• Published 12th Jun 2014
  • 9,404 Views, 549 Comments

A New World, Burning an Old Way - xBUBBA1995x

John, a pokemon Officer of the law, finds himself in a world of Ponies. And to top it off, he had been changed into a pokemon. But as a Dark force falls upon the Crystal Empire, it falls to him to help save the day... A very painful day...

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Chapter 18: Retribution

A New World, Burning an Old Way

Written by: xBUBBA1995x
Edited by: zeusdemigod131
Edited by: tdnpony
Edited by: Ausbrony

Special Guests and Pre-readers:
TheOneVolcarona, writer of A New World, a New Champion
Ubber+Reaper, writer of A New world, a Dawn

Chapter 18: Retribution

To say things are going well in the Crystal Empire... would be a flat out, bold lie. Things weren't going well at all. Last night, say… just before the sun was to set, Cadance called to her ponies. As I looked over the crowd of ponies that came, I could see many different emotions. Some had smiles on their faces. They mostly likely were hoping that King Sombra was dead, or that they were going to get some great news about our current crisis. Others looked… sad, and that’s not even the right word to describe the looks. Fearful? No… Terrified? No… this was calmer. Drained would be the best way to explain it. Tired eyes, a sad expression, lack of show emotion… It was a very, very sad thing to bare witness to. And as Cadance explained what we were going to do, some that were happy grew fearful. Some that were sad, grew happy. Some even became angry over this, while others just simply smiled, but shook their heads in disapproval. But the most important thing that came from it, was that Cadance, though she still feared for her ponies, knew that they understood what needed to be done. But even if you understand something, doesn't mean you have to like it.

And sadly, my mind was not letting me get the sleep I wanted. As I layed in bed, staring at the ceiling, I could not help but think of the day before us. Since I have arrived in Equus, or the Crystal Empire to be exact, I haven't really thought about the world outside of this rather.. great city. Back on Earth, I traveled a lot. Never really had a real home, well, I did. I had a large apartment in Saffron City. But it was never really home for me. I had been traveling since I was ten years old, and never really stayed in a place for more than a week at a time. I saw the world for what it was. The beauty and the pain. And now that I was going to see what Equus was like, well, I smiled. I enjoyed traveling, even if this trip was not going to be fore sight seeing, and not just reading about it in a book. We had work to do, but even then, a change of scenery would be nice. The Crystal Empire is a wonderful winterland, but the nice hot sun just seems a bit too good to pass up.

Yet no matter how happy I would be to get out and see the world, taking care of King Sombra came first. He is a monster, and I don’t have to explain why… Getting help is a priority, and risking an attack on a train ride is a risk we are willing to take, even if it is a low risk. We’ll have Yveltal with us, and seeing as King Sombra lost to his last fight, and how he seems rather precautious in his attack patterns, would lead me to believe that he would not attack again. In the end it is a gamble, and unlike Volt, I am not a fan of gambling. Finding out that a casino was run by Team Rocket, and had a base underneath it may have something to do with it, but that’s besides the point.

I glanced over at my clock, which I could see quite clearly since my head was on fire, and it told me that midnight has just past. I let out an annoyed sigh, and covered my head with my pillow. I could not get to sleep… which was not normal for me. It was to the point where I felt wide awake. As if I could run a mile or two, and it was frustrating!


“John, you do not look good! What’s wrong?” Snow commented.

I slowly turned by head from my cup of coffee to look at her. Ever since I got to breakfast, everyone had been commenting on how I looked. It was reasonable, really. I looked horrible. I walked with a hunched back, large bags could be seen under my eyes, and i kept yawning. So yeah, it was understandable why she would ask. What is not understandable is why she kept asking me it, over and over. I turned away from her and took a drink of my coffee.

“Come on, John! Answer, please! What’s wrong?! Why do you look like a Muk’s droppings?” She asked, while pushing against me. See, Snow was sitting to my right. And for some reason she was being very clingy. Past her was Lex, who had an annoying smile, as he watched Snow. Across from me was Holly, and Eclipse. Both of whom were enjoying breakfast. Meanwhile my breakfast got swarmed by Volt, who, and I quote, Was Fired out of a cannon into my eggs. He didn’t want to slam face first into my eggs, it just happened. And who shot him? Flubber. Who is now air lifting Volt off the table, as the little monster flies off with my muffin. But it’s ok. I have my coffee. As long as I can drink that… I’ll be alright. Just need this, so I can start my day…

“Ah, leave him alone Snow. Seriously, it should be obvious, he just didn’t get much sleep.” Lex stated, coming to my aid. Sadly, it just made things worse.

“Oh, I know. I’m just wondering why he didn’t get any sleep. Could he not go to bed, or was it more… Like, say… Did Holly Heart come and visit you last night.” Holly and I had the same reaction. We choked on what ever we were drinking, and coughed, before our faces went red.

“No, Holly slept in her room, last night.” Volt commented, as his mouth was full of my muffin.

“Oh. Well… did John sleep in Holly’s room? And, wait, how do you know that?” Snow asked.

“I slept on her ceiling.” Volt stated, his mouth still full of my muffin…

Holly, who was currently trying not to choke on her orange juice, just stayed quiet through the conversation. We were dating, but taking it slow. Slow enough where we weren’t doing… that. As for myself… coffee, coffee, coffee… Not as strong as some illegal drugs, but it let’s you keep your teeth…

“And why did you do that? You know, you do freak her out?” Eclipse asked from across the table.

“Oh, it had something to do with our little party last night,” Volt answered, swallowing what muffin he had in his mouth, finally speaking without his mouth full. “All I remember, is eating some apple cobbler, attacking John’s left leg with tackle, and then waking up in her room.

“So that’s why John almost kicked over the table last night.” Lex commented, and well… he was right. Volt had attacked my leg, and well… it was more a quick surprise than anything else.

But as the conversations went on, I did my best to block it out of my mind. I was too tired to communicate, but I suspected it had something to do with my headache. I just needed my coffee… Which was now empty… I let out a sigh, before standing up, and making my way off to a side table, one that had a coffee pot on it. It was almost full, but once I was finished with it, only say a cup remained. Something that I didn’t notice before, is that my large coffee mug held three cups… I smiled as I took a sip of the black coffee. I normally like my coffee with Oran Berry Vanilla creamer, but black was a close second.

“Attention everypony and Pokémon,” Shining Armor started, as I took my seat. “We shall be leaving in the hour, so finish up your breakfast, and get to your post.” With that, Shining Armor moved to his wife, Princess Cadance, before whispering something to her.

To this, Cadance frowned. She wasn’t really speaking through the morning, and, like me, she didn’t look like she got much sleep. Now, one disadvantage of drinking this much coffee, was that I could not take a nap on the train ride to Canterlot. Cadance could, but I doubted she would, with the idea that King Sombra may attack looming over our heads. And even if I did not drink this much coffee, I would right along side her in the ‘Staying Up’ department. Being asleep on a train while it’s being attacked is a horrible idea, especially since I know first hand how powerful some Pokémon can be, even without King Sombra taking them over…


The Friendship Express. That was the name of the train. It was a name that made me laugh, because of how child like it was, but seeing as we were going to Canterlot to make some new friends with the other world leaders, it was kind of fitting that we were going to arrive in it.

But while I found the train rather amusing, the rest of the train station was a busy mess. An organized mess, but a mess none the same. As we all could have guessed, ponies from all over the Crystal Empire had come to see their Princess off. It was good to see that they trusted her enough to leave them, but through the crowded, I could see mixed emotions. Happiness, sadness, even anger, could be easily spotted.

“Thank you, everypony for being understanding. I know my absence will be hard on all of you, but please remember to be strong. To hold it together. For our strength is what the Crystal Heart needs to keep us safe, and once we have returned, our safety will only grow as our friends in Canterlot come to our aid,” Cadance callout over the crowd. Ponies through the train station where both smiling, and crying. It was… emotional. I did not truly understand the feeling that they held towards Princess Cadance, but it was something to behold… “We shall return soon, goodbye ‘My Little Ponies’, and stay strong!” With that, Princess Cadance step away from the microphone she was using, and moved to board the train. Flanked by several guards, but it was not time to depart yet.

Shining Armor wished to speak, with me by his side. I didn’t know what he was going to say, but I suspected I was about to find out. “Princess Cadance, as well as myself, will return in within five days. If things go well, then we shall return with aid provided by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. And seeing as Lord Arceus, leader of all Pokémon, has already provided us with the aid of Yveltal, and we may gain his aid, as well. However,” Shining Armor gestured to me. “Another purpose for this meeting, is that we shall be discussing what shall happen to Pokémon. Some of you may not like them being here, while others welcome them for what they have done. So please do not worry for our safety. For no harm will come to us, nor will harm come to you as long as you stay strong,” Shining turned away from the crowd to address me. “Do you have something to say to them, John?”

I stared at him for a moment, before turning to the large crowd. “Nothing that hasn’t been already been said…” Normally, I would step up and say something reassuring, but other then the guards, nobody really knew who I was, and my words would be unwanted, or at least, to most.

“Alright then,” Shining turned to Flash Sentry, who had been standing quietly by my side. “Have the conductor leave the train station in two minutes, then fly off and give Yveltal the signal that we are leaving.” He turned back to me, then to the small group of guards, plus Holly Heart, and pointed to the train. “All aboard.” He ordered. The guards were first to move, and Holly and I trailed behind them.

“Ladies first,” I offered, allowing Holly to board before me.

“Thank you, John,” She smiled at me, before I followed behind her. Shining Armor following suit, closing the door behind him.

The seating arrangements were simple. Guards every other row, and Princess Cadance in the middle, with Holly and myself two rows behind her. Shining Armor, stood next to his wife, but only for a moment, giving her a kiss on the cheek before heading towards the front of the train. I suspected he was going to check some things before we really started moving.

“You know, this is going to be the first time I have left the Crystal Empire in over… a year?” Holly Heart whispered to me, as she stared out the window. She had the window seat by the way.

“Excited about leaving?” I asked, as I placed my arm around her shoulder. She jumped a little, but smiled at me.

Leaning on my chest, she nodded. “Yeah. I wonder how all this Pokémon business changed Canterlot…”

“What does Canterlot look like, anyways?” I asked. “I mean, I saw the pictures when I was reading, but a picture can only say so much.”

Before she could answer, the train gave a small jerk, before we started moving. Outside the window, I could see ponies waving goodbye, for the train started to move along. I could see colts, fillies, mares and stallions all the like, waving as we went. I say my team, my family waving, and before I could even think, we rounded the corner, of the train station, and made our way to the Crystal Empire’s shield. A small opening flickered, and the train passed through it.

“John?” Holly asked.

I looked down at her, and smiled. “Yes, Holly?”

“Are… are you alright? Your eyes are watery.”

I raised a hand to my eyes, wiping away what tears I shed, before smiling. “Sorry, just. I don’t like, even if it’s for the best, leaving my family. It just… feels wrong, and… this whole thing just feels off.”

“Don’t worry John, they’ll be ok.” Holly assured me, before resting her head on my chest. Glancing forward, I saw Princess Cadance staring at Holly and I. Her head peered over the railing, before she popped her head back down.

“It’s colder out here then inside the shield…” Holly mumbled. “But… luckily, I have a nice warm pillow…”

I glanced away from Holly, and looked outward to the world around us, or to be specific, outside the train. There was snow. Oh Arceus there was a lot of snow. Inside the Crystal Empire, you would occasionally see a patch of snow here or there. It was warmer inside the shield then out, but now that we are out and about, there was nothing BUT snow. A blanket of white covered the land, with a rather healthy amount of trees. In the distance, I could see the Empire getting smaller and smaller. We were moving rather fast, and from what I was told, we should make it to Canterlot and hour or two after Noon, giving us the whole afternoon to speak with the world leaders, as well as Arceus.

The concept alone of meeting a god was rather bland to me, to my surprise. I was shocked when I first came to Equestria, but as I have things to do, I put my emotions in check, or at least try to. Truth be told, I can’t tell you how I would act if I see him in the flesh, but in the end I could only speculate, but at least I’ll know my answer by the end of the day, right? As for the others leaders… Celestia and Luna would be the two I want to see the most. If they are anything like Cadance, then it would be a fun experience speaking with them. Otherwise, I’ll just be glad if they are as nice as her.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Shining Armor step back into the train-cart, followed by Flash Sentry. He looked content, but smiled when he approached Cadance. I could not hear what they started to speak about, the train was too loud, but whatever it was made Shining laugh, before turning to me. I had the sneaking suspicion that they were talking about Holly and I, but didn’t want to bother them about it.

“Sir, Shining Armor!” A guard started. “I believe we have a stowaway...” We all turned to the guard, and to our surprise, Volt hovered above him. Riding a mini-Charizard, all the while wielding a butter knife.

“Volt? Flubber? Didn’t I tell you two not to come?” I immediately asked.

“Well…” Volt started, in an excited voice. “I knew that this trip would be important, and I wanted to come along! But you said no, so I knew I had to convince Flubber to tag along, so that we could play more! He didn’t even question me, and agreed that it was a great plan!”

“You’re both grounded.”

“What?!” Flubber called out, saddened by me statment. “But, but, but,”

“No buts, Volt, you should have stayed back at the Crystal Empire.”

“Oh, don’t be like that, John. I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by it.” Cadance started, waving me off, and jestering Volt to her. “Come here, Volt.” Flubber, along with Volt on his back, flew over to Cadance. However, my attention was drawn away from them as Holly tapped my check.

“Relax, John,” She whispered. “Just… Just take a nap with me. The train ride is a long one, and I know you’re tired.” I didn’t answer her right away, which made her frown. I didn’t want to go to sleep, just in case the train would be attacked. I wanted to help, and be the first into action so that no one else would get harmed by King Sombra. “Please?” She finished, in a cute voice. “Please, please, please?”

I let out a sigh. She was looking up at me with her big green eyes. Her cute eyes… “You’re… You’re hard to say no to…” I leaned my head back, and stared at the ceiling. Would it be so bad to take a nap? No… not really. I would certainly hear something if King Sombra attacked, and I would be woken up by someone if he did… “Fine… I’ll take a nap.”

“Yes!” Holly quietly cheered, before laying her head back on my chest.

“Shining Armor,” I called out. “Wake me if anything, and I mean anything happens. Alright?”

“Of Course, John. You get your rest. We’ve got a hectic day ahead of us, and you’ll need your strength.” With that, I leaned my head back, and closed my eyes. To my surprise, I still felt tired, even after the amount of coffee I had earlier. I shouldn't be able to even think about sleeping, yet maybe caffeine works differently on my new body. It did not take me long to fall asleep. With Heart’s head pressed against my chest was rather relaxing, to tell you the truth… Even with the amount of coffee I had consumed earlier, it was rather easy to go to sleep.



I was awoken from my nap by a rather loud noise. Glancing around, I found that everyone was looking up at the ceiling of the train.

“Shining, what’s going on?” I called out.

“Something’s on top of the train,” He started, before pointed at the two Pegasi standing near the door. “You two, fly out and see what’s going on up there.”

They nodded, before opening the door to the train, the one we got in on, and leaping out. It did not take long before we heard more sounds coming from atop the train. The clattering of Hooves could be heard, along with something else… We all stood in wait for the two stallions to return, but I had the suspicion that we had an uninvited guest. My suspicions were turned tto reality when a large dent formed in the ceiling, followed by the screams of a stallion.

“We have company,” Shining Armor yelled. “Have the Pegasi in the corresponding trains stop whatever is up there, Flash Sentry!”

Placing my hand on Holly Heart’s shoulder, I leaned in and asked her to let me go. Ever since the stallion started screaming, she held onto me like a baby Kangaskhan held onto her mother. She did not let go, but held on tighter. I let out an annoyed sigh, as all the Guards in the train cart all stood ready. Out the window Pegasi could be seen flying around. I could not see anything more than that, however. The only hints were the many sounds coming from above. It wasn’t till one of the Pegasi flew into the cart we were in that we were given a clue as to what was going on.

“Sir,” he started, taking deep breaths. “There’s a large Pokémon on the train! We, we think it’s… him!”

“Damn! Get back out there, fly up, and get Yveltal’s attention!” Shining ordered.

“Yes, Sir!”

“Wait,” I yelled out. “What does it look like?”

“It’s small, blue, large ears, long blue bangs, and keeps shooting ice at us!” He finished, before leaping outside.

Small… Blue… Large ears… Long blue bangs…? And an ice type, or at least knows an ice type move… I heard a whimper come from Holly Heart, as a blast of ice hit the ground just to the right of the train.

“Do you know what Pokémon this is, John?”

“I think it’s a… Glaceon,” I started. “An ice type.”

“Ice type… Didn’t you say something about them when you first arrived?” Cadance asked. “I think it was that… they are weak to fire, or was it fighting?”

“I’m a fire and fighting type…” Holly’s grip tightened. I could see it in her face, and she knew what I was about to do. Painfully, I pushed her away from me, before I stood up. “Shining Armor, keep Holly safe. I’m holding you accountable for her.”

“I will, and John. Good luck.”

I held my breath as I made my way to the entrance of the train. I could not fly like the Pegasi, but there was a ladder built on the side of the train I could use to climb up. Oh, and unlike the Pegasi, if I fell, I would not be able to just flap my wings and be safe… I had a hard time fighting King Sombra as it was, but on a moving train... no… Just no.

And there he was. Three Pegasi moved along the top of the train in combat with King Sombra, while other Pegasi flew alongside, waiting to attack, or to join in. I was also right. It was a Glaceon. He… she… hard to tell the gender while on the other side of the train cart, moved faster than the Pegasi. Making it very hard to land a blow. To my horror, as I stood fully on the train, King Sombra used ice beam one of the Pegasi. He was encased in ice, his body crunched up in pain. Yet, as I stared at him, I noticed the large dent in the train, from before. There was a small bit of blood, but as none of the Pegasi in front of me were bleeding, my thoughts turned dark as I imagined the wounded Guard falling off the train.

I had to make sure no one else got hurt.

Dashing forward, I moved as quick as I could, closing the short distance between myself and King Sombra. “Guards, I’ll take it from here! Get the frozen Pegasus out of here!”

The two Pegasi fighting, didn’t even look at me, before taking off to the sky, moving away from King Sombra. Not a Moment later, the two of them swooped in and grabbed the frozen guard. Leaving Sombra and myself.

“Oh, look. I was waiting for you to show up. Took your sweet time, didn’t you?” King Sombra taunted.

I didn’t respond, only dashed forward, and aimed a Mach Punch right at his face. He jumped back, moving out of my attack, only for my fist to smash into the train card, making yet another dent. I wanted to wonder how I was able to dent metal so easily, but I pushed that thought to the back of my mind. I had more important things to think about.

“Not in the mood to chat? Such a shame, and here I thought I would enjoy having a little chat before we end this little train ride.” With that, he opened his mouth, and fired a blast of ice at me.

I did my best to move out of the way, but it still hit. Getting out of the way of things was rather hard while on top of a moving train. The ice was cold, but it didn’t really hurt. No… it didn’t hurt at all. I smiled as I remembered just what was happening. I was a fire AND fighting type. He was an ice type… I had an advantage, a very distinctive advantage, due to having double resistance. Strange really, ever since I arrived in Equus, I never quite saw myself as a Pokémon since my body was so similar to my old one… But, like my ability to bend metal, I moved that though to the back of my mind.

Dashing forward again, I went to swing a Mach Punch. King Sombra went to get out of the way, but I was expecting him to move this time. His eyes widened as I smacked him in the face, knocking him to the next train cart. He lay motionless for a moment, before he started to laugh.

Standing, he turned to me. “Oh, that hurt. Not me of course, but the Pokémon I’m controlling? Oh she’s in pain, John.”

“The faster I get you out of her, the faster she’ll feel better. Just hang in there Glaceon! This is going to hurt.”

“You can’t hear it, but she’s begging for you not to, you know that?!” King Sombra yelled.

I… didn’t want to talk anymore. Jumping from one cart to another, I moved to punch him again. He, mostly, moved out of the way. My fist striking one of his hind legs. He growled at me, before unleashing a blizzard on the train. The temperature dropped immensely, as the world became white. It didn’t help that it was lightly snowing already, making the attack just a little more annoying. I did my best not to fall off the train, which was getting rather difficult to do since the cold steel that I stood on became slick and icy.

Something hard then slammed into my chest, making me fall onto my back. “You know, I’m starting to think that your only attack is that quick punch you do,” King Sombra spoke up. Before he leaped past me, and landed onto the train Princess Cadance was in.

Scrambling to my feet, I followed him, moving in for yet another attack. Like before, he tried to get out of the way, only to find himself hit right in the face. I was not the only one having problems with ice.

King Sombra, glard up at me as he stood up, before his eyes glowed for a moment, and a sharp and long black crystal shot up towards my face. Moving as fast as I could, I tilted my head to the side, only getting cut along the cheek.

It was then, a large whooshing sound reached my ears, as Yveltal flew alongside the train. My eyes widened as I say a bright glow coming from his mouth. Scrambling down between carts, the world tore apart as Vyletal unleashed a hyper beam across the top of the train. The train was fine, however. As for King Sombra, I did not know. But as Yveltal had a satisfying smile on his face, I would wager that he hit him. I felt sorry for the Glaceon, but it could not be helped.

Standing up, I dusted what snow was on me, before I knocked on the train door. The guards on the inside, as well a Shining Armor, all turned to look at me. I could not hear what they were saying, but the nearest guard moved to open the door.

“John, what’s going on out there?” Shining Armor asked.

“Is King Sombra gone?” Cadance added.

“I… I don’t know. Yveltal seemed to have hit in with a Hyper Beam, but I’m letting him handle it for now. He’s weak though, or is just in a weak body…” Stepping forward, I took a seat next to Holly Heart.

She immediately hugged me. Her head pressing down into my chest. I was taken back at this for a moment, before I placed a hand on her head. “It’s alright, Holly. It’s alright…”

It was not alright. The train jerked, throwing us all forward. I was able to reach out with a hand stopping myself, and Holly, from smacking the seat in front of us. But before anyone could speak up as to why the driver of the train slammed the breaks, the worst sound could be heard. A sound that no one wanted to hear… The sound of a crash. A massive one, that grew louder and louder. The train cart we were in started to violently shake, before we were thrown to the side. I hit the ground hard, Holly landing on my chest. Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close, as I knew what was going to come next… Holly Heart screamed as I held her, before our cart disconnected from the one in front of us, and started to roll over and over. I could hear screaming, as Flubber wrapped himself around Shining and Cadance. Guards screamed in pain as some of them were flung outside of the train. It was hell, but it was short. Out train cart slammed into a tree, knocking Holly and myself from the train. I landed hard on my back, as I still hend Holly within my arms.

It took me a few moments just to catch my breath, before I was able to speak up. “H-Holly?” I started, in a shaky voice. “A-are you… are you alright? Holly?” She just cried. She didn’t answer, but she did cry.

Releasing her from my arms, she rolled off of my chest. Standing up, I glanced down at her, she looked fine. No cuts, just brewses. It took her a long moment before she finally spoke. “John?”

“Yes, Holly?”

“I-I’m.... I’m fine, go… go… go get King Sombra…” She said in a hoarse voice.

Reaching down, she let out a scared whinny as I picked her up. “Only after you’re safe.” She didn’t argue, or fight me, as I started to walk her away from the forest, and towards the upside down train card that we were ejected from.

I could see ponies pulling themselves out of the tran cards, while others lay motionless on the ground. I didn’t want to know if they were just knocked out, or were really… dead. It was hard to think, but as I drew closer, I could see Princess Cadance and Shining Armor pull themselves out of our destroyed train cart. Volt, bruised and battered, lay on Cadance’s back. Flubber along side him, trying to wake him up. My heart skipped a beat, when I saw a Glaceon standing above them, staring down at them.

“Shining! Cadance! He’s right there! Get away!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Shining looked at me, then up at the Glaceon. His reaction to King Sombra’s ice beam was amazing, as a shield went up between King Sombra, and himself. Cadance screamed, as the shield that she, Shining Armor, Flubber and Volt were in was wrapped in thick ice. You could not even see through to see if they were alright.

“You know, you’re beginning to be quite the bother!” King Sombra yelled. “I’m going to enjoy making you-” King Sombra was never able to finish his sentence as Yveltal flew down and clipped him with the tip of his wings, before landing hard behind me.

“You talk too much!” I yelled out.

“I could not agree more,” Yveltal added, before taking back off into the air, and landing next to King Sombra. Moving his beak in, he leaned close to him, his mouth growing again. He was going to do a point blank Hyper Beam, but King Sombra would have none of it. His eyes flashed, before two crystals shot up, slamming into Vyeltal’s jaw, making him fire the blast upward.

Then… King Sombra surprised us as two large Pokémon charged out from some near by trees. It was the Snorlax that Yveltal spoke of, and a Mamoswine. Yveltal would have moved to get out of the way, but Hyper Beam took a lot out of Pokémon, making him an easy target for the on coming heavyweight duo. Both of them slammed hard into Yveltal, with what I suspected was Takedown, or perhaps a Tackle. Either way, Yveltal flew to the side, slamming into one of the crashed train carts. He grunted, before pulling himself up, and talking to the sky.

The distraction of the battle gave me time to find a safe spot for to place Holly Heart. I didn’t want her to get hurt anymore… I didn’t want anyone to get hurt… As I ran away from the battle, Holly Heart still in my arms, I could heard the sounds of wind blasting out as Yveltal used an Air Slash.

As I ran around one of the train cart, I found, to my surprise, Flash Sentry. He was panting, as he pulled a stallion out of a burning train cart. I smiled, and moved towards him. “Flash!”

Glancing up at me, he grinned. “John?! Where are Princess Cadance, and Sir Shining Armor?”

“In a ball of ice, but I think they are alright, I hope…” I moved to place Holly Heart on the ground next to him. “I have a request, if you don’t mind.”

“Er, what?”

“Keep Holly safe. I need to be out and help Yveltal, and I can’t do it if I’m worrying about Holly, besides… She asked me to.”

“And… you better… I’m holding you to… to it…” Holly Heart spoke softly.

“Of course, John… You go do what you’re good-” Flash was cut off as an explosion rang out. Moving quickly, I moved around the corner to see what was going on.

Yveltal was flying low in the sky, his eyes roamed over his three targets. Glaceon, Snorlax and Mamoswine. The larger two had already attacked him, and from the attack, he knew they were strong. Not as strong as he was, far from it, but two of his targets were ice types, and Snorlax knew Ice beam… he had to finish the fight fast, otherwise he would not easily win.

Thinking and moving quick, Yveltal targeting the Glaceon with a Focus Blast. She was the weakest out of the group because of my fight. I smiled. Focus Blast was a fighting type move, and was too fast for King Sombra to get out of the way. It struck home, and it was apparent that it was super effective as King Sombra struggled to stand.

But as he did, he whipped his head towards Yveltal, targeting him with an Ice Beam. And he was one to talk about me not knowing only one move… Sadly, as Yveltal went to move out the way, the blast turned and struck him in his right wing. He grunted loudly as the blast formed a large block of ice on the edge of his wing.

Taking advantage of Yveltals temporary lapse in movement, King Sombra used the Mamoswine to bring forth a large pillar of black crystals. Yveltal let out a hiss, as the sharp crystals cut into the same wing that the ice had been on. Blood splattered out some, but Yveltal did not go down, he only just got angry.

Gritting his beak, Yveltal wipped both wings forward, shattering the dark crystals, and unleashing a flurry of Oblivion wings. The blast racked across King Sombra’s three Pokémon, blasting them back. The Snorlax flew back and destroyed the upper half the a tree, while the Mamoswine just rolled back. The Glaceon, on the other hand, slammed hard into a large rock, before falling to the ground. What bit of King Sombra that was held inside of her, bursted out of her, and drifted into the Snorlax, who was closest to her.

I took notice of this, and my eyes narrowed.

Growling, King Sombra in the Snorlax’s body, stood up and grabbed the large rock that Glaceon smacked into, before throwing it. I noticed that the thrown rock was a move… It was Smack Down. Yveltal, with his wounded wing, could not get out of the way, before the massive rock slammed into him. Knocking him to the ground.

Slowly pulling himself up, Yveltal looked forward to see several rocks floating and glowing around Mamoswine. The Ancient Power attack slammed into him, but Yveltal was still standing. Before he fired out another Focus Blast attack, blowing the Mamoswine through yet another innocent tree.

Unable to fly, and in pain, Yveltal was not able to move, as the Snorlax bared in on him. Unleashing a Blizzard. Yveltal let out cry as the ice cold air around him stung his skin. More ice and snow started to form around his body, and it was easy to tell that he was not having a good time fighting two Pokémon that were strong against him.

He let out another cry of anguish as two beams of ice smashed into him, and then… it happened. He was encased in ice. His eyes were opened in anger and fear, staring out at King Sombra. To my dismay, King Sombra reached out with his magic, a dark aura formed around the frozen Yveltal… I feared what came next… In my mind, we lost. King Sombra just got his hooves on Yveltal…

“Why is this not working?!” King Sombra growled as he tried again and again, only to slam into what felt like a wall. “What is stopping me from taking over this worthless things life? Do I not deserve this?!” I… smiled despite the situation. Something, though I don’t know what, was stopping King Sombra from taking over Yveltal… and seeing him frustrated like this was honestly quite satisfying. “Ah, no matter,” King Sombra, in the body of Snorlax, slowly turned to me. “At least I have the next best thing…”

It was at this moment that I realized that what I did wrong. I didn’t help. I wanted to go and help, but I just stood there, watching. Doing nothing as Yveltal lost. He was sent here to help stop King Sombra, but he needed help, and as much as I wanted everyone to stay safe, and wanted to go out and take care of King Sombra myself, I just stood there and watched…

“Damn it…” I told myself, clenching my fist, before raising them in a fighting stance. “Should have done this earlier…” I scolded myself as the two heavyweights loomed closer to me.

Dashing forward, I didn’t give King Sombra the time to speak or think. Slamming my Mach Punch into the Snorlax’s gut, he let out a grunt as he stumbled back.

“Damn… Didn’t think you would hit that hard to something this big,” King Sombra smiled. “Good. Shows that you’re worth taking over.”

The Mamoswine started to charge me, yet I was too small of a target for his trust to impale me, but it didn’t matter as the rest of him slammed into me, knocking me backwards, slamming into the train cart that Flash and Holly were behind.

My back was stiff as I stood up. I was glad that I wasn’t able to feel things, because I suspected that I had just thrown my back out, or at least, would not be able to walk straight. But, like many things going on, it was not my top priority. Getting out of the way of the charging Snorlax was, and luckily, Tackle was not a hard move to dodge, but an Ice Beam was. As I side stepped King Sombra’s charging attack, his other self shot me with a rather ineffective attack.

Shrugging of the ice, I slammed another Mach Punch into King Sombra’s Snorlax, and before he could even turn around to face me, I followed up with another. This one aimed for the back of his spine. Both hit, and both made him angry, before he backhand me with a Giga Impact. Something that I thought was both impossible, funny, yet very painful.

Even my landing hurt, as I slammed into the ball of ice that Princess Cadance and Shining Armor were in. As I did, the ice shattered, revealing my friends inside. Shining still had his shield up, but at Cadance’s scream, he dropped it and moved to grab me and help me up.

Then… I noticed Flubber was awake. He zipped over to me, mouth in a frown as he saw me laying on the ground, and then something rare happened. I saw Flubber get mad. The normally happy-go-lucky pink blob of doom, was angry, and throughout my life, I had never seen him mad, and I’m glad I did.

Morphing his pink body, he began to grow rapidly to gigantic size, taking the form of an Onix, before charging King Sombra’s Snorlax. King Sombra braced himself, but Flubber’s attack didn’t come in a form of a charge. No, he flicked himself upwards, and carrying his moment, morph into a Snorlax himself, before slamming into King Sombra. Though he braced himself, King Sombra was not expect what Flubber did, and toppled over, Flubber’s massive weight on top of him.

The weight disappeared as Flubber changed into Primeape, and started to slam his fist over and over into King Sombra’s face. I think he was doing Close Combat, but it was hard to tell, as all I could hear was King Sombra screaming get this thing off of me.

The Mamoswine that King Sombra did so by firing a blast of Powder Snow, though I found it funny that he had to order himself around to just do something. Flubber, didn’t have any of it, and continued to punch the Snorlax. It was… something that I didn’t approve of, but it had to be done. If this was a normal Pokémon battle, Flubber would have to be forced back into his Pokéball, for the Snorlax’s face started to swell up larger than normal, before a dark cloud left the the Snorlax’s body, and instead of drifting off to the Mamoswine, went off into the forest...

It wasn’t ‘till I called out for him to stop, that he turned his attention to Mamoswine. Leaping off of Snorlax, he charged the massive Pokémon. Changing into a Serperior, and slithering his way to King Sombra’s other Pokémon. King Sombra did his best to stop Flubber with a volley of Black Crystals that jutted out of the ground every which way, but Flubber was fast and knew his body well enough for all the spikes to miss, before he wrapped his body around the Mamoswine. King Sombra struggled for a moment, before Flubber started to grow and his body shifted to that of a Torterra. King Sombra’s legs gave out under him, as Flubber used Mega Drain on him. The life blasting out of him, King Sombra let out a loud cry of anger. Flubber was too much for him.

Yet King Sombra may be down, he was not out. Shaking violently, he used Thrash to get Flubber off of him. It worked, and Flubber landed hard on his back, before melting down into a small monster truck, and driving away from King Sombra at top speeds, as King Sombra was now chasing him down. His trusts looming behind Flubber, Flubber shifted into a small Joltik, allowing King Sombra to run over him. Without getting harmed.

“You think you’re clever?!” King Sombra screamed. “Tell me how you feel after this!” A ball of energy formed around, a massive one that we could tell was Hyper Beam, but King Sombra wasn’t aiming for Flubber. He was aiming for… Shining Armor, Princess Cadance and myself.

Moving as fast as he could, Flubber jumped with in the beams path. Transforming into a large brick wall. A massive explosion rang forth, and Flubber smacked into my chest. He wasn't moving, yet he stopped the blast. I placed my hand on him, eyes wide. King Sombra had to do a dirty trick just to take Flubber out...

I gritted my teeth as I stared down at Flubber… He was one of my closest Pokémon… Closest friends. He would always be near by, messing around at one point or another, but be would never leave me… Always being there, like Snow, Lex and Eclipse. Always being at my side, literally…. And he had just saved us from that blast…

Holding Flubber close, I stood up. “Please, Cadance. Keep him safe,” I said, handing Flubber to Cadance. She took him in her magic, and nodded to me. Her eyes watery. “Shining, take Cadance and get out of hear. Go hide, or run. Just get away from here.”

“Come on Cadance, let’s get you, Flubber and Volt out of here.” Shining Armor stood up, and helped his wife to his feet before they started to run away.

“That’s right, run. It won't save you…” King Sombra started. “After I’m done here, I’m going to use all of you to take over the Crystal Empire. There is no escape!”

“I said it before, I’ll say it again… You talk too much,” I growled, right before I socked him in the face with another Mach Punch. With his size, he didn’t budge much, but he did feel it, or at least, the Pokémon did… I wanted to put King Sombra in a world of pain, but all I was doing was harming the Pokémon he was in, but was it worth it? Yes.. It will force him out of them.

Opening his mouth, he fired a laser of ice at my face. It felt as if I was hit in the face with a snowball, but again, I punched him in the face. This time he let out a grunt of anger, before charging me down. Unlike before, I didn’t just let him hit me. I leaped up a bit, and stood on one of his tusks. He growled at me, and tried to shake me off, but I held on, and went for another blow. He had to give up at some point, he was in a ice Pokémon after all. Fighting was strong against him!

And… it happened. Another Mach Punch to the face did it... King Sombra let out another grunt, before the Mamoswine fell over… And a dark energy fled from his body, I watched it. It had to be going to the Original King Sombra, right…

But as I trailed the dark mist, my eyes widened as a lump formed in my thought. King Sombra was not finished… He was far from done… Standing strong in a metal body, King Sombra was a Aggron, but…Clenched in his left hand was Flash Sentry, and in his right… was Holly Heart… Both were struggling in his hold, as his massive hands grabbed their heads. By heart stopped when Holly Heart cried out in pain…

“Give up, or they get what’s coming to them,” King Sombra smiled. He’d… he’d won… I fell to my knees. Just staring at them. I knew if i tried something, they would get hurt… I could not let them get hurt… I can’t let them get hurt! “Good… Good…” He’d… won…

King Sombra did a dirty trick... Again… He’d used what I held dear to me, to stop me from taking him down. Flash was a friend, while Holly Heart was more… I had feeling for her, and the thought of seeing her harmed made me angry, yet sad at the same time.

Reaching out with his magic, I felt King Sombra force his way inside of me… It was a painful feeling. As if my mind was being liquefied, forced to the side as something new took hold! What’s worse, is that I could hear him inside of he. He was laughing, and I knew he could hear me. Reading my thoughts as he took control!

“We’ll you’re not what I was expecting you to be, now are you?” I heard King Sombra say inside my mind. “Oh, and what’s this? Love?!” He stated in disgust. “Oh, for this mare? No wonder you gave up so easily… But with how much trouble you’ve put me though, I think it’s time to enact some vengeance for what you did to me.”

I felt it. I felt what King Sombra was going to do. Was going to have me do. I started to scream, as my body stood up. Step by step he made me walk to Holly… I wanted to cry, I wanted to to stop, I wanted to get King Sombra out of my mind, but all I could so I watch as I moved closer, and closer! Him, Sombra… was going to make me hurt Holly… He was going to take… her life, by my hand…

“AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” I screamed, to both King Sombra’s surprise, and my own. I was NOT going to let him do it… I was not going to let him force my hand! No matter how hard it hurt, not matter what happened, he was not going to harm her, especially not with my body.

“What!? How are you able to resist?!”

It hurt. The pain that I felt burned. All through my body, I could feel King Sombra, trying to control me, to force me to do something I would forever regret! The pain that I felt was worse than the day I saved Lex, but no matter how horrible it felt, I had to endure! King Sombra screamed in rage, as I felt a him push into me again. I screamed, and my body light ablaze. My skin started steam, as the pressure and pain I feel made my nose bleed. It was so distracting that I didn’t notice I was still screaming.

“Stop fighting me, or I’ll crush your loves skull myself!” Threatened King Sombra.

And there it was, the boiling point. Rage, pain, fear… I could not tell which was what at this point. My blood felt as if it was boiling, while my rage matched it. The feeling of King Sombra in my mind left, as my world turned red. I would not have him harm Holly Heart! I would not have him harm Holly Heart, with my body. I would not have KING SOMBRA ALIVE AT ALL!

As soon as I felt King Sombra out of my mind, I dashed forward at speeds that I did not know I could run at, and slammed into him. I didn’t try to attack him with a move, I just wanted to hit him, and hit him I did. He didn’t just stumble back, he was launched back, and slammed into one of the train carts, denting it inward. Holly and Flash Sentry both fell to the ground, and when I turned to see if they were safe, Flash was picking up Holly and placing her on his back.

“Go!” He yelled. “I got Holly, just end this!”

I nodded, and turned away from him. King Sombra was slowly pulling himself out of the train cart. The Aggron’s chest was badly burned, and King Sombra struggled to move. I glanced down at my hand, there had to be a reason why he was burned… And there it was. My arm, nobody was on fire. A light blue flame engulfed my form. I HAD used an attack. It was… Flare Blitz, I believed. I smiled.

Since I faced Shining Armor, I didn’t really try to see if I knew any more attacks. All I knew was how to throw a punch, but what were the chances that I could breath fire? Breath… fire… Taking a deep breath, I imaged a fire blast rocketing out and blowing King Sombra up. And… It happened. To my surprise, a Fire Blast shot out. King Sombra screamed in pain as the fire erupted around him. I could see the train cart he lay upon melt under his weight. He’d felt that one… Good. It’s not the Aggron that was in pain, but him!

I smiled, as I easily closed the distance between us, before jumping onto the train with King Sombra. “This is your end, King Sombra. Now leave that Pokémon, so I can make your death quick!”

He spat at me, before opening his mouth and trying to fire some sort of attack. Key word being trying, as I grabbed his mouth with my hands, clenching it shut. To this, King Sombra started to struggle, throwing the Aggron's arms out and about. They were easy to dodge, but it wasn’t till King Sombra used unleashed a blast of Metal Burst, did I get blown back. But the pain that it brought was nothing like before. Meaningless in comparison to what he was going to make me do.

Stumbling off of the ground, I stood up, to see King Sombra readying himself. He had pulled himself out of the melted train cart, and was giving me the stink eye. I smiled at him, and beckoned him to come to me with a wave of my hand. He just shook his head, before slowly moving himself towards me.

I wasn't having any of it. Still on fire, still in pain, and still angry, I slammed into King Sombra, but this time I used Mach Punch. Again, King Sombra flew back, but as he flew his lower body slammed into the train, making him flip up-and-over the train cart. I moved fast, as to keep on eye on him. Didn’t want him sneaking off now, did I? And I’m glad I did, as I stared down at the Aggron, a dark mist seeped out of him. Before slowly forming into King Sombra. The real King Sombra…

“I’m beginning to hate you more than that damned Princess you hold so fondly...” His horn flashed, as several pillars of black sharp crystals jetted for my body and face.

I moved bobbed between them, and most of the missed. Some cut into me, but the pain was miniscule, compared what I was going to do to him. He readied himself, before I drew near, and as I went in for an attack, he fired a wall of crystals up as a shield. I… shattered his shield, and his eyes went wide as I continued my charge.

As he jumped to the side, I just missed King Sombra but mere inches. His horn flared up again, as another crystal came forth, impaling my arm. I slammed my fist into the crystal, breaking it, before ripping it out of my arm. King Sombra had put some distance between us while I was occupied.

His eyes widened, before ducking, as the crystal he used on me whizzed past his head. Glancing back to me, he found me charging him again. He was about to summon more crystals, but before he could, I felt myself speed up, be it from adrenaline or anger, but either way, I smashed right through the growing wall of crystal, and right into him with the intensity of a freight train… Knocking him into one of the train carts...

