• Published 12th Jun 2014
  • 9,414 Views, 549 Comments

A New World, Burning an Old Way - xBUBBA1995x

John, a pokemon Officer of the law, finds himself in a world of Ponies. And to top it off, he had been changed into a pokemon. But as a Dark force falls upon the Crystal Empire, it falls to him to help save the day... A very painful day...

  • ...

Chapter 12: The Truth of the Matter

I would Like to apologies for the last chapter.

The new rule is, I am not allowed to write if I am other pissed off or am annoyed.

I hope this chapter makes up for the last one.

A New World, Burning an Old Way

Written by: xBUBBA1995x
Edited by: zeusdemigod131
Edited by: tdnpony
Pre-Reader: Dragaen (Not Yet Pre-read)

Chapter 12: The Truth of the Matter

The day started… well rather good. I had breakfast with Holly Heart. Though my feelings towards her have… strengthen some, I still find it odd that I am falling in love with her. From there the day got even better with Flubber showing up! Just having him around makes me smile. He was always able to make me smile… kind of like how Holly Heart and Volt make me smile. Then the day got even better, as Flubber healed me! I was now able to walk around, and not have to be trapped in that hospital bed recovering.

But… then the day was turned around. A monster was sighted outside the city. But monster would not be the right word. From what little I have seen of Yveltal… he doesn’t appear to be a monster. Yes, he is the embodiment of Death. A Legendary Pokemon to be feared! And… just from him showing up, what joy I had for today, turn into unneeded stress. And when I am stressed… I get angry.

And that is why I looked down into a cup of alcohol.

No, am I not drinking to wash the world around me away. I was not drinking just to forget about the world around me... I was drinking because I was angry. I was drinking because when I am intoxicated I slow down. My brain stops thinking, and my body relaxes. It let’s me think. Think about how I am going to deal with the world around me.

“You know, most ponies don’t start drinking until after Five-PM…” Holly started. I turned to her and she was giving me a cute smile. “But hey, it’s five-o'clock somewhere in the world, right?” She joked, as she brought a small mug to her lips.

“Well… with what just happened, I needed this to clear my head,” I told her and I looked out to the Crystal Empire from the balcony Holly and I stood appone. “And I really need to clear my head…” I then took a sip from the alcohol. It tasted like apples, but had a hard kick to it. It was apparently was from a place called ‘Sweet Apple Acres!’ home of the Zap-apple!

“...Well… that is kind of why I like you John,” Holly Heart started. “No matter what the world throws at you, you just stand back up…” Her face reddened as she continued. “You’re kind… You’re nice… You know how to be awesome…” Note to self: Holly Heart can not handle her Alcohol. She’s not even finished with part of her drink and yet she is showing signs of intoxication. “Wow… this Sweet Apple Acres know how to make their Alcohol…”

I chuckled then glanced out to the world presented to us. As the rays from the sun pierced through the shield around us, it made the sky above us seem… radant. It even looked as if there was a faint Norther Light glowing in the shy. “Now that is something you would not see back in Kanto…” I let out a happy sigh. “How is it that I’ve been here a week, and I have yet to see this?”

“Yeah… the sun always look great through the protection of the Crystal Heart’s shield… But John, you know you should not beat yourself up. Your mind was on other things for most of that time…” Holly placed her hoof on my shoulder, and well she was right. From becoming a Pokemon, to King Sombra, to being placed in the hospital… To Yveltal… Yeah I have lot on my plate...

“...Hey, Holly Heart, mind if I ask you something?” I asked.

She giggled. “Well technically you just did,” She gave me a cute grin, before continuing. “And no. I don’t mind. Ask away!”

“What do you see in me?”

Holly’s face blushed. “...d-didn’t I… already say that? How you are kind and… what not?”

“Ya… you kind of did…” On that I took a large swig of the apple alcohol. “Anyways, I am going to go… deal with all of this. I shall see you later, Holly Heart. We’ll have dinner or something.”

“It’s a date then!” She declared.

One of the down sides about drinking for me, is that I don’t think when I speak. So now… I guess that Holly and I now have a nice date…


First things first. I had to apologize to Snow. I should not have hit her… No matter what she says or does… she is family.

