• Published 10th Dec 2019
  • 3,660 Views, 161 Comments

Cozy Chronicles - 5u0myn0n4

Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chrysalis embark on an unlikely search for power, and purpose.

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The Last Ending Part 1 of 3 — Mare in the Mirror

Part 1




Imagine for a moment, nothing. Pure, non-existence, blankness. Empty consciousness, and the subtle sensation of floating in an infinite pool of water. Not bound by your weight, but carried by the buoyant force.

But then picture, all of the sudden, a chute of light. Seeing light for the first time in a long time, and being allured to its temptation. Suddenly the light approaches. Is the light homed in on the awareness, or is the awareness being drawn to the light?

Is it safe to approach the light? Or take the alternative? Which in this case is misery.

The beam of light is suddenly formed a tunnel, with a hoof reaching in. The awareness was weary of the signs, but it seemed friendly enough.

Consciously, the awareness reached and started to hear vocals.

The words echoed:

Repeat after me: Into her own reflection she stared
Into her own reflection she stared

Yearning for one whose reflection she shared
Yearning for one whose reflection she shared

and solemnly sweared not to be scared
and solemnly sweared not to be scared

at the prospect of being doubly mared!
at the thought of being doubely... WHAT?!

Before the consciousness could think, the light put an iron grip on them.


The light beam grew bright and brighter as it's grip tightened on the consciousness, and pulled them through the light, until she couldn't see anything.






"Cozy Glow?" someone asked.

The sudden surprise of the question made her stop screaming.

"Are you okay? Can you hear me? How many fingers am I holding? Oh wait, I don't have fingers HAHAHA!"

The loud an obnoxious banter of some high pitched squealing pony agitated the soul.

"W-Who are you? What are these voices I hear?" they asked, panicking.

"Open your eyes and find out, silly." they replied, with a squeaky voice.

It was difficult to open her eyes.

"Are your eyes not working? Is your breathing malformed?" the loud one asked.

"SHUT UP!" she exclaimed.

They opened her eyes suddenly

The pony opened their eyes.


In front of her were two familiar, but unwelcome faces. A quadruped in wearing a hood, and a familiar draconequus. The pony undid their hood, revealing their true identity.

"Discord?" Cozy exclaimed. "And Pinkie Pie?!"

"It worked! WELCOME BACK, COZY GLOW!" Pinkie greeted.
"AH!" Cozy jumped in scared.
"I told you it'd work! You had the bell with her essence, you were convinced it'd be impossible to bring her back. But luckily, Pinkie Pie 2 always has a solution." she said.

Cozy was, naturally, extremely confused.

"...What is this?" Cozy asked, unamused. "What worked? WHAT IS GOING ON!?"
"What does it look like? You're alive." Discord said.

Cozy Glow was visibly frustrated.

"You told me she'd be more excited." Pinkie 2 said.
"Up to yet more shenanigans, Discord?! You couldn't leave things as they were, could you?!" Cozy asked.

Discord crossed his arms and looked the other way.

"And you, Pinkie Pie?!" Cozy exclaimed. "What are you of all ponies doing here?!"
"Tee hee. Not quite I mean technically yes, but technically no." she said. "See, you and me, we're like sisters. We were both born here at the Mirror Pool!"
"The Mirror... what?" Cozy asked.

Cozy took in her surroundings. And indeed, the three of them found themselves in the mirror pool cave. Behind Cozy, was the pool with mirror powers.

"So you're not Pinkie Pie, you're..." Cozy was so confused she didn't even know how to finish her sentence.

The pink one nodded.

"Yep. One time Pinkie Pie made like a hundred clones of herself. Twilight got rid of them. But just like hoof sanitizer, she was only successful in eliminating 99.9% of Pinkie clones. Leaving me as the sole survivor!"
"...what?" Cozy asked.
"Discord discovered me, and was nice enough to let me live in the chaos dimension, free from being destroyed by Twilight." Pinkie 2 explained. "They never gave me a name, because they don't know about me. But I suppose you may call just Pinkie 2, since I was the second Pinkie Pie, but technically the first of the clones."

