• Published 14th Sep 2021
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Miraculous Ponies: Tales of Ladybug, Cat Noir and The Mane Six Season 1 - MLPandMiraculousFanatic

After fighting Nightmare Moon, Stoneheart and Stoneheart's army the Mane Six, Ladybug and Cat Noir are now having some adventures in Ponyville, meet new Allies, Friends and more while also protecting Paris from Akumatized Villains

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Episode 17: Winter Wrap Up

The Episode begins with Twilight, Spike, Ladybug and Cat Noir sleeping in Twilight's bedroom before Twilight woke up excitingly

"Spike, wake up, wake up, wake up, it's Winter Wrap Up day!" Twilight said excitingly

"Huh? Mommy?" Spike asked drowsily

"Winter Wrap Up!" Twilight answered

"You're not mommy" Spike said

Then Spike went back to sleep with Twilight still being as excited as ever before Twilight turned on the lights causing Cat Noir and Ladybug to wake up

"Is it morning" Cat Noir asked drowsily

"Guys, the first day of spring is tomorrow, so everypony in ponyville needs to clean up winter" Twilight said fixing the picture before the screen spaced back before showing four yellow shoes a saddlebag two hot scarfs, a hot cap, four gloves, two warm clothes and four boots all in our heroes' specific colors "Now help me get ready" Twilight said

"Twilight, it's still midnight" Ladybug said

Yes, and clean up winter? Who cleans up winter? Don't they just use magic to change the seasons like they do in Canterlot?" Spike asked

"No Spike, Ponyville was started by Earth ponies, so for hundreds of years they've never used magic to clean up winter. It's traditional" Twilight answered putting on her saddle and yellow shoes

Just then Twilight's saddle fell down making her sigh in defeat

"It's ridiculous. No magic" Spike grumbled

"Did you like it that normal humans didn't have magic" Ladybug asked

"Okay fine, but it was just because they looked normal" Spike answered

Just then Spike went back to sleep as Twilight puts the saddle on

"Okay let's see: scarf, check; boots, check; the heroes' clothes made by Rarity, check; Spike, Ladybug and Cat Noir refusing to get up and going back to sleep, check. It's a good thing I'm so organized, I'm ready. Bright and early" Twillight said opening the door hardly before seeing it was still dark outside "Oh... Maybe a little too early" Twilight said nervously

The next day Twilight, Ladybug and Cat Noir were seen running towards the town hall where all the other ponies were

"Those must be the team vests Rarity and Marinette designed. Blue for the weather team, green for the plant team, and tan for the animal team. I wonder which team vest I'll be wearing" Twilight thought

"I think I'll be in the animal team because I'm a good designer" Ladybug thought

"And if there's an Ice skating team, I'll definitely be in it" Cat Noir said

"But that's good for you but I don't have any talents" Twilight said

"I'm sure you do, we just gotta find it out by the way I already have mine and Cat Noir's team dresses on with the things we do on our backs" Ladybug said

Then Ladybug and Cat Noir turned around showing the signs making Twilight even more depressed

"I'll take a blue vest, same color as my blankie, which I think is calling my name. 'Spike! Spike! Come to bed!' Ugh, it's too early" Spike groaned

When everypony arrived Mayor Mare began her speech

"Thank you, everyone, for being here bright and early. We need every single pony's help to wrap up winter and bring in spring" Mayor Mare announced before starting to point at the teams "Now, all of you have your vests, and have been assigned to your teams, so let's do even better than last year, and have the quickest Winter Wrap Up ever!" Mayor Mare called out

Then everyone started cheering

"Oh, this is so exciting" Twilight said excitingly

"All right everypony, find your team leader and let's get galloping!" Mayor Mare called out

"You sure you can handle this on your own?" Ladybug asked

"Yes, I do" Twilight answered

"Good luck, and Spike, don't fall asleep" Cat Noir said

Then Ladybug and Cat Noir along with everypony else left and when they were all gone Twilight started thinking

"Oh gosh, where should I go? I'm not sure where I fit in. What exactly does everypony do?" Twilight asked

The song starts with four of the main 6 started boasting about how they find spring better before we cut to Twilight running and looking at the sights that were getting cleaned unsure of what to do before everypony started singing with Twilight butting in once in a while

"Everyone belongs to a team What should I do? Where should I go?" Twilight asked

Just then Rainbow zipped by ordering her team what to do

"All right team, you're clear for takeoff" Rainbow said

Then Rainbow got to the ground as her team members flew off and when they did Twilight walked towards her

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight called out

"Oh, hey Twilight, what's up?" Rainbow asked

"What are you doing?" Twilight asked

"Sending off one of my flying crew to retrieve the birds that have flown south for the winter" Rainbow answered

"Oh, can I help? How about if I help clear out the clouds?" Twilight asked as then Rainbow turned to her and moved her wings as a signal with a frown "Right. No wings" Twilight said sadly

"Sorry, Twilight" Rainbow apologized

Then Rainbow zipped off again

"Great, now what do we do?" Twilight asked

Then Twilight turned around and saw Spike resting in the bushes

"I don't know about you, but I'm gonna be nappin'" Spike said

Then Spike slept as Twilight groaned

"Come on Spike, this is serious business. Winter needs to be wrapped up, and I'm determined to do my part. Somehow" Twilight said both angrily and worriedly

Meanwhile Rarity and Ladybug were working on the animal nests with Rarity helping with a few things if needed before Twilight and Spike came walking by

"Hey guys, find anything you could help with?" Ladybug asked

"Not yet" Twilight said before turning to Rarity "Rarity, please tell me there's something, anything I can help you with?" Twilight asked

"Well, how would you like to help create Ponyville's finet birds' nests?" Rarity asked

"Birds' nests?" Twilight asked

Why yes. When the weather team guides the birds back from the north for the spring, they'll need to live and lay their eggs" Rarity answered

Then Twilight turned her head to the nest on the table

"Wow, Rarity, that one's really beautiful" Twilight complimented

"Actually, I made that with a bit of Rarity's help but thanks" Ladybug thanked

"No worries" Twilight said

"Would you like to try your hoof at a nest?" Rarity asked

"Would I? Yes! Where do I begin?" Twilight asked

Then Rarity pulled out a basket and threw all it's contents to her

"Okay, now... Uh, take some of that straw and hay over there, and a little bit of branch. Now, weave them through there, yes. Uh, take some ribbon, yes, oh uh, n... Not there, yes, uh, tuck it on over here, uh but be careful not to... I don't know I guess that would do... Oh dear" Rarity said worriedly

"That is definitely better" Ladybug said with a forced smile

"There! It looks just like... Yours. Oh my" Twilight said worriedly

"That nest needs to be condemned" Spike said angrily

"Oh Spa-ha-ike, it's not so bad, ah, maybe birds could use it as a..." rarity said before being lost with words

"An outhouse" Spike asked angrily

"Spike. It's just fine. It's just a little rough on the edges. Let me land you a hoof. Let's just untie this ribbon, and let me take out these sticks here, we'll shave this..." Rarity said

Then Rarity started mumbling worriedly while Ladybug worked as hard as she could on a few nests

"I think we lost them" Spike whispered

"Ah, and we need to weave the string..." Rarity said

Just then Twilight and Spike left her before they arrived at the skating place where Cat Noir and Pinkie were skating if you could call it that since they're playing with each other

"Hellooooooo, Twilight! Wheeeeeeee!" Pinkie cheered

"Did Spike nap?!" Cat Noir asked

"Kinda, but wow Pinkie Pie and Cat Noir, you're both quite the skaters. Probably the best skaters I've ever seen" Twilight complimented and answered at the same time

"Thanks Twilight, I've been doing this since I was an itty-bitty little-wittle Twinkie-Pinkie. Just comes natural. Which is probably why they designated me the lake scorer with Cat Noir. I cut lines in the lake with my skates. That way, when the rest of the weather team comes here to break the ice, it'll be easy as pie" Pinkie explained

"Yep, and I've also been a skilled skater from when I was a year or 7" Cat Noir explained

"How clever. When the thick ice begins to melt, it'll break along the lines. Well, you two sure have a lot of work ahead of you, there's quite a few lakes in Ponyville" Twilight said

"Ha, tell me about it. Hey, Twilight, wanna help me out?" Pinkie asked

"Would I?" Twilight asked

"Come on, put on those skates over there, we bet you'll be a natural too" Pinkie said

"Yes and if you want to stop let us know" Cat Noir said

"Okay" Twillight said

A while later Twilight's ice skates were on with the help of Cat Noir who pounded the two as Twilight stepped onto the ice while Pinkie rode by

"Yaaaaay!" Pinkie cheered

Then Twilight's skates splitted

"You sure about this?" Cat Noir asked

"Uh... Maybe on second thought" Twilight answered

Just then Twilight hits her head on the ice before standing back up

"What are you talking about? You said you wanted to be helpful" Spike said

Just then Pinkie jumped over Twilight

"Yipee!" Pinkie said

"Now get out there" Spike ordered

"Alright let's begin, I'll teach you the basics" Cat Noir said as then Cat Noir held one of Twilight's hoof as Twilight starts skating in worry before he let go "Okay, now you try it yourself" Cat Noir said

"Okay" Twilight said

Then Twilight began skating before she got closer to Pinkie and didn't seem to stop before she started spinning and more

"Twilight, steer! Steer!" Pinkie called out before Twilight slid all the way to Pinkie before Pinkie wanted to run "Oh boy!" Pinkie yelled

Just then Twilight hits Pinkie who hits Cat Noir before the three of them landed on each other with Spike on top as they made a snowman as the four opened their eyes before shaking the snow off

"Maybe I should've trained her better" Cat Noir said

Then Cat Noir rubbed the back of his head embarrassingly as Spike laughed manically

"Haha, you are a natural, Twilight. A natural disaster" Spike said laughing

"Twilight, you did a great job your first time around. I'm sure my first time was just as wobbly and bobbly and crasheriffic as yours" Pinkie said

"Same, but no matter what I'll teach you skating another time" Cat Noir said

Then Cat Noir pulled out a hand to Twilight who took it

"Really?" Twilight asked

"Yes" Cat Noir answered

"As for my explanation, it's a no" Pinkie said

"You're making it worse!" Cat Noir yelled angrily

"Sorry" Pinkie apologized

"But I did make you feel better, right?" Cat Noir asked

Then Twilight chuckled nervously before answering

"Yeah, I guess" Twilight said blushingly

"I think you'll be super great at something that keeps your hooves on the ground. I know, Fluttershy could probably use your help with the critters" Pinkie said

"Agreed" Cat Noir said in agreement

"Well... I'm pretty good with little animals. Yeah, I'll go help her" Twilight affirmed

Just then Twilight slid the wrong way

"Uh... it's that a-way" Pinkie said

Then Twilight slid the opposite side while yelling

"I'll help you with those skates!" Cat Noir called out

Just then Twilight hit a tree causing Spike to chuckle as Cat Noir skated towards her and brought her to the side

After getting the skates out they went to Fluttershy who used the bell to wake the other animals up

"Wake up, sleepy heads. Hope you had some wonderful dreams and restful hibernation, but it's time to get up now. Spring is coming" Fluttershy announced with her head under the hole

Just then two hedgehogs got out the hole with Fluttershy's head before the two as then two started yawning before walking off as Twilight and Spike went next to Fluttershy

"Aww, how cute" Twilight said cutely

"Aren't they? This is my favorite task the whole season, when I get to see all my little animal friends again" Fluttershy said cutely

Meanwhile Spike continued to think

"Uh, what's 'hibernation'?" Spike asked

"It's like a long sleep" Fluttershy answered

"Long sleep?" Spike asked

"Yes" Fluttershy answered going to another hole as she pulled her head in it "Wake up, little porcupines" Fluttershy called out before turning to Twilight and Spike "Animals often hibernate through the winter to save their energy and eat less food" Fluttershy explained

"I definitely like the idea of hibernation, uh, except for the 'eat less food' part" Spike said

Just then two purcupines walked out the hole before yawning and when they finished yawning they hugged each other before yelping in pain

"Oh, would you just look at all these warrens and dens?" Fluttershy asked "I'm worried that I won't be able to wake up every animal before spring comes" Fluttershy said worriedly

"Well, I'll help Fluttershy" Twilight said

"You will?" Fluttershy asked as Twilight nodded her head "Oh, that would be wonderful" Fluttershy said happily

Then Fluttershy gave the bell to Spike before walking off

"Okay, let's start there" Twilight suggested turning to the den

A few minutes later Twilight arrived at the den as she then shook the bell before pulling her head in the den

"Hello? Wake up little friends, wherever you are. Spring is coming" Twilight announced happily before shaking the bell again before she pulled her head out of the den "I wonder which cute little flurry creatures I've awoken" Twilight thought before snakes popped their heads out and hissed "Waaa! Snakes! Snakes! "Twilight screamed

as she then accidentally went in a den where a few bats were causing her to run back and hit a tree where the beehive was hanging on as the beehive fell onto her head making her scream and run off in fright and into the skunk den as a few skunks got out

"Good morning, friends" Fluttershy greeted

Then Twillight got out

One trip back home and Twilight was in a tomato sauce bath made by Spike as she was seen having multiple bumps and blisters, she even had a smelly body which Spike was cleaning

"All this Winter Wrap Up stuff is a lot harder than it looks" Twilight said while in pain

"Right, because there's no magic. Why don't you just use magic, Twilight, and get it done the right way?" Spike asked nasally

"No, Spike. I have to do it the traditional way. Ponyville has never needed magic to wrap up winter" Twilight answered

"Well, they never had you here before, either. Think how much quicker they could wrap up winter with your magic" Spike suggested

"No, no, no! I'm gonna find some other way that I can help out even if it kills me" Twilight said

Just then Spike threw another can of tomato sauce on Twilight

After a few hours of tomato bath our heroes returned to Ponyville and to Sweet Apple Acres where Applejack was watching over her teammates

"Keep pushin', Caramel! That's it, Bumpkin. I know it's hard work but, but you guys are doin' great. Yee-haw!" Applejack called out

Just then the duo arrived nearby Applejack

"Hey, Applejack. How's everything going?" Twilight asked

"Oh, just dandy. A little slow startin', but peachy all the same. There's a lot of ground to clear, ya hear? We can't even start the plantin' and waterin' until we git all these heap a' snow hightailed outta here" Applejack answered

"Well, I'd like to help" Twilight said

"Well, I... I dunno" Applejack thought worriedly

"Just give me a chance" Twilight suggested

Then Twilight started grinning wildly

"Well, I never turn down a hard worker, but..." Applejack started

But Twilight didn't listen as she dove in one carriage as she struggled to move and while doing so she didn't notice that one wheel was stuck in the snow as she continued to grunt and push the whole time before looking at Applejack and Spike sadly to which the latter two shook their heads sadly


"Think of how much quicker they could wrap up winter with your magic" Spike thought

[Flashback End]

Then Twilight turned to the other workers before thinking

"I could use a come-to-life spell" Twilight thought before turning to Spike and Applejack who looked at each other before Twilight turned forward and breathed a sigh of worry "Here goes" Twilight praised

Then Twilight used her magic before the carriage started moving in her magic making her follow it's lead which shocked most of the others of Applejack's team

"She's awful strong for such a little pony" Applejack said getting suspicious

Just then Twilight reappeared as Spike got a thought before she turned to her

"That's my girl, following my advice" Spike said with a proud smile

"And what in tarnation does that mean?" Applejack asked

Just then the carriage Twilight was in got faster as Twilight started running and trying to slow it down

"Uh-oh. Slow down, slow down!" Twilight ordered

But her magic didn't listen as the carriage got faster hitting Twilight in the back as she had only the front hooves to support her and the snow in front of the helper got bigger causing the others from Applejack's team to stop at a stand still while the ball got bigger and bigger and bigger until it even caused a pony to have a snow white face before she returned to Applejack and Spike who looked in shock at the sight and when they wanted to run away they got hit and were also sent rolling down a hill because of Twilight

"What's going on? Wha'd'ya do? You used magic, didn't you?" Applejack asked both worriedly and angrily

Just then Twilight accidentally rid the two against a huge pile of snow causing all the snow to return causing Applejack's teammates to glare at Twilight, even Applejack was mad

"Nuts, Twilight, you used magic!" Applejack said in anger

"The nerve! Can you believe her?" Spike asked while faking being mad

Then Applejack glared at Spike before turning back to Twilight

"That's not how we do it around here, Twilight, and especially not on my farm!" Applejack said angrily

"Well, see, I just wanted to..." Twilight started before she ran away crying

A while later Spike was with Twilight as Twilight hid in the bushes still crying while the others were continuing to clean up winter

"Come on, Twilight. Come on out" Spike said worriedly

"I'm a winter mess up" Twilight said sadly

"Well you're good at a lot of things, just not nest-making, ice-skating, animal-waking, snow-clearing" Spike complimented

"Thanks a lot for making me feel so much better" Twilight sarcastically said

"That's what I'm here for, sister" Spike said

Meanwhile Rainbow and Applejack were having a discussion

"Rainbow Dash, ya'll on the weather farm need to melt the rest of the snow here on the ground and the trees, pronto" Applejack said angrily

"Got it" Rainbow said

But just when Rainbow wanted to leave Fluttershy came walking by

"Wait, my poor animals' homes will get flooded if the snow melts too fast" Fluttershy said worriedly

"Got it" Rainbow said

"I'm tellin' you, Rainbow, you gotta melt that snow now" Applejack ordered angrily

Then Rainbow flew into the air before Fluttershy called out to her

"No, you simply must wait" Fluttershy suggested

"Okay" Rainbow said

"Go" Applejack ordered

"Stop" Fluttershy ordered

"Go" Applejack ordered

"Stop" Fluttershy ordered

"GO!" Applejack ordered

"STOP!" Fluttershy ordered

"Ugh! Make up your minds!" Rainbow said angrily

Meanwhile Spike continued to watch as Mayor Mare came walking to the workers

"Oh! What in Equestria are you all arguing about? This sort of silliness is why we were late for spring last year, and the year before that, and the year before that" Mayor Mare said in anger

Then Twilight popped her head out of the bushes in both worry and confusion

"Did she say late?" Twilight asked

"I was hoping my amazingly inspirational speech would urge everyone to do better than last year, but now it looks like we're going to be later than ever. I mean just look at that catastrophe! The ice scorers made the ice chunks too big to melt. The nest designers are horrendously behind. We need hundred, and they only made 20!" Mayor mare said in anger before the screen showed Rarity crying with Ladybug patting her back "And don't get me started on all the clouds in the sky, the icicles on the trees... This isn't good, not at all" Mayor Mare said worriedly

"And it's gonna be all to pieces disastrous if we can't get our seeds all planted" Applejack said worriedly

"Chillax Applejack, we're bustin' our crops as fast as we can" Rainbow encouraged

"No, not fast. We have to wake the animals slowly" Fluttershy said worriedly

Just then Big Mac and Caramel walked towards the four

"Uh, AJ?" Big Mac called out

"Oh good gravy, Caramel lost the grass seeds again, didn't he?" Applejack asked

"Eeyup" Big Mac answered

Then Caramel looked away from Applejack who glared

"Ditzy Do accidentallly went north to get the southern birds" Another pony said

"Oh that featherbrain. Didn't she learn her lesson last year when she went west?" Rainbow asked

After that question all other ponies started appearing and arguing against each other

"Stop this at once. We don't have time to argue, It's almost sundown. Spring is going to be late again. Another year of scandal and shame.If only we could be more organized" Mayor Mare said worriedly

Just then Twilight had an idea as she jumped out of the bushes and next to Spike

"Spike! Get my checklist and clipboard, STAT!" Twilight ordered

"Eh, yes, ma'am" Spike said

Then Spike ran off getting Twilight's checklist and clipboard

"Stop, everypony!" Twilight called out but nopony was listening and continued to argue "Stop!" Twilight called out before noticing a bird as she pressed it's chest really hard with her magic causing it to chirp pretty loudly getting the attention of other ponies as she then let's go "Sorry" Twilight said to the bird before it flew off "I know you all want to complete your jobs on time, but arguing is no way to go about it. What you need is..." Twilight said before Spike zipped by "organization, and I'm just the pony for the job" Twilight spoke

Then the others nodded as Spike and Twilight looked at each other proudly

Then everypony started working as Big Mac brought all the needed items to Rarity and Ladybug who then with some other ponies made some nests before they were all put in trees as Spike scrapped it off the list before Ladybug rubbed his head with a proud smile before Ladybug, Twilight and Spike went to Pinkie Pie and Cat Noir who along with them checked how to do what was supposed to be done as Cat Noir and Pinkie nodded together before they skated in a straight line before Spike scrapped it off as then the three went towards Sweet Apple Acres where Applejack shook the flag making the ponies in the carriages ride them across the fields with plows and seeds behind them before Applejack and Twilight pounded together as Spike scrapped it off, next up was the animals' dens where our heroes were and a lot of bells were hung which Fluttershy then pulled causing them to ring and a lot of animals to go out as Twilight then saw snakes to which she leapt into a tree and when the three looked Twilight grinned nervously as Spike, Fluttershy and Ladybug looked at each other manically before Fluttershy winked causing the bird to chirp and Rainbow along with her weather patrol to fly across Ponyville and erasing everything snowy before everything was finished as the others did the last things like planting seeds and bringing everything that was hidden back to it's spot right before nighttime where Spike puts in the last few seeds in the ground and watered them before walking off and the next day a lot of birds returned from the south as the other ponies continued to water the plants before Spike checked it off right before he saw butterflies in the air and other animals moving in the water or grounds and when all that was finished Twilight sighed in relief

After everything was done everypony was at a cliff with Mayor Mare walking towards Twilight

"I can't believe it. Spring is here! On time! And we have you to thank for it. If it weren't for your organizing skills, we would still be arguing" Mayor Mare said proudly

"Eeyup" Big Mac said in agreement

Then the other ponies, Ladybug and Cat Noir started laughing and when the laughter stopped Twilight spoke

"It was a team effort" Twilight said

"And since you helped every team, we have an official vest for you. We give you the title, 'All-Team Organizer'" Mayor Mare announced

Just then Rarity walked by with a vest of three colors in three places and teleported it on Twilight

"Gosh, I don't even know what to say. Thank you, everypony" Twilight thanked

"And hereby I declare winter... Is wrapped up on time" Mayor Mare announced

Then everyone started cheering

"Spike's sure gonna be in for a hog-sized surprise when that last piece a' ice melts "Applejack said

Then we saw Spike in a giant lake resting on an iceblock while everyone else laughed

A while later Twilight, Spike, Ladybug and Cat Noir were back home as Twilight told a sick Spike what to write for Celestia

"Dear Princess Celestia, Winter Wrap Up was one of the most special things I've ever been a part of here in Ponyville. I helped me to learn we all have hidden talents, and if we're patient and diligent, we're sure to find them, and as always, with good friendship and teamwork, ponies can accomplish anything" Twilight said before finishing "How's that, Spike?" Twilight asked before Cat Noir pointed to Spike who fell asleep writing anything making her laugh "Oh, Spike" Twilight said

Then Twilight, Ladybug and Cat Noir laughed as Cat Noir brought Spike to bed