• Published 12th Jun 2014
  • 9,404 Views, 549 Comments

A New World, Burning an Old Way - xBUBBA1995x

John, a pokemon Officer of the law, finds himself in a world of Ponies. And to top it off, he had been changed into a pokemon. But as a Dark force falls upon the Crystal Empire, it falls to him to help save the day... A very painful day...

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Chapter 6: A Demon Arrives, a Tyrant Lives

Warning: This is where my story turns dark.

A New World, Burning an Old Way

Written by: xBUBBA1995x
Edited by: zeusdemigod131
Edited by: tdnpony
Pre-Reader: Dragaen

Chapter 6: A Demon Arrives, a Tyrant Lives

I awoke the next morning in a coughing fit of pain. The medicine had worn off, and all the coughing made my ribs feel worse then the day before. Though, I expected that to happen. Everything gets worse, before it gets better. I slowly pulled myself out of bed, and grabbed the two bottles of pills on the dext next to me. I quickly swallowed down my pills, and layed back down. Allowed myself to just lay in bed while I waited for the medicine to kick in. It did not take long, and after a moment all the pain started to recede. Enough so that I was at least able to walk around.

There was then a knock at my door.

“Are you alright in there, John?” Flash Sentry asked. His voice being muffled by the door.

Stepping over to the door, I opened it to see Flash looking worried. “Yes, Flash Sentry. I just needed to take the medicine, and wait for it to kick in.”

“Good to see your still able to stand then,” Flash Smiled. “Oh, Holly Heart left a note for you.” Reaching underneath his wing, he pulled out a small piece of paper, and handed, or hoofed in this case, it to me.

I opened the small note and started to read.

To John,

I had a great idea last night, and asked the Princess to see if I was able. She said yes, and trust me, you’ll love it, John! I’ll be working with the other Crystal Empire Mages to get it finished, and I’ll be finished after lunch. See you then.

Holly Heart

I could not help but smile. I then stepped back into my room, and placed the letter on the table next to my bed.”Hey, Flash Sentry,” I turned to him. “Do you know what time it is? I don’t seem to have a clock in my room…”

“It’s a quarter till seven.”

“Only six forty five? It’s that early?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Well… in that case an early morning shower would be nice.”

“I shall be outside your door, if you need of me.” Flash Sentry returned to standing at the side of my door.

Moments later, I found myself sitting in my bathtub, water splashing over me. I even found it funny, when water hit my head, as it instantly turned into steam. I took in a deep breath. The steam helped me breath, and all in all, it was relaxing.


On a near by hill outside the city, sat two Pokémon. One was a rather old looking Mismagius, and the other was a rather worried looking Gengar.

“Don’t worry Gengar, I am sure we’ll find your brother soon enough.” The Mismagius spoke in an elderly voice.

“I’m sorry for troubling you, Agatha. But I hate it when we’re not together.” The Gengar explained.

“I know, Dear, I know. You two were always inseparable, even as young Gastly,” Agatha pointed out. She then gave the ghost Pokémon a smile. “Now come on, the city is calling us.”

“Do you really think it’s a good idea to just walk into the city? Arceus did ask the indigenous life around here to be nice, but I still have a bad feeling about this.”

“And what if we find Gengar?” Agatha asked her Pokémon. He fell silent, and the two started their walk to the city.


As I sat down at one of the many tables in the cafeteria, my stomach growling at the anticipation of the plate of food I had grabbed. Standing next to me was Flash Sentry. He was eyeing everyone in the room. I asked him if he ate anything this morning, and he did. Which was good, since he was not allowed to eat on duty.

“Tell me Flash Sentry, would Princess Cadance and Shining armor object to me exploring the city?” I asked, right before I took a bite out of a muffin.

“As long as I am there as an escort, they should not object.” He informed me.

