• Published 14th Sep 2023
  • 699 Views, 21 Comments

The Owl House: Friendship Forever - TheClownPrinceofCrime

The Villains of Equestria discover the Boiling Isles—one that might prove to be more than just a land filled with magic.

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No Place Like Home…Sort of

“Welcome…to my new home,” Scorpan greeted, opening the front door of his house.

Tirek and Chrysalis looked around his home and saw only one couch made out of stone, a fireplace, a bed made of hay, and a wooden cabinet where there was food.

“Hmm, not exactly the most appealing place…but it’ll do,” Chrysalis approved.

“I’m glad you like it, Chrysalis. Feeling at home yet, brother?” Scorpan asked.

The centaur crossed his arms while he grumbled under his breath.

“I’ll take it as a yes,” Scorpan smirked. Then he proceeded to prepare food for the three of them.

He gathered two little birds with crab claws who were so busy falling in love with each other. He also brought two dishes of meatloaf filled with cashews.

“I made your favorite. Mother used to make this all the time for you,” he reminisced.

Tirek looked softly at the meal, remembering how much he enjoyed it. He grabbed one and ate half of it. A tear fell from his eye once he finished chewing. “It’s…exactly how she made it.”

Scorpan smiled in satisfaction, preparing himself some tea.

Meanwhile, Chrysalis sadistically absorbed the love of the crab-like birds; they fell on the floor emotionless.

“Mmm-mmm! Love may be a weakness of my prey, but it’s great source of strength for me!” she chuckled.

Tirek then thought back on the truth the gargoyle revealed earlier. He was still overwhelmed by the fact that his brother gave up everything right after he was imprisoned in Tartarus. It was this feeling that made him question his life-long grudge against him.

Wanting to get more of his confused thoughts out of his head, he had to ask, “Did it ever eat you up inside? Forcing yourself to live like a commoner in a different world?”

“It never hurts to live a life of humility. That was something I never got the opportunity for after living with our parents for so long,” replied Scorpan. “I wanted to go outside more—see what our world was like. Know what the lives of the common folks were like. Ha, and now…” he drinks a sip of his herb tea. “I do…albeit in a different reality.”

“Ugh, sucks to be you then,” Tirek groaned. “At least I have enough self-respect to never stoop low to the level of ponies or any creature who values friendship.”

“Says the centaur who got imprisoned in Tartarus,” Scorpan chuckled.

Tirek angrily growled at him until he sat on the couch, sulking.

“So, my dear, what is this long story you mentioned about? Care to tell the tale?” Scorpan requested, sipping more of his tea.

“I don’t see why not,” Chrysalis accepted. “As you know, Tirek was stuck in Tartarus while I was plotting my revenge on those accursed ponies. Then one day, I was pulled away by dark magic; it even took away Tirek and brought us to some random carvern.”

“But we weren’t the only ones who were recruited: Tirek’s pony friend named Cozy Glow was called too,” she smirked.

Scorpan was surprised at hearing that and smiled at him. Tirek blushed in embarrassment.

“King Sombra was summoned as well. It appeared that the creature who brought us together was none other than Grogar himself.”

Scorpan widened his eyes. “Grogar? THE Grogar?! The ancient legend of evil?!”

“Oh, don’t worry, he wasn’t actually the real deal,” Chrysalis waved off.

“Oh…thanks for the spoiler,” Scorpan sighed, slightly disappointed.

“Anyway, he brought us together so that we could wreck havoc in Equestria apparently. Sombra didn’t want to be a part of our get-together and still lost to the ponies. Heh, I was never a fan of his fear-mongering shtick anyway,” Chrysalis continued. “But later on, when the three of us were about to betray Grogar, it turned out he was actually Discord in disguise.”

Tirek rolled his eyes at the mere mention of his name.

“Discord? That chaos-loving entity? I’ve heard tales about him, but I never got the chance to meet him in person. What’s he like?” Scorpan asked.

“Obnoxious, short-sighted, and weak. That’s all he ever was and ever will be,” sneered Tirek.

“Whatever his reason was, I don’t know and I don’t care enough to know. Regardless of his little scheme, the three of us managed to bring Equestria to its knees…for a while,” acknowledged Chrysalis.

“See, brother? We didn’t need friendship in order to be happy! We were at the top of the world!” boasted Tirek.

“Hmmm…I don’t think you’re hearing yourself correctly,” replied Scorpan, finishing his tea.

Tirek arched his eyebrow.

“Either of you could’ve taken Equestria for yourselves, yet you apparently did this collectively,” enlightened Scorpan. “It’s because deep down, you value each other’s company. You feel the need to stick together and function…like a family.”

Both villains looked at each other, realizing the truth to his words. For a brief moment, Tirek and Chrysalis smiled at each other; then they looked up in shock and shook their heads in disgust.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about!” denied Chrysalis.

“Your baseless assumptions are going nowhere! There’s nothing going on between us!” Tirek added.

Scorpan chuckled in amusement.

“And we could’ve conquered Equestria with or without each other!” shouted Chrysalis. Then she softened her tone and sighed, unwilling to bottle up her true feelings. “But Discord was right. We’re so much more powerful when we work together. It’s unfortunate we let those ponies defeat us so easily.”

“As expected,” commented Scorpan. “Whoever the new generation of ponies are, their magic must have been so powerful that it managed to counter yours. Friendship is such an immense gift.”

“Bah, friendship didn’t seem to care about us when we got turned to stone!” Chrysalis scoffed.

The gargoyle suddenly widened his eyes in surprise. “Turned to stone?”

“Yes,” Tirek confirmed, shivering. “Being turned to stone felt so cold. I felt the darkness creeping around me and then covering my face as I felt my members being immobilized.”

“It was so…terrifying. I tried to leap out, but it was too late. Luckily, I was still aware of everything that was happening at that moment,” added Chrysalis.

“They cheered over our defeat,” growled Tirek, smashing his fists together. “They’re gonna regret all those words they said about us.”

“When we return, we’ll drain every ounce of magic and love from their souls! Then we’ll crush them to bits!” Chrysalis laughed.

“So how did you two end up here anyway? How did you get freed from your stone slumber?” Scorpan asked.

“Well…it was the wildest thing that’s ever happened to us,” replied Tirek. “When I woke up, the three of us were all chained up on a wall in some weird habitation. There was barely any light, so I assumed it was another prison.”

“And then this…bipedal creature came to us and revealed himself to be our captor: Jacob by name,” continued Tirek. “Apparently, he freed us from our stone imprisonment, drained us of our magic, and planned to drink our magic for his own plans…whatever they are.”

“As we speak, he’s hunting for us right now, and we must get our magic back before he gets his filthy hands on them!” Chrysalis finished.

“Hmm, seems like you are in a very serious predicament. Well then, in that case, I’ll make sure that you get the things you need for your journey.”


“Yes! I won’t take you back to Equestria, but I know that you will find this land to be a promising new home. Think about it,” pleaded Scorpan. “You can start your life over, develop new skills, and…fight new battles.”

“I think not!” Chrysalis refused. “Equestria is where we belong! And we will never abandon it for this miserable excuse of a—!”

The front door broke down, revealing Jacob holding a large axe. He even had a javelin strapped on his back.

Evilly grinning, he took a few steps towards the alarmed trio. “There you are! I got you right where I want you monsters! You see this?! This is my best friend Jack, and we both don’t play around!”

“Who in Celestia’s name is this? Is that supposed to be—?”

“Yes,” Tirek and Chrysalis replied, glaring at Jacob.

“You thought you can get away from me, huh? Well, think again! Rrrraaaaagh!!” Jacob screamed, running towards them with his axe raised.

The trio jumped out of the way before he swung the axe on the stone couch. Raising it back up, he took a swing at Tirek which he quickly ducked.

Tirek tried to grab his axe, but Jacob took out a paper clip and poked the centaur’s right eye with it. Then he readied his axe for a final blow.

However, Scorpan tackled the former curator to the ground and attempted to drain his power. To his surprise, there was nothing to be absorbed.

“What? He has no magic?”

“Apparently, his kind doesn’t seem to be the magical type,” Chrysalis informed.

“How strange,” Scorpan muttered.

“But he soon will be if we don’t stop him!” Tirek warned.

Then Jacob head-butted Scorpan, picked up his axe, and got back on his feet. “Careful, I’m smart and fearless! I’m like an animal that’s been on a leash and just got out! Grrrr! I eat demons and witches for breakfast!!”

Chrysalis and Scorpan resisted the urge to laugh while Tirek just stared at him confused. “You’re like a what? Do creatures like you ever talk like that?”

Jacob facepalmed himself. “OH, COME ON!! Any cool action hero would say that! WHY DOES EVERYONE CRITICIZE MY MONOLOGUE?!”

“You should give up, Jacob! Surrender our magic now!” Chrysalis demanded.

“Does it look like I have it?! But don’t you worry, I’ll get my hands on it so I can have all the power in the world to destroy all of you! My mom will be so proud of me!” Jacob squealed.

“Absorbing our magic will do you no good! That belongs to us! Whatever it is you’re planning for this world, it won’t work!” Tirek reasoned.

“Wrong! It will do me every good I can possibly imagine!” Jacob retorted, jumping on Tirek’s back.

The centaur struggled to get him off him until they both burst through one of the walls of the house.

Jacob delivered a few punches to his face whereas Tirek returned a few back. But then something caught their eye: a jar full of purple essence was sitting right next to a tree.

“Our magic!” shouted Tirek.

“Ah-ha! It’s mine!” yelled Jacob, jumping off of the centaur.

Scorpan lifted the jar with his telekinesis and moved it away from Jacob. He held it in the air while he raised his other arm at him. “Stand down, Jacob, if you know what’s best for you.”

“Hey, I’m the one who gives threats around here! I have weapons, and I’m not afraid to use them!” Jacob retorted, brandishing his javelin and axe.

“This is getting pathetic already,” said Chrysalis. “Just stop embarrassing yourself. You look even more foolish than ever.”

“Pathetic? Foolish? EMBARRASSING?!? I’ll show you embarrassing!!” he angrily replied, running towards her while uttering war cries.

Tirek shot blue beams of magic at Jacob which managed to knock him down. He walked over to him and grabbed his arms to restrain him.



At that moment, the jar freed itself from Scorpan’s telekinetic power and flew itself back to town. This surprised both the gargoyle and everyone else.

“Huh? What just happened?”

“Why did you do that?!” Chrysalis berated.

“That wasn’t me! I didn’t do that!” Scorpan denied.

“The jar! No!!” Jacob cried. He bit Tirek on the arm, forcing him to release him.

“I will get all your magic if it’s the last thing I do!!” Jacob swore, running off with his weapons.

After he left, Tirek got back on his hooves and soothed the area where he got bit.

“Are you alright, brother?”

Tirek glared at him in response. “I’m fine.”

“You don’t look fine. Here, let me have a look,” Scorpan said, softly laying his hand on his shoulder.

Sighing deeply, Tirek let him examine the wound. The gargoyle grabbed some honey, breathed on it, and then slowly covered the wound with it.

Tirek winced in pain at first, but he instantly felt relief as soon as he received the treatment.

“There! That should do it!”

Tirek lowered his head and struggled to let out a few words. Scorpan waited until he mustered the strength to say it.

“Thank you…I…a-appreciate it.”

“You’re very welcome, brother. Always a pleasure to help,” smiled Scorpan.

Tirek groaned in annoyance.

“What are we waiting for?! We must go after him!!” Chrysalis reminded.

“Not to worry. Seems like a new friend is about to help us,” replied Scorpan, looking up.

“What do you….mean?” Tirek asked, following his gaze.

The winged lizard just flew down and landed on the ground. Cozy Glow and Rusty Bucket looked down and waved at the group.

“Hey, guys! Hope you weren’t too busy!” Cozy shouted.

“Cozy Glow?” Tirek and Chrysalis marveled.

“So that’s your friend, huh? Although I imagined her being a little…older,” mused Scorpan.

“Come on, we have a human to catch!!”

Everybody else climbed on board the beast and flew off in a race to retrieve their magic.