“Snow, Lex?” I asked, as I knocked on her door. “Are you in there?” There was then a thud from behind the door. As if something or someone fell… Off the bed… “I would like to apologies for hitting you earlier…” I continued.

“Uuummmm…” Snow started. “I accept your apology… but can’t open the door right now…”

“Yeah John, we can’t really open the door right now…” Lex added, only for a smacking sound to come through the door…

“Wait, are you two…” I started, before I facepalmed. “It’s the middle of the day you two, come on!”

“Don’t start, John. I know you’ve been drinking.” Lex called out.

“Wait, what? He’s been drinking?!” Snow yelled. “Without us!”

“He has, and I can smell it on his breath!” Lex stated.

“Alright, alright, I’ll come back latter!” I commented, as I turned away from their door…

Step one of the plan to deal with today: Failed...


As I walked through the halls of the crystal castle, I started to wonder what else I had to do today… Yveltal was on the top of that list, but there are others… Eclipse for example. Since I arrived in this world, I would say that I’ve spent no time with him. He’s my oldest friend… you would think I would spend all day with him, but with the way things have been going…

“Excuse me,” I started, turning to the nearest guard to me. “Do you know where I might find Eclipse? He’s the large blue turtle.”

“I know who he is, sir. You may find Eclipse in the training ground,” He tilted his head to the side. “I would assume you knew this, since he has been training the crystal guard.”

Good to see that Eclipse took over my Job for Shining Armor. “Thank you, guard. Have a nice day.”

“Thank you, John, for helping Princess Cadance and Shining Armor.” I blinked. I knew most of the guards knew me, but… his words surprised me…


As I stepped towards one of the many doors that lead to the training ground, I heard Eclipse yell. “I Said Move Those hooves! If You’re Not Fast On Your Hooves You’re Going To Get Hit!” Followed by a large splash of water, and some screaming.

As I stepped into the training grounds, I smiled at what I saw. Eclipse was currently standing in the middle of the room. Around him where guards, who were all soaking wet and panting for breath.

“When I say move faster, you move faster. If that was a real attack you all would me more than a little wet! Now, AGAIN!” Eclipse ordered. The stallions all stood up and took a battle position. Surrounding Eclipse. Weapons at the ready.

They then waited for Eclipse to make the first move, but it didn’t matter. In one quick motion, Eclipse spun in a circle and blasted water balls at them. The force of the impact topled them to their backs.

“This is a lot harder to do then what you make it out to be, sir!” One of the stallions stated.

“That’s the point,” Eclipse folded his arms. “Like I said, Pokemon are tough, and you ponies need to learn to get out of the way when they attack! Never take an attack full force if you can’t take it!”

“So let me get this straight,” I spoke up. Eclipse, as well as all the guards present in the room, turned to me. “You are teaching the guards of the Crystal Empire by having them play… water tag?”

“John! I heard you got out of bed and have been walking around, but I didn’t believe it,” Abandoning the guards around him, Eclipse strolled over to me and gave me a ursa-hug. “Good you see you! How’ve you been?!”

I let out a long sigh as he let me go. “I have been… better. Today is kind of… good and bad.”

“Oh, and what is all this commotion that I’ve been hearing? Something about a monster?” Eclipse asked.

“Lord Arceus sent us Yveltal to help deal with Sombra…” His eyes widened as I mentioned this. “And Princess Cadance and Shining Armor are dealing with him at the moment.”

“...John,” He reached out and placed his hands on my shoulders. “I know you. Now… have you been drinking?”

“If you’re asking me that I am hallucinating, then the answer is no,” He gave me a suspicious look. “And yes, I have had something to drink.”

“John, I am very disappointed in you for not inviting me,” This made most of the guards chuckle. “But don’t worry about it. If Yveltal goes bad then these ponies will take him out! By the time I am finished with them, they’ll be able to take down most legendaries!”

“...by playing water tag?” I asked.

“Well once they learn to get out of the way, then we’ll move onto the real training,” He stated proudly. “Speaking of which,” He quickly turned to the many stallions and mares watching us and fired out a blast of water. It impacted on the ground and knocked all of them away from the impact point. “I SAID Never Let Your Guard Down!”

