• Published 14th Sep 2023
  • 699 Views, 21 Comments

The Owl House: Friendship Forever - TheClownPrinceofCrime

The Villains of Equestria discover the Boiling Isles—one that might prove to be more than just a land filled with magic.

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A Villainous Awakening

Author's Note:

Here is the next segment of the multiverse saga! Before you read this, for those of you who haven’t been reading the two previous stories, at least read the epilogue of the last story so you can understand the context in this first chapter.

Thanks for understanding and enjoy reading!

So…where do I begin? Hmm, oh, of course! It all started back when everything seemed to work just fine. By that, I mean…when our world was right at our fingertips—or hooves, in the case of Chrysalis and Cozy.

We possessed the most powerful magic in all Equestria, and we dominated our enemies with ease! Twilight and her friends were about to become history until everypony and every creature rallied against us.

We lost the battle…and Grogar’s magic. And even worse, Celestia, Luna, and Discord turned the three of us into stone.

After that, I thought we were done for. Everything we worked for, everything we’ve accomplished to get us where we are…we’re all for nothing. *chuckles* I’ve never been happy to be proven wrong.

It turns out something happened to us one day—an event that changed our lives forever. The day I re-opened my eyes was the moment our new journey…commenced.

Tirek groaned as he slowly regained consciousness. His vision was a little blurry at first until he became fully aware of his new surroundings.

To his left side was Cozy Glow, and to his right was Chrysalis who were likewise chained up on the wall.

“Huh…w-what?? What is this place?? Where are we?!” Tirek shouted. He looked down and saw every strange equipment in a dark laboratory with a look of confusion.

“Where in Equestria are we? Chrysalis! Cozy Glow! Wake up! Wake up!”

Chrysalis did not respond whereas Cozy Glow suddenly began to snore out loud.

“Ugh, I hate it when she does that,” Tirek groaned.

As he thought of something, he grinned mischievously and cleared his throat. “Hey, look, it’s Starlight Glimmer! She’s right in front of you!”

The former bug queen immediately woke up and hissed menacingly at the air. “PERISH, STARLIGHT!”

But then she realized the unicorn wasn’t there, making her glare daggers at the smug centaur. “Very funny, Lord Tirek.”

“At least now you’re awake. It seems like we’re no longer in stone imprisonment,” Tirek informed.

“What? We’re…not stone anymore? But how?”

“I don’t know. One would think being turned to stone would last for over a 1,000 years; I didn’t expect to be released so soon.”

“Hmm, it did feel like it lasted for about five minutes. But what I wanna know is why we are in these chains?!” Chrysalis demanded, struggling to move around.

“Mmmmm…please…Tirek…ten more minutes,” moaned Cozy, yawning out loud.

“Cozy, wake up! We’re in a new situation now,” said Tirek.

“What are you—what the—?! WHOA! What’s going on here?! Are we in Tartarus again?!” Cozy shrieked, now fully awake.

“This doesn’t look like Tartarus,” replied Tirek, scrutinizing the laboratory.

“Discord and the princesses have the audacity to chain ME?! The Queen of the Changelings?! How dare they!”

“It’s not like them to imprison their enemies like this…especially after they turned us into stone. Something isn’t adding up,” Cozy doubted, arching an eyebrow.

“She’s right. If Celestia and Luna wanted us in Tartarus, we would’ve been there already. But why would they turn us into stone and then set us free…only for us to end up in this…suspicious place?” Tirek argued.

“Does it really matter? It’s a good thing we’re finally free from that awful stone imprisonment; which means we can plot our revenge,” Chrysalis evilly smiled.

“Of course! I want nothing more than to snuff out those pathetic ponies and drain them of their magic once again,” Tirek heartily agreed. “But first, we need to figure out a way we can get outta here.”

“Hey, look! There’s a key down there!” Cozy alerted.

On the desk was a golden key left beside a folder full of photos. The Treacherous Trio grinned at the sight of it.

Tirek tried to activate his magic from his horns, but nothing came out thereof. He tried again while grunting but unsuccessfully.


“Let me try,” said Chrysalis, faintly igniting her horn. She only ignited sparkles of her magic, leaving her completely shocked.

“What?! Where’s my magic?!”