All this information was enough to make Cozy's head spin.

"You alright there? You seem kind of, disoriented." Pinkie 2 asked. Her eyes fluttered and blinked following her question, in attempt to garner Cozy's attention.

Cozy looked at her hooves, and touched her mane. She hyperventilated. She was astonished to be physical once again.

"How exactly did you guys manage to-*gasp*

"So basically, after spending lots of time gathering shards, and rebuilding the bewitching bell, we found it still contained your consciousness! So we poured your soul into the Mirror Pool, reached in and tada! Contrivances are magic!" Pinkie 2 explained.

Cozy was surprised at this revelation, but her explanation seemed to make enough sense.

"You reached in, and pulled out... me...?" Cozy asked.
"Yep!" Pinkie 2 affirmed. "Pulled out a new physical form for ya!"
"So I'm just a reflection?" Cozy asked.
"Yes!" Pinkie 2 exclaimed.

*GASP* Cozy let out a huge gasping scream.

"And no! See, not only does the mirror pool pull out reflections, but with the right pinch of soul magic inside, it was able to create a new body for you!" Pinkie 2 exclaimed. "There's nothing left in here.

*flick* Pinkie 2 flicked the bell to show how empty it was now.

"The bell really poured out your soul, and the pool created a new body!" she went on.
"But how did my soul or whatever survive? The bell like, glowed really really brightly, and ejected all that dark magic." Cozy asked. "All the magic in the bell was released! How did you manage to recover me?"
"Well, if you want the technical answer. Although you ejected all the light and dark magic from the bell, your consciousness was dense enough that it managed to stick
inside the bell, even after it broke apart. Sort of like oil and water. Soul magic and magic magic thankfully don't mix completely together." Pinkie 2 explained.
"...That's uh... interesting..." Cozy replied.
"It's not a mirror clone because the bell's empty now. But it is a mirror body, but still comprised of all the wonderful body bits." Pinkie 2 said.

This was a lot to take in. Cozy breathed fast. She instinctively tried to flap her wings, but they were strangely heavy. Her usual fast pace pitter patter of her little wings was much harder.

*pant* "Why can't I fly? What's weighing me down?" she asked.
"It must be the age." Discord replied.
"Wait, WHAT?!" Cozy exclaimed.
"Have a look in the mirror (pool). Tee hee. I crack myself up." Pinkie 2 went on. "It's amazing how reflective the surface is."

Cozy turned around, and looked in the water and saw her reflection.

*gasp* "AAAAAAAHHHHH!" Cozy screamed so loud, the entire cave vibrated, and dust fell from the ceiling.

To Cozy's horror, she was taller, her wings were wider, and overall more... developed.

"I'm an adult!" she exclaimed. "WHY AM I AN ADULT!?"
"That's a good question. You were definitely a filly last time you stepped hoof in Equestria." Pinkie 2 said.

With Cozy arguing with Pinkie 2, she almost forgot Discord was here.

"Discord, speak up! You've been awful quiet since I awoke!" Cozy exclaimed.
"Yeah, lend a hoof, or a paw, or a claw, or is that a talon? Lend me-" Pinkie went on.
"Pipe down, sugar pie!" Cozy exclaimed.
"Glad to see your personality is still in tact. And hey, I like that name. Sugar Pie." Pinkie 2 said.

Cozy walked forward and pushed Pinkie aside, and directed her attention to Discord.

"Explain what's going on! NOW!" Cozy demanded.
"If I had to wager a guess about the age thing, it may be because you really were an adult mare at the time you disappeared." Discord said, nonchalant.
"Uh, no I definitely wasn't." Cozy said.
"Not physically, but you spent so long in stone-" Discord started.
"Please don't remind me." Cozy interrupted.
"-that your mind still aged, even if your body could not." he finished explaining.
"So when the mirror pool constructed a new body, it based it off your mind, which is of adult capacity!" Pinkie 2 said.

Cozy wasn't sure how to feel about this sudden change in pace.

