• Published 10th Dec 2019
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Cozy Chronicles - 5u0myn0n4

Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chrysalis embark on an unlikely search for power, and purpose.

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Chapter 19: Total Control

Previously, in a last ditch effort attempt to save Cozy Glow from the fatal poison in her body, Luster Dawn used a spell to take Cozy's consciousness, and put it inside her own mind. Now Cozy Glow's consciousness inhabited Luster Dawn. Cozy was basically a voice inside Luster's head now. Because Luster was the host, she remained mostly in control, while Cozy could only speak, and see from the same viewpoint. The hope was that this would buy more time while Discord tried to find a way to get the poison out of Cozy's physical body, and restore her to full health.

In the meantime, Luster Dawn was nice enough to show Cozy Glow around Canterlot and Ponyville the following morning, to see how much has changed since she's been gone.

"I know we had two rushed and awkward introductions, so allow me to reintroduce myself, Cozy. I'm Luster Dawn. One of Twilight's magic students." she said.

"So you're to Twilight what Twilight was to Celestia?" Cozy asked.
"I guess that's one way of looking at it." Luster replied, blushing.

"So does that mean you're gonna grow wings, become a princess, and Twilight's gonna pass the duty of supreme ruler to you and retire?" Cozy asked.

That was a loaded question Cozy asked, and it overwhelmed Luster.

"Well, I wouldn't go that far. That's a lot to think about at once." Luster said, anxious. "Not to mention, Celestia was princess for more than a millennium. Twilight's only been ruler since... how long were you in stone?"

Cozy gave Luster the silent treatment and didn't entertain her comment.

"Too soon?" she asked.

Later, Luster toured around Twilight's school of friendship.

"You remember this place, right, Cozy?" she asked.
"All too well..." she replied, slightly deadpan.

Luster walked by a glass case in the school, which contained some very particular objects.

"And this here case is what holds the-" Luster started, but Cozy's voice chimed in.
"The Amulet of Aurora, the Talisman of Mirage, the Helm of Yksler, the Crown of Grover, Knuckerbocker's Shell, and Clover the Clever's Cloak..." Cozy said, enamoured.

"Right you are. Glad you retained the knowledge you learned in school." Luster complimented.

She thought about how Cozy nearly used the six artifacts to banish all the magic in Equestria to another dimension.

"They kept the artifacts here? Even after my... stunt?" Cozy asked.

"Looks to be that way. They are important symbols of learning after all. So they're best utilized here at the school where everyone can admire them." Luster said.

From inside Luster's mind, Cozy looked at the artifacts. Luster got the hint that Cozy was getting ideas looking at them.

"I can read your thoughts, Cozy. Even if you wanted to try your little spell again, it wouldn't work." Luster said.
"Oh. I would never. True insanity is doing the exact same thing and expecting a different outcome." Cozy said, innocently.

"You're in no position to be crafting any nefarious schemes. Your body is with us, and your mind is with me. You ain't got nothing." Luster winked.

"I would never try to fudge a plan when I'm clearly in such a disadvantaged state." Cozy said. "I do hope someone is able to cure my body and return me to normal."

"Don't worry, Cozy. I'm here to help, really." Luster said.

Luster's kind words warmed Cozy slightly.

Meanwhile, in the same building, Chrysalis explored the school, disguised as the unicorn named Magnolia. One of her main objectives was a mission closer to home. She talked to every Changeling she could get within proximity to, and asked a ton of questions. This was all in an effort to see if she could find a way to reverse their reformation, and have them feed on love again.

She found a tall green Changeling who looked smart, so she decided to pester them for information.

"Excuse me, Changeling." Chrysalis was less than subtle with her questions. "With your queen no longer in power, how are new Changelings being created?"

"You know, now that you mention it to me, I think King Thorax did mention something to that concern." they said.
"What? What did he say?" she asked, concerned.

"Something about concerns regarding Changeling population." they said.
"What?!" Chrysalis exclaimed.

"Don't quote me, I'm not an expert." the changeling said. "But it has something to do with our new forms I think."

Now that this was brought to Chrysalis' attention, she had noticed that all the Changelings she encountered were past adolescence.

I had no idea that Changelings were in such bad shape. If they were in trouble, then it's up to me to revert them back to their old ways, starting with this drone. Chrysalis thought.

She noticed two ponies giving each other an intense stare. She saw an opportunity.

