• Published 14th Sep 2023
  • 690 Views, 21 Comments

The Owl House: Friendship Forever - TheClownPrinceofCrime

The Villains of Equestria discover the Boiling Isles—one that might prove to be more than just a land filled with magic.

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Defeating Evil with Evil

The people in the human realm—specifically in Luz’s hometown—were casually living their lives while the sun was setting. But before they did anything else, a bright red dot lit up in the air.

It grew bigger and bigger until it became a fiery portal, nearly blocking the setting sun. Everybody gasped in horror at the sight thereof.

Within that moment of fear, the portal revealed the sight of the Boiling Isles in front of them. The humans were awed at the sight of it, and they couldn’t help but gaze their eyes at the gigantic carcass.

“What in the name of…?!”

“What is that?”

“Haha!! What did I tell ya, folks?! Was I right or was I right?!” Jacob gloated, flying out of the portal.

The people instinctively shrieked at Jacob’s demonic appearance and backed away from him.

“Wait! Wait! It’s me! Your savior! I’m showing you the dangers of these demons and witches! THEY. ARE. REAL!!”

“Wait a minute…I recognize that voice,” said Masha, narrowing their eyes.

“Is that supposed to be the guy who keeps blabbering about witches and stuff?” one of their friends asked.

“Yeah, yeah, what was his name again?”

“IT’S JACOB! HELLO?! You’ve known me for years!” he shouted.

Masha and the others looked at each other confused and shrugged nonchalantly.

“This is what I’m talking about. No one treats me with respect and dignity, especially after all the years I’ve tried to warn you all!” Jacob groaned. “But don’t worry, you can ask for my forgiveness later.”

Jacob created balls of fiery magic from his palms and threw them at the ground. They generated into a ring of fire which surrounded the entire town, preventing anyone who would attempt to leave.

The townspeople then became terrified of him even more and ran for their lives. Jacob manically laughed as he watched them squirm.

“Who’s laughing now, huh?! Once I annihilate these demons, they’ll have no choice but to praise me for my heroism!” He grinned.

Then he thought about something else. “Hm, I wonder if I can make cash out of nothing?”

His horns ignited with magic and shot a beam into the air. To his surprise, the spell did not create the material he was hoping it would do.

“Huh? But…? What about this?”

He shot another one into the sky, but it wielded no desirable results.

“Wow, I can’t make any ice scream either? Does this power do anything besides destroying stuff?”

He waved a full stream of magic across the town; however, it only managed to poof sparkles thereof until they faded seconds later.

Then he facepalmed himself out of disappointment. “Well, that’s just lame. Oh well, I guess I can use this destructive power to get what I want: praise and glory!”

He stretched out his hands and shot more beams of magic at the portal he came through; he expanded it large enough for it to fill the entire sky so that everyone can see the sight of the Boiling Isles.

Jacob’s grin grew wider as he noticed multiple people gazing in awe at the Isles. A lot of witches and demons were being pulled into the portal via gravitational force and were transported into the human realm.

He grabbed them with his magic and held them high in front of the bewildered crowd. “There they are! These are the demons I was talking about! They feast on your fears! They even harvest teeth! I mean, look at them! Don’t ya see the spikes poking out?!”

“Umm, what’s going on here?” a demon asked.

“I think I’m having a weird dream. I’ve been getting a lot of those lately,” another one replied, scratching his armpit.

“Wow…those are witches and demons?! Cool!!” a teenage girl shouted, taking snapshots with her phone.


“WHAT?! No, not cool or awesome! They are MONSTERS!” Jacob yelled.

“No, we are!” Cozy retorted.

Jacob looked back to see the Treacherous Trio hovering in the air with their all-new powerful magic. He stared at them confused and said, “Huh? How? I thought you were…?”

“Deprived of magic? Not anymore! Now we have the opportunity to destroy you once and for all!” Chrysalis boasted.

“Why don’t you make it easy for yourself by giving up? We wouldn’t want to make it too painful for you now, would we?” Tirek suggested, cracking his knuckles.

Growling in frustration, Jacob charged at them within full speed. The villains were ready for him and activated a magical barrier. Every one of his blows on the shield felt soft from their perspective.

Chrysalis ignited her horn and generated a magical giant hammer. She smashed him with it, leaving a massive crater on the concrete.

Cozy Glow then flew around him and created a mini tornado which sent him flying in the air and crashing on multiple vehicles. To top it off, she levitated a truck via telekinesis and threw it on him.

Tirek chuckled as he lifted the damaged truck off him and grabbed him by the throat. “Time to finish this,” he said, opening his mouth.

To his surprise, he couldn’t consume any of his magic.

Jacob smirked back at him, casually wiping dust off his shoulders. “I couldn’t agree more.”

He punched Tirek in the chest, forcing the latter to take a step backwards. Then he lifted him up and threw him against a house; directing his attention back to Cozy and Chrysalis, a large hatchet appeared in his hand. He swung it at them which the ladies effortlessly dodged without paying attention to their surroundings.

They both quickly avoided a deadly swipe from the hatchet by jumping backwards into a transformer. They got electrocuted and ended up cutting all the wires on every pole.

“You can’t take away my powers, thanks to my human mind overriding my beastly attributes. Haha, this is already more fun than soliciting conspiracy theory magazines!” Jacob laughed.

At that moment, he felt a blow behind his back. He fell unto the ground, groaning from the pain. He looked up and saw Scorpan with his hands glowing.

He also noticed Luz and her friends all in their battle poses. Angered, he got back up on his feet and fired more magical beams at them.

The heroes moved out of the way and activated their respective powers: Luz with her new Titan glyphs, Amity with her abomination magic, Willow with her plant magic, Gus with his illusion magic, and Hunter with his teleportation and speed magic.

Jacob swung his claws at Amity from which the latter shielded herself with her magic; Hunter teleported up to his face and punched him in the jaw; as the villain was distracted, Willow raised her giant plant roots and tied him up.

She then body-slammed him with it and threw him into the sky. Luz then used her glyphs to activate super-powered fire balls and blast him high in the air.

Once that was completed, Jacob crashed into the ground—creating a huge puff of smoke.

“Okay…NOW I’M GETTING MAD!!!” Jacob screamed.

Redirecting his attention back to the gang, he only saw twelve illusions of Gus standing still and smugly staring at him.

“Catch me if you can!” each Gus said at the same time.

They ran around the confused mutant; he grabbed one of them only for him to vanish instantly. He sliced another one, giving him the same result. He attacked all the remaining illusions of Gus until there were only two left.

Seething in rage, he ripped a huge piece of concrete from the road and threw it at both of them. To his surprise, none of them were real.


“Up here, tough guy!”

Using the illusion coven sigil, Gus utilized his magic on Jacob’s head. The latter’s eyes turned blue, and he bellowed in agony.

“No, no, no!! I thought I blocked that embarrassing moment from my memory! NO, GET AWAY FROM ME!”

“Is he…?”

“Yup, reliving his worst nightmares,” Gus smirked.

“You don’t think this is…extreme?” questioned Scorpan.

“Eh, it wouldn’t be my first time,” Gus winked.

“Impressive display of magic,” remarked Tirek. “If Sombra were still around, this kid would give him a run for his bits.”

“Huh, Gus is just as messed up as we are,” Cozy added.

“It won’t hold him for long! We must keep him grounded before he—!” said Chrysalis, suddenly interrupted by Jacob’s primal cry.

His eyes went from blue to red; his fangs grew even larger; his claws became sharper, and his spikes grew everywhere around his body.

“Uhhh…guys? I might have, um, triggered something within his subconscious mind,” Gus informed, sweating nervously.

“His humanity is slipping away!” Scorpan realized.

Jacob swatted Gus away and flew high above them. He uttered a guttural scream of unbridled fury, echoing his deadly sound waves. The sound waves created massive cracks across every road, sidewalk, and pavement.

They even shattered windows and traffic lights. Luckily, Scorpan managed to shield them all from the sonic attacks. Jacob then looked down on the fearful witches and demons and used his electric powers on them, torturing them immensely.

“We have to stop him before he destroys our friends over there!” Luz urged.

“Hunter, throw me!” Willow ordered. Hunter did so with his super speed which allowed her to successfully land a plant-powered kick to Jacob’s chest.

He fell against a damaged movie theater, halting his torture of his victims. Hunter and Willow then evacuated all of them back into the portal to the Boiling Isles before the monster can recover.

Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow then stared at the raged-filled beast. Once the latter silently glared daggers at the trio with his fists clenched, the centaur looked at his own hands and compared them to those of Jacob.

“Isn’t this ironic? A power-hungry monster fighting his own demon…in a matter of speaking,” chuckled Tirek. “Me? A hero for these strange human creatures? Haha, what a joke.”

“Indeed,” agreed Chrysalis. “But if we were to save them from this desperate wannabe, they’ll be so grateful enough to worship us!”

“And we can use these humans as our pawns to do our bidding!” added Cozy.

Tirek, however, looked at a few humans who were taking cover behind a truck. Noticing how scared they were, he could only look down on them with contempt.

“It would be pointless,” replied Tirek. “These creatures are useless without magic, and you both know as well as I do how much we despise useless things. The only thing that can save both this world and the Boiling Isles…is our friendship.”

The villainous girls looked at each other and evilly smiled back at their leader.

“Jacob’s first mistake was chaining us up in that laboratory,” he continued. “The very moment he humiliated us by taking away our magic, he sealed his own fate. So let’s show him the real power of magic.”

“What did you have in mind?” Chrysalis asked.

“Remember the thing Twilight and her friends did in order to defeat us?” Tirek reminded.

“Oooooohh, what goes around comes around! What fun!” Cozy grinned.

As the trio wickedly laughed together, they formed a circle around Jacob. Dark clouds formed over the landscape, lightning flashed across the sky, and darkness swept through the whole town.

“Oh no…this can’t be good,” worried Rusty Bucket.

“For Jacob,” Scorpan said.

Cozy Glow glowed red as she shot her alicorn magic to Tirek’s left horn while Chrysalis glowed green before she shot her magic to his right horn. Activating his own magic, he was surrounded by an orange-colored aurora.

Growling, Jacob fired beam after beam at the trio but with no success. Shocked, he flew up to them and attempted to absorb their magic into his mouth. However, their magic still remained in tact. This caused Jacob to lose his patience and punch his away into their inner circle.

“If this doesn’t reach to your thick skull, then nothing else will. You are the most pathetic loser I’ve ever met in my entire existence; your pathetic attempts to victory make me want to laugh,” mocked Tirek.

“Furthermore, you have no friends. You are alone right now, and nopony will ever take you seriously. Hehehe, coming from me, that says something,” Cozy giggled.

“I could add more to this conversation, but I’m not one to burn trash,” said Chrysalis, casually brushing off her hair.

“Ouch! That’s gotta hurt,” uttered Gus.

Enraged beyond words, Jacob prepared to breathe his fire at them, but the trio’s combined power became stronger.

Their magic then shined so brightly it nearly blinded Jacob; at that moment, a lightning bolt reached down to them and fueled their might.

BEHOLD AND FEAR THE FRIENDSHIP OF EVIL!!!” the Treacherous Trio triumphantly declared, their eyes turning red.

Within seconds, they extended their hands/hooves and shot a massive beam of energy. Their power struck Jacob in the face, seizing his entire body.

The mutant beast writhed in agony as all his powers were slowly draining, including his horns, wings, fur, superhuman strength, and claws. He eventually reverted back to his normal human form and fell on the soft grass, completely deprived of his powers.

Groaning in pain, he fearfully realized he was naked. Panicking, he grabbed a random towel from the ground and covered himself.

The Equestrian villains then slowly descended to the ground and stopped glowing. Seeing they have won, they evilly laughed together again.

“So this is what it feels like to win!” Cozy gloated.

“I haven’t felt this much satisfaction since the moment I caged Starlight Glimmer!” Chrysalis bragged.

“I hope you’re taking notes, brother. With this kind of power, we can dominate anyone who stands in our way,” said Tirek, flexing his muscles.

“Wow, hurray. You defeated evil with evil. Like I haven’t seen that one before,” Scorpan replied sarcastically, clapping his hands.

“You guys did it! You saved both our worlds!” Luz congratulated. All the other humans emerged from their hiding places and applauded them.

“I gotta admit…you did good, kiddo,” nodded Rusty.

Cozy frowned at him. “I’m not a kid anymore, you know. I’m a grown mare now.”

“Eh, you’re still a kid to me.”

Cozy facepalmed herself, groaning in annoyance.

“I told you these humans would be thankful for our ‘heroic’ deed. With one word, they’ll instantly fall on their knees and beg for our favor,” Chrysalis whispered to Tirek.

She then eagerly flew up just high enough for everyone to look at her. “Human beings, I am Chrysalis: your new queen! Seeing that you are grateful for us saving you from this worthless wretch, I command you to kneel before us! Serve your new benefactors!”

The townspeople looked at each other confused; Masha tried very hard not laughing out loud after hearing that.

“Nah, I’m gonna play some video games,” a teenager replied.

“Yeah, I’m gonna go out for lunch,” a man said, walking away.

Everyone murmured with one another as they each walked back to their homes and continued their ordinary lives.

Chrysalis was left dumbfounded at their collective response. “But-but-I thought…we saved you! How are you…?! I don’t—,”

“You underestimate how complicated we humans can be,” enlightened Luz. “We cheer, we laugh, and then some mock and scream, do whatever without a care in the world. You get it.”

“Huh, it appears your species isn’t as impressionable as I thought,” noted Tirek.

“You’d be surprised once you look at them closer,” replied Luz.

Police cruisers arrived at the scene once Jacob attempted to get away from his foes unnoticed. Officers got out with their guns pointed at him.

“Freeze! Don’t move!”

“Put your hands up!”

“Going too far this time, eh Jacob?”

“No! No! You should get them! They’re the enemy! They’re gonna eat everybody!”

“From what I witnessed, they saved everyone from you,” the police chief corrected. “With that said, you are under arrest…again.”

The officers cuffed him and put him inside one of their vehicles. “You have the right to remain silent; everything you say will be—,”

“Yeah, yeah, I know my rights. Don’t need to repeat them for the millionth time,” Jacob interrupted, annoyed.

“Good. I didn’t want to anyway, given your track record. Let’s hope you’re given a life sentence this time,” the chief said, closing the car door shut.

“WHAT??! NO! I WON’T SURVIVE IN PRISON!” Jacob screamed.

He banged on the window and called for Luz and her friends. “Get me out! Please, I’ll do anything!”

Instead, the Hexside Squad mockingly waved goodbye to him. The police vehicles then drove off with him shouting in defeat.

“He’ll be fine,” Luz waved off.

“What a sad, strange little creature. He does have my pity,” said Scorpan.