• Member Since 27th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen June 5th


It is my great conceit that I can write interesting stories for utter strangers and maybe sometime in the far far future get paid for it.


Story idea 6433 · 3:10am Nov 24th, 2018

My head churned. So hard to focus on any ideas. Why is my bed so hard? The new purple mattress was supposed to be firm but yielding. I opened my purple eyes. Well, that didn't help. My room was still dark as a tomb. Took a sniff. Okay, I have a few old books in my room. They have that lovely old book smell. Didn't smell that. Just old somethings and cold stone.

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Negan fights a demon! · 2:24am Sep 23rd, 2018

Um, well, kinda.
The actor that played/plays Negan on The Walking Dead was in this movie as a father.

I just saw a move called The Possession.

It's about an estranged father who buys a wooden box and the youngest daughter latches onto it.
Of course, things go south.
Not going to spoil the movie.

I found it an alright watch.
I wasn't bored, and when things happened to chars, I felt sorry for them.

What I liked about the movie were the ideas.

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Road trip blues · 1:26am Sep 21st, 2018

So Well of Midnight, a MLP fanfiction is going to be a road trip story set on Earth.
Well, except most of the folks living there have been swept away by the Black Cloud.

What's left?
Two or three, Nightbringers, major servants of the Well of Midnight.
One Heirophant, teacher of Well magic.

A whole bunch of humans that want to create a purple America.
And the Resistance that fights the purple Americans.

Finally, Matt Varney and his road trip friends.

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The Crooked Man · 3:03am Sep 18th, 2018

Just saw a movie called, "The Crooked Man. (CM)"

So basically, CM is summoned by reciting the poem.
CM is kinda like Candyman or Bloody Mary movies.

Think Candyman was based on a Clive Barker book, not sure.

Anyway, some dopey girls recite the poem and things go south. Not going to spoil the movie.
It wasn't the best movie I've watched, they did manage to have a few cheap jumpscares.
But the movie had some interesting bits.

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Sept 2018 Status Report · 1:54am Sep 15th, 2018

Am working on a MLP fanfiction called Being Celestia.
It's about a guy who wakes up alone inside Celestia's body in her room.
It's still being revised by me. Eventually, I'll need an editor.

I'm trying to see if I can do a comedy filled story and a slice of life.

Work continues on the Well of Midnight Mlp Fanfiction.
Am up to chapter sixteen.

Here's a little excerpt:

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More possible idea for a new story · 2:50pm Sep 10th, 2018

It hates animals, and loves humans.
Imagine that in Equestria where there are no humans and lots of 'animals'.

The IKEA idea was cool and funny, but this one is definitely darker.

Report sevenofeleven · 79 views ·

Maybe my next MLP story? · 6:52pm Aug 28th, 2018

This is an interesting story.
I hope not to visit an IKEA.

Not sure how to adapt this to MLP.
Maybe Spike and Applejack get stuck in one?

Definitely could do something with this for an original story.

Report sevenofeleven · 123 views ·

Story idea #6446 What if Luna left before she became Nightmare Moon? · 1:34am Aug 19th, 2018

Someone posted an interesting idea in a thread.
Can see it here:

I had an idea that Luna decided to leave the world of Equus.
This is what I wrote.
I also have an idea for the next chapter too.

Every time the sun rose there would be a reminder of my hated sister.
No, I need to go further.


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Idea 1983:Chaos rats fight ponies with third party help · 2:09am Jul 19th, 2018

Imagine a scene in an underground lab complex.
Something like the one in the Stargate series.

A balding army colonel sat at a brown desk large enough for eight people. He ran his fingers through what was left of his hair then he sighed. “Let's get this show on the road.” Then he jabbed one of the buttons in front of him.

For a few moments, nothing happened. Then a flickering image of a lavender alicorn appeared.
“Hello, Colonel Harris.”

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The Mask of Atanciel is published. · 2:20pm Jul 16th, 2018

Finally, it's done.

Not sure, what I'm working on next.

Well of Midnight will probably not be published here.
My misgivings about the amount of pony in it was too little for this site.

Report sevenofeleven · 118 views ·