“Good,” I then finished off the muffin, and turned my sights onto the orange I was given. “Because I wish to see how everypony is doing. Ask around about the Pokémon that they might have seen, or see if there are any problems.” After tearing out the insides of the Orange and devouring them, I turned my sights onto the last thing on my plate. A bowl of apple oatmeal. “Oh, and I do request that my Pokémon be watched as I am exploring. I do not want to see Joltik running around the city, declaring himself as the king of all Pokémon or something.”

“From this day forward I shall be known as King of all Pokémon!” I looked to my right to see Joltik eating a muffin, holding a butter knife high into the air.

I blinked at him, then smiled. I had no idea he was there. “Good morning Joltik, how are you today?” I asked.

“Well, you’re newly elected king finds himself tired of his castle,” He started in a ‘bad royal’ voice. “Therefore I shall join you on your journey around the city!”

I let out a sigh. “You’re just going to sneak out if I say no, aren't you?”

“I am now.” He answered.

“Very well, Joltik, you can come with me into the city,” I then took on a strict tone, one a father would use on his child. “But you have to stay with me. No wandering off. Do you understand?”

“King Joltik acknowledges your request, and shall accept the terms and conditions for this mighty quest!”

“Are you going to do that all day?” I asked, giving him a dead panned look.

“Yes, Sir John.” He answered, as he walked over to my plate, and started to eat what remained of my meal. I just smiled at him. Joltik was an odd one. He was young, smart, and worrisome. But in truth, I would rather deal with him then Team Rocket anyday.

I wonder what Team Rocket is doing, now that Pokémon don’t exist on earth...’ I asked myself.

“So that’s where Joltik ran off too,” I glanced over to see Princess Cadance standing before me. “Good morning John, good morning Flash Sentry.”

“Princess.” Flash stated, as he gave Princess Cadance a salute.

“I’m fine, Princess Cadance. Just looking forward to a trip around the city. If I’m going to help out everyone, then it’s best I know the city. Meet some of the locals, and introduce myself. Oh, and Flash Sentry is coming along of course.”

“That’s good to hear, John. Glad to see you going out and about,” Princess Cadance then turned to Joltik. “I was actually hoping that this little cutie could spend the day with me, in the Conference Hall. So I can show him to most of the ponies that I work with.”

“King Joltik does not wish to spend the day entertaining royals,” Joltik then grabbed the butterknife, marched over to me, turned to the princess and promptly shook his head. “That, and Sir John has offered me to join him around the city.” How ever. All that Princess Cadance heard was. “Jol, Joltik. Joltik, Joltik, Joltik, Joltik, jol.”

I smiled at the Princess. “I am sorry Princess, but I kind of told Joltik that I would take him with me, and from the looks of it,” I rubbed Joltik’s head. Eliciting a soft purr from him. “He would rather see the city.”

“Really? Darn… Oh well. Maybe next time.” Pouting, Princess Cadance turned to leave. “Oh, and John. Have fun out in the city. When you return, I do believe Holly is working on something for you.”

“Yes, she left a message for me. Thank you, Princess Cadance. Have a nice day,” I gave a courtois bow. “And if you see Shining Armor, give him my regards.”

As the Princess left the room, I took notice of the room around me. All eyes were on me. From the Crystal Guard, to the maids, and to the royals. “Can I help any of you?” I asked. Most of the royals, or at least the ones that were present when I flamed Green Horn and Winter Breeze, smiled at me. While the others looked away in fear.


With Joltik sitting on my shoulder, and Flash Sentry at my side, I took a deep breath as I stepped out of the castle. The cold air of the Crystal Empire tickled at me, and it made me glad I was literally on fire. Since I was no longer in a rush, I could finally see what this town really looks like.

Many of the buildings seemed to be made out of crystals, but a large amount of them seemed to be made out of wood. And from the looks of it, they were made recently. A lot of the Ponies themselves seemed different, and not from the way they look. Was I that blind when I first arrived not to see this? Most to all of the ponies themselves looked like they were made out of diamonds! And they seemed… slower. Happier. Content with letting the day roll past. It puzzled me. Were crystal ponies more calm than their non-crystal counterparts?

