• Published 14th Sep 2023
  • 700 Views, 21 Comments

The Owl House: Friendship Forever - TheClownPrinceofCrime

The Villains of Equestria discover the Boiling Isles—one that might prove to be more than just a land filled with magic.

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Family Drama

Tirek and Chrysalis walked through the woods while following Kikimora. But as the duo were trailing behind, the centaur noticed that the hoof prints were no longer visible.

Narrowing his eyes, he focused his attention on the midget who was unaware of his suspicion.

“This creature is clearly misdirecting us. If I can get a little closer to her, I might find out what she’s planning,” Tirek planned.

Finally, they stopped in front of two stone pillars in the middle of the forest. Grinning, Kikimora turned around and said, “This is where the birdman was last heard. Legends say that the only way to summon him is to knock on these pillars three times…slowly.”

Tirek and Chrysalis raised their eyebrows in curiosity. Kikimora then proceeded to do exactly that: slowly knocking on the pillars three times.

“However…not many witches survived to tell the tale,” she continued. “Some have tried to capture the beast whereas others…(scoffs)…tried to make friends with it. With my help, the creature will think twice before making any sudden moves.”

“Interesting. But it seems like we’re going in the wrong direction,” Tirek observed. “Are you certain this is the right way?”

“Why, of course! I’ve been tracking him or years! I know how he works! Don’t you trust me?” Kikimora assured.

Then Chrysalis glared daggers at her while pointing her sharp horn at her face. “I know a mischievous liar when I see one. You better hope this is the right way because if not…he won’t be the only one you should fear…”

At that moment, the ground started to rumble. Tirek and Chrysalis looked around concerned while the demon smirked at them.

“Don’t bother. I got you exactly where I want you,” she chuckled.

A deep growl could be heard just from underneath the dirt. Startled, the duo looked around to see where it came from.

After a few moments of silence, the ground shook violently while another monstrous growl echoed from beneath. That time, Tirek and Chrysalis got into their defensive positions.

“What in Tartarus is that?!”

“Seems like the creature has found us already,” the centaur deduced. “It’s just as I suspected.”

“Suspected what?” Chrysalis asked.

“Your immediate DEMISE!!” the demon shouted.

Without warning, a gigantic worm covered with pink diamond armor emerged from the ground. It angrily roared at the villainous duo before it hissed hungrily at them.

“What is that hideous abomination?!” Chrysalis demanded.

“My greatest discovery, bug! For four years, I’ve plotted to retake the Boiling Isles for myself after the Emperor was defeated. I came across this beautiful beast not too long ago, and I just knew it would be the perfect tool to destroy my enemies!” Kikimora explained.

“And what exactly does your little scheme have to do with us?” Tirek asked.

“Well…it’s hungry. It hasn’t eaten in weeks, and I haven’t been able to provide it with the right nutrients it needs. But seeing you two…especially you, Mr. Tirek after the way you displayed your magical power—eating you will give it all the power in the world to retake the Isles! Everyone will fear the name of Kikimora!!!”

“I had a feeling she was gonna betray us, and I’m honestly not surprised,” said Tirek.

“Neither am I, and I won’t stand for this insignificant treachery!” Chrysalis yelled.

Then the worm beast lunged forward and opened its large mandibles. The villains jumped out of the way and ran for cover. Tirek ignited his horns and cast a spell on the beast; it sadly did not slow him down which made it only more angry.

It raised one of its claws and smacked the centaur into the air. Chrysalis then ran forward and bit the giant worm on the back. The beast roared in pain and threw her off him.

The determined changeling then smacked her lips as she tasted some of the fluids from the worm. “Mmmm, it’s nowhere as satisfying as the sweet essence of love, but it’ll do. I can always readjust my diet,” she smirked.

Growling furiously, the worm lunged right at her with its mandibles and claws displayed. Then Tirek jumped in front of her and blasted the creature with more diluted magic; annoyed by their resistance, the worm grabbed them with its claws, slammed them on the ground, and then smacked them across the forest.

Tirek and Chrysalis groaned as they tried to get back up, but the worm restrained them with its legs.

“With your magic, the beast and I will be unstoppable! Kikimora will reign forever as the Queen of the Isles! Hahahahahaha!!!”

Suddenly, a mysterious birdman descended from above and dropkicked the worm into the dirt.

“What?!” the demon yelped.

The stranger grabbed the worm with his bare hands and threw it around in a circle over and over and over until it got dizzy. Then he threw the beast against a mountain, completely knocking it unconscious.

As the birdman glared at the demon, the latter tried to run away. The hero used his telekinetic abilities to grab her and tie her up with vines.

“NO!! You can’t be real!! You’re just a myth!! I don’t—!” Kikimora’s mouth was then gagged with a giant eyeball.

