• ...

The true Reason for Sombras fall

With the exception of Luna crying while Celestia covered her, everyone remained silent. After a few minutes, everyone else joined in, and I was able to get over my disbelief and run up to hug my aunt.

Auntie Luna eventually stopped crying after three minutes. "I'm sorry for not being able to tell you all this without breaking down," she said. While I and everyone else were merely shocked, Auntie added in a weak, low voice, "Will Luna please apologise?" Although none of us had ever learned that someone we regarded as family only had a year to live, I think everyone understood that Luna's response was expected and that we should have been more worried if she hadn't.

I remarked quietly, "Auntie, why are you apologising for that?" and, seeing that Auntie was perplexed, I chose to go on. I firmly said, making the others gasp, "You don't need to apologise for anything. Your reaction is better than any of us would have when talking about such a sensitive topic and I'm pretty sure if Celestia found out one day that I only had a year to live, she would do more than have a breakdown." Mom and Auntie both smiled.

"Thank you, dear niece, you have made us realise what a fool I was being for thinking I would albe to apologise for such a sensitive matter," Auntie mentioned feeling happier.

"Dusk how can you be so cool about this? I assumed you would have sobbed or lost it when you found out you had a relative," Rainbow remarked before receiving a hard slap from Rarity.

"Rainbow!" Rarity spoke up, and I just laughed a bit to myself as I recalled how my Rarity used to treat Rainbow in that way before I forced myself to stop thinking about them too much.

"It's fine Rarity the only reason I'm not broken up about it right now is that I want to find out what happened before so I don't have another when I learn what caused her death," "Enough about me, Auntie. I know it may come off as me not caring, but I just want to have one break-down, not multiple," I replied truly, knowing that it would probably be best if I found out how she died and if it was painful or not. She simply nodded her head.

Mom spoke weakly and started crying, the long-known façade breaking. "Sister, I need to know what caused this because if this is before Sombra fell to dark magic what caused it please Sister so I can know what killed my first niece," Mom pleaded.

"Of course sister, you see unlike Cadence I gave birth to a unicorn while that usually isn't a problem mine and Sombras Child had more magic in their system than a Unicorn could handle at least at birth," Auntie replied with difficulty.

With an indifferent expression, Twilight enquired, "How much magic did they exactly have?"

As everyone is aware, a newborn unicorn typically possesses extremely weak magic and isn't even able to levitate most objects. Auntie remarked, "My daughter had enough Magic to level Canterlot. The only reason I hadn't broken down was because I had perfected my mask, but it was cracking quickly." Tears were then slowly streaming down her cheeks.

Auntie abruptly stopped talking as more tears started to flow, and that's when I realised that "as a result, her magic would eventually overload her system and kill her, Sombre was inconsolable and he"

I remarked in a tremulous voice, "He turned to dark magic to try to cure her didn't he?" The others were crying as well.

Twilight replied haltingly, "I always thought Sombra was completely evil and heartless when in reality he fell trying to save someone close to him," just before she began to experience a mini-meltdown of her own.

Luna said, "The worst part is I never got to see her before she passed," after she had slightly recovered. Before I could respond, though, we heard the door open and two people entered, who I knew from before—at least one of their counterparts—which was appropriate given the topic of our conversation—because no one dared to speak, and they appeared to be worried and concerned about the situation we were all in.

"What did we miss?" inquired the person I had encountered in this realm.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie would like to know too" The other person, who in my universe was Luna's daughter, stated something in a dramatic manner that made me smile: if they are related, then their parents must be the same, so why did Luna claim that her daughter had died? Before it dawned on her, Trixie was concealing her identity and hiding behind her mask in this realm.

"Twilight?" I inquired.

"Yes, Sunset," Twilight questioned.

I nodded and motioned for Trixie to follow me to a corner of the room. "You explain what we were talking about while I'll explain it to Trixie," I said.

As I began telling her about Luna, Sombra, and their daughter, I watched Trixie repeatedly locking up, appearing afraid and guilty, which further strengthened my suspicions. When I finally stopped talking, she cleared her throat a little before continuing.

As she replied, "Thank you for telling the Great and Powerful Trixie," I observed that she was making a few remarkable vocal cracks. This further confirmed my notion that Trixie from my world and Equestria share the same parents.

"No problem, I don't think we have met. I'm Princess Celestia's honourable Sunset Shimmer Daughter, and I assume you're the same Trixie that does shows around the nation." I responded, not knowing, but based on the idea that everyone in this world is older and working at the occupations they desire.

She inquired, bewildered at the notion that if we were cousins I would be having a more dramatic meltdown. "Yes indeed I am the same but forgive me for saying this but your Celetias daughter so why are you having a better reaction than everyone else to this situation?"

I approached her until we were in such close proximity that a strong wind would cause us to collide. She initially appeared anxious, but her expression changed to one of horror upon hearing my following remarks.

"I would cry if you weren't in front of me dear cousin"

Author's Note:

Yeah its been a while but another chapter out and please comment and how i can improve it and Pete and theresa you can argue in the comments still just so you know
