• Published 10th Dec 2019
  • 3,660 Views, 161 Comments

Cozy Chronicles - 5u0myn0n4

Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chrysalis embark on an unlikely search for power, and purpose.

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The Last Ending Part 2 of 3 — The Final Showdown

Part 6

A portal opened up, and Cozy Glow walked out. She had arrived at the Isle of Shroud. (The same Isle of Shroud seen in a previous chapter.) Although, more like the Isle of Sunshine now. With the Rainbow of Darkness gone, the clouds cleared, and the sun shined on this strange island. Why would Tirek be here? It seemed like a fitting place to run off and hide. In fact, it didn't take long to find Tirek.

She noticed the centaur, playing chess by himself on the beach. He wore glasses, and sat around a small chess table, thinking carefully on where to move his hand made pieces made of twigs and stones, and his table was just the stump of a palm tree. After each play, he'd slowly get his tired body up, walked to the other side, and think of his next play.

"This is the saddest thing I've ever seen." Cozy said to herself. "I have to do something about this."

Tirek slowly lifted his rook (I know, we keep coming back to this symbol). His arm was shaking, and uneasy. He focused on the piece, but behind the piece, blurry in his vision, he saw a pony with a dark cloak and hood covering their face.

"Huh? W-who goes there?" he asked.

Cozy, wearing her dark hood, walked up, and took a seat on the opposite side of the chess table. It seemed that Tirek had just started a game, and so Cozy took the role of his opponent, without saying a word. Tirek asked no further questions, and began playing chess against his unusual visitor.

The stranger became less mysterious as their game went on. Tirek caught on to their play style, and played accordingly. With the back row of his opponent's side clear. Cozy, castled her Rook and King, exactly as Tirek anticipated.

"CHECK!" Tirek exclaimed, after frantically placing his Knight.
"I had a feeling you anticipated my castle. That's why I anticipated your anticipation!" Cozy said.

Cozy moved her Bishop, in a way Tirek didn't see coming, and completely trapped his King.

"Checkmate." Cozy said, winking.
"Your play style is awful familiar." Tirek said.
"Let me show you why."

Cozy undid her hood, and revealed herself to the centaur.

There she was, the grown up mare, Cozy Glow.

"...Cozy Glow?" he asked. "It's really you?"

Cozy nodded.

"Hey there, big guy." Cozy said.
"But I thought you... h-how?" Tirek asked.
*heh* "Well, there's always a way." Cozy replied.

Cozy noticed Tirek was very off. His legs gave out, and he dug his fists into the sand.

"W-why?" Tirek asked.
"Why what?" Cozy asked.
"Why did you... We had unlimited dark power, and you made it all disappear! We could have defeated Twilight Sparkle once and for all, and had the kingdom to ourselves." Tirek said.
"I get that. But, I'm gonna confess something to you." Cozy said. "I love taking over Equestria as much as the next bad guy. But being trapped in stone for all those years, was the most miserable, terrifying thing that had ever happened to me. It really scared me, and in the back of my mind, I couldn't help but fear what Twilight would've done to us next after another failed takeover attempt. That's why I... *sigh* I actually would have been content with us ruling over our little town we founded."

Tirek thought about what she said.

"If you did not wish to to takeover Equestria, then why did you go to such lengths?" Tirek asked.
"Because... well, it was mostly because I wanted to impress you." Cozy admitted. "I knew finding Rainbow of Darkness was a stretch, and I didn't know for sure if we could do it. But the deeper I dug, the more reachable it seemed. Then uh, then that poison dart hit me, and well, life came real fast after that..."
"Why have you come back?" he asked. "Do you have another plan?"
"No plan. I just, I'm honestly sick of this whole take over the world shtick. It was fun for the first few attempts, but it always feels so awful to lose. But you know, nothing I ever do is gonna top merging with the magic in the bell and befalling all of Grogar's dark minions. Good times. Good times..."

Tirek wiped his eyes, and shook his head.


Tirek tried to hide his feelings, but wasn't doing a great job of doing that.

"If you're not here for any more takeover attempts, then what?" he asked.
"I'm here, for... you, Tirek... I... *cough* I want to be with you..." Cozy admitted.

Tirek covered his feelings the only way he knew how. By acting like a jerk.

*hmph* "If you're not here with some kind of plan, then... then I don't see the point of you being here." Tirek said.

Tirek's words actually hurt her.

"But..." Cozy said.
"I-I've made up my mind. I'm not going anywhere." Tirek said.

Despite claiming to have made up his mind, Cozy still tried to change it.

"What upset you more? The fact that you lost your precious Rainbow of Darkness? Or the fact you lost me?" she asked.

Tirek tried to act all tough, but his feelings were starting to show through. It was obvious from his body language what his answer was.

"I had just assumed our teamwork came first, and world domination was just the outcome of our efforts. I thought that being together was more important than the domination of the entire world. I assumed you'd be overjoyed to see me again... But... I suppose you're right. Maybe this friendship poison has infected me, and I lost track of things that actually matter..."

Tirek didn't reply, leaving Cozy to keep guessing.

"Well, if that's how you feel..."

Cozy turned her back on Tirek, and trotted off.

Fine, Tirek. I'll go find my sister first. Maybe the sight of two Cozy faces will change your mind. she thought. If you won't come with me, I'll just bring everyone here later maybe.

It was a valiant effort, but Tirek wasn't ready to return to Equestria just yet. Even face to face with his ally whom he thought was dead, he just couldn't swallow his pride. Or was he? Deep down he also wasn't ready to let her go again. Tirek tried to relax, but he couldn't take another moment of solitude. He bit his lips and sweat, realizing that acting like an exclusive jerk was a mistake.

"W-what have I done?" Tirek said. "Cozy!"

He turned his head, but Cozy had already left, leaving him alone yet again...

Part 7

Cozy traversed the grazing plains of Equestria, on her way to the changeling hive, as it was the most likely place to find Amber according to Magnolia.

If I was a near perfect genetic clone of myself, where would I be? Cozy wondered.

She was halted when she found a piece of paper, mysteriously on the ground. It seemed to have belonged to a spell book. She looked up and saw-


Cozy found a torn book underneath a tree. Pages ripped out and tossed everywhere, scattering the nearby area. A curious sight to be sure. She walked up to the book and gazed it. The side opposite the cover said If lost, return to L. Dawn. Luster Dawn. Twilight's student, and most likely the one with Amber. But the book was completely tattered, which worried Cozy a lot. She turned her head, and saw a trail of torn papers creating a pathway. A smarter pony may not follow the path to danger, but Cozy was known to throw herself into danger for those she cared about. She followed the trail of paper, which led to an unlikely location...




Cozy trotted steadily, as the land grew more desolate. She looked up and saw exactly where the pages led to.

"The castle of the two sisters?" she thought out loud.

The castle was in ruins. I guess Twilight halted that restoration project. (And let's just say after this, more restoration would be required).

But it seemed some creature decided to take up residency inside, and they likely had Amber with them.

You should get help. Cozy thought. Get help? From who? Tirek's too selfish to wanna join. Chrysalis is incapacitated. Twilight Sparkle would keelhaul me if she saw me. Maggie... well, she's a pretty capable unicorn who's loyal to me. Hmm. I guess I'm doing this myself.

Cozy took a deep breath and entered.

Cozy trotted through the dank hallways of the castle. No sign of any creature yet. Even though it was broad daylight outside, it was still quite dark inside the castle. The halls were lined with pony armor. Cozy got up close look at the armor suits, which gave her an idea. The armor looked to have belonged to knights of Princess Luna, with lunar motifs and everything.

*ting* Cozy tapped one of the helmets.

"Hmm. Alright. We're near the end, let's have some fun." she thought out loud.




Cozy suited up in the dark silver night armor, complete with a helmet to hide her face. She grinned at herself in the reflection of a large breast plate. She even found a sword with one of the armor suits. She held it and examined it.

"Is this just a stick of metal, or some kind of enchanted sword?" Cozy wondered.

The sword felt... less than sturdy? It was definitely solid steel, but the blade felt like it could detach from the hilt. Perhaps by design?

Cozy held the sword upright, and in the air.

"With this sword, I shall WOAH!"

*CLANG* *CLASH* The sword was heavy, and it tipped over, knocking over some of the other armor.

Cozy picked it up, embarrassed, and tried to keep quiet.

"And the reward for the most breakable sword goes to, huh?"

The blade of the sword fell off, but not because it broke, but because attached to the hilt was a secret mechanism.

"Ohhhh. That's actually a pretty clever design. Could come in handy..." Cozy thought out loud.

She put the sword back together and put it in its scabbard.

Part 8

In the foyer of the same castle, Grogar had tied Amber to a wooden stake, standing up, hooves tied behind the stake.

"I keep telling you Mr. Grogar. I don't have any of your dark magic." Amber said. "And I don't know how to recreate the spell to bring it back."

Grogar put his face right against little Amber. She could feel his breath against her face.

"Well, if you will not tell me, then I suppose I have some... experimenting to do." Grogar said.

Grogar walked out and continued to ponder. He drew a large circle in the ground around Amber, attempting to recreate Cozy's spell.

"Now then, it looked something like this. A circle, with points for six beams of magic to project inward..." Grogar pondered. "Six beams... six... the Elements of Harmony? Is that what I'm missing?"
"Very unlikely! The Elements of Harmony were destroyed a long time ago by King Sombra." Amber said.
"Perhaps he destroyed the stones, but the magic still exists. I witnessed it surround me in a magic bind, and you're going to tell me where the magic is, so I can reactivate the spell, and unleash the Rainbow of Darkness once again!" Grogar said.
"I'm not telling you anything. You're a monster. I'm surprised you haven't just killed me already." Amber said.
"I could easily do that if I wanted to." Grogar said. "But what knowledge would I gain from that? Now don't say something that'll make me change my mind."

*sigh* Well, what an ending. First Cozy, then Tirek, then Chrysalis... and now me. Why is it so hard for us to have a happy ending? Amber thought.

Unbeknownst to either of them, Cozy watched the scene play out from the ceiling. She wasn't going to save Amber by just sitting down, she had to take action. Flying was still difficult, but doable after spending the whole day as a mare.

It was hard to read the room and know if Amber was in any immediate danger, but Cozy couldn't afford to hesitate any more.

*bam* An armored pegasus landed (very clumsily) onto the scene.

"Halt, Grogar!" Cozy cried. "Release the filly now, or else throw down thy horns and do battle."
"Who are you?" Amber asked.
"I'm uh... your knight in shining armor, here to rescue you!" Cozy exclaimed.
"...My what?" Amber asked.
"Your daddy never read you fairy tales?" Cozy asked.
"Nope." Amber affirmed.
"Oh, right. He wouldn't do that." Cozy said.
"So, another foolish mareoine in line to get crushed under my hooves." Grogar said.
"Not just any foolish mareoine. I'm uh... I'm Gusty the Great's great great... (how long ago did she live?) like, 50th great granddaughter's cousin twice removed?" Cozy said.

Grogar gritted his teeth and slowly approached the knight.

"It matters not who you are. You puny ponies are like flies compared to me." he said.
"Well if we're so puny, how did you get your rear end whupped by Gusty?" Cozy asked.

Her question struck a chord with Grogar, and made him angrier. Cozy walked backwards slowly away from Grogar. Every step Grogar took shook the earth.

Part 9

Grogar slowly approached Cozy with his horns armed.

Having a plan would be really nice right about now. Cozy thought.

"What are you going to with that?" Grogar asked.
"I'm going to... AAHH!"


Cozy swung the sword, and with a single swing from the sword... Amber was untied.

"I'd love to stick around, but I got what I came here for." Cozy said.

Cozy grabbed little Amber in her hooves, and took to the air and flew from the scene. Grogar was furious, his large horns lit up to strike the mare where she flew.



The magic blasted the wall, sending debris. Cozy evaded the blast and continued through the maze-like interior of the castle. Flying was otherwise difficult, but the adrenaline rush was all she needed.

"What's your plan, oh brave mareoine?" Amber asked.
"Run!" Cozy cried.
"Works for me!" Amber said.

Cozy held Amber in her grasp, and flew from the scene, with Grogar hot on their tails.

Cozy flew through the castle with her sister in tow, but the halls were difficult to navigate.

"Uh oh..." Cozy said.
"We've reached a dead end!" Amber exclaimed.

Cozy found herself at a dead end, with the only way out, guarded by the mad ram himself. Grogar appeared, and cornered the two in a tight room. His horns glowed, charging his powerful magic.

"Alright, no more flight. *unsheathe* Time to fight!" Cozy drew her sword and held it out. "I draw my sword and challenge the mighty Grogar!" she said, in an exaggerated heroic tone.

But Grogar didn't flinch. He lit up his horn and immediately challenged Cozy.


Grogar shot his magic blast in the direction of Cozy. Cozy clenched the sword and nervously swung against the direction of his blast.


The magic blast impacted directly against the metal sword. Cozy clenched the sword even tighter as she endured energy.


To the surprise of both of them, the sword held its own, and withstood Grogar's powerful attack.

"What the?!" Grogar cried.

But how you may wonder?

"Wow. Not bad for a normal sword." Cozy said.


Cozy looked over to Amber. She cocked her head and lit up her horn, and then Cozy's sword glowed with magic of the same color as her magic and eyes.

"Brave knight, if you don't mind, I think I know a way to make your sword even more powerful." Amber said.
"Go for it, kid." Cozy said, with a supportive tone.

Amber's horn lit up, and made Cozy's sword glow. With a little magical help, the battle continued.

Grogar kicked his front hoof into the ground, ready to attack.

"AAH!" Cozy gave a battle cry.


Grogar's horns sizzled with lightning and magic. Cozy's sword clashed against Grogar's massive horns, sending sparks of magic and lightning coursing through the room. Cozy sliced and slashed the sword, as Grogar clashed his large horns against the iron. But Grogar plays dirty.

Grogar stepped on the sword, and swung his head against Cozy, knocking her to the ground, and dislodging the helmet.



"NOOO!" Amber cried.

Cozy laid on the ground incapacitated by the blow. Grogar walked up slowly, and flipped her over, revealing her face to him and the filly.

"COZY GLOW?" Amber cried.
"Hey there... surprised to see me?" she asked.
Amber nodded without speaking.
"So you're also called Cozy Glow?" Grogar asked.
"You leave her alone, Grogar. I'm the one who used your bell to suck up all the dark magic and banished it from our realm!" Cozy said.

Grogar slowly approached the downed Cozy.

"You pathetic pegasus. Why do you constantly insist on meddling with my plans?" he asked.
"Because, you're bad, and you hurt my friends..." Cozy replied.

He put his humongous hoof onto Cozy's head, to the horror of Amber.

"You wouldn't kill me, would you? How else are you gonna reactivate the spell?" Cozy asked.
"I'll figure it out. You're too dangerous to leave unchecked." Grogar said.
"Funny, you sounded a lot like Twilight right there." Cozy said.

Grogar pressed his hoof on her head, and was about to stomp.

So, this is how it ends. Crushed by a goat with blue b- Cozy said in her head.

Grogar was about to crush her, when suddenly-



Grogar was hit from the side.

"What the?"

It was Amber! Who shot a beam of magic at the goat.

"You shouldn't have done that." Grogar growled.
"I'm not afraid of you! You may be Equestria's most feared of ancient creatures, but you're just a dumb goat!" Amber cried.

Grogar lifted his hoof off of Cozy, and approached Amber, but she stood her ground firm. A sign of bravery? Or foolishness?

"If the armored one is the knowledgeable one, then I see no point keeping you alive!" Grogar said.
"DO YOUR WORST!" Amber exclaimed.

Grogar's horns activated, and the entire scene seemed to be in slow motion, as he lit up the entire dark room with a bright radiant glow of yellow and black. Cozy cried out for her sister. "Amber, noOOOoooOOOooo...!"

Why would you sacrifice yourself, Amber? That's something... I did... and I hurt the ones I cared about by disregarding my own life... Cozy thought

Amber closed her eyes, and braced for whatever would come next...





Cozy opened her eyes, and saw Grogar's magic being diverted away from Amber!

"What the?" Cozy asked.
"EEERG. What is this?!" Grogar exclaimed.

But there's only one creature they know of that can divert and absorb other creatures' magic. And sure enough, there he stood.

"Tirek!" Cozy exclaimed.
"You came back!" Amber exclaimed.
"I personally had no doubt. It was just a matter of time." Cozy said, confidently. "Although, it would've been nice to have you earlier."

Tirek stood there absorbing Grogar's magic. Grogar pulled out and stopped his magic.

"You stubborn centaur! You better hand back my magic at once." Grogar said.
"Never! I owe nothing to you!" Tirek exclaimed.

Grogar in a furious rage charged at Tirek, but Tirek fought back. The two mighty creatures collided with tremendous force from them both.

"Get her out of here!" Tirek exclaimed. "I've got this."
"But..." Amber said.
"You must go. If you don't, then my efforts are for naught!" Tirek said.

That sentence right there told Cozy what he was fighting for. And she couldn't be more glad that he was still looking out for her. The thought warmed her, and gave her energy.

Amber ran by Cozy's side.

"Come on, get up, Cozy!" Amber cried.

Cozy stood up, and swooped in and wrapped her hooves around Amber.

She flapped her wings to fly from the scene, as he fled through the castle.

"You think he's really. got this?" Amber asked.
"Of course he does. I believe in him." Cozy said.

But she spoke too soon as-

*BOOM* There was a massive burst of magic from the room where they did battle.

"TIREK!" they cried.

The area was in flames, and what emerged was...


That was the loud crashing stomp, not of Tirek's hooves, but of Grogar, emerging from the damage. He set his eyes on the two.

"Here he comes!" Cozy said.

Cozy held Amber in her grasp, and flew around the castle, evading Grogar's wrath. Grogar charged at the two with great speed. Cozy zipped and zoomed up and around Grogar's magic blasts.

Grogar shot bursts and beams of lightning. The shots were the brightest objects in the scene, and lit the rooms they passed through.

Cozy flew up, over, and through his beams of magic, basically evading the blasts from every direction. After much frantic flying, they were almost out of the castle.

"There it is!" she exclaimed.

Cozy flew forward with one final push, but her flying tripped up, and she tumbled and skidded to the ground.


*cough *cough*

It was a rough landing, but she got up, and Amber was unharmed by the landing.

Just ahead, was the castle gates. They were almost free.

"There it is! Go, Amber! Run to the exit!" Cozy nudged Amber in the direction of the exit.
"What about you?" she asked.

Cozy unsheathed her sword.

"I'll take care of him!" Cozy exclaimed. "I'll make sure he leaves us alone once and for all!"

Cozy was about to charge, wings flying, but Amber put her hoof on the soldier's shoulder. Cozy turned her head and saw her sister's face. The filly didn't speak, but her gaze said more than words could ever. We're in this together.

Cozy gave an affirmative nod.

Amber climbed on top of Cozy's head.

"Hold on tight, and concentrate on the sword! It's gonna get intense!" Cozy said.

*magic* Amber used her magic to enchant the sword.

As Amber spearheaded herself on top of Cozy, it was almost like the two of them united to combine Cozy's wings and Amber's horn.

Here you go, mom and dad. The alicorn daughter(s) you always wanted... Cozy thought.

Cozy took a deep breath, and then began her charge.

"AAAAAAHHH!" they both screamed at the top of their lungs their cries for battle.

Cozy flew forward at high speeds straight t towards Grogar, and Grogar himself charged forward with all his might. Cozy held the enchanted sword steadfast in front of her, as Grogar unleashed his powerful magic.


The blade cut through the air and sliced through Grogar's intense magic, splitting it in two directions.

As Cozy got closer to the crazy goat, it was time for their next maneuver.

"NOW!" Cozy cried.

Amber leaped up, and Cozy slid onto the ground, going their separate ways.

Cozy slid onto the ground, and skidded underneath Grogar's belly, where she kicked Grogar's hind leg, which momentarily stunned him.

Cozy stood up, but Grogar was quick to turn around. Cozy lunged the sword forward as Grogar intersected it with his horns.


The magic of the sword, and the magic of his horns once again collided and sent sparks flying.

"You're a lot more stubborn than Gusty ever was!" Grogar exclaimed.


Cozy pulled off and detached the blade itself from the hilt revealing underneath it was a-


Cozy blew into the hilt of the sword as if it was a tube. Because it was!

"Ah!" Grogar cried.

Cozy had shot something into Grogar's hind leg.

"A poison dart? You think this puny thing will affect my metabolism?" he asked.
"No. But I do think it'll distract you." Cozy replied.
"Distract me? *stab* AAAAHHHH!" he cried.

Amber conjured a huge cognitive inverted spike, and drove it through Grogar. The pain was enough to slow him to a crawl. Cozy looked in astonishment at the powerful spell her sister had created.

"A devastating blow to be sure." Grogar said. "But you will not have the last...*gasp*


"Sorry, but who gets the last gasp?" Cozy sassed.

Tirek had returned, and snuck up behind Grogar. Tirek opened his mouth and began sapping the rest of his magic. Grogar's glowing yellow eyes started to gray out as his dark and yellow magic flowed into the centaur. His knees collapsed, as the goat was weakened, and defeated.

"No... but how? I'm stronger than each and every one of you..." Grogar said.
"But you're not stronger than us combined." Cozy said.

Part 10

After a hard fought battle, they did it...

"We did! You were so heroic, and I helped finish the old goat by stabbing him with my magic!" Amber exclaimed.
"Ha! That's my little sister! You gave him a good ol backstabbin'!" Cozy exclaimed.
"Just like you taught me, sis." Amber said.

Cozy put her hoof onto Amber's head, but then the filly leaped into her older sister's arms, and she caught her.

"HAHAHAHA!" Cozy and Amber laughed together as they embraced each other.

"I missed you so so much, Cozy Glow!" Amber said, embracing her sister, Cozy. She hugged her sister tightly, and tears poured from her eyes and onto Cozy's armor. "Don't ever scare me like that again! I thought you were a goner!" she cried.
"I was a goner." Cozy said. "But, thanks to someone and their... um, generosity, I-I have another chance."

"Well, I heard you have a new mentor. I suppose now that you're saved I ought to..." Cozy said.
"NO! Forget Twilight!" Amber exclaimed. "Twilight Sparkle would've just held hooves with her friends and blasted Grogar with rainbows. Bleh. But you, you came in charging fearlessly, with a suit of armor, and a sword at your side! You're not on some agenda to spread your narrow minded way of friendship, just a pegasus determined to save her little sister... *sob* And if Twilight still thinks you're evil, well, from my perspective, she's the evil one!"
"That's what I wanna hear." Cozy said. "I'm glad I could be somepony for you to look up to..."

There stood Tirek, awkwardly looking away and kicking his hooves onto the stone ground..

"You came back to save us." Amber said.
"I personally wasn't very surprised to see you come back." Cozy said. "But if you don't mind explaining your reasoning..."
"Well uh, I happened to follow you Cozy (for no particular reason...), and when I saw Grogar, I couldn't help but want a slice of his magic again." Tirek explained.
"Mmm hmm. So now that you're powered up with Grogar's magic again, what are you gonna do? Lay siege to Canterlot again?" Cozy asked.

Tirek looked to his massive biceps, and thought for a few moments, and made up his mind.

"Hmm... Nah. Thinking about it now, it simply isn't worth it. Too much risk, and the reward isn't gratifying enough." Tirek explained.
"So instead of chasing the hopeless dream of impressing King Vorak, what would you like to do instead?" Cozy asked.

Tirek started to... weep?

"Forget dad, I came back because, I-I couldn't stand the thought of losing you again... Losing you felt worse than 1,000 defeats. I never want to feel that again." Tirek wept.


Cozy felt quite emotional listening to his woes.

"Why would you allow yourself to disappear like that?" Tirek asked.
"Tirek, I knew my life was over because my old body was destroyed. But I knew that my sister was out there waiting for you, so there was no hesitation in my mind to destroy the Rainbow of Darkness, so that you and her and Chrysalis could be together as a family..." Cozy explained.
"B-but that's not how it actually ended..." Tirek said with heavy emotion.
"Now's our chance to rewrite the ending, and make it right." Cozy said, intimately. "I'm sorry I made you guys so sad... I promise never to leave you again."

Amber walked beside Cozy and the older sibling put her hoof onto the filly's head.

"I never thought I would have felt this way for any creature." Tirek said. "Chrysalis was right. Friendship is a poison, and it's struck me. I was a wreck without you, and I have no idea why, these feels are all second nature."
"I think I might know why." Cozy said, blushing. "If raiding Canterlot is so boring, how about we partake in something a little more gratifying..." she said, winking.

Tirek had run out of words to say. All he could do was let his feelings take over for his actions. Tirek and Cozy reached their arms out for each other. Cozy flew into his chest, and wrapped her arms around Tirek, which soothed his soul, and calmed his mind. Cozy felt warm and welcome, while Tirek felt accepted.

Aww... Amber thought, watching the two of them.

*heavy breathing* Grogar moaned and groaned, reminding them he was still here.

"Subjecting me to your oochie coochie friendship talk is a worse punishment than having my soul trapped in the darkness." Grogar said. "You may have my magic, but still I live. And I shall-"
"Say, guys. Would y'all like to help clean up this goat?" Cozy said. "I've got this gem that can transport Grogar anywhere."
"No need. I aced teleportation spells last week." Amber said.
"Perfect." Cozy said, grinning. "We'll deal with you after our little moment together.
*gulp* Grogar winced.

But before they swept Grogar away, they dragged out their moment a little longer.

"Ah, Nothing like beating an ancient goat to bring the family together!" Amber exclaimed.

Cozy embraced Tirek tighter. By which point, Amber leaped up, and embraced Tiek from the other side. He enjoyed having the two by his side, and they all enjoyed their warm moment. Tirek had never understood the point of friendship. And even recently, viewed it as a curse, and a burden to bear the loss of Cozy. But now that he was reunited, he saw things in a different light.

*exhale* "All together now..." Cozy said.

The three enjoyed their moment together. But there was that sinking feeling something was still missing...


"...Almost all of us." Amber said. "I'm so glad I found you two. There's someone dying to see you guys again."

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Thank you guys for sticking with me throughout this incredible writing journey. There's one more chapter to go, and I hope you all look forward to it. I'm really excited to wrap this up.

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