It was then that I saw a large statue. It looked to be of a dragon holding a large heart. It seemed odd to me, but I could not help but approach it. It was made of the same crystal that most everything in this kingdom seemed to be made out of.

“What is this?” I asked Flash Sentry.

“This is a statue of Sir Spike the Dragon holding the Crystal Heart,” He stated proudly. “When King Sombra tried to overthrow the kingdom, it was he who brought the Crystal Heart to Princess Cadance, and thus saved our land.”

“That sounded rehearsed.” Joltik pointed out, earning a flick to the forehead from me.

“Alright Flash Sentry, now I have two more questions. Who is King Sombra and what is the Crystal Heart?”

“Well the Crystal Heart is a magical diamond shaped like a heart that hold immense power,” He then took on a dark worried look. “As for King Sombra… That’s hard to explain.”

“How so?” I asked, expecting a story.

He began to explain the tale of King Sombra, and how he once controlled all of the Crystal Empire, over one-thousand years ago. How he was a monster of a king, that knew dark magic to control both the minds and memories of the crystal ponies. He then explained how the Crystal Empire mysteriously vanished only for it to reappear almost two years ago, along with Sombra himself. Though he was not stationed here at the time, he knew exactly what happened. From how Princess Twilight Sparkle helped find the Crystal Heart, to how Spike came into play at the last moments of hope, saving the Empire.

I staiyed quiet as I glanced back at the statue. Equus was strange world, but I knew earth had more elaborate stories there were true. “Thank you for sharing, Flash Sentry. Come on, there is much more that I would like to see, and we do not have all day. I do wish to come back to the castle before lunch.”

I began to walk down one of the many roads, and as I expected, many ponies just stared at me. Just from walking around the town, I could tell that Joltik and I were the first Pokémon that most of them must have seen. It was then that Joltik tapped my cheek, trying to get my attention.

“John,” He poked me again. “John,” He poked me harder. “John?”

“Yes, Joltik?” I asked, slightly annoyed.

“Can we go play at that park?” He then pointed a butter knife as a near by park. Wait, why did he still have that?!

“Joltik, why do you still have that?”

“You expect the King of Pokémon to leave his Excalibur behind? Preposterous!” He said, taking on that funny persona from before. I facepalmed. Joltik was so… strange. I bet there was not a pony in the world that was as strange as him.

Meanwhile, in a far away part of Equestria, a certain pink pony sneezed.

It was then that something small hit my side. I glanced down to see a child’s ball. As I placed my hand upon it to pick it up, a small colt came running up to me. From his size, I could tell he was very young. I doubted he even knew the world around him was changing.

“Can I have my ball back?” He asked in an adorable voice.

“Of Course.” I placed the ball on the ground, and rolled it to the young colt.

“Thank you mister,” I expected the boy to turn and run to the park. To keep playing with the other children, but no. He just stood there. Staring at me. “You’re head is on fire.”

I chuckled. “Ya, I know,” I smiled at the kid. “You know, from the sounds of it, you might want to go back and play with your friends.” The colt nodded and turned to run.

I watched as he started to play with the other fillies and colts, and let out a long sight. “Tell me Flash Sentry, what do you think will happen to the children?”

“May you be more specific?”

“If another Pokémon were to attack, would the children be safe?”

“Of course, we ponies are highly protective of our young.” Flash Sentry informed me. “However not everything goes to plan… Sometimes… sometimes young die...”

“That we do,” And elderly voice spoke up. I glanced to a near by bench to see a rather old looking stallion sitting next to a young mare. His coat was white, his hair grey, and his eyes were fading. He must have been blind. “That we do… Tell me, are you one of those Pokémon things that everypony is talkin’ about?”

