• Published 12th Jun 2014
  • 9,415 Views, 549 Comments

A New World, Burning an Old Way - xBUBBA1995x

John, a pokemon Officer of the law, finds himself in a world of Ponies. And to top it off, he had been changed into a pokemon. But as a Dark force falls upon the Crystal Empire, it falls to him to help save the day... A very painful day...

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Chapter 22: Final Emotions

A New World, Burning an Old Way

Written by: xBUBBA1995x
Edited by: zeusdemigod131
Edited by: tdnpony

Chapter 22: Final Emotions

The Crystal Empire. As the train grew closer, it’s amazing brilliance warmed my heart. Through the train ride, everyone was mostly quiet, but now that we could see our home, Cadance could not stop fidgeting around.

“Oh, I can’t wait to see all my little ponies!” She squealed, as she looked out the window. “They have to be so worried!”

She was right about her ponies being worried. We were… attacked. King Sombra was dead. And though those two details where bluntly obvious, even having my memory altered count not make me forget them. If her ponies were not worried for her, then I would be rather peeved with them.

But as we drew close, ponies could be seen lining up in the train station. At this angle, we could only see a small crowd of them surrounding the station, but as we passed through the shield, and our train came to a full stop, we could see hundreds of ponies. All waiting for us.

Shining Armor was the first to the door. Giving a smile to his wife, he pushed the door open, and stepped out. Cadance hopped out of her chair, before composing herself, and strolling out of the train cart. The crowd of ponies exploded into cheers, as they laid their eyes on their Princess.

Holly and I however where a bit slower getting out of the train. As I now had a carry on bag, getting out of the train took a while. It didn’t help that Volt threw up on my foot as I stood up.

“There are so many ponies…” Holly whispered to herself, as she stared out the window, shaking a bit.

It dawned on me that Holly, as open as she was to me, was still a shy mare. When I first met her, she was trying to hide in a carriage. Stepping behind Holly, I reached out and covered her eyes with my hands.

She let out a eep, as I startled her, before I leaned in and whisper. Calm down, Holly. If it’s too much of for you, then you can hide behind me.”

Reaching up with her hooves, Holly moved my hands down to her chest. “Thanks…” She whispered to me. She then let another peep out as I kissed her on the cheek.

“Well then… Let’s go…” Pulling myself away from her, I grabbed my bag, and stepped out of the train.

To my shock, ponies started to scream even louder, and I even had to take a step back at how loud it was.

“MY LITTLE PONIES,” Princess Cadance spoke in a booming voice. “THIS IS THE STALLION WHO FINISHED OFF KING SOMBRA!”

To say my ears were ringing would be an understatement. To say Holly Heart was not hiding behind me, covering her ears, would be a lie. And to say I knew what was going? Not a clue…

Not knowing what to say to this, I put on a smile and started to waved at the hundreds of ponies. All being held back by a line of guards...

“Kind of put me on the spot…” I whispered to Cadance.

“Well… John, you may not know it, but you’ve done more for us then you know…” She stepped past me, and over to Shining Armor. “Honey, the medals?”

I glanced over, and to my surprise, the medals that the Princesses had already gave to me sat in a glass case. My eyes widened, as I had assumed that they were destroyed, in the fire back in Canterlot. Were they replacements?

“EVERYPONY,” Princess Cadance yelled out. “BY MY POWER, AND THE POWER GIVEN TO ME BY PRINCESS CELESTIA, PRINCESS LUNA, AND PRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE, I PRINCESS CADANCE, BESTOW UPON TO JOHN WILLIAMS,” At this point my ears where ringing, as she pulled out the medals. And as before, in Canterlot she spoke about how honorary I was. How I risked my life, and how I put it on the line to save her. Ponies kept cheering, and again, and I felt honoured. But that honor turned to pain, as Princess Cadance placed the third medal upon my chest.

By that, I mean, I was pushed back as a white freight train tackled me into the ground. Fallowed by a dark blue freight train crashing into me. The crowd gasped, as both Lex and Snow tackled me to the ground.

“WHAT ARE THE TWO OF YOU-” Princess Cadance yelled, before stopping herself. “Sorry… Lex… Snow, we’re kind of in the middle of something…”

“John! You’re never going anywhere without us,” Snow cried, as she pressed her face into my chest. “When we where told you got hurt, and how ponies died, we got so worried!”

“We’re so glad you’re safe John!” Lex added, before slowly looking up at me. “Why do you smell like Holly?”

“Guys, we’re kind of in the middle of something, here. Please, John is fine, you can smother him another time,” Cadance requested.

“Will you two please get off?” I politely asked.

“John,” Snow narrowed her eyes. “We’re not going to ever let you gooooaaaaa!” Snow yelped as Eclipse lifted her, as well as Lex off of me.

“Thanks, Eclipse.” I smiled at my brother, before pulling myself up.

“We’re sorry, Princess Cadance,” Eclipse apologised. “Good to see you’re ok John… After this, we’ll be waiting.”

“Let us go you big ol’ meany!” Snow yelled, as she squirmed under Eclipse’s graphs.

“Release us Eclipse! We demand to be on top of John! We’re not going to lose him again, and what better place to be then as close of physically possible?!”

“They won’t get in the way again, please, keep going.” Eclipse winked at me, before dragging the two off.

I let out a sigh as they went, yet I did it with a smiled. It as good to be back.



The Crystal Empire… It was home… It was great… As I made my way to my room, I threw down my bag on the bed, before looking out the window. The crystal buildings… The light blue shield… The Crystal Ponies… I missed it all.

But before I could relax, there was a knock at my door. As I opened it to see who was there, a mare stood before me, along with two guards. Her coat was a light grey, and she had sharp black eyes, with a matching mane. “Yes?” I asked.

“John Williams?” She started, her voice was rather harsh, and I as I looked at her, I could tell she was crying. “My name is Metal Dust… I… I would really like it if you would come and speak at my… my son’s…” She choked up, and a guard stepped forward.

“Sir, Williams…” He started, and I noticed that he looked a lot like the mare before me. “My mother is trying to ask if you would please come speak at my brother’s funeral. At… all of their funerals…”

I didn’t answer right away. After all, you don’t expect something like this to just pop into your lap…

“Oh… I see…” The stallion guard took my silence as a no, but as he, his mother, and the other guard moved to leave, I spoke up.

“What time is the funeral?” I asked, grabbing their attention.

“We… We had it scheduled for… later today… Along with all the other families who lost their loved ones...” Metal Dust answered, small tears already running down her cheeks. “It’s late, but we wanted to at least try… try to wait for you to be there…”

“I’ll be there… And...” Would Princess Cadance be there? I would expect she would… After all, the stallions did die for her… “Do you know if Princess Cadance would be there?” At the guards nod, I smiled. “Would you two mind waiting for me? I can quickly put something nice to where on, and I’ll accompany you…”

“Thank you, Sir… Thank you…” The guard gave me a salute


When I came back to the Empire, I was hoping to relax, and I mean, really relax. Just a day where I didn’t have to worry or do a thing. But no… I was not allowed to relax, not yet at least. Was I mad? No… For what it was, I could not be mad. In fact, I felt sad... Saddened over the fact that thirteen ponies, thirteen wonderful guards, died. Died in the battle against King Sombra… But their deaths would not be forgotten. And I would never forget them, even if I did not know them. After all… their families wanted me to speak at the funeral...

But did I know what to say? Not really... As I stood before rows and rows of ponies, all dressed in black, I fround. Behind me, there were thirteen caskets… Of the thirteen souls that lost their lives… “My name is John Williams,” I started, looking out to the sky above. “I don’t… know what to say… I don’t really want to remember what happened that day, as it’s not the best of memories…” For me, it was less about wanting to remember, and more about not being able to… “So instead, let’s not think about it. Let’s think about those who we lost… Iron Dice, Sugar Ruby, Storm Wing, Winter Sin,” As I started to name off the stallions and mares that lost their lives, I could only watch as more and more ponies in the crowd started to cry. It was a hard thing, to lose a loved one… A very hard thing…

“Lens Flare, Horn Pop, Peppermint Sapphire, Sky Prancer, Mithal, Morning Breeze, Diamond Dust, Forest Green and Lily Roll… Let us take a moment of silence, to remember them…” I went quiet, as did everypony. Though I could not join them in the memories of their lost loved ones, interrupting such things would be a horrible thing…

After several long moments, I started to speak again. “Though I personally didn’t know them, I will still mourn for their loss. Nopony should have to die to a monster such as King Sombra… Though I did what I have to do, to end his life, I’ll always regret not being able to save everypony… If I could take their place, so that they could live on… I would do it in a heartbeat…” Turning around, I faced the coffins, before giving them a salute. Even in death, they deserved respect…

As I took my seat, the funeral continued. Ponies went up, said their goodbyes, before moving on. I’ve seen a lot of tragic events in my life. This one? May not have been the worst, but was very high up there… Holly, Princess Cadance, and Shining Armor were also present, and they sat beside me. Like me, they had their turn to speak, other than Holly. Shining Spoke about their bravery, while Cadance thanked them for what they had done…

It was… yet another reminder of King Sombra…


“So… you’re done?” Snow asked me, as I returned from the funeral. “No more… things to do today, right? Just relaxing?”

“No, Snow. I don’t have to do anything else-” I was cut off as she tackled me again, knocking me the ground.

I’ll give her this, she was one that could wait. She was very patient… After all, it’s been a few hours since we arrived back in the Empire. She was, to her saddened cries, not allowed to come to the funeral. And as before, a second weight landed onto me, as Lex joined in the dog pile…

“So…” I started, as I layed on the ground, in the middle of the castle. Both Lex and Snow at top of me. “How’s everyone been…?”

“Worried,” Eclipse frowned, as he sat down next to us. “Next time you go out when something like this is going on, you’re taking us with you. No ifs’, ands’ or buts’.”

He was right, and didn't want to argue.

“So John, hoes goes life with Holly, anyways?” Lex asked, as he sniffed at me.

“Nope,” I shook my head as they laid atop of me. “None of your business…”

Holly, who I knew went off to help Princess Cadance get a hold of things in the Empire, would not like it if I started going around talking about us. Not saying I would to start with, I was not that type of man, but still…

“Did you two do it Arcanine style?” Snow asked, looking down on me with a smile, and big bulging eyes.

“I prefer Luxury style, myself.” Lex purred.

“Alright you two, leave John alone…” Eclipse, for the second time, moved to pick them both up, but this time they leaped off of me, evading the Blastoise.

“It’s a legitimate question, Eclipse,” Snow smirked.

“That, and we have to make John pay for leaving us behind. I mean, Volt and Flubber came along. After all, it’s only fair.” Lex moved over to Snow, before the two glared at me with evils smiles.

At this point, I was already on my feet. Dusting myself off, and smiling at my faimly. “You know, you two can be unbearable at times…” I groaned as I started to walk towards them.

“That’s what family’s-” This time I cut of Snow, by hugging her and Lex.

“I missed you two, you know… And I’m going to need your help… That includes you too Eclipse, now get over here...”

“I can’t imagine what happened to you, John,” Eclipse started, as he bear hugged me from behind, lifting Lex, Snow and myself up. “But I can’t remember the last time we had a family hugaaaahh-”

I looked up to see Flubber covering Eclipse’s face. Before melding out, and spreading all over us. Everything went dark, and Snow started to laugh. “Seems Flubber wants to be apart of the family hug too…”

Ah, what a lovely show of family love!

As I pulled my way out of Eclipse’s grasp, to my surprise I found Mesprit smiling at us.

“Mesprit? What are you doing here?” I asked.

Oh, I was just around, and I though, hey, you what what? What don’t I spend a few days here, helping out the other Pokemon who were hurt by King Sombra’, but then Dad went off and erased their memories as well… I was really hoping to help them out… Well other than Aggron...” She whined. “But unlike you, they fully got them removed. No emotional states for them… Noooo, I don’t get to help them recover…”

“Wait, Lord Arceus is here?”

No, he did it this morning,” She answered, before floating near me. “That means you’re one of my only patients… And we’re going to have to spend a lot of time together until you have an emotional breakdown once you remember what you went through! But until then, I get to help an emotional depressed Aggron!” She sounded almost happy.

“John, what does she mean by that?”

“I had Arceus alter my memories after I blew up part of Canterlot Castle…”

“You blew up part of Canterlot Castle?!” This time, the new voice was that of Flash Sentry.

Well it was less about blowing up part of the castle, and more like… Destroying his room, while turning stone to ash in an emotional blaze of fire.” Mesprit pointed out, now resting on my shoulder.

“John, you’re going to start training with me. No ifs, ands or buts, do you understand?”

Again, he was right, and I was not going to argue, but a snarky remark was still in order. “Why do you think I told you all that I needed your help?”

“By Celestia, John. Not three hours back, and you’re already surprising me…” Flash trailed off, as he walked up to me. “Oh, and um, most of the Pokemon that were hurt in the attack, wish to speak with you...”

I glanced over at Eclipse, Snow and Lex. My family had been waiting for me to come home. After all, I wanted to relax. Be with them, but…

“Go on, John. Go say hi. We can wait another hour…”

“Oh no, we waited six days for you to come back! That’s almost a week! We’re not waiting another moment!” Snow argued.

“Could we not just come along?” Lex then asked.

“Nope,” Eclipse stepped over before picking up the two.

“Oh, not again! Eclipse!? Stop picking us up like we’re babies!” Snow winded.

“We’ll be over at the Crystal Empire Stadium…”

“Why there?” I asked.

“Oh, he flooded the training room,” Lex smiled, while Eclipse held him. “We had to move, because it needs to be drained out. Oh, and I’m not allowed to train when everything is wet, since I zapped a few guards by mistake.”

Bet that was fun…” Mesprit noted. “Oh, I wonder if those guards are emotionally traumatised of trains now… John, mind if I tag along?”

“Oh, she gets to go, and we don’t?” Snow asked.

“Alright, we’ll be off John, before Snow get some ideas…”

“Get’s what ideas? Hey! Eclipse, stop taking us away from John!” As Eclipse left the castle, I could not help but laugh. I so missed this… “WE’LL BE WAITING, JOHN!” Snow then yelled from around the corner.

“Right… John, I’ll take you to the Pokemon now…” Flash shook his head, as he started to head off into the castle.


The medical ward of the Crystal Empire Castle. I knew it well, as I had spent a few days here. It was not that large, but as I entered it’s walls, I knew it was bustling with activity. And by that, I meant Weavile was laying on the counter, head resting in one hand, hitting on a Guard… While a few Doctors were busy running around, trying to get Volt off of the ceiling.

“Good to see nothing has changed…” I mumbled to Flash and Mesprit.

“She’s been at it for the past two or three days…” Flash mumbled back to me. “She even tried to ask me out…”

“So Weavile,” I started, calling out to the dark type, as I approached her from behind. “How goes the hunt?”

Looking back at me, Weavile’s eyes popped wide, before she fell of the counter. “John?!” She asked, before bouncing off of the floor, and leaping at me, giving me a hug. “You did it! You helped us with our memories!”

Seeing as hugging was the team of today, I quickly hugged Weavile back, before pushing her away, a bit confused. “What do you mean?”

She is speaking about my Dad, but he told everyone that it was on your behalf.” Misprint answered.

“I see…”

“So John, how’ve you been? I heard you and King Sombra got into a fight on you ended him! Ahhh, you promised you would defeat him, and you did!” She literally started to jump up and down in glee as she spoke, and it was a good sight… Unlike how she was before, she seems so… Happy. So relaxed. Not stressing over what happened to her… “I mean, I kind of remember what happened to me, I mean… Like, you know what people tell you happened, and you know it’s true, but you just can’t put your claw on it.”

“Well it’s good to see you’re doing better. Though, how is everyone else? Oh, and is Gengar doing well now?”

“I’m feeling quite fine, actually.” To my surprise, and slight shock, Gengar was standing next me. Beside him was Gengar, and beside them was Agatha, smiling at me.

“I must say, John, you do have a way of holding your promises,” Agatha, who I noticed had red eyes, as if she had been crying. “Thank you, John. For getting help for Gengar…”

“AAahhhh,” Weavile squilled. “I hate Holly at the moment, because I so want to mate with you right now!” I instantly took a step away from her, as she spoke. Then another just to be safe.

Not to interrupt your little moment with John, but I need to help Aggron, and the only way to do that is by having John speaking with him.” Mesprit interjetect, floating forward. “Well step one, at least. He’s obsessed with getting stronger, and is demanding to speak with John. I mean, really, he rejected Dad’s help just so he would not forget the battle he had with you, even if he wasn’t fight himself.

“Mesprit is right…” I started, looking at Weavile, Gengar, Gengar’s brother, Gengar and Agatha. “We’ll talk later. It seems that Aggron should not be kept waiting... It’s good to see your up, Gengar, and we’ll speak later.”

“You’re right about that,” Gengar grinned, showing his teeth. “We’ll talk later, oh, but first... I kind of want to apologize to you,” His smile turned upside down, as he stared at my stomach. “I don’t remember anything, but I did ask about what I did do… And I feel bad about hurting you… and the others I hurt… Listen, if you even need help with anything, I owe you, so just ask.”

“Gengar, you know it wasn’t you that did those things, it was that blasted stallion…”

“I know, Agatha… I know… But I still need to help… I have to…”

I could not help but smile at Gengar. What he wanted was a good thing… And I knew how he could help, but as I had said, that was for later. I nodded, before turning away from them, and looking at Mesprit, and Flash Sentry. The latter of the two was now trying to stop Weavile from kissing him…

“So where is Aggron?

“He’s in the- hhee, the room just down, please Weavile, stop trying to kiss me! Aahh! The room just down the hall!”

“If I can’t have the best thing, then I must have the second best thing. Considering how you’re John’s assistant, you must be the second best thing!” Weavile then leaped towards Flash, only to miss her leap, and land on the floor. “Aahh, I wish Eclipse didn’t teach you all how to dodge… Oh, wait, he’s John’s brother right? I think I must just visit him instead.”

“Yes, please, leave me alone, and go try to kiss Eclipse!” At this point, I could not help but to walk away from the two… Best not to keep Aggron waiting. After all… I may not be able to remember just what I did to him, so maybe we can help each other.


“Oh… good, you’re here…” Aggron smiled at me, as I stepped into the room, but then frowned in pain. His body was covered in bandages, but he stood tall, staring out the window.

Aggron, you don’t you’re not suppose to be out of bed. I know you didn’t accept my Dad’s help, but you still have to heal normally, because of it!