“There’s no way Twilight and her friends drained us all with their rainbow powers, did they?” Cozy worried.

Suddenly, a door opened which revealed Jacob Hopkins jumping inside the laboratory with his old work clothes on. He opened his iPhone and played some victory music.

“Oh yeah, baby! The crowd is cheering for…the man, the myth, the le-le-le-LEGEEEEEND!! Jacob’s got his groove back, ya losers!! Back in the game!!” he celebrated.

The villains looked at him with absolute bewilderment and puzzlement.

“Who…in the name of Equestria…IS THIS CREATURE?!” Chrysalis exclaimed.

“Oh, would you look at that? You demons are finally awake,” Jacob tauntingly greeted. “Now’s my chance to finally get some answers outta you!”

“Demons? The heck is a demon?” Cozy asked.

“Who are you?” Tirek growled.

“And what are you? I’ve never seen a weird creature like you before,” Cozy again asked.

“Hey, I ask the questions around here!! Got that? You’re in my territory now!” Jacob yelled. He grabbed a little remote and stared right back at the villains.

“What do you know about shape-shifters? Are they carnivores? How many of you demons live in this…Boiling Isles? Talk…now.”

“Boiling what?? What in Tartarus are you talking about?” Tirek responded.

“I don’t answer to you, you pompous imbecile! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!?” Chrysalis angrily screamed.

“Ohhhh, I see how it is. Playing hard to get, eh? Well, this should make you talk!”

Jacob pressed the red button, shocking all three villains with the chains.

“I…don’t know who you are or what you are…but you’re gonna regret that!” Tirek threatened.

“Release us at once, or I’ll destroy you in the most painful way possible!” Chrysalis roared.

“Oh really? How are you gonna do that when I have all your juicy stuff right in here?” Jacob retorted, holding a jar full of purple essence in liquid form.

The villains gasped. “Is that…?”

“OUR MAGIC!” Chrysalis finished.

“That’s right, bug face! A little birdie told me you have some sort of magical capabilities I could use for myself. With it, I can be powerful enough to take down the rest of your kind! The Boiling Isles will be mine!”

“Wow…using our magic for your own evil plans? I gotta say…that’s a pretty good villainous scheme,” Cozy complemented.

“Cozy!” Tirek and Chrysalis scolded.

“What? It just screams devious!”

“Villainous? I’m gonna be a hero for planet Earth to see, thank you very much,” Jacob replied. “Once I expose your witch friends to all humanity, then they realize I was right all along. Everyone who hated me will taste my wrath.”

The villains then laughed at Jacob. “What’s so funny?!”

“A hero? Really? You call holding your prisoners against their will and siphoning their magic to destroy everyone heroic? You make me laugh,” Tirek mocked.

“You sound even more pathetic than the ponies we faced. Now that’s an accomplishment right there,” added Chrysalis, grinning.

Jacob then seethed in rage. “SHUT UP!! You’re just like all those people who made fun of me for years!”

While Hopskins was ranting, Cozy tried to slide her arms through the chains. As she quietly unloosed herself, she dropped down and hid under the desk.

“But it won’t matter anymore. Your magic is mine to control now!” Jacob triumphed, still holding the jar.

But before he could open the lid, Cozy jumped at him and bit him on the leg.


He dropped to his knees, clenching his leg. That gave her enough time to grab the key and toss it to Tirek.

The centaur grabbed it with his teeth and unlocked the chains with it. He did the same for Chrysalis before they both landed safely on the floor.

“Free at last!” the changeling shouted.

“Now give us back our magic, and we might let you go unharmed,” Tirek demanded.

“How about…NO!” Jacob retorted, kicking Tirek on the pelvis.

The latter groaned in pain and fell on the floor. Jacob then punched Chrysalis in the face and kicked her in the stomach.

“You’ll pay for that!!” Chrysalis sneered.

“Not so tough without your magic, huh?”

“Leave them alone!” Cozy yelled, punching her hooves unto his legs.

Jacob however chuckled at her feeble attempts at fighting. He kicked her off him and grabbed a wrench from the table.

“Wait! You wouldn’t hurt a harmless little filly, would you?” Cozy begged, giving him puppy dog eyes.