“I am. My name is John, and as for what I am, well that would be an Infernape, and this,” I gestured to Joltik. “Is Joltik. He’s a Joltik…” I trailed off. I never liked calling a Pokémon by what type of Pokémon it was. “You know Joltik, how would you like a nickname?”

“A nick name? Like Snow and Lex? Sweet! Um, um, can I be named King Awesome! No, no, I want to be known as Doctor Yellow! Wait, how about…”

“Slow down, Joltik, slow down,” I rubbed the top of his head. “We’ll talk about that latter. For now just relax.”

The old man chuckled. “Well John, my name is White Light. This is my daughter, Autumn Leaf,” He gestured to an orange mare next to him. “And I have a question for ya.”

“Ask away,” I smiled. “Helping is something I am best at.”

“Good, good…” He took a slow deep breath. “If a Pokémon attacks, do we ponies have what it takes to stop them? I don’t want my children and their children to live in fear…”

“Do you want me to be honest,” I asked. He gave me a curious expression, and nodded. “No. Pokémon, no matter the size,” I gestured to Joltik. “Can be very powerful. Some can destroy mountains, some can split the ground we stand on, and others can manipulate the reality around us. Everything from time to space.” Both the old stallion and the mare looked fearful, and Flash Sentry gave me a worried look. “But I am working with the Crystal Empire to fix that problem. My Pokémon and I are here to help. Rather it be we that fight the Pokémon for you, or teach you all how to do it yourselves.”

“That’s… reassuring,” Autumn Leaf spoke. “But… what happens if you can’t stop them?” She sounded scared, and from the looks of her eyes she would not like the answer.

So I decided to lie. For if a Pokémon would get through, and if they saw the ponies as targets… many would die. “Trust me, most Pokémon aren't as strong as mine. Back in the world we’re from, they would send me after those who did bad, and no one ever got away from me!”

She gave me a smile, but before she could say another word, Flash Sentry spoke up. “John, it would seem that our time outside of the castle has ran out. Shining Armor is expecting us.”

“Of course,” He was lying. I could tell. Something in his voice told me he had a question for me, and it must have something to do with what I had said. “Lead the way, Flash Sentry!” I stated happily.

As we began to walk away, I heard the stallion mutter. “May Celestia watch over us all…” It really wasn’t a reassuring response.


We were halfway to the castle when I decided to ask him what was wrong. “Flash Sentry,” He turned to me. His eyes watching me intently. “What is bothering you?”

He looked worried, but only for a moment. “Is it true? What you said, about Pokémon?”

“Yes. Some Pokémon can destroy mountains, some can split the ground we stand on, and others can manipulate the reality around us. Everything from time to space,” I placed a hand on his shoulder. “But those are only the strongest of Pokémon. Some, like little Joltik here, are just children. You don’t really have anything to worry about.”

“Hey, don’t call your King little, Sir John! Or you shall taste my Excalibur!” He placed his butter knife upon my cheek. Poking me with it over and over.

“Oh, and by the way,” Flash smiled. “I thought you said you were a cop back on your world, not a bounty hunter.”

I smiled. “A little white lie never hurt anyone. That and, it’s better for the public to think I am somewhat of a badass.”

“Um… alright?” Flash Sentry offered.

“Yes, Flash Sentry. Everything will be alright,” It was then that something in the distance exploded. “Ah crap…”

“John, I need you to say ‘It will never rain Chocolate!’ for me,” Joltik stated intently. “Please?”

There was then another explosion. “Flash Sentry! Take Joltik and run to the castle,” I grabbed Joltik and handed him over to Flash. “Tell Shining that I will be first on the scene, and bring back up!”

“Wait, John! I was told to never leave your side!” He called out after me as I started to run towards the explosions. I found myself surprisingly fast, even with some broken ribs.

‘These drugs better not run out now!’ I told myself, as another Explosion rippled out.