Once the creature was finished, he stood up and faced the astonished villains. “I never thought we would reunite like this, but…it is good to see you again…brother.”

Tirek widened his eyes in complete shock as he beheld the very person he never thought he would see again.


“Wait, wait, that…is your brother?” Chrysalis asked, arching her eyebrow.

Tirek took three steps back as he locked eyes with his former companion. His shocked eyes slowly transitioned to a look of pain and fierce anger. “Yes…the one who turned his back on me…”

Scorpan stretched out his arms to him and looked at him with compassion. “Welcome to the Boiling Isles, brother. I am surprised to find you here of all places, but at least you—OOF!!”

Tirek punched him in the face and grabbed him by the throat. “YOU!!!!! HOW DARE YOU SHOW YOUR FACE TO ME!!!! YOU TRAITOR!!! YOU. RUINED. EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!”

“Oh, my…family drama. This can be interesting,” Chrysalis chuckled, sitting down and watching.

Scorpan, however, showed no reaction to his violent outburst. Instead, he let Tirek continuously punch him despite the fact he felt no pain from the blows. Once the centaur was finished, he took a deep breath and relaxed.

“Feeling better? Got all that bottled-up anger out?”

“You have a LOT of nerve showing up here…you should’ve died a long time ago,” Tirek sneered.

“Well, be grateful I’m still alive; otherwise, that worm would’ve had you for lunch by now,” Scorpan retorted, smirking.

Tirek then groaned in annoyance. “I see you haven’t changed at all. You’re still the same self-righteous know-it-all just like before.”

“Ha, I can say the same about you. But I do wonder: how did you escape Tartarus? I thought Princess Celestia made sure you never saw the light of day?”

“I don’t answer to you, you pompous turncoat! I never forgot the day you turned against me—the day you wronged me after everything we’ve done together,” Tirek said, glaring daggers.

“Tirek, I did not betray you! I never did! I simply realized that stealing magic from ponies was wrong. Starswirl showed me the truth, and I listened. Why couldn’t you do the same?”

“Because that was my destiny!! OUR destiny!!! We could’ve ruled Equestria for generations together! But because you got so soft and weak from friendship, you threw it all away!”

“No, Tirek, it was you who ruined our chance of happiness,” Scorpan accused, frowning. “I tried to do for you what Starswirl did for me. These ponies showed me that giving is more beneficial than taking; they showed me that friendship is more valuable than mere power. It gave me a better perspective on life…and joy.”

“Those ponies blinded you. Friendship is nothing more than a miserable imprisonment—stripping you of your true potential just so you can grovel at the hooves of pretentious imbeciles,” Tirek scoffed.

“I’m sorry you still feel that way…look, I don’t want any more feud to exist between us. If you just—,”

“Oh, now you don’t want any more conflict?! Too late for that, traitor!”

“Tirek, Tirek, listen to me!! Please! Just hear me out, okay?” Scorpan pleaded.

“I don’t wanna hear any more lies come out of your treacherous mouth!! I don’t know why you’re here of all places, but as far as I’m concerned, you DON’T exist to me anymore! YOU’RE NOTHING!! I don’t care you ruled the Centaur Kingdom or about your father or anything—,”


Tirek was caught off-guard both by his sudden outburst and by the revealed truth. “What?”

“It’s true…I never came back. After you were imprisoned in Tartarus, things were never the same—and neither was I,” revealed Scorpan, looking down sadly.

Scorpan flew back to the Centaur Kingdom with a sorrowful look on his face. Sighing deeply, he walked inside the palace where King Vorak was waiting for him.

As he entered the throne room, Vorak stood up and motioned his servants to leave. After they left, he stepped down from the throne and hugged his son.

“Is it done?”


“I’m very proud of you, Scorpan. You did both Equestria and our own kingdom a huge favor,” Vorak congratulated.

Scorpan, however, could only frown without looking at his face.

“I believe it is for the best of the kingdom if I hand down my crown unto you.”

Scorpan then looked up at him in shock.

“Yes, I know. It is a big responsibility, but you have demonstrated time and time again that you are capable of leading this kingdom to glory. The ceremony will begin shortly,” said Vorak.

But before he could say anything else further, Scorpan angrily slammed his fist on a table—breaking it in half.

“You cannot be serious, father. Your own flesh and blood is in chains, yet you seemed to not give a single feather about him! Why aren’t you sad over this?! How can I live with the fact that my own brother is in Tartarus, knowing he could’ve been a great ally for Equestria?!”

“Son, I—,”

“And you don’t seem concerned over the fact that mother is outside mourning. Or do you feel happy about that because she no longer has her favorite son around?” Scorpan accused.

“Son! Where is this all coming from?”

“Don’t you get it?! He’s the way he is because of YOU!! He tried so hard to please you, yet you’ve never shown him any sign of affection or approval! And you still don’t care!!”

Vorak stood in silence, flabbergasted at everything he heard.

“I don’t deserve the throne…and neither do you. I lost my best friend today, so…I’m gonna give him a proper farewell,” said Scorpan, leaving his father shocked and confused.

As he departed from the palace with his belongings, he shifted his attention to Equestria which was at a very far distance. Shedding tears, he weakly waved at the air. “Goodbye, brother. I forgive you.”

Then he flew away.

But as soon as he landed on the ground, he found himself sinking in quicksand. Struggling to get out, he tried to open his wings but ended up being flushed right through a portal.

After he opened his eyes, he gazed at the sight of a giant, barran carcass laid across the landscape. Observing his new surroundings, he grabbed his stuff and walked down the hill.

“That’s how I ended up here,” Scorpan finished.

“How long have you been here?” Chrysalis asked.

“I’ve been here for so long I…honestly lost count. But regardless, this world is filled wonders, both the good…and the bad,” he replied, looking at the tied-up Kikimora. “It may not be Equestria…but it’s worth fighting for.”

Tirek stood still as he processed all the information he heard. Looking at him confused, he got closer to the gargoyle. “So…you left home…because you felt pity for me? You abandoned your own people all because of me???”

“(Sigh) I didn’t want to take Father’s place with the knowledge that I couldn’t save my brother from his own pride. Why should I rule a kingdom who neglected a wayward child? Taking the throne would’ve meant I agreed with Father’s poor treatment of you,” replied Scorpan.

Tirek took a moment to ponder on that. “Why do I find that so hard to believe? If what you’re saying is true, then—then I’m honestly surprised you would do that.”

“Believe it or not, I care that much about you. I never forgot our brotherhood.”

Then Tirek snapped out of his epiphany and glared back at him. “Well, that still doesn’t change the fact you betrayed me. I’ll never forgive you for that!”

“Sure, keep telling yourself that,” Scorpan replied, rolling his eyes.

“Well then, now that we settled this dramatic family discussion, let’s get back to what’s really important: returning to Equestria. Your brother and I have been stranded in this world for a while now, and we discovered some hoof prints that lead us to conclude that a pony is in this land. We initially planned to capture that pony and force him to take us back home,” explained Chrysalis. “But now that you’re here, perhaps you could do the job.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on for a moment. I don’t think you introduced yourself yet,” said Scorpan who then nudged his brother. “Is she a friend of yours? Or maybe…your girlfriend?”

Tirek and Chrysalis were baffled at the question and instantly shook their heads in disgust. “What?! Eww! No! She’s just an associate!”

“I am Chrysalis, former queen of the changelings! Tirek is FAR from being my type!”

Scorpan chuckled at their reactions. “Forgive me, then. I’ll give you two more time to know each other before you make your commitment.”

“I see you haven’t lost your sense of humor,” Tirek observed, annoyed.

“Never have, never will,” Scorpan nodded, winking.

“Whatever. Anyway, we aren’t the only ones who got stranded here; we have a friend back in town who is with us. Once she is finished with her task, you’ll help us get our real magic back and then take us back home,” said Tirek.

“Wait…did you say ‘friend’?”

Tirek widened his eyes and cleared his throat. “No, no, I meant…uh, co-worker! Partner-in-crime!”

Scorpan again smirked at him.

“Shut up!”

“Well then, brother, I obviously can’t take you back in Equestrian society as you obviously have ill intentions; however, I’ll be more than happy to show you around my home. Are you guys hungry?”

“If there aren’t any defenseless creatures to drain love from, no thank you,” Chrysalis replied, lifting her head high.

“I have some pests that seem to thrive on…well…that,” Scorpan assured.

Chrysalis’s eyes shot wide open. “Then yes!”

Tirek crossed his arms and grumbled. “Come on, Recky-Wecky! Just like good old times!”

“DON’T CALL ME THAT!” Tirek shouted, blushing.

“Hahaha! That’s your pet name?” Chrysalis laughed.

“Oh yeah, our mother used to call him that all the time. They were very close.”

“Aww, such a sweet Mommy’s boy!” Chrysalis teased.

“I hate you guys so much!!” Tirek growled, smoke blowing from his nose.

“Alright, we gotta get going. More unwanted guests may show up,” said Scorpan.

“Lead the way. By the way, there are some additional details you should know about,” said Chrysalis.

“You don’t say? Such as how Tirek escaped from Tartarus in the first place?” Scorpan asked.

“Well…it’s a very long story.”

Once the trio left, Jacob peeked through the bushes and spied on the unsuspecting creatures. Putting his binoculars away, he grabbed his map and drew a line across the direction he planned to go.

“You’re not getting away that easily, demon filth. Time to make history,” he grinned.