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Meeting and Questions?

Well, at least I had started the list and could finish it later. I put it on my desk and got up to leave my flat for Canterlot High.

I knew going into the building that I had an appointment with Wallflower, so when I saw her going alone to the garden, I knew that would be a better place to talk to her. Besides, it was class time, so she must have been upset or dismissed early, which I highly doubt.

She appeared dejected when she approached the garden, so I decided to say, "Wallflower, are you ok, sweetie?" to her. "How are you doing, consular Sunny Skies?" I said in an almost perfecting mother's voice. She glanced back and gave me a hesitant grin. Knowing it was a falsehood, I was a little taken aback by how formal her address was to me.

"Wallflower I told you, you could call me what you want, I'm meant to be more friend than authority after all so tell me what's on your mind, because no offence I can tell something troubling you" Wallflower's smile vanished, and she began to cry, her expression taking on a fierce wrath.

"WHY ARE YOU BEING SO NICE TO ME ALL OF A SUDDEN?!" I just stared at her, confused as to why she would yell at me so loudly, "STOP ACTING LIKE YOU CARE, THE ONLY REASON YOU'RE DOING THIS IS BECAUSE OF SUNSET!" I nearly snapped, smitten that she had known before I enjoyed that leaping to judgement was what had gotten me into this situation.

"Sideflower" I have no idea what you are talking about, and I'm not related to Sunset Shimmer. If I were, I doubt Principal Celestia would hire me because, as an only child, she would be furious that I'm taking over for her sister. When I spoke to her in a kind and calm manner, she appeared confused, but then she rushed over to me and jumped at me.

I enjoyed that she was hugging me rather than hitting me as I was going to push her off of me. I gave her a soft pat on the back and told her it was okay before we both got up and I gave her her rucksack.

"I'm sorry I was just so scared"

"Why were you so scared?"

The phrase "because of Anon-a-miss" caused me to hesitate.

"What do you mean by that?" It brought me to disturbed thinking.

Wallflower, still struggling to maintain her composure, added, "She posted again, and this one was about how you look like her a tiny bit, and how you were always defending her."

As she settled down, I reassuringly remarked, "Well, at the end of the day, they are just rumours, just like how a student loved her animals was a rumour so is this."

"I want to help" led me to misunderstand what exactly

"With what exactly Wallflower?" I inquired

She spoke with more assurance than I had previously seen in her, saying, "Catching Anon-a-miss, whether it is Sunset or not, they are too dangerous to deal with especially since they can get information from staff that have been here for a couple of weeks,"

"Ok well there is one thing you can do that the others helping can't," I replied.

"I'll take care of anything you ask me to.sensibly." Wallflower stated she was starting to revert to her bashful self.

"Well I need you to do what you have been which is hard to notice, now I'm not saying be invisible but you are one of the lesser-known students around the school meaning you can get info on Things I and the others can't, do you think you can do that for me?" I understood there was a risk involved, but it would tremendously aid in the search.

"I may not like it but understandable and I guess being seen and heard is a risk right now so I accept but Can we still have our weekly chat," she questioned.

"Of course now I need to cut this short because there is a student who is suffering so much that she may not live the week, so I am sorry but I worry for their safety," I said with anxiety and concern.

"I'm fine, I'm just glad we could talk, and here's the garden key in case what you say about us turns out to be true. If it's locked and you would like to go, I have to water the garden right now. Wallflower waved me off as I made my way to the main building, trying to maintain a brave expression despite what I had said.

Students kept their distance in the hallways. When I arrived at my office, I opened it, sat down at my desk, placed my bag down, set up my laptop, and then pressed the bell.

"yes, Skies what do you need?" On the opposite end, I heard Raven state.

"It's not what I need but who," I said.

"ah ok I understand, who do you need me to call to your office?"

"Could you call Miss Spectrum please"

Author's Note:

Sorry for long wait had a tiny writers block with work and college taking time up of my day,but here is one of the first chapters focused on Anon and Wallflower along with a mystery at the end btw Pete and Theresa have fun