Ponies started to run past me. Many were crystal ponies, but some of them looked normal. A lot of them were screaming, but others too scared to make a sound. Some of them even screamed when they saw me… It was then that I saw what was making the explosions.

Standing with his back to me stood a Gengar. A Shadow Ball fired out of him hand, and struck a pony. My eyes widened when the Pony exploded… “Why?!” I yelled out as I charged the Gengar, my fist now glowing as I readed myself to strike the Gengar. “Lord Arceus said to follow the laws of this world!” As the Gengar started to turn, I leaped forward and sticked. It was then that I fell threw the Gengar, as if he was made of smoke.

‘Damn it! The only move I know is Mach Punch, and that is no use on here… Fighting doesn't work on ghost!”

“Oh, what do we have here?” The Gengar spoke in a deep monstrous voice. One that sent shivers down my spine. It was then that I saw the Gengars face, or at least, his eyes. Normally a Gengar’s iris is black, surrounded by a red cornea. But this Gengar… Something was wrong with this one. His eye was red, and was surrounded by an ominous green glowing cornea that seemed to made out of smoke. It was literally flowing out of his eyes.

“Why are you killing these ponies?!” I yelled out, pulling myself up off the ground.

“Why? Do I really need a reason why,” He lifted his hand to me, and fired out a Shadow Ball. I jumped to the side and it missed. “I might just want to start a war,” He fired another one, and it too missed. “I might be doing it because it makes me smile,” He flew next me, and readed a point blank Shadow Ball. “Or I might be doing it because they tried to kill me!” I was not able to get out of the way. The Shadow Ball hit me in the lower stomach, and I flew back several feet before it exploded.

I screamed as I hit the ground. My fur as well as skin from the point of impact was burned off. Pain screamed through my body as my broken ribs rattled with the impact. I tried to get up, but my body would not respond. “Damn you,” I said through gritted teeth. “Why?! Why do this? Who the hell are you, and why?!” I gasped for air, as I started to cough.

I watched as the Gengar slowly walked over to me. His eyes glowing menacingly. “You are a strange one,” He started. “In death, all you can say is ‘why’, when most others just scream,” He placed his foot on my chest, making me scream. “Ah, there it is,” He pointed his hand at my face, and a Shadow Ball started to form. “But considering this is your last request… You monkey, have been killed by King sombra.” My eyes widened, and I could do nothing but wait for the Shadow Ball.

A Shadow Ball did come, but it was not King Sombra’s. I felt the pain in my chest recede as King Sombra was knocked off of me by Snow’s Shadow Ball. “JOHN!” She yelled as she slide to my side.

“If I could stand I would kiss you right now, Snow.” I joked through the pain. Happy I was still alive.

“This is no time to joke,” She yelled, as her eyes started to tear up. “We… we need to get you help, John. You need it, real bad.” She sniffed.

“We have bigger problems,” Sombra pulled himself up, and turned to us. “You,” I took a shallow breath. “Might want to take him out first…” I started to cough.

“But John I can’t leave you…” Tears started to flow down Snow’s face.

“No butts, those are for sitting…” I smiled. “Please, Snow. Take care of the Gengar first. More will die if you don’t…” Snow brought up a paw to her face, wiping the tears out of her eyes.

“Oh how sad.” Sombra pointed his hand at us.

“How sad? Is that all you can say? Do you even know,” Snow jumped to her paws and turned to face Sombra. “What John has done for the world?! What he had to sacrifice?!”

Sombra grind. “And you expect me to care?” Another Shadow Ball was fired at us.

Thinking fast, Snow took a deep breath. “Fire Blast!” She stated as she fired at massive ball of fire out of her mouth. The two attacks collided in the air and detonated, and if Snow did not cover me from the blast I knew it would have killed me from shear proximity.

I felt myself become weightless as Snow picked me up, letting me rest across her back. It was hard to hold on to her. It was hard to do anything really… My eyes were getting blurry, and my breathing was slow and shallow. ‘Blood loss… not good.’

“John, John please answer, John?!” Snow said to me, as she ran for my life. Explosions echoed behind us as Sombra was in hot pursuit.

“Snow? I’m still here. Just sleepy. Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere... Not ready to die… not ready…” It was hard to talk.

“Just stay in there John,” Snow told me. “We’re almost at the castle. We’ll get you help!”

“But… Sombra…”

“Who’s Sombra? John, that was a Gengar… Oh no, he’s hallucinating! No, no, no!” She started to pour on the speed, the Crystal Castle just around the corner.

“No, Snow… He said… His name was… King Sombra…” I rasped.

“Oh, good. It’s good you’re not seeing things, just stay awake. Don’t sleep, John!” In the distance, we could see those standing outside of the Castle. From Flash Sentry to Shining Armor, to Lex and Eclipse. Not to mention a number of Crystal Guards.

Lex was the first one to see us running towards them, as several more massive explosions boomed behind us. “John,” He called out, as he rushed over to Snow and I. “Snow, what the hell happened?!”

“Gengar named Sombra attacked, ponies are dead, John is going to die!” She yelled out in hast.

“What did she say!?” Shining yelled as he ran over.

“John is not going to die,” Lex growled at Snow. He then turned to Shining Armor. “Get John inside now!” He ordered.

Shining had more questions, but one look at me and he did not question it. His horn glowed, and I lifted into the air. “I have John. The two of you… that…” Shining’s eyes widened as Gengar stepped into view. Through just the eyes alone, he knew that it was King Sombra… He gulped, then turned to run...

“Kick ass, you two...” I called out, as I was taken away. Snow looked at Lex. They both looked scared for John, but they had something to do.

“Ah, my old castle…” The Gengar named Sombra stated. “It would be great to rule again! To show those crystal ponies that I am the one and only ruler for this land! Who knows, maybe this time I will take that Princess Cadance as my bride, make her a queen!”

“You’re going to pay for what you did to John!” Lex yelled out. Sombra glanced over at him, and gave a wicked smile.

“We’re going to take you down!” Snow added.

“I’LL KILL YOU,” Eclipse screamed. Both Snow and Lex blinked as there large blue friend blew past them at speeds that would make a Pidgeot jealous. “For what you did to John!”

Sombra smiled as Eclipse threw a punch at him. He began to turn around, so that he can attack Eclipse back when he phases through him. Eclipse smiled and opened his mouth. Sombra’s eyes widened as Eclipse brought his mouth down on his tail. The only down side of controlling this creature was that he felt the same pain as it did. He was then twisted about and thrown at Snow and Lex.

“Thunder!” Both Lex and Snow yelled out. The sky began to darken as several dark clouds started to form then a massive bolt of thunder stuck down. Millions of volts slammed into Sombra, slamming him into the ground. Then as soon as the clouds appeared, they vanished.

Sombra pulled himself as quick as he could, then let loose with several Shadow Balls. Snow jumped over the one that flew to her, then spit flames out of her mouth. Lex did the same, only his body glowed yellow before a massive blast of electricity was launched from him. Eclipse on the other hoof merely smacked the shadow ball out of his way as he charged down Sombra.

“Is that all you can do,” Eclipse yelled out, still enraged. “How WEAK!” He pointed both of his massive cannons at Sombra, before several balls of light fired out at Sombra. “Taste my Flash Cannon!”

Sombra smiled, before jumping out of the way. All of Eclipse attacks were heading straight for the Crystal Guards that stood in front of the Crystal Castle. All of their eyes widened, fearful for the attack that was coming, only for a massive shield to be erected in front of them. The explosion that rang out blinded them all. They all turned to see that Shining Armor had returned.

“By Celestia’s name…” Flash Sentry spoke. Shocked at what play out before him, yet grateful that Shining Armor was who he was.