"Those two ponies look like they're in love." Chrysalis pointed out.
"Bleh. Public signs of affection make me uncomfortable." the changeling said.
"Doesn't it make you... hungry?" she asked.


"You're right. It's almost lunch time! I don't wanna be at the back of the line!" The Changeling ran off.

*Hmph* "Guess they haven't gotten smarter. If anything, they're pushovers now. They'd never survive an invasion. Hmm..." she thought.

Her own kind was proving ineffective, so she turned her attention to a random unicorn who happened to look smart.

"Excuse me, citizen, where do I go to research Changeling population?" Chrysalis asked.

The pony raised their eyebrow at the unusual question.

"Just uh, it's for a research." Chrysalis said.
"If you need information on creature population over time, then you should look in the archives to read up on population surveys conducted by the Equestrian Population Division." they said.

"Much obliged." Chrysalis thanked.

Chrysalis was about to head out, but the unicorn stopped her in her tracks.

"Say, you look familiar." the changeling said.
"No I don't." Chrysalis snarked.

"I think you better come with me." they said.

Meanwhile back at the village, the real Magnolia went into the castle to check on Tirek. She found him on the balcony, looking off to the distance. Although she'd only known Tirek for a little while, she could tell this was unusual behavior.

"You alright, Tirek?" she asked.
"I'm doing fine I suppose..." he replied.

But she could tell from his tone, that he was troubled.

"You're thinking about her, aren't you?" Magnolia asked.
"Cozy told me to trust Discord to heal her, but this whole trust thing has me feeling very weary." Tirek said.

"I don't blame you. You have a rocky history with trusting other creatures." Magnolia said. "Your brother betrayed you, plus you and Discord double crossed each other on multiple instances."

"I'm not used to relying on others to do much of anything." Tirek said. "I'm used to taking down any creature who stands in my way."

Both Tirek and Magnolia were growing impatient. It had only been a day, but not being able to take action was killing them.

"You know, the stakes are pretty high, and I don't trust Discord for favors, and if they can't find a cure, and we don't act soon, I'm afraid it may be too late for Cozy Glow..." Magnolia said.

"Then what do we do?" Tirek asked.
"What do we do? Are you kidding me? We literally have the most powerful item in Equestria beneath us! Discord was too narrow sighted to realize we have it! This is our chance!" Magnolia said. "Discord said he'd bring back Cozy Glow once she was cured, but she's been gone for almost two days. So I say, Discord has failed to uphold his end of the deal, so let's break out side of the deal too. Let's get Cozy back ourselves!"

"Yes! Forget relying on others to help. We're going to take matters into our own hands!" Tirek said.
"This is the moment you've been waiting for. It is time to unleash your next big attack!" Magnolia said. "We're going to do a good old fashion invasion for power. And if Cozy isn't cured by the time we get there, we'll force Twilight to do something!"

Tirek clenched his fists in glee, anticipating the carnage to come.

"Magnolia, bring me the Rainbow of Darkness." Tirek commanded.
"Your wish is my command, my liege." Magnolia bowed.

Meanwhile, Chrysalis was brought before the royal guards. The captain inspected Chrysalis' disguise closely. She was sweating, hoping not to be discovered.
During the inspection, Chrysalis' mind spiraled.

Do you consume them if they find you out? Or do you just run? If my cover is blown, what are they going to do to Cozy? If Discord knows where the village is, who else knows? she panicked internally.

Finally, the captain of the guard spoke.

"Magnolia?" he said.
"...Yes. It is I. Magnolia the guard." Chrysalis replied.

The guards got closer to her. Then suddenly, one of them embraced Chrysalis.

"Oh, Magnolia! We're so glad you're okay!" one of them said.
"We were so worried when you went missing!" said the second guard.

"You were the only soldier unaccounted for after our guards were raided by Lord Tirek and Queen Chrysalis." the captain said.

"After seeing what they did to Gallus, we feared the worst." the first guard added.
"Yes... I survived the attack." Chrysalis said.

"What have you been doing in the meantime?" the captain asked.
"That doesn't matter. I fear we are on the verge of an imminent threat." Chrysalis said. "And so, if you shall allow me, I need access to the archives to get a head count for every creature in Equestria."

The guards nodded, and were willing to fulfill her request.


After a long day, it was now early in the evening, and Luster Dawn was ready to hit the hay.