“Yes… Mesprit…” Aggron grumpled, before slowly making his way to the large bed that occupied his room. Once he sat down, his eyes loomed over to me, and for a moment, he didn’t say a word. “So you’re the one who beat me…”

Again, he stopped King Sombra, not you.” Mesprit noted.

Aggron just stared at Misprint for a long time, before looking back at me. “It doesn't matter. He used me… And you stopped him… You were able to beat him…”

I remained quiet, as to hear what Aggron was going to say, so that I could get an idea of what was going on with him.

“All my life… I prided myself for how strong I was… I rarely lost… Then he came around, took me by surprise, made me do things to others… But you stopped me… You’re just a human, but where strong enough to stop me…”

“Aggron,” I started, cutting him off. “Before we keep this conversation going, you have to know that the whole experience with King Sombra is not one that I’m able to remember…”

“Considering how you forced him out of you, where I could not, I could only imagine…” He grumbled in his hard scratchy voice. “But that’s not the point I am getting at… No, John Williams…” He pointed at me, with a shaky claw. “When you remember, when you know what you did, when we are both ready, I will fight you. And this time… I’m going to win…”

At this point, I could tell that it was a matter of pride with him. Pride over what he did to others, while taken over by King Sombra. Just like Gengar… Knowing that you had to make up for something that he did. And in this case, it was losing to me… If I said no, it would be an insult, if I said yes, then I would have to keep on fighting… but… “Yes,” I started. “Once you’re healed, once I’ve done what I needed to do in the Empire, and once we’re ready…” I stepped forward, I reached out a hand. “I’ll fight you with a smile.”

Aggron reached forward, and took my hand, before shakily shaking my hand. I could tell that just my grip on his hand was hurting him, but he tried not to show it.

Why do I smell pride?” Mesprit then asked, looking around the room.


“Holly,” Princess Cadance started. “Run to the central guard desk, and ask for a copy roster update. I need to see how things are going with part of the guard training, part of the guard wounded, and part of the guard out on duty.”

“And while you’re at it,” Shining Armor added. “Have the top ranking guards report here to me, I need to give them a debriefing on that information once we figure out what we’re doing.”

“Yes Princess,” Holly nodded, before turning to run out of the conference hall.

“Oh, and tell staff to bring me something to eat, we got here around nine, and it’s three, I’m starving!” Cadance called out after Holly.

“Yes Princess!” Holly called back, letting her know that she heard her.

As Holly ran through the castle, panting as the non stop work, she found herself quickly at the cafeteria. The closest stop here here work. Quickly making her way to the chef's, she took a deep breath. “Princess Cadance wishes for something to eat…” Taking another deep breath, Holly added. “And she needs it on the double, she’s hungry and has a lot of work to do…”

The chef's nodded, most of which were guards assigned to help the staff, before they exploded into action. “Oh, and Princess Cadance is in her conferance hall, now if you excuse me, I have a lot of work to do.”

Running out of the room again, Holly ran through the castle, making her way to the Central guard desk, in hopes that while she was waiting, she could take a breather. Aahh, I really need a break… Princess Cadance has be running around for the past two hours… I know we left the funeral early, to get to work, but I didn’t think it was THIS much work! Holly wined in her head, as she rushed down a flight of stairs, before tripping on the last few, and face planting the ground.

“Miss Holly Heart!” Several guards standing around who saw her falling, quickly moved to her aid, helping the green mare up.

“Miss Holly Heart, are you alright?” One of them asked, as they pulled her to her hooves.

“Aahh…” Holy ground holding her forehead. “I’ll be fine… But where are my glasses?” Holy asked, looking around.

“I’m sorry, Ma’am, but…” A unicorn guard frowned, before holding the now broken pair of glasses up.

“Shit…” Holly mumbled, before placing a hoof on her mouth. “Thank you, for helping me up, all of you…” Holly took her now broken glasses in her magic, before frowning. “Great… another thing I have to do today…” Letting out a sigh, Holly started to move again. She still had work to do, even if she could not see that well anymore.

I really hope John is having a better day then me... I’m going to need him after all of this… She told herself.


“And that’s why I don’t like eating apples,” Volt told Mesprit, as he sat on my shoulder. “They always seem to explode when I try to eat them!”

Mesprit, who was nothing but smiles, laughed as she looked at Volt. “Really? They explode?

“Yeah, the red ones always explode the biggest though, and I don’t even like the red ones!”

It was like this for the past few minutes. As I had left Aggron, Gengar, and Weavile to go see how Princess Cadance was doing, Mesprit decided to tag along. Volt too, but seeing as he was not longer dealing with a stomach problem, thanks to throwing up and a small bit of medicine, I was just happy to see he was better.

Aggron was… on odd one. Not too odd, as I understood where he was coming from, what he cared for and all of that, but still odd. Gengar was disappointed that I could not stick around, but was happy none the less. Weavile… Now she was one that I found to have… mix feelings about everything. She was happy to be out. She was a bit over enthusiastic about not being able to be with me, and by that I mean Flash Sentry was no where to be found, and she looked disappointed, before asking me for Eclipse’s number… She was a fast one… Friendly, but fast...

Yet life was… well an emotional rollercoaster, both good and bad. You could not have love, without Hate, nor could you truly have peace without know what war was. And though King Sombra was alone, his threat to the Empire was that of a one stallion army… And with his death on my hands, I was deemed a hero.

“Hey John…” Volt started, poking at my cheek. “Are you alright? You look like you’re going to explode, like the reddest of apples,” His eyes widened for a moment. “Don’t tell me I’m going to make you explode! Oh Arceus, it’s happening!” Leaping off of my shoulder, Volt took off down the halls, screaming. “Look out, John’s going to blow!” For a moment, I lost him, as I didn’t see where he want. Both Mesprit and I remained quiet, as we waited there. Only to have Volt slowly lower himself in front of his, vea Electroweb. “You’re not blowing up… Yes! I’m not the problem!”

I could not help but start laugh, as did Mesprit. Volt was Volt, and by Volt being Volt, my mood was lifting. “Never change, Volt…” I smiled, as I scratched his head.

“But if I can’t change, then I can’t evolve…” Volt pouted.

John means that he doesn't want you to change, as in personality.” Mesprit smiled.

“Oh, good. Because once I evolve, John, I’m coming for you!” He started to poke me in the cheek again, as he said this.

What is it with everyone saying their are out to get me today? I asked myself, as I rounded the corner and entered the conference hall.

I was immediately met with a rather amazing sight. Ponies by the dozen, all competing to gain Princess Cadance’s attention, and somehow, she was able to get to all of them. Barking orders, going from pony to pony, reading over papers and not looking stressed out… It was rather entertaining to see.

One of the guards, seeing me stand by the door, moved over to Cadance, and leaned in, so that he could whisper into her ear. Looking over, Cadance smiled at me, before standing up. “Everypony,” She started, and immediately everypony in the room went quiet. “Please, take a small five minute break. I am to see to something.”

As she moved through the crowd of ponies, they all parted for her, before she strolled up to me. And as she did, Holly, who I had not seen till now because of the amount of ponies in this room, quickly followed behind her.

“Quite the busy day, right John?” Cadance asked, as she reached me. “Come on, let’s go for a walk, so that we don’t get interrupted.”

“Yeah,” I smiled, at her, then looked over to Holly. She looked stressed, and her glasses were missing, but she was happy to see me none the less. “That’s one way to put it…”

Holly immediately trotted up to me, and kissed me on the cheek. “You have no idea, love…”


“So you two, how goes everything in politics?” I asked, as Cadance, Holly and myself sat down in a side room to chat. “Other than stressful, that is.”

“Well it’s going well,” Cadance sighed, before resting her head on the table.

“We’re going back and changing old laws, so that they fit for Pokemon,” Holly clarified. “We’re almost done, and we only have two-hundred or so more to go.”

“Holly, as my new assistant, please, never tell me the numbers…” Cadance requested, let out a long sight.

“Sorry…” Holly’s ears folded down, as she gave Cadance a sheepish smile.

“Anyways, how are things going for you, John?” Cadance asked. “After we left the funeral early, you said something about going and seeing Snow, Lex and Eclipse?”

“Yeah, they are doing fine. Overly huggy, but it doesn't really bother me. I’m just glad that we’re all together.”

“Oh, yes, Lord Arceus sent me a message, via letter about an hour ago,” Cadance then pipped up. “The Pokemon over in the Medical Wing, are all healed up now. You should go see them,”

“Already ahead of you, Cadance. I was there, before I came here…” I then started to look around, as two Pokemon that were with me moments before, were gone, and a grave expression appeared on my face.

“Um, what’s wrong, John?” Holly then asked, concerned.

“Mesprit and Volt are missing…” I started. “I don’t really want to know what they are doing at the moment, as I am sure I’ll find the mess they make later…”

“Oh, don’t be like that. I’m sure they are just fine,” Cadance gave me a smile.


“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Volt asked, looking up at Mesprit.

Of course, John would love if you did it, and I know Holly would appreciate it as well.” Mesprit smiled, looking down at Volt, as Volt looked down at the cake batter.

“I mean, I don’t think I can really make a cake…” Volt frowned, as he rubbed his chin. “I prefer eating them, over making them…”

Trust me, they really need a pick me up. They would love it if you made this for them!

“Yeah, you’re right! How hard can it be!”


“Absolutely fine,” Cadance reiterated. “After all, I don’t think he would do anything crazy, after getting in trouble back in Canterlot.”

“You’re probably right,” I nodded. “Anyways, how are you doing Holly? I noticed your glasses are missing… Did something happen?”

“They broken... in half... after I fell down some stairs…”

My eyes widened, before I looked her down on up. “You’re not hurt, are you?”

“I’m fine, John. You don’t have to worry…”

“I know you two can’t sense it, but my word, you two are adorable with the amount of love in the air!” Cadance squeed, as she stared at us. “I am so glad that I picked Holly to come with me, those two weeks ago. Otherwise, I don’t think you two would have ever been properly introduced…”

Holly just turned red at Cadance’s comment, while I just stared at her. And she was right. She did introduce us, and I don’t think we would have been together if she hadn’t. All the teasing helped too, even if it was not welcomed in some cases…

“Thank you, Cadance…”

“Oh, I know you don’t like it when I tease you two, you don’t have to tell me again, but come one, you’re both so cute together!”

“No, Cadance… I wasn’t going to ask you to stop. I was going to say, thank you. Thank you for introducing me to Holly, and…” I trailed off as I realised what I was going to say.

“And what?” She asked.

“And thank you for helping me find the love of my life…” Holly, who was a slight pink, then turned red, as she stared at me.

“Aaaaahhhh,” The voice of Snow reached my ears, and as I turned to the door, I saw her standing there, giving me a smile. “If it wouldn't ruin the moment, I would so drag you off to the stadium, right now…”

“Way to ruin the moment,” Lex, who then popped his head around the corner commented. “We’re sorry we had to interrupt, John, but it’s been an hour, and we got tired of watching Eclipse training guards…”

Holly then let out a sigh. “John, we’ll talk later. Alone. After everything…” She gave me a smile, before standing up and looking at Cadance. “Princess, I do believe our break is over.”

“How about you take the rest of the day off?” Cadance asked Holly.

“Sorry Princess, but with the amount of work needed, you would be lost without me,” Holly stated, before looking at me. “Besides, John has things to do too, and if I got time off, I would prefer to spend it with him…”

“She’s implying sex,” Lex stated, with a straight face. “I think… I’ve not spent much time with Holly to tell.”

And with that, Holly’s eyes went wide, and her face went red. “No, no, no, no, no, no!” She quickly stated. “I just want to spend time with him,” She started to shift from hoof to hoof, and more and more blood rushed to her cheeks. “Besides, I’m too tired for that, and I just said that outloud!” Both her hooves shot to her mouth.

Like her, I was too red, but luckily, walking away was still an option. “We’ll have dinner, Holly,” I stated, as I left the room. “I, um, I love you…”


The Crystal Empire Stadium... It was massive, it was amazing and it was currently raining. Only in the stadium, mind you, and as the guards were currently ran from end to end, they had the endur the heavy downpour. Not to mention Eclipse, blasting them jets of water.

“Welcome to hell, John,” Snow smiled. “Well… if hell was wet, and not covered in fire, oh and Eclipse is the Devel. Only he won't poke you with a pitchfork, but more of a massive blast of water!”

“She means to say that Eclipse is going to put you through a little test,” Lex clarified. “I’ll let him know you’re here. Snow will let you know what you’re doing.”

As Lex walked away, Snow leaped forward, and pushed me back.

“And what was that for?” I asked, brushing off my shoulder.

“You’re first test,” Snow started, before bolting away from me. “Tag you’re it, now try to catch me!” She yelled.

I started to shake my head, as I watched her run. “It’s it’s not one thing, it’s another…” I mumbled to myself, before I started to run after her.


I don’t think cake is suppose to be chard black…” Mesprit muttered, as she helped Volt pull this cake from the oven.

“No!” Volt yelled. “I have dishonored this Empire with a cake such as this!” Leaping back onto the counter, Volt started to mix up a second thing of batter. “This cake has to be amazing! It is for John! It is for Holly! I am an Iron Chef!”

I’ll just throw this one away then…” Mesprit ground. “Really wish Uxie was here, she’s better at things like this…”

“The main ingredient is love, Mesprit,” Volt stated, pointing a wisp that was four times his size at the Legendary. “You said that to me earlier! Don’t give up hope! We’ll get this right! Now hit the montage music!”

You’re a lot more energetic about this than I thought you would be. You didn’t eat any of the sugar, did you?

“Heck no, not after yesterday! My stomach still feels grumpy!” Volt yelled, throwing part of the batter he was making on the floor by mistake.

Happiness, pride, loyalty, kindness…” Mesprit smiled as she looked at Volt. “You’re something, you know that?”

“It is better to be something, than nothing, because if I was nothing, then I would not be able to do anything! Now let’s get to cooking!”


Shining Armor, who was cruelty off in a private room, looking over documents, several feet from his wife, smiled. Ever since Eclipse started messing with the guards, their performance was up by nearly one-hundred percent, and the new laws that were being twerked would help protect Pokemon from ponies, and vise versa.

Having a Pokemon start a battle in the middle of the street may have been a good idea on Earth, but here in the Empire, they would have to make sure Pokemon would have a place to fight, and that when they do, no pony would get harmed. Not to mention all the other laws affiliating with fighting, destruction of property, attacking someone, etc…

It was all a mess, but at least it was not slow moving. Shining smiled, as he looked back at the roster of guards. With everything that was going on, twenty five new stallions, and twelve new mares, signed up for their part. Meaning they would have to go through the ringer with Eclipse, since they were brand new, and would have a harder time than most guards, but like all the guards so far, he could not help but smile. Things were going amazing!

“Flash Sentry,” Shining started.

“Yes, Sir?” Flash stepped forward, waiting for his orders.

“I’ve finished mapping out the schedule, and the roster changes. Each group of guards, will be given a new recruit to break in, and once a weak, a battalion of them is to train with Eclipse, up to six times a week. Now,” Reaching forward with his magic, Shining Armor handed Flash a large envelope. “Take this to the central guard desk, and have them run it through everypony. I want this new change by this time tomorrow.”

Taking the envelope, Flash Sentry gave Shining Armor a salut. “Yes, Sir! I’ll get right on it, Sir!” Before he left the room at a brisk pace.

As Flash Sentry left, Shining Armor followed, only to turn a different direction and make his way back to the conference hall, so that he could stand guard over his wife. After everything, he did feel more protective over her, as he had failed in his duty to save her, with that responsibility falling to John.

Did he regret it? No, his wife was alive, and that’s all he could ask for. Even if his pride was wounded. “So how are things going here, Cadance?” He asked, as he stood by her side.

“Crazy as always,” She answered, before stopping her work, standing up, and kissing his cheek. “Thanks for coming.”

Pride or not, Shining Armor could not be more happy. His love was still with him, thanks to John. He was just hoping that he could someday make it up to him. After all, a simple promotion in rank was nothing compared to his love for Cadance.

We all owe you a lot, John… More than you know... He smiled. I wonder if John would like a statue of himself…


Pressing my head into the wall of my shower, I let out a sigh. Snow had me running around for an hour, and it was now nearly six. The rain had started to sting around the forty minute mark, and from what they told me, that was not normal, as I should have felt it from the very start. But at least the stinging sensation felt somewhat good, even now, as I stood in my shower, I could not help but smile at it.

What better way to get out of the rain, then getting in the shower? The warm water felt good, after a day like this. Stress full, and a pain, so yeah, relaxing in the water felt good. Just need to clean myself off, I do smell rather bad… Can’t smell bad if I was to spend time with Holly! That would mean I was not a gentleman, or gentlemon… gentlestallion? I didn’t really know witch one it was anymore, but it was not really a problem…

Stepping out of the shower, I quickly dried off, this time, not lighting my towel on fire, before brushing my teeth. Since I was not expecting to go out on the town, since Holly was tired after a day like this, I knew something simple would be best.

“Excuse me,” I started, as I made my way into cafeteria, speaking to the chefs behind the counter. “Would you happen to have any grilled fish, or potpies?”

The cheff just smiled at me, before nodding. “For you, and your mare Holly? Yes, I do have such things. Please, go sit down and I’ll have them out in just a moment! The least I could do, after all, for what you did!”

“Thank you,” I started, as I knew I was going to have to get use to things such as this.

“Oh, and I know how Holly eats her potpies, don’t worry, she’ll love it. Now please, please, go sit down.”

“Would you mind if I returned, I have to go get Holly, after all.”

“No, no, I don’t mind at all, please, the food will be ready when you get back.”

“Thank you,” Turning around, I started to make my way out, and started to head to the conference hall. It was the last place Holly was after all, so it would stand to reason that she was still there, after all.

And I was right. She was there, still moving around, helping Cadance with work. I did notice that her glasses were now being held together with tape, as she worked, her eyes darting back and forth over documents, reading and sifting through papers.

Taking my time, I decided to stand back, and just watch as ponies voted, debated, and yelled back and forth through the room. It took almost five minutes, before somepony to notice me, and another ten before Holly did, and another five before they finished up with everything for today.

Ponies all flooded out of the room, and most of which wished me a nice day as they passed. Some even shaking my hand. It was… well something. I had similar events back on Earth, but something about this just felt different…

There was then a thud, as Princess Cadance face planted the desk in front of her. “I am so glad… this… is finally… OVER!”

Holly, who didn’t slam her head into the table, but still joined in with Cadance, just let out a sigh. “You can say that again…”

“So how many laws did you change, anyways?” I asked stepping over.

“Almost seven hundred, most of which were racial laws, laws of employment, and services, and a few other things…” Holly looked up to be, before smiling. “We wanted to make sure that Pokemon felt welcome when they came here, without having ponies discriminate.”

“A few things had to be taken in account though…” Cadance stood up, before stretching. “Battles being the most part… Can’t do them in public spaces without several guards on scene.”

“Well I take it that you just want to put your mind off of this, right? Relax a bit?”

“You have no idea…”

“Well Cadance, I may not be able to help you there, but I can help Holly. How does a simple dinner sound to you, Holly?”

“That sounds amazing…” She said in a tired tone.

“Well you two enjoy yourselves, I’m heading to my room to tuck it in early… I have a headache, and have to wake up early.”

“Don’t tell me we have to do this again, tomorrow?” Holly asked.

“No, but I do have to make a public announcement… You two enjoyaaaahhhh…” Cadance was almost cut of by a yawn as she spoke. You could see it in her eyes, that she was tired, so I decided not to hold her up anymore.

“Sleep well, Cadance,” I stepped over to Holly, and held out my hand. “Dinner for two?”

“Sounds lovely…”


Holly and I, sat next to each other upon a balcony, as he had done back in Canterlot. Only this time, the sun was still shining, we didn’t have wine, nor a waiter, we were eating the same thing though… Need to explore more culinary options, in my life. I did enjoy myself fish, but it was not the only thing I enjoyed.

As for Holly, she ait with a simple smile. There we bags under her eyes, and she was tired, but food did come first in the end.

“We’re not going to get a break anytime soon it seems…” Holly frowned, before yawning.

“It’s better than it was… You have to give it that, at least,”

“Yeah, stress is a lot better to deal with than King Sombra… Anyways, how was your day? How is everyone doing?”

“Snow and Lex are happy I’m back, and are going to mess with me for leaving them,” I started. “Eclipse is being… Himself. Concentrating on what needs to be done, and being there for me when I need him,” I raised my hand and held up two fingers. “Gengar, Weavile, and the other Pokemon are doing fine… That being said, I only saw Aggron, so I know nothing about how Snorlax, Glaceon, and the others affected by King Sombra are doing,” I leaned forward, and shook my head. “Aparently Aggron declared me his rival, since I bested him… Even if I can’t remember why…” Holly tensed up at the mention of Aggron, but I knew better not to ask about it. For my sake, and of those around me. “Mesprit ran off with Volt, so I don’t know where they are… Flubber two, I only saw him this morning, before be buggered off…”

“And how are you doing?” She asked.

I stayed quiet for a moment, before giving her a big smile. “Never better. I’ve not felt this relaxed in a long time. With everything over, and mostly everyone happy, I could not be happier.”

We’ll take that as a challenge!” Mesprit, who kicked the door to the balcony open.

“Ah, Mesprit… What are you doing?” I asked, looking at the Legendary as she did interrupt Holly and myself. “And what do you mean by we?”

Volt! If you will! Come and make them happy!

At her beckon call, a cart slowly pushed its way out into the balcony. On top of cart was a large serving dish, hiding something beneath it. “There!” Volt called out, before scurrying up the side of the cart. “John! Holly! I present to you a gift!” He stated, in a fancy tone, before Mesprit pulled the cover off, revealing a cake.

“Um, I don’t think taking a cake and offering it to us is a good idea, Volt.”

“Well yeah, that’s why I made it,” Volt said, back in his normal voice, before screaming. “I PRESENT TO YOU, MY MASTERPIECE! CHOCOLATE ORAN BERRY-APPLE CAKE! WITH CHOCOLATE FROSTING! I would taste it, but I’m in trouble, and don’t want to get in more trouble taking the cake I was going to give to the two of you away.”

“This was your idea, wasn’t it?” I asked Misprit.

What? He felt down, and this was how I helped im. Besides, it’s a good cake, trust me. You two will love it. Now… Eat a slice so that Volt feels happy.

I let out a sight before looking at Holly. She simply smiled at me, before shaking her head, looking over, and levitating the Cake over to our table. “We’ll try one peace, then the two of you have to leave… Alright?”

“I will accept these terms of use,” Volt smiled, making Mesprit chuckle.

“Normally its best to eat cake after dinner,” I started, before taking my knife and cutting said cake. “But for you, we’ll make an exception…”

And… it tasted amazing… I didn’t say a word however as I ate the slice of cake. Volt stared intently at me, as I did so, never blinking once. His determination showing. Holly on the other hand took it very slow… I couldn't really tell if she liked the cake though, as like me, she was putting on a poker face.

“Well…” I started, placing my fork down. “I really liked it.”

“YES!” Volt yelled, before jumping off of the balcony, and using Electroweb to lower himself onto the ground, before turning right around, and taking off into the castle.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone so happy before…” Mesprit noted. “I’m going to go before I try to make him happier… I’ll see you around John…

“Until next time, Mesprit,” I nodded to her. “Now where were we?” I asked Holly, before noticing she was happily eating a second piece of cake.

“What?” She asked, with a smile. “It’s good cake…”

I let out a sigh, before standing up, and looking upon the Empire. Good food… Good friends… Good family… And a good life soon to come… Life was better in the Empire. Those who died, won’t be forgotten, those who lived will keep fighting, those who suffered have been helped and those who fell in love...

I looked at Holly, and my heart skipped a beat.

And those who fell in love, rather it be myself or someone else, will forever be happy, with the one they love. For this was the Crystal Empire. The Empire of Love.

“Hey Holly,” I started, still looking out at the Empire.


“You know I love you, right?” I asked, turning around, and looked at her.

“What kind of question is that?” She asked, confused. “Of course I know you love me, I love you two.”

“Alright… good…” I leaned in, and then bit off the peace of cake that she was about to put in her mouth.

“Oh, did you really just do that?” She asked me, with a smile.

“Well if you want it back, you’re going to have to come over here and kiss me for it.”

“You know, that’s more gross than romantic, John…” She laughed.

“I didn’t hear a no,” Leaning in, I then kissed Holly.

Yeah… The Empire was a much better place now.

“I love you, Holly.”

“I love you, John.”

The End…?

Author's Note:

And thus, ends the story of John Williams, and opens a new chapter as to what I am writing. As I said in my blog before, I am going to make a 2nd story of this. Soon to come, as I am working out it's plot in my head.
I do have to give thanks to Zeus, for letting me write this, and being apart of his story. TDN, for editing my story. (Even if I uploaded this without letting him take a look at it.) And Aus, who may not have been there 100% of the time, but helped me worked things out.

How long till the next story? Say a week to a month. I'll make a mini chapter on this, so that you can all find it.

Give me a review of my story in the comments, I want to know your closing thoughts on John, Holly, and everyone in my story. Please and thank you.

Editors notes:
TND- A good ending to the story!
Zeus- Note not found.

Comments ( 39 )

Awesome story. I will not point out where I found errors, since it wasn't proofreaded yet. The Funeral was really nice (think of these in a sad tone).
I totally wan't to see this fight between John and the Aggron.

I can't wait for the second one^^

And in the next story: Holly is PREGNANT!

...or not.

Great story, but if you do honestly plan on doing that sequel plan you revealed on April 1st (which still sounds too stupid to be real in my opinion), I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a big mistake. I mean really, if even a fragment of Sombra's mind/life force were still alive in John's head, wouldn't Arceus and/or his daughters have found it while they were looking through his mind and fixing his memories? Wouldn't Yveltal have known if Sombra didn't actually fully die on that day? That's a pretty big plot hole right there (not to mention that the whole premise of said sequel seems unbearably cliche to me).

EXCELLENT chapter!! :pinkiehappy: Now to re-read.

5872819 For the love of god, please use the damn spoiler tag man. Why do people not use the spoiler thing in their comments?

Oh, and I still don't know what I want the 2nd story to be, so disregard this comment guys.

A beautiful end to a beautiful story. Good job Bubba.


5873365 Have you tried turning it off and on again?


it was a good story keep it up:twilightsmile:


A wonderful story with a wonderful ending (?):pinkiehappy:
I know that at the top it said "Not fully edited yet" but it's pretty much instinct for me to do this when I find them :twilightblush:
Ta Da:

Fallowed by a dark blue freight train

Followed :twilightsheepish:

“Sir, Williams…” He started

This one is up to you, keep the comma, or remove the comma.

Nopony should have to die to a monster

I feel like the "No" part of "Nopony" should also be italic; again, your choice, as it makes sense either way.

you’re taking us with you. No ifs’, ands’ or buts’.”

When I read that out loud I just think 'wat?'. :facehoof:
You type it differently a little ways down

John, you’re going to start training with me. No ifs, ands or buts, do you understand?

Destroying his room, white turned stone to ash in an emotional blaze of fire.

Not sure what is supposed to go there, I'm not in your head.

Oh, and Princess Cadance is in her conferance hall


You could not have love, without Hate

No Cappy De Wordy!:pinkiecrazy:

I think… I’ve not spent much time with Holly to tell.

It just sounds really awkward when you say it.

and not covered in fire, oh and Eclipse is the Devel


Volt stated, pointing a wisp that was four times

Whisk? Or he could actually be pointing a little ball of blue flamey spirit stuffz at Mesprit.

Shining Armor, who was cruelty off in a private room

"Quietly" maybe? (Not in your head :twilightsmile: )

I didn’t really know witch one it was anymore

Which :pinkiegasp:

As for Holly, she ait with a simple smile.

Ate :pinkiegasp: :pinkiegasp:

Aparently Aggron declared me his rival

Apparently (I caught this one on the re-read):scootangel:

We’ll try one peace, then the two of you have to leave…

Piece (Please be the last one, I want to sleeeep)

Of course I know you love me, I love you two.

Too (Nooooo!! :twilightangry2: )
Yay! I found probably 95% of them, that or I actually found all of them! Now, to go to sleep.

"Cracks fingers"
I'm playing DnD, I'll fix them in six hours.
"Walks away"


You forgot to drop your microphone on the way out.:moustache::facehoof:

Daum, that was quite a ride. :ajsmug:
Out of curiosity, what date (After Translocation) (AT?) Does this story end? :twilightsmile:

20 or 21 days after Pokemon came to the Empire. I could not give you the exact thing, since I lost a while ago...

Aww, it's over?

Wow, I just found out that my ibook download of this story has the Equestria Girls Chapters.....

I now posses some of the lost chapters of the "Newverse":scootangel:

Still a great story! This is the third time I've read it and it's still great! I've been working on a story and I was wondering if you'd be interested in helping, do let me know.

7537903 I'm glad you love it, but I kind of have way too much on my plate as is. Can't really help anyone do anything.

So do you think you'll make a sequel?

7825842 I don't think so, but I don't know how 2017 will go.

7826177 Well I wish you good luck with whatever it is you decide, but if your interested I'm starting a new series with a group of authors...if you want you could join us? Choice is yours

Before I read this, what is the Gore tag for ?
And how bad does it get ?

8164452 It's nothing crazy like god of war. If you've watched any major action movie, you've seen worse.
I hope.

Is there a sequal?

Because I don't want to write it, and I'm not going to let other people write with my characters.

Even though of recent events?

[Tiatal image]

Sombra y u b creepen.

Comment posted by Nitro Indigo deleted Feb 8th, 2020

Good way of ending it even if cheesy and a little cliff hanger with him not dealing with his mental problem but I guess it will be in a epilogue or something

Well i suppose i should do a review then. My final thoughts let's see. This story while short was an absolute blast to read. Volt and flubbers hijinks eclipses rather humorous way of training the guard and the fight scenes were all great to read and fun times were had all around though i will say a fair bit of wok is needed for the plethora of spelling and grammatical errors (i mean seriously holly arceus there are alot) but all in all a very enjoyable experience. Im looking forward to see how this continues and getting to read more of johns story. Especially if i get to see more of snow and lex as in my opinion they were sadly extremely underutilized in the story and only ever served to be a stress point for john. It would be nice to see them actually be useful in a story. All in all ill give the story an 8/10 with points of for errors and lack of snow and lex!




Literally reread this story and just realized you did promise us a sequel. I doubt you will make one but if you do. I look forward to it.

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