“Damn you…” He growled, before his horn glowed softly, before he started to into mist. He was going to run, but I wan not going to let that happen. Dashing forward, I rammed my first into his face, somehow hitting him while he was still solid. He flew back, while a scream of pain escaped his lips. Yet it wasn’t just a scream. It was the first time I, or anyone for that matter, had harmed him… And it made me feel good.

“You...you will NOT defeat me!” Sombra growled, but I was beyond caring for a word that came out his muzzle. Instead, I grabbed him and without thinking, slammed him into the train cart he was next to, before punching him in the face, over and over. I pushed myself harder than ever before. After all the horrors that he had done to ponies, Pokémon, and more importantly, people I cared for without so much as a HINT of remorse... mercy was a foreign concept to me at this point, evident by the last blow that sent him flying a good few feet, before he landed with a sickening crack.

It took King Sombra a moment to stand. Unlike Pokémon, he was not as durable, and as he stood up, he was swaying back and forth, as if he was dizzy, before he broke into a run. As he did, I started to chase. He was much slower then me, and even though he had a head started, I caught up to him. Again, his horn was glowing, but this time, I didn’t punch him. I grabbed his horn with my flaming hand, and he let out a scream as the heat I exert burned his horn.

Giving a hard yank, I stopped him from running, and his screaming grew, as I held him in the air. He tried to use magic, but when his horn started to glow, his screams became louder. Drawing my other hand back, I brought it around and slapped him as hard as I could. A massive burned hand print appeared across his face. Releasing King Sombra, I brought the same hand that slapped him, and before he fell two inches, my first impacted his muzzle. He flew back several feet, and slammed hard into a tree.

With one of his eyes swollen shut, bleeding from the muzzle, he slowly looked up at me as I drew closer to him. “No…” He spoke. “This...this can’t be…! How are you doing this?! You are just...just…!“ I could see the fear in his eye, before his horn flared up. A black crystal shot up just to my right. It cut into my arm some, but with what was going on, I didn’t really feel it. But for King Sombra… he did, as I slammed my first into his head, just at the base of the horn. He let out the loudest scream yet as his horn shattered, while he was sent tumbling back, his magic useless now with the loss of his horn... But it was not over. He was still here, still alive…

Taking a deep breath, I grabbed him by his mane, and hoisted him up, before I unleashed what fire I could down upon him. His screams left him as his body started to turn to ash… And never ever have I imagined that I would do something such as this to a living creature, but after everything that he had put me through… after what he did to Pokémon, it was a fitting death.

And… it was over. He was gone. His crown was glowing red hot in a pile of ash… I let myself relax, before falling backwards, landing hard on the grass and snow, which spontaneously combusted… I felt my body relax, and the world around me became blurry. The cold air felt good on my body as I was no longer on fire… It… was good…

I could hear sounds around me. Hoof steps in the snow, but I held my eyes closed. I was… tired. I needed a nap after everything… I needed a lot of things… I still had the chill from when King Sombra tried to take me over, but the longer I lay there, the harder it was to stay awake…


It wasn’t for a while, until I awoke. The first thing I noticed was the sky, and the bright sun. It felt… pleasant as the rushing of air whizzed past me.

“John? Guys, John’s awake!” I heard Volt say… Looking down at my chest, I found him sitting there… Smiling at me. He then latched himself to my face. “John! I’m so glad you’re awake,” He whimpered. “Everyone was saying that you needed help! That you needed a doctor again, but I knew better. No one can take you down!”

I just breathed, as he hugged me, before looking around. To my right was Holly, she quickly followed in Volt’s example, hanging my chest, crying. If I was not in pain, I would have placed a hand on her side, but the idea of moving was… painful. Just above me was Shining and Cadance… And…

“Are we flying?” I weakley asked.

“Good to see you’re finally awake.” Yveltal’s voice spoke up. “And yes… We are flying… It was the least I could after what you did to King Sombra.”

“How are you feeling, John?” Cadance asked.

I slowly looked at her, her mane was a mess, but other then that she looked fine. “Like a wet noodle…”

Shining laughed, before letting out a sigh. “Sorry…”

“Don’t worry… It was a joke…” I mumbled. There was then something grabbing onto my left shoulder, and as I looked over, Flubber, battered and bruised, smiled at me. And as Volt and Holly, he hugged me. “Hey… Flubber, good work… protected the Princess…” I weakly spoke.

We all became silent after that. No one knew what to say. What do you say after something like that? Some would congratulate me, but this was not the time or the place… Some would have me rushing to a hospital, which was a great idea if I do say so myself… Others would cheer out for the death of King Sombra… But… no. That’s not what needed to be said.

As much as it hurt me, I slowly moved my right arm, and placed my hand on Holly’s head. She stopped crying and looked up at me in surprise. “Are you alright?” I asked.

She shook her head. “No, John. Don’t think about me, just… Just concentrate on healing, ok?”

It was my turn to shake my head. “Holly?”


I smiled at her. The fight with King Sombra told me two things… The first was how to fight, but that was not what I was thinking about… No, it was what King Sombra had said. How he had felt love inside of me, something that I felt for Holly Heart. “I love you…”

Author's Note:

Editors Notes-
Zues- I loved it. The fights were amazing.
Aus- Error, note not written.
TDN- A good end to a good story. It’s been a fun ride

Bubba- Is this end? No. But it is to the King Sombra arch, as well as King Sombra. Oh, and didn't I say I'll be busting my a** to get this out? Well, I did. Three days ago, I had 1500 words written down. Now? and now it's 10,550. (or so.)
I want Comments! If you read this, you have to comment. Even if you have nothing to say, I want to know what you liked about this, and what you think of it all. I helps me come up with more ideas, now what was good.

As always, I hope you enjoyed, and we'll be seeing you again soon.
(Oh, and fallow me. This may be the last chapter for "A New World, Burning and Old way." But's not the last chapter for John and his family. What I am trying to say is, we may have another story on our hands. Still going to be told from the eyes of John, but a different tittle, but I may just keep using this one.)