• Published 12th Jun 2014
  • 9,414 Views, 549 Comments

A New World, Burning an Old Way - xBUBBA1995x

John, a pokemon Officer of the law, finds himself in a world of Ponies. And to top it off, he had been changed into a pokemon. But as a Dark force falls upon the Crystal Empire, it falls to him to help save the day... A very painful day...

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Chapter 21: Canterlot part Three

For the most part, NOT YET EDITED.

A New World, Burning an Old Way

Written by: xBUBBA1995x
Edited by: zeusdemigod131
Edited by: tdnpony
Edited by: Ausbrony

Chapter 21: Canterlot part Three

If I told you, the sky was falling, would you believe me? The answer is no. It’s a silly question, in the end. If you told me that I was going to wake up next to Holly Heart, I would not believe you. It would be a silly thing for you to say. But as I sat there, looking down at Holly, I could not help but feel confused, worried, baffled, but mostly the first two.

I held my breath as I slowly stood up. Holly shifted in bed, and my ears perked up, but she did not wake. Slowly, and carefully, I made my way to the bathroom. Closing the door behind me, I stepped over to the mirror.

“What happened last night?” I wondered aloud, my heartbeat slowly increasing as I stared at myself. “Why… why am I in Holly’s room?” Shaking my head, I pushed away from my reflection, and stepped to the shower.

The cold water that splashed over me felt rather good against my fur. Pushing my flaming head into the stream of water, the room quickly filled with steam as I vaporised the water. Taking a deep breath, I started to think about the night before.

“Alright… after I went off to give Belle and Gene their gift I… went back to Holly?” I asked myself. “No, I went to speak with Celestia about… No, no, no I went of to see Cadance… or was it someone else… Damn it, what happened last night?”

“Something wonderful,” I jumped at Holly’s voice, and quickly moved the shower curtain out of the way, to see Holly brushing her teeth.

“Holly…” I stammered.

“Do you really don’t remember what happened last night?” She asked, in a worried, yet saddened, tone.

“Ah, no…” I frowned, my face slightly red, before closing the shower curtain, and turning my attention back to the shower.

“Then we’re going to have to make next time a bit more memorable,” She cooed from the other side of the shower curtain. “But really, you DON’T remember?”

“Ah… no…” I repeated myself, this time a bit forceful as my mind was rather dumbfounded at the idea of sharing a bed with Holly. We had just started dating two weeks ago, how the hell did I get in bed with her?! I love her, I do, but...

“This maybe a side effect of whatever Lord Arceus did. Perhaps short term memory loss is a side effect?” Holly suggested. “Which is a shame,” The curtain quickly zipped open, and Holly smiled at me. “Seems we’re going to have to make some more memories...”

I went wide eyed at Holly as she stepped into the shower. The shy mare was a bit… forward today. I would also like to note that she is most likely the only living thing that could make me fall short when it comes to things to say…

“Move over, please,”


To say I was a normal individual would be quite the stretch. When I was young, I always hated crime, and became a Police Officer. From there, I did my job, made my way through life, and became an International Police Officer. From there, I did what I could to stop Team Rocket, and even though their organization was nothing compared to what it was years ago, they still persisted. But that ended when we all came to Equestria, and the Empire. I don’t need to get into what I did there, as I am sure you know…

And now, I found myself with something that I had rarely ever dealt with. Well… several things, really. Love, memory loss, and ponies. There are more to add to this list, but I find that making said list would take away the experience from it.

And Holly was one of those experiences. I did not want to sleep with her, not because I did not want to be with her, but because I didn’t want to lose my mind while I was with her, and hurting her. I found her embrace quite welcoming, yet feared what my mind and body would do if I lost control of things. I was a Pokemon after all. If I knew how to use this body, then I could do almost anything. Sadly, the same could be said for ‘what if I didn’t know what I was doing?’ We all do thing that we regret, no matter if you’re in control, or out of your damn mind. Even Gods can fall prey to this...

Speaking of gods… “Good morning, Lord Arceus,” I started, as I made my way into the Hall of Legends.

Ah, good morning John. How are you feeling?” Arceus asked, a portal near him closing, and though I could not tell what was on the other side, I could have guessed that it had something do with whatever he had left over from Earth.

“I feel better, thanks to you, but I do have a question about the perseguire you used to block my memories,” I asked, looking up at him.

What seems to be the problem?” He asked. “Please don’t tell me that you’ve remember everything.

“No it’s not that,” I reassured him. “It’s just that last night I seem to have… Well, how about this, is memory loss to having my memories blocked, a side effect?”

The whole point of the procedure was losing memories, you’re going to have to rephrase your question,” Arceus smiled.

“I mean after the procedure, Lord Arceus. Last night, around the time I gave Belle and Gene their gift, I sort of blacked out. I was not drinking, so I know alcohol is not the culprit, and considering I woke up in bed with Holly, I’m still not going to rule it out…” I clarified, only to realised that I just told God himself that I just slept with Holly. “I just said that out loud...”

Not to worry, John Williams, we’re alone here, for the most part,” Arceus commented. “Now regarding your question… Your answer is no, you shouldn't experience memory loss after the procedure, because the side effects are; dizziness, confusion, anger, fear, and death. Thankful the last one doesn't seem to be a problem for you.

“I see… Thank you for your time Arceus,” I started, before turning around. “Then I guess I’m off to find out what really made me forget…”

I would recommend speaking to Cresselia, or Princess Cadance. You seem to have a high concentration of ‘love’ magic within you. They may have something to do with it,

“Oh… Thank you, Lord Arceus… You would not happen to know where they are, dare I ask?”

His eyes flashed gold for a moment, before he nodded “They are both having breakfast in the castle.”

“Thank you, Lord Arceus. Good bye, for now, and I hope whatever you where doing is going well,”

It is, though I am just going through some things humans had, and finding places for them.

“You would not happen to have my things, would you?” My question was answered with Arceus’ eyes flashing, and a large duffle bag landing next to me on the ground. I recognised it as my bag from Earth, and smiled.

The only thing you won’t find in your bag are any Pokeballs or Apricorns you had, and your firearm back from when you were an Officer. Oh, and say hello for Princess Cadance for me, and let her know I fixed the train rails from the incident with King Sombra.

“What happened to the train rails?!” I quickly asked, before my eyes widened. “No, no, that has something to do with my forgotten memories, doesn't it?”

I sense emotions again!” Mesprit yelled, from somewhere in the massive castle which is the Hall of Legends.


To make things clear, I don’t remember a thing that happened out when we faced King Sombra. I remember getting on the train, then waking up on Yveltals back. But apparently it has SOMETHING to do with the train derailing… My curiosity was going to kill me over this, but sadly, I had another problem to deal with… And no, it wasn’t a quest to find out what I did, as I am pretty sure it involved me and Holly… But of a quest to put out a request.

“You’re right Cresselia, Oran Berries tastes great with bananas!” As I made my way into a cafeteria, Princess Cadance sweet and happy voice reached my ears. “Shining you have to try this!”

Shining smiled at Cadance, before leaning over and stealing the Oran berry out of Cadence's magical grasp, before picking up a banana with his own magic, and eating it. “You’re right, this is good,”

“Shining, that was my last Oran Berry!

“You can get more another time, Cadance,” I started, as I approached their table, before taking a seat across from her.

“Oh, John! How are you doing this morning? Feel better?” Cadance asked, in a rather odd tone…

“Yes and no, Cadance. Yes and no…” I stated ominously, not yet hinting at why I was really there.

Well aren't you vage about things, aren't you?” Cresselia noted, a knowing smile on her face.

“We went by your room this morning, and you weren't there. Where were you this morning? Princess Celestia wishes to speak with you,” Shining asked.

“Wait, what?” Cadance asked, looking at Shining. “You do know he and Holly spent the night together…?”

“And that’s why I’m here,” I started, before Shining could answer his wife. “Princess Cadance… Lady Cresselia… I request that the both of you never use your love magic on me again, alright?”

“Oh, umm… John, are you feeling alright? Because we don’t know what you’re talking about.” Cadance started, her eyes staring at me in worry. While most could see this as her not really knowing what I was talking about, I was not most people…

“I don’t appreciate being lied to Cadance. I spoke to Arceus, and he pointed me in the two of yous direction. I know the both of you have something to do with it,”

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard of someone who didn’t like my wife helping them out…” Shining started, with a smile, not taking what I was saying to heart. “You would be the first, John…” He then chuckled.

“Considering how I can’t remember anything that occurred last night, I would not laugh at this, Shining. Now Cadance... Cresselia… Was the time you casted the spell on me, around the time I went up to speak with the bride and groom?”

“You can’t remember anything that happened?!” Cadance asked in shock.

We’re sorry, John,” Cresselia frowned, giving me a sad look. “We were only trying to help you. Cadance was telling me about what you went through, and well, we wanted to help you relax some…

“I probably should clarify exactly why I am here. No, I’m not mad. I’m a bit annoying, but not angry. Yet at the same time, I don’t want you to be casting spells on me, without my consent, and considering how whatever you did do to me, made me lose part of my memory… I would not want to risk something else happening. So, do I make myself clear? Please do not EVER cast a spell on me, without my permission...”

Cadance let out a sad sigh. “We’re sorry, John, and we promise never to do it again... Alright, really, you don’t remember a thing!?”

“No, Cadance. I don’t remember anything about last night…”

“Then I, well, um, probably should not mention that I heard Holly from down the hall…” Cadance smiled at me.

My response to this was something along the lines of, well, face planting the table… And coincidentally light part of the table on fire. Today was going to be one of those days, isn’t it? At least it’s better than dealing with King Sombra, right? Right…? Since I don’t know, I have to kind of have to ask, since I can’t remember...


The Gala.

Through the many days I’ve spent in Canterlot, I have seen what Equus has to offer. Both the good and the bad. But other than some stubor few, the massive party with the World Leaders seemed to be going rather well, other than the occasional party mishap you would find any any social gathering..

Legendary Pokemon, on top of normal Pokemon, roamed through the party, and mingled around, taking parting in social activity. No one treated anyone else, no matter who they were, or what they looked like, as a lesser. They didn’t see Pokemon, pony, Changeling, Minotaur, or what ever. They just saw people. It was a good sight...

It was finished… My worries over this was over. Pokemon, rather everyone agrees on it or not, would be accepted in life…

I let out a long sigh, as I took a sip of my wine. Spending my time at the Gala off to the side, watching with a smile. Holly sat beside me, her head resting on my shoulder while she slept. The day had been somewhat taxing on her, as she had been running back and forth, doing errands for Cadance. The mare was put on quite the ringer once Cadance started to come up with some Laws to get pass once we were back in the Empire… Even at a party, having a great time, she was still a Princess...

Keeping an eye on Cadance, I watched as the Princess smiled next to her sister-in-law, Princess Twilight. Since the Gala started, the two had been almost inseparable. Shining on the other hoof, other clinged to his wife, or strayed off to speak with the Guards. As he was the last ‘Captain of the guard’, I could not but guess that he’s asking around about the security detail.

After all, we are surrounded by world leaders, so I don’t blame him…

But in the end… as I watched… I didn’t feel open. I didn’t want to go out and speak with anyone, and as I held Holly close, I started to feel werry. What happened on the train ride here? I asked myself.

Arceus had to repair the train tracks, but why would a God go out of his way to fix something? The answer, is if it had to be catastrophic for him to intervene. So short of the train derailing, I don’t see how something like that would happen... Holding my hand to my scar on my stomach, and furrowed my brow. I know, it was bad of me thinking of this, but what in the world happened?

I knew I sensed curiosity.” Mesprit whispered, making me jump. “So, you break down into an emotional mess yet?” She asked.

You’re right about that, I had Dad put a door next to your room that sends you to the Hall of Champions so that I can keep a close eye on you!” As I opened my mouth to ask if she was talking about here in Canterlot, or back in the Empire, she raised a hand to my mouth. “No, no, no! You’re not saying no to this one too, alright?

“I was not going to say no, after all, I do need help dealing with this…”

Oh… Then what were you going to say?” She asked.

“Two things,” I raised two fingers up, and smiled. “The first; thank you. Thank you Misprint for taking time out of your day and helping me... And two; do you mean here in Canterlot, or back in the Empire?”

She stared blankly at me, before flying off. “I’ll be right back!

As she left, I leaned my head back to relax. Then my eyes widened as Azelf floated above me, looking down at me. “Hi!

“Can I, er, help you, Miss Azelf?”

Oh, not really, just wondering how you forced an evil entity out of your body, with force of ‘will’ alone…

“I forced an evil entity from my body?!” I asked, and Azelf’s eyes widened.

Ah crap…” Azelf looked around, before flying off.

I feel emotions!” Mesprit yelled.

“I AM EMOTIONS!!!” Volt yelled from somewhere in the massive room, before he whizzed past my head, holding onto a rope for dear life. Looking up, I saw Flubber whizzing around near the rafters, taking the form of a small Jet.


Having dealt with many things in my left, rarely have I held someone I loved close to my heart. Rarely have I so calm. With Holly asleep in my arms, I slowly made my way to her room. The sleeping mare snoring softly, as I made my way into her room. Taking great care not to wake her, as I laid her down on her bed gently. It was getting late, and as I stepped out of Holly’s room, I looked back and smiled at the mare. I don’t think I could have dent with anything Equus threw at me, if she didn’t help…

But was I tired? Yeah… my body told me to sleep, but my mind was doing it’s own thing. As I stared down at my bed, sleep was not something that I wanted. Glancing past my door, I frowned as I stepped out of the room, grabbing a small bit bag as I went. Sleep was a golden thing, but sometimes, you have to clear the mind…

Like the Empire, at night, the castle seems to get rather quiet, at least, for the most part. A surprising amount of ponies where moving out and about through the castle, and many of them paying no mind to me.

Still dressed in my suit, I slowly made my way out of the castle. The moon peared over the horizon, giving the city a lowly glow.

Canterlot. It’s was quite the beautiful city. With everything that is going on, between my own problems, and the World Summit, I have yet to really relax. You could argue that I was relaxing last night, and this morning, but it only added to my problem. I did not feel safe around Holly, at night. Even with Princess Luna watching over my dreams. And with all of this on my shoulders, I smiled as my walk took me into the city.

Unlike the Empire, Canterlot seemed to have more Pokemon, though at this time of night, barely a soul was out, and most stayed cleared of me. Rather it be out of fear, or something else. But the slight cold of the air around me felt nice. It was nothing compared to the wonderful chill of the Empire, but it was still nice...

I smiled, watching fouls play with small and young Pokemon move silently through the night, following a pair of loving ponies. As they followed, they played as if nothing was wrong in the world. Sometimes, being that young helps. You don’t see the evil around you, and live each day with a smile. Wish I could live that way, but I care too much. No matter how I feel, I have things to do… Things to think about… And what I was thinking about consisted with King Sombra...

Still dressed in a nice suit, I continued to walk… Until I found myself walking past a mare.

“Excuse me,” I started, in a propper tone, as to not scare away the mare away, especially at this hour.

“Ah, yes?” She asked, a bit shakily. “How can I help you?”

“At an hour like this, is there still a place open for one to relax, or get something nice to drink? I’ve been rather stressed out, and need to relax.” I asked her, trying to come off as nice as I could.

“Well… There is a bar just down the road,”

“I’m sorry, I just came from a party, I don’t want to drink. Perhaps something more like a coffee shop, or a simple story to get something to drink.”

“Ah, I see. Then you must go to the Daily Grind,” She smiled at me. “It’s late, but she is open for now at least. The drinks there are simply to die for.”

“Thank you, miss. Where might I find this place?”

“Oh, it’s just go down the road, then take a left near the large park, from there you can’t miss it.”

Thanking the mare, I left her to her business. Though I didn’t quite know where I was going, a coffee shop didn’t seem like the right idea. It was getting late, but I needed something to help clear my mind. As I walked through Canterlot, a part of me wished that Holly was with me, but I knew she needed the rest. I actually found it endearing that she takes her work more seriously than most, especially since she was recently promoted to Cadance’s personal assistant. I don’t quite remember what her old job was before, but it doesn't matter anymore. Life was… better. Confusing, but better...

