• Published 10th Dec 2019
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Cozy Chronicles - 5u0myn0n4

Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chrysalis embark on an unlikely search for power, and purpose.

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Chapter 8: Embarkening

Previously, Cozy seemed to undergo a little bit of a breakdown when Tirek almost abandoned her. Although our villains were doubtful how honest Cozy's reaction was, she was no doubt acting strange.

The next morning, the two other villains stood in front of the door to Cozy's room, ready to make a move.

"It's a new day. Now go inside there and see how she's doing." Chrysalis demanded.
"If you're so worried about her, you do it." Tirek said.

"I'm not the big jerk who yelled in her face." Chrysalis replied.
"Eck. I hate when you're right..." Tirek said.

Tirek opened the door to pay Cozy a visit.

"Cozy? You there?" he asked.

He entered the room, and saw Cozy reading through pages of data. Scribbling stuff down in pencil, and plotting points on a map.

"Uh... morning, Cozy." Tirek greeted.
"Morning, Tirek." Cozy said, deadpan.

Tirek looked around, and tried to comprehend what she was doing. There were piles of paper and data sheets that had been printed by the machine last night. The papers littered the table, and on the floor.

"So... what exactly does all this paper have to say?" he asked.
"I'm glad you asked, Tirek." Cozy said.

"For starters, when you were hooked up the machine, and when it was running full power, you were literally connecting directly with the RoD, and it affected you about this much." Cozy explained. "For you in such a state of mind to have been sensitized like what we recorded, then that must mean it was a certain distance away. Once I finish interpreting the data, we'll know the precise distance the RoD is from this location. In other words, its radius. Now, that isn't the full story, because the radius won't tell us which way it is, however, if we perform the experiment in another location, the intensity of the RoD's energy will be different, thus plot out a different radius."

"Okay..." Tirek was trying his best to follow.
"If we have three radii, then we'll have a place on the map where all three areas intersect, then we'll know that that's where the source of the power is coming from. Then we follow the map to the Rainbow of Darkness' resting place!" Cozy concluded.

"Great! Now I get it!" Tirek exclaimed.
"Really?!" Cozy asked.

"No, not really..." he replied.
"Basically, we do this experiment two more times, in two separate locations, and then we'll know Rainbow of Darkness's exact location!" Cozy said.

"So in other words, this mad scientist project is one third of the way to be complete." Tirek said.
"I told you there was a method to my madness. I'm just a little disappointed you almost jumped ship. After all, third try's the charm, and I wanna make sure that we're more powerful than ever for our last attempt." Cozy said.

"I appreciate the thought, and I'm glad you put our villainy first." Tirek complimented.

Tirek's comment made Cozy smile.

Cozy had continued to work on the data. Chrysalis had entered as well, to see the results.

"Alright, we finally have a result!" Cozy beamed.
"Splendid!" Chrysalis said cheerfully.

"Let's hear it!" Tirek added.
"Okay, so, the Rainbow of Darkness is precisely ## miles away from this location." Cozy said.

"However, though we know its distance, we don't know it's direction." Tirek recapped.
"Correct again, Tirek." Cozy affirmed.

Cozy pointed to a map of Equestria. Their location was marked, and around it, was a circle with a radius equal to what they detected.

"The Rainbow of Darkness could be anywhere along where this circle is drawn." she explained.
"However, we don't know where precisely, unless we perform this test again somewhere else for an extra set of data." Chrysalis said.

"Mmm hmm. That's correct." Cozy replied. "Ideally, we'd have three sets of data to triangulate it's exact location."
"So if we have to travel, then what are we waiting for? Let's gather the necessary supplies, and get a move on!" Tirek said oddly optimistically.

"Golly, with such enthusiasm in your voice, how could I not jump on that? Let's pack up the machine, and hit the road!" Cozy said.

At the base of the castle, they readied a carriage of necessary supplies. The entire village gathered round for their departure.

"How are we gonna transport all this equipment across Equestria?" Tirek asked.

"You three need a way to transport large equipment across many miles of Equestria?" Flam said.
"Say no more. This is precisely what Flim and Flam specialize in." Flim said.

"We've carted inventions far and wide throughout the land. You big ol' doohickey will travel well in one of our transportation vehicles." Flam added.

"How long until we have a vehicle up and running with all the equipment attached?" Chrysalis asked.
"With our expertise, you three will be riding in style within a few days tops." Flim said.

"Perfect, you two build the vehicle, I while the rest of us prepare for departure." Cozy said.

Cozy went through her usual routine of visiting the main village ponies. She started by visiting Suri Polomare in her shop.

"Morning, Suri." Cozy Glow greeted.
"Morning." Suri said, deadpan.

What's gotten into her? Cozy wondered.

"How's my dress coming along?" Cozy asked.
"It's coming, alright." Suri replied.

"Golly, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, Suri?" Cozy asked.
"Cut out the act, I know what you're up to, Cozy Glow." Suri said, sounding serious.

"Gee, whatever do you mean?" Cozy asked.
"Don't play nice, you're a liar and a fraud!" she exclaimed. "You're just using everypony in the village for your own selfish gain. The citizens, the money made from the Washouts performance, the eventually cotton yield. It's all for you you you. So this whole time, you were acting nice to us, when in actuality, you couldn't care less about any of us." Suri ranted.

"Sheesh, I'm almost offended to hear that you think this way." Cozy said. "In case you don't know who you're speaking to, ponies tend to do what I tell them to do."

"Ol' Rusty Bucket wouldn't take me to the top of Mt. Everhoof, because there was no incentive for him to do so. So now I've learned that it's easier to get ponies to do what you want if you incentive them first. Look around, that's exactly what I've done. Lightning Dust and the others have a place to practice and perform their shows. Svengallop and Flim Flam have a place to conduct business, and you have everything you need for dress production."

"So you've only been incentivising the villagers, not because you care about us, but so we follow you in your tiny hoofsteps." Suri said.

"Is that what you think?" Cozy asked.
"Based on your little magic harvest from last night, that's what it seems like." Suri said. "A friend wouldn't steal magic from her followers."

"If you're going to prosecute me, let's put all the facts on the table." Cozy started. "I borrowed their magic (granted, without permission), and gave it back." Cozy explained.

"You're not being transparent with your followers. You're being disrespectful, and it's sad that you don't see that." Suri said.
"Grr..." Cozy growled.

"Now tell me, why did exclude me from last night's magic harvest?" Suri asked. "So I'd have extra time to work on your dress? Well that's not what I did with the extra time in case you were wondering."

Cozy didn't reply, she was just grumpy.

"Unless there was another reason?" Suri asked.
"Hmph. You are to not speak of our conversations to anyone. Especially not Tirek or Chrysalis." Cozy said.

"You're a tough case the crack, Cozy. But I'm going to figure you out." Suri said.
"Whatever, just make sure my dress is pretty." Cozy closed the door behind her and left.

Cozy met with Svengallop to discuss how the village will be maintained while she's away.

"And that is why I want you, Svengallop, to be in charge while Tirek, Chrysalis, and I are gone." she said.
"Why Cozy, what an honor and a privilege that you think I'm the most qualified pony for the job!" he beamed with joy.

"I'm... glad you feel that way." she said reluctantly. "Now, it's important that you check up on and maintain Chrysalis' collection of cocoons. Make sure the creatures inside don't starve, but make sure they don't escape either."

Svengallop looked at the terrifying sight of Chrysalis' forest of cocoons. Each one contained who knows what inside. Svengallop tried not to quiver in fear at the sight, but he held his breath, and pretended to be a confident pony.

"I will not let you down. I will make sure that the village, and these cocoons are properly cared for." he affirmed.

Cozy hovered and patted Svengallop on the forehead.

"And lastly, this sheet contains a list of other minor tasks around the village. You got this, Sven." Cozy said.

The next day, Flim and Flam had finished the modifications to their vehicle, and loaded the Rainbow of Darkness detecting machine on board.

"We just finished construction on your brand new car!" Flim said.
"And your big 'ol machine is loaded within. This baby has so much horsepower, it can haul it, and the three of you easily." Flam said.

"Golly, how generous of you to do this for us, Flim and Flam." Cozy said.

Flim handed Cozy Glow the ignition key.
"Just put in the key, and turn to start the car." he said.

Cozy flew to the driver's seat, and put in the key. The vehicle started up.

"Now it's important to note that you may need to refuel after a certain number of miles." Flim said.

"Yeah yeah, duly noted. Now come on you two, we've got all our stuff! ¡Vamanos!" Cozy said.

Tirek, and Chrysalis climbed aboard, and took a seat.

"Eugh. The seats could have used some extra work." Chrysalis said.
"This vehicle hardly feels stable." Tirek said.

"This baby is strong and durable enough to handle anything." Flim said.
"It has the Flim Flam certification of excellence." Flam added.

"That hardly fills me with confidence..." Chrysalis said.

Cozy was at the wheel. A crowd of ponies gathered 'round to witness the departure of their leaders.

"You're seriously hitting the road?" Lightning asked.
"Well, yeah. We have important business we need to take care of elsewhere." Cozy explained.

"Your guy's leadership skills really did build this great community. It'd be a shame for you to have to go." Rolling Thunder said.

"This is kind of a lousy goodbye..." Short Fuse said.

Cozy saw an unimpressed Suri in the crowd. She thought it best to leave on better terms, so she stopped the car, and flew out.

"Where are you going, Cozy?" Chrysalis asked.

Cozy flew over and stood on top of a big boulder, and spoke to everypony in the vicinity.

*ahem* "Thank you every pony for your cooperation here in the village. Like me, you are all here because there's no other place else in Equestria would accept you. But it is time that the three of us go on a journey, in search of the source of great power. There is no need to worry, because I believe you all have the skills to manage things while we're gone."

"You really mean that?" Short Fuse asked.
"But, I feel lost already." Rolling Thunder said.

"The truth is... *deep breath* that I'm proud of each and every one of you. This amazing community wouldn't exist if it weren't for your hard work and dedication. It means the world to me that there are still ponies willing to listen to me. Ponies who don't just wanna lock me up, but ponies who genuinely believe in me." Cozy said.

Some positive chatter went on in the crowd. Suri listened, giving a dubious, but slightly optimistic look.

"I trust you all to keep the village under control while we're gone." Cozy said with a big wide grin.

She flew back onto the driver's seat, and put in the key.

"Good luck, you three. We believe in you." Lightning said.
"I promise everything will be under control under my supervision." Svengallop said.

"We hope our vehicle is of satisfaction." Flim and Flam said simultaneously.
"Hm. Good luck, Cozy." Suri said.

Cozy and Chrysalis waved bye, while Tirek just stared.

The vehicle started, and the three drove off into the distance. Everypony of their village waved bye to them.


"Good bye everypony!" Cozy exclaimed.
"We'll be back in a yet to be determined number of chapters!" Chrysalis said.

The vehicle worked! They rode off through the area to their next destination.

On board, the three had some small talk.

"Do you think they would be this supportive if we told them we were on the search for ultimate dark power?" Tirek asked.

"Eh, they'll find out sooner or later anyway." Cozy replied.

And with that, our trio of villains set out on a journey! A journey of evil, aided by science!

To be continued in Chapter 10!

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