“But sir,” A mare spoke up. “We’ve been at this for the last seven hours! Can we please have a break? We’re too tired to keep doing this!”

“Is That Back Talk I Hear?!”

“No, Sir! Sorry, Sir!”

“Go ahead and let them rest Eclipse,” He then gave me a strange look. As if I told them that the sky was red, or the sea was yellow. “I’ll show them how it’s done!”

“John you seem to forget that you are a fire type Pokemon,” He turned to his guards. “And what happens when a fire type fights a water type?”

“Fire is weak to water, and has a disadvantage in battle!” One of them yelled.

“Exactly,” Eclipse smiled to me. “Now just watch for now, John. Don’t want to put you into the hospital again,” Taking on a mean look, he turned to the guards standing at attention. “Breaks over, time for another round!”

“I’ll be seeing you then, Eclipse…” I spoke up.

“John! Don’t get yourself down,” He pointed at me. “You still have work to do too. No time to get drunk and get down! I’ll deal with the training, you deal with keeping Ponies and Pokemon in line.”

“Right…” I then turned to the door. Leaving him to train the guards, and going off and doing… something.

“Oh, and you’re next on the training list, John! You’re a Pokemon now! You gotta be strong,” He called out after me. “Hey! I said dodge the attack! Not get hit by them! Do It Again!”

Step two of the plan to deal with today: Failed…



Shining Armor sat at a large table just outside of the castle. Across from him was Yveltal, and for the past hour he has been answering Yvelal’s questions about Sombra… All two of them.

What are his powers?Where can I find him?

Though Shining was able to answer the first question with ease, the second one was… a bit harder...

“Look, Yveltal, if we knew where King Sombra was, we would go in and attack him. As it is, we have no idea where he is, or when he will attack.”

“Lord Arceus help you, how am I suppose to fight a foe that we do not know where he is? If he where to attack the city, I would not be able to fight him! I promised Lord Arceus that no harm shall come to anyone here, and if he attacks I can NOT fight him!”

Shining just let out a long sigh as he looked down at the table, wondering what to say or do… “Flash Sentry,” He started. “Please go inform John that if King Sombra is to attack then it shall be up to him to defend the city, and after we drive him out of the city Yveltal can finish him off!”

“Sir, yes sir!” Flash Sentry stated, giving Shining a salute, before trotting off, Glad that he no longer had to be near Yveltal.


“Come in Command! This is Victor-Oscar-Lima-Tango, we have yet to spot the target, over!” Volt stated, as he sat in a mini jet that Flubber transformed into.

Flubber let out some beeps from the mini control console in the cockpit of the plane he was transformed into.

“Roger that, Command,” Volt then adjusted his mini goggles. “I am going to jump on three... One… Two… THREE!”

She never saw him coming. As Holly Heart started to stroll back through the halls of the Crystal Empire, she never would expect to be attacked… Not by the yellow death. As the AC130 that Flubber had transformed into flew over head, Volt jumped out. Heading straight for Holly Heart.

“Target has been hit! I repeat, target has been hit!” Volt stated as he landed on Holly’s back.

She… did not notice.

“Cancel that, Command. Target has not noticed our presence,” Volt made some leg signs to Flubber, and the pink mastermind turned around and headed back to Volt. “Commencing backup operation,” As Flubber closed him, his form changed into another Joltik, and he landed next to Volt. “And now… we wait!”


“With Eclipse happy, and Lex and Snow… happy, I guess it would be best that I stop messing around and help Shining Armor…” I told myself. “Now… I just need to know where they are…”

“Excuse me, John,” I came to a dead stop, and found myself face to face with Flash Sentry. “I am here to give you a message from Shining Armor.”

“Ah, Flash Sentry, good to see you. How’s life?” I started, giving him a smile.

“It’s alright… but listen. Shining Armor and Yveltal have been speaking, and though their meeting is not over, they have come to an understanding. If King Sombra is to attack, then Yveltal is unable to fight him because he would destroy everything in his path. That is where you and your Pokemon, as well as we Crystal Guard, come in. We would have to drive him out of the city, so that Yveltal can finish him off.”

“That… sounds like a solid plan, but the question is when and where is King Sombra going to attack,” I added in. “Oh, and thank you Flash Sentry for telling me this. Now I have something to ask of you.”

“And that is, sir?”

“May you take me to Shining Armor and Yvetal. I wish to John in on their meeting, even though I should have been there from the start, and I kind of feel bad for making Shining Armor… well… talk with death alone…” I admitted. Really… I should have helped. I promised to help, but I went off with Princess Cadance… then started to drink… and well you know the rest.

“I’m… sorry for saying this, John, but I don’t think you would be much help… The meeting came down to two simple things,” He started. “And Sir Shining Armor can answer both,” He then grimaced. “But… there is something bugging me about all this. King Sombra he's been… quiet since his last attack. He hasn’t even been spotted, and I fear that something’s going to happen.”

I knew what he meant. Most days back on Earth, before Team Rocket would pull off a highs or an illegal activity, I would know something was wrong. I could feel it in my gut. “Really? Nothing? Damn…”

“Are you alright, John? You seem… off.”

“It’s nothing much, Flash Sentry. Just feel… useless. My Pokemon, no… I really should stop calling them that. They are no longer mine, since I am now their equal… Anyways, my friends are all happy. Eclipse is busting in the Crystal Guard, Lex and Snow are… having fun. Shining Armor is helping the Crystal Empire by dealing with Yveltal, and Princess Cadance is… well I don’t know what she is doing right now,” I drifted to the side and started to lean against a wall. “So ya… other than waiting for an attack from King Sombra, I can’t really do anything.”

“John,” Flash Started as he gave me a confused look. “I’ve known you for a weak. In that time, I’ve seen you do some… well surprising things. Most of those things involved telling a pony off and everypony loving you for it. You faced King Sombra, and though you were mortally wounded, you stood back up and fought. Then, while you were still recovering from a near death experience, you stood up, hypothetically I mean, and made everypony on the council sympathetic to Pokemon. How in the world, can you say that you are useless?” He asked, only to place a hoof on my shoulder. “Seriously, how?”

“Simple,” I placed a hand on his shoulder. “I’m drunk.”


“I understand, Yveltal. That you wish to get this over with quickly, and I agree with you. King Sombra needs to die,” Shining began. “But starting a search party is off the table. What would happen if King Sombra took control of the minds of the ponies that we send out, only for them to come back and do harm on to us? He would be able to just walk in, and attack. Without us knowing.”

“Aaaahhhh, this is getting tiresome! Why is it that you shoot down every idea I come up with? Do you not want to see King Sombra’s head on a pike?”

Shining Armor didn’t want to answer that question, but understood Yveltal’s frustration.

“Please come down, Yveltal. I am sure we can come to an idea as long as we stay calm.”

“This would be so much easier if Lord Arceus had simply tasked me with killing that damned pony, no strings or details attached…”

Thank you Lord Arceus! Shining Armor thought.


Princess Cadance paced back and forth in her throne room. Her mind was racing back and forth, as she thought of a way to make it up to Shining Armor. I slapped him! She yelled at herself. Why on Equus did I slap him?! Her eyes were watery, and most of the guards around her just felt saddened by her look. They did not like seeing their Princess cry.

“If only I knew that it was John’s idea,” She said to herself. “Oh, I have to say sorry, I have to make it up to him,” She paused in place. “Oh, what should I say? I’m sorry for slapping you. I didn’t know that it was John’s idea to bring in Death?” She spoke out loud. “But then I would have to slap John, just to show him that I would have to begin with,” She then placed a hoof over her mouth. “Oh, he’s going to hate me!”

“Well… isn’t this a sight to see,” Princess Cadance frozen. She… she knew that voice. Her head slowly turned to her throne. Sitting there was a Pokemon. Though she didn’t know what the Pokemon was, she did recognize Sombra’s green glowing eyes. “Hello Princess Cadance… Tell me, how has my Empire fared since last we faced each other?”

“Guards!” She immediately yelled. The crystal guards then sprang into action as they charged the Weavile Sombra. Their spears aiming to skewer him where he sat.

