• Published 12th Jun 2014
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A New World, Burning an Old Way - xBUBBA1995x

John, a pokemon Officer of the law, finds himself in a world of Ponies. And to top it off, he had been changed into a pokemon. But as a Dark force falls upon the Crystal Empire, it falls to him to help save the day... A very painful day...

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Chapter 19: Canterlot part One

New World, Burning an Old Way

Written by: xBUBBA1995x
Edited by: zeusdemigod131
Edited by: tdnpony
Edited by: Ausbrony

Special Guests and Pre-reader:
TheOneVolcarona, writer of A New World, a New Champion

Chapter 19: Canterlot part One

As we approached Canterlot, Holly helped me up so that I could see the great city. Compared to the pictures I had found in my studies, the city looked rather amazing. From the beautiful white castle, to the massive waterfalls, and unlike the Crystal Empire, it was not snowing, which meant the mountain and surrounding areas were green as could be. It was a good sight to see, after the long, and painful, trip.

King Sombra was dead, and that left only one thing to do. The World Summit, followed by a long rest. Over the flight, Yvetal didn’t really speak, and when he did he was rather short about things. He wasn’t the most friendly of Pokemon, but his company was pleasant. Shining and Cadance, well, they kept going on and on about how I was able to win… I was rather taken back at what they had to say, really, but at some point, I had to block it out. Just staying awake was giving me a headache, and after a while, so where they…

“I see a landing platform,” Yveltal started, before he slowly turned his body, drifting towards Canterlot Castle.

We all became quiet as we looked down on the city as it drew closer. I could see the street building, while ponies, as well as other types of creatures, Pokemon or otherwise, flying about. But my view was blocked by Holly, who smiled at me.

“I’m going to help you down, alright?” I nodded to her, before the world was darkened slightly as we docked, or to be more exact, as Yveltal came to a landing in a hanger.

At first glance, I didn’t really know what to think of it. The airships in the hanger all seemed, in there one way, strange but functional, yet as Holly Heart helped me slowly slide down Yveltal’s wing, there was a flash of gold, before…

Arceus… He was standing before me… I knew he was going to be here, but until now, the magnitude of standing before him was… well, nothing. My mind was on other priorities. Standing aside him was Princess Celestia. I knew this because of both the descriptions I was given, and from the pictures of her. She had a regal look, and was rather taken back, from the looks of it. Did Arceus teleport them here without her knowing?

“Princess, this is Yveltal,” Arceus spoke, jestering towards the dark Pokemon. Celestia stared at Yveltal for a moment, before she turned her attention to Princess Cadance.

“Aunty!” Cadance yelled, before running past all of us, and giving Celestia a hug. Celestia embraced Cadance, before glancing back to Yveltal, then to Cadance, then to shining.

“What happened to all of you?” Arceus asked, his voice stern, before he walked over to Yveltal, leaned in, and used his power to heal the dark type.

“Thank you, father…” Yveltal started, before he relaxed his body. “The train… was attacked. By King Sombra.”

Princess Celestia gasped. “Are you alright?” She asked worryingly. The answer, for myself at least, was no.

Slowly nodding, Cadance smiled. “He surprised us, but John and Yveltal managed to drive him back far enough so that they could…” Cadance’s voice quivered at the end, and… I knew why. She had a great view of King Sombra turning to ask, and even though it was a joyous occasions, seeing something like that was not good.

“That stallion won't be bothering anyone ever again…” Yveltal chuckled darkly.

Arceus let out a sigh of relief. “That is good to hear, now why don’t I send you back to the temple to get some rest? You’ve more than earned it, my son.” With a nod of Yveltal’s head, there was another flash of gold, before he was gone.

“We didn’t get to say thank you,” I muttered to myself.

“Now, before we move on,” Arceus started, his eyes roaming over to me, before moving to Princess Cadance. “I would like to know exactly how he died. In detail, if you don’t mind.”

“Let’s see…” Shining Armor started, “Would you rather we just tell you the end of it, or should we go over the whole train ride?”

“Since we don’t have much time before the meeting starts, the short version will be suffice.” Arceus answered.

“Alright, Lord Arceus, after… getting King Sombra out of the Pokemon he was controlling, John… burned him to death,” Shining Armor answered, before stepping over to Cadance. “It was… not the best of sights, but it was worth seeing him like that after what he did to Cadance…”

“Well, it’s good to know that it’s all over,” Leaning down, Arceus used Healing Pulse, and what wounds Cadance and Shining had vanished. “At a later date, we shall discuss this more at length. I would like to know the full version of the events that transpired on your way here.”

There was a loud sound as the door at the front of the hanger bursted open, several ponies and Pokemon started to step in. Among the few in the front was a lavender alicorn, rushing forth. “Shining! Cadance!” She called out, before rushing up and hugging the two. “The Princess just told me about King Sombra!” I smiled at I watched. This had to be Twilight Sparkle, the newly crowned Princess. Cadance said she was a bit dramatic, and it shows.

“Not a Dragon?” Glancing over to the next figure was a midnight blue alicorn, and through process of elimination, and the fact that I know what they look like, I knew this to be Princess Luna.

“One of his,” Celestia answered her sister, jestering to Arceus.

My attention was then occupied by Lord Arceus, who stepped closer to me, before leaning in, and as he had done for Yveltal, Cadance and Shining, a soothing glow engulf me as he used Healing pulse.

My body relaxed as all the pain went away. My shoulders slumped down, and I smiled as a relaxing feeling came over me. “Thank you, Lord Arceus,” I spoke softly, as she he was the only one that could hear be, besides Holly Heart, who had been at my side this whole time. Like me, she had a relaxing feeling flowing through her, and it showed.

“Now that that’s taken care of,” Arceus started, “I believe some introductions are in order?” He was specifically looking at me, as he spoke.

I nodded, before stepping forward. “Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Lord Arceus…” As I spoke there names, I gave a low bow. “My name is John Williams, International Pokemon Police, it is a pleasure to meet you, and this,” I reached out a hand, and placed it softly on Holly’s back. “Is my marefriend Holly Heart,” Holly blushed at his, but gave a bow. I smiled at her, for a moment, before turning my attention back to them. “I’m looking forward to the relaxing life of politics while I am here…”

There was a light snore from my shoulder, before I remember that Volt had fallen asleep while on the flight over here. “Oh, and this little fellow is Volt. Please do not give him sugar…” I didn’t realise it at the time, but I forgot to introduce Flubber, who at the time was transformed into my old trenchcoat.


For more details of the International meeting, please go and read chapter 41 of

For the sake of not being redundant, I will be cutting it out.


The first part of the international meeting was rather… informative. The world leaders were nice, well, most of them, and some, not all, of their advisors were tolerable. It was really just a day of memory as Lord Arceus showed us memories of what he deemed good and bad in humans, and as to why he had to leave. He… Even mentioned me as to why some of us are worth bring to Equus… I didn’t even recognize myself...

Slowly I raised the glass of water to my lips, as I finished eating my meal. Since the first part of the meeting had ended, and we were all given time to go out and refresh our minds, I had taken it upon myself to request a large meal. I was starving after everything that had occurred prior, and as I really only had coffee to start the day off, it was understandable as to why I was so hungry.

But as I ate, my attention was taken to several groups of Pokemon and those who accompany them. I had met a man named Gene, and his, as I learned, so to be wife Belle. I knew who they were before speaking to them, just didn’t know it. I smiled as I watched them leave the dining hall. Back on Earth, their love had been marked as a crime, and before, I would not care what happened to them, as I had more important matters. But now… after meeting Holly, I knew what they felt, or at least, I had the chance to. It was a great thing, and now that they are here in Equus they could live in peace.

Most of the other groups I had decided to stay away from, with Sev and his, I would not call it an army as I do not see it as such, but his… group, were on the top of that list. I heard of a Luxray named Seth that had been quite helpful toward Canterlot, but I did not see him, nor did I ask. But in the end, if you were to ask me how was my first impressions of everyone? Well…

Princess Twilight Sparkle… when she was not with Cadance and Shining, she was mostly staring at me in wonder. Probably wondering how the hell I was able to deal with King Sombra… and I don’t think I knew the answer to it, really.

Princess Celestia? Understanding, and thankful. She welcomed my presence with open arms, er, hooves, as Cadance, Shining and I spoke with her before I went off to eat. Really, my view of her was like Princess Cadance. They ruled the land, but I knew that they were just ponies that were looking for their ponies.

Princess Luna? I had yet to really speak with her, so my opinion was rather… invalid. I didn’t know anything about her, or how she acted, and the same went for the rest of the World Leaders, at least, for now…

Yet for now, I had to return to the meeting. Lunch and come and gone, our minds were cleared, and it was about time that we got back to work...


Golden Horn was unable, or unwilling, to understand that most Pokemon meant no harm. During the course of the rest of the meeting, he did his best to make us see just how bad Pokemon could be… It made me sick. After everything he had said, I wanted to spit at him. But I didn’t… I only stayed calm. It was… easy to stay calm. After all, he wasn’t as bad as King Sombra. However, it wasn’t till I spoke up, that he, as well as anyone who also did not like the idea of Pokemon staying on Equus, that no matter what, Pokemon were not going to leave, and that forcing them to do so again would be a tragedy, did he finally ceased his statements about it.

Yes, a Pokemon could go on a rampage. Yes, Pokemon can be deadly. But as far as I saw it, so could any other form of life. King Sombra, a unicorn stallion, was able to kill. What about a Minotaur? Or a Pegasus? Or even a Deer? We are all able to harm and hurt… So why could he not understand that?

My anger of Golden Horn rose and fell as the meeting went on, as I had to concentrate on other matters. Cadance would silently ask me a question here and there, but overall the meeting was rather straightforward. Nothing real surprising happened after my initial outburst, yet I feel as if the other world Leaders were avoiding something, but at the same time, I wasn’t in the right state of mind...

And… I’m still not. As the meeting came to an end, Arceus came up to me, asking if he and I could speak about what went on during the train ride. Seeing as we said we already said we would speak to him, I requested that both Cadance and Shining be there, recalling what they felt.

“Of course,” Arceus spoke. “I wished to speak to them as well. Come to the meeting room a little later, I’ll be waiting for you there.”

“Alright, I shall see you then, Lord Arceus. If you excuse me, I have…” I trailed off, thinking of the right word. “A mare to see…” I finished, not wanted to label anything.

As I started to walk away, and head towards the dining hall as before, I knew Holly would be waiting for me, for our little double date with Cadance and Shining. They had told me that they needed to do something before they showed up, and I suspected it had something to do with Twilight, as they had walked off with her.

But that didn’t matter as my eyes fell upon her green coat. Holly was facing away from me, and speaking to one of the chefs. She didn’t notice me as I strolled up to her. The sheff motioned to Holly, but stopped when I held a finger to my lips.

“Really?” She started. “You don’t have Oran Berries?” Holly asked, and it made me smile.

“Sorry, Ma’am. I have no idea what that is. Does it have anything to do with Pokemon, by the way?”

“Yeah… I was hoping to get somepony something special.”

“You’re special sompony wouldn’t happen to be a tall fire monkey, right?”

“Um… Yes?” She slowly turned around, and jumped at the sight of me. “Oh, John… um… didn’t know you were here…”

“I know,” I smiled at her. “So, you’re looking to get my Oran Berries?”

“Um…” She blushed in embarrassment.

Reaching out with a hand, I placed it on her head. “Come on,” I started. “Let’s get a table so that when Cadance and Shining get’s here we can order something to eat.”

She nodded, face still red.


It was not the same room as before… As Shining Armor, Cadance, Holly, and myself went off to see Lord Arceus, we found ourself in a whole other place. From the cold stone of Canterlot, to a sizable room made of white marble. It was… nothing as it was before.

“I think we made a wrong turn…” Cadance started, not seeing Arceus sitting at the end of a massive table.

“No, Princess. You made it to the right place,” Arceus chimed up, gaining our attention. ‘Welcome to the Hall of Legends! Home of my children, and to myself. Please, sit.

“This isn’t the same room as before…” Shining muttered, glancing to the door, then around the room.

“So we wouldn’t have to worry about being interrupted I changed the destination of the door so it lead to the Hall of Legends, rather than the meeting room Canterlot.” He glanced down at them for a moment. “If you’d prefer, we do not have to speak here, though seeing as we are here to begin with, we should start.”

“It’s… fine?” Cadance asked, turning to me.

I nodded. “We’re already here, may as well…” I saw it. It was just for a moment, but the room shrank down. “Get to business…” I looked over to my friends and lover, and none of them seem to had noticed it.

“Well then,” Cadance started, taking a set. “What questions do you wish to ask?”

“I would like a detailed summary of the events that lead up to King Sombra’s death.”

“Seeing as I had a first hand involvement…” I started. “I’ll start…”

As I started to recall my tail, I could see Arceus getting angry. From how King Sombra harmed ponies with his Pokemon, to how King Sombra didn’t care if the Pokemon were hurt… but Arceus didn't speak. Not even when I described that pain I felt when he forced his way into my mind and body. It was not till I was finished... “I wish I had ignored the Princess’ warning,” he said, shaking his head. “That monster would have been dead... no, no he would have WISHED for death after I got hold of him!” The room shook as he yelled, making Holly eep.

“I’m just glad… that I got him out of me… I could feel what he was going to make me do!” I cried out, slamming my fist into the marble table before me, crashing it highly. “Sorry…” I muttered, apologies for breaking the table.

“W-what was he going to make you do?” Cadance stuttered. Though my retailing of events, Cadance and Shining both had grim expressions, Holly even more so, but now.. they just looked worried for me.

I looked over at Holly. He wanted me to kill her. To use my own hands… to slowly wrap around her neck and… I clenched my eyes shut and grabbed my head. “No… Please, don’t make me think about it…”

“John?” Holly started, placing her hand on my shoulder. “It’s alright. We’re here… you don’t have to speak about it…”

“Alright, who’s gone through a recent traumatic experience?” A voice spoke up. We all turned to see Mesprit, staring at us. I had known who she was through Team Rocket files, but this was the first time I had seen her in person.

Arceus sighed. “John, Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, Holly Heart, this is my daughter Mesprit, Guardian of Emotion.”

“And speaking of emotions, I’ve felt a great disturbance coming from this room. So. Who is it?” I… stared at her for a moment. I didn’t really know what to say, but simple raised my hand. “Mmmhhh….” She hummed, as she flew over to me. “Well you certainly look like you went through something. Well come on, tell me what it was so I can help you.”

“What?” Holly started.

“I’m the Guardian of Emotions, here to make him stop feeling so down.”

I glanced over at Arceus, then over to Mesprit. “I’m sorry, but no… I don’t want to talk about it…” I started.

“Well the sooner you talk about it, the better. You don’t want to go and have a moment now do you? You may hurt someone. I’ve seen it before. Trust me on this, I know what I am talking about.”

“For now, John said no. I request that you leave it here for now.” Cadance said in a polite voice, though I could tell she was annoyed. I was… getting there. In most cases, talking about your problem was good, but… I now know how Weavile felt. When she had the scared look in her eye.

Mesprit, please do not harass John. He’s been through much, and while I am sure you know what you’re talking about, for now, just leave it. John can come and speak to you when he feels like he is ready.”

Mesprit floated there for a moment, before letting out a sigh. “Alright, fine Dad. But you,” She pointed at me. “I’m going to help you…” With that she flew out of the room.

“She’s very forward…” Shining muttered.

“She takes her job seriously,” Arceus said with a sigh.

I let out a groan, as I placed a hand on my head. I… had a headache.

“I think it would be best if we leave,” Princess Cadance started. “Arceus, it was a pleasure speaking with you. I hope you found what John had to say, informative, but for now… I think he should be getting to bed.”

“Truer words have never been spoken…” I declared, before standing up. “I… hope you were not joking about that invite, Arceus. Because…” I trailed off again, thinking about Holly…

“Yes, my door is always open to you, John. I hope you get well.

Standing up, I gave a bow, before turning to Holly. “Um, Holly?”


“Can you come make my room fire proof?”

She chucked slightly, before nodding.


Sleep was a graceful thing. After the day I had, I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep, and unlike the short nap I had while on Yveltal’s back, this was several hours long… Several amazing hours of relaxing sleep… Which came to an end through a wake up call. I understood why I was woken up, could not miss the meeting after all, but couldn’t they at least let me sleep in past seven?

Sadly, the answer was no, but I did my best to ignore it, and only since I was able to eat breakfast with Holly. Since we arrived in Canterlot, though she had not been in the meeting, she had been helping Cadance on the side. Letting her know what was what, and who was who. Like me, she did not want to wake up in the morning, but unlike me, she had the luxury of going back to sleep. At least, for an hour or two, while the meeting was going on.

“You should slow down, John. Don’t want to choke,” Holly gave me a confused smile as she watched me eat from across the table. I had just eaten my third bowl of our meal, and was working on the fourth. “Or, um, get fat?”

Swallowing my food, as to not be impolite, I returned her smile. “Well, I don’t want Volt to take my food again,” I joked, before taking on a sad smile. “But really, I’ve been starving since I woke up. I think it has to do with me being a Pokemon or something. I know Pokemon needed good healthy food to fight, but I’m rather surprised by it. really. Eclipse never had to eat this much…”

“Well… Just slow down, alright. Oh, and you have something hanging,” Using her magic, she lifted a napkin up and wiped the side of my face. “There we go…”

“Thank you, Holly,” I gave her a nod, before returning to my food. I was currently eating cherry oatmeal. Before this one, it was apple, then banana, and then raisins.

We stayed quiet for the most part as we sat there. The meeting didn’t start for a while, and we didn’t have anything to do. I thought about started a simple conversation, perhaps asking her something about Equestria or herself, yet… to my surprise, I found it rather hard to ask. I could tell she was getting nervous, as I kept looking up at her. As if I was waiting for her to do or say something.

The awkwardness ended however as a lavender alicorn made her way to our table. “Excuse me, John?”

“Yes, Princess Twilight Sparkle?” I asked, noticing that Holly gave a polite bow. I quickly did the same.

“Please, just call me Twilight,” she told me. “And there’s no need to bow seeing as I’m here to thank you for saving my brother and sister-in-law.” Princess Twilight Sparkle. From what I knew of her, and it was not much, she had just recently been crowned, and her crown was that of the Element of Magic. Other than that, she seemed… nervous? Or was she just antsy? “I honestly don’t know how to thank you for saving them so… if you need anything, just ask, alright?”

“Thank you, Princess, oh, sorry. I mean, Twilight. Thank you, Twilight. I’ll be sure to let you know if I need anything.”

Twilight nodded, but didn’t leave. Shifting from side to side, she bit her lower lip before frowning. “And... about yesterday, when you yelled at Golden Horn? I’ve gotta say, it was rather impressive. So I asked Cadance about it, and she told me this wasn’t the first time you’ve spoken out like that, and every time you do, everypony is taken back,” She paused for a moment, before her frown turned upside down. Somewhat… “I guess what I’m trying to ask is... if things start going bad could you maybe do it again?”

“Of course,” I reassured Twilight. “I want this meeting to go well, and I won't let it go sour.”

Twilight sighed in relief “Thank you, and,” Twilight glanced over to Holly for a moment, before her eyes widened. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t catch your name.”

“My name is Holly Heart, Princess Twilight.”

“Please, just call me Twilight.”

“Yeah, sorry. I’m… Not as use to speaking openly as I should be…” Holly apologies. “But, um, John… what did you say? You know I like it when you go off on ponies…”

“Oh, that’s right. You two are together, aren’t you?” Twilight asked.