"Forget it! I didn't ask for this!" Cozy exclaimed. "I accepted my mortality, and Equestria is better off without me!"
"But you've got so much unfinished business to attend to!" Pinkie 2 exclaimed.
"If this is so I can apologize to Twilight Sparkle, forget it! I will never make amends with that sleazy princess!" Cozy exclaimed.


Cozy's expressive fury created an awkward and silent vibe in the cave. It was Discord who had the nerve to break the silence.

"You know, that's not why I revived you." Discord said.
"It's not?" Cozy asked. "Then why'd you do it?"
"Normally I would have laid off and leave things as is, but this is a special case. I brought you back because I promised those two creatures I would help you." Discord said.
"...really?" Cozy asked.
"Mmm hmm." Discord replied. "Way back when I barged in on you three in your little town, and discovered the poor little sick version of you, I promised them I'd nurse you back to full health, so that's what I eventually did technically. No more, no less. I kept my end of the deal. This is my last favor. Since nopony seems to appreciate my antics, I've decided to not intervene from this point forward. From now on, your fate is in your hooves. No more intervention from me."

"Well..." Cozy paused, and thought about how to reply.


"Well, if you ain't gonna try to stop me, I ain't gonna complain!" Cozy beamed.

What a relief. No more intervention from Discord? About time.

"Well, since I am back, I reckon those two would wanna see me. Ooh. I can't wait to see how they've been treating Amber. They must be so happy together." Cozy said.

"Who wants to tell her?" Pinkie 2 whispered.
Discord brushed off her comment, suggesting they weren't going to tell Cozy what was actually going on. She'd figure it out herself.

"I shall join them, and together, we'll be more powerful than ever!" Cozy exclaimed.
"Are you sure this is a good idea, Discord?" Pinkie 2 asked.
"I don't know. But it's also not my problem to get involved with." Discord said.

Discord lifted his claw, and was about to snap, but before he did, Cozy spoke up.

"Discord, one more thing." she said.
"...tha*COUGH* *COUGH* *HACK* *GAG* *ahem* th-...a...*acho*

"thanks." Cozy said quickly, reluctantly, and under her breath.

Pinkie 2 looked at Cozy, who looked cold. She wanted to do one more favor.

"Here, something to keep your warm." Pinkie 2 removed her hood and coat, and wrapped it around Cozy.
"Hmm. This'll make nice cover too." Cozy said.
"Mmm hmm. Now to make sure nopony catches me and the real Pinkie Pie in the same scene together. Otherwise, Twilight will realize she missed a Pinkie clone, and probably destroy me!" Pinkie 2 said.
*sigh* "I've been there, marefriend." Cozy said. "Hiding from Twilight, because she's out to get you..."

*blink blink blink* Pinkie 2 blinked her eyes in rapid succession.

"Anywho... Like Discord said. Your destiny is in your hooves! WooOOOoooOOO! good lu-"

*snap* *poof*

Discord and Pinkie 2 disappeared, leaving the newly formed adult mare shaped Cozy Glow alone, with just a dark cloak for warmth, and seemingly by accident, they left the bell by the shoreline of the pond.

"Hmm." Cozy thought.

But before she could do anything with it-


Discord reappeared quickly, simply to retrieve the bell.

"I'm not making that mistake again." he said.


"He seems off. For one, he's actually thought his plans through for once. But he does have a point. He may screw up a lot, but it's uh... nice of him to bring me back I guess..."

Cozy touched her hooves together, then to the ground. The clopping sound of her hooves in the dirt was a firm reminder she was really back. Her larger wings and heavier body made flying totally different.

"This is gonna take time to get used to..." she said to herself.

As she was thinking aloud, a bright glow hit her eyes.

"Hmm, why is the pool still glowing?" she wondered.

*shrug* She chose not to worry about it.

A breeze blew into the cave, and chilled her skin.

*Brrr* "I sure am cold. I better keep this article of clothing. Cozy put on the hooded cloak, to warm herself, and hide her identity.

Cozy flapped her wings some more, but she was struggling to fly.

*UGH* "How do mares fly with this big freaking wings, and with so much weight in the flank?!" she exclaimed. "Fine, I'll trot!"

Cozy up the incline which lead to the exit of the cave.

But just behind her, and unbeknownst to her, in the pool, trouble was brewing. As you may recall, Cozy's soul wasn't the only soul inside the bell at the time all the dark magic was destroyed.

*bubbles* There were bubbles rising from the mirror pool.

*gasp* A pair of curled horns peered out of the water, and, then a large creature breached the mirror pool. Two bright yellow eyes glared at the pegasus right as she exited the cave.

*STOMP* The beast planted its hooves into the dirt along the bank of the lake. He barely caught of glimpse of Cozy leaving the cave.

"There... you... are..." he growled.

Part 2

Meanwhile, at the changeling hive, the two unicorns, Luster Dawn, and Amber Glow, still wearing Cozy's friendship medal. They had arrived as per request of Queen Ocellus.

They were greeted by the head changelings upon arrival.

"You guys wanted to see me?" Amber asked.
"Yes, you're the one." Thorax said. "You're her... something."
"Well, she and I share a lot of similarities." Amber replied.
"Our mother is in peril. She's hanging onto life by a thin thread." Pharynx said.
"We've surrounded her with love, but our efforts haven't been enough." Ocellus said.
"That's where this filly comes in, right?" Luster asked, pointing at Amber, while giving an awkward smile.
"It should go without saying. Maybe seeing you will be enough to revitalize her." Thorax said.

Amber took a deep breath.

"I got this." she affirmed, confidently.

With much anticipation, she entered the chamber, alone.

Amber saw Chrysalis, in an extremely weakened state. She was wrinkly, and flaky. Her eyes barely opened.

"Um... Queen Chrysalis?" she asked.
"h-h..." the queen was barely responsive.
"Hi. It's uh me! Remember me? I'm... Hmm, I doubt she can tell the difference between me and her. It's me, Cozy Glow." Amber lied.

Chrysalis twitched slightly.

"It's me, Cozy! GOLLY! Or, whatever she would say." Amber said.

Chrysalis seemed to hear her, but didn't exactly spring to life.

"Oh, I can't tell a lie. It's me, Amber Glow. Remember? I'm her sister! I look just like her, sound just like her. We almost joined forces."

Amber climbed onto the bed, and beside the former queen.

"I don't know if you can hear me, but if you can, here's a little something about Cozy you may not have known. Cozy was almost an actual alicorn, hence why she grew to be an alicorn simply by absorbing Grogar's magic. Normally it takes special circumstances like Celestia put onto Twilight, but Cozy was so close! She was almost somepony special, I mean, she is special... very special. Not just to me, but to you, and Tirek."

Amber continued her story.

"I contain her remaining magic genes, so I guess that's why I'm a unicorn. She might be gone, but through a variety of complicated circumstances, I'm here, and I look just like her so..." *sob* "-the thought that she's gone pains me to this very day. As it does you I imagine."

Amber looked upon Chrysalis. No sign of hope so far. But perhaps she hadn't been personal enough.

"I can't stand the thought of losing you too! Oh the things you can tell me about my sister that I still don't know."

Amber leaned closer to Chrysalis, and wrapped her arms around her.

Can she even tell the difference between me and her at this point? I do sound like her. What's something she's always wanted. she thought.

"I love you, Chrysalis." Amber said. "Did Cozy ever say that to you out loud? I-I'm sure she did."

"...Cozy?" Chrysalis asked.

Chrysalis started to move ever so slightly.

"Yes! Chrysalis! It's me, or her sister! Whoever you want me to be, I'm her!"

Chrysalis' horn gave the faintest little glow.

Amber's face lit up with excitement at the promising sign.

But just when things were looking up, Chrysalis' glow stopped, and her movement slowed. Amber's excitement quickly turned to worry.

"No no no! Come back!" she cried.

Amber embraced Chrysalis much harder.

"I don't know what it'll take, but I'm giving it my all..." *sob* "I'm sorry I didn't join you earlier! I should have taken your offer! We could have lived together, but I created rift, and hurt you guys.