"Why are we heading out to sleep so early?" Cozy asked.
"I wanna be wide awake for the upcoming Grand Galloping Gala! It'll be my first gala, and I wanna make a good impression on Twilight!" Luster replied.

"Bleh. I hate formal gatherings..." Cozy slumped.

The door to Luster's place was conveniently placed too close to a dragon sneeze tree, which prevented it from opening all the way. Every time she tried, she would knock the door against the tree, and flakes would fall down.

"You better call the landscaper to fix this glaring oversight." Cozy said.
"No no, they designed it this way. I don't remember the exact reason why..." Luster said.

Luster got the door open, and squeezed herself into her place. Luster lived in a tiny one room suite in Canterlot.

"And this is where I call home. It ain't much, but..." Luster said.
"It really isn't much." Cozy added.

"It's all I got. Canterlot is a lot more populated, so some concessions have had to be made in recent times." Luster explained.

"I see. I guess Canterlot ain't the unicorn capital of Equestria any more." Cozy said.
"Nope! Unicorns became a minority here years ago. In fact, I don't know which creature is the majority here, but that's okay, because we all have something unique to contribute!" Luster said.

"... Lusty?" Cozy asked.
"Yes, Cozy?" she replied.

"Go to bed and stop talking." Cozy demanded.

Luster closed her lips, and hastily laid down on her bed. She tucked herself in, and said good night to that voice in her head.

"Good night, Cozy." Luster Dawn said.
"Good night, Lusty." Cozy Glow said.




Inside Luster's mind, she found herself in a void. The room was empty, besides her, and a familiar little pegasus standing in front of her.

"So, Luster Dawn. Do you like being Twilight's student? Is it gratifying? Is it cozy?" Cozy asked.
"It's really great. I consider myself so lucky that the Princess Twilight Sparkle took me out of all unicorns under her wing." Luster replied.

"That must mean you're pretty special and talented." Cozy winked.
"Oh, gosh. You're making me blush." Luster said. "I think I'm only decent, but Twilight seems to see potential in me."

"You know, I was also Twilight Sparkle's student. I was also pretty special, but she didn't like my plan, so she locked me away in Tartarus for my actions. And when I tried again to take over Equestria she locked me away in-" Cozy cut herself off.

"You're not jealous are you?" Luster asked.
"Jealous? Of what? Jealous that Twilight Sparkle took you under her wing? No way! Not even close." Cozy said.

"Is there something you wanna tell me, Cozy?" Luster asked.
"I just wanna say that, I'm humbled by your kindness, Lusty." Cozy said. "Everypony here in Equestria hasn't been so kind, or forgiving to me for my actions. It's refreshing to meet a pony who actually wants to help."

"I'm glad you feel that way, Cozy." Luster said. "Maybe you are starting to change already."

Cozy nodded.

"You know what I love most about dreams?" Cozy asked.
"The escapism factor?" Luster asked.

"Close." Cozy grinned.

Cozy lit up, and she grew a horn, and larger wings. Cozy transformed into Cozycorn right in front of Luster.

"In a dream, anything is possible." Cozy said. "You invited me into your mind, so we both have to share this confined space don't we? But don't worry, I have an idea to settle the playing field."

Cozy's horn lit up, and created a blinding light. When the light dissipated, Luster Dawn found herself on a large checkerboard.

"Tell you what, Lusty. Let's play a game." Cozy said. "A classic game of wits."

Giant chess pieces fell around Luster.

"Chess?" she asked.

"Of course. You thought my cutie mark was just for show? I earned this bad boy after winning a chess match in school. Of course, immediately after I earned it, I lost my next chess game against Brenda (so I have no idea if it's a direct correlation), but I do know one thing, I am a wiz when it comes to outwitting creatures." Cozy explained.

The game was ready to begin.

"I'll let you go first, Lusty." Cozy said.

Luster nervously pointed to a pawn, and moved it to square c3. Cozy, with a smug look on her face, cocked her head, and her pawn moved itself to f3.

"It's a shame Luna isn't around to spectate our dream match." Cozy smirked. "I have a feeling fireworks are gonna fly.

One intense game of chess later:

"You're not bad, Luster. For an amateur, you're pretty decent." Cozy said.

Nearly all of Luster's pieces had been eliminated. Her King was in a tough spot, and it was Cozy's turn. Cozy moved her Rook into winning position. Luster was sweating, there was nowhere she could move her King.

"Checkmate, Lusty." Cozy grinned.
"Come on. Best two out of three?" Luster asked.

Cozy nodded no.

"It's single elimination, winner takes all, baby." Cozy grinned.

Cozy lifted her giant rook, overhead, and hovered it over Luster. Luster was compelled with fear, she was paralyzed and couldn't run.

"No fair! I gave you my trust! I gave you my body!" Luster exclaimed.
"I know, and for that, I'm truly grateful." Cozy said. "I promise to put your body to good use. I'm in control now."

Cozy lowered her rook and *boom* crushed Luster Dawn.

Luster Dawn woke up, and immediately flung away her blankets, and trotted out of bed. She exited her room, and made her way through Canterlot. She had a determined look on her face. There was one objective on her mind, and she wasn't going to let anypony stop her.

"Watch out, Twilight Sparkle. Your star student is coming." she grinned.

Meanwhile, back at the village, Tirek placed the box containing the Rainbow of Darkness in the middle of the table. Magnolia grinned a sinister looking grin.

"Do it, Tirek." Magnolia ordered.

Tirek shot magic at the box, and it started to glow, and open slowly. From inside, the ominous object revealed itself. It levitated in front of them. It was the sack that held all the dark magic of the Rainbow of Darkness. The sight had both characters star struck.

Magnolia nodded, keeping her eyes on the object. Tirek reached for it, and grabbed the sack.
He felt a jolt of power coursing through his body. He used one of the strings to attach it around his neck.

"Are you ready to be consumed by the darkness?" Tirek asked.
"Yes. I've been looking for a new personality anyway." Magnolia replied.

Tirek held the dark sack in his hands, and opened it wide.
Dark clouds plumed out, and wrapped around Magnolia.

*tee hee* "It tickles." she said.

The darkness crept up around her.

"Okay now it's starting to hurt. Okay now it's REALLY starting to hurt!"

The darkness bound tightly around Magnolia.

"Sweet mother of Celestia the pain!" she exclaimed. "AAH-"

She was silenced when the darkness completely enveloped her. Tirek looked on with concern. Even to his eyes, it looked gruesome. The darkness completely swallowed Magnolia, and her body turned all dark. Her eyes glowed a sinister yellow.

"Heh heh heh. It's good to breathe fresh air again." Magnolia's voice had completely changed. It was now a much lower and sinister pitch.

Magnolia had been possessed, and turned into a dark demon like creature. She grew sharp fangs and wings. The voice coming from her was not of hers, but of something far more sinister. She was under the influence of some kind of dark consciousness.

"Lord Tirek." it said.
"Magnolia?" Tirek asked.

"No. The unicorn is now gone. I made her better. I made her into something remarkable. I made her into something powerful. Heh, it's good to see you again, Tirek."

The dark voice sounded very familiar. It was none other than-

"Grogar?" Tirek exclaimed.
"Yes, it is I." Grogar's voice came from Magnolia's body.

"But how?" Tirek asked.

"Let's just say, I am the Rainbow of Darkness now." he said. "Whatever creatures I touch, I devour, and possess."
"So this is the power of the Rainbow of Darkness..." Tirek said.

"Mmm hmm. Now, where is your little filly?" Grogar asked.
"Why do you want to know? You tried to kill her last time we encountered you.”

"I was wrong. The filly is an important aspect to our plan. Now tell me, where is she?" Grogar asked.
"Right now, Discord has her! That's why we unleashed you, so you could help us get her back!" Tirek said.

"Discord, huh? That's no good. We must find her, and use the darkness' power to revive her." Grogar said.
"Are you sure using the darkness on her is a good idea?" Tirek asked.

"If you value her, then we must make sure she is not indoctrinated by those ponies. The darkness brings life! We can save her." Grogar said. "We must rush to her. We must hurry to Canterlot to save your little filly. But we can't possibly do it alone, we will require some recruitment. There's an entire gathering of unsuspecting creatures outside. I order you to gather them."

"And do to them what you did to the unicorn?" Tirek asked.
"Yes. Assembling an army is the only way we'll be strong enough to overthrow Twilight Sparkle. Now go, gather them, and bring them to me." Grogar demanded.

This Grogar was no longer the physical ram feared by ponies of past. This Grogar was a dark consciousness that controlled the Rainbow of Darkness, and puppeteered any ponies who had been transformed into dark creatures.

To be continued...

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