But it didn’t work.

Sombra’s new body was fast. As soon as the guards were with in feet of him, he vanished. Only to appear in front Princess Cadance. His right hand raised up, and slapped her across the face. She screamed in pain, as the slap knocked her back several yards.

“Oh, I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time now.” King Sombra cooed, before turning his attention to the charging guards. They were aiming for him again, but like before, he was too fast. Ducking and weaving between all the attacks, King Sombra then let out a black ring of energy out of his body. The many guards around him then where blasted back, screaming as they hit the walls of the throne room.

“Oh this body is much more to my liking than that other one…” Sombra then strolled over to Cadance. She was trying to pull herself up from off of the floor, but was having a hard time due to a sprained hoof from the landing. “Tell me Princess, would you rather die, or live by my side as my queen?” Sombra reached forward with his hand, and gently placed it on Cadance’s cheek. “You do have such a pretty face,” Cadance then spit at King Sombra. “Well then… it’s a shame I have to ruin it then.” He lifted his hand again, and brought it down to hit her again. Only… something stopped him.

King Sombra’s eyes widened as he looked up to see me...

The only attack I knew was Mach Punch, and as long as it’s not a ghost it will at least do something. As my clenched fist came into contact with King Sombra’s face, his body jerked away from me, but I held on and dragged him back to me, and delivered another blow. Only to lift him into the air and deliver a third Mach Punch to his gut, making him fly back ten feet.

“Flash Sentry! Get Princess Cadance out of here,” I yelled. The orange pegasus moved fast, and scooped up the Princess in his wings. “And raise the alarm that King Sombra has attacked!”

Moments ago, Flash Sentry told me how Princess Cadance acted towards Shining Armor. He then pointed out that it was really my idea, and that Princess Cadance was freaking out because of what she had done. So I wanted to go see her and apologies. To say sorry for the misunderstanding… And it’s a good thing I got here when I did…

Standing, King Sombra lifted his hand. A black ball of energy appeared. He was using Shadow Ball again… When it fired at me, I moved quickly to get out of it’s way, only for the blast to blow up part of the massive door behind me, and yet again, my first connected with his face. He other was not that fast to react, or I was getting faster.

Standing up, King Sombra glared at me. A entertained smile on his face. “You know, that would have hurt… if I was the one that you hit,” His smile grew to one that oozed evil. “John was it? Tell me, how do you feel attacking an innocent life?”

“W-What?” I asked, not knowing what exactly he meant.

“Oh how should I put this…” The green glow around his eyes faded, and blue eyes stared back at me.

The Weavile fell to her knees. The look of horror and pain strong a cross her face, as she gained control of her body. She opened her mouth to speak, only for a grown to escape. “Kill… me…” She mouthed, before the green smoke started to flow from her eyes again.

“Well, John?” He asked again. “Most ponies call me a monster, but are you willing to become one to fight me?”

...No. I wasn’t. When I faced Team Rocket, no matter how bad it got, I would never kill any of them. No matter how many Pokemon they hurt or kill. No matter if they blow up a building or two, or if they take and steal… No matter how bad it got, I would never become a monster just to stop them… But… I could not imagine what the Weavile is going through.

She could feel everything, and Kind Sombra could feel nothing. If I attacked, then she would be harmed. Yet she was in pain. Constant pain. I only hit her three times, and that would be enough to do that to her. Sombra’s spell must have been what was hurting her. His body and mind taking over… Causing pain… Would it be the wrong thing to not attack? To let him stay inside her. Would it be kinder to attack and drive him out? So that she could live on, or at least not suffer?

The answer was sick and wrong… The answer… was yes.

“Well it seems I won this…” King Sombra stated when he saw my defeated look. “Now if you would just stand there, I’ll aim to finish you off this time!” He fired yet another Shadow Ball, and this one aimed for my face.

I took a step to the side to dodge it, and started to slowly walk towards King Sombra. The Shadow Ball exploded behind me. He raised an eyebrow at this, and fired another. Again I moved out of the way, and the Shadow Ball Exploded. I could hear the massive door fall off it’s hendges. Small bits and pieces of the destroyed scattered across the floor.

