevenofeleven · 104 views ·

Story idea 1053 · 2:01am Mar 11th, 2019

"Rarity, you need to get up!" Spike said.

For a moment, Rarity wondered where she was. It seemed like her bed was sticky. All sorts of questions raced through her mind. Did she befoul herself? Hadn't done that since she was a foal in diapers, and even then not too often. Another discreet sniff answered that question. It wasn't, um, no. It was blood. Thankfully, not her's.


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Thy Pony Flesh Consumed is done. · 3:33am Feb 26th, 2019

Yess! The story is done. Now to take a break and get back to WOM.
After the break, I'll do some revisions on the chapters.
When the revisions are done, I'll look for editors.

Hopefully, I'll get someone for a three chapter story.
Someone has to be interested in a dark adventure where Lyra fights demons.

The break will be one day.
I always take a break of one day or more for revisions.

Report sevenofeleven · 110 views ·

New Story idea: Thy Pony Flesh Consumed. · 1:42am Feb 4th, 2019

I had this idea.
What if Lyra Heartstrings, the mint green unicorn mare with a human obsession finally got to meet humans.
Well, what if they were in a martian base overrun by demons?

So I'm doing a short story that's inspired by Doom3 and MLP.

I have a good idea how its going to end and already have written the beginning.
Just have to finish up the middle.
Got a title: Thy Pony Flesh Consumed.

When this is done, I'll go back to Well of Midnight.

Report sevenofeleven · 101 views ·

January 2019 Status report · 3:54pm Jan 20th, 2019

Happy New Year.

Children of Oonte has been edited!
I will be updating the story soon.
The story is finished on DA, but I never copied over the finished version to here.

I'll have to copy the update to the version on DA, and that will be a pain.
For some reason, DA adds two lines of vertical space when I paste in stuff from Google Docs.
And DA has low size limits. Had to cut up Mask of Atanciel to post it.
Have to remember to come back, and add the rest.

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Report sevenofeleven · 128 views ·

Story idea 1434 · 1:44am Jan 13th, 2019

What if Lyra Heartstring's obsession with humans had a darker side?
What if she was in intermittent telepathic contact with an alien demon in a human body buried in the dusty sands of Saddle Arabia?

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Report sevenofeleven · 184 views · #lyra

Bugger off 2018 · 1:54am Jan 1st, 2019

Happy New Year.

Lost too much this year.
Hopefully, the hits won't keep coming.

Seriously, it feels like each year was a cavalcade of train wrecks created by Gomez Addams. A whole escalating series of trains flying off the rails and exploding while people dodged and screamed.

Then we get folks that won't be the same anymore.

Bethesda has brain damage, not sure they'll survive.
What sane corporation screws up like this over and over?

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Report sevenofeleven · 127 views ·

Story Idea 6775 · 3:44am Dec 16th, 2018

Where am I? Didn't want to open my eyes. Knew that I wasn't home. Frickin, night black male pegacorn with the baleful red eyes! What was his name? Yeah, it was a he. Doing evil things must have given him a stiffy. Too bad I didn't have a gun or a laser weapon. The name, oh yeah, Shiolnar. Dirtbag said I was going to be a future threat so he would have to send me away.

Damn, what's poking me in my gut?

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Report sevenofeleven · 139 views ·