Despite her best efforts, and all her heart, Chrysalis' movement had stopped.

*sob* I'm sorry I chose Twilight over you... *sniff* I know in my mind that was a mistake..." she said, looking at her reflection in her necklace.




Later, Amber walked out of the chamber, completely defeated. She was saddened, and she hung her head.

Her expression said everything the changelings needed to know, so none of the changelings asked her any questions.

"I'm sorry... *sob*

Ocellus and Thorax walked up to her and gave her a big ol hug. Luster watched them and felt really sad.

*sniff* "It's okay, Amber. You tried." Ocellus said.
"You gave it all your heart." Thorax said.
*sigh* "I guess that's that..." Amber said. "Come on, Lusty, walk me home please."
"But, I told Twilight we'd see her after-" Luster said.
"I said, home." Amber corrected her, with a feisty demeanor.

Part 3

The walk back to Ponyville was an unpleasant one for Luster and Amber. Neither one of them hardly said a word. The atmosphere was far too uncomfortable. Amber was so upset she couldn't save Chrysalis. She took the changeling's fate personally, and blamed herself 100%. Every hoof step she took was a stomp. Her head was drooped, she didn't dare look eye level.

Luster knew speaking was a bad idea, but she did it anyway.

"Listen, Amber. I know you must be extremely let down." Luster said.
"That doesn't begin to describe it." Amber said.
"All I wanted to say was..." Luster started.
"I don't care what you have to say!" the filly exclaimed, into Luster's face.
"...Excuse me?" Luster asked, looking agitated.
"I've had enough of your snarky teacher attitude!" Amber shouted and interrupted.
"Look! I've been doing everything I can to help!" Luster exclaimed.
"And I did everything I could to help Chrysalis! But it didn't work, because not every creature can be saved! And you know, I'm starting to regret my choice that day."

Luster was shocked by Amber's tone, but the filly continued on.

"If I had just let them take me, we could've been together. But instead I chose the Princess of Equestria, now Tirek's alone, and Chrysalis probably isn't going to make it! My choices had terrible consequences on others..." she sobbed.
"Twilight's trying to help you!" Luster said.
"It's going to take a lot for Twilight to prove I made the right choice." Amber said. "I'm directly responsible for Chrysalis' demise!"
"Amber, that's not true! They already explained it's because she passed her energy onto Ocellus. It would have happened regardless of your choice." Luster said.
"Yeah right! You've hardly been of help! I know what you did! I'm not the only one who's guilty!" Amber said.

Amber's side tangent confused Luster.

"What are you talking about now?" Luster asked.
"This all started with you! You ripped Cozy's soul from her body, and let her body wither away! I saw her corpse in front of my own eyes!" Amber exclaimed.
"Amber, please! I know you've seen a lot of terrible traumatic things, but-" Luster was interrupt.
"It was empty because of you! YOU KILLED COZY!" Amber exclaimed.

Luster was blasted by her shocking words, but instead of helping, she decided to start arguing.

"I SAVED COZY... by ripping her soul out of her body..." Luster said. "Look, it's complicated!"
"So you admit it! " Amber exclaimed.
"Temporarily!" Luster exclaimed.
"Yeah, because Cozy's just temporarily gone!" Amber stood up on her hind legs and put her front limbs on her side. "In fact, she's on her way right now to reunite with me!" she said sarcastically.
"That's not what I meant!" Luster exclaimed.

Amber was fed up.

"Forget you!" Amber exclaimed and pointed at Luster.

She turned around and headed the other direction.

"Where are you going!?" Luster exclaimed.
"NOT to Canterlot! That's for dang sure!"
"You march your blank flank over to me right now!" Luster demanded.
"NO!" Amber defied.
"Fine! You know what, good! Because you're not welcome there anyway!" Luster exclaimed.

The two faced away from each other. But then Amber quickly rushed over and reached into Luster's saddle bag.

"And I'm taking this book with me!" Amber exclaimed.

Amber stomped away anger, and Luster stomped the other way.

Part 4

*knock knock*

The hooves of somepony knocked on the front door of a normal Ponyville house. The door opened, and inside was the unicorn, Magnolia.

"Who's there?" Magnolia asked.

Maggie opened the door. It was a pony wearing a dark cloak with a hood.

"Is this the residence of Magnolia Valentino?" the pony asked.
"Temporary residence technically, but yep, that's me. Who wants to know?" she asked.
"I'm an old... f-f-friennnd." she struggled to say.
"You seem suspicious." Maggie replied, right before she closed the door on her visitor.

*door slam*

"Wait! Brenda!" they cried.

Hearing that name was unusual. Nopony called Maggie that, except for her dad, and her old classmates...

"Cozy Glow?"

She opened the door slowly.

"Are you...?" she asked.

Cozy rolled back her hood, revealing her familiar scarlet eyes, and freckled face.

"What the..."

Maggie was astonished.

"Well since you know it's me, I need your cover."

Cozy shoved Magnolia aside and invited herself inside the building.

"That's definitely her." she said, deadpan.

Cozy entered the home, and quickly took a seat in the living room. She kicked her legs, closed her eyes, and slouched on her couch, laying back, wearing nothing but the cloak. Maggie's face blushed when she saw just how long her legs were, and how plump her belly was.

Cozy opened one eye, then her face turned to shock when she saw Maggie's frozen expression.

"Something wrong with you?" Cozy asked.
"Uh... *cough* It's just, you're all... grown up." Maggie said.
"Don't mention it. I'm not even speaking figuratively." Cozy said.
"What in the world are you doing here?" Maggie asked.

One explanation later:

"So Discord reconstructed the bell and used the mirror pool to construct a new body for your consciousness to inhabit?" Magnolia recapped.

Cozy nodded yes.

"And your goal is to reunite with the legion." Maggie added.

Cozy nodded yes again.

"Then why do you need me?" Maggie asked.
"Well, I searched as much as I could, but the more I search, the greater the risk of me being discovered." Cozy explained.
"So you want me to help you look for them?" Maggie asked.
"I want you to tell me where they are." Cozy replied.

Magnolia looked nervous.

"Well, whose location do you want first?" Maggie asked.
"Why, are they separated?" Cozy asked.
"They're not exactly together..." Maggie replied.

Upon hearing this revelation, Cozy's face turned red, with anger.

"Why not!? I set the stage for them to be together! WHY AREN'T THEY TOGETHER?!"
"See I-" Maggie started, before being interrupted.
"WHERE'S MY SISTER?!" Cozy exclaimed.
"Well, see the thing is. Amber isn't my filly." Maggie said.
"Then whose!?" Cozy asked loudly.

Cozy got close to Maggie's face and pressured her to speak the ugly truth.

"...Twilight Sparkle has her." Maggie answered, reluctantly.

Cozy head steamed, and fumed with rage.

"Don't scream, you'll give away your location!" Maggie warned.

Cozy picked up a pillow, pressed her face against it and let out a loud muffled scream.

*muffled* "AAAAAAHHHHHHH!"

After screaming, Cozy put the pillow down forcefully.

"WHAT!?" she exclaimed. "You let Twilight Sparkle look after my sister!?"
"I did what felt right in the moment. She was frozen in stone, Tirek and Chrysalis were nowhere to be found. And, to be frank, I didn't realize that wasn't you. I thought Twilight turned you to stone after your performance. It's not beyond her to do something like that. And besides you two do look so much alike after all. Or, you used to. You've uh... grown up now. She's still a filly."

Cozy gave herself a great big face palm with both her hooves.

"So you expect me to march over the Canterlot and risk being apprehended by Twilight Sparkle?" Cozy asked, angry.
"Well, you came on a good day, because you're in luck. Last I heard, little Amber's alone with Luster on little trip." Maggie said.
"That's great. Now either tell me where they are, or retrieve her immediately." Cozy said.
"I'm your friend, not your delivery pony." Maggie sassed.
*sigh* "Fine, messenger pony. Where is she at this moment?" Cozy asked.

Maggie got up, and whispered into Cozy's ear.

"Most likely at the changeling hive." she whispered.
"Interesting. Is Chrysalis with her?" Cozy asked.

Maggie looked the other way and didn't answer immediately.

"Where's Chrysalis!?" Cozy raised her voice.
"...If you're gonna get the gang together, you better hurry." Maggie said.
"Very well. With this knowledge in tow. I will reassemble the legion!" Cozy said.
"Do you know where Tirek is?" Maggie asked.
"Well, if he's alone, I have a strong hunch, but he isn't close." Cozy said.
"Well, if that's the case, I got something that might help." Maggie said.

Maggie reached into a drawer, and pulled out-

"Tada! I this gem came in handy during royal guard duties. I call it the Clot Pontrivance." she said. "Just rub the stone, and open a portal to anywhere in Equestria." Maggie explained.

A way to quickly teleport across Equestria? No unicorn magic required? Cozy was ready to sign up.

"Neat. So anyway, I'll be taking that." Cozy swiped the stone without asking.
"Yes, Cozy, you may borrow it, thanks for asking nicely." Maggie sassed.

Cozy tapped the CP stone, and a portal opened up, exactly as advertised.

"Uh... thanks..." she said reluctantly. "Glad we could have our adult conversation, but I must be off."

Cozy was ready to leave, but then she realized there was one more thing.

"Oh, one last thing. Whatever you do, don't tell Twilight Sparkle about this." Cozy said.
"I won't." Maggie replied.
"Good." Cozy affirmed.
"I think you should tell her." Maggie said.
"NO! Twilight can not learn that I'm back!" Cozy exclaimed.
"Why not? It's not like before. She really feels bad about what happened to you." Maggie added.
"She feels bad that I disappeared on my own terms, but didn't bat an eye when she defeated me." Cozy sassed.
"Cozy, get over it. Move on. Twilight's changed, I mean it. She sees the error in her ways, and she'll be overjoyed to see you." Maggie said.
"...you don't say." Cozy said, slowly.
"She thinks you're a hero for what you did in the end." Maggie added.
"Well, let's keep it that way." Cozy said, turning her head away from her friend.

Cozy entered the portal, and the portal closed. Leaving Magnolia to herself.

"I'm definitely telling Twilight." Maggie said to herself.

Part 5

Amber sat under a tree, laying on her belly, reading the book.

She frantically flipped through the pages, looking for some kind of spell. But she quickly grew tired of the book, and instead, she let her mind wander. She twiddled with the medal around her neck.

"I look just like her. I sound just like her. All my gifts from Hearth's Warming were items intended for Cozy Glow." she said, holding Cozy's medal.

She looked at the shiny medal, and saw her reflection.

"Am I destined to make the same mistakes she made? If that's the case... *giggle* then why try to fight it? Now then, where's the chapter on how to defeat a princess?" Amber wondered to herself, searching the book.

Suddenly, a large shadow loomed over her. Twas the shadow of a large creature, with a large pair of curled back horns. With her sunlight rudely blocked, Amber rolled over onto her back and looked up and saw...

"Who the heck are you?" Amber asked.
"Are you the one called Cozy Glow?" they asked, with a groggy crackly voice.
*groan* "You know what? Sure! Since everypony just treats me like her, yes! I am Cozy Glow!" Amber exclaimed. "Anything she did you can pass on to me."


"Uh... why are you looking at me like that?" Amber asked.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Originally The Last Ending was going to be one chapter, but upon hearing feedback, and the more I developed it, it became clear that what could've been a 13,000 word long chapter wouldn't be received particularly well. So we're splitting it up and sectioning it up. Enjoy the final stretch.

Bonus: For being such loyal followers of this incredibly long story, how about a treat? Want to get an early look at my upcoming entry for the Cozy Glow Short Story Contest? Here's a pastebin containing an in progress version of my entry: https://pastebin.com/VTfZsAgw
If you don't want to be spoiled on the upcoming story, and would rather wait for the fully fleshed out and proof read version to be published, then obviously don't click on it. But if you do check it out, I'm curious to read feedback.

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