“You’re not going to be a fire hazard, are you?” The mare behind the coffee counter ask, as I made my way into the coffee shop. No outer soul seemed to here, as it was nearing closing time, and how, besides myself, would want coffee at a time like this?

“No, Ma’am,” I lied. “I’m just here to get something and relax some.”

“Alright… Well, in that case, welcome to the Daily Grind, what can I get for you?” The mare asked, giving me a smile.

“You can start with your name, then whatever you’re best selling drink is,”

“Well my name is, Mocha Latte, and our best seller would be a Mocha Latte.” She then fround. “Wait, you got the bits for this, right?”

“Yes, I have bits,” Truth be told, I had a lot of bits… One of the advantages of being apart of the Royal Guard, is that I was paid. A big ol’ three followed by five zeros… Being given the rank of Captain, along with Honor Guard, came with a large paycheck. But I was unaware of this fact before accepting, and to my surprise, I’m now a rather wely human… No, not human, but Pokemon. Even now, after everything, it’s going to take some time to remember that fact.

“Sorry for asking, but some Pokemon don’t. You’re drink will be out soon, please take a seat.”

The Mocha Latte was the best I’ve ever had, but that’s not saying much since I can’t remember the last time I had one. Granted, I didn’t really try out new ways to have my morning coffee… Still, it tasted rather amazing.

As the clocked ticked, and my coffee slowly dissipated, I watched as all the moonlight made the city glow. How the who world so nice… How it made me think about how Pokemon and Equus was getting a long. Over all, with how things seem in Canterlot, you would guess that nothing was wrong. That Equus was much like Earth, and that one day, Pokemon would be seen as full equals.

But this was not Earth, this was Equus. A world of new, a world of wonder… Pokemon, for the most part, has been treated as Equals. No longer will Pokemon have to deal with Team Rocket. And that made me smile.

Though my own experience here may not be the best, it’s good to look at the brighter things in life, and as I made my way out of the coffee shop, I stared up at the moon.

And felt relief come over me for the first time since I arrived in Equus.


I take it back, what ever relief I found last night faded away as I stared down at Volt. He looked up at me with puppy dog eyes. “I’m sorry, John, I really am.” He whispered. I looked away from him, and up to Princess Celestia, who sat upon her throne, her hoof pressed into her forehead.

Since I had woken up, every where I went, the castle looked as if it was hit with a massive explosion of party supplies. Every so often, I would find myself stepping in cake, pudding, or some other colliery dessert. And who was behind this?

Volt, the mare named Pinkie Pie, Hoopa and Discord. The latter of the four, I have yet to formally meet, but considering how everything was a mess, I didn’t really feel like it be a good idea to meet him, or any of them for that matter. I was angry with Volt as it was, but unlike the others, I love him too much to really punish him. Don’t get me wrong, he’s in trouble, but I’m not going to scream at him, like I would the others.

“If it helps, Princess Celestia,” I started, gaining her attention. “I would like to help clean up the castle, to make up for Volt’s part in this whole situation.” I offered.

“No, John it’s fine...” She let out a long sigh. “Lord Arceus ordered his granddaughter to clean up her mess so... please, don’t worry yourself over this, just… Lord Arceus fixed the train, so you should be able to get home… Please, just go for now. Tell Cadance I said hello...”

“I understand, Princess Celestia…” I frowned, as I knew what she felt like. Stressed out, over worked, and now dealing with something silly that is unneeded. “I will say hello for you, and I hope you don’t have much trouble cleaning everything. I’m truly sorry that you have to deal with this.”

As I made my way out of the room, Volt perched on my shoulder, a guard stepped past me. Before announcing to the white Alicorn, “Princess Celestia, Ma’am. We found where all the sugar went. In the east wing of the Castle, there seems to be a small replica of Canterlot castle made out of sugar, and from the size of it, we have lost about three months of the castle stock.”

Celestia let out a very, very annoyed sigh, as Volt and I left the room.

“John?” As I made my way out of the castle, Volt tapped my check. “I don’t feel so good…” He frowned.

“Well Volt, after you eat an entire cake, several cookies, and Arceus knows what, you tend to-” I was cut off as Volt threw up on my shoulder. “Once we get home, you’re still in trouble, but for now,” I reached up and picked up Volt, his face green. “You need some help… Once we get to the train station, I’ll have Flubber keep an eye on you.”

“I’m sorry, John…” Volt muttered, as he looked up at me. “Aaahhhhhh… Please don’t be-” This time Volt caught himself, and pointed himself away from me, throwing up on the ground. Even with how small as he was, he was still making a mess.

I glanced over to my shoulder, and winced. The smell was not that bad, but it looked horrible. And I still had to walk about ten minutes to get to the train station, where everyone was waiting for me.

We were ready to leave about an hour ago, but as Volt was nowhere to be seen, they had to wait for me as I went off to find him. The search did not take long, as he was pinned to the wall on the throne room, stuck in a mix of cake and icecream.

But as mad as I was at the little bugger, I could not but feel sorry for him. For him, he’s having the equivalent of a sugar hangover. I knew how he felt, so I was sympathetic towards him, but the moment he’s good to go, he’s in trouble.

“I… don’t… like… sugar…” Volt groaned.


As I made my way onto the train, several eyes darted over to me.

“Welcome back, John. Do you have Flubber?” Shining started.

“Yes I do,”

“Um, John?” Holly started, as she stared at my shoulder.

“Volt is a bit sick,” I noted, as I took a set next to her, Volt still in my hands. “Flubber, can you keep an eye on him?” Flubber, who was currently transformed into a guard, nodded, before melting down, transforming into a Joltik, in a nurse outfit. “Does anyone have something to help me get this off of my shoulder?”

“Here John,” Princess Cadance smiled at me, as her magic held up a napkin. “Use this. There is a trash can in the corner of the train cart.”

As I started to clean myself off, Shining stood up, and made his way out of the train cart, saying how he’ll let the conductor know we’re ready to leave. It did not take him long to come back, and the train started to roll off, back to the Empire.

We had already said our goodbyes, and most of Cadance’s friends where other heading home themselves, or tending to their own tasks. We had no guards with us when we arrived in Canterlot, and though I can only guess as to why, it seemed that Cadance requested that several of the Canterlot guards stood around us, as an escort service.

Most of the guards stood silently, while some watched the windows. They reminded me of the Crystal Empire guards, but with slightly less emotion. It may just be how the Empire operates, but I do see a difference in the two.

“So, how does everything think the World Summit went?” I asked, trying to break the silence of the train.

“Quite well, actually,” Cadance smiled. “First time I met most of them, and though it was… emotional at some points, I think everything went quite well.”

“Other than all the yelling, useless banter from Golden Horn, and John blowing up part of the Castle, yeah, it went great!” Shining Armor smiled, and thought you would think he was being sarcastic, but no. I could tell he was genuine about the whole thing, and really, I could not blame him.

“As stressful at it was, I really enjoyed it.” Holly looked up at me, as she sat next to me.

“Aaaahhhhhhh, the pain…” Volt ground from under my set. “I’m never eating sugar again!”

“Is he… going to be alright?” Cadance asked, looking downward.

“I hope so, if not, we can take care of him when we’re back in the Empire,” I stood up, and crouched down, to get a look at Volt. Don’t ask me where they got the equipment, but as I looked down onto Volt, he sat in a medical bed, a small cup of water placed next to him, and Flubber, still a Joltik in a nurse outfit, sitting next to Volt. Humming a song, as Volt lay their drinking through a straw.

“Is he ok, John?” Cadance asked, as I blankly stared at Volt.

“He’s good… Just, thinking about something…” I answered her, still staring at Volt.

“What about?” Holly asked, looking confused.

“About how Volt and Flubber always seem to amaze me with their shenanigans...”

Author's Note:

I am so damn sorry for this chapter taking a DAMN MONTH to get out!

Look, life is a pain. Writer's block sucks, I got sick again, and I'm too damn worried about what I'm going to do next, then thinking about where I am in the story.

So I'm telling you this now. The next chapter is going to be the last chapter.
BUT! I'm making another story of this after that. John's life after this whole event. What will the monkey do next? Just... wait and see. I'll try not to take a month...

No editors notes, since I didn't have them write them down. Sorry.