• Published 14th Sep 2021
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Miraculous Ponies: Tales of Ladybug, Cat Noir and The Mane Six Season 1 - MLPandMiraculousFanatic

After fighting Nightmare Moon, Stoneheart and Stoneheart's army the Mane Six, Ladybug and Cat Noir are now having some adventures in Ponyville, meet new Allies, Friends and more while also protecting Paris from Akumatized Villains

  • ...

Episode 8: Timebreaker

A few days later we saw our heroes including Bon Bon and Spike walking down the stairs to meet with Marinette's mom

"Well? With or without?" Marinette's Mom asked

"I'd say with, darling" Rarity said

"Ugh! This again, I thought we had enough love already" Rainbow said

"Rainbow, darling, watch your tone of a voice, it's not everyday you celebrate your 20th wedding" Rarity said angrily

"Whatever" Rainbow said

Then Marinette's Dad called out

"Marinette! Girls and Spike! Could you have a minute, please?" Marinette's Dad asked

Then Marinette ran down the stairs with the heroes following before they got to the bakery but as soon as they arrived Marinette's Dad turned around with hands empty

"Well?" Marinette's Dad asked

"Oh come on, why did you call us for nothing" Rainbow asked

"Yeah, there were too much stairs and we ran down for just this" Rarity said

"Yeah, unless it's some secret thing you had in mind" Twilight said

My mustache, I groomed it. Is it too short? Should I shave the whole thing off? Maybe it's a little crooked on one---" Marinette's Dad started before Rainbow interrupted him

"Enough! I'm going back upstairs" Rainbow said walking away but not before Applejack pulled her back and glared at her "Fine, I'll stay but if one more stupid action is made then you'll pay for it" Rainbow said

"Whatever, you look perfect, except for one thing" Marinette said pointing to the dirty baking apron

"You should definitely switch clothing" Rarity said

"Thanks, sweetheart" Marinette's Dad thanked running off

"No problem dad!" Marinette called out

"Well that's one punishment taking care off" Rainbow said

"Don't say that, it was just a small mistake darling" Rarity said

"A small mistake! I'll show you a mistake!" Rainbow said

"Stop it yall, while Rainbow is right that was a stupid idea to call us for but Rarity is right too that was just a mistake so stop fighting so we can do whatever we want to next" Applejack said

A few minutes or so later the heroes went outside with Marinette's Mom and Dad as Marinette and Applejack pushed them out

"You're going to be late!" Marinette said

"Yeah, and Rarity doesn't want that right sugarcube?" Applejack asked

"Of course darling" Rarity answered

"Now don't forget Mrs. Chamack will be coming by to pick up the Eiffel Tower Cake in 30 minutes" Marinette's Dad said pointing to the cake as the heroes looked towards the cake "I'm depending on you all" Marinette's Dad said

"Yeah, yeah. No sweat, piece of cake" Marinette said

Then the heroes went inside before Marinette closed the door as Marinette's Mom and Dad walked off

"Wow, married twenty years. That's pretty cool huh, Tikki" Marinette said as Tikki flew out of her jacket

"Time flies when you're having fun" Tikki said

"In their case" Rainbow said angrily

"And stands still when your doing homework" Applejack said

Then Tikki giggled while Twilight grumbled under her breath

A few minutes later when Marinette's Mom and Dad arrived in the Mayor and Chloé's home they went and sat down before Marinette's Dad saw someone that being Alix and an medium height guy with orange-brown hair and mustache and pale blue eyes he also wore thin-rimmed glasses, a lavender scarf, a purple undershirt, and a dark gray vest with a gold Egyptian hieroglyph pattern. He also wears a gray jacket, gray slacks, and black shoes as Alix waved back at him as Alix's Dad then turned towards the two in confusion

"They're Marinette's parents. You know, one of the chicks I hang out with?" Alix answered for her dad

"Yes, I remember. They make the best bread in the whole of Paris" Alix's Dad said dreamingly

Then Alix's Dad looked to her sneakers which then got back under the table

"Couldn't you have made more of an effort to dress nicely?" Alix's Dad asked

"What do you mean? I took off my cap" Alix said

"But this is a special day" Alix's Dad said

"Well, it's only a birthday" Alix said

Then Alix's Dad shook his finger before reaching into his jacket

"No, this is a special birthday" Alix's Dad said before reaching into his jacket as he took out a very special watch which looked suspiciously like an Miraculous "This family heirloom was made by one of our ancestors many, many years ago. It's been passed down from one generation to the next, on their 15th birthday. And today, it's your turn to inherit it" Alix's Dad said

"It's pretty sweet, dad. But I've already got a watch, synced up to my smartphone" Alix said

"But sometimes there's more to things than meets the eye. Let's just say that our ancestor was..." Alix's Dad said before pressing a button on the watch like Miraculous before it opened up "Ahead of its time" Alix's Dad said

Then Alix gasped before she went closer but before she could touch it or anything Alix's Dad closed it

"Of course, I'd understand if you'd rather me buying you a new pair of rollerblades" Alix's Dad said

"No, Dad! I'm stoked to have it, it's awesome, thank you!" Alix said in excitement

Just then Alix's phone rang as Alix looked at it

"Are your friends waiting?" Alix's Dad asked

"Yeah, but I don't wanna bail on you. It's cool" Alix said

"No, no, go ahead" Alix's Dad said before reaching Alix grabbed her cap and stepped towards her dad as he puts his hands on her hands "Now, take good care of it" Alix's Dad suggested

Meanwhile the heroes were in Marinette's room either playing games, singing songs or just sitting together and talking as Marinette was working on her homework

"Come on Marinette! You can do it! Just remember the formula. Think, Marinette, think!" Tikki said

"I might be able to do it if you weren't distracting me so much with your encouraging words!" Marinette said before turning to the others "And the others' laughing and more'' Marinette said

Just then Tikki laughed but just when she finished Alya called Marinette on her phone which made Marinette pick it up

"Hey Alya. What's up? The what? The bet between Alix and Kim? No, of course I didn't forget! I already made the banner for it! I know everyone's counting on me. In five minutes?! No sweat. I'm already. Be right there!" Marinette said during the chat with Alya before she freaked out "Guys! We have to go now!" Marinette said

"Where?" Twilight asked

"The bet between Alix and Kim, you haven't forgotten have you?" Marinette asked

"Oh right, come on guys! We gotta go to the bet!" Twilight said

"Why don't I stay here and watch over the cake" Vinyl said

"We will help too" Octavia said

"Yeah!" Derpy, Bon Bon and Lyra said together

"Good luck guys, come on everyone!" Marinette called out

Then Marinette grabbed the banner before running downstairs with the others following

"Vinyl, whenever that's done, close the door and come to us!" Twilight said throwing the key to Vinyl

"Don't worry, I promise" Vinyl said

"Twilight, are ya coming or what?!" Applejack called out

"Yes, coming! See you later!" Twilight said

Then Twilight ran downstairs but she then remembered something

"Guys! Ah forgot something!" Applejack said

"What?" Twilight asked

"The Trocadéro is too far, so Ah suggest ya transform and then teleport us near it before transforming back to normal Twilight" Applejack said

"Good idea" Twilight said "Twilight, Pony Up!" Twilight yelled out before turning into a pony "Now for the last part" Twilight said

A few seconds later the heroes arrived as Twilight turned back to normal before running down the stairs towards the trocadéro grounds

"We're here, don't worry!" Pinkie said

Then Marinette pulled out the banner showing that it was fully white with Alix and Kim's faces on top and their skates or feet on the bottom

"Oh, that's beautiful!" A person said

"Impressive, Marinette!" Adrien said before winking at her

Then Marinette started giggling

"She couldn't have done it without me right darling?" Rarity asked

"Yes Rarity" Marinette said

"You all picked the wrong side to cheer on. Looks like Alix isn't even showing up! Probably too chicken to race an extreme athlete like me" Kim said

And just when he said that an voice started talking

"Spoke too soon, Kim" Alix said as then the screen turned to show Alix ready with her helmet "Your ridiculous bets are over. I'm gonna leave you in the dust, meathead!" Alix challenged

"You're no match for me. My neck is bigger than your thigh" Kim said

"He did not just say that" Rainbow said in shock

Then Marinette and Alya laughed as then a brown skinned boy then popped up between the two and pushes them apart

"Let's review the official rules. Two laps around the fountains; approximately 500 yards. The first one over the line's declared the victor! If Kim triumphs, Alix will relinquish her rollerblades to him. If Alix triumphs, Kim is prohibited from making another dare for the rest of the School year" The brown skinned boy said

"We're through with all those stupid dares!" Juleka called out

"Uh-huh, that's right!" Ivan called out

"No more dares!" Nathaniel called out

"Even though I like dares, mine were way too far so we're over your dares!" Pinkie said

Then Kim and Alix stood at the ready

"On your marks, get set..." The brown skinned boy started before Alix interrupted him

"Hold up!" Alix suggested

Them Kim fell over as the students started laughing before he got back up

"Forfeiting already?" Kim asked

"Hold on to this for me, will you, Alya? I don't want to drop it during the race" Alix said giving the watch to Alya

"Hold on girl, I can't! I gotta..." Alya started before Alix interrupted her

"Guard it with your life. It's a family heirloom!" Alix said putting her hands on Alya's before she skated to the starting line

"But..." Alya started but Alix didn't listen so she gave the watch to Marinette "Marinette, take this. I gotta record the race for my blog!" Alya said

Just then everyone was ready to start the full race as Max stood between them and started the countdown

"On your marks, get set... GO!" The brown haired boy called out

Then the race started as Kim ran as fast as he can with Alix skating almost faster as Kim was in the lead meanwhile at the peanut gallery we saw Nino pumping his fist to cheer as the banner shook while Marinette struggled to hold on

"But... she asked you to look after it. I gotta hold up the banner!" Marinette said in shock

Then Marinette got stretched aside making her accidentally lose her hold on the watch as it then started falling until Adrien grabbed it

"Need any help?" Adrien asked

Then Adrien got back up as Marinette started talking

"Uh... Yup! Thanks. Gotta be careful! Even if you are amazing" Marinette said which made her and Adrien look in shock at each other "At... Holding things! In your hands" Marinette said

Just then Alix and Kim got to the second lap as everyone started cheering

"I love a good race!" Rainbow said

"Same here, sugarcube!" Applejack said

"Last lap!" Max called out

"Amazing at holding things?" Alya asked in an dumbfounded tone

Then Marinette chattered under her breath but before she could actually say something Chloé called out to Adrien

"Adrikins, whatcha got there? Some super old case or something?" Chloé asked grabbing the watch

"Careful, it's Alix's!" Adrien said in shock

"If it's Alix's, it's probably worthless." Chloé said

Then Adrien got mad at Chloé before Marinette turned towards the two and glared at Chloé while also holding one piece of the banner

"Give it back to Adrien, Chloé" Marinette ordered

Then Chloé turned away before pressing a button before an blue glow shined through the middle parts as then Alix and Kim returned but not before Chloé accidentally let's go of the watch as it then rolled towards the starting line to where Alix rid over it making everyone gasp

"Chloé! The Mane Six and Spike yelled out in anger

"What, I got shocked by a blue glow!" Chloé said

"You did and you then let it go!" Twilight said

"Hold on girls, did you say blue glow?" Rarity asked

"Yeah, what's up with that?" Chloé asked

"It's just that we got a theory about it then" Twilight said

Then the rest of her friends nodded just then Alix turned around before gasping in shock and sadness as she rid back towards the broken watch

"I call for a rematch. That false start back there threw me off!" Kim said before he saw Alix riding towards the broken watch before she went and sat back on her knees

"Did you do this?!" Alix asked angrily to Alya

"I had to videotape the race so I gave it to Marinette but then she had to hold the banner so she gave it to Adrien, then Chloé snatched it from him, noticed a blue glow and dropped it and, uh, then you skated over it" Alya explained

"My dad gave me this for my birthday! This watch is totally a family heirloom!" Alix said in tears before skating away while sobbing

"It was an accident!" Marinette said

"We didn't mean any harm, Alix" Adrien said

"Except for Chloé" Rainbow said before Applejack glared at her "What?! It's true you know!" Rainbow said

"As if! I totally had nothing to do with this" Chloé boasted

"Well then, explain how you broke it!" Twilight ordered

"I... can't" Chloé said in defeat

"You're all to blame!" Alix said in both anger and sadness

Just then Marinette had an idea

"Alix, wait!" Marinette called out

"Come on girls let's help Marinette, Rarity, you'll stay here and check if our friends come" Twilight suggested

"On it" Rarity said

"Tell them we'll be back since we're solving an situation" Twilight said glaring at Chloé

"I will, good luck" Rarity said

Then Twilight, Rainbow, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Spike started chasing after Marinette and Alix

Meanwhile inside Hawk Moth's lair the window opened up exposing Hawk Moth's face to the sun

"Such disappointment, frustration and negativity... Oh, how it fills my heart with exhilaration" Hawk Moth said before a butterfly went onto the palm of his hand as he put the other one at the top of his hand before the butterfly turned into an akuma "Fly away, my little akuma, and evilize her!" Hawk Moth ordered twirling his stick as the butterfly flew off

Meanwhile Mrs. Chamack has arrived at the Dupain-Cheng house as she knocked on the door and when she did Bon Bon opened the door

"What can I do for you ma'am?" Bon Bon asked

"I'd like the eiffel tower cake" Mrs. Chamack suggested

"I'm so sorry but this is for Mrs. Chamack" Derpy said

"Uh, that's me" Mrs. Chamack said

"Oh, right" Derpy said

"We're new here, sorry about that" Lyra said before pulling the cake up and setting it in Mrs. Chamack's hands

"Have a great day!!!" Vinyl called out

"You too girls" Mrs. Chamack said leaving

"Okay, now that that's taken care of we can go to the trocadéro" Octavia said

"But first" Vinyl said

Then Vinyl locked the door before the five walked towards the trocadéro while still on the sidewalks

Meanwhile Twilight, Rainbow, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Spike and Marinette were walking next to Alix who was still angry

"Maybe we could fix it?" Marinette suggested

"Yeah, it's not like it's impossible to fix" Applejack said

"Easy for you to say" Rainbow said before getting a slap on the head from Twilight "Sorry"

"This watch was sick!" Alix said

"Yep, and now it's dead!" Pinkie said pretending it's a joke before Fluttershy shook her head towards her "My bad" Pinkie said

"One of a kind! It can't be fixed!" Alix said angrily

"Well, there has to be a way to get it back to the way it was" Marinette said

"Right, and I think I know just the pony" Twilight said thinking about herself

"Like how, huh? Go back in time and change the future? When you figure out how to do that, lemme know!" Alix said still skating away

