• ...

The interview

I approached the school with composure, and as I stood in front of it, I saw that the majority of the pupils were divided into smaller groups, with the exception of the Rainbooms, who remained united despite adopting a more defensive stance than the other students.

I tapped Rarity's shoulder and said, "Excuse me. Would you mind showing me to the principal's office?" She turned around.

"Sure darling just follow me, ill be back after I show her where Celestia's office is," As she led me to Celestia's office, she told her pals the last portion of what had happened.

Curious about my purpose for being here, she asked, "So darling, what are you here for? I doubt you are a student seeing as you look more mutual than anyone here. My name is Rarity, by the way."

I heard Rarity grumble, so I responded, simply and concisely, "An astute observation, I am here to interview for the consular position my name is Sunny Skies or Miss Skies if I do get the job."

We paused in front of the door, and she remarked, "Well then, I hope you are a good one seeing as most of the school needs consulting at this point, anyway with my rambling on, here we are."

"It was nice to meet you Rarity and thank you for showing me where the office was any way you should probably get a move on your break will be over soon," I replied while nodding as she walked away.

As I knocked on Celestia's office door, I heard her yell, "Come in." When I opened the door, I noticed Celestia examining some files before turning to face me.

"Nice to see you again." Bright At first, "I thought you might have decided otherwise." As I was running late, she acknowledged

Sincerely, I apologised to her, saying, "I had some stuff to do and it took longer than I thought it would."

She motioned to the chair, which I sat in, and said, "It's fine, to be honest, but let's get on with this interview shall we?"

"So first things first I need some of your info for the System," she said.

I said, "Sure, just tell me what you need exactly," expecting for her to go on.

"Ok the things I need are a postcode, name, age and what you majored along with ID," stated her.

"Ok as you know, my name is Sunny Skies, I'm 21 years old, my postcode is CTL 34, and I majored in psychology at Whitetail University," I said, passing her my ID and a magically created degree from my time in Equestria.

Celestia said, "Okay, so tell me what you expect to deal with from this job."

Celestia raised an eyebrow, but not before I honestly said, "Anything that needs to be done to ensure the well-being of the student"

She said, "Anything even if it had to do with serious issues like suicidal thoughts and cutting of the wrist," which shocked me because I never imagined that she would bring up such delicate subjects in this conversation.

"Yes even if it had to do with the topics you just mentioned" I said.

"You seem like a good person but how can I be sure that you will put the student's wellbeing first, I have only known you for a day, and I need more than just you saying you will seeing as you might not know how to deal with such topics," She informed me, and although it astonished me, I could see her point of view because the school was even more split than before; even throughout my time in charge, I was never able to destroy the school to such an extent.

"Do you want me to tell you why I want a job like this?" I inquired, and Celestia simply nodded, saying, "Because I personally know more than anyone what they are going through." Celestia's expression softened as I spoke in a quiet voice, unwilling to tell her that I thought about killing myself.

"I'm sorry for asking, I have just been so stressed over this whole account ordeal that I have had troubled trusting people to look after the wellbeing of my students even if I know they can" It was acknowledged by her

"It's alright" I said somewhat understanding, "I understand that even while I was attempting to complete my schedule, people were talking about this account, and after hearing what it has done, it makes sense why they are."

She held up a hand, which I shook and said, "Well, I think that concludes the interview. While I do have reservations about you, I think the students would relate to you like they used to do to Luna."

"I promise not to disappoint," I assured her.

"Hopefully not now, I have a lot of paperwork to finish up here. I would give you a tour of the school, but I have to go back." She handed me the map, and as I was about to leave, she called out to me, "And when you can, I recommend going to Luna's office to get the student files." She then left to return to work, and as I closed the door behind me, I felt even more terrified of meeting Luna than I had before.

Author's Note:
