• Published 14th Sep 2021
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Miraculous Ponies: Tales of Ladybug, Cat Noir and The Mane Six Season 1 - MLPandMiraculousFanatic

After fighting Nightmare Moon, Stoneheart and Stoneheart's army the Mane Six, Ladybug and Cat Noir are now having some adventures in Ponyville, meet new Allies, Friends and more while also protecting Paris from Akumatized Villains

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Episode 15: Swarm of the Century

The next Episode starts at a sunny day in Equestria where everypony was doing preparations for Princess Celestia who is supposed to come to Ponyville the next day and while everyone was busy, the pony who was the most busiest was Fluttershy who was gathering a few flowers for Princess Celestia herself along with her animal friends while singing everytime she had to walk to another spot before a squirrel ran towards her and pulled her on the tail before Fluttershy turned around and saw it with a dandelion in it's claw

"Thank you little squirrel, but remember: these flowers are for Princess Celestia. Only the prettiest ones will do" Fluttershy said as then the wind flew by causing the leaves of the dandellion to fly off and the dandellion to bow down causing the squirrel to hide it behind it before it zipped off making Fluttershy continue with her job before she arrived at a bucket of apples and when she wanted to pick a flower something chirped causing her to yelp and go behind the bucket of apples and look at the stone frightfully before tiny hooves came out which then turned into a blue cute furball with wings who chirped again with a cute smile "Hello, little guy. I've never seen anything like you before" Fluttershy greeted

Then the creature went towards the apple and stopped there

"Oh, are you hungry?" Fluttershy asked before crushing the apple and pullled it to him "Here you go" Fluttershy said but to her surprise it started eating a whole bucket of apples causing her to gasp "I guess you were hungry" Fluttershy said in shock before the creature felt Fluttershy's soft mane before resting in there quietly "You're the cutest thing ever! I can't wait to show you to my friends" Fluttershy said

Then Fluttershy walked across the trail back to Ponyville

Meanwhile in the Golden Oak Library Twilight, Spike and Ladybug were cleaning for the celebration

"Oh! Hurry up, Spike! This place isn't gonna clean itself" Twilight ordered

"Yeah! At least I'm doing better" Ladybug said cleaning the tables until they were showing reflections

"It also didn't mess itself up" Spike said angrily

"Princess Celestia will be here tomorrow!" Twilight said worriedly

"I thought it was just an unofficial casual visit" Spike thought

"There's nothing casual about a visit from royalty. I want this place to be spotless, and you've barely made a dent in the clutter" Twilight said angrily

"What about me?" Ladybug asked

"You need to be faster if we want to finish before nighttime" Twilight said

"But I have patrol with Cat Noir!" Ladybug said in anger

"I don't care if you do, as long as this place is finished you can go" Twilight said

"Okay, then I'll use my Miraculous Ladybug to clean this place up so I can go" Ladybug said

"No, remember the last times you did reckless stuff" Twilight mentioned

"Okay fine, I'll just clean" Ladybug said in disbelief

"Still, maybe you should, ugh, start reading them one at a time--- whoa ho!" Spike called out before dropping the books "Aw" Spike said

Then Twilight used her dust cleaner to move the books off of Spike before Spike sat back up

"Everything's got to be perfect. No time for fooling around" Twilight said

"You know, this would be a lot easier if there weren't three of us here getting under each other's feet" Spike said angrily

"I'm not!" Ladybug yelled

"Great idea. You clean, we'll go see how everyone else's preparations are coming" Twilight said giving the dust cleaner to Spike

"Alright, let's go" Ladybug said

"Or maybe I should..." Spike started but Twilight and Ladybug wouldn't listen making him grumble as Twilight closed the door with her magic

A while later Twilight and Ladybug were still strolling around checking the preparations to see if they were going perfect before they arrived at a banner which was being hung and on it stood 'Welcome Princess Celest'

"What happened to the rest of her name?" Twilight asked

"We couldn't fit it all in " A Pony said

"You can't hang a banner that says 'Welcome Princess Celest', take it down and try again" Twilight ordered before she and Ladybug ran to the next spot where flowers were being planted "That looks perfect, keep up the good work" Twilight complimented before running to Sugarcube Corner with Ladybug as they walked inside seeing Mrs. and Mr. Cake working on the cakes for Princess Celestia but eventually failing "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Cake, how's the banquet going?" Twilight asked

"Uh... It would be coming a little better if..." Mrs. Cake started

Just then Pinkie came and ate another cake up with a crown on top she had a big cream beard which she then licked with her super long tongue

"Pinkie! What are you doing? Those sweets are supposed to be for the Princess!" Twilight asked in shock

"I know, and that's why I'm tasting them. Somepony needs to make sure that everything is tasty enough to touch the royal tongue" Pinkie answered and as proof she pulled out her tongue which still has cream on it and pointed at it before zipping away from the table before talking in a royal voice "And I, Pinkie Pie, declare that these treats are fit for a king, or a queen, or a princess" Pinkie announced

Then Pinkie leapt for another cake and wanted to eat it before Ladybug threw the yo-yo ball on her head causing her to rub her head as Fluttershy leapt inside the room causing the others to turn at her

"Twilight, Pinkie, Ladybug, you won't believe..." Fluttershy started before seeing that the three were busy "Oh, I'm sorry, Al I interrupting?" Fluttershy asked

"Kinda, but that's not the point, tell us what you find impatient to tell us" Ladybug said

Just then Pinkie ate another cake without the others knowing and when the cake was gone Ladybug smacked her on the head with her hand before they turned towards Fluttershy

"You won't believe what I found at the edge of the Everfree Forest" Fluttershy said

"You went to the Everfree Forest for something?" Ladybug asked

"No, yes, kinda but let me show you" Fluttershy said before she turned to her mane "Come on out, little guy. It's okay" Fluttershy assured as then the blue one flew out but before she could say something three others came a yellow, a brown and a pink one all with the same body and style "Four?" Fluttershy asked

"They're amazing. What are they?" Twilight asked

"I'm not sure, I'm also not sure where the other three came from" Fluttershy said

Just then the pink and yellow ones flew towards both Ladybug and Twilight and swirled around them as Ladybug gave it a small pet with one finger

"We'll take one off your hooves. I've never seen something so... Adorable. Besides, it'll be nice to have two companions for Spike so he won't bother me so much while I'm studying or Ladybug's patrolling" Twilight said

"Agreed" Ladybug said

"Pinkie, do you want the other one?" Fluttershy asked

"Ugh! A parasprite? Are you kidding?" Pinkie asked

Just then Ladybug remembered something

"You said Parasprites live in the Everfree Forest, correct?" Ladybug asked

"Yeah" Fluttershy answered confused

"Well, to let you remember, most of the Everfree Forest creatures are dangerous, they could eat you or any of that stuff" Ladybug said in anger

"But---" Fluttershy started

"I'm not finished, where did you see the creature?" Ladybug asked

"Outside the Everfree Forest, on a rock" Fluttershy answered

"Okay, have you ever thought of the possibility that it could've flewn out of the Everfree Forest to manipulate you into trusting it?" Ladybug asked

"No I didn't, but I couldn't help it, it was so cute" Fluttershy answered with a big smile

"Well, I would say, for just this occasion it's fine but if anything goes wrong you will be the one to take the blame" Ladybug said

"Of course, if anything goes wrong then it would be my fault" Fluttershy in agreement

"Still, what's a Para-what?" Twilight asked

"How could you not like---" Fluttershy started as Pinkie went towards the door

"Ugh Now I gotta find a trompone" Pinkie said in anger

"A what?" Twilight asked

"A trompone, you know:" Pinkie started before mimicking trompone sounds

Then Pinkie ran off

"Ahhh, typical Pinkie" Twilight said shaking her head

Then the two Parasprites flew to them sputtering causing them to smile at them

"Come on, I'll bring you home little guy, why don't you go get Rarity, Rainbow and Cat Noir to choose their own pets" Ladybug suggested

"I will, come on" Twilight suggested

Meanwhile Rarity was working on a dress which Rainbow wore while moving her hooves

"Stand still, Rainbow Dash" Rarity ordered while holding some needles

"Ugh, I caaan't, I need to flyyy! This is waaay too boring for me" Rainbow said getting bored

"Do you want to look nice for Princess Celestia or not?" Rarity asked

Then Rainbow sat back down with an angry face before Cat Noir walked in with the groceries

"Hi there Rarity, I've gathered some new supplies for you" Cat Noir said

"Thank you darling, put it right there on this table please" Rarity suggested

"Will do" Cat Noir said

Then Cat Noir goes to put the supplies on the table right before Twilight walked in the room

"Wow. Rarity, those outfits are gorgeous" Twilight complimented

"All because I brought the right supplies" Cat Noir said

"That's nice of you Cat Noir" Ladybug said

"Thanks m'lady" Cat Noir thanked

"Nice to know someone appreciates my talents" Rarity said

"I do too, it's the first time I've seen you working on some clothes and I gotta admit, it's perfect, not as perfect as mine but still!" Ladybug said

"Even though that was a bit mean, you still liked them so it's good" Rarity said

Then Rainbow pulled her hooves onto her eyes and moved them down

"Ugh, sooo boooring" Rainbow groaned

Just then a sound was heard which came from inside Ladybug and Twilight's hair/mane as Rarity and Rainbow looked at Twilight's mane and Ladybug's hair in confusion

"What's that sound, Twilight and Ladybug?" Rainbow asked

Then two Parasprites were heard chirping as their bodies came out of their sort of hairs before one appeared behind it on Ladybug and the other two appeared behind Twilight causing the three even Rainbow to look with cute eyes and snuggle them

"Wow, what are they?" Rainbow asked

"The better question is, where did they come from? I only had one a minute ago" Twilight explained

"Uh, I'll take one" Rainbow said grabbing one and hugging it tight

"Same here" Cat Noir said as another came onto his finger causing him to pat him on the other

"Me too. Oh, they're perfect" Rarity said in agreement

Just then Pinkie arrived at the Carousel Boutique

"Does anybody know where I can find an accordion?" Pinkie asked before noticing the other five snuggling and talking in baby voices to the Parasprites "Girls! Cat Noir! hello!" Pinkie called but the other five didn't listen making her growl "Thanks a lot" Pinkie thanked angrily

Then Pinkie ran off again, worriedly

A few hours later it was nighttime as Ladybug, Cat Noir and Twilight returned home before noticing Spike and their Parasprites quick asleep while the room was shining like sparkles

"You have worked so much" Ladybug said with a smile

"I agree, Spike, take a deep rest and get ready for tomorrow" Cat Noir said rubbing Spike's scales as Spike took a deep breath signalling that he was deep asleep

Just then Ladybug turned to Twilight who was still a bit worried

"The decorations, the banquet, I really hope everything comes together in time for tomorrow" Twilight said worriedly

"Don't worry Twilight, even if it doesn't we'll tell Celestia that we tried our best" Ladybug said

"Yeah, you're right, I shouldn't worry so much" Twilight said then the two turned to Spike and the Parasprites who started snoring causing the two and Cat Noir to yawn "Oh" Twilight said before yawning "What's there to worry about" Twilight said

Then Ladybug, Cat Noir and Twilight went into their own beds before resting for the night ready to see Princess Celestia again tomorrow

The next day Twilight and Ladybug woke up with Ladybug having Parasprites on her eyelids causing her to jump up and the two Parasprites to flew off while Twilight also did the same but without Parasprites before Ladybug motioned Cat Noir to wake up causing her to say

"Ladybug, I love you" Cat Noir whispered clearly

Then Ladybug slapped Cat Noir on the belly causing him to jump up

"Cat Noir! You were sleep talking again!" Ladybug called out

"My bad" Cat Noir apologized

"Spike!" Twilight then called out before falling off her bed as the Parasprites flew up as then Ladybug shook Spike awake who had Parasprites on his eyes who woke up before Spike pulled them off "What happened?" Twilight asked

"What's going on?" Spike asked

Just then Parasprites flew a bit closer to the four

"Where did they come from?" Twilight asked

"I don't know. The little guys got hungry in the night, so I gave them a snack, but... I have no idea where these others came from" Spike explained as the Parasprites flew off before sounds were heard causing the four to run to the source causing them to see the Parasprite messing things up "Oh no! They're messing up all my hard work!" Spike called out in shock

"The Princess will be here in a few hours" Twilight said in shock as Twilight, Ladybug and Cat Noir ran off ready to solve this problem before Spike saw a Parasprite with a scroll making him go without thinking and jump for the scroll before the Parasprite dodged causing Spike to fall to the ground as Twilight turned back to him while using the dust cleaner to remove the Parasprites holding stuff "Spike, help me round up these little guys" Twilight ordered

Then the screen turned showing Spike using a basket with a lot of Parasprites on it as he groaned

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Spike asked

Just then Spike let's the basket fall with the Parasprites on top of him while Ladybug continues to do her de-evilizing spell on the Parasprites and managing to trap a few in while some continued to dodge

"Just do your best, that's all we need!" Ladybug ordered

Then Twilight got to him and used the dust cleaner to remove a few Parasprites

"I know, I know 'Stop fooling around'" Spike repeated in defeat

Meanwhile at Rainbow's home in the clouds we see Rainbow sleeping on a bench before a Parasprite popped up which woke her up before another appeared, and another, and another, and another and it kept on continuing until there were many before they went onto Rainbow and snuggled her as she tried to shove them away but they kept coming onto her causing her to fly off in fright before they hung onto the underpart of her arms

"Get off of me!" Rainbow ordered

Then Rainbow shook them off before they got onto her head as she then shoved them off as they then returned to her breast and between her knees before she shoved them off embarrassed before they hung onto her like a beard as she then tried to shake them off but to no avail causing her to scream and fly back down in need of help

Meanwhile Rarity was doing better with a lot of them like she didn't even know what happened

"Not only are you adorable, but you're also quite useful" Rariity complimented rubbing the cheek of the Parasprite before it grunted causing her to be worried "Oh! are you okay?" Rarity asked as then something that almost looked like a hair ball flew out and hit her eye making it stick causing her to moan and pry it off before it turned into a ball before eyes opened up causing her to yelp in disgust "Eeuwww. Aaah!" Rarity screamed as she shoved it away "No creature that behaves so revoltingly is allowed in my boutique!" Rarity said angrily

Then a few more Parasprites gagged as more other Parasprites appeared as hairballs before turning into eyes and a mouth making her scream in fright and gather them all up before putting them in a bag and walking out of the boutique as Pinkie bounced towards her

"Look Rarity, Applejack loaned me a harmonica" Pinkie said happily as she played the harmonica "Isn't that great?" Pinkie asked as then a few Parasprites to peek up before she pulled the lid back making Pinkie worried "And not a moment to soon" Pinkie said worriedly

"Ugh, Pinkie, I'm a little busy right now" Rarity said angrily

"And I'm not? You know how many more instruments I've gotta find? A lot, that's how many. Now if we split the list between us, we might just make it in time" Pinkie explained worriedly

Then Rarity pulled Pinkie away in anger

"Please. Pinkie, I don't have time for some silly scavenger hunt, I've got a real problem" Rarity said in anger

"You've got a real problem, all right. And a banjo is the only answer!" Pinkie called out

But Rarity didn't listen as she left for Fluttershy's house as Pinkie left making Rarity roll her eyes

A few hours later Twilight continued to run to Fluttershy's house with Ladybug and Cat Noir as the three used whatever item they have to drag Parasprites with them before they stopped as Rarity walked towards them

"I see we're having the same problem" Rarity said worriedly

"Definitely I'm using my stick as a whip to make the Parasprites follow me and Ladybug's using her yo-yo as a trap to bring the Parasprites with her and with every step her yo-yo shook" Cat Noir explained

"Yes, also, I've never used the de-evilize yo-yo for longer than a second before" Ladybug said worriedly "I'm not sure how much longer it'll stay in" Ladybug said worriedly

"It's not like I'm doing better" Cat Noir said as a Parasprite wanted to fly off before Cat Noir used the stick as a whip to bring it back to the others "I could've had a better weapon" Cat Noir said grumpily

"Ditto!" Rainbow was heard yelling

Then Rainbow flew by while still having problems of removing the Parasprites from her body

"Fluttershy Knows everything about animals. I'm sure she can tell us how to stop them from multiplying" Twilight said angrily as then Twilight, Rarity, Ladybug and Cat Noir ran towards Fluttershy's house before Twilight wanted to knock on the door before a lot of Parasprites flew out "Or not" Twilight said sadly

A few minutes later after the Parasprites flew out Rainbow flew by as the five turned to Fluttershy who was having problems controlling them

"Do something Fluttershy, can't you control them?" Twilight asked

"I've tried everything I know, I've tried begging, and pleading, and beseeching, and asking politely, and..." Fluttershy said

Then Rainbow groaned

"Go on out little Parasprites" Ladybug suggested as then a lot of Parasprites flew out "Ok, then how do you explain these in the Library?" Ladybug asked

But Twilight wasn't listening to the conversation as she could only think about what will happen to Princess Celestia before she was dragged out the door

"If we can't get them under control before the Princess arrives, it'll be total disaster" Twilight said worriedly

"And maybe we'll get punished" Cat Noir said worriedly

Just then another Parasprited belched out another Parasprite before two eyes and a mouth also appeared before hugging

"If you ask me, it's already a total disaster" Rarity said worriedly

"Same here, they're ruining all of Spike's hard work in the library" Ladybug said in worry

Just then Applejack walked towards the others

"Here's all those apples you wanted, Fluttershy, but I still can't figure out why y'need so many" Applejack said confused before a lot of Parasprites ate the apples so much there were none left except for the one that fell on the ground "Hey!" Applejack called in anger

"What do we do?" Fluttershy asked

Just then Twilight had an idea

"I got it! Nopony can herd like Applejack" Twilight said

"Yeah! We can drive 'em back into the forest" Rainbow said in agreement

"And my stick whip will be helpful" Cat Noir said

"Yeah, your stick even looks broken" Twilight said

"I didn't want to do it but it was just for the occasion" Cat Noir said proudly

"Well, then I'm in" Ladybug said

Then Applejack scoffed

"I'll rastle 'em up, but I need everybody's help to do it" Applejack said as Twilight and Rarity came to her first "Twilight, you and Rarity wait over there" Applejack ordered pointing to a piece of ground as the two ran with Ladybug and Cat Noir coming behind the Unicorns "Ladybug, Cat Noir you will put the Parasprites which are close to the ground in a ball" Applejack ordered as Ladybug and Cat Noir nodded before running off "I'll herd up the little critters straight at ya like a funnel" Applejack suggested before Rainbow and Fluttershy came by "Rainbow Dash, you and Fluttershy stay on top of 'em, don't let 'em fly away" Applejack ordered

"Aye-aye" Rainbow cheered

Then Rainbow and Fluttershy flew off

"Yeeeeeee-haw!" Applejack called out

Then Applejack, Ladybug and Cat Noir brought the grounded Parasprites to the ball as they got close to each other while Rainbow and Fluttershy moved down to get another few Parasprites into the bubble while Twilight and Rarity waited before they finished

"Alright ya'll, here goes nothin'" Applejack called out as the heroes started running with Cat Noir running far behind Applejack to see if any Parasprites flew off "Look out Cat Noir, that one's fixin' to get away" Applejack called out as Cat Noir used the biggest strength of all to jump before landing at the spot and smacking the whip on the ground causing it to go back before another wanted to leave "Keep a lead on 'em, Cat Noir" Applejack called before Cat Noir jumped on Rainbow's head as Rainbow used all her might to hold still before Cat Noir whipped on her butt causing the Parasprite to go back in while Rainbow to yelp and rub her butt as Cat Noir quickly jumped down before they continued to chase the Parasprites into the Everfree Forest "Hold on guys, we're almost there" Applejack called out

Meanwhile, while running Pinkie came to the side where Twilight was as she also started running with Twilight behind her

"Pinkie!" Twilight called out

"Twilight, we don't have much time" Pinkie said worriedly

"You're telling me. The Princess could arrive at any moment" Twilight said worriedly

"Exactly. That's why I need you guys to drop what you're doing and help me find some maracas" Pinkie suggested

"Maracas? Pinkie, we've got much bigger problems than missing maracas" Twilight said angrily

Then Pinkie gasped with an idea

"You're right! Getting a tuba is our number one goal" Pinkie said before zipping off "Follow me" Pinkie said but Twilight didn't listen as Pinkie returned moonwalking "I said, follow me!" Pinkie ordered angrily

Pinkie Pie, you are so random" Rainbow said

"And you all are so stubborn!" Pinkie said angrily running off

"Forget her ladies and gentleman. Focus. Head 'em up and head 'em out" Applejack ordered

Then our heroes continued to run before they arrived as our heroes stopped making them roll back into the Everfree Forest

"All right!" Rainbow cheered

Then Fluttershy pulled out her hooves for a low two before Rainbow whacked on them really hard

"Ouch" Fluttershy said

"Well, even though they arrived, I gotta say I'm sorry to Rainbow" Cat Noir said

"I get it, you had to do it for the Parasprite, although, now I need to get my butt checked" Rainbow said still rubbing her butt

"We did it. Nice work, Applejack" Twilight complimented

"Couldn't a'done it without ya'll" Applejack said

"Now let's go back and clean up the mess they made before the Princess arrives" Twilight suggested

After a bit of walking our heroes arrived back at Fluttershy's cottage as they walked back towards the cottage

"Okay everyone knows what to do; right?" Ladybug asked

"We gotta work extra hard to make up for lost time" Twilight answered as then Fluttershy was the first to arrive at the door as she opened it before a lot of Parasprites flew out

"Where did they come from?" Twilight asked

"Well, I may have kept just one" Fluttershy answered as the others glared angrily "Heh, I couldn't help myself. They're just to cute" Fluttershy said nervously

"You know how long it took to get those Parasprites back in the Everfree Forest?!" Ladybug asked angrily

"We don't have time to keep rounding up these things. What do we do now?" Twilight asked

"We call in the weather patrol" Rainbow suggested flying in with goggles on her for hea as then she flew into the air and watched Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Ladybug and Cat Noir gathering all the Parasprites "Time to take out the adorable trash" Rainbow said putting her goggles on "YAAAAAA!

Then Rainbow flew down towards the Parasprites before spinning as a lot of Parasprites flew inside the tornado while our heroes held onto something they could reach for before she was a bit further away

"Way to go, Rainbow Dash!" Twilight called out

"Looks like our problems are solved" Applejack said

Just then Pinkie bounced in with the cymbals on her which clanked

"They will be with these cymbals" Pinkie said before the cymbals flew off her neck and into the tornado "Hey! Give those back!" Pinkie ordered

Just then the cymbals flew into the tornado as Rainbow tried to dodge them before the tornado made weird movement

"Wow! I can't hold it! She's breaking up" Rainbow called out

Just then Rainbow flew out of the tornado and hit a tree while the other Parasprites flew out of the tornado and into Ponyville which made the others mad

"Pinkie Pie, what have you done?" Twilight asked angrily

"I've lost a new pair of cymbals, that's what I've done" Pinkie answered angrily

"Will you forget about your silly instruments for one second? You're ruining our efforts to save Ponyville" Twilight said in anger

"Me? Ruin? I'm not the ruiner, I'm the ruinee! Or is it ruiness? Ruinette?" Pinkie asked

"Come on guys, there's no reasoning with that one. She's a few apples short of a bushel" Applejack said

Then the others ran off leaving Pinkie behind as she called out to them

"Hey! I'm trying to tell you all that the ruining is on the other hoof. If you'd just slow down and listen to me!" Pinkie called out but the others were already far behind

Meanwhile the Parasprites floated down into Ponyville as the others looked in shock and awe before one flew down with it's eyes closed before landing on Bon Bon's hoof who looked at it cutely before it's eyes opened and it's mouth after that as it then started eating the food on the table before floating off making Lyra sob sadly, while at another place another pony was working on the plants and giving them water before Parasprites appeared and flew and ate a few of the crops makking the farmer sad while others started eating other food on the markets and Sugarcube Corner shocking the others

"What do we do? They're eating all the food in town" Fluttershy asked

Just then Applejack realized something

"My apples!" Applejack called out

Then Applejack charged for Sweet Apple Acres which made Twilight and Ladybug worried

"We've gotta do something!" Twilight said worriedly before a Parasprite appeared with a cupcake in it's feet it dropped it and flew into the air making Twilight gasp with an idea "I got it! I'll cast a spell to make them stop eating all the food" Twilight said

Then Twilight used her magic like soundwaves to stop all the Parasprites to eat before a few got confused before they the magic finished

"Look, tambourines! If yoou all could just..." Pinkie started before groaning as the others didn't listen before running off

Then Ladybug checked to see if the Parasprite would eat the apple before sighing as she wanted to turn to Twilight before the Parasprite at the basket with the others also eating stuff like walls, shop hangers and more

"Hey, it worked. They're not eating the food anymore" Rainbow complimented sarcastically

Then Twilight blushed embarrassingly before Rarity realized something

"Oh no... if they get inside my store... Everyone for herself!" Rarity called out zipping off

Sooner or later Rarity arrived in her boutique before seeing the Parasprites in the room ready to eat her clothes

"My outfits!" Rarity called before trying to shove the Parasprites away "Go on, shoo! Get out of here, you naughty! Naughty!" Rarity called

Just then a Parasprite belched another sprite as she backed off before landing on a chair and shrieking before she heard something

"I'll save you!" Pinkie called out

Then Pinkie bursts into the room before running to get a flute of some sort as she blew on it before running away causing Rarity to shriek again

Meanwhile Applejack was with Granny Smith and Big Macintosh ready to fight back

"No woodland creature's gonna eat the Apple Family's crop" Applejack said strictly as then a bunch of Parasprites flew in "Brace yourselves, yall, here they come!" Applejack called out before the Parasprites dodged them and flew for her home before eating it all up before flying away as the house broke down "Didn't see that one coming" Applejack said in shock

Meanwhile Twilight, Ladybug and Cat Noir returned to the Golden Oak Library where the situation wasn't doing any better

"Help!" Spike called out

Then a book knocked onto the basket as the basket fell back over Spike while other Parasprites started eating either books or

"They're eating the words!" Twilight yelled out

"They are literal bookworms" Cat Noir said in shock

"For once, bad timing" Ladybug said

"Sorry, but still" Cat Noir said

Then Twilight grabbed a Parasprite before dragging it with her

"Cat Noir, get Spike to safety" Ladybug ordered

"Yes m'lady" Cat Noir obeyed

Then Ladybug started running after Twilight as Cat Noir went towards Spike

"Help" Spike called

Meanwhile Twilight and Ladybug continued to run towards Zecora's hut before slamming the door open causing Zecora to lose focus and fall to the ground

"Ugh, have you gone mad?" Zecora asked

Then Twilight pulled the Parasprite out of her mouth

"Zecora, these little guys are devouring Ponyville, and the Princess is on her way. Can you help us, please?" Twilight asked in worry

"Yeah, one last minute and we're homeless!" Ladybug called out

"Oh, monster of so little size. Is that a Parasprite before my eyes?" Zecora asked

"I don't know! Is it?" Twilight asked

"Tales of crops and harvests consumed. If these creatures are in Ponyville, you're doomed" Zecora explained

Then Twilight started looking in worry at Ladybug who was mad at Fluttershy

"If Fluttershy hadn't bring them to us none of this would've happend!" Ladybug said in anger

Later Twilight and Ladybug ran outside the Everfree Forest with the Parasprites following her as they started to try and move them away but they continued to follow before she noticed Celestia in a carriage

"Oh no, here she comes" Twilight said in shock

"For once, I have failed" Ladybug said

Then Ladybug dropped to the ground sobbing before Twilight pulled her off the ground and brought Ladybug with her towards Ponyville where the town was still under attack as she started freaking while forcefully holding up a smile

"Okay, here's the plan. Rainbow Dash, you distract them" Twilight ordered as Rainbow flew off frightened "Good, everybody else, we need to build an exact copy of Ponyville right over there" Twilight ordered pointing to another spot "We've got less than a minute" Twilight said

Then Ladybug went and pats Twilight on the head

"Twilight, I know you don't want to accept defeat, but it is already too late" Ladybug said sadly

Then Twilight let's Ladybug go before looking down sadly to the ground

"Zecora was right, we're doomed" Twilight said before music was heard playing "Oh no, the Princess's procession is here, it's all over!" Twilight called out sadly

Then Ladybug looked at the distance and saw Pinkie coming by as she rubbed her eyes thinking she was dreaming but she wasn't as she patted Twilight on the side who then turned and saw Pinkie walking by with a lot of instruments on her

"Pinkie? We're in the middle of a crisis here, this is no time for your" Twilight started before she and Ladybug saw the Parasprites pumping their bodies to the beat "Nonsense" Twilight said in awe as then the Parasprites went to the ground and bounced in a line behind Pinkie who continued to play music as Twilight and Ladybug returned to their friends who were also confused before they agreed to walk right behind the Parasprites before Celestia landed making them stop "Look" Twilight called out pointing to the Carriage

Then our heroes started running towards Celestia while Pinkie continued to play music and when our heroes arrived they bowed down before them

"Twilight Sparkle, my prized pupil" Princess Celestia said in happiness

"Hello, Princess" Twilight said nervously

"Soi lovely to see you again, as well as your friends" Princess Celestia said

Just then music returned to play as our heroes and Celestia turned to the sound to see Pinkie bringing the Parasprites away

"So... How was the trip? Hit much traffic?" Twilight asked changing the subject

But it didn't work out well

"Ah, what is this?" Princess Celestia asked as a Parasprite came on top of her "Oh ho ho, these creatures are adorable" Princess Celestia said

"More adorable than destructive" Cat Noir said before Ladybug hit him on the side "What! It's true!" Cat Noir said

"I'm terribly honored that you and the good citizens of Ponyville have arranged a parade in honor of my visit" Princess Celestia said

"Parade? Oh. Yes, the parade" Twilight said nervously

"Unfortunately, that visit is going to have to wait for another time. I'm afraid an emergency has come up in Fillydelphia. Apparently there's been some sort of infestation" Princess Celestia explained

"An... Infestation?" Twilight asked nervously

"Yes, a swarm of bothersome creatures has invaded the poor town. I'm sorry, Twilight, to have to put you all through so much trouble" Princess Celestia apologized

"Trouble? What trouble?" Twilight asked

"Before I have to go, would you care to give me your latest report on the magic of friendship in person?" Princess Celestia asked

"My... Report?" Twilight asked

"Haven't you learned anything about Friendship?" Princess Celestia asked

"Actually, I have, I've learned that sometimes the solution to your problems can come from where you least expect it. It's a good idea to stop and listen to your friends' opinions and perspectives" Twilight explained before a loud clang was heard "Even when they don't always seem to make sense" Twilight said

"I'm so proud of you, Twilight Sparkle, and I'm very impressed with your friends as well. It sounds like you're all learning so much from each other" Princess Celestia said proudly

Then Celestia left as our heroes walked towards Pinkie who just finished making music for the Parasprites

"Hey, what happened to the Princess?" Pinkie asked

"Emergency in Fillydelphia" Twilight answered

"Some sort of Infestation" Rainbow said proudly

"Oh no! Have they got Parasprites to? Well, have tuba, will travel" Pinkie said

Then Pinkie blew the tuba loudly as Twilight went to her

"I think the Princess can handle it" Twilight said

"So you knew what those critters were all along, huh Pinkie Pie?" Applejack asked

"Well, duh! Why do you think I was so frantic to get my hooves on all those instruments? I tried to tell you" Pinkie answered

"Well, we're sorry that we didn't listen" Ladybug apologized

"It's alright, you guys were busy too" Pinkie said

"You're a great friend, even if we don't always understand you" Twilight said

Thanks guys, you're all great friends too. even when I don't understand you" Pinkie thanked

"You saved my reputation with Princess Celestia, and more importantly, you saved Ponyville" Twilight thanked but when the screen switched the sceen showed Ponyville in ruins "Or not" Twilight said sadly

And as an ending note Pinkie blew the tuba as an game over sound