Jacob’s pupils grew large as he locked eyes with her. “Awww, you’re so adorable. It’s certainly cute…how you think that would work on me! Don’t you know I’m dead inside?”

Cozy then cowered and shielded her face.

As he prepared to strike her, Tirek threw a little box at him—knocking him unto the table.

That made Jacob accidentally activate the device that held the exact coordinates of the Boiling Isles. It shot a beam towards an empty space, opening a portal.

The villains gasped at what they saw and smiled with beams of hope. “This must take us back to Canterlot!”

The portal then started to suck up everything that was in the laboratory, including the jar.

“No! I can’t lose the magic!” Jacob exclaimed. He jumped into the portal, following the flying jar.

“Don’t let him get to our magic!!” Chrysalis shouted, jumping into the portal as well.

“Right behind you!” said Cozy, following her.

Before Tirek could follow his comrades, he spotted a small cup filled with blue liquid. Thinking it was magic, he opened the lid and drank the whole cup.

He grew to his second form in size. He proudly looked at his slightly grown muscles and kissed his biceps. “I miss these babies so much.”

Then he rejoined with the rest through the portal before it closed.

The dark figure stepped out of the closet with an evil smile on his face. “Time for another world to fall.”

The Treacherous Trio finally landed on new ground…but not the type of ground they expected.

As they looked around, they saw Jacob holding the magic jar in his grasp. “Ha, in your faces, demons! Now I can drink this…especially since I didn’t have breakfast this morning. I was really busy.”

“Oh, no you don’t!” Tirek shouted, activating his magic. But instead of shooting fiery magic, he blasted flowers from his horns.

The magical flowers surrounded Jacob and poured water on him like a waterfall.


“What kind of magic did you drink? Chaos magic?” Chrysalis wondered.

“Or maybe peaceful magic?” Cozy guessed, shrugging.

“This is ridiculous! This magic is useless!” Tirek ranted.

Then the flowers proceeded to grab the jar and kick Jacob in the butt. He was sent flying in the air until he landed somewhere on top of the trees.

Tirek was flabbergasted. “I…take that back.”

“Hmm, seems like your new magical abilities are useful to us after all. Deliver our magic to us immediately!” Chrysalis commanded the flowers.

However, the flowers teleported out of sight with the jar. The villains gasped in shock.



“They’re gone!”

“You incompetent fool, you lost us our magic!” Chrysalis berated.

“How is this my fault?! I didn’t know they were gonna do that!” Tirek argued.

“Excuses! You always make excuses for your failures!” Chrysalis shot back. “Look at us now: we’re stranded in the middle of nowhere, we have no power, and that hairless monkey is out to get our magic! And it’s all your FAULT!”

“Says the cocky idiot who constantly gets herself into trouble. Instead of following my advice and my lead, you waste your time in plotting revenge against an insignificant unicorn. It’s no wonder why you’re no longer the queen of the changelings,” Tirek retorted.

Chrysalis widened her eyes. “Why you arrogant, loud-mouthed—I oughta…,”

“STOP!!!” Cozy Glow bellowed. Tirek and Chrysalis looked back at Cozy, startled by her outburst.

“I’m sick and tired of you two always arguing! Every time I have to get you two to like each other, you still bicker like dumb foals!! And you wonder why Twilight always bested us every time! BECAUSE WE WON’T STOP FIGHTING EACH OTHER!!”

The older villains looked down in shame.

Cozy sadly sighed. “Look, I know we hate each other and all, but it’s gonna get us nowhere if we keep pointing hooves all day. If we don’t work together to find our magic, that bipedal creature will destroy us.”

Tirek and Chrysalis looked at each other with frowns. Then they collectively sighed in defeat and nodded.

“I really hate to admit it, but you have a point. There’s no time to waste,” agreed Chrysalis.

“Very well. Now, let’s see how we can find our way back to Canterlot. It can’t be too far from here,” said Tirek.

“Uh…guys? I don’t think we’re in Equestria anymore,” corrected Cozy, looking at a distance with frightened eyes.

Looking towards her direction, they gasped at the sight of a gigantic carcass with a shining crown laid across the landscape….the Boiling Isles.

“Whoa…I’m…definitely not going down there,” said Chrysalis, gulping.