Just then Rarity and the five other ponies came running

"We're here" Vinyl said out of breath "still should've used teleportation" Vinyl said before holding onto Octavia who was also out of breath

"Don't worry guys, the only thing we should worry about is the watch" Twilight said

"What watch?" Lyra asked

"The watch Alix got from her birthday and she's always naming it 'one of a kind' I wonder what's up with that and Chloé also said that it shined a blue glow which can only mean one thing" Twilight said

"We eat muffins?" Derpy asked in shock and excitement

"Or cupcakes?!" Pinkie asked in shock and excitement

"No, not that, it's an miraculous" Twilight said

"Or it was an Miraculous" Rarity said

"Yes" Rainbow said

Just then an akuma flew by

"Uh girls" Fluttershy said worriedly

"If we're not gonna be eating cupcakes or muffins what do we do then?!" Pinkie asked angrily

"Girls" Fluttershy said but a bit louder

"We're not gonna be eating we need to find a way to fix this" Twilight said

"GIRLS!!!" Fluttershy yelled out

"What now?!" Twilight asked

"An Akuma just flew by" Fluttershy said

"What do you mean, an akuma just flew by?" Twilight asked

Just then the heroes saw the Akuma hitting one of Alix's skater shoes before Alix glared through butterfly glasses which made everyone gasp in shock

"Timebreaker I am Hawk Moth I'm granting you the power to retaliate against the people who've wronged you and to go back in time to restore the future But you must do me a favor in return when the time is right" Hawk Moth said through the butterfly glasses as Alix turns evil

When Alix turned into Timebreaker she wore an black helmet with red spiked edges on the back and two green eye shields over each eye. She also wears a nearly black suit with lime green patches around her waist, around her lower hips and upper legs, and below her knees. Below the back of her wrists, there are glowing lime green ovals, and on her chest, there is a glowing red hourglass shape within a larger silver outline. Her roller blades are black with two glowing white wheels on each one and a thin green line about the foot's ball and instep. A power bar is on the sides of the blades keeping track of her energy level, being red at the lowest level and becoming luminous vivid cyan at the top when it's full

"You got it, Hawk Moth" Timebreaker said

"We gotta stop her!" Marinette yelled out

"Let's do it!" Twilight yelled "Let's go hide and you know what!" Twilight suggested

Then the heroes except Marinette hid behind the staircase

"Mane Six, Spike and Background people, Pony Up!!!" The Mane Six, Spike and the Background people yelled out before transforming into pony versions of themselves

Just then Timebreaker skated towards the other group of people more presumably Marinette's friends, Chloé and Sabrina

"Run!" Adrien ordered

Then Marinette's friends, Chloé and Sabrina started running away while splitting apart but before Kim could escape Timebreaker reached for him not before Rainbow zipped in the way letting her get hit

"RAINBOW!!!" The Mane Five, Spike and the Background ponies yelled out in shock

Just then Kim started running away before really getting hit this time as both Rainbow and Kim got erased from existence

Just then Marinette came running by before stopping in front of Alix

"Stop Alix! What are you doing?!" Marinette asked in shock

"The name's Timebreaker now. And I'm gonna go back in time and save my watch, using all you punks to do it!" Timebreaker said

"Go back in time? What did you do to Kim? Why is he fading?" Marinette asked

"I needed his energy. Besides, the dude was a pain anyway with all those bets. He deserves to disappear forever. And so do you!" Timebreaker said

Then Timebreaker skated towards Marinette who dodged as then the Mane Five, Spike and the Background Ponies went to stand in front of Marinette

"Marinette! Go hide!" Twilight ordered

"Yeah while us folks will stop her" Applejack said

Then Marinette nodded before she ran off with Timebreaker after has as she then let's go of the banner as it then flew into Timebreakers face letting her trip over the stairs

"Now what?" Fluttershy asked

"We all should hold onto her" Twilight said

"Ah think this a bad idea" Applejack said

"But what about the Akuma?" Twilight asked

Meanwhile Marinette was hidden in plain sight

"We gotta transform, now!" Marinette said

(Author's Note: Start at 0:02 and stop at 0:20)

Then Timebreaker stood back up, turned around and raced towards the other heroes as then Rarity jumped into the air and kicked Timebreaker in the face as she was then sent flying

"Girls! You gotta get Ladybug and Cat Noir and when you finish return to me!" Rarity ordered

"Or I could go back to Equestria and get Doctor Whooves" Twilight said

Then Rarity glared at Twilight

"My bad" Twilight said

Just then Twilight got hit by Timebreaker

"Twilight!!!" The Mane Four, Spike and the Background Ponies yelled out before they splitted up and ran away in fright

"This is your fault Rarity!" Fluttershy said

"You know, if it weren't for you Twilight would still be here" Applejack said

Just then Ladybug hit Timebreaker's skate shoe as she then went flying onto the ground

"Time out, Timebreaker!" Ladybug said

"Okay darlings, Ladybug's here but what about Cat Noir?" Rarity asked

"He might come in a bit" Vinyl said "Now charge!!!" Vinyl yelled out trying to run before Applejack held her tail

"Whoa nelly! Ya really need to be more careful what if that Timebreaker fella does something to ya?" Applejack asked worriedly

"Maybe you're right, but we can't let Twilight, Rainbow and Kim down" Vinyl said

"I agree but just stay safe" Applejack said

Meanwhile Fluttershy was keeping Rose safe before Timebreaker pulled her hand towards her while struggling to stand up

"Please, help me up, I messed up. Please, please!" Timebreaker said

"Oh you poor thing" Fluttershy said "Let's help her up" Fluttershy suggested

"Good idea" Rose said

Then Fluttershy and Rose went to Timebreaker

"Fluttershy, no!!!" The Mane Three, Ladybug, Spike and the Background Ponies yelled out in fright as Fluttershy and Rose went towards her and pulled her up before the two got hit

"Hahaha! Sweet Rose and Fluttershy! Always think of others before yourself!" Timebreaker said before she checked her arm and noticed she had one minute of time "One minute" Timebreaker said before she skated off

Then the remaining heroes got together

"I gotta destroy her Akuma before everyone disappears for good! Where is that cat?" Ladybug asked

"I'm not sure but it can't be good" Rarity said

"Y'all hold her off while Ladybug and Ah go stop Timebreaker

Meanwhile Adrien was hiding behind a tree and talking to Plagg

"Time to transform!" Adrien suggested

(Author's Note: Stop at 0:19)

Meanwhile Mylene was running away with Timebreaker on tow before she tripped as then Rarity zapped lasers at Timebreaker trying to keep her back but before she could get her to fall down Timebreaker hits her

"Why ya stupid fool!" Applejack said

"We gotta run Applejack!" Pinkie said

"But how, our friends are gone!" Applejack said

"You still have us" Vinyl said

"Yeah, we just need to use our special skills" Derpy said

Just then Mylene got hit

"One and a half minutes" Timebreaker said, watching her arm before turning to where Ladybug was supposed to stand. "You won't be able to stop me where I'm going, Ladybug and friends!" Timebreaker said

Just then an stick appeared and tapped Timebreaker as Timebreaker turned around noticing Cat Noir

"Let me guess. We're all playing a game of tag and you're it?" Cat Noir asked

"Exactly!" Timebreaker said

Then Timebreaker charged for Cat Noir

"Don't let her touch you!" Ladybug called out

Then Cat Noir jumped over Timebreaker before Timebreaker got dodged

"Missed me! Just a second too late" Cat Noir said

Then Timebreaker turned around before noticing Alya filming the battle with Bon Bon covering for her and when they saw Timebreaker grinning evilly at her they started running before they both got caught

"Bon Bon! No!" Lyra yelled out in shock

"Nooo!" Ladybug yelled out in shock

Just then Timebreaker jumped back to the starting line as she skated away with the remaining heroes behind her

"I swear that if this happens one more time I will quit!" Applejack yelled out

"But what about Bon Bon, Rarity and the others" Lyra asked

"Just follow mah lead!" Applejack suggested

"Well, she wastes no time, does she?" Derpy asked

"Yes?" Applejack asked

"And the more people she freezes, the more minutes she gets to go farther in time! Those poor kids were frozen in time... They're goners if we don't get that Akuma!" Ladybug said in worry

"Even our friends?" Applejack asked

"Yes" Ladybug said

Just then Ivan started running before hiding in a bush but when he did Timebreaker found him and jumped for him and when he did Pinkie and Derpy ran towards him

"Pinkie, Derpy, NO!!!" Applejack, Lyra, Vinyl, Octavia and Spike yelled out

But they were too late as they were in front of Ivan already before the two got hit making them disappear but before Timetagger could get Ivan Ladybug wrapped her yo-yo around Timebreaker's arm sending her flying backwards giving Ivan enough time to escape as Ladybug struggled to hold her

"Keep your hands to yourself!" Ladybug ordered

Just then Timebreaker pulled on the yo-yo sending her flying onto the ground before she was staring into Timebreaker's eyes and just when she did butterfly glasses appeared in front of Timebreakers' face

"Now, Timebreaker! Grab her Miraculous! Her earrings!" Hawk Moth ordered

Then Timebreaker reached for Ladybug but before she could touch her the rest of the heroes except Applejack reached for Ladybug before they all got touched making them disappear

"Nooo!!!!" Applejack yelled out in sadness before glaring at Timebreaker "Why you little brat! I'll show you what Ah'm made of!" Applejack ordered angrily

Then Applejack charged for Timebreaker before Ladybug held her back as then Timebreaker looked at her watch

"Oh, wow, six minutes in one go! Must have been those nine lives and those heroic sacrifices, gotta go! The past is waiting" Timebreaker said

Just then butterfly glasses appears in front of Timebreaker's face

"Timebreaker! The Miraculous! Take Cat Noir's ring before he disappears!" Hawk Moth ordered

"Don't do it, Ah can talk this out with you and Ladybug" Applejack said stepping forward in worry

Then Timebreaker thought for a bit before glaring at Ladybug

"Go ahead and try!" Ladybug suggested

Then Timebreaker skated and reached for her before Ladybug touched Timebreaker and threw her onto the ground which made Hawk Moth angry in his lab

"Chill out, Hawk Moth, I have a sick plan!" Timebreaker said

Then Timebreaker skated away before Ladybug wrapped her Yo-yo on her as Applejack wrapped her lasso on Ladybug making them go with her too

"Ah hope Ah don't get blind" Applejack said

"Don't worry, we'll save everyone as quick as possible" Ladybug said

Then the two were sent flying until they were on top of the trocadéro and when they were, Timebreaker skated as fast as she could making some white thing appear which then got bigger

"Yeehaw!!!" Applejack yelled out in happiness that she's gonna see her friends again

Just then the three went into the portal arriving somewhere where they didn't expect to go to

A few minutes ago in the trocadéro we see Kim and Alix still racing until Ladybug, Applejack and Timebreaker returned and when Timebreaker stopped Ladybug and Applejack were sent flying behind Timebreaker

(Author's note: Okay now things will be a bit weird so I will be writing past Ladybug/Marinette, Applejack and Timebreaker/Alix and Future Ladybug/Marinette, Applejack and Timebreaker/Alix for a few scenes but that's only for a few Episodes and scenes, and those will be in this order: 'Timebreaker', 'Copycat', 'Timetagger', 'Cat Blanc' and any other Episodes which I forgot where an future and past is but it's still an debate in the future Seasons and in the Cutie Remark two part Episodes so you may tell me what to do for the Cutie Remark Episodes, now let's continue)

"Wh-What... Just happened?" Future Ladybug asked

"Ah don't know" Future Applejack answered "Let's check over there" Applejack said pointing to the scenery railing

Then future Ladybug and Applejack went to the scenery railing and looked down before seeing the past heroes and their friends cheering

"Ah miss the old times" Future Applejack said

"It's alright Applejack, I miss them too" Future Ladybug said

Just then Chloé grabbed Alix's watch

"Look, she did it again" Future Applejack said

"Actually she did it for the first time" Future Ladybug said

"Right, Ah forgot" Future Applejack said

"Careful, it's Alix's" Adrien said

"What is this? Some super old case or something? If it's Alix's, it's probably worthless" Chloé said

"Give it back to Adrien, Chloé" Past Marinette said worriedly

Just then Timebreaker gasped in shock

"My watch!!" Future Timebreaker yelled out in shock as she jumped into the air

"Oh no" Future Applejack said worriedly

"Chloé! Put the watch down!" Future Ladybug yelled in shock

Then everyone looked at Future Ladybug and Applejack in shock before gasping

"Did ya have to do that?!" Future Applejack asked in anger and shock

Just then Future Timebreaker landed onto the ground before Chloé dropped the watch and when she did the watch broke

"Now look at what you've done Ladybug!!!" Future Applejack said in anger

"NOOOO!!!" Future Timebreaker yelled out

Just then Past Alix stops in shock as Future Timebreaker glared at her

"Ladybug! This time it's your fault!" Future Timebreaker said glaring at her. I need more energy. I gotta go further back in time!" FutureTimebreaker said

Then Past Alix went to the watch in sadness

"Ladybug...! It's all Ladybug's fault!" Alix said angrily

Meanwhile in Hawk Moth's lair the window opened up exposing Hawk Moth's face to the sun

"Could this be possible? Do I see double vision in my future? Or should I say, Double Villain?" Hawk Moth asked himself before a butterfly went to the palm of his hand as he put his other hand around it turning it into an Akuma ``Fly away, my devilish Akuma, then join this troubled soul!" Hawk Moth ordered evilly

Then the Akuma flew into the air and goes to the Trocadéro

Meanwhile Future Applejack and Ladybug stood on top of the railing angrily talking to the others on the grounds

"Everyone, get out of here!" Future Ladybug ordered the others on the grounds

"Don't let that fella touch you!" Future Applejack ordered

Then the others who stood looking at Future Ladybug started running away as then an Akuma flew into Alix's skate shoe

Meanwhile Adrien was hiding in a tree talking with Plagg

"Time to transform" Adrien said

Just then Past Twilight and Marinette with the others in tow ran towards the top of the stairs before looking at Future Applejack and Ladybug as Future Applejack and Ladybug walked towards Past Marinette, Twilight before stopping in front of them

"Twilight, Ya better call Vinyl or anyone else you want of your team, let's just say we need their help" Future Applejack suggested

Just then Past Marinette and Twilight got closer as Marinette looked up and down with Twilight walking all around Applejack weirdly

"They're right! I can feel it! They're you two from the future" Past Tikki said

"Crazy!" Past Pinkie and Marinette said in shock

"Listen. I know it seems unbelievable, but trust us, I mean, trust... Yourself?" Future Ladybug said

"Yeah, so Twilight call Viny and tell her to teleport here stat!" Future Applejack said

"While the five of them need to be transformed?" Twilight asked

"Yes" Future Ladybug said

"Alright, will do, but first" Twilight said before the past heroes ran off

"How did I get myself into these crazy situations?" Future Ladybug asked Future Applejack

"Don't forget mah, but Ah don't know, ya planned this ya'rself!" Future Applejack said angrily

"Sorry about that" Future Ladybug said

"No worries, sugarcube" Future Applejack said

Just then an magic spell was heard as the past ones returned "Now we're ready" Twilight said

Meanwhile Past Timebreaker finished transforming as then Future Timebreaker reached for Past Timebreaker's hand as Past Timebreaker got helped standing up without getting to disappear and just then Past Cat Noir appeared

"Cat Noir, I can't explain now, but we've got to capture Timebreaker's Akuma! Your life depends on it!" Future Ladybug said

"Which Life? I've got nine" Cat Noir said

"I'm serious! The Akuma is in her rollerblades. We gotta release it!" Future Ladybug said

Then Future Ladybug, Past Cat Noir, Future Applejack and the past heroes jumped off the railing before landing on the ground ready for an second round of fights

"Am I seeing double all of a sudden?" Cat Noir asked

"Another thing we don't have time to explain" Future Ladybug said dumbfounded

"I've got an idea! The first one who talks we'll call them Time and second Breaker!" Past Pinkie said

"Are you kidding us now?!" Twilight asked

"What, it would make life easier!" Pinkie said

"Whatever" Ladybug said

"The energy of all of those heroes will be enough for both of us to go farther back in time!" Future Timebreaker said

"Heh, I want my watch back! Let's do it!" Past Timebreaker said

Then Future Ladybug turned to the others

"Whatever you do, don't let either of them touch you!" Future Ladybug said

"Yeah, or it will spell doom for us all" Future Applejack said

"We won't, we promise" Twilight said

Just then butterfly glasses appeared in front of both Timebreaker's faces

"Get the Miraculouses and Elements, Timebreakers!" Hawk Moth ordered

Then the butterfly glasses disappeared as both Timebreaker skated towards Future Ladybug and Cat Noir with Future Ladybug and Cat Noir chasing towards both timebreakers as Twilight made an invincibility spell on the two and the other heroes as then the heroes started fighting against the Timebreakers before they knocked both Timebreakers on the ground

"Whoa! That... Was... AWESOME!!!" Rainbow yelled out in pride

"The battle is still not over yet" Twilight said

"If we were faster, those bozos would be no match for us" Future Timebreaker said

"Then let's stock up on more energy first. Then, we'll destroy them!" Past Timebreaker suggested

Then both Timebreakers skated away and touched ordinary people as they were all disappearing with Future Ladybug, Cat Noir, Future Applejack and the other heroes chasing after them

Meanwhile the other five heroes gave the cake with Past Marinette joining in

"Are you okay miss, you look out of breath" Mrs. Chamack asked

"Nothing, I was just getting my friends since Alya had a great idea for them, right girls?" Past Marinette asked

"Right!" Vinyl said

"Oh, well then, I hope that idea works then" Mrs. Chamack said

"Definitely" Octavia said "Now off you go!" Octavia said

Then Mrs. Chamack walked off as the other five glared at her

"Did you have to lie like that?" Lyra asked

"Yeah, and for a good reason" Past Marinette answered

"Okay, and you better not be joking" Bon Bon said

"There's another Akuma on the loose and touched Alix" Past Marinette said

"Really?" Derpy asked

"Yes, we gotta go now!" Marinette said

"But first" Vinyl said

After transforming the heroes went back to the Trocadéro where Future Ladybug, Applejack and their past friends continued chasing after the two Timebreakers before the two Timebreakers stopped

"We've got enough speed. Let's go hardcore on Ladybug, Cat Noir and friends!" Past Timebreaker said

"Once we get the energy from these heroes..." Future Timebreaker started before Past Timebreaker continued on

"We'll have enough to get back in time together" Past Timebreaker said getting ready

"And get our watch!" Future Timebreaker said getting ready

Then both Timebreaker's skated towards the heroes who then gasped in shock

"I thought we were chasing them" Cat Noir said confused

"Same" Pinkie said

"Now there's only one thing to do" Rainbow said "Attack!" Rainbow said in a fighting stands as the heroes made karate moves

Just then an yo-yo appeared and making the two Timebreakers trip and the heroes confused and look to the side seeing Past Ladybug grinning at them with the five Background Ponies by her side

"Way to distract them!" Twilight said in prideness

"Hey, you two! Need a hand?" Past Ladybug asked

"Thanks" Future Ladybug said

Then Cat Noir and Pinkie Pie looked at the two Ladybug's in confusion as Past Ladybug and the other five Background Ponies went to their side

"Well that was shocking!" Pinkie said

"They're insane on their rollerblades" Past Ladybug said

"And unstoppable on the ground!" Future Ladybug said

"So what if they were not on the ground?" Derpy asked

Just then the two looked at Cat Noir who was staring dreamily

"Two Ladybug's? I'm in heaven!" Cat Noir said

"Well, Ah'm glad that's not Ah" Applejack said

"Same" Rainbow said

"I would've liked two Rarity's" Spike said dreamily

"And I two Rainbow's" Pinkie said dreamily

Then the others looked at them dumbfounded as then the Timebreakers started talking

"Change of plan. We gotta go back in time now. There'll be less of them!" Future Timebreaker said

"I'm down" Past Timebreaker said in agreement

Just then butterfly glasses appeared in front of both Timebreaker's faces

"Don't fail me this time!" Hawk Moth suggested

Then the butterfly glasses disappeared from both Timebreaker's faces as they skated away

"They're planning to go back in time!" Future Ladybug said in shock

"Well we can't let that happen so use Lucky Charm!" Twilight suggested

"On it!" Past Ladybug said

"Lucky Charm!!!" Both Ladybug's called out throwing their yo-yo's into the air before two items appeared, more presumably a bicycle lock and a traffic cone "Any ideas?" Both Ladybug's asked each other

"While you two figure it out, I'll try to buy us some time" Cat Noir said

Then both Ladybug's looked around their way before noticing an Ice Cream sign making Past Ladybug gasp in happiness

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Past Ladybug asked

"Of course!" Future Ladybug answered

Then the two ran to the Ice Cream sign while Cat Noir got to one statue


" Cat Noir yelled out before touching the statue as it then broke and got in the way of the two Timebreakers

When the two Timebreakers got close they turned back but then they noticed Ladybug in their way

"Let's freeze her on her way past!" Future Timebreaker suggested

Then the two Timebreakers reached for her as Ladybug then did an acrobatic skill while tying their feet together causing them to struggle skating

We're going too fast! We can't stop!" The two Timebreakers yelled out

Just then they fly off the sign before flying into the air

"Now!" Future Ladybug ordered

Then the two Ladybug's threw their yo-yo's at the skate shoes before the stretched them out as both Time breakers fell onto the ground with one of their skate shoes not on them as the two Ladybug's grabbed them as they broke them both and threw them onto the ground as two Akuma's flew out

"No more evil doing for you, little Akuma" Both Ladybug's said, twirling their yo-yo's before they threw it at the Akuma's "Time to de-evilize!" Both Ladybug's yelled out before catching their Akuma as they then threw the yo-yo's back to them and catched it with their hands "Gotcha!" Both Ladybug's yelled out catching the Akuma's before they pressed on the middle black button "Bye bye, little butterfly" Both Ladybug's said as the butterflies flew away

"Now one last thing" Twilight said before teleporting the traffic cone "You ready Past Ladybug?" Twilight asked

"Whenever you are!" Past Ladybug answered

"Miraculous Ladybug!" Both Twilight and Past Ladybug yelled out fixing everything even making the three duplicates disappear

"Well, that situation was resolved quickly, I still can't quite wrap my head on who the real double was!" Rainbow said

"Well be happy that Timebreaker is stopped" Applejack said

"Speaking of which" Twilight said before going to Alix "Hey Alix, I thought I'd give you a little surprise" Twilight said

Then Alix perked up and stood back up

"Really, what is it?" Alix asked

"Since, I'm so good at magic, and my friends including Spike and Applejack showed me that everyone is good at whatever talent they have I've decided that I will fix your watch" Twilight said

"How?" Alix asked

"Well duh, I have an horn but I don't use it much here but I will use if it for once now tell me how the watch looked like and more" Twilight said

"Really, that's awesome!" Alix said

"But first, come here friends!" Twilight said

Then the heroes got together

"Let's do it in one, two, three..." Rainbow started before the heroes continued

"Pound it!" The heroes said before laughing

"Now you may tell me" Twilight said

Meanwhile Hawk Moth was still angry of his defeat

"You slipped by me this time, Ladybug and Cat Noir. But one day, past, present or future... you will be destroyed! And I'll have your Miraculouses! I will be UNSTOPPABLE!" Hawk Moth said angrily before laughing evilly

A few hours ago Marinette was back home with the heroes and waiting in the bakery before Marinette's Mom and Dad returned

"Hey! So did you have a nice anniversary?" Marinette asked

"We sure did. Although, it was a close call" Marinette's Dad answered

"What happened sugarcube's" Applejack asked

"I almost died from choking on a carrot so an waitress had to rescue me" Marinette's Dad said

"I even had to try and keep everyone calm" Marinette's Mom said

"At least you're still alive" Twilight said

"Yeah, but remember, There's only one of each and every one of you and we're counting on them" Marinette's Dad said

Then the heroes nodded before they ran up to Marinette's parents and hugged them