• ...


It took me many minutes to receive a response.

Over the microphone, Raven said to me, "Sorry for the wait, Sunny. We found her outside of her classroom, so she was hard to find."

It's alright. Knowing that they probably needed to be safe and sound, I answered, "Raven, as long as she gets here safe and sound that's all that matters."

A knock on my office door was then heard.

I said, "It's open," and it revealed the one student I had been hoping to see.

"Hi Miss Skies, why exactly I am here?" She questioned, perplexed as to why I had phoned her.

"Just a quick meeting, you know, I like to meet with students who may need assistance with specific tasks because I was once in their shoes. With a smile on my face, I added, "I want you to see me as a friend, not a staff member, so please call me Sunny or Skies whichever you choose."

"Oh ok, Skies but why exactly I am here I don't need help with anything I'm just a normal Kid with a normal home life," She said, she wasn't very good at lying, but she was attempting to be as convincing as she could.

I sighed. Her faces changed to one of grief and loneliness as I stated sadly, wearing a worried look. "Look, I'm going, to be honest here I saw you searching through the garbage yesterday on my way home," she said.

"So what are you going to do now?" With both hands wrapped round her sides, attempting to remain calm.

"Nothing," I honestly said, and she gave me a perplexed, bewildered expression in return.

"Nothing but I thought you were going to send me back to the orphanage?" She stated

"If what you have been doing is any indication, there is nothing to be concerned with sending you back to places because they didn't work out," I added, looking at her for a moment while she took it all in.

She cried out in frustration, "If that's true, what are you going to do? It's not like I have anyone to turn to who I trust or who is in good enough condition." I knew that would be the answer, but it also gave me the opportunity to assist her, even though it was a mistake because I keep my belongings at my apartment. A child, especially one as young as her, should never have to deal with starvation and homelessness.

"I know you have no one you trust but what If I become one you can?" I said politely.

"I wouldn't mind but how do I know you won't turn out like the others who just turned their backs on me?" She spoke with a certain anger in her voice, which startled me a little.

"Well you see I have an apartment which has two bedrooms but I only use one so the other goes to waste most of the time, So what do you think about moving in with me, that way you have somewhere with food and shelter, where we can build up our trust more does that sound good?" She seemed conflicted, but I observed that she sighed before looking up at me.

She nervously answered, "Fine, I'll move in with you for now."

I honestly said, "Well, I can't wait for you to move in."

"So what's your full name by the way?" It was awkward because I hadn't considered one when she asked, which shocked me.

"Ok as long as you tell me your's, my full name is Sunny Aphasia Skies," I remarked, Imagining Aphasia on the spot, this must be to help build trust, as it seemed like the only logical answer.

"Nice name it fits alright, but a deals a deal mine is Scootaloo Aurora Spectrum"

Author's Note:

A mini chapter seeing as I couldn't fit this with the next big chapter seeing as I dont like doing loads of stuff in a single chapter

Got a new avatar as well