“Uh, yes,” I answered, knowing that this may be a conversation that both Holly and I don’t really want. Then again, Twilight may not be as bad as Cadance…

Twilight shifted on her hooves. “So... can I ask how it’s working out for you two? Since you’re a Pokemon and she’s a pony.”

“It’s working out… fine, though, we don’t really like talking about it, Twilight. If you don’t mind, I would rather not speak about it until Holly wishes to.”

I then noticed that Holly’s face was red. Even now she still gets flushed over it… It was.. cute. “I-It’s fine…”

“Alright,” I turned to Twilight, a smile on my face. “It’s going fine.”

Twilight stared at me for a moment, before looking confused. “That’s it?” I nodded. “No complications?”

“Well, the first time Holly and I had a real conversation, I threw a stallion out a two story window. Other then that, we have yet to have… well, any problems…” I lied. We did have a problem, or at least, I did…

“That’s... interesting,” Twilight said, not sure how to respond. “Well... I’m glad things are working out for you then.”

“Thank you,” Standing up, I stretched, before popping my back. “Really though, if you told me three weeks ago that I would become a Pokemon, live on another world, and fall in love with a pony… Well I would do my best to find the nearest hospital and have you checked in.”

Holly giggled at my joke, but before our conversation could continue, Shining Armor made his way to us. “Hey Twilight, hello John, Holly,” To each of us he gave a nod, before turning to his sister. “Twi, the meeting is going to start soon. Princess Celestia is waiting for you to stand by her side.”

“Thank you for reminding me, BBBFF,” Twilight said, to both Holly’s, as well as my own, confusion. “It was a pleasure speaking with you, John, and it was nice to meet you Holly. I hope we can talk in the future.”

Trotting off, Shining watched Twilight for a moment, before turning to me. “Well John, day one went well, for the most part. Let’s get on to day two. Oh, and Holly,” Shining turned to my mare, before frowning. “Cadance needs a quick reminder on the proper way to greet the Saddle Arabians.”

“Seems it’s time to get to work, Holly.”


To say it bluntly, the meeting did not go well. I HAD to speak up again, and it was so that Princess Celestia did not have to. However, it ended rather quickly, though it did not feel like it. How did it end? Well Volt had the idea to spy in on the conversation, and was eating popcorn, which he threw at the world leaders. It stopped the arguing, but it seemed… wrong. Most of the world leaders in the room liked Pokemon being around, yet all it takes is a spark to start a fire… are there were a lot of sparks. Yet it was over, or at least, the first half of it was over.

As I stepped out of the meeting room, Cadance pulled me to the side. Standing next to her was, as always, Shining, Twilight, and Princess Celestia. I gave a bow to Celestia, before turning to Cadance. “Yes, Cadance? What do you need?”

“John,” Cadance started in a serious toned voice. “We need to speak in private. Please come with us.” I nodded, not knowing what she wanted. It had to be a matter that came up in the room, or my outburst. Either way, something was wrong. Cadance normally spoke in a happy tone of voice, or, at the very least, one that was never this serious…

Shining Armor, Twilight, and Princess Celestia kept quiet as we made our way to the throne room. There was only two guards present, and they stood on guard, next to Princess Luna. This matter had to be a big one, considering all four Princess were here.

Shining Armor motioned me to stand in front of the thrown, and I did so, though my mind started to wonder if I was in some sort of trouble. Celestia took her set upon the throne, while Cadance, Twilight and Luna stood aside her.

“John Williams,” Princess Celestia started. “When Cadance told me about your deeds, I found most of them honorable, some questionable, while others made me thankful,” She turned her ation to her right, giving a smile to Cadance. “When she said you saved her life, I felt grateful that you were there. When she said that you in pain, I felt sorry that we could not help you. But when Cadance told me what happened on the train ride coming here, I felt… sorrowful. No living creature should be forced to go through what you went though, but…” She took on a graceful smile as she looked me over. “It is because you went through those things, that Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, and even your love, Holly Heart, are still here. King Sombra, the horrible stallion that once enslaved thousands, was stopped, thanks to your efforts,” One of the guards stepped forward, a small box placed under his wing. “Please, kneel.”