“Weavile,” I started, speaking to the Pokemon, and not the King. “I want you to know, that I am going to help you. I am going to get him out of you, and that you will live on,” King Sombra’s eyes widened as I charged. “Just hold on,” He tried to fire another Shadow Ball, but I brought a right hook in before he could. “Just pull through the pain,” He staggered back with a surprised look on his face. “I know what I am asking is hard, but please. I don’t want an innocent to die,” Leaping forward, I let out a heavy left punch. “I just want you to live!”

King Sombra had enough. When I went in for another attack, he let out a black pulse of energy, and knocked me away. “So it seems that you are different then most, John… No matter. I came here to-” He never finished his sentence as a blast of magic knocked him back.

I turned my attention to the door to see a very angry Shining Armor. His face was literally red with anger, and his horn smoked from the blast of magic. Glazing back to King Sombra, I saw him frayed out against the wall, giving Shining Armor a evil stair.

“So the Prince finally arrives to take revenge for his wounded Princess…” King Sombra said annoyed.

“I am going to kill you for what you did to her!” He yelled, as his horn started to glow again. Moving fast, I stood in front of Shining. Blocking his shot. “What?! John! What in Celestia’s name are you doing?!”

“Stopping you from fighting.”

“John, move out of the way! He has to pay for attacking Cadance!”

“And then what? Are you going to kill the Pokemon that he is inside of to do that?!” I snapped at him. “Now stay back and let me handle this!”

“Ah, Celestia Damn it, John…!” Shining clenched his teeth in anger. His horn stopped glowing.

I was then hit by one of King Sombra’s Shadow balls. It hit me dead in the chest and exploded. Flying back, I slammed into Shining Armor. After everything was said and done, I lay next to Shining Armor. Fearing the worst, I brought my hand up and felt my chest. Soft fur welcomed my hand. Glancing down, I saw no wound. No trance that I’ve been attacked… All I felt was that dizzy sensation that you get after falling. No pain. No wound.

Before, King Sombra was controlling a powerful Gengar. One that belonged to a Elite Four member. And now… he controlled a weak Weavile… One from the wild. One with no training… But yet… it destroyed the massive throne room door… So other it really did pack a punch and I’m a lot stronger then I look, or I just got lucky. And I’m never lucky...

As I started to stand, King Sombra grew angry. “How is it that you stand? That attack should have ripped a hole in your chest!”

I decided not to tell him why, and instead decided to taunt him. “I am amazed King Sombra. I thought you were stronger than that! I assumed you’ve been growing stronger since last I saw you, but it looks like you gotten weaker…”

“No! That can’t be it.” He yelled, as I started to charge him.

He let out another attack, but it missed. Only to exploud on a near by wall, causing a chandelier to fall and shatter. When I started to get close, he would let out a dark pulse. And this would repeat. I would try to go in, only to stop. All his attacks would miss, and yet I was not able to get close. This went on for almost three minutes...

“Stop playing around, John!” Shining yelled at me.

He was right. This was taking to long. The longer I fought, the more pain the Weavile was in. The more I attacked, the harder he fought. The harder he fought the more strain he would place on her body… the more the strain the more the pain. If only I knew an attack like Flame Thrower!

“John,” I glanced to the door to see Lex and Snow standing at the doorway, along with some crystal guards. “What’s going on? Lex and I got here as fast we we could!”

“Just stay back,” I yelled. “Don’t fight King Sombra, let me handle this! Just block off the exits. We can’t let King Somra to run off this time.”

“But John! What about Yveltal?”

“If he gets away and leaves the city then Yveltal can have him,” I started to charge King Sombra again. “But this time he’s not going anywhere!”

“Oh really? You think you can hold me?” King Sombra asked, smiling. “How cute,” He thrusted his hands out at me and black crystals started to grow out of the ground around him. Stopping me from advancing. “This body may be weak, but let’s see how you deal with my magic.”

A black spike shot out of the ground. The crystal almost impaled me with how close it came. I jumped to the side, and started to circle around him. Trying to find an opening. All around me, more and more spikes kept shooting out. If I wasn't so agile then I would have been killed. My old human body would have never been able to move as I was now.

But then… I miss stepped. I made one bad move. A black crystal shot up and nicked my tail. Cutting a gash along it. I clenched my teeth, and kept moving forward. But it was getting hard. Every time I would get close to Sombra, a wall of Crystal would shoot up. It didn’t help that he could move freely, since he was the one making the crystals appear, so he could also remove them when he needed to. In short, it was another vicious cycle.

I had to think of a way to get him close. To make him leave that body. I had to be smart about this… If I can’t get close to him… Yes! I got it! Then he would have to get close to me… I started to fake breath heavy, as I moved around the room. To make him think I was getting tired. But that wasn’t enough… He had to think I was weak… I had to let myself get hurt…

Glancing down at the floor, I watched as a Spike shot up. I moved myself into it. Letting it cut my chest. Not enough to be a serious wound, but something that I could use to get his attention…

“Aaahhh,” I let out a yelp as the crystal cut me. I then leaned against it, letting my body go limp. “N-no…”

“JOHN!” Lex yelled.

“No,” I lifted my hand. “Stay back… Please… Don’t let Sombra… attack you…”

“About time you stopped moving around. Now,” The crystals around Sombra started to disappear. He lifted his hand again and started to charge a Shadow Ball. I could hear the crystals behind me starting to form. “Die…” The ball fired at me, and I had little time to act.

Pulling my arm back, I smacked the Shadow ball as hard as I could. Knocking it back at Sombra. His eyes widened as the black ball exploded in his face. Knocking him back into the wall behind him, only to side onto the floor. I charged forward, and grabbed him. Pulling him up off of the floor by his through.

“There is no running, King Sombra! I have you!”

He gave me an amused smile. “Oh really? You think you have me? How about I tell you a little secret of mine,” He leaned forward as much as he could, and whispered into my ear. “I’m not really here.” I watched as the green glow coming from the Weavile’s eyes started to fade, and as a black smoke like substance started to flow out of her body.

“...Fuck...” He got away. No… he was never her to start... We knew one of his powers was mind control, but it doesn't seem he needs to be inside them anymore. I released my hand, and gently placed the Weavile on the ground.

Her eyes seemed lifeless, but I could see the faintest smile on her face. Glancing around me, the crystals that King SombraSombra had created started to crack, before shattering into smoke, revealing the damaged room around us. The walls and floors all looked as if an Onix threw a temper tantrum. Some of the windows were shattered, and others where just crashed.

“John!” I turned my attention to the charging Absol coming at me at full force, before tackling me. Snow stood on top of me, staying down at me with tear in her eyes. “If you ever do something like that again, I’ll... I’l…”

“Snow, please get off of me,” I cut her off. “Your paw is on my cut.” She looked down, and her eyes widened.

“Oh Arceus, I am so sorry John!” Snow apologised, before taking a step to the side to get off of me.

Standing up I patted her on the head, before turning to Lex. He had followed Snow in, and was too looking worried for me. “Listen you two,” I started. “We need to start getting serious, about dealing with Sombra, but first we need to take care of this situation,” Stepping past them, I folded my arms behind my back. “Shining Armor,” I called out. The stallion was still sitting at the door of the room. “Go to Cadance’s side. She’ll need you. And send a medical team to fetch this Weavile. From what King Sombra told me, she is in immense pain-” Something grabbed my leg.

Looking down, I saw the Weavile smiling at me. Her claws wrapped around my angle. “Th-thank… y-you…” She started. “C-c-cutie…” Her eyes then closed, and I could hear a faint snore coming from her.

Author's Note:

I had a LOT of writers block when I started this, but thanks to the three or four of you that gave me ideas, I was able to make this chapter what it is.
Also, fallow me. I on occasion ask questions about my story. Like If I need help. Or how was the last chapter. Or if you have an idea that I can use.

TDN- Great chapter. Now I’m looking forward to seeing Sombra when Karma bites his ass.

ZEus- John’s awesome, and likewise I can’t wait to see Sombra get what’s coming to him. Cute ending by the way, can’t wait to see Holly next chapter.

Like always, favorite and like if you enjoyed.