• ...

The Five

They all screamed the same word almost simultaneously after I said that statement.

"What!" They all yelled, which didn't surprise me, but I wasn't used to hearing so many people yell so close to me.

In an attempt to calm them down and listen, I said, "Please Calm down and let me explain first don't panic or go wild till after ive explained I implore you." Surprisingly, they all did so very quickly, sitting together for a minute.

"We'll listen but don't take it as we accept, we just want to hear you out as you've done so much for us already its the least we could do" Sonate Said attempted to maintain her neutrality, but since discovering the dazzlings, it appeared that they had adopted Sonata as their "Leader" rather than Adagio as they had done during the Battle of the Bands.

Speaking for herself and Scootaloo, Rainbow stated, "Me and Scoots are more than happy to hear you out given everything you've helped us both with."

I admitted that Rainbow seemed surprised by this, not realising that Scootaloo had been living with me along with the dazzlings, who were looking among themselves with the new found information. "Well as Rainbow knows, I have been checking up on the dazzlings every couple of days making sure they are fed and looked after in the state I found them in. I have also been helping rainbow and Scootaloo with some of their more....personal issues even letting Scootaloo stay with me," I said.

"So you've rounded up everyone you've been directly assisting? What relevance does this have to do with you adopting us?" Scootaloo remained silent over the entire conversation before speaking at last.

"I just want to clarify what I mean by adopt, I've already accepted I can't replace your parents, I would more adopt you in terms of me being your guardian, main reason why is cause everyone of you Currently or wishes to attend Canterlot high, one of its requirements is that everyone has a Guardian or parent, all of which you do not have" I replied sorrowfully

I sighed, "I'll give you all some space to decide the reason I brought you all here is because this would mean living with and tolerating each other at best, so discuss between yourselves as long as you want," as I left the private room. Chrissy was waiting outside, making sure no one would disturb us as she had promised. The dazzlings appeared to be staring at the necklaces that contained their shattered gems. Rainbow, on the other hand, simply stared out the window, tears slowly streaming down one side of her cheek.

"Thank you Chrissy for making sure we were given the space and time required for such a delicate discussion... now all I can do it wait to be told their answer to my question" I remarked with a bit of optimism.


Rainbow Dash's perspective

I made the decision to break the unbroken stillness as I forced myself to look away from the glass and away from the Dazzlings gathered together and Scoots fidgeting with her hands.

"Quite a Choice She's given us isn't it" I said, a little amused at the dazzlings' response to my words and the way the Scoots were staring up at me.

"Indeed it is a life changing choice to say the least, a Choice I always thought would never be needed" Adagio expressed frustration yet hope.

"You can say that Again Sis, this was the least of what I expected to be brought up at this meeting between fellow care residents" Aria laughed.

"Well, I say we accept it—we might not get the opportunity to accept such assistance again! Cel-I mean, god knows how long it might take before such an opportunity presents itself, particularly when it involves someone as wonderful as Miss Skies," Sonata remarked, savouring her eternal bliss.

Scootaloo confessed, "Since I moved in with her a few weeks ago, I've pretty much already been seeing and treating her like my guardian. They've been some of the best I've had, which of course hasn't been with you rainbow." This made me happy that I could still play a major role in Scootaloo's life, despite the fact that she looks up to and idolises so many other people.

It both alarmed and intrigued me that Skies would say, "Well, given how much she's helped through some of the more personal issues I was having till later along with just how kind and generous she's been to me, I just don't have the heart to say no." Given how frequently we would hang out and how rarely she was not joyfully

"Then we are all in Agreement then, When Skie comes back though that door we will giver her our answer, are we all in agreement?" Nearly everyone raised their hand when I asked, with the exception of Aria, but before I could inquire why, I witnessed Adagio give Aria a quick slap before she too raised her hand.

"Well, Miss Skies, that makes sense! You can arrive when you're ready to make a call, but it functions. Despite all the yelling and polite disagreements, I spoke up, hoping she would hear me.


Point of View of Sunny Skies

I was pacing back and forth outside the booth door as anxiety gradually but steadily took over my body.

"You can come in now Skies, we are ready to give our response" Sports like voice that most obviously belonged to rainbow dash

"The answer we have is"

Author's Note:

This was supposed to be out sooner but at around 500 words done, I wasn't happy with it and rewrote the whole thing
