• Published 10th Dec 2019
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Cozy Chronicles - 5u0myn0n4

Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chrysalis embark on an unlikely search for power, and purpose.

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Chapter 27: Goodbye Cozy Glow

In the last chapter, the spirit of Cozy Glow inhabiting the bewitching bell, used all her will power, and all the magic to create her new form. She was now a being made out of light and magic, and she wanted to finish what she'd started.

Cozy fought against Grogar's mighty army of shadow creatures, and miraculously defeated them. She sucked the dark magic out of all of them, and freed her friends from his grasp.

All there was left to do was face Grogar and the darkness itself. She fought against the Rainbow of Darkness in a face off of cosmic proportions.

In the heat of battle, Cozy had lured the darkness to the basement of Twilight Sparkle's school, and held the bell firmly as she absorbed all the the dark magic into the bell.

Cozy sucked up more and more of the dark magic. Just as Cozy was about to succeed, well, since Cozy's mind was still inside the bell, and because of all the dark magic she absorbed, more and more of her body turned dark, and it started to overtake her mind.

She could hear the voice of Grogar echoing in her mind. The spirit of the goat was attempting to overtake Cozy. Cozy was struggling and fighting to maintain control of herself and the bell.

"You can't fight it forever, little girl." Grogar echoed. "No mind can resist my influence."

"Hrr...! I won't let you take control of me or the magic, Grogar!" Cozy exclaimed. "I won't let you control any other creature again! Not me, not Tirek, not Chrysalis, not even ANY of my followers from my village..."

"Why do you fight for Queen Chrysalis and Lord Tirek? It's not like they cared much for you anyway." Grogar said.
"You're wrong. They... they really liked me... I know it!" Cozy exclaimed.

Grogar shamed Cozy Glow, and tried to crawl under her skin.

"Pitiful filly, this is what's made you and Tirek weak." Grogar said. "You fight for each other, not for power. You three could have had Equestria to yourselves, but because you three were so weak, Twilight Sparkle defeated you, and delivered to you the ultimate punishment."

*horrific flashback to the day she was turned to stone*

Cozy shuttered. No matter what, thinking about being turned to stone was extremely unpleasant.

"You must put away all semblance of emotion. You already defeated Twilight Sparkle, but I can ascend you to a whole other level." Grogar said. "And, you can still be together with those two, as you desire."

"Being together with them isn't worth it if you turn all of us into whatever those horrible creatures were." Cozy said.
"But isn't that what you want? Power?" Grogar asked.

"I did want power. And I-I still do. But along the way, I discovered something... nicer..." Cozy said.


Grogar roared in Cozy's head.

"I can't take it anymore! You have ruined the legacy of Tirek and Chrysalis. I witnessed it myself, listening to every word they spoke after discovering the Rainbow of Darkness. Despite possessing ultimate power, all they could think about was YOU!" Grogar ranted. "Oh Cozy Glow! We have to save Cozy Glow!" Grogar said mockingly.

"They really said those things?" Cozy asked.
"Yes! And frankly, it's ridiculous!" Grogar growled.

"I'd like to see that for myself!" Cozy exclaimed.

Cozy zapped Grogar, and used a memory spell on the goat.

A light projection beamed up from Cozy's horn, and projected against the crystalized walls in the school basement. It replayed a past scene where Tirek and Chrysalis treated Cozy while she was unconscious.

Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy’s childhood friend, Magnolia were just leaving the isle of shroud on the boat. Cozy Glow had fainted after she had been struct by a poison dart. Grogar was secretly listening to them the whole time, but this was Cozy’s first time seeing how they cared for her while she was unconscious.

"Put her here, she needs rest." Magnolia said.
"I don't want to let go of her. I'm going to keep holding onto her." Chrysalis' voice echoed.

Chrysalis gently put Cozy Glow on the bed.

Cozy was enamored, and touched by the generosity expressed by Tirek and Chrysalis.

A later memory:

At village’s castle, in a bedroom chamber, Chrysalis and Magnolia watched as Tirek held Cozy in his arms, and he gently set her down in the bed.

"Careful with her." Chrysalis said. "Lay her down gentle."

Tirek and Chrysalis looked at Cozy with concern. Magnolia sat on the bed, and put her hoof to Cozy's face.

"Please be okay, Cozy." Chrysalis said.
"This can't be it. She's strong, and resilient." Tirek said. "She'll get through this."

"She's alive, I can feel her pulse." Magnolia said. "But judging from this long period of unconsciousness, she's very sick."
*sigh* "I knew the risk was too great." Chrysalis said.

"We should have protected her. She may be just as evil as us, but she is just a pony. She’s far more vulnerable than us..." Tirek said, softly. "I wish I would've taken the hit from that poison dart, it probably wouldn't have even pierced my skin."

Magnolia sat there, stroking Cozy's messy mane, and listening to these two creatures, whom she'd been taught were savages, acting in such a caring way to a pony.

"You know, for beings of great evil, you guys really care about Cozy Glow." Magnolia said.

"Her fragility reminds me of my time raising changeling larvae." Chrysalis said. "It's only natural for me to want to protect her."

"And well, we're frankly she’s a key component of our strategies." Tirek said, trying to cover his feelings.
"We've been through so much. When we do return and overthrow Twilight, we have to do it with her." Chrysalis said.

"Well, I gotta hand it to you guys. You really do look out for each other." Magnolia said, smirking.
"It is of the utmost importance that Cozy lives. And... truth be told... I’ve never have I felt this way about any creature before." Tirek said. "Don't tell Cozy I said that when she wakes up."

"Heh, my muzzle is sealed." Magnolia said. "But I think you should tell that to her yourselves when she wakes up."
"No way." Tirek shot down the idea.

"I can't bring myself to say it to her either." Chrysalis said.
"I think she'd really appreciate it, and it would motivate her to cooperate with you two more." Magnolia said.

Tirek turned his head, and resented what Magnolia was getting at.

"We don't do friendship." Tirek said.

"You know, there's more than one way to do friendship. You don't have to do it exactly like Twilight Sparkle teaches." Magnolia said. "Frankly, that's a message I feel has been lost since she took the throne."

"Nonsense. The whole point of our operation is to undo what Twilight has done, and " Chrysalis said.
“And I’m all for that, but I think you guys should reassess what you’re really fighting for.” Magnolia said.
"Whatever. Just make sure Cozy is well." Tirek said.

The two walked out of the room, leaving Maggie with Cozy.

"Heh. They'll come around eventually. They'll just reach their own conclusion eventually..." she said.

Those words resonated with present time Cozy as she watched these past scenes play out.


In a later scene, Discord had already taken Cozy Glow to Equestria to find help. In the meanwhile, all Tirek and Magnolia could do was wait patiently for them to return, and hope that everything worked out.

Magnolia walked up to the centaur overlooking the castle balcony.

"You look uneasy, big guy." Magnolia said.
"I worry. I feel so useless sitting here in the castle, not able to help her." Tirek said.

"Well, what do you say, Tirek. Let’s take matters into our own hands. Are you ready to unleash the Rainbow of Darkness and invade Canterlot?" Magnolia asked.

Tirek turned around, and happened to face where Cozy was viewing the scene.

"I will do everything in my power, Cozy, to bring you home." Tirek said.

Tirek's passion for her touched Cozy's heart.

The flashbacks stopped, and Cozy's and Grogar's minds were back in the present.

*sniff* "So they really do care about me after all..." Cozy wept.

"Grr... So what if they do!? Compassion and friendship makes creatures weak!" Grogar exclaimed.


"AAAAHHHHH!" Cozy screamed.

Cozy felt an enormous jolt of energy through her, as Grogar continued to try to overtake her body and the magic.

"I will not allow the mind of a child to control all this power!" Grogar exclaimed. "You are not fit to rule the world!"

Cozy was losing sensation and control, but she continued to resist.

*Hrrgh* "No!" Cozy exclaimed. "You're wrong about everything!"
"What the?" Grogar asked.

Remarkably, Cozy resisted Grogar's influence.

"Our bond IS what gives us strength! You can never understand what it feels like!" Cozy exclaimed.

The darkness crawled up Cozy's body, until it suddenly stopped. And then, the darkness started to recede and the light started to return.

"What is going on?!" Grogar exclaimed.

Cozy started to regain control of the magic in the bell.

She tightened together, and regained strength and pulled through.

"I won't let you hurt my friends!" she exclaimed.

Cozy's horn lit up with a bright yellowish glow.

"I am stronger than you! I'm in control! I am mightier than any creature! I am the most power creatures to ever walk Equestria! And now, for my final action!"


She shot six beams of magic outside the room. She pulled on the beams and reeled in six familiar items into the room. The six artifacts surrounded Cozy and Grogar in a circle like fashion, and zapped them.

The Amulet of Aurora, the Talisman of Mirage, the Helm of Yksler, the Crown of Grover, Knuckerbocker's Shell, and Clover the Clever's Cloak, came together, surrounded them, and blasted the bell with powerful beams of magic.

Grogar and Cozy were overpowered by the magic of these artifacts. The magic spell lifted the bell up, and trapped Cozy and Grogar with a shield and the spell.

"No! WHAT?!" Grogar exclaimed.


Grogar rammed against force field, but they were well and truly trapped.

"What is this!? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Grogar exclaimed.

"What, this? This is just a little spell I learned in school." Cozy said.
"Ah, so this is the spell Tirek told me of. So now you're going to banish all the other magic in Equeatria. Brilliantly.” Grogar said.

"Eh... something like that, but not exactly." Cozy replied. "I'm not banishing all the magic this time. Just uh, some of it. Just a little dark smidgen of magic." Cozy smirked.

"YOU WHAT?!" Grogar exclaimed. "NO!"
"You know, you're pretty powerful, Grogar. And you've got quite the reservoir of dark magic, but even the entire mighty Rainbow of Darkness is much smaller in quantity than all the magic in Equestria. Plus, we're a lot more powerful than Glimmy was when she instigated my spell last time. So instead of 3 days to complete, this should take about... 30 seconds..."

Grogar panicked. He was trapped, and he was about to be banished.

"NO! STOP!" he exclaimed.

Grogar rammed against the magic shield, but couldn't escape.

"You're insane!" he exclaimed.

The magic from the artifacts was getting way more intense. Below them, a portal started to open up.

"You'll banish yourself too!" Grogar exclaimed.
"Mmm hmm. Yep. And the downside?" Cozy asked.

"You would banish yourself if it meant ridding Equestria of the Rainbow of Darkness?" Grogar asked.
*sigh* "All my life, I sought to control other ponies. But now, my first and only act of kindness, will be my last..."
“But what about reuniting with Tirek and Chrysalis?” Grogar asked.
“As long as they’re able to live out their lives, free from any influence, that’s all that matters to me. Even if, I cannot say the same of myself...”

The bell lifted itself up, and glowed, radiating the light and dark magics.

"It is time." Cozy said.

She lifted her metaphorical hoof.

"3... 2... 1..." Cozy was about ready to finish the job, but she was interrupted.

"STOP!" someone else exclaimed.

Cozy halted her actions, and took a look at who exclaimed. It was none other than-

"Tirek? Chrysalis?"

Chrysalis and Tirek (in his weakest form) had made their way to the basement, and stood mere meters away from the magical vortex spell.

"What are you doing, Cozy?" Chrysalis exclaimed.

"What does it look like? I'm banishing myself and the Rainbow of Darkness for own good! Using a modified version of my spell from before. Instead of banishing all the magic, I'm just banishing the magic in the bell." Cozy explained from inside the spell.

"But why, Cozy?" Chrysalis asked.

"I was wrong! The Rainbow only creates misery. Opening it was a mistake. If left unchecked, it could have consumed everything, and maybe tear apart the dimension who knows."

"That's a generous estimation of my power." Grogar commented.
"I have to correct my mistake by sealing it away. And it turns out this is the only way to do it." Cozy said.

"But Cozy! You'll destroy yourself too!" Chrysalis exclaimed. "I can't let you carry this out!"

Chrysalis ran forward to try to stop the bell.

"NO! STOP!" Cozy exclaimed.



Cozy fired a magic beam, and pushed Chrysalis back.

"DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!" she exclaimed.


Cozy zapped magic and pushed Tirek and Chrysalis back. The impact wore Tirek down even more. He already could barely move after the devastating hit from before.

"We can't stand to live without you, Cozy!" Chrysalis exclaimed. "We need you!"

Cozy was confident in her choice, but now, she was filled with much doubt.

"Grr... If you guys jump in and disappear with me, then this ending would be no happier than that horrible day we were turned to stone." Cozy said. "If we all disappear, nothing new is achieved. The point of me doing this is so you two can finally live happy lives! Even if I can't..."

"But... Cozy." Tirek struggled to say.
"That's simply not possible without you." Chrysalis said.

Cozy filled up with heavy emotion. All of the sudden, she was second guessing what to do.

"Well, it's too late now! This spell's well underway, and there's no stopping it." Cozy said. "This is my one chance to finally do something truly impactful, and lead the way for real change. I have to do this."

"But you're so young, Cozy!" Chrysalis exclaimed.

Cozy cleared her mind, and smiled, preparing for her next speech.

"I've lived a full life time of adventures with you guys. And besides, I completed every goal I set for myself, and what others set for me. We retrieved Grogar's bell. We retrieved the Rainbow of Darkness. I defeated Twilight Sparkle. And now I'm about to defeat the Rainbow of Darkness. I became the most powerful creature to ever exist, just like what my mommy and daddy wanted me to be all along. I got to work together with you, Tirek and Chrysalis. You guys led me through the adventure of a lifetime. I'm so grateful that we got to build a village, recruit allies, and just... spend time together... Now, I want you fulfill my final wish. Find my sister, free her, and have a happily ever after, all you guys, together. Let my sister Amber do and be everything I couldn't..." Cozy said.

Chrysalis, and even Tirek, felt a sinking feeling in her heart. Was this really goodbye?

Grogar was actually warming up to the idea of being banished, if it meant he wouldn't have to listen to this mushy talk anymore.

"Cozy Glow, I." Chrysalis said.

Tirek put his hand to Chrysalis, silently urging her not to run towards the light.

"Be free. Enjoy yourselves. Enjoy the light." Cozy said.

*cough* "weloveyoucozy." Chrysalis said quickly, and under her breath.

Cozy smiled, and her light body filled with warmth.

*giggle* "I knew it..." she said to herself.

Cozy smirked.

"Alright, guys. I know just what to do." Cozy said, confidently.

The bell glowed even brighter as the spell intensified, and entered its final phase.

"No! Lord Tirek! Queen Chrysalis! Help me! Remove those items, and stop the spell!" Grogar pleaded. "You wouldn't let her get rid of me and the Rainbow of Darkness would you? How else are you going to conquer Equestria? You need me!"

Chrysalis and Tirek stood, unconvinced by the spirit of the goat.

The two nodded, affirming their alliance with Cozy Glow first and foremost.

"I'll catch you guys on the flip side..." Cozy said.

Cozy's form faded away.

The bell started to shake violently, and ring.


"Let's get out of here!" Chrysalis said.

Chrysalis picked up, Tirek, but she still didn't want to fly away. She didn't want to say goodbye to Cozy Glow. But the spell was about to complete, and the room becoming more dangerous to stay in. So, with a heavy heart, knowing they would probably never see Cozy Glow again, Chrysalis turned around, flew out of the basement with Tirek, never to see their old friend again...

The two escaped from the room, before the spell got really intense.

The bell vibrated up and down, the spell glowed. The light magic of Cozy and dark magic of Grogar clashed inside the bell. The bell wasn't built to withstand such intensity. The bell was getting ready to eject its load, when all of the sudden-


The top of the bell blew apart, and two massive beams of light erupted from opposite ends of the bell. The top of the bell spewed out a massive beam of light magic through the entire school above, and into the sky, while the bottom of the bell shot out a big dark magic beam downward, into the portal. The bell looked like an hourglass of light and dark magic on opposite ends.


The bell begun to crack from the immense transfer of energy, it couldn't take the intensity. The spell reached its apex, and the bell reached its absolute limit.


A massive explosion of energy erupted from the spell in all directions. The shock wave blew away the six items, which caused the spell the cease, and the portal to close. The blast blew away the support beams in the basement, and the floor above collapsed. As a result of all the infrastructure damage, the entire school caved in and collapsed in on itself, and flooded the basement with water and debris. As explosively and suddenly everything happened, it all came to a stop. The damage was done, and everything went quiet. Not a peep could be heard from the basement.

In the sky above Equestria, the clouds cleared, and light returned to the land.

To be continued...?

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