I did so, not knowing what exactly was going on.

“John,” Shining Armor stepped forward. “You’ve helped Cadance more than anyone I know. You’ve helped the Crystal Empire more than anyone will ever know. So, I ask you this. Would you please join the Crystal Guard?”

I… did not answer. My eyes were wide. This was… very sudden. All I wanted was to get the world meeting over… But… “Y-yes.” I stated loudly. I did need something to do after this…

“Then repeat after me, John.” Cadance started. “I, John Williams, swear upon my life to protect the Crystal Empire, to protect Princess Cadance, and to protect those who dwell within it’s shields,”

“I, John Williams, swear upon my life to protect the Crystal Empire, to protect Princess Cadance, and to protect those who dwell within it’s shields,” I repeated, even though all of those actions I had already done.

“With my life, and no matter the cost, no matter the danger, will do so willingly, and without hesitation,” She continued.

“With my life, and no matter the cost, no matter the danger, will do so willingly, and without hesitation,” And again, I had done all this before…

“Then I, Princess Cadance, Princess of Love, and Princess of the Crystal Heart, grant you the rank of Captain,” My eyes widened again. I had the same rank as Shining Armor… “Please stand,” I slowly, and shakily stood up, standing straight, tall and prowd.

The case that the stallion was holding popped open, and Cadance levitated a Medal.

“I present you to, The Crystal Honor Guard Medal. Given to those who swore there life to protect and serve the Princess of the Crystal Empire, and have proven themselves capable of dealing with any problem that she may have,” Cadance finished. “Not everypony is capable of getting this Medal, John. Congratulation, you’re the first Pokemon that has made the Rank of Honor Guard.” She placed it upon my chest, and through magic, I’m guessing, it stayed attached to my chest.

“Consider us equals, John,” Shining smiled. “In rank, and,” He glanced at his sister Twilight. “Friends.”

“Than you,” I started, still taken back at what just happened. It was… supprising.

“Oh, we’re not finished, Captain” Princess Luna started. More Medals? What in the world are they going to give me?!

“John, I, Princess Luna, present you the Purple Heart. For getting wounded in the line of action.” Oh… well that makes sense.

“Though it doesn't quite state what you went through, wear it proudly.” Luna finished. Again, they placed the Medal upon my chest, and through magic it stayed.

“And finally,” Princess Twilight started. “For saving my brother, Shining Armor, and for saving my sister in law, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, or Cadance for short, I Princess Twilight Sparkle, along with Princess Luna, Princess Celestia, and Princess Cadance, agree to award you with the Princess’s Blessing Medal.”

“You are one of very few that have been given this medal, John. Because it is for those who go above and beyond, and risk their own life against all odds, to save those they love, and those who would not be here today without them…” Celestia started. “It is not a medal to batter your eyes at, John. And neither is what you had to do. Please, wear this medal proudly, for you deserve it.” I didn’t know it when they gave it to me, but the Princess’s Blessing Medal was the highest reward you could receive…

“Thank you…” Those were the only words I could say, because those where they only woulds you should say at a time like this…

“No, John. It is us that should be thanking you.” Celestia stated.

Author's Note:

Bubba- I’m sick again, but this time it’s just allergies. I may not be able to breath out of my nose, but that didn’t stop me this time! Hope you’d love the chapter, and tell me what you think. If you have nothing to say, then just leave a good-ol-Pinkie Pie smile in the comments!

As a side, if you ever are sick to the point where you are sneezing out massive nukes of snot, take mucinex. It works great in clearing everything up.
(Ask a Doctor first if you are able to take it. I am not responsible if you take it and something bad happens…) What? Got to cover myself when it comes to things like this.

Editor’s notes-
Zeus- Sweet, someone else made it to the summit, and I get to see another point of view.
TDN - A nice rendition of the summit chapters.
Aus - (He hasn't been commenting or adding theses in the last few chapters... ~ Bubba)