“Eclipse,” Lex yelled out. “Calm your rage before you hurt an innocent!” Gritting his teeth, Eclipse nodded.

“Just stay back and let us handle it!” Snow added.

“Double team!” The two of them yelled out, before hundreds of them appeared. Sombra’s eyes widened.

“You creatures are much stronger than I imagined,” Sombra spoke up. “But it won't be enough to stop me! I once controlled all of this land with just my mind, there is no why you can stop me!” Sombra reached out with his magic, instead of using the power of the Pokémon he was in. Crystal spikes shot out of the ground and hit most of the illusions. Luckily, Lex and Snow were not hit.

“Ice Beam!” Snow fired out a blast of cold ice. Sombra moved to the right, and turn to her, a Shadow Ball ready in his hand. Snow was not able to move in time. The blast hit her dead on the nose.

“Snow!” Lex called out, as he ran to her side.

“You’re not getting away that easy!” Another Shadow Ball flew threw the air at them.

Lex’s eyes widened at the sight of the Shadow Ball. In his haste he felt as if he needed to save her. The one that was his mate. Eclipse appeared in front of them, his back to the Shadow Ball. It impacted, and Eclipse smiled. Shrugging off the blast as if it was nothing.

“How’s Snow?” Eclipse asked.

“Unconscious.” Lex whimpered. Rage now flowing through his eyes.

“Compared to the ponies, you both seem to be threats that must be dealt with,” Sombra stated. “But compared to their deaths, yours will seem like mercy!”

“Eclipse, make it rain…” Lex said quietly. “I’m bringing the Thunder…”

It was then that the Crystal Guard surrounded Lex and Snow. Putting themselves alongside Eclipse. “Get Snow out of here,” Shining told Flash Sentry. “The rest of you, back up the Pokémon!”

“Thank you, all of you.” Lex stated.

“Look out!” One of the stallions stated as Sombra fired another blast at them.

“When will you learn,” Eclipse called out, as he moved forward and slapped the Shadow Ball into the air. “That the same thing won't work!” He then looked up to the sky, and fired out a massive blast of water.

Sombra then glanced at the ponies and smiled. “Tell me Shining Armor,” King Sombra started. “Last time I faced you, I almost took your horn. This time, I shall take your wife, your kingdom, and all that you hold dear!”

“Damn you, Sombra! Why couldn't you just stay dead? Why couldn't you just~” Shining screamed at him before getting cut off by Lex.

“Thunder!” A massive blast of energy shot down from the sky striking Sombra. Sombra let out a scream.

“You’ll pay for that!” Sombra gave a death glare at Lex. Sadly, for him that is, that was all he could do.

“Thunder!” Another blast slammed into Sombra. This time making Sombra fall to his knees.

Sombra just sat there, panting. It was starting to get hard to move, and he could feel the life of the Pokémon he took starting to fade into unconsciousness. “I will have my revenge,” He called out one last time. “The Crystal Empire will be mine again!” Sombra knew he was beat. There was no way around it, but he had absorbed enough energy to from this dark soul to live for days. All he needed to do is find a newer and stronger host, and try again.

“Thunder!” Lex called out, but Sombra knew it was coming. With what little strength the Gengar’s body possessed, Sombra forced it to jump into the air, as he pulled himself out. Becoming a darkened shadow that moved along the ground. His get away was almost perfect, as all eyes were looking at the Gengar. All but Lex. With his amazing eyesight, Lex saw that Sombra had pulled himself out of the Pokémon, and began to slither away, but he was not able to chase, as King Sombra escaped through one of the many sewer drains…

“May Celestia bless us,” Shining started. “We need it…”

Author's Note:

Sombra has shown himself...
John is in even more pain!
Shining is freaking out about Sombra returning!
Joltik didn't get a nickname!

(Ps. No Editors notes because they forgot to add it in.)
Ps.s. What do you think about the Chapter? Anything you liked and didn't like?

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