• Published 14th Sep 2021
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Miraculous Ponies: Tales of Ladybug, Cat Noir and The Mane Six Season 1 - MLPandMiraculousFanatic

After fighting Nightmare Moon, Stoneheart and Stoneheart's army the Mane Six, Ladybug and Cat Noir are now having some adventures in Ponyville, meet new Allies, Friends and more while also protecting Paris from Akumatized Villains

  • ...

Episode 7: Boast Busters

The Episode starts with Ladybug, Twilight and Spike in the Golden Oak Library

"Come on, Twilight. You can do it!" Spike motivated

"Yeah, you've been wanting to do this for weeks" Ladybug said

"Okay, here goes" Twilight said before lightening her horn

Just then Spike pulled out his face while Twilight used her magic around his muzzle before he gained a mustache

"Ha ha! Ya did it! Growing magic, that's number twenty-five" Spike said checking the number on the checklist "Twenty-five different types of tricks and counting. And I think this is the best trick so far" Spike said before talking to himself in the mirror "Hello, Rarity. What's that? Aw, it's nothing', just my awesome mustache" Spike said before laughing

"Well that's a lot of magic you've learned also great job with purifying an water bottle Cat Noir got from the lake" Ladybug said

"Yeah, Now I can always purify akuma's into butterflies" Twilight said

"I agree" Spike said

"What's next? Can you erase Spike's mustache" Ladybug said

"Sure" Twilight said

"No, I want to keep it!" Spike said

"Sorry, Romeo. As attractive and enticing as you look, it's just for practice, and it's gotta go" Spike said

"Wait!" Spike called out before Twilight used her magic to erase the mustache "Aw, rats!" Spike said sadly

Then Ladybug and Twilight laughed

"Hey Spike, you can always get one from the clothing store" Ladybug said

"Yeah, yeah that's what they all say" Spike said

Bron: Theme Song (Season 1) | MLP: FiM [HD] - YouTube

A while later we see Spike, Ladybug and Twilight walking across the streets of Ponyville trying to find something fun to do while still talking

"Twenty-five, Twilight. Twenty-five different kinds of tricks and counting. I thought unicorns were only supposed to have a little magic that matches their special talents!" Spike said

"True, for ponies whose talents are for things like cooking or singing or math. But what if a unicorn's special talent is magic?" Twilight asked

"Like you, Twilight, and you know a ton about magic" Spike said

"Oh, Spike, stop. I'm sure there are a lot of ponies right here in Ponyville that know just as much magic as me" Twilight said

"Yeah we know that, but you're Cutie Mark signalizes everypony's magic in one turn except for a few which we still have to train you for" Ladybug said

"Yeah you're right, but still..." Twilight said

"Are you kiddin'? I don't think there's another unicorn in all of Equestria with your kind of ability, Twilight" Spike said

Just then two ponies appeared running towards the three the short one was an cyan unicorn with orange mane and tail and has scissors as his Cutie Mark and the big one was an orange unicorn with cyan like lime hair while also being really tall he also had an purple and pink snail as his Cutie Mark

"Gangway! Comin' through!" Snails called out running

Just then they hit Spike but they kept being strong while running

"Spike, I'll save you!" Ladybug called out running

Then Ladybug jumped into the air before grabbing Spike as she then pulled her hand out making an stop sign stopping the two

"Thanks Ladybug" Spike thanked

"No worries, now what was that all about?" Ladybug asked in anger

"Wha, haven't you heard?" The tall one asked

"No we haven't, what are you talking about?" Ladybug asked

"There's a new Unicorn in town!" The tall one asked

"Oh, so now Trixie has arrived!" Ladybug said

"Who's Trixie?" Spike asked

Then Twilight walked towards the four

"She's an magician, who claims she doesn't have a horn but can still use her magic" Ladybug answered

"Seriously?!" Spike asked in shock

"Yeah, Mayor Mare said that if I find her I should watch over her, she's also a no goody two shoes" Ladybug said

"She is?" the small one asked

"Yeah and it's best that you don't trust her" Ladybug suggested

"That honor still goes to Twilight here, right?" Spike asked

"Of course Spike, now I need to watch over her, let's go," Ladybug said before realizing something. "Where is this Unicorn?" Ladybug asked

"She's in the town square" The tall one said jumping over Spike

Then Ladybug, Twilight and Spike ran behind the tall one with Snips chasing after them

Later on the five arrived at the carriage where they saw a lot of ponies looking towards her

"Come one, come all!" The voice said as the five went towards the front "Come witness the amazing magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie!" Trixie said before an smoke bomb appeared and Trixie arrived onstage she had cyan fur with lighter blue mane and tail with a tiny smaller blue strike on both she also wore a purple hat and cape with colorful stars all around it as the other ponies except Ladybug, Twilight and Spike gasped in awe "Watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed by pony eyes!" Trixie boasted

"Well now I'm interested" Ladybug said sarcastically

"My, my, my! What a boast!" Rarity said in confusion

"Come on, nopony's as magical as Twi--- Twi--- Twi---" Spike said before realizing Rarity was there "Oh!" Spike said in shock "Hey Rarity, I, uh---" Spike said before zipping off while yelling "Mustache!" Spike called out running away

Then Twilight and Ladybug walked to Rarity

"There's nothing wrong with being talented, is there?" Twilight asked

Then she, Ladybug and Rarity turned to Applejack who started talking

"Nothin' at all 'cep'n when someone goes around showin' it off like a school filly with fancy new ribbons" Applejack answered

"Just because one has the ability to perform lots of magic does not make one better than the rest of us" Rarity said

"Yeah, I agree" Ladybug said

"Especially when ya got me around being better than the rest of us" Rainbow said before Applejack glared at her "Uh, I mean, yeah, uh, magic shmagic. Boo!" Rainbow said in an grunted tone

"Well, well, well, it seems we have some naysayers in the audience. Who is so ignorant as to challenge the magical ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie? Do they not know that they're in the presence of the most magical Unicorn in all of Equestria?" Trixie asked

"Just who does she think she is" Rarity asked

Just then Spike reappeared between Twilight and Rarity

"Yeah! Since we all know that Twilight here is---" Spike said

Just then Twilight moved her head towards him

"Spike!" Twilight said before shushing him

"What? What's wrong?" Spike asked worriedly

"You see the way they reacted to Trixie? I don't want anyone thinking I'm a show off" Twilight said

Just then fireworks were lightened stunt fire came from the sides of the stage as then Rainbow Dash flew towards Trixie in anger

"So, 'Great and Powerful Trixie'. What makes you think you're so awesome, anyway?" Rainbow asked

Then Trixie gave a small chuckle before she started talking

"Why, only the Great and Powerful Trixie has magic strong enough to vanquish the dreaded Ursa Major!" Trixie said as then stunt fires reappeared again before an firework Ursa stood before their eyes as the ponies all gasped in awe and amazement as Trixie began explaining again

"When all hope was lost, the ponies of hoofington had no one to turn to, but the Great and Powerful Trixie stepped in, and with her awesome magic, vanquished the ursa major and sent it back to it's cave deep within the Everfree Forest!" Trixie boasted

"Soo sweet!" Snips and Snails said in shock

"That settles it" Snips said

"Trixie truly is the most talented, the most magical, the most awesome Unicorn in Ponyville" Snails said

"No, in all of Equestria!" Snips said

"How do you know? You didn't see it! And besides, Twi---" Spike angrily said before Ladybug hit Spike in the back of the head "Sorry" Spike said

Then Trixie started laughing boastfully before she started talking again

"It's true, my enthusiastic admirers. Trixie is most certainly the best in Ponyville'' Trixie said as crickets chirped as everypony, Spike, Ladybug and Cat Noir stayed quiet "Don't believe the Great and Powerful Trixie?" Trixie asked before chuckling "Well then, I hereby challenge you, Ponyvillians. Anything you can do, I can do better. Any takers? Anypony?" Trixie asked as everypony, Spike, Ladybug and Cat Noir stayed quiet "Or is Trixie destined to be the greatest equine who has ever lived?!" Trixie asked

Then Spike bowed down to Twilight's front hoof and put his hands on it while begging

"Please! She's unbearable! Ya gotta show her! Ya just gotta!" Spike said crying

"There's no way I'm going to use my magic now, Spike. Especially since---" Twilight started before Trixie walked over the stage towards the crowd

"How about... YOU?" Trixie asked determined

Then Twilight and Ladybug gasped in shock as Twilight weakly smiled while being frightened

After the commercials the scene returns as we see Trixie talking again

"Well, how about it?" Trixie thought before talking again "Is there anything you can do that the Great and Powerful Trixie can't?" Trixie asked

"I... I..." Twilight struggled to say

"I do!" Ladybug bravely called out standing bravely

"Well come on up on stage then miss bug lady" Trixie said

Then Ladybug bravely got on stage before she did stunts with her lasso like wrapping Trixie up and throwing her around before letting her fall onto the ground before letting her go

"There, can you do it better than me?" Ladybug asked

"Of course I can" Trixie said before using Ladybug's yo-yo against her as Ladybug was sent flying everywhere before landing on the ground near Twilight as she didn't free her but made her being trapped in a box

"Somepony get me out!" Ladybug called out from the box as Applejack and Twilight freed her

"Ah'm not going to do mine that's for sure" Applejack said

"I agree m'lady" Cat Noir said "Although it was pretty funny" Cat Noir said

"Once again, the Great and Powerful Trixie prevails!" Trixie boasted

Then Rainbow angrily flew towards Trixie

"There's no need to go struttin' around and showin' off like that" Rainbow said angrily

"Oh?" Trixie said grinning

"That's my job!" Rainbow said before she flew off

Then Rainbow Dash flew into the air before spinning the windmill before she flew upwards into some clouds making holes in it before she stood before the sun and when she did she flew downwards making raindrops following after her before she got to the windmill again and spun against it before she raced back to the stage where she stopped as an rainbow appeared over her head

"They don't call me 'Rainbow' and 'Dash' for nothin'!" Rainbow said pridefully

Then the crowd cheered as Trixie then grinned deviously

"When Trixie is through, the only thing they'll call you is loser" Trixie said

Then Trixie made the rainbow spin around Rainbow Dash before Rainbow Dash spun around with it and when she did she was sent flying into the air before landing on the other side of the crowd which made her spin around a bit and see some birds

"I think I'm" Rainbow said before gulping and when she did she continued again "gonna be sick" Rainbow said dizzily

"Seems like anypony with a dash of good sense would think twice before tussling with the Great Trixie" Trixie said before blasting a laser on Rainbow Dash's back making her yelp

Then the crowd started laughing

"What we need is a Unicorn to challenge her. Someone with some magic of her own" Spike said

"Yeah! A Unicorn to show this Unicorn who's boss" Rainbow said in agreement

"A real Unicorn to Unicorn tussle" Applejack suggested

Then Twilight looked confused before Rarity stepped forward

"Enough. Enough, all of you. I take your hint, but Rarity is above such nonsense. Rainbow Dash and Applejack may behave like ruffians, but Rarity conducts herself with beauty and grace" Rarity said

"Ooh, what's the matter? Afraid you'll get a hair out of place in that rat's nest you call a mane?" Trixie asked

"It. Is . On!" Rarity said angrily before walking on stage "You may think you're tough with all of your so-called powers, but there's more to magic than your brutish ways.. A Unicorn needs to be more than just muscle. A Unicorn needs to have style" Rarity said ripping off the curtain before spinning it around and when she was complete Rarity had an beautiful dress on it with her hair in a bun of some sort "A Unicorn is not a Unicorn without grace and beauty" Rarity said

Then Trixie grinned evilly before using her magic on Rarity turning her hair into a different color making the others yelp in fright

"Rarity won't let Trixie get the best of her! She's strong, she's beautiful, she's---" Spike started before seeing that her hair is an different color making him stop and the others yelp at fright

"I think she's having a bad hair day" Cat Noir said in fright before getting a slap on the head from a pony "Sorry" Cat Noir said

"Quick! I need a mirror! Get me a mirror! What did she do to my hair? I know she did something terrible to my hair!" Rarity said scared

"Nothing" Twilight said with a forced smile

"It's fine" Rainbow said with a forced smile

"It's gorgeous" Applejack said with a forced smile

"It's green" Spike said shocked as then the heroes glared at him "What?" Spike asked

"Have you ever heard of a bad hair day?" Ladybug asked

"Uh... No?" Spike asked worriedly

"Well this is it" Ladybug said

"Sorry" Spike said

"No worries" I said

"No! Green hair! Not Green hair!" Rarity said before running off crying "Such an awful, awful color!" Rarity said running off crying

"Well, I never" Golden Carrot said walking away

"This is what you get for not doing what I say" Ladybug said angrily

"But still, Twilight it's up to you now. Come on, show her what you're made of" Spike suggested

"Yes, you are! You're better than her!" Spike said

"I'm not better than anypony" Twilight said worriedly

"Ha! You think you're better than the Great and Powerful Trixie? You think you have more magical talent? Well, come on, show Trixie what you've got. Show us all" Trixie said as Twilight stood still in a frightened state

"Who, me? I'm just your run-off-the-mill citizen of Ponyville. No powerful magic here. I, uh... I think I hear my laundry calling. Sorry, gotta go" Twilight said running off worriedly

"Twilight?" Spike asked in shock

"Don't worry, I'll talk to her" Cat Noir said

"Alright, return safely" Ladybug suggested

"I will" Cat Noir said

"Once again, the Great and Powerful Trixie has proven herself to be the most amazing Unicorn in all of Equestria. Huh, was there ever any doubt?" Trixie asked walking away as the group splitted up

"Oh no" Ladybug said in shock "Spike, I want you to spy on Trixie and find out what she's doing, and if Snips and Snails do suspicious stuff follow them too" Ladybug suggested

"On it ma'am" Spike said

A few hours after the show we saw Snips and Snails with Trixie showing them the food they made

"Here's the oat smoothie you asked for, with hay, just how you like it" Snips said

"Mmm, hay" Snails said while drooling

Then Trixie drank the smoothie before noticing Snips and Snails looking at her with puppy dog eyes

"Yes?" Trixie asked

"Tell us another story, Great and Powerful Trixie" Snips suggested

"Yeah, tell us how you vanquished the Ursa Major" Snails suggested

Then Trixie shook her head while scoffing before talking

"Trixie is far too exhausted from performing feats beyond imagination. Begone with you until morning" Trixie ordered

"Oh, of course Great and Powerful Trixie" Snails said

"Anything you say. We are at your beck and call

Then Trixie scoffed

Meanwhile when Snips and Snails were going backwards Spike called out to them

"What are you two doin'?" Spike asked

"Just bringing the G&PT a---" Snips started before being interrupted

"The what?" Spike asked interrupting

"The Great and Powerful Trixie" Snips answered

"Sheesh" Spike scoffed

"Just bringin' her a smoothie" Snips answered

"How can you fall for her lameness? She's just a show off. Unlike Twilight, who---" Spike started before Snips interrupted him

"The Great and Powerful Trixie vanquished an Ursa Major, Can your Twilight claim that?" Snips asked

"Oh really? Were you guys actually there?" Spike asked

"Well, eh, uh... No, but---" Snips struggled

"But nothin'. The proof is in the pudding" Spike said

Then Snails started laughing dreamily

"I like pudding" Snails said dreamily

Then Spike raised an eyebrow before talking again

"Look, unless an Ursa Major comes waltzing up the street for Trixie to vanquish, I am not gonna believe a word she says, and neither should you!" Spike said

"Hm, an Ursa walkin' up the street, hey? Snails! You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'" Snips asked

"Why is it they call it a flea market when they don't sell fleas?" Snails joked

"Yeah, uh... Oh, come on!" Snips said walking off

Then Snails ran after him

Then Spike crossed her claws while looking away in sadness

When Spike arrived back at the library he saw Ladybug and Twilight talking

"Twilight, Ladybug, would you quit talking and listen to me?" Spike asked

"Didn't you see how they hated Trixie's bragging? Spike? If I go out there and show off my magic, I run the risk of losing them as friends" Twilight worriedly said

"Yeah and also, shouldn't you be watching Snips and Snails?" Ladybug asked

"Yeah, but---" Spike started before getting interrupted

"Well get back to them!" Ladybug ordered "And don't come back until you've got evidence!" Ladybug ordered

"Fine!" Spike said

Then Spike walked out the door before slamming it shut as then Twilight and Ladybug looked in shock and sadness

Meanwhile it was already dark as Snips and Snails were trotting inside the Everfree Forest as the two got a bit scared before they trotted inside the cave where they decided to walk inside it

"How are we gonna find an Ursa Major when I can't see my own hoof in front of my face?" Snips asked

"Hold on" Snails said before lightening his horn which wasn't too easy for him as he struggled before he finally finished

"Oh, heh, that's better" Snips said

Just then a dark blue like bear with yellow and red eyes woke up before noticing the two fillies as it then started growling until Snips and Snails yelled and ran out the cave and into the forest towards Ponyville with the bear following in tow

Meanwhile Spike was walking in sadness while kicking a small stone with his feet before Snips ran out of the forest screaming

"Hey, guys, where are you goin'?" Spike asked

"Can't talk now" Snips said running

"Got a major problem!" Snails said running

"Yeah, Ursa Major, to be exact" Snips said running

Then an roar was heard which let's Spike fly a bit into the air before noticing the Ursa Major standing before him as he started running away in fright while screaming

When arriving in Ponyville the two went their separate ways

"Trixie!" Snips and Snails yelled out

"Twilight, Ladybug!" Spike yelled out

At Snips and Snails' side the two ran towards Trixie's caravan before knocking on it rapidly

"Trixie!" The two yelled out before talking in two different ways

Then Trixie walked towards the door of the caravan before seeing Snips and Snails there

"Triexie thought the Great and Powerful Trixie did not want to be disturbed!" Trixie said

Then Snips started to laugh nervously

"We--- We have a--- A tiny problem" Snips said nervously

"Actually, it's a big one" Snails said nervously

"What is so important that you cannot wait until morning to disturb Trixie?" Trixie asked

But as soon as Snips and Snails wanted to answer an roar was heard as the Ursa Major walked out the bushes before roaring again as Trixie threw her door open sending Snips and Snails flying as Trixie started screaming before zipping off with Snips and Snails screaming and running away after her as then Trixie's caravan got crushed by the Ursa Major's paw

Meanwhile Spike leapt inside the Golden Oak Library while Twilight and Ladybug were quietly reading some books on how to stop Ursa Major's

"Twilight! Ladybug! You two gotta come! Quick!" Spike ordered in fright

"I already told you, Spike, I don't wanna show up to Trixie!" Twilight said

"Now go watch after Snips, Snails and Trixie!" Ladybug said

"No, you don't understand, it's---" Spike started

Just then there was a roar

"What now!" Ladybug asked in anger

"Is that what I think it is?" Twilight asked

"Majorly" Spike said

"Why didn't you say so in the first place, come on Twilight, let's go stop it" Ladybug said in anger

Then Twilight and Ladybug ran off

Meanwhile Trixie, Snips and Snails we're outside with the Ursa Major standing in front of them

"Great and Powerful Trixie, you've got to vanquish the Ursa" Snips suggested

"Yeah, vanquish so we can watch" Snails suggested

"It took a lot of trouble to get that thing here" Snips said

Just then the Ursa Major growled as Trixie looked them in shock, worry and anger

"Wait, you brought this here?" Trixie said before gasping "Are you out of your little pony minds?" Trixie asked in shock, worry and anger

"But, you're the Great and Powerful Trixie" Snips said

"Yeah, remember? You defeated an Ursa Major" Snails said

Then the Ursa Major roared in anger

"Uh, okay" Trixie said before gulping "Stand back" Trixie said

Then Trixie used her magic to pull out a rope from a vase before turning it around the Ursa Major's... legs

"Don't lie Silver I know it was his claws" Pinkie said

"I know but just because they're claws and it was a close up doesn't mean anyone would be stupid enough to see this, and also I already made two mistakes on my previous story so don't make me regret my decision" I said

"Alright but still...." Pinkie started

"Let's continue" I said

And when she did she finished

"Piece of cake" Trixie said with a forced smile

Then the Ursa Major pulled it's claws up before cutting the rope while splitting his fingers

"Aw, come on, Trixie" Snips said in anger

"Stop goofin' around and vanquish it" Snails said in anger

Then Trixie chuckled nervously before using her magic to make a thunder cloud appear and when it did it shot a lightning at the Ursa Major only for it to be a dud

"Well, that was a dud" Snails said dumbfounded

"Yeah, pfft, come on! Where's all the cool explosions and smoke and stuff like earlier? You know" Snips asked

Just then an real lightning appeared and shot the Ursa Major straight in the back as it then opened it's jaws and roared at the three as then Trixie, Snips and Snails zipped off in fright as it then ran after them while roaring as everypony then stepped outside to look at what that sound was only to see the Ursa Major running after the three (not so) innocent ponies before he stopped by an house as he ripped the rooftop out of it,

Just then Twilight, Spike, Ladybug and Cat Noir ran to the rescue

"Looks like an strong beast is attacking us" Cat Noir said

"My bet is that it is akumatized" Ladybug said

"No it can't be because it's an Ursa Minor" Twilight said

"An Ursa Minor!" Cat Noir gasped in shock

"We gotta do something" Ladybug said

"I think I know what to do" Twilight said before stepping to the front of all the ponies

"Twilight, you do know that you're fighting a giant!" Ladybug said worriedly

"Yeah, but I think I know how to stop it" Twilight said

Then Twilight used her horn to stop the Ursa Minor from moving before making some plants make music which made the Ursa Minor and Cat Noir fall asleep

"Nice use of number sixteen" Spike said

Then Twilight strengthened her horn as she then picked up the water tower before splashing all the water away and after that she pulled it inside the farm house where the cows were in and made the cows pull the water out

"Golly, dontcha know?" An cow asked

Then Twilight pulled it out and towards the Ursa Minor

"That's new" Spike said in shock

Then Twilight puts the lid back before sending the Ursa Minor flying and gives it the bottle of some sort as she brought it back to the Everfree Forest and back to it's cave before erasing it's memories before she stopped as she got tired as Ladybug puts an hand behind Twilight's back

"Unbelievable!" Rainbow called out in shock and pride

"That was amazing!" Spike called out in shock

"I knew you could do it" Ladybug said

"Heavens to Betsy! We knew you had an ability, but not that much!" Applejack said in shock

"I'm sorry. Please, please don't hate me" Twilight said

"Hate you?" Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity asked

"Why, whatever do you mean, darling?" Rarity asked

"Well, I know how much you all hated Trixie's showing off with her magic tricks, and I just thought---" Twilight started before being interrupted by Rainbow

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Magic's got nothing to do with it. Trixie's just a loudmouth" Rainbow said

"Most unpleasant" Rarity said

"All hat and no cattle" Applejack said

"So, you don't mind my magic tricks?" Twilight asked

"Your magic is a part of who you are, sugarcube, and we like who you are. We're proud to have such a powerful, talented Unicorn as our friend" Applejack said

"And after whuppin' that Ursa's hindquarters, we're even prouder" Rainbow said

"You are?" Twilight asked in shock

Then Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Ladybug and Cat Noir nodded

"Yeah, so there's no need to worry about us hating you for your skills" Ladybug said

"Even though some of us had different ideas in mind, which means Snips and Snails" Cat Noir said

Then the heroes and the other citizens looked at Snips and Snails

"What were you guys doing near an Ursa Minor?" Ladybug asked

"Well, I'll explain" Snips said "So Spike told us we had to get prove Trixie fought an Ursa Major so we went to get one and it didn't go as well as we planned so we asked Trixie to vanquish it" Snips said

"Trixie, why didn't you do it by the way?" Cat Noir asked

"I didn't because...." Trixie said before sighing "I couldn't" Trixie asked

"WHAT!!!" Snips, Snails and a few other citizens gasped in shock

"I said I couldn't, I just made the whole story up to make me look better" Trixie said

Then everypony, Ladybug and Cat Noir glared at her, Snips and Snails who looked down in sadness

"Anyway, Twilight, how'd you know what to do with that Ursa Minor?" Spike asked

"That's what I was doing when you came looking for us. I was so intrigued by Trixie's bragging that I was compelled to do a little reading up on them" Twilight said

"So it is possible to vanquish an Ursa Minor all by yourself?" Spike asked

"Yes, after all, it was a baby" Twilight said

"That was just an baby?" Trixie asked

"And it wasn't rampaging. It was just cranky because somepony woke it up" Twilight said in anger

Then the citizens including Trixie, Ladybug and Cat Noir glared at Snips and Snails as Snips and Snails tried to make themselves smaller

"Well, if that was an Ursa Minor, then what's an Ursa Major like?" Spike asked

Meanwhile we see the Ursa Minor drinking the bottle of some sort while being cradled by a larger purple like mammoth creature with stars on it's back who also had the same eyes as the Ursa Minor

"You don't wanna know" Twilight said

"Hah, you may have vanquished the Ursa Minor, but you will never have the amazing, show-stopping ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie!" Trixie said before making a dust of smoke as she ran off into the distance

"Why, that little---" Rainbow said flying into the air and ready to charge towards Trixie

Then Twilight called out to her

"Just let her go. Maybe someday she'll learn her lesson" Twilight said

"Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug called out

Then she threw her yo-yo into the air as a big blast of pink light went flying over the town as everything got fixed

"Now about you two" Twilight said to Snips and Snails

"Uh, we're sorry that we woke up the Ursa Minor" Snips apologized

"We just wanted to see some awesome magic" Snips said

"Yeah! And the way you vanquished the Ursa Minor was awesome!" Snips said

Then Twilight glared at the two as Snips and Snails looked down in shame

"We deserve whatever punishment you give us" Snails said

"For starters, you'll have to sent a message to the Ursa Minor saying you're sorry with an full speech" Ladybug said giving them a letter "Twilight's gonna help you with that" Ladybug said

"Also, Spike? Should I give them the number twenty-five?" Twilight asked

Then Snips and Snails looked at each other in shock

"Oh, twenty five! Yes! And I think I deserve it, too" Spike said

Then Snips and Snails gasped in shock and confusion

"I think you're right" Twilight said

Then Twilight lightened her horn as she then used her magic to give Snips, Snails and Spike a mustache and just when she finished Snips gained a long dark brown mustache, Snails got a shorter and lighter brown mustache and Spike gained an shorter black mustache

"Sweet!" Spike said

The next day in the Golden Oak Library Twilight was writing a letter to Princess Celestia

"Dear Princess Celestia, I have learned a valuable lesson about friendship: I was so afraid of being thought of as a show-off that I was hiding a part of who I am. My friends helped me realize it's okay to be proud of your talents, and there are times when it's appropriate to show them off... Especially when you're standing up for your friends" Twilight wrote

"So, you finally admit that you're the most talented Unicorn in all of Ponyville?" Ladybug asked

"Well, yeah, but it's nothing to brag about" Twilight said and just when she did Spike walked inside the room "So, uh, how did it go with Rarity?" Twilight asked

"Eh, she didn't go for the mustache" Spike said sadly

"You know, Spike, that mustache has nothing to do with who you really are. Maybe you should just try being yourself" Twilight suggested

"Just like I always do with Adrien" Ladybug said

"Almost always" Twilight said

"Oh shut up" Ladybug said

"Or... Maybe the mustache wasn't enough. Maybe if I had a mustache and a beard?" Spike thought

"Oh come on! We haven't trained Twilight for that" Ladybug said

But Spike didn't listen as he started rambling

"Okay, so imagine me with a nice, long, Fu Manchu type beard. Or maybe a goatee. Oh, no, a soul patch right on my chin!" Spike said