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A discovery

That day, after finding Rainbow, I got up and decided to make pancakes because I knew I wouldn't mess them up. As I was finishing them, I heard a few mumbles and turned to see Rainbow tossing and turning a little. She had spent the night with her, crying herself to sleep when I was hugging her after she told me what she saw.

I yelled, "Wakey,wakey, Rainbow breakfast is finished."

"Uh im up no need to be so loud Skies" I put down my plate and Rainbow's before starting to eat, and she joined me in eating it more crudely which didn't surprise me in the least. She murmured grumpily as she got up and walked over to the table.

As she completed her pancakes, I remarked to her, "So you're going to have to come with me to the school, so I can give a reason for you to be late."

"You don't have to do that for me and I don't think that would work that well seeing as I don't want anyone else to know about blitz and my parents" With tears gathering at the corners of her eyes, she spoke mournful.

She looked surprised but also happy as I explained, "I never said I was gonna tell them about your family." It was nice to see her smile like her old self, but I knew that wouldn't last. "You see, good thing about being consular is that if I say that the reason you're late has to do with me keeping you, They have to accept" I said calmly.

Ill go wait outside at my door so you can get changed" I told her as I exited my apartment and just looked over Canterlot, with the good thing being I lived in a fifth floor apartment as I stood there I thought about Rainbows situation, I was hoping inside that the orphanage she was at was good but there's a high chance of her getting kicked out when she turns 18 even now she could get kicked out, I decided to shelf that issue when I heard the door open and Rainbow came out in her signature outfit "ready to go?" She just gave a nod in response when I asked.

As we neared, I noticed that I hadn't even asked Rainbow what class she was in throughout this period of silence on the ride.

"Rainbow what class do you usually have now?" I questioned her

"Now I usually have history class with Mrs. heartswhinny, but I don't want to go to it" I would have spoken with her about the response later, she added as she paused before I realised she sized up like I was about to yell at her.

"Why do you not want to go?" I gently questioned her.

"The only reason I have good grades is because I'm naturally good at my main subjects, but History and a couple others have always been difficult mainly because I get distracted," she said, admitting that she just can't learn how most teachers teach. However, as I gave it some thought, I remembered something I read about in a few medical books that was similar to what Rainbow was describing.

I questioned Rainbow, "Have you ever seen a doctor for anything other than physical injuries?" She gave me a perplexed look for a few seconds.

She said, "Um, not that I can think of," which increased the likelihood that she possesses what I believe she possesses.

"Rainbow,do you have trouble concentrating or focusing when you are bored during lesson?" When I informed her that she was gently nodding her head, I realised that one of the other signs was impressiveness, and Rainbow was undoubtedly pretty impulsive.

"What have you relished something I haven't?" Rainbow boldly said, and although I was shocked to see how quickly she became hostile, I understood that if I was correct, it would be explained.

Rainbow glanced at me and I responded, "I think you have ADHD."

"What is ADHD?" She inquired

"ADHD is something that effects a persons behaviour and mind an example of this is lack of concentration and focus when you are bored and another symptom is impulsiveness which you have shown a bit, The only reason you wouldn't of know is because you never got tested for it when you were younger" I expressed my hope that she was going to understand all I had said. She glanced up at the sky, then turned back to face me and nodded.

As we went down the hallway, I knocked on the door and heard someone say, "Come in!" "Okay, let's get you to class for now so we can talk more about what to do with your ADHD later today," I remarked, before we went into her history room.

Heartswhinny glanced at me and said, "There you are, Rainbow. I was wondering where you were. If I may, I need to ask why she is late." I motioned for her to come out.

"Ok so there two reasons she's late first is the fact we had some consular business to do and the other reason is one which explains her lack of concentration and focus" I expressed to Mrs. Heartwhinney

"Ok I understand the first one can't be talked about unless Rainbow wants to anyway so what is the reason you think is why she never pays attention in class?" She inquired.

She just nodded as I replied, "It's because we recently found out that she most likely has ADHD as unlike most kids she never got tested all the symptoms line up."

I nodded and she returned to her lesson. "That would explain quite a bit. I'll let her off being late this one time given the circumstances, but next time she has no excuse," she remarked. I made the decision to walk to my office feeling optimistic that the day would go well and that there would be no issues.

Author's Note:
