• Published 14th Sep 2021
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Miraculous Ponies: Tales of Ladybug, Cat Noir and The Mane Six Season 1 - MLPandMiraculousFanatic

After fighting Nightmare Moon, Stoneheart and Stoneheart's army the Mane Six, Ladybug and Cat Noir are now having some adventures in Ponyville, meet new Allies, Friends and more while also protecting Paris from Akumatized Villains

  • ...

Episode 23: Horrificator and Mobificator

A few weeks later in Mrs. Bustier's class the students were making a short as Nino was filming a scene where Adrien and Myléne were hiding from the monster

"Agent Smith! It's too dangerous! We must evacuate!" Adrien explained

"You're suggesting we run, Officer Jones? After it devoured, my family, my friends, even my beloved dog, sniffles? Never! I won't run! I no longer fear it, I'm going to face it, then I'll" Myléne said determinedly before screaming so loud the whole city of paris heard it as Ivan was wearing an purple costume with yellow and orange eyes and blue hair on top which scared Myléne and Fluttershy who started hugging Rarity tightly

"Cut!" Nino called out

"Don't worry darling, it is just a costume" Rarity soothed

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid of monsters, even of what happened a while ago" Fluttershy said

"You mean that one time at Nightm---" Rainbow started before seeing the others staring at her "I mean, Halloween where you ran off because you saw a pony wearing a zombie mask?" Rainbow asked as Fluttershy nodded "Don't sweat it, I'll be sure to be careful this time" Rainbow assured

"Agreed, we're all here for you" Twilight said

After that situation was resolved fairly quickly Nino and the others turned back to Myléne who hid under the table in fright as Ivan pulled off the mask

"Sorry Myléne" Ivan apologized

"Myléne! That's like, the tenth take, and we're only on the first scene" Nino said angrily

Then Myléne got out from under the table as she stood up while Alix showed the clipboard

"Fourteenth actually. But who's counting?" Alix asked

"None of us, but thanks for telling" Rainbow answered angrily

Then Nino groaned as Myléne turned to Nino

"I'm sorry. I'm gonna do better on the next take, I promise" Myléne promised

"I'm afraid you have both stage and horror fright so I think you should not continue" Lyra said sadly

Just then Rose pulled out some food and drinks

"Anyone want some tea?" Rose asked

"And spill the beans, no thanks" Pinkie answered before she realized something "Get it, spill the beans as in, teas have beans too" Pinkie said

Then everybody started laughing at Pinkie's joke before they turned back to Myléne

"You're playing a hero from the special forces. You're not supposed to get all freaked out, even you Fluttershy!" Nino said angrily

"I'm so sorry, I'll try my best next take" Fluttershy said

"Yeah, she's right, but... That monster mask he's wearing is so... Realistic and scary!" Myléne said worriedly

"Just big ol' me, Myléne. Nothing to be scared of" Ivan said

"Yeah, so you don't have to worry" Vinyl said

Then Ivan moved his fingers through the mask before Applejack slapped him on the head making Ivan turn in pain as Applejack glared in anger

"What he meant to say was---" Applejack started before Chloé interrupted

"You ask me! he doesn't even need a mask!" Chloé explained

Then Sabrina and Chloé asked

"Oh shut up you, you're gonna make those two freak again!" Applejack said in anger

Meanwhile Twilight, Marinette and Alya stood together

"What a bratty snob!" Marinette said angrily

"Ivan, put the mask back on, you're playing the monster! And Myléne, we need you to stay in Character!" Nino suggested

Then Ivan puts the mask back on making Myléne back off and pray to herself

"I need to sing my happy song, it always makes me feel better" Myléne said before singing "Smelly wolf, Smelly wolf, stinky breath and slimy---" Myléne started

And while Myléne was singing she also backed off before she bumped into Adrien making her freak and turn around in fright making Chloé stand up in pride

"And the oscar for best pathetic scaredy-cat afraid of it's own shadow goes to... Myléne!" Chloé announced

"Thank goodness it's not me" Fluttershy said before her friends glared "Oh, uh, I meant I feel bad for her" Fluttershy said worriedly before slowly ducking under the bench

Then Myléne got more sad as Adrien glared at Chloé and Fluttershy

"Chloé, Fluttershy, seriously?" Adrien asked angrily

"Yeah, so what?" Chloé asked

"I'm so sorry!" Fluttershy said

Then Fluttershy and Myléne ran off crying

"Myléne! Fluttershy!" Marinette called out as Myléne and Fluttershy ran out of the room with Marinette following behind only to stop in sadness before turning to the others in anger "Anyone gonna go after them?" Marinette asked

Then Ivan pulled off his mask

"Myléne, Fluttershy, wait!" Ivan called out

"We're coming for you!" Pinkie called out

Then Pinkie and Ivan ran out of the room and after Myléne and Fluttershy

Meanwhile Myléne and Fluttershy were sitting on a bench crying as Ivan and Pinkie walked towards them before Pinkie ran towards Fluttershy and gave her a hug

"It's okay Fluttershy, it's okay" Pinkie said hugging Fluttershy "We're here for you" Pinkie said

"But, I'm sorry for what I've done" Fluttershy said between sobs

"I know you are, and I also know that you made the right words at the wrong time but you shouldn't let Chloé get you" Pinkie said

"Maybe you're right" Fluttershy said sadly

"Still, I'm sure Myléne forgives you, right Myléne?" Pinkie asked before she saw Myléne still crying

Then Ivan walked towards Myléne in worry and sadness

"Ummm... Don't listen to those bozos. Easy to judge when they're not in front of the camera, you're doing awesome!" Ivan said worriedly before motioning Myléne to follow him "Come back! I'll promise I'll roar more quietly" Ivan promised as then Myléne with a weak smile turned to Ivan as Ivan grabbed a hairpin from his pocket "Here. It's from my favorite band, the Zombie Skull Crushers" Ivan said giving the hairpin

But after Fluttershy heard those words she pushed Pinkie against the stairs before running to the bathroom frightened and crying

"Look at what you've done Ivan!" Pinkie said in anger

"My bad, I didn't know she was scared of zombies" Ivan apologized

"No worries, but next time be careful" Pinkie said

Then Myléne grabs the hairpin and gasped in awe as it was a black hairpin with two bones on it

"Uh, that's, uhh... Really sweet of you, Ivan and Pinkie, but... They're right, I can't act to save my life... Excuse me!" Myléne said

Then Myléne ran off crying as then Pinkie and Ivan looked down in defeat as Myléne then ran into the same bathroom Fluttershy ran into

After seeing the scene unfold the window plates of Hawk Moth's lair opened as Hawk Moth started talking

"A film shoot... Oh yes. So many emotions, some fake, yet, others very, very real" Hawk Moth said before opening his one hand as two butterflies flew on the palm of his hand before Hawk Moth puts the other on top of the two butterflies turning them into Akuma's as he then let's them go "Fly away, my little akuma's and over power these young misunderstood artists" Hawk Moth ordered

Then the two akuma's started flying into the distance

Meanwhile back in Mrs. Bustier's Classroom there was an argument

"Epic, Chloé! Just epic! What are we supposed to do now without our leading actress?" Nino asked angrily

"Yeah, and why did you have to make Fluttershy's feelings worse?!" Rainbow asked angrily

"Who needs them, anyway? They were totally lame!" Chloé explained

"They were not lame they were our friends" Rarity said angrily

Just then Pinkie and Ivan burst into the room angrily

"You're lame! Myléne and Fluttershy are crying their eyes out on the bathroom thanks to you!" Ivan said angrily

"And who knows, maybe Hawk Moth sent two akuma's to evilize the two of them!" Pinkie said angrily

"Me, lame?" Chloé asked angrily

Then the others started arguing against Chloé before Marinette and Twilight stopped them

"Hey, hey! Everyone chill out!" Marinette ordered before she walked towards Ivan and whispered to him "You're right, Chloé's lame" Marinette whispered before turning to the others "But fighting isn't gonna get Myléne nor Fluttershy back, I'm the producer and I'm gonna do everything in my power to finish filming tonight!" Marinette said

"Together with co-producer, me" Twilight said in agreement

"The deadline for the Parisian Student Short Film Festival is tomorrow evening. Precisely 26 hours, 15 minutes and 14, 13 seconds from now" Max explained

"Thank you, Max! And we still have editing, post-sound and soundtrack" Twilight explained

"And who's gonna take Myléne's part?" Adrien asked

"Um, me of course!" Chloé answered

"You haven'r even read the script!" Alya said angrily

"Of course I have! The first scene anyway. I can tell you that it ends with a kiss between Agent Smith and Officer Jones!" Chloé reminded her while looking at Adrien lovingly

Just then Marinette gasped in realization as she thought of one possible outcome before Alya tapped her cheek causing her to hold Alya's jacket angrily

"You wrote that?!" Marinette asked angrily

Then Applejack along with Rainbow pulled Marinette away from Alya

"Chill out, it's not like the world's gonna end after one kiss" Rainbow said

"Yeah, hold up!" Alya said before checking the script again "I didn't even write that!" Alya said in confusion

"Well, I wanted some romance so I did it" Rarity answered the question

"What! You edited my script without even telling me? That's low!" Alya said in anger

"Okay will everypony just stop fighting!" Bon Bon yelled out

But Alya and Nino didn't listen as Rarity corrected Alya

"Wait a minute! You mean our script!" Rarity said angrily

Then Adrien and Bon Bon sighed in defeat

"This is gonna end badly" Bon Bon said in defeat

"Juice?" Rose asked

"Sure thing Rose" Bon Bon answered

"Give me one too" Adrien said in agreement

Then Bon Bon and Adrien grabbed one of each cup as they wanted to drink before Chloé's hand bumped on Adrien's shoulder stopping him

"Oh, who cares who wrote that? We've got to film this thing, right?" Chloé asked

Then Chloé stole Adrien's cup and drank in it before Max interrupted

"She's riight. Principal Damocles is only allowing us to use the school until 6 PM sharp. Which leaves us 9 hours, 12 minutes and 12 seconds, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6---" Max counted

Then Marinette pulled Alya to the side

"Adrien and Chloé kissing cannot happen! No way!" Marinette said angrily

"It makes no sense story wise anyway. The main characters emotional journey---" Alya started before being interrupted

Just then Marinette had an idea

"Hold on!" Marinette stopped Alya before running to the entrance of sorts "We can't let Myléne leave just like that, it's... Wrong! We all chose her to play the leading female role! And... We're all in this movie together! She needs our support, I'm gonna go find her and bring her back" Marinette said

"I'm in!" Twilight said in agreement

"Always trying to save the day, aren't you Marinette and Twilight? Good luck finding the filthy hole those scaredy cats are hiding in!" Chloé said

"Well keep her busy, you may go" Rainbow said

"Alright, let's go Marinette" Twilight said

Then Twilight and Marinette left the room

Just then two Akuma's flew to the bathrooms hitting two of the hairpins both Fluttershy and Myléne wore

"Why are you so intimitated and scared all the time?" Myléne asked sadly

"I'm not sure" Fluttershy answered sobbing "What about you?" Fluttershy asked

"Same" Myléne answered sadly

Just then the two Akuma's hit one of the hairpins both Fluttershy and Myléne wore

Then Myléne and Fluttershy stared into Hawk Moth's eyes

"Horrificator and Mobificator, I am Hawk Moth. Up until now, you have felt fear. From now on, you will cause fear. And after you show them how they make you feel, you will do something for me in return, also Mobificator, I give you the power to cause fear and teleport any mob you see fit except for Creepers since they explode" Hawk Moth said

"Yes, Hawk Moth" Myléne and Fluttershy accepted in unison

Then Myléne turned into a large salamander-like monster with a long brilliant purple tail. The top half of her body is mainly brilliant fuchsia, and the bottom half, along with her forearms, are the same color as her tail. She has three brilliant amaranth eyes with light brilliant gold scleras, the third eye in the middle of her forehead, and has very pale blue tentacles with spots on the back of it's head. It's head has freckles; her mouth has sharp, jagged white teeth; and her tongue is pale, light grayish arctic blue. She has dark purple claws on her hands, while the claws on her feet are brown, the toes being pale, light grayish gamboge. The pin that Ivan gave her is attached next to one of her head tentacles but is hidden by her slimy goo and Fluttershy turned into an pale skinned Alex from Minecraft with pink hair, lime pants, dark green belt, brown pants and grey shoes and she also has a sword in her hand and of course her black butterfly hairpin as the creature spat goo on one window while the Flutteralex slashed the window so that scratches could be seen before the door opened and Twilight and Marinette walked in causing the two to walk inside a toilet spot as Marinette and Twilight looked around for clues before Twilight noticed a few slashes on a mirror as she felt the way it got slashed while Marinette found some goo making her gasp in shock before she went to touch it before the goo got on top of her finger making her try and rub it off before Alya walked into the room

"Marinette! Twilight! Did you find Myléne or Fluttershy?" Alya asked

"No..." Marinette answered

"But we did find these slashes and good" Twilight explained

"Well you better come ASAP, producer! There's some serious lip puckering about to get going on!" Alya said worriedly

Then Marinette, Twilight and Alya ran out of the room

"Time to use your scare tactics, Horrificator and Mobificator. And thrive!" Hawk Moth said

Then Alix pulled the clapboard in front of the camera

"Horrificator, take 15" Alix called slapping the clapboard shut

"Action!" Nino called out

"I'm not scared of that Horrificator thingy, Officer Whatever-your-name-is, now kiss me!" Chloé said

Then Chloé reached to kiss Adrien who backed off worriedly before Marinette throws open the door

"CUT!!!" Marinette yelled out

Then the others angrily turned to Marinette and Alya especially Nino

"Marinette, what gives? We're in the middle of a shoot, and I'm the director, FYI. I say cut, no one else. Comprende?" Nino asked angrily

"And I'm the producer! Myléne's supposed to be the star of this movie" Marinette said angrily

"We're out of time, and from what I can see, Myléne is MIA. Let's take it from the top, people" Nino called out

"Here we go again" Adrien said in disbelief before Juleka once again did some blush on him

"This is beat! Agent smith does not need a man in her life right now! Sniffles just got munched on, remember?" Alya asked

"Do you wanna finish this film or not?" Nino asked

"Then let's just make Agent Smith a nurse instead! That'll fix everything" Chloé suggested

"Um, I'm sorry. How, exactly?" Alya asked

"I don't know, but I'm sure I'd look amazing in a uniform" Chloé answered

"Oh, come on! We're not gnna rewrite this script again!" Nino said angrily

"I'm not putting my name on those credits!" Alya said angrily

"Nobody cares about you anyway!" Chloé said angrily

"What?" Alya asked in shock

"We better stop this argument" Twilight said

"Agreed" Marinette said in agreement before turning to the others "Everyone calm down! This movie's a team effort!" Marinette said before turning to Chloé "Your nurse idea's perfect, Chloé!" Marinette lied

"Of course it's a perfect idea, because it's mine" Chloé said

"But Chloé you don't have an uniform" Marinette reminded Chloé

Then Marinette winked her eyes in worry as Chloé gasped in shock

"Right! Which is why that idea wasn't believable in the first place" Alya said

"I think you and your assistant should go down to the nurse's office and try out some uniforms" Marinette suggested

Just then Chloé thought of an idea before she had one

"Kim, Max, come with me! You've just been promoted to wardrobe and bodyguard" Chloé ordered

Then Chloé, Sabrina, Max and Kim walked out of the room in sadness as Marinette smiled in happiness before Nino talked angrily at Marinette

"Nice going, Miss Producer! Now we have no lead again!" Nino said angrily

"Yeah, but now we've juqt gotten rid of Chloé!" Marinette said

"And now what?" Nino asked angrily

"We go find Myléne! She's here somewhere!" Marinette suggested

"I told you. Tick tock, there's no time, we need a lead now!" Nino said angrily

"Marinette can do it!" Alya suggested

"What?! No! I can't act, I'm the producer" Marinette said worriedly

Then Alya looked at Nino as if saying 'seriously' before turning around Marinette

"But you wanna to kiss Adrien, don't you? Alya whispered

Then Marinette looks at Adrien before turning back to Alya who was being brushed again by Juleka

"Yes, but not like this" Marinette whispered worriedly

Meanwhile Chloé, Max, Kim and Sabrina were still walking to the nurse's office

"A nurse's uniform. How brilliant am I! Even that dimwit, Marinette, liked that idea" Chloé said

While they were walking to the nurse's office the creature and the human noticed them walking by from the second floor making the creature walk off as the human used her magic to make a spy spider appear on the ground as it then crawled right behind the four students

Meanwhile Marinette and Alya were sitting on their desk

"I'm only doing this as a favor, you know? As soon as Myléne comes back, she'll have her old role back" Marinette said angrily

"'Course she will, chill out, and just think, after tonight, you'll finally have kissed Adrien" Alya explained

Then Alya pulled Marinette's head back up before she saw Juleka once again blushing Adrien's face as Marinette then groaned and hid behind a piece of paper while Alya giggled

Just then Chloé, Kim, Max and Sabrina arrived at the nurse's office as Chloé reached for the door before she got a realization

"Hey, wait a minute!" Chloé called out before turning around "Marinette never likes my ideas, I think you've all been duped! You guys take care of the nurse uniform thing, just in case" Chloé suggested

Then Chloé and Sabrina left but just did something was heard walking by

"Did you hear something?" Kim asked

"No, what?" Max asked

Then Kim and Max turned back to the door before seeing a giant spider behind them

"SPIDER!!!" Kim yelled out

Then Kim ran off in fright as the spider followed him before Max turned towards the door and saw two people behind him making him yelp

Meanwhile Alix finished writing tape 16 and walked off as we then saw Marinette staring at Adrien who was getting blushed by Juleka again

"Totally unbelievable" Marinette said in awe

"What's that?" Adrien asked turning to Marinette

"Uh, I said... Uh, it's... Got to be unbelievable" Marinette explained

Then Adrien touched Marinette's shoulder while talking to her

"Don't worry, you'll do fine" Adrien motivated

Then the two stood at the ready as Nino prepared his phone

"Ready to roll?" Nino asked as Alix walked by with the clapboard "Camera!" Nino called out

"Horrificator, take 16..." Alix started before Nino continued

"Action!" Nino called out

Then Marinette started acting with all her might

"I'm not scared of that monster, Officer Jones!" Marinette acted

Then Marinette looked nervously before she and Adrien got closer and reached for each other's lips as Chloé came into the room before seeing them almost kiss making her burst in with Sabrina

"CUT!!!" Chloé yelled out causing Nino to stop filming "I knew it!" Chloé said angrily

"What did I say about other people saying cut?!" Nino asked getting more furious by the moment

"Well played, Marinette! All that speech about working together, then you stab me in the back!" Chloé said angrily before turning around in anger "Well, your stupid little movie won't make it into the festival if I'm not in it, Because my daddy is one of the judges!" Chloé said angrily

Just then screams were heard

"Did you guys hear that right?" Lyra asked in shock

"I thought I heard something too" Adrien said in confusion

Then Marinette and Twilight ran towards the window and checked the halls through the window to see what's going on

"If this is another one of your silly ploys to get me out of the way, you can forget it! Besides, I---" Chloé started

Just then screams were heard again

"Now I know I'm not imagining it" Rarity said in shock and worry

"Yeah, I definitely heard that too. We better scope this out!" Marinette suggested

"Let me play some music for you!" Pinkie suggested

Then Pinkie pulled out her phone and put some music on as the others except Rose ran out of the room

"A fruity snack for the road?" Rose asked

Then everyone ran down the stairs while Nino filmed the action as they all splitted up

"Hey! Anybody here? Kim! Max! Where are you guys!" Adrien called out

Just then Marinette found Kim's wristband

"Found a clue?" Pinkie asked

"Yeah, this" Marinette answered

Then Twilight grabbed the clipboard as she started writing the first clue on it

Clue found: Kim's Wristband

"Me and Twilight even saw the same pink goo" Marinette explained

Then Twilight wrote on the clipboard again

Clue found: Pink goo

"There are even the same scratches on the window over there which I saw before" Twilight explained

Slashes on the Window

Just then Marinette gasped in shock

"The bathroom!" Marinette said in shock

"They vanished!" Nathaniel said in shock and fright

"Or they're playing a sick joke on us" Alya thought

"Maybe you're right" Twilight said

Clue found: Alya and Nathaniel's Theories

"We should go to Principal Damocles' office and tell him what's going on!" Marinette said before turning to Nino in anger

"Nino, come on! Stop filming!" Marinette suggested angrily before turning to Pinkie "And you Pinkie stop filming!" Marinette ordered angrily

"No can do, this is an Investigation, so you have to search with this music" Pinkie suggested

"Same here! This is just getting good!" Nino explained

"Whatever guys, let's just go" Twilight said

"Looks like it's time to bring in the alter ego" Ladybug said to herself and the colored humans

Then Nino turned to Adrien who was secretly walking off

"Yo Adrien! Where are you going?" Nino asked

"I left Officer Jones' jacket back there! Should probably wear this in all the scenes" Adrien answered

Then Adrien ran off as Nino nodded in happiness before they all ran up the stairs while the creature and the human were watching before the human jumped down before the creature made pink goo appear around the roof before the heroes got trapped before Adrien pulled off his shoe

"Time to transform, Plagg" Adrien said while pulling off his shoe

"What are you doing?" Plagg asked flying out of Adrien's jacket

Then Adrien showed Plagg his smelly shoe

"So, they'll think I've disappeared too" Adrien answered

"And you say I stink of Camembert!" Plagg said holding his nose

Then Adrien threw his shoe to the ground

Then Twilight knocks on the door but the door doesn't open as Alya called out

"Mr. Damocles? Sir?" Alya called out

Then Alya opened the door before seeing the room empty except for the pink goo

"Even Principal Damocles is nowhere to be found!" Rose said in shock

Then everybody walks in as Twilight for the last time picks up her noteboook before she wrote the next clue on it

Clue found: Principal Damocles' Disappearance

Then Twilight dropped her clipboard to the ground, Rarity her hairpin, Rainbow her blue boot, Applejack her hat, Pinkie her wristband, Bon Bon her wristband, Lyra her necklace, Derpy her necktie, Vinyl her glasses, Octavia her Violin pole and Marinette her phone before they all ran off into the library where they then readied themselves to transform

"Time to transform" Marinette suggested

"You guys too" Twilight said before putting her bag on the ground as Spike got out

"Mane Six and friends, Pony Up!" The colored humans and Spike called out before turning into ponies and Spike into a dragon

Meanwhile the other people were still Investigating Principal Damocles' Office

"Anyone seen Agent Smith and friends? I mean, Marinette and friends?" Nino asked

Then the others ran out of the room while the goo got down the windows and when they were out the door they saw Marinette's phone and Twilight's clipboard as she picked them up

"Oh no! It's the girls' stuff!" Alya said in shock

Meanwhile the creature stood on top the goo as the others who were inside the school checked the room only to notice goo everywhere

Quick, check the windows!" Chloé called out in fright

Then Chloé ran towards the window and tried to open it

"Crazy!" Juleka only said in awe

Just then Chloé stopped seeing it was to no avail

"We're trapped! I'm going to call daddy!" Chloé said worriedly

Then Chloé grabbed her phone and tried to call Mr. Bourgoeis while the others also tried to call for help

"Dudes, you know cellphones never work in horror movies" Nino explained

"No bars" Ivan said worriedly

"No coverage!" Nathaniel said worriedly

"Told you so! Boo-yah!" Nino cheered

Just then Ladybug dropped on the floor with the other ponies as everybody else turned around

"Is everything okay?" Ladybug asked

"Ladybug in my movie? This is legit!" Nino said excitingly

"And on my Ladyblog!" Alya said in agreement

"Uh, Alya, I see you've got someone's clipboard, can I see it? Maybe we can figure a way out with that" Twilight asked

"Sure, but make sure not to erase anything" Alya answered

"I won't but if I find anything new I'll write it down as a matter of fact I'll start writing the new clues" Twilight suggested

Clue found: Marinette, Twlight, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow, Bon Bon, Lyra, Derpy, Octavia and Vinyl's disappearance

Clue found: Marinette, Twlight, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow, Bon Bon, Lyra, Derpy, Octavia and Vinyl's Stuff found

"We've got to calmly evacuate the building, okay everyone?" Ladybug asked

"And no funny business for those who want to do that" Rainbow ordered

"You've got our word" Chloé said

Just then Cat Noir appeared

"Uh-uh, easier said than done, Ladybug!" Cat Noir said happily

"Double legit!" Nino cheered

Then the screen showed a flashback of Cat Noir trying to loosen the goo

"I tried cutting through the goo, but it's no good. Totally indestructable" Cat Noir explained before the flashback disappeared "So, looks like we're trapped inside the school for now. Just stay put and try to relax, guys" Cat Noir said before pulling Ladybug to the other side of the office "Shall we take a stroll, m'lady?" Cat Noir asked before pulling her friends to him too "We all know that Hawk Moth's taken another innocent victim somewhere in School" Cat Noir explained

"That's a clue that I need to put" Twilight said

Clue found: Cat Noir's Theory

"And there's only one way to get rid of this pink goo and get everyone outta here. Capture that victim's Akuma" Ladybug said

"Wait, who was really sad the last time, does anyone remember?" Twilight asked

"Yes Myléne and Fluttershy were really sad" Pinkie answered

"Exactly, I love it when you guys read my mind" Cat Noir complimented

Then Cat Noir made puckering lips at Ladybug making Ladybug groan

"And we better find this thing first, and it's prisoners" Ladybug suggested angrily

"Wow! You did it again!" Cat Noir said in shock

"Are you kidding me?" Applejack said unamused

Just then Nino got closer to Ladybug and Cat Noir

"Don't mind me, finding the missing peeps and solving this crazy mystery with Cat Noir, Ladybug and friends... This movie's gonna be so swank!" Nino said excitingly

Then Ladybug, Cat Noir, the ponies and Spike walked towards the other people

"Stay together, right behind us!" Ladybug ordered before turning to Nino "Means you too, Spielberg!" Ladybug ordered

DANGANRONPA OST: -1-07- Mr. Monokuma's Tutoring - YouTube

Meanwhile Max was brought in a secret room by the creature and the human before he was being put in a cocon as Horrificator roared and Alex used her magic in order for another zombie to appear scaring Max and causing the duo to get bigger before butterfly glasses appeared on the two as they saw Hawk Moth

"Absorb their fear, Horrificator and Mobificator... Feed on it! It will give you two strength, and soon enough, you will be giving me strength too!" Hawk Moth suggested

After Hawk Moth disappeared they roared before finishing the cocon

Despair Searching - Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony Music Extended - YouTube

Meanwhile our heroes and their helpers were running were running before Chloé stopped Sabrina

"We're way better on our own than sticking with the others, why would we stay with the group when we could just hide out on our own!" Chloé asked

Then Chloé and Sabrina left

Meanwhile our few heroes ran up the stairs and into Mrs. Bustier's classroom where Twilight found Adrien's shoe

"There!" Ladybug called out

"Anyone recognize this shoe?" Cat Noir asked worriedly

"That's Adrien's shoe!" Nino answered worriedly

"That's gotta be a clue" Twilight said

Clue found: Adrien's Shoe

That's weird! Theere's no pink slime here" Ladybug said touching the floor confused

Clue found: No Goo Around the Shoe

Just then Nathaniel kneeled over Mrs. bustier's desk

"Yes, there is" Nathaniel corrected

"Hmm, that's weird, care to write it down Twilight?" Rarity asked

"Sure thing!" Twilight answered

Clue found: No Goo on one spot but in the other There's Goo

Just then Nathaniel got gripped by a tail while Rarity got gribbed by an Witch Villager before they both were sent behind the desk as the desk then shook before it got thrown across the room as the creature roared loudly while the human prepared a bow and arrow and started hissing

"Fluttershy?!" The ponies and Spike called out in shock

"And we thought Mrs. Pigeon was worse!" Rainbow said in anger and disbelief

Then Fluttershy started shooting at the others who dodged before Rarity teleported to her and levitated her hands behind her back as Twilight gripped the bow and arrow from her

"Get the hairpin!" Rarity ordered

Then Twilight lightened her magic but before she could move the hairpin out of Fluttershy's hair Rarity was kicked against a wall before Fluttershy grabbed the bow and arrow and prepared to shoot Twilight as Twilight backed off before Applejack kicked Fluttershy and pinned her to the ground

"Don't you dare move another muscle, Pinkie steal the hairpin now!" Applejack ordered

"I'm on it!" Pinkie said

Then Pinkie zipped off to the hairpin and grabbed it before smashing it into pieces before the butterfly flew out

"What happened?" Fluttershy asked

"Don't worry Fluttershy, you're safe now" Twilight said

Then Fluttershy's 5 friends hugged Fluttershy before Fluttershy ran off before returning in her pony form as Cat Noir talked to Horrificator

"Eww! What's your name, Drool-lator?" Cat Noir asked as Drool-lator turned to him and spat at him to which Cat Noir dodged "Cats aren't afraid of slimy toads like you!" Cat Noir taunted

"We better hurry and find out where that akuma's hiding!" Ladybug suggested

"I don't see anything. Just miles of slime" Cat Noir said worriedly

Then Horrificator spat out some goo as our heroes jumped out of the room before landing next to each other as Nino continued to film as then Horrificator stood back up and roared loudly as Fluttershy whispered to Pinkie

"This little guy is being a little freaky" Fluttershy said

"It's a gal and she sure is now help us!" Pinkie said

"On it!" Fluttershy said

Then Twilight pulled her head towards the butterfly only to see it not getting out

"At least we won't get multiple Mobificators" Twilight said

"You're right Twilight" Rainbow said

Then Horrificator turned to the other students who were hiding behind a wall in fright causing Horrificator to get bigger

"Fear! It's fear that gives it its strength!" Ladybug said worriedly

Then Horrificator spat more goo at them only for the Unicorns to make a shield in front of the other magicless ponies and Ladybug to run forward while sliding underneath Horrificator's leg and tying her yo-yo around the leg before Ladybug tried to pull it back only for Cat Noir to leap towards her as Horrificator spat Cat Noir back towards a wall which shocked Ladybug as Horrificator then spun Ladybug around before sending her flying against a basketball ring and when she landed Horrificator spat goo at her

"You're not gonna get away with this!" Fluttershy said angrily

Then Fluttershy charged for Horrificator before Horrificator spat goo on her sending her flying towards her friends and making them stuck

"Fluttershy!!!" Our heroes yelled out angrily

"My bad" Fluttershy said

Just then Horrificator turned back to the students who were hiding as the students all screamed before she looked at Ivan in happiness before she stole Alix while licking Ivan and when she finished she ran off

"Oh no! She's taking Nate and Alix!" Rose said in shock

Then Horrificator ran into a classroom and closing the door before she spat goo on it locking the door as Ladybug turned to Cat Noir

"The more scared people are of it, the more powerful it gets! By defeating fear, we defeat it!" Ladybug suggested

"Okay, but first we gotta get out of this sticky situation quickly before it dries" Cat Noir said

Then Cat Noir pressed the button making the stick lengthen and hit the basketball ring causing it to crack and break into pieces as Ladybug dropped onto the ground before standing back up and hitting her yo-yo at the two goo's freeing the heroes and Cat Noir who then dropped to the ground before also standing back up as they then ran to the door and tried to open it but failing as she turned to Cat Noir and the rest of her friends

"Did you see how it just left Ivan alone?" Ladybug asked

"Yeah, what's that all about?" Cat Noir asked

Just then Ladybug gasped in realization

"I think the monster... is Mylène!" Ladybug said in shock

Just then Alya and the others ran towards the heroes as Alya talked

"Where are Sabrina and Chloé?" Alya asked

"We'll find them, don't worry. If we can find a way out of here..." Ladybug motivated

Meanwhile Chloé and Sabrina hid in Mrs. Mendeleive's Classroom as Sabrina pushed a few lockers and more against the door

"It's a good thing I come up with brilliant ideas like this... No one's gonna get through that barricade. We can just relax, and let Cat Noir and Ladybug do all the hard work" Chloé said in pride

Just then Sabrina got dragged off as Chloé gasped in shock and turned around before seeing Horrificator holding Sabrina in it's tail as Horrificator roared making Chloé screamm

Meanwhile our heroes who were still thinking heard Chloé scream

"Chloé!" The Mane Six and Background ponies yelled out

Then our heroes and a few of the remaining students ran towards Mrs. Mendeleive's Classroom and opened the door before bursting in as nobody was seen there

"We're too late!" Cat Noir said in shock

"Ladybug, Cat Noir, Twilight, look!" Rarity called out

Then Ladybug, Cat Noir and Twilight ran towards Rarity and saw some goo on the ground

"Look! We can track the monster!" Ladybug said in pride

"Time for some detective makeover!" Pinkie said

Then Pinkie pulled out some detective suits and more out of her mane

"My apologies Pinkie but I don't think we need this" Fluttershy said

"Yeah, just follow Ladybug's lead and we'll find out" Rainbow said

"Alright, fine" Pinkie said sadly

After Pinkie puts the stuff back in her mane our heroes along with the other students followed Ladybug and Cat Noir into Horrificator's base and when they arrived Nino was too excited

"I'm so amped!" Nino cheered happily

"Turn your amp to about 4, will ya?" Cat Noir asked seriously and angrily

"My bad..." Nino apologized

Then Cat Noir opens the hidden door as Fluttershy started shuddering

"I'm so scared" Fluttershy said in fright

"Don't worry Fluttershy, we got this" Twilight said

"Thanks Twilight" Fluttershy thanked

"No worries, now come on, we got one chance on this" Twilight said

Then our heroes ran into the room as they looked at the room in worry

Meanwhile Hawk Moth was boasting

"Their fear will make you powerful enough to defeat Ladybug and Cat Noir. Now, bring their Miraculouses to me" Hawk Moth boasted to Horrificator

After Hawk Moth said that Horrificator ran off as Ladybug called out

"Anybody in here?" Ladybug called out

"Ladybug, it's me, Chloé Bourgoeis!" Chloé called out

"Don't worry! We'll get you out of there!" Ladybug called out

"Well, hurry it up!" Chloé ordered

"Is everybody here? Mr. Damocles? Alix? Nathaniel? Adrien! Adrien?!" Ladybug called out

Then Cat Noir hid behind a dome

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine! What about Marinette and the girls?" Cat Noir called out

"Good" Twilight called out hiding behind a dome

"Good but disgusted!" Rarity called out

"I'm getting bored but overal I'm doing fine!" Rainbow called out

"I'm frightened" Fluttershy called out

"I'm almost falling asleep" Pinkie called out in a deadpan

"Ah'm doing fine and dandy" Applejack called out

"I'm so alone!" Bon Bon called out crying fakely

"I'm missing Bon Bon but I'm doing fine!" Lyra called out

"I'm fine with some muffins!" Derpy called out

"I'm playing with a tiny cello to face the time!" Octavia called out

"I'm fine too!" Vinyl called out

"Yeah, we've got everyone!" Ladybug called out as she tried to budge a dome open "Ugh, they won't budge!" Ladybug called out

Just then a lot of people could be heard crying for help

"Just try and calm down, we'll find a way to get you out of there!" Twilight motivated

Just then Horrificator spat some goo on the only way out of the room

"Help! Open the door!" Fluttershy called out crying in fright

"Fluttershy, it'll be alright just stay calm" Twilight said

"Alright" Fluttershy said

Then Fluttershy leapt in Spike's arms as Spike then rubbed her back to sooth herself

"Calm down Fluttershy, we're here for you" Spike said

"Okay, now this is getting scary" Ladybug said worriedly

Just then Cat Noir picked up some small cocons and threw them into the air as Horrificator turned towards Cat Noir and chased after him while spitting goo

"Lucky Charm!" Ladybug called out as she threw the yo-yo into the air before guitar strings in a box appeared "Guitar strings? Are you kidding me? Guitar, music..." Ladybug thought before she had an idea "Myléne's song!" Ladybug said in shock and pride

Then Ladybug used her thinking vision before she saw multiple things on a cart as she had an idea as she pulled it towards her while Cat Noir continued to chase Horrificator before he had enough

"That's it. Enough's enough" Cat Noir said before he uses his weapon

After calling out that he jumped towards the second floor and swiped his hand across the railings causing pieces to fall and trap Horrificator as Ladybug gives a few students and the heroes a few items: for Twilight, Alya and Nino a cone, for Fluttershy and Rose a trash lid, for Spike and Juleka a box with stuff, for Derpy, Rainbow, Applejack and Ivan a few clean up stuff as Vinyl teleported her own, Lyra and Octavia's items, Bon Bon gets an piano, Pinkie sits on one of the two drums and Ladybug uses a brush with guitar strings over it as Cat Noir jumped by while Horrificator roared

"Okay, we're all going to sing" Ladybug said

"Sing? So that's your plan?" Cat Noir asked

"The only way to get through this is to ger your fear under control, you all know Smelly Wolf, don't you?" Ladybug asked

"Seriously? Smelly Wolf?" Cat Noir asked

"Care to join us?" Ladybug asked

After saying that Ladybug pulled out a trash lid before Cat Noir sat on the free drum place and fixed the lid as he then started drumming meaning he was ready

"Okay everyone! 1, 2, 3, 4!" Ladybug counted before she started singing

Then Horrificator roared before she started shrinking

"Wow, it's working!" Cat Noir said in disbelief

"Continue on guys, we gotta win this!" Pinkie called out

Then Horrificator continued to shrink and when she was a suitable small our heroes proudly got to a frightened Horrificator before Horrificator ran into Ivan's arms as Ivan stroked her hair and back

"That's the same button I gave to Myléne!" Ivan said in disbelief

"That's where the akuma is!" Ladybug said proudly as she grabbed the pin from Myléne's hair and squishes it into pieces freeing the akuma

"Let me go get the second akuma" Twilight said

Then Twilight teleported away before returning with the second akuma causing the akuma's to fly off

"No more evil-doing for you little akuma's" Ladybug said before spinning the yo-yo around "Time to de-evilize!" Ladybug called out throwing the yo-yo at the akuma's before the two got caught as she pulled the yo-yo back "Gotcha!" Ladybug called out before swiping her finger over the yo-yo freeing the butterflies" Bye bye little butterflies" Ladybug said as the two butterflies flew off as Pinkie gave the fixed strings in the box to Ladybug who then nodded "Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug called out

Then Ladybug threw the guitar strings in the box in the air before things got fixed and the school got freed and Myléne got back to her original size as Ladybug, Cat Noir and the others fist/hoof/clawbumped each other

"Pound it!" Our heroes cheered

"Awesome" Nino said

Then Nino got behind Ladybug and filmed the happy ending as all Ladybug could do was groan in disbelief

Meanwhile in Hawk Moth's lair Hawk Moth continued to boast in anger

"You don't scare me, Ladybug. I know I'll destroy you in the end! Someday, somehow, I'll destroy you!" Hawk Moth boasted

Then the windows closed once more

Meanwhile in Mr. Bourgoeis' office we see the last clip of Ivan and Myléne kissing each other as 'The End' popped up before we saw Nino sitting in front of Mr. Bourgoeis

"Well, Mr. Mayor? What do you think? Off the hook, right?" Nino asked

Then Mr. Bourgoeis was shown looking in confusion before he found himself with the others again

"We didn't make the cut! He said the monster was a horrible replica completely unbelievable! No joke!" Nino said in disbelief

"Don't worry, bud. This is how all good movie directors start out" Adrien motivated

"Yeah, even if that final kiss wasn't quite